Equipment for the production of acrylic paints - choosing a suitable dissolver. Made in Russia: mini-factories for the production of paints and varnishes Production workshops for the production of paints

In this article: history of water-based paint; composition of water-dispersed paint; production technology; types and characteristics of polymers used in the production of water-based paints; performance characteristics VD paints; how to choose water-based paint; recommendations for use.

At all times, a person wants his home to look neat and attractive. For this purpose, regular cosmetic and major repairs, during which a fresh coat of paint is necessarily applied to the ceiling and walls. And among all existing types of paint and varnish materials for internal and exterior decoration At home, water-based paint is the leader, which is easy to work with and does not leave unpleasant odor in rooms typical for working with other paints and varnishes.

Water-based paint - history

As is the case with a number of modern building materials, the appearance of water-dispersed paints was unwittingly facilitated by two large-scale wars of the last century - destroyed cities needed to be restored, but there were not enough usual building materials, and they were expensive.

The history of water-based paints began with the discovery by German chemist Fritz Klatte in 1912 of polyvinyl acetate, better known to us as PVA glue. The PVA dispersion became basic basis the first water-dispersion paints that appeared in the 20s of the 20th century.

At the end of the 30s of the last century, synthetic rubber or butadiene-styrene was created in Germany, which became the second type of dispersion for water-based paints.

The latest existing dispersion - acrylic - and paints based on it were originally developed for artwork. The first acrylic water-based paints were created in 1946-1949 and launched in the early 50s under the brand name “Magna paint” by American artists Sam Golden and Leonard Boku. True, paints of this brand were intended only for artists, they were packaged in small tubes and dissolved not with water, but with turpentine or white alcohol. Boku created and released completely water-soluble acrylic paint in 1960.

Styrene-butadiene and acrylic water-based paints entered the construction markets of post-Soviet countries in the 90s from abroad - in the USSR only polyvinyl acetate-based paints were produced and only for industrial needs.

According to its basic composition, it is formed by the smallest particles of polymers suspended in aquatic environment. In addition, water-dispersion paint, depending on the brand and manufacturer, may contain about 10-15 different additives, including: antifreeze antifreeze; defoamers that reduce foaming; antiseptics (biocides); corrosion inhibitors; thickeners; additives that increase structural viscosity; preservatives; dispersants; plasticizers, etc.

In terms of percentage by weight, the composition of water-based paint is as follows: 50% - film former dissolved in water (50-60% aqueous dispersion); 37% - fillers and pigments; 7% - plasticizer; 6% - other additives.

Let's take a closer look at the components. Depending on the purpose of the paint, the film former (copolymer) in its composition will be polyvinyl acetate, butadiene-styrene, styrene-acrylate, acrylate or versatate dispersions. The role of white pigment is performed by titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and in the case of water-based paints in the lower price range, chalk. Filler - chalk, calcite, barite, talc, mica, most often several different minerals are used as a filler at the same time. The solvent in water-dispersed paints is demineralized (purified from mineral salts) water. I would like to note one of the components of such paints - a thickener, the role of which is most often played by carboxymethylcellulose, also known as CMC glue.

The process of creating water-dispersion paint consists of the following stages: combining and mixing an aqueous solution of a polymer dispersion with filler and pigment; dispersing the resulting pigment paste; introduction of a number of additives that bring the paint composition to the specifications standard; filtration and packaging of the finished product.

Dispersion is a process during which liquid or solid bodies undergo fine grinding. Suspensions, powders, aerosols and emulsions are obtained by the dispersion method.

Mixing and dispersing the components of water-based paints is carried out in bead and ball mills (dispersants). Grinding occurs in a horizontal or vertical working chamber of the mill, inside of which there is a shaft with disks that accelerate metal beads (diameter up to 4 mm) or balls (diameter from 30 mm) made of steel, aluminum oxide and zirconium. The more intense the dispersion, the higher the hardness and specific gravity metal balls.

The pigment paste obtained as a result of dispersion is placed in a dissolver. In its torus-shaped container, a frame mixer is installed, the rotation of which prevents thick and sticky components from settling on the walls and bottom of the dissolver, and the composition of the water-based paint is brought to standard characteristics.

The timing of mixing the components of water-dispersed paint depends on the volume of the mixture, the initial characteristics of the components being added, the power of the dispersant and dissolver - as a rule, 20-30 minutes are enough for each operation.

At the final stage, the finished paint is passed through mesh filters and poured into containers. The entire cycle of paint production must take place at an air temperature of at least +5 °C.

Dependence of the characteristics of water-based paint on the binder polymer in their composition

Paints produced today water based contain one of five types of binders that give the waterborne paint its positive qualities, and disadvantages:

  • polyvinyl acetate, paint marking “VD-VA”. In terms of quality, paints with this polymer binder are of the lowest quality - they turn yellow over time, a dense, opaque film is formed on the surface, and the applied layer of paint is not waterproof. Weak characteristics do not justify the low price, such paints have only narrowly targeted applications;
  • butadiene-styrene, paint marking “VD-KCH”. Having good water resistance and low price, water-based paints based on this binder, like PVA, form an excessively dense surface film and are not resistant to sunlight. Paint of the “VD-KCh” brand can only be used for interior work;
  • styrene-acrylate, paint marking “VD-AK”. The quality characteristics of paints on this polymer are much better than those described above; they can be applied to both external and internal surfaces. The coating they form is porous and, accordingly, vapor-permeable, resistant to solar radiation and atmospheric conditions. The small size of polymer particles, not exceeding 0.15 microns, ensures high-quality adhesion to almost any surface, penetration into porous surfaces, which increases their strength;
  • acrylate, paint marking “VD-AK”. This polymer is more expensive than styrene acrylate, has higher quality characteristics in all respects - a more rigid coating provides high resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation. These paints are widely used in facade works and for application to wooden surfaces;
  • versatat, paint marking “VD-AK”. The polymer versatate has been used in water-based paints not so long ago; the quality of the coating on this binder is not inferior to acrylic paints, while their price is lower and approximately corresponds to the cost of paints on a styrene-acrylate binder.

Depending on the type and amount of polymer binder, these paints have the following positive qualities:

  • do not contain toxic components, practically odorless;
  • easy to apply to surfaces, diluted with water;
  • capable of bridging cracks up to 1 mm wide;
  • not flammable;
  • resistant to moisture (resistance to washing off);
  • elastic and durable, no chalking;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric conditions;
  • wear resistant;
  • just tint in any color shade;
  • random drops of paint can be easily removed with a damp cloth;
  • are vapor-permeable, which means that colonies of fungus and mold will not appear;
  • resistant to alkalis;
  • have high adhesion (tight fit) to the base;
  • retain color, shine and are resistant to yellowing;
  • dry quickly, usually in 40 minutes;
  • A layer of water-based paint on surfaces painted with them will last about 10-15 years.

Negative qualities of water-based paints, compared to alkyd and oil-based paints:

  • storage and painting work can only be done at temperatures above +5 o C. Painting at temperatures above low temperatures will lead to uneven distribution of paint, it will take a long time to dry. If during storage the paint went through a cycle of freezing and thawing, it quality characteristics will be completely lost;
  • for painting external surfaces and surfaces of wet rooms, you can use only expensive water-dispersed paints based on acrylate and verstate binders;
  • high cost, exceeding the price of organo-thinned coatings by 10-15% - manufacturers explain this by the complex composition of the paint. On the other hand, it is much easier to clean the room after painting VD AK, because... there is no need to scrub stains with a rag containing an unpleasant-smelling solvent;
  • before painting with water-based paints wooden surfaces need them careful preparation- applying the first layer, allowing it to dry completely, then thoroughly sanding and a new coat of paint, sanding again. The point is that surface tension layer of water-dispersed paint is much higher than that of other paintwork materials - the wood pile will be raised.

Scope of application. Water-dispersed paints are specialized according to the requirements for painted surfaces - for interior and external works, for dry and wet rooms. Accordingly, it is possible to apply paint for interior work on external surfaces or paint for dry rooms on wet surfaces, but it will peel off after a few months, because... it contains less film-forming agent and protective additives.

Appearance. Water-based paints are produced that provide matte, glossy and silky-matte finishes. Paints that form a matte and silky-matte surface are excellent for ceilings and for painting wallpaper, but, unlike glossy surfaces, they are less resistant to abrasion and cannot be washed frequently.

Color. Water-dispersed paints are most often white; they need to be tinted to achieve the desired color range. Jars with colors and tables of color created by a given color are present in every hardware store.

Quality indicators by appearance:

  • chroma. Open a can of paint, visually assess the degree of its whiteness - if the manufacturer used high-quality and expensive titanium dioxide, then the color will be exclusively white, without any shades;
  • hiding power. The paint consumption and the number of layers that need to be applied to the surfaces to bring them into proper shape depend on it. This indicator depends on percentage and quality of pigment, density and thickness of paint. There are two ways to reduce the cost of producing water-based paint, which are popular among small manufacturers - 1) add water, lowering the density of the emulsion, 2) add more inexpensive filler, increasing the density. You can evaluate the hiding power without test painting by weighing 10 liter jar with water-dispersed paint - on average its density should be 1.5 kg/l, i.e. high-quality paint in a 10-liter container will weigh about 15 kg (“+” or “-” 1 kg).

Marking on a paint can. Water-based paint is marked with the letters “VD”, which means “water-dispersed”, then letter designation polymer, for example, “KCh” or butadiene-styrene. Then the numbers follow - the first one means the area of ​​application of this paint, if it is “1”, then “for external work”, if “2”, then “for internal work”. The numbers following the first indicate the catalog number - we do not need them. Make sure there is an inscription indicating compliance with the conditions of GOST 28196-89; if technical specifications are provided instead, the quality of the paint may be low.

Manufacturer. On the local market you will find a significant range of water-based paints from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. You can judge the quality of a particular brand by the reviews of your friends who have already used it for repairs and by the age of the given manufacturing company - if it is younger than 3 years, it is better not to mess with its products. The fact is that the production of water-dispersed paints does not require any particularly large-scale production - by and large, only a dispersant and a dissolver are required. Therefore, any more or less intelligent “small entrepreneur” can produce them, most often making paint “by eye” and having neither a laboratory nor a technologist on his staff. The larger the manufacturing company, the wider the range of its products, the better the quality of the products themselves.

Price. There is no way it can be lower than $1 (US) per liter - if you are offered paint at a lower price, then it is of poor quality. The cost of water-based paint is determined not by the territorial location of manufacturing plants and not by labor costs, but by the current price of the components that are included in its composition. Almost all of the world's manufacturers of high-quality pigments and polymers are located in Europe, so the cost of good water-based paint will be almost the same in both Europe and Russia - Russian manufacturers pay fairly high customs duties for importing raw materials from abroad for the production of water-based paint. But the real reasons for the low cost are cheap raw materials and violation of production technology.

Before starting work on painting with water-based paint, surfaces must be prepared: previously painted surfaces must be cleaned of dirt and dust, sequentially washed with water washing powder And clean water; painted with chalk and lime, remove layers old paint; smooth out unevenness using putty, after drying, sand and clean the surfaces from dust.

If painting work is carried out during the cold season, then the can of paint must be kept indoors for at least 24 hours, then opened, removed all visible inclusions and films, mixed thoroughly and added, when spray painting, 10% water. The paint consumption is indicated by the manufacturer on the container, on average it will be 150-250 g/m2 with a two-layer application. Having calculated the approximate consumption, tint the paint - you need to tint 10% more volume than what you calculated based on the average paint consumption. Reasons: the consumption will be higher in any case, and it will not be possible to “get into color” when trying to tint a new portion of paint - the color tone will be at least slightly different.

Preliminary application of a layer of primer to the surface to be painted will help reduce the consumption of water-based paint - it is much cheaper than paint.

Rustam Abdyuzhanov,

The cost of paint production in Russia is much cheaper than in European countries. On the other hand, of the manufacturers on the market, only half are domestic, and the need for this product is constantly growing. Therefore, the production of paints is a promising business.

Paint production technology

The concept of paint unites a large group of colored dyes that can be used in industry and in everyday life.

All paints can be divided into two groups:

  • mineral (metal oxides or inorganic salts);
  • organic (substances of plant or animal origin).

Each type of paint has its own characteristics. Therefore, to obtain a certain paint, appropriate technology is used. Paints can vary both in color and in physical condition: enamel, primer, putty, varnish.

The manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of a dispersing mixture;
  • grinding semi-finished products with pigments (necessary to obtain pigment paste);
  • water-dispersed combination of binders with pigment paste;
  • marking the type of paint and its distribution among containers.

The process of making enamel paints is a little different:

  • combining pigments and film-forming agents (occurs in a special mixer);
  • grinding the mixture;
  • stirring the resulting mixture with varnish or solvent;
  • color adjustment;
  • cleaning procedure (aimed at eliminating impurities);
  • pouring into containers.

In order to obtain nitro-enamel paint, carry out:

  • combining dry paints to form a paste;
  • shade adjustment;
  • typing;
  • product purification;
  • spilling into containers.

All actions necessary to obtain a certain type of paint are carried out with extreme caution and require appropriate qualifications from employees.

Paint business

Production is rightfully considered one of the most profitable investments paint and varnish materials:

  • first of all, this is the most accessible remedy for finishing, which makes paint a sought-after product;
  • secondly, competition in this market in our country is extremely low.

If we take into account the statistics, over the past 7 years we can see a serious increase in the level of sales of paint and varnish products. It should be noted that most of the materials sold are from imported manufacturers. And this does not indicate a low level of domestic products, but a small number of enterprises specializing in the production and sale of paints.

Despite the fact that large and small stores mostly offer imported paints, none of them are against cooperating with Russian manufacturers. This indicates that it will not be difficult for a young company producing and selling paint and varnish products to sell its products.

Paint production equipment

To receive quality paint You will need professional equipment such as:

  • vacuum pump;
  • tank for additional additives;
  • metering tank;
  • dispersing reactor;
  • water treatment tank;
  • compressor;
  • paint mixing reactor;
  • filtration mechanism;
  • dissolver;
  • emulsion tank;
  • container for powders;
  • bead mill;
  • line for bottling products (paint).

In order to carry out complete mixing, emulsification and dispersion, a dissolver is required. A bead mill is necessary for dispersing and homogenizing liquids.

After the paint is ready, the products go to the bottling line, which occurs automatically.

The bottling line consists of the following components:

  • conveyor belt;
  • container feeding and orientation system;
  • system for orientation and capping of lids.

The conveyor belt consists of cylindrical rollers, the material for which is stainless steel. The control system occurs through the use of pneumatics and electronics. Automation of the manufacturing process can reduce production time, reduce the percentage of material loss, and also reduce financial costs. Product quality will improve and productivity levels will increase.

Among the Russian companies offering equipment for the production of paints are:

  • "BVB Alliance" - units for the production of any type of material;
  • "Texa" - offers equipment for chemical development and for technological process obtaining high-quality paint;
  • "YuVS" - the main direction of the plant - is the development and manufacture of containers necessary for storing paint and combining its components at the time of production.

Dissolvers for paint production

Dissolvers for paint production are necessary to homogenize pigmented granules. This process occurs in educational film. A dissolver is required for both soaking and the initial spraying stage.

If products at the last stage of manufacturing do not require the procedure of grinding pigment particles, then the mechanism can operate in an autonomous emulsion mode. An example of this is the preparation of pigmented pastes, which are used to make enamels and paints intended for markings on roadways.

In appearance, the dissolver resembles a mechanical mixer. The difference is that cutting occurs using a toothed cutter. Another difference from the mixer is the powerful motor. The dissolver is used to grind the pigment granules as much as possible. At the exit they must be in liquid state. In order to convert dry powder into paste, high energy power is required, which can only be provided by a powerful apparatus.

Sometimes the dissolver is equipped with an additional mixing tool. This allows you to effectively grind pigment mixtures with high density.

Raw materials for paint production wholesale

The technologist is responsible for the raw materials necessary for the production of paints. The specialist's responsibilities include:

  • purchase of equipment and raw materials;
  • writing technological maps;
  • calculation of consumed raw materials;
  • product output.

The technologist will predict the production rate. Exact data on the names and quantities of required raw materials can be determined only after the assortment of the first batches has been approved. Therefore, every technology implies certain type raw materials.

For a paint making starter kit you will approximately need:

  • dispersion (400 kg) - will be about 60 thousand rubles;
  • calcium carbonate (400 kg) - approximately 5 thousand rubles;
  • defoamer (25 kg) - 7.5 thousand rubles;
  • additives (coalescent, titanium dioxide, dispersant) - about 30 thousand. rubles;
  • chalk - 11 thousand. rubles;
  • printed adhesive labels - from 9 thousand rubles.

The approximate amount required for the initial set of raw materials will be about 120 thousand rubles.

Paints for food production wholesale

Special requirements apply to paints for food production. This is due to the fact that such paints will be used to paint containers for transporting and storing food and drinks. When purchasing in bulk, it is important to take into account storage methods and the shelf life of products.

Common paints for food production are:

  • XC-558 enamel is used to coat metal containers whose purpose is to store wine, fruits and vegetables. This is a one-component material that can last about 12 months;
  • enamel B-EP 5297 is intended for painting containers used for storing water, juices and nectars. The components of this enamel are epoxy resins and suspension of pigments;
  • varnish XC-76 is used for complex coating of containers exposed to acids, alkalis and aggressive gases;
  • primer XC-010 is necessary for painting containers whose surface is in contact with alkalis, aggressive gases and acids;
  • VL-05 primer is used to coat tanks containing drinking water. As a rule, the metal of such a container is of a single-pack nature and requires constant treatment to prevent corrosion;
  • KO-42 paint is used to coat metal tanks in which drinking water is stored.

Paints for food production can be purchased wholesale from manufacturers or product suppliers, for example, from the SpetsEmal LKM plant or the Palitra Rusi company.

Paint for industrial premises wholesale

For production, a special paint is required, which has important properties - water resistance, wear resistance and quick drying.

These requirements can only be met by special paint coatings such as:

  1. "Texipol" - the paint dries quickly, which allows you not to slow down production process. Water does not destroy the coating. As for negative external influences, she is not afraid of them. It is used for floors located in workshops, hangars and retail premises.
  2. "Protexil" - impregnates floors, strengthening and removing dust. Ideal for coating concrete in warehouses, as well as in hangars and production workshops. Strengthens and removes dust from floors in car repair shops, garages, transport hangars, as well as in production workshops.
  3. "Texil" is a matte, quick-drying paint intended for covering floors in warehouses and garages. Texil is used for production workshops and hangars. Ideal for rooms with refrigerators.
  4. Epoxypol paint consists of two components and has distinctive features- wear resistance, impact resistance and resistance to oily liquids. Excellent for car repair shops, garages, production workshops and warehouses. It is odorless and can give the floor a decorative appearance.
  5. Epolast Soil is used both in industry and in household. The primer is excellent for cladding work in warehouses and factories. Same thing when renovating an apartment.
  6. Remosil is a leveling material necessary for the repair of floors in industrial workshops, as well as in the repair of residential real estate.
  7. Polybetol is an enamel for the concrete floor of a room in which heavy loads are handled and periodic leakage of chemicals occurs. Immune to negative external influences. Odorless.

Wholesale supplies of paint for industrial premises are offered by dealers of major retail brands in the regions.

Russian-made paint wholesale

As already mentioned, few domestic entrepreneurs have decided to connect their activities with the production of paints and varnishes.

  1. "Area". Since 2008, the company has been producing and selling all types of paints. Each product name barks high level quality, environmental friendliness and durability. Acrylic and oil paints, glue, putty and primer - all this can be purchased from this trusted supplier.
  2. Odilak.Zavod, a manufacturer of paint and varnish products, has been on the market for several years. All items have a high level of environmental friendliness and durability.
  3. "BEZ" (Bobrovsky Experimental Plant). At the factory you can purchase all types of paint and varnish products, from waterproofing to acrylic materials. The company produces primer and enamel.
  4. "Colors of Belogorye". Manufacturer specializes in the development and production of water-based paints necessary for decorative coatings. This type of material is widely used in the repair of civil objects.

Water based paint production

The main feature of this paint is the evaporation of its main component - water. Due to this, the environment does not suffer. At the same time, water-based paint is resistant to wear and is not afraid of moisture.

There are more than 50 companies producing water-based paints in Russia. This indicates the profitability of the business due to low competition.

Alkyd paint production

Alkyd paint is obtained by combining: cobalt, iron, cerium, manganese, zirconium, lead, strontium, lithium, calcium and barium.

Alkyd paint is used for painting production facilities. This material has a low price, which makes it a sought-after product.

Production of water-based paint

The technological line for the production of water-based paint consists of a dissolver, a bead mill, automatic line bottling and packaging of finished products.

To make paint you will need: latex dispersion, pigments and fillers, plasticizer, fine chalk, functional additives (cellulose ethers, titanium dioxide, and so on.

Production of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are the most popular type, without which it is impossible to imagine work aimed at protecting and decorating surfaces. Acrylic paint is a durable material that contains a minimal amount of toxins.

The basis of the production process is the dispersion of acrylic binder, fillers and additives. For this work, a dissolver is required. The raw materials for this type of paint are acrylic dispersion, thickener, coalescent and inorganic pigments.

Powder paint production

High-tech lines are used for the production of powder paint.

Production technologies are divided into two types:

  • dry mixing of components;
  • mixing of components in the melt followed by disintegration to the required size.

The first method has the main disadvantage, which is that with simple mixing it is difficult to obtain stable compositions that do not separate during storage and use. With melt mixing, product quality is easier to control, but the process takes much longer and requires expensive equipment.

One of the most popular powder paint manufacturers in the country is the YaZPK company. At the enterprise, the entire paint manufacturing process takes place on ultra-precise electronic equipment.

Production of oil paints

Production oil paints consists of weighing the components and then kneading. This process is carried out in special large containers. As for the paint recipe, it depends on the technologist. Therefore, the recipe for each production is unique.

To obtain oil paints you need your own chemical laboratory. Statistics show that most of the oil paint manufacturers represented at domestic market, is located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Production of art and watercolor paints

To obtain watercolor paints, they resort to a combination of finely dispersed pigments, vegetable glue and dextrin. The product is produced in dry form. Making watercolor paints requires a large area that can accommodate necessary equipment. As a rule, it is 40-60 sq. meters. Another 20 square meters will be required to store raw materials.

Watercolor and artistic paints are sold through specialized stores.

Production of decorative paints

Production market decorative paints is constantly expanding. New equipment and materials appear all the time. Features of the manufacture of decorative paints depend on the scope of application, for what types of work the coating will be used indoors or outdoors. Another important factor is the planned quantity of products.

Rubber paint production

Rubber paint is used in roofing work. This paint is ideal for road markings, sports courts, swimming pools and floors in production premises. In addition to substances familiar in paint production, such as coalescent and antifreeze, upon receipt rubber coating Special additives are also used, which are usually used by the military.

The production of rubber paint is carried out by LKM USSR, a company that carries out scientific developments for the production of especially durable materials. A special feature of rubber paint is its durability. It can last more than 8 years.

Production of road paint

Road paint is used exclusively for markings on the roadway. This type of coating must be water resistant and immune to other atmospheric phenomena.

The following companies specialize in the production of road paint:

  • "Empils" - the clients of this company are road construction companies and contractors involved in road repairs. The main direction of the organization is the production and sale of polyacrylic paint in white, black and yellow;
  • "Pentan" - among the company's clients are regional and city organizations specializing in road repair;
  • "Kraska Vo" - the company supplies its own products - road paint, to all major cities of the country.

Hair dye production

Hair dye is in great demand among consumers, so many entrepreneurs have concentrated on this production.

To make hair dyes you will need:

  • dye reactor;
  • melting reactor;
  • vacuum and atmospheric reactors.

Not only cosmetic companies, but also various organizations are engaged in the development and production of hair dye. For example, Gamma, a well-known Russian company, produces more than 30 shades of hair dye at an economical cost.

Fire retardant paint production

Fire retardant coating is a material that is widely used for objects special purpose. Fire retardant paint is used at nuclear power plants, oil and gas plants, and fuel storage tanks.

Among the companies that produce fire retardant paint are:

  1. Ogneprom is a large company that develops and markets fire-retardant paint. In addition, the company specializes in the production of anti-corrosion coatings, which are also necessary for industrial facilities.
  2. Texotherm is a manufacturer of fire retardant paint that produces water-organic based material. The product is ideal for increasing the fire resistance of reinforced concrete and metal structures in an industrial zone.

Production of facade paints

Facade paints are made using a dissolver-mixer, since it is this device that is capable of mixing the required components. If such a unit is not available, then manufacturing companies use a dissolver with a central shaft and a cutter that does not have a frame mixer.

For the production of facade paints, stainless steel equipment is used. This is explained by the fact that water-dispersion paints are aggressive substances.

It is worth highlighting the organizations that have been producing paint for facades for several years:

  • "Olympus" - production of acrylic-based paint with quartz filler. The paint is ideal for covering elements of rooms where high traffic volumes prevail;
  • "Alpina" - the company produces facade paint with a high level of adhesion and excellent wear resistance. Suitable for covering the outside of a building.

Manufacturers and suppliers of paint production equipment

Various companies specializing in the development, production and distribution of equipment necessary for the manufacture of paint and varnish products are taking part in the Chemistry exhibition. This large-scale event is organized by Expocentre Fairgrounds, one of the largest exhibition complexes in Russia. The exhibition is visited by Russian and foreign guests.

For the production of water-dispersion paints, it is desirable to use a dissolver-mixer, which, if necessary, could mix easily compatible components with each other with a frame (anchor) mixer and at the same time disperse bulk paint components (pigments and fillers) with a milling mixer located eccentrically with respect to the central shaft of the frame (anchor) mixer. As a rule, mixing with a frame (anchor) mixer is carried out at low speeds (60-120 rpm), while the dispersion of bulk components on a cutter is carried out at a shaft rotation speed of 1000-1200 rpm. In the absence of the above-mentioned multi-purpose dissolver-mixer, for the production of water-dispersion paints, you can use a dissolver with a central shaft with a cutter without a frame mixer. Calculation of the parameters of a dissolver with a central shaft, ensuring an effective dispersion process, is attached.

Since introduction-dispersion paints are an aggressive environment with a pH value of 8 to 10 and higher, in the production of paints it is advisable to use all capacitive equipment made of stainless steel or glazed inside, and communication pipelines made of stainless steel.

To pump the finished paint and dispersion through pipelines on the water-dispersion paint production line, it is necessary to use only screw pumps, since centrifugal and gear pumps (as the most common ones in the paint and varnish industry) destroy the dispersion and lead to loss of paint properties. The pressure created by the screw pump can vary between 3-8 atmospheres depending on the diameter of the pipeline. If the pipeline diameter is 89–102 mm, the approximate power of the screw pump can be 5–8 atm.

Stages of paint preparation

1. The calculated amount is loaded into the dissolver drinking water(GOST 2874), then turn on the frame mixer (or dissolver with a cutter) and add the prescribed amount of sodium polyphosphate and mix with the mixer (or cutter) until the sodium polyphosphate is completely dissolved (about 1-1.5 hours).

In industry, a pre-prepared solution of sodium polyphosphate is often used, for which 10-12% of the recipe amount of water is poured into a separate container (with a frame or anchor mixer with a rotation speed of 60-120 rpm), preferably equipped with a heated jacket, and the recipe amount is added dry sodium polyphosphate and carry out the process of dissolving it at a temperature of 30-40 ° C and a rotating mixer for 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the state of the sodium polyphosphate: if it is in the form of a powder, then up to 30 minutes, if in the form of pieces or large granules - up to 1 hour.

In the absence of heating in the “jacket”, the dissolution process is lengthened, but control over the completeness of dissolution of sodium polyphosphate should always be carried out each time the solution is made.

After complete dissolution of sodium polyphosphate, Cellosize QP 52000H is poured into the mixer in a very thin flowing stream (for example: in industrial conditions 24 kg of Cellosize is poured within 15-20 minutes). If Cellosize is quickly introduced into the mixer, problems may arise due to the formation of lumps, which will then be difficult to break up in the paste and thus homogenize the solution.

After introducing the prescription amount of Cellosize and its complete dissolution (control is carried out by pouring the solution into a glass plate for the presence of grains of undissolved Cellosize), add sequentially to the mixer at low speeds (60-120 rpm):

  • Additol XW 330 - defoamer;
  • Additol VXW 6392;
  • Dovisil;
  • Dovanol DPnB;
  • Propylene glycol.

After adding the last component, the mixture is stirred for 10 minutes.

2. With the dissolver constantly running (shaft with cutter, shaft rotation speed 1000-1200 rpm), load sequentially:

  • Rutile titanium dioxide
  • Omiacarb 5 KA
  • Omiacarb 2 KA

It is recommended to use imported titanium dioxide (for example, Tronox CR 828 or Kronos 2190), since domestic (Sumy or Crimean) gives the paint a yellowish-grayish tint. If there are no increased requirements for the whiteness of the paint, then you can use domestic titanium dioxide grade R-02 (it is better to use domestic titanium dioxide with increased whiteness grade CR-03 produced by the Crimean Titan plant, Armyansk).

In the case of using titanium dioxide in rubber or synthetic containers, its loading into the dissolver should be introduced slowly for better introduction into the composition.

The duration of dispersing the paste in the mixer after introducing the last component should be at least 40 minutes. The paste should be homogeneous, without lumps or foreign inclusions.

The DL 420 dispersion is added to the finished dispersed paste while stirring with a frame (anchor) mixer. The time for combining the dispersion with the paste is 10-15 minutes.

If dispersing equipment is available only in the form of a dissolver (without a frame or anchor mixer), combine the dispersion with the paste with the cutter running for no more than 10-15 minutes, while preventing the paint from heating above 40 °C.

After this, the finished paint is filtered, if necessary, and packaged in polymer containers. The paint should only be stored at ambient temperatures above 2 °C.


Interior paint VD based on acrylic-styrene dispersion DL 420

  1. Drinking water GOST 2874 37.70
  2. Cellosize QP 52000H Germany, f.Dau 0.40
  3. Sodium polyphosphate GOST 20291 0.10
  4. Additol XW 330 Germany, f. Salutia 0.40
  5. Additol VXW 6392 Germany, f. Salutia 0.40
  6. Dovisil Germany, f.Dau 0.40
  7. Dovanol DPnB Germany, f.Dau 0.48
  8. Propylene glycol Germany, f.Dau 0.12
  9. Titanium dioxide import. F.Tronox, m.CR-828 2.00
  10. Omiacarb 2 KA Türkiye, f. Omia 26.90
  11. Omiacarb 5 KA Türkiye, f. Omia 23.10
  12. Dispersion DL 420 Germany, f.Dau 8.00

TOTAL 100.00

Possible raw material replacements:

  • Omiacarb 2 KA on Normcal 2
  • Omiacarba 5 KA on Normcal 5

Density of the finished paintwork material: 1.5 g/cm³

List of sold formulations and technologies for the production of paints and varnishes

  • ceiling paint;
  • moisture-resistant ceiling paint;
  • paint for interior work;
  • moisture-resistant interior paint;
  • washable interior paint;
  • façade paint;
  • deep penetration primer for interior work;
  • deep penetration façade primer;
  • strengthening primer for interior work;
  • façade strengthening primer;
  • primer "Betonkontakt"
  • tinting pastes (full-tone paints);
  • PVA construction glue;
  • universal PVA glue;
  • PVA furniture glue;
  • KS glue;
  • leveling putty for interior work;
  • finishing putty for interior work;
  • façade leveling putty;
  • façade finishing putty;
  • decorative plaster of the Bayramix type.

All recipes and techniques are sold without equipment for $120 USD (equivalent)

You can pay for paint recipes using Yandex-Money to account 410011252191597 3600 rubles - immediately after payment you can receive recipes in any way in a convenient way- download link and/or CD by email address
Please notify us of payment by email, plus additional advertising and video materials by postal address.

Video of façade paint production:


  1. Denis Serov 01/2/2010 22:20

    Please pay your attention to my letter.
    A recipe for production is urgently needed:
    1. decorative plaster of the “Bayramix” type.
    2. tinting pastes (full-tone paints)
    3. deep penetration façade primer

  2. Svetlana Grigorieva 04/23/2010 14:02

    on tinting pastes and other raw materials, questions by e-mail

  3. Bakhriddin 06/08/2010 09:00

    A recipe is required for the production of textile printing inks "plastisol"

  4. Natalya Evgenievna 07/3/2010 13:04

    Good afternoon!
    I would like to know your contact numbers so I can contact you by phone.
    We are waiting for an answer.
    Thank you for your attention.

  5. manager 5.07.2010 12:28

    Hello Natalya Evgenievna!
    Thank you for your interest in us and our products.
    Our contact phone numbers:
    0675712271 — Valentin
    0672650755 — Boris

    With uv. Boris, manager of the private enterprise “Workshop of Your Business”
    t. 0672650755

  6. Kurbon Murodov 10/12/2010 10:12

    Finish the day, we need recipes and technologies for the production of paints and varnishes, please help us on this

  7. 12.10.2010 10:25

    The price of a CD with recipes, technological maps, suppliers of raw materials, and videos of paint and varnish production has not changed and is currently $120.
    We will send details of its receipt by e-mail.

    With uv. Valentin,
    beginning foreign trade department,
    commercial director of the private enterprise “Workshop of your business” Ukraine, Kirovograd region, Alexandria, st. Kukolovskoe highway 5/1A
    tel. mob. Ukraine +38 067 5612271
    tel. for subscribers from Russia +7 812 309 47 82
    to communicate via Skype our login is valik1616

  8. Yaroslav Vladimirovich 2.11.2010 17:59

    The Nomotek company is engaged in the implementation and development chemical technologies, in particular the development of paint and varnish materials. We have a large number of developments, for more detailed information, please visit our website:
    or 097 616 21 27- Yaroslav Vladimirovich

  9. Julia 02/26/2011 03:14

    Dear ladies and gentlemen:

    Hope everything goes well with you!

    I am Julia from TianjinZhongmao Chemical Co., LTD, I know your email from yandex.We are independent processing trading company in chemical import and export facilities, we have products as follows:

    1. Titanium dioxide (rutile, anatase)
    2. lithopone
    3. stearic acid
    4. iron oxide
    5. formic acid
    6.glacial acetic acid
    7. caustic soda
    8.zinc oxide
    9. sodium formate
    10. STPP
    11. SHMT
    13. SLES
    14. CDEA
    … … … …

    If you are interested in it, please contract with me, I will be very glad to receive your email address.

    Wed our company website is

    Hope to receive mail as soon as possible.

    e-mail: [email protected]

  10. Mansur 08/22/2011 11:57

    Good afternoon, I need a recipe and coating technology. Help me please.
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Mansur 08/22/2011 11:59

    Good afternoon, I need a recipe, technology and equipment for the production of paints and varnishes. My contacts:

  12. 29.08.2011 15:48

    Hello Mansur!
    Thank you for your interest in us and our products!

    We produce dissolvers for the production of paints, primers, putties, here is a video of his work
    Price: $1,500. When you purchase a dissolver, you receive from us a free CD with recipes and paint production technologies.

  13. Mikhail 07/15/2012 15:34

    How can I contact you to purchase technology for the production of paints and varnishes?

  14. Anton 9.11.2012 13:11

    Hello, I am interested in the recipes for fire retardant impregnation for wood, fire retardant paint for wood, fire retardant varnish for wood, fire retardant paint for metal (120 min), fire retardant paint for cables and fire retardant mastic for cables. Indicate the possibility of purchasing recipes and technological maps.

  15. rashid 9.11.2012 14:53

    Hello, we do not have such recipes

  16. Ruslan 02/12/2013 17:58

    Selling fire retardant technology. All questions by email [email protected]

  17. Irina 04/16/2013 12:49

    Good afternoon Interested in the recipe for the production of artistic acrylic paints. Definitely odorless.

  18. Farruh 04/26/2013 23:01

    mne nujna dvuh kampanentniy lak richeptura

  19. Alexander 10/15/2013 14:37

    You can prepare printing ink that is thick and sticky, which, when applied to printed material, dries immediately without being absorbed, leaving a slight relief.

  20. Alexander 03/27/2014 13:33

    Good afternoon, I ask you to provide a recipe for the production of fire-bioprotective impregnation for wood. Based on ammonium polyphosphate and ammonium tetrafluoroborate...thanks in advance. I guarantee payment!

  21. Gennady 09.25.2014 21:52

    Hello, I am interested in a recipe for mother of pearl such as Lumian, South Korean

  22. Ulugbek 12/18/2015 14:07

    Hello, I am interested in the recipes for tinting pastes

  23. Ruslan 01/27/2016 00:49

    We are engaged in the production of acoustics. We paint using water-based paint and PVA. Previously this was enough, but development requires more durable coating. There are paints on the market such as WARNEX DURATEX, etc. But availability and price make its use impossible. Please advise how we can get out of this situation; if the production is not complicated, we’ll try it ourselves; if it’s complicated, we’ll order it. Some requirements for paint: apply with a spray gun, matte, structural, dry residue around 60%. I would be very grateful for any information.

  24. Tahir 12/29/2016 12:22

    Hello! I am interested in decorative paints, at the moment I am more interested in Wet silk, velvet or velor, how much will the recipe for this kind of paint cost! Sincerely, Tahir!

  25. Anonymous 02/12/2017 15:51

    Who already has ready-made paint recipes? Please share the information with a young individual entrepreneur))))) I’m looking forward to it [email protected]

  26. Anatoly Gavrilovich Budko 03/18/2017 09:21

    Hello! Please tell me what preservative is used in water-based paint? I add organic natural pigments for coloring and after a month the water emulsion turns sour (the fermentation process is in progress). I want to add some kind of preservative to eliminate this phenomenon, but I don’t know what kind. Thanks in advance.

  27. Slavi Petev 05/17/2017 18:37

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe and technology for the production of road marking paint.
    Tel. +359 888 652 661
    Slavi Petev

  28. Alexey 05/30/2017 15:10

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe for “decorative plaster of the Bayramix type”, glue without fillers, what is the cost of this particular recipe?

  29. Vladimir 08/5/2017 11:30

    Good morning. Does anyone have a recipe? liquid thermal insulation type "Corundum". We will be grateful.

  30. Alexey 09.15.2017 16:41

    Good afternoon Interested in recipes for water-dispersion paints? various types. Please contact me. +7 928 638 10 18- Alexey.

  31. Sergey 10/4/2017 20:13

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe for the production of fire retardant paints for metal structures. If you have any, please respond. We are ready to purchase.

  32. Sergey 10/4/2017 20:14

    Hello, I am interested in the recipe for the production of fire retardant paints for metal structures. If you have any, please respond. We are ready to purchase
    My contact phone number is 8 925 282 22 49.

  33. Evgeniy 01/10/2018 14:56

    We offer in St. Petersburg
    Gypsum GVVS-16/13 architectural Samara bag 40 kg. 600 rub. from 1t-560r. from 5t-550r.
    Gypsum GVVS-18 (high strength) Samara bag 30 kg. 550 rub. from 1t-480r. from 10t - 460r.
    Smart plaster Sculptural-cast mixture Samara bag 25 kg 460 rub. from 1t-440r from 5t-410r
    Smart plaster for decorative production. stone Samara bag 25 kg. 460 rub. from 1t-430 rub. from 5t-400 rub.
    Smart plaster for façade production. Dec. stone Samara bag 25 kg. 520 rub. from 1t-480 rub. from 5t- 450 RUR
    Gypsum GVVS (for dentistry, traumatology) Samara bag 20 kg. 350 rub.
    Plaster stoma. Dentaformula type 3 blue Samara bucket 5/20 kg 390/1080 rub.
    Plaster stoma. Dentaformula type 4 pink Samara bucket 5 kg 900 rub.
    Gypsum G-5 B III molding. medical Samara bag 25 kg 350 rub. from 1 t-350 rub.
    Gypsum G-6 B III molding Peshelan bag 30 kg. 400 rub. from 5t-350 rub. from 10t-330 rub.
    Gypsum G-6 A I construction Peshelan bag 35 kg. 300 rub. from 5t-260 rub. from 10t-245 rub.
    Gypsum G-6 A I construction Peshelan b/bag 1.2 t Direct 20.4 t - 6100 RUR/t
    Silicone Supermold ST25 jar 1 kg 750 rub.
    Silicone PLATSET (non-shrinkable) jar 1 kg 1250 rub.
    White fiber reinforced concrete Runit bag 25 kg 850 RUR from 1 t-800 RUR.
    White fiber reinforced concrete M1 bag 25 kg 550 RUR from 1 t-500 RUR.
    Hydrated slaked lime Uglovsky comb-t bag 25 kg 350 rubles from 0.5t-250, from 1t-240 (9600) from 5t-9150 from 10t-8950
    Hydrated slaked lime Uglovsky comb-t bag 25 kg in transit, directly from 20 t - 8100 RUR/t
    Quicklime Uglovsky komb-t bag 35 kg 400 rubles from 0.5 t-300 from 5t-256(7400), from 10 t-7200
    Lime bleach bag 20 kg 1600 rub. from 3 t -1500 rub./bag, from 5 t-1400 rub./bag.
    Dolomite flour Porkhov bag 50 kg 300 rubles from 0.5t-250, from 5t-180r (3600) from 10t-3300
    3. Chalk
    Dispersed chalk MTD-2 Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-165 5t-147r (4900r); from 10t-144r (4800r)
    Chalk STM-10 superthin Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-198 5t-186r (6200r); from 10t-183r (6100r)
    Highly dispersed chalk of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168 5t-162r(5400r) from 10t-159r(5300r)
    Chalk MMS-2 separated by Melstrom Belgor. bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168 5t-156r (5200r) from 10t-153r (5100r)
    Chalk MMZHP (for mixed feed) Shebekino, Melstrom bag 30 kg. 300 rub. from 0.5t-168r 5t-126r (4200r); from 10t-117r (3900r)
    4. Clay. Kaolin
    Clay PHB (fireproof, powder) Borovichi, Latnoe bag 50 kg 600 rub. from 1t - 500 rub; big bag 10 t - from 9000 rub.
    Kaolin KR-1 (for rubber) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 220 rub. from 1 t-8600 rub; from 5t-8400 rub.
    Kaolin KR-2 (for rubber) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 210 rub. from 1 t-8400 rub; from 5t-8200 rub.
    Kaolin KE-1 (for paper and porcelain) Novokaolin bag 20 kg 260 rub. from 1 t-9900 rub; from 5t-9700 rub.
    Kaolin KBE-1 Novokaolin bag 20 kg 240 rub. from 1 t-9700 rub; from 5t-9550 rub.
    Kaolin KZHV Zhuravlin. Log bag 20 kg 400 rub. from 1t-13200 rub. from 5 t - 12700 rub. from 10t-12200 rub.
    White cement PCB 500 D0 Shchurovsky bag 50 kg 850 RUR from 1t-15600.00 from 10t-15300.00
    White cement PCB 500 D0 Shchurovsky b/bag 1 t 15500 rub. from 5t-15200.00 from 10t-14800.00
    White cement M600 Türkiye/Egypt bag 50 kg 850 rub. from 1t-795r (15900) from 10t-15500.00
    Cement PC 400 D20 Shales 50 kg bag. 295 rub. 295r(5900)
    Cement PC 500 D0 Shales 50 kg bag. 390 rub. from 5t-360r(7200) from 10t-350r(7000)
    Expanding cement (eg) NTs-20 Podolsk bag 20 kg 400 rubles from 5t-16000r from 10t-15000r
    6. Microcalcite (marble flour)
    Microcalcite Km-2/Km-5, Km-10 Koelgammarble bag 25 kg 250 rub. from 5t - 8400 rub. from 10t - 8000 rub.
    Microcalcite Km-40, Km-60 Koelgamramor big bag ton 7,000 rub. from 5t - 6000 rubles from 10t - 5600 rubles
    Microcalcite Km-100, KM-160,200,300,500 Koelgammarble big bag ton 6,000 rub. from 5t -5200rub from 10t - 4900rub
    Microcalcite Km-100, KM-160,200,300,500 Koelgammarble bag 45 kg. 400 rub from 5 t-243 r (6500) from 10 t-220.5 r (5500)
    7. Crushed stone, decorative sand (marble)
    Marble. cr. 5-10; 10-20 / 7-12 Koelgamramor big bag tn 6,000 rub. from 10 t -4900 / 5300 from 20 t - 4400
    Marble. cr.0-2.5;2.5-5; 5-12;10-20 Koelgammarram bag 50 kg 600 rubles from 5t-300r (6000) from 10t-250r (5000)
    Marble. cr.0-2.5; 2.5-5 Koelgamramor big bag tn 5,000 rub. from 5t — 4900 rub. from 10t — 4700 rub.
    Blue and white mr. crumb 5-10, 10-20 Mumble bag 50 kg 600 rub. from 1 t-7000r from 5 t-6500r from 10 t - 6000r.
    Marble. cr. light gray 5-10, 10-20 Mumble big bag tn 7,000 rub. from 5t - 6000rub from 10t-5500rub
    Marble. cr. black, gray 2.5-5; 5-10 MineralResource big bag tn 8,000 rub. from 5t — 7500 rub. from 10t — 7000 rub.
    Pes mr.0-0.5;0-1;0.2-0.5;0.5-1;1-1.5;1.5-2 White marble bag 50 kg 600 rub from 5t -365r(7300) from 20t-320r(6400)
    Pes mr.0-0.5;0-1;0.2-0.5;0.5-1;1-1.5;1.5-2 White marble big bag tn from 7000r from 5t - 6500r from 10t-6000r
    8. Additives to concrete and plaster
    Microsilica MKU-85 Russia b/bag ton 17,500.00 rub. from 5 t-16500.00 from 10 t-15900.00 from 20 t-15500
    Highly active metakaolin VMK-45 SYNERGO big bag 450 kg 15,750 rub. from 1 t -35,000 rub; from 5 t -33000 rub.
    Highly active metakaolin VMK-45 SYNERGO bag 25 kg 900 rub. from 1 t -36,000 rub; from 5 t -34,000 rub.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.3 Petrolite canister 15 kg 500 rub. from 10 canisters - 430 rub.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.3 Petrolite canister 7.5 kg 250 rub.
    Liquid glass module 3, density 1.5 Petrolite canister 15 kg 1800 rub.
    Fiber fiber for cement. sizes L=18 mm 1 kg 220 rub. 10 kg - 2200 rub.
    9. Pigments
    Pigment Omnicon RE 6110 brick red Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3700 RUR/400 RUR Analogous to Bayferrox 110
    Pigment Omnicon RE 7130 cherry red Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3600 RUR/400 RUR Analogous to Bayferrox 130
    Pigment Omnicon YE 6420A yellow Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3800 RUR/400 RUR Analogous to Bayferrox 920
    Pigment Omnicon YE 2960 orange Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3850 RUR/400 RUR Analogous to Bayferrox 960
    Pigment Omnicon BR 6610 light brown Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3600 RUR/400 RUR Analogous to Bayferrox 610
    Pigment Omnicon BR 6862 dark brown Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3400 RUR/400 RUR Analogue Bayferrox 686
    Pigment Omnicon BL 2360 black Denmark bag 25kg/1.5kg 3400 RUR/400 RUR Analogue Bayferrox 360
    10. Expanded clay, quartz flour, quartz sand, vermiculite
    Sand quartz. 0.63-2.5 mm Kuzmolovo bag 50 kg 400 rub. from 0.5 t-250 rub. from 10t-170r/2800r t per bag
    Sand quartz. 1.25-2.5mm Kuzmolovo bag/bag 50kg/t 500r. from 0.5t-300r. from 10t - 4000 rub. ton per bag.
    Quartz sand 0-0.63mm Caps bag 50kg 400 from 0.5 t-200r from 10t - 2400r.t per bag.
    White sand fr. 0-0.63 mm Luga bag 50 kg 400 from 0.5t - 250 rub. from 10t-3500 rub. t in bag.
    Vermiculite is swollen. fraction (2.0) bag 10 kg m3 1 m3 — 7000.00 (10 bags)
    mob +7 931 3614427

  34. Sardor 02/12/2018 07:02

    Hello, I need a recipe for the production of liquid thermal insulation paint. for own production

  35. Yura 03/28/2018 09:18
  36. Almaz 04/5/2018 19:48

    Hello, I need a recipe for water paint?

  37. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:31

    Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail:

  38. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:31

    Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of paintwork materials VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail: Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of paintwork materials VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail:

  39. Vyacheslav 06/8/2018 10:33

    Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  40. Vladimir Solodunov 09.30.2018 13:42

    I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies ( technological maps): fire-retardant intumescent (thermo-expanding) paint, fire-bioprotection for wood, primers, water-dispersion paints, concrete contact, PVA glue, ready-made putty, acrylic sealant, crack-resistant rubber paint, decorative plasters (bark beetle, structural), etc. Write:

  41. Vyacheslav 09.30.2018 19:11

    Beware of information resellers.
    Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of paintwork materials VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail: Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of paintwork materials VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more from an operating large plant in Russia, write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  42. Vladimir Solodunov 09.30.2018 19:19

    Consultations with a technologist (PhD in Chemical Sciences, 30 years of experience in the production of paints and varnishes) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion paintwork materials and paintwork materials on an organic basis (PF enamels, URF, GF primers, etc.). I work strictly according to the contract (by transfer to the organization's account or in cash). Write:

  43. Vyacheslav 10/31/2018 06:41

    Beware of information resellers. Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) produced by VD-AK paints - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more. These technologies are used in production at an existing large plant. They do not require any additional modifications. I work on this factory technologist, so all information is 100% reliable and from the first person. write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  44. Dinis 01/9/2019 00:44

    We urgently need paint production recipes

  45. Vladimir Solodunov 01/9/2019 06:52

    Consultations with a technologist (PhD in Chemical Sciences, 30 years of experience in the production of paints and varnishes) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersed paintwork materials and paintwork materials on an organic basis (PF enamels, URF, GF primers, etc.). I work strictly according to the contract (by transfer to the organization's account or in cash). Write:

  46. Anonymous 01/9/2019 07:14

    Beware of resellers of similar information, who then resell it, posing as chemists, technologists, etc. Who is interested in inexpensive working production technologies (formulations) for the production of VD-AK coatings - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more. My technologies are used in production at an existing large plant. They do not require any additional modifications. I work at this plant as a technologist, so all the information is 100% reliable and from the first person. write to e-mail: slava2195(dog)

  47. Vladimir Solodunov 01/9/2019 07:16

    Beware of scammers and sellers of “plates” Consultations with a technologist (PhD in Chemical Sciences, 30 years of experience in the production of paints and varnishes) + I sell recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersed paintwork materials and paintwork materials on an organic basis (PF, URF, KO, EP enamels, GF primers, etc.). I work strictly according to the contract (by transfer to the organization's account or in cash). Write:

  48. Abbos 01/23/2019 20:47

    Hello, my name is Abbos, I need a prescription for ceiling paint;
    moisture-resistant ceiling paint;
    paint for interior work;
    moisture-resistant interior paint;
    washable interior paint;
    façade paint;
    deep penetration primer for interior work;
    deep penetration façade primer;
    strengthening primer for interior work;
    façade strengthening primer;
    primer "Betonkontakt"
    tinting pastes (full-tone paints);
    PVA construction glue;
    universal PVA glue;

  49. Abbos 01/23/2019 20:50 number

  50. Maria 14.02.2019 13:33

    Car tinting
    – changing the degree of glass transparency using special tinting films that are installed on the inner surface of car windows.

  51. Vyacheslav 02/24/2019 09:59

    Beware of resellers of information similar to mine on this site. Make me a request by e-mail: slava2195(dog) and I will provide irrefutable data on the person who resells it, posing as a chemist, technologist, etc. I sell working technologies (formulations) produced by LKM VD-AK - paints, primers, putties, decor and much more. My technologies are used in production at an existing large plant. They do not require any additional modifications. I work at this plant as a technologist, so all the information is 100% reliable and first person.

  52. Vladimir Solodunov 02.24.2019 10:06

    Beware of a scammer posing as a technologist who sells technology cards that do not work for small businesses. Write and I will reset the contacts of the people he deceived. Consultations with a technologist (PhD in Chemical Sciences, 30 years of experience in the production of paints and varnishes) + I give recipes and manufacturing technologies (technological maps) of water-dispersion paintwork materials and paintwork materials on an organic basis (enamels PF, URF, KO, EP, HV primers GF, HS, etc. ). I work strictly according to the contract (by transfer to the organization's account or in cash). I am giving away the recipes of the scammer Vyacheslav (aka Peter, Dmitry Samson, Alexander, Yuri) for free. Write:

  53. rufat 04/30/2019 22:07

    u menya yest ekanomni resept
    whatsapp +994503999093

The extreme demand for paints and varnishes determines the relevance of organizing their production in required quantities, which is impossible without specialized equipment. There are quite a few on the market large selection automated installations for the production and packaging of various building materials, however, it is quite difficult to select units that are optimal in all respects. The main selection criterion, without a doubt, should be the reliability of the manufacturer, whose products must meet all quality standards and have the appropriate technical documentation. Among the variety of brands involved in the manufacture of equipment for the production of paints and varnishes, the equipment of the Aquarella company, which has a lot of positive feedback from private and corporate clients.

Depending on the specifics of the production of paints and varnishes with different viscosity indices, several main categories of equipment used can be distinguished, which differ in performance. Thus, for the production of low-viscosity materials without additional filling, devices with a capacity of up to a thousand liters per hour are suitable, while for the production of medium-viscosity paints and varnishes the use of mini-plants LR-130 and LR-200 is required. Let's look at this equipment in more detail.

The main difference between these modular mini-factories is their productivity, which is 130 and 200 kg per hour, respectively. At the same time, they have in common functional purpose- production of a variety of water-dispersed materials of medium and low viscosity, such as enamels, primers, acrylic paints, PVA glue, etc. It is also possible to produce decorative plaster, concrete contact and construction putty, however, in this case, the work efficiency is reduced to 50/70 kg per hour and manual packaging of the finished product is required. The equipment of this category of mini-plants includes an AF 3.01 filling plant and a dissolver of the DS-130 or DS-200 series, and each line is supplied with regulatory and technical documentation confirming its suitability for the production of coatings. It should be noted that the design of the mini-plant LR-130 is possible for connection to a network with a voltage of 220 Volts.

An obligatory part of the line for the production of paints and varnishes are dissolvers, which ensure product homogeneity due to a special mechanism for grinding the filler and pigment agglomerate. Structurally, such equipment is an installation with an electric motor, a vertically located shaft and a gear cutter, which rotates at a certain speed, forming cavitation voids. When selecting a dispersant, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the characteristics of the cutter, power and engine speed, on which the consistency of the paint and varnish material directly depends. Customers have at their disposal five varieties of Aquarella dissolvers, which can be purchased either separately or as part of a specific production line.

When organizing the production of latex or acrylic primers, it makes sense to purchase professional equipment, in particular, a VD-100 installation with an operating efficiency of up to five hundred liters per hour, which is optimal for producing materials in industrial quantities. Basic models are equipped with modern mesh filter for preliminary water purification, automatic dispersion dispensers and syringes for adding modifying ingredients. It is important that for the operation of the installation it is necessary to have a compressor with a capacity of 150 liters per minute, while the volume of the receiver must be at least 50 liters.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the technological process for the production of construction putties, the most reasonable choice would be professional equipment from the Aquarella company, which makes it possible to produce compositions based on latex, oil-adhesive or acrylic with minimal ongoing costs. This type equipment for the production of putties is multifunctional, since in addition to the production of construction primers it is adapted to create Venetian plaster and perlite coatings with excellent energy-saving properties. Latest models installations have high performance(up to 100 kg per hour) and easy to operate - one operator is enough to set up and control the process. Thanks to the application latest technologies, the new generation of installations is also attractive due to its ergonomic design and durability. This category of equipment, along with the paint grinder SO-116A and the gravity mixer B-150, includes an electronic platform for weighing the finished product and an installation for filling and sealing with an indication of the release date.

One of the very important technological stages is the packaging of finished paints and varnishes, which is performed using innovative equipment with manual or electronic control. Based on the specifics of a particular production, you can choose a manual filling unit of the AF 3.01 type for filling paintwork materials of low or medium viscosity or a semi-automatic model AF 4.01 with an integrated microprocessor that simplifies the process of packaging technical liquids.

Separately, I would like to note the relevance of using branded paint grinders SO-116A, which are characterized by many improvements and have improved functionality. At the request of customers, you can order a burr mill (paint grinder) produced by Aquarella or components for it either as part of a mini-factory for the production of construction putties, or separately. Focusing on individual needs, it will not be difficult to select high-quality equipment for the production of coatings with any parameters.

Protective and decorative coverings, obtained by applying acrylic paints, are durable, chemically resistant and have low toxicity. Enterprises producing them are characterized by a short payback period and low complexity of the equipment used.

What is needed to organize the process

The list of requirements for launching a production line is very small compared to the preparation of non-aqueous paints. The central device in which the process of dispersing the acrylic binder, fillers and additives in water occurs is the dissolver.

TO auxiliary equipment include:

  • wooden and metal pallets;
  • containers for collecting and temporary storage of paint;
  • containers for bottling the finished product;
  • electronic and commercial scales;
  • forklift and hydraulic trolley (for large production volumes).

The dissolver can be purchased as a working device or assembled in a workshop yourself. An important step is the acquisition of technology for the production of the finished product. Technological regulations can be developed independently if you have the appropriate skills and time.

Raw materials

The following components are used in the production of acrylic-based paints:

  • saturated acrylic dispersion;
  • dispersant - to increase the resulting emulsion;
  • calcium carbonate is a standard filler and pigment in cheap paints;
  • thickener - gives the mixture the necessary fluidity;
  • defoamer – prevents foaming of the product when mixing and dispersing;
  • coalescent – ​​promotes film formation;
  • inorganic based pigment. The most popular among paints white obtained titanium dioxide.

Premises requirements

Non-residential premises with an area of ​​over 40 m2 (no more than 80 m2 at the initial stage) are suitable for the production of acrylic paint. Workplace must have a natural and artificial lighting, possess natural ventilation, water supply and sewerage.

A significant advantage of the production of water-acrylic emulsions is the absence of the need for a special exhaust system. The low tendency to evaporate most components requires the use of only standard protective clothing.


To take into account the specifics of production, a technologist with appropriate experience or education is needed. Organizing a production line without a specialist will not be as effective.

Monitoring and operation of the equipment can be carried out by two workers at the same time. For continuous production, three work shifts per day should be provided.

Acrylic paint production

The technology for preparing a mixture for acrylic paints is as follows:

  1. an acrylic mixture and solid pigment are loaded into a dissolver filled with water;
  2. mixing of the mass is started until homogeneous. Pieces of pigment are additionally ground to a specified size;
  3. During mixing, other additives are introduced to ensure that the paint achieves the specified qualities (according to technical specifications or regulations);
  4. After mixing is completed, the mixtures are packaged and stored at a low temperature (2º). The paint should not be allowed to freeze, as the emulsion will delaminate irrevocably.

The preparation time for the product is 1.5-2 hours. During operation, the temperature is maintained at 16-18º, which requires the workshop to be equipped with air conditioning and heating systems.

For construction

The most large-scale and highly competitive enterprises produce construction paints (for example, for painting, etc.). Their equipment is represented by large dissolvers with a long operating cycle. Special attention is given to the place of storage and packaging of goods, since the demand for construction acrylic paints fluctuates throughout the year.

The process of making façade acrylic paint for construction is shown in the following video:

For nails

A peculiarity of the manufacture of decorative ones is the use of small dissolvers with a high degree of dispersion of solid additives. Since the profitability of producing paints of one color range is low, several parallel mixing streams should be provided.

For fabric

differ from their counterparts for construction work in a less aggressive liquid medium.

Ensuring dense and uniform impregnation of the woven fabric is possible by using high-quality dispersing additives that facilitate the penetration of the dye and binder between the fibers.

For drawing

They constitute a narrow segment of production in which there is practically no competition. The preparation of high-quality and popular coloring compositions requires large assortment pigments and high-quality thickeners. Compliance with the technological process plays a special role in the production of acrylic paints for painting.