Rules for cutting and trimming thuja. Rules for sanitary and formative pruning of thuja Formative pruning of thuja

Widely popular for landscape design Thuja won. The plant is unpretentious and easy to trim. Various shapes can be formed from wood.

You can trim this plant whenever you want. There are no time restrictions. It is better to carry out this procedure twice a year.

After planting, it is worth pruning to give the tree the desired shape. Further pruning should be carried out taking into account the growth of the plant. It is better to cut off only the top and give the sides only the necessary volumes and shapes.

After wintering, it is worth removing dry branches. Give the desired height, and only occasionally adjust the shape throughout the season.

Necessary tools

To do this you will need pruning shears or garden shears. It is necessary to sharpen the tools well so that the cuts are even. To achieve the correct shape of the plant, you need to use a template. Thus, you can create any shape or outline by making a blank and cutting it using it.

Shaping haircut

To give the desired shape to the plant, you will have to work hard. But if you're not sure own strength, then it’s worth inviting a specialist. Creating the desired form requires following some rules:

  • The first pruning is carried out only in the second year of life. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait up to three years, then the plant will tolerate pruning very well. It should be cut at the end of spring.
  • Give preference to sharp tools so that they do not leave creases. Wipe them thoroughly as you work.
  • Before you start cutting, take all measurements. Don't trim too much large number branches.
  • It is better to do a haircut in dry, cloudy weather.
  • Be sure to use special blanks and levels.
  • Pruning is carried out taking into account this species.
  • When cutting, use individual means protection, as some species are poisonous.
  • After pruning, be sure to water the tree and fertilize it with special means.
  • On initial stages It’s better to make a simple haircut, such as a cone, and only when positive results are achieved, move on to more complex shapes.
  • Thuja should be cut once a year, sometimes making minor corrections.

As we have already said, pruning is best done on a dry, cloudy day. This measure is necessary to reduce loss of juice. You should not prune the plant on a rainy day, as such weather is favorable for many types of fungi. Be sure to cut through the branches so that there is better air flow to the trunk.

If for some reason you were unable to complete sanitary cleaning In the spring, don't be afraid. This must be done at any convenient time. But giving it the desired shape will be delayed for another year.

Usually the crown needs to be thinned only by thuja growing on sunny side. Trees growing in the shade are very small.

Thuja is an unpretentious plant. It will also serve good decoration your yard. Or it will serve as an original fence.

In the Moscow region, the western thuja has taken root so much that many no longer remember where it came from in our latitudes. This North American relative of the cypress is a true fashionista: the art of cutting thuja has hundreds of techniques and a centuries-old history.

Professional pruning only brings benefits. The decorative function is important, but by no means the only one. Skillful intervention in the crown optimizes lighting and aeration, which will immediately have a beneficial effect on the appearance.

The cost of giving your coniferous beauties a decent appearance depends primarily on their height:

Price for services
Note - the cost of pruning thujas depends on the height and width of the crown.
Types of work Unit Price
1 Trimming hedges up to 1.5 meters high 1 m.p. 150 rubles
2 Trimming hedges up to 2.5 meters high 1 m.p. 200 rubles
3 Formation of hedges up to 2.5 meters high 1 m.p. 300 rubles
4 Trimming hedges up to 3.5 meters high 1 m.p. 350 rubles
5 Formation of hedges up to 3.5 meters high 1 m.p. 400 rubles
6 Thuja curly haircut (ball, diamond, square, spiral) 1 piece from 250 rubles
7 Curly trimming of coniferous hedges 1 m.p. from 500 rubles
8 Formation of lonely thujas 1 piece from 200 rubles

If the plans involve complex, highly artistic pruning of thuja, the price is negotiated individually. For those who use the services of our garden center There is always a system of discounts.

Measure seven times: cutting a thuja according to all the rules

It is not easy for a beginner to dare and use garden shears for the first time. Even our masters, whose portfolio includes hundreds of first-class examples, are guided by the good old “measure seven times...”.

Cutting a thuja is very reminiscent of the work of a sculptor: before starting, the sculptor takes a step back and glances at the monolith. We evaluate the shape, age, condition, presence or absence of neighbors. And about half a dozen more parameters, including the wishes of the customer.

What type of tree is yours? They try to cut their hair so that the contours coincide as much as possible with the natural outlines:

Smaragd: pure facets of emerald

It is not for nothing that Thuja Smaragd is the “namesake” of the gem: its lines are almost as pure by nature. Easy editing will help make them flawless - in spring and autumn the very tips of the branches are cut off.

A pyramidal, tiered or spiral haircut requires special skill. The source material is most often the same Smaragd (the spiral, however, was so loved by the people that the cultivar Spiralis was bred for it). As a rule, even in the nursery, seedlings begin to be prepared for their “star” role.

Brabant: stylish casualness

The crown of the Thuja Brabant bears the imprint of chaos, as its paws extend in different planes. Pruning is mandatory: without it, Thuja Brabant, like an untrimmed poodle, will lose its charm and turn into an unsightly mongrel. But don’t despair: the craftsman, even if not in one step, will return the disheveled conifer to a respectable appearance. The top - it is only slightly adjusted - is allowed stylish negligence.

Globular thujas

Similar to the glorious bear cubs Danika, Globoza, Golden Globe almost do not need “hairdressing” services. Hovea, Woodwardy, Hosery sag a little with age. To prevent the contours from blurring, they are corrected once a year.

Creativity is an integral companion of the gardener. Geometric landscape? Why not. Here the spherical thuja will help out one hundred percent. For you, Picasso fans: with a slight movement of scissors, the balls turn... into elegant cubes!

Earlier is better: trimming hedges

Thuja occidentalis is amazing in hedges! But it needs to be formed literally from the first years. Do not wait until it reaches the intended height: pruning during growth promotes branching and better filling of the crown. The surface ultimately resembles an expensive long-pile carpet; it is smooth, without voids.

This perfection is achieved relatively simply: cut often, but little by little. In the year of planting, they provide an opportunity to get comfortable in a new place. But you can invite a master to the next one.

Trimming a neglected hedge will not help. Reconstruction will be needed. It is also on our list of services. Contact us in the future: then “false notes” will never wedge into your landscape ensemble.

Thuja is an unpretentious plant and grows quite quickly, therefore it is very often used as a single planting - when the crown has some clear shape: either spherical or cone-shaped.

Also used as wind screens and as hedge. But in order for the thuja crown to be thick and rich, it needs to be properly cared for, namely trimmed.

The first thing to start with is to examine the shape of the thuja. If you find that somewhere a branch is knocked out in the wrong place, then the shape must be adjusted. But when cutting thuja, remember the main rule - “Measure seven times, cut once!”

Although there are other options - when the crown is too thick, the tree is poorly ventilated, or poorly lit by the sun, then you will have to thin out the crown. When forming the crown, try to cut the branches in one area. If you don't want the tree to grow upward, cut off the central trunk - then it will grow wider. Form a tree from the first years of life, removing little branches at a time, and the tree will gradually grow.

The next stage is working with the tips of the branches. It is not recommended to cut branches longer than one third. It must be removed under the kidney. When you remove such branch tips, the internal branches begin to grow more actively and the crown is filled with green needles. The crown becomes fluffy and thick. Therefore, first you need to use pruning shears to remove diseased or dry, dead branches. You need to cut right to the base.

The best time to trim thuja

The best time The time to prune thuja is the beginning of summer, when the buds have just blossomed and young shoots have appeared, and the end of summer, when the tree is already preparing for winter. The main rule when pruning thuja is to trim it a little bit, but regularly. Adjust your shape regularly. If you miss the moment, the branch will grow very strongly, deviate to the side and you will have to cut out a lot, and if you make a slight mistake, you may end up with a hole that will take a very long time to close. Never prune in damp, rainy weather - there will be open holes on the tree wounds, and all sorts of diseases can seriously infect your tree. Always use sharp and well-sharpened pruning shears - they will cause less injury to the plant. Trim a little, but regularly. Adjust your shape regularly. If you miss the moment, the branch will grow very much, deviate to the side and you will have to cut out a lot, and if you make a slight mistake, you may end up with a hole that will take a very long time to fill up.

Thuja is considered one of the most unpretentious and spectacular plants for landscape design. The description of the main characteristics, as well as the rules for caring for the plant given in the article, will allow gardeners to enjoy this shrub all year round without spending much effort.

Thuja is called evergreen perennial shrub from the cypress family. It is perfect for building living and landscaping areas. Care is not characterized by complex elements or manipulations, but it must be done systematically. The most famous and popular varieties of thuja include:

  • Aurea;
  • Albospicata;
  • Wagnery;
  • Globoza;
  • Globoza nana;
  • Danica.

Description of landing

Thuja is planted with seedlings or seeds. The best time for planting is the main care after this consists of systematic watering and protection from direct contact. sun rays and wind.

Thuja can also be grown in an apartment or house. For normal development the plant needs diffused sunlight, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter period. From spring to autumn, the plant must be fed with specialized fertilizers.

How to prepare needles for winter

Thuja after winter may become covered with brown-brown spots. This effect occurs due to the receipt sunburn. In winter, the sun and wind dry out the plant, and the frozen ground does not give required quantity moisture. To avoid such consequences, care should begin in the fall. Thuja should be protected from direct sunlight. This must be done using linen, chintz, matting or special industrial material. Just wrap the plant well with a cloth.

Caring for thuja in spring will make it much easier proper preparation thuja for winter. Make sure that the plant is not covered with snow. Snow during the thaw period can cause the bush to become warm, and as a result, spots will appear.

Also, under the weight of snow, the crown may “break” and the needles will lose their shape. It is better to secure the crown with a rope.

Caring for thuja in spring

1. Haircut. Caring for thuja in the spring involves removing dry shoots. If the bush was wrapped up for the winter, then in the spring it is necessary to remove the protective material and give the crown time to take its natural position. After this, you can start cutting.

2. Feeding. In spring, the plant definitely needs additional feeding, for example, it can be liquid organic fertilizers, compost or mineral fertilizers.

In the first year after planting, the plant does not need additional fertilizer.

How to prune thuja correctly in spring

In order to prune thuja, you will need garden pruners.

To carry out this procedure correctly, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure only in dry weather.
  2. Thuja pruning in the spring is carried out at the beginning of April or in the summer, at the end of June.
  3. After removing dry branches, thin out the thickened crowns. By pruning healthy branches, you ensure better air circulation and thereby reduce the possibility of pest infestation of the bush.
  4. In order for the thuja to grow wider rather than upward, it is necessary to trim the upper part. To form a spherical bush, if the variety allows it, it is necessary to trim branches that differ in length from the main body of shoots.
  5. Part of the annual growth must be regularly removed during decorative cutting. This pruning of thuja in the spring is done in order to maintain the selected shape of the needles. However, if you overdo it with pruning, areas without greenery may appear in the crown, which will lead to the loss of its decorative appearance.
  6. If the plant grows very quickly and requires frequent cutting, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil.
  7. If pruning of the thuja in the spring was not done in a timely manner, then in the summer it is necessary to remove the dried branches and thin out the crown.
  8. Thujas that grow in shaded areas often do not need crown thinning. These plants cannot boast of lush greenery.

Growing this plant will bring a lot of pleasure to gardeners, as it can be used to create a unique landscape design.

Climate middle zone Well suited for all forms of thuja occidentalis. This plant is one of the most popular and used by landscape designers. The reasons are obvious: it is not particularly demanding in terms of care, it grows quickly, creating a dense green mass that is an excellent background in both summer and winter gardens.

Western thuja has different forms, some of which are quite tall (up to 15 meters), others are shrubby and slow-growing. Tall thujas "", columnar "" and some shrubby forms that grow separately or are part of a composition should be trimmed.

A tree that is not limited in growth has a loose, thin, untidy crown with fresh growth sticking out chaotically. Thujas are trimmed several times during the growing season. The first haircut occurs in the spring.

Thuja Smaragd, a young plant.

Pruning in spring - how to do it right

The first pruning is sanitary. Its purpose is to prune, perhaps completely remove, tree branches that have dried out or been broken by winter winds and snow. When the tree has fully awakened from hibernation, and the average daily temperature is approaching 10 ⁰C, then you can begin shaping haircuts.

Thuja occidentalis is very plastic material for the formation of almost any topiary pattern: it easily tolerates haircuts and “responds” to them with new growth that fills the gaps in the crown. Pruning will transform a thin thuja with an openwork transparent crown into a lush, dense beauty.

Often after harsh winter thujas that exceed the threshold of 3 meters in height, bend their crown under the weight of snow, their own weight, or deviate away from the large trees shading them, are cut in height.

As a rule, thuja "Smaragd" has several trunks (from 3 to 5 depending on age): 1 - the leader and several accompanying ones. Pruning begins with the main central trunk, which is cut 20 centimeters below the point that should be the top of the tree. Associated trunks and branches are pruned in such a way that upper part The thuja looked natural, cone-shaped. Here you will need experienced hand a gardener who understands the basic principles of the formation of the crown of coniferous trees.

Important! Haircutting tools must be clean and disinfected.

Cones from thuja Smaragd.

Trimming schemes

Crowns different forms Western thujas are each formed in their own way. This is due to the natural shape of the trees, which dictates the direction of the external appearance of the plant in the composition created by the designers:

  1. "Brabant" by nature has a broadly cone-shaped crown, which can be shaped into any shape geometric figure, cut complex topiary designs;
  2. "Emerald"- columnar plant. Its crown is formed in the correct shape regardless of the gardener’s participation - thick and dense. Therefore, for this type of thuja it is advisable to trim spiral and other shapes, deployed vertically: intertwining spirals, one spiral, balls from bottom to top from largest to smallest. There are many options. For some complex shapes It is possible to use a frame or special devices that will make the gardener’s work easier.

Almost any standard shape can be formed from thuja Smaragd.


Three categories of tools are used to trim thuja occidentalis:

  1. Mechanical. These include pruners and garden shears.
  2. Electrical: brush cutters with different lengths working tire.
  3. Rechargeable. They differ from electric tools only in the charging method and power.

Mechanical ones are the easiest to use and do not require additional technical specifications(access to electrical network, the ability to recharge the battery). Secateurs are used for cutting individual branches with a diameter of 0.2 to 3 cm (various models).

Garden shears differ in the length of the blades and the arms of the handles. The larger the tree, the longer the blades should be. A gardener should have scissors in his arsenal. different sizes because they have various purposes. Tools with short blades are mostly intended for trimming small plants or for “jewel-cutting” already trimmed shapes.

Electric and battery-powered tools make a gardener's life much easier because they do not require much physical effort during cutting. It is advisable to use for large volumes of work to save time. Speed ​​of movement of electric tool blades, additional devices(horizontal level) allow cutting work (especially for hedges) to be carried out quickly, in accordance with the pattern specified by the project.

When exactly to prune

Pruning of thujas, which forms the crown of the tree, is carried out at the end of April or May, depending on weather conditions . Next haircut could be in one and a half to two months, if there is sufficient growth. A light “cosmetic” haircut can be done without being tied to a specific time frame: a separate branch on the plant begins to grow actively, clearly overtaking the main mass, breaking the shape pattern - it is shortened by several centimeters in order to stop its growth, giving the rest the opportunity to catch up.


When cutting a curly haircut, it is difficult to avoid mistakes. Even experienced master may cut off something unnecessary. To minimize errors, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Before you begin work, you need to carefully inspect the tree and map out places, where you will need to cut to form the required contour.
  • Cropped tips of branches, no more than 20 cm. this is enough for the main growth to stop, the sleeping buds to wake up and the crown to fill with fresh growth. The process is not fast - it usually occurs within 2 months, sometimes longer.
  • In order for the green mass to actively grow, it will be necessary immediately after cutting feed the plant complex fertilizers and water generously.
  • Regular watering is necessary for thujas. These are hardy trees that can survive drought, but with sufficient watering they will not only remain viable, but will also have a lush emerald crown.

Trimming various types of thuja, examples of curly haircuts

Each type of thuja is used to form certain shapes. For example, from the thuja “Smaragd” it is difficult to obtain a spreading shape with spherical shapes at the ends of the branches, while “Brabant” can be turned not only into a smooth pyramid or cone, but also to make nivaki based on it.


The main shaping haircut is carried out 2 - 3 times a season, cosmetic - as necessary.

A hedge of parallelepiped thuja Brabant.


Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd" is cut in a vertical plane. The pattern can be different: in the form of tiers of any geometric shape, balls strung on a trunk or spirals.

Adult thuja Smaragd, formed in the form of a spiral.


The method of forming the “niwaki” crown is rooted in Japanese culture. There are 8 main styles, for each of which a specific place in the garden is prescribed:

  1. "Tekan". It is based on a vertical single trunk, around which a crown is formed in the form of a regular triangle.
  2. "Sokan". Niwakis of this style are cut on two trunks forked from the root neck.
  3. "Kotobuki." This is a kind of amulet, since its shape is an image of the Japanese hieroglyph for “happiness”, next to which there must be a traditional stone lantern.
  4. "Shakan". A single tree trunk is formed at an angle to the surface of the earth. Traditionally, these forms of nivaki are located on the banks of reservoirs.
  5. "Moegi." The trunk is formed in the form of a sinusoid. As a rule, they are included in garden compositions.
  6. "Kongai." Crowns formed in this style have a flowing shape. Look good next to rocky walls and slides.
  7. "Monkaburi". A tree formed in this style traditionally precedes the entrance to the garden: the lower branch should be very long and located horizontally above the entrance.
  8. "Kyoto". The style originated in the city of the same name in Japan. The peculiarity is that it is formed exclusively on cryptomeria.

In the video below, Andrey But (Osokor nursery) voices the basic principles of the “niwaki” haircut. Having many years of experience in growing plants, the nurseryman uses in his work various ways formation of the crown of plants and willingly shares his knowledge by conducting master classes.

Formation of the thuja crown

The cutting that forms the crown of the plant begins upon reaching the age of 6 years when it enters the phase of active vertical growth, having sufficiently developed root system. By cutting the apical shoot, the gardener sets the plant's horizontal growth, which, with subsequent cuttings, allows the crown to be given a certain shape.

The crown of “Brabant” can be formed in the form of a ball at the ends of the branches. At the same time, the abandoned branches are exposed, at the ends of which spherical shapes are formed.

Standard forms are given to the thuyas when they reach the desired height, after which the trunk is exposed from bottom to top, leaving on the standard some of the branches, from which a ball, cube or other shape will subsequently be formed.

Arborvitae "Smaragd" are cut with a spiral. Their crown is most suitable for such forms.

Garden, the main tone in which is created various types thuy.

Every activity in the garden, including shaping haircuts coniferous plants, require certain practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of ornamental gardening.