Approximate wording of functional subsystem purposes. Choice of target audience and functional objectives

Functional subsystem Key goal
Marketing To go out on the first place for the sale of products (specific species) on a specific market
Production Achieve na higher Level labor productivity in the production of all (or certain) types of products
Research and development (innovation) Conquer the leading positions on the introduction of new types of products (services) using a certain percentage of income from sales (sales)
Finance Save and maintain all types of financial resources at the required level
Staff Provide the conditions necessary for the development of the creative potential of workers and raising the level of satisfaction and interest in
Management Determine the critical areas of managerial impact and priority tasks that ensure the receipt of planned results

Subsystem "Marketing"directs its activities on the formation of demand. The formulation of marketing objectives is associated with a detailed study of supply and demand for products produced at the moment and on new products. In addition, the situation should be carefully studied both at the new markets and new ones. Therefore, work should be carried out by the market research specialists, predicting and planning, which own relevant information and methods for developing targeted models. The composition and number of these specialists depend on the possibilities of the enterprise independently carry out this complex and requiring great professionalism. If such possibilities are limited, it is necessary to use those elements of the market infrastructure, which have already begun to be formed in our country: external management consultants, innovations specialists, information technology, computing methods, etc.

Subsystem "Production" covers such activities of the organization as receiving, storage and distribution of means of production, transformation of resources in final product, Its storage and distribution, as well as after-sales service.

When setting goals for this subsystem, it is necessary to take into account the variety of types of work performed here. Thus, the preproductive preparation is associated with acceptance of goods, raw materials, materials, with storage in warehouses, reserves management. Production itself requires machine processing, assembly, quality control, packaging, maintenance equipment; Work with final products (after-producing logistics) is associated with the placement of finished goods in stock, with the processing of orders and delivery of goods. Finally, after-sales service requires installation work, repairs, supply of spare parts.

The objectives of this complex subsystem of the Organization are set as a system of indicators reflecting the volume, product range, quality, performance, costs, etc.

The subsystem associated with research and development is implementing the goals of innovations in the enterprise. Its focus is the search for new types of products and services for the replacement of obsolete, identifying the objectives of research and development, the introduction of innovations and the modernization of all areas of the enterprise.

Subsystem "Personnel" Directed to work with the labor collective and formulates its goals for hiring, alignment, training, promotion and wages of employees of the enterprise. The most important goal of this subsystem is the high interest of employees in solving common tasks Enterprises and creation for this favorable climate.

Subsystem "Finance" Activities for the organization of financing, lending, tax liabilities, budget drawing (on the enterprise as a whole, its divisions and programs).

Subsystem "Management" He has an effective achievement of the organization's goals as its key task, excluding the irrational costs of time, resources and talents. In accordance with her, the subsystem establishes chains to activate employees of all units of the organization for the control of the movement and the use of all its resources, etc. To do this, there is a deep analysis of problems in all areas and areas of the organization's activities and are allocated those that require the greatest attention and efforts, since they are the main factors to achieve the desired results. These problems are specific for each organization.


PC studies

And management criteria

The management system under study will not be effective if errors are allowed:

Goaling and wording criteria;

Marketing, i.e. Methods and tools of achieving the goal are improperly defined;

Management due to lack or wrong planning, organization, motivation, control.

Therefore, in addition to systemic studies of the object and management system, as a whole, private scientific studies of individual elements of the process and (or) controls can be carried out. Particular special studies of the processes of target, marketing, management, as well as enterprises of technical means, on which these processes are implemented may be carried out.

Improving management systems can also be carried out by consistently studying the correctness and elimination of errors in targeting, marketing, management, and the choice of technical means.

In case of private studies, goaling seeks to determine whether the purpose of activity is correctly formulated and formulated in the criteria for the effectiveness of activities.

If it turns out that the purpose or criterion of the functioning of the management system under study is incorrectly formulated, then its operations cannot be successful.

When studying goaling in the control system, you need to check whether the goals and criteria for choosing the best options are correctly formulated:

Completeness of the wording of the target;

Whether the objective formulated is satisfied with the requirements and others.

In order to conduct similar studies, you need to know about the objectives and properties of the following.

Purposethey call the ideal state of the object or control system in the future / 11.12 /. The goal determines that for which the system creates. The role of the management system is those specific results that are supposed to be obtained after the implementation of this solution under certain conditions and a fixed period of time. At the same time, the goal always lies outside the system. It reflects the reaction of the medium to the system. Quality of purpose can determine the role, efficiency, costs, risks.

List known requirements for targets/11,12/.

Firstly,they should be unambiguously formulated and understandable to performers. Consider: not favorable conditions For companies that do not have clear purposes.

Secondly,the goal must be measured.

Thirdly,the goal should have a deadlines. The lack of life will return the performer to the initial point of action.

Fourthlythe goal should motivate the actions of the Contractor in the direction necessary to achieve it. Therefore, the goals of the organization must be associated with the remuneration system.

Fifththe objectives of the organization and individual groups of performers should be compatible.

At sixth,the goal should formalize in the criteria.

In-seventh,the goal must be adjusted when changing the conditions or state of the object, the control system.

Formulation of goals - the process is very complex. Formal methods of synthesis of objectives do not exist. The process of wording goals is heuristic.

For commercial organizations, the main goal is to maximize profits. At the same time, additional restrictive requirements may be formulated, for example, security, prevent damage, etc.

The literature distinguish three types of organizational goals official, operational, operational / 11-13 /.

1. Official goalsdetermine general purpose Organizations (subject's business) declare in its charter or position, are announced publicly by their leader. They explain the organization's mission, have an external orientation and perform an important protective function, creating an organization's corresponding image.

2. Operational goalsdetermine than in fact the organization is actually engaged in the current period, and may not fully coincide for a specific period with official goals such goals have an internal orientation and are designed to mobilize the resources of the organization. They are reflected in the work plan.

3. Operational objectivesmore specific and measurable than operational. They direct the activities of specific workers and allow us to evaluate their work. Such goals are formulated when setting specific tasks to individual groups and performers.

The difference between these types of objectives provides valuable information to assess the correctness of the control of the OPS.

Another classification of goals for:

external and internal;

strategic, concrete business program,

promising, current, operational.

In addition, it seems that transient processes in the OPS or the appearance of an external environment emerging for the agreed limits may cause the need to develop stabilization purposes.

4. Stabilization goalscan define as an ideal management result / 12.1 /:

1) "Hold" parameters of the control object in a certain specified range (tolerance) of values;

2) preventing the transition of the control object to the area of \u200b\u200bunacceptable or unmanaged states.

Stabilization objectives can act as an element of other types of goals or considered independently.

Decomposition of management objectives requires a selection in the organizational structure of the control entity (control subsystem) of the corresponding functions and control circuits.

The general objectives of the organization are either a compromise of its integrity (individualistic organizations), or top-level goals should determine the goals of the lower level (corporate organizations). Forms of harmonization of targets for vertical and horizontal, their coordination or priority of higher level goals over the lowest objectives are performed.

As noted in the first chapter tree Tree a graph-tree is called, expressing the relationship between the vertices that are subacters to be achieved in the process of achieving the target of the highest level (the initial vertex of the graph) (see Fig. 5.1.).

The tree of targets whose vertices are ranked, that is, they are prior to their importance, they are widely used to quantify the priority of various directions of development.

Building a tree of goals requires many solutions forecast tasks, such as:

1) forecast of the development of the object as a whole;

2) the formulation of the achievement scenario of the projected target;

3) formulation of the level of the target;

4) The wording of criteria and scales, ranked vertices.

Each of these tasks can be solved by the method of expert assessments.

Objectives become a management tool when they:

1) identified or formulated;

2) known personnel;

3) adopted by employees to execute. Formalization of goals takes place in the formation of a criterion for assessing the efficiency of the system. The complexity of research is reflected in different options Definitions of the criterion.

In the study of the facility criterion determine as a quantitative reflection of the degree of achievement by this object set in front of him.

When studying the research process, you can consider criterion as a rule, choosing a preferred version of the study from a number of alternatives (see paragraph 1.14).

For a complex system, due to its multifaceted criterion is a vector. In this case, the task of optimizing the complex system is a multi-criteria.

The criterion includes the components of the efficiency parameters (effect).

Efficiency parametercall the most important parameters of the system that allow you to evaluate the quality of solving the problem and achieve the goals set before the system. For the effect parameters, parameters can be considered: the cost and (or) creation time; Income, profits (losses) for a fixed period, etc. The effect parameters represent the control system of its creator and environment. Therefore, when choosing the composition of the effect parameters, they take into account somehow, for which the management system is created and the research goals.

There are various approaches to the formation of criteria. Depending on the number of optimization parameters in the criteria, they are talking about monocrying and polycrying (vector) setting of tasks.

In monocrying formulation, it is optimized (maximized or minimize) one of the effect parameters.

In a polycriterial formulation, a joint optimization of a number of effect parameters is carried out.

When optimizing mechanical engineering objects, the criteria may include parameters characterizing the beneficial properties, cost, time, security. Most often, the optimized parameter is chosen either beneficial featuresor cost.

When evaluating economic efficiency, they measure osttimizable: income, profit, losses, labor productivity, etc.

Difficulties of vector optimization led to the fact that the significant distribution was received by the methods of linearization of criteria. These techniques include the transition from the vector form of the criterion to one-dimensional linear. Additive, multiplicative criteria and indices are known.

1. Addive criteria(A) formed by dividing the number of indicators of the effect (n) the amount of works of private effects of the effect I i on G i, (the coefficients of the value of the i-though parameter), the sum of which is equal to one / 12 /:

Multiplicative criteria(M) are obtained by multiplying (symbol P) works of private effects of the effect i i on G i - the coefficients of the value of the i-of that parameter, the sum of which is equal to one:

The principal disadvantage of this type of criteria is that it is implied to compensate for the lack of some qualities due to the excess of others. In theoretical terms, this is incorrect, as the quality of the system (for example, efficiency, costs, danger) is incomparable. IN real life This approach can lead to severe consequences. Moreover? During linearization, weight coefficients are determined by the expert way, which reduces the objectivity of the assessment.

The second approach to the formation of criteria is that one part of the effect parameters (which must be improved) refer to the numerator, and another part of the parameters (which must be reduced) refer to the denominator / 1, 7/.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that reducing the denominator with a slight size of the numerator can be provided great importance Criteria.Therefore, this kind of criterion can be applied using restrictions or by the value of the criterion, or the numerator, or the denominator. The most famous of this type of criteria is the "Efficiency / Cost" criterion.

The third approach is that one of the effect parameters are maximized or minimized, and restrictions are imposed on the rest. Studies allow us to recommend that the following criteria options are recommended:

1) maximize profits (D;) (or other effect parameter) with specified cost limits (3 3) and risk level (P 3):

Really, there is uncertainty or random nature of the conditions for the functioning of the OPS, which is an important circumstance when choosing the best option / 12 /. Options for criteria in uncertainty and risk are considered in [1.10 /.

When comparing options in the absence of a given criterion for a multi-parameter system, other principles are used:

paretto principle, according to which the improvement of the management system is made until all the effect parameters are improved;

principle Background Neumanan-MorgetternIn accordance with which a good version of the control system is considered to be such that possesses the external and internal resistance of efficiency parameters.

ü The internal stability of a set of efficiency parameters is achieved by their incomparableness.

ü External stability is achieved when an option that has not included in many good solutions, there is a more preferred, which is part of the option recognized as good.

It seems possible to argue that many good solutions are a set of incomparable solutions, to improve each of which is impossible. It is possible only for one or another informal considerations to give preference to one of the options.

In the course of research, the following options for systems and control processes can be distinguished:

1) ineffective not allowing to solve the problem;

2) rational, i.e. allowing to solve the problem;

3) the optimal solution of the solution is an option to solve the problem best in a certain criterion sense or build the best system in a certain sense criterion. If ineffective and rational solutions can be a lot, then optimal solution One.

Internal structure of the organization

Objectives of the organization

Social definition structures of the organization

Basic structural components of the organization

Allocation of the main structural components of the organization.

To maintain the organizational system in working condition, it is necessary to interact a number of internal components of the organization, or its structural components.

Systematic interaction within the organization should be considered as the interdependence of the four internal subsystems (components):

· goals of the organization,

· social structure of the organization,

· technology I.

· personnel, or members, organization.

All components of the organization are quite autonomous, and their weak interdependence is due to the fact that the number of communications through which the influence of some components on the other is limited. Thus, the change in the objectives of the organization changes not the entire organizational structure, but only its individual components (structural units).

All four main components of the organization can effectively interact only within certain cultural norms and focus on a specific system of values. In other words, the subculture of the organization, or organizational culture, has a significant impact on its activities.

The culture of the organization is a set of adopted and learned norms, rules of behavior, customs, traditions characteristic of this organization.

It should be noted that the main components of the organization cannot be considered ineverated, without taking into account the context of the external environment. Modern researchers in the field of sociology organizations believe that the organization (allocated as a single whole and with clear boundaries) should be represented only in the form of open system. This means that the management of the organization is not enough to establish the relationship between its individual internal components; In the organization, it is necessary to apply certain types of strategy for various components of the external environment.

Thus, the main interrelated components of the organization determine the basic directions and the features of its activities.

Objectives of the organization

The value of the objectives of the organization.As follows from the definition of organizations, among all the components of its internal structure, a special place occupies a special place, since all the activities of the organization are carried out for their achievement. An organization that does not have a goal is meaningless and cannot exist any long time. At the same time, the goal is one of the most controversial moments in understanding the organization. Some scientists believe that the goals are necessary when analyzing organizational behavior, others, on the contrary, are trying to impress their meaning. So, behaviorists believe that the goal can only have individuals, and the band and collectives do not have them.

Numerous studies conducted in recent years show that the goal is one of the first places among other components of the organization.

You can bring a lot of examples when a simple displacement of goals or even uncertainty in their wording leads to such serious negative consequences In the organization, as an incorrect choice of strategic directions (this leads to serious material losses), reducing the effect of Sielegers due to the lack of a single orientation in members of the organization, violation of communications within the organization, weakening integration inside organizational structures, the emergence of difficulties in the motivation of members of the organization, and other serious problems.

Thus, the goals have the most direct influence of almost all components of the organization's activities. In order to understand the reasons for the importance of goals for organizational activities, it is necessary to determine the concept of purpose and its function.

We define a goal as desired, planned result or those guidelines that are trying to achieve using their activity, members of the organization to meet collective needs. In the conditions of the organization, the goal should be considered as the unity of motives, funds and results. This means the following:

· The goal is a certain motive (or need). It is rightly argued that the goal refers to the motive as a glass of water - to quench the thirst, possession of power - to self-affirmation, one goal can satisfy several needs, as one need can be met through different purposes;

· The goal is formed when the motive is met with the means (resources, conditions, capabilities), i.e. when evaluating a way to meet the relevant need or aspiration;

· The goal in the organization of the organization is not identical to the result, since even when the goal is reached into a real result, other consequences are introduced, which do not coincide with the estimated result, therefore the goal achieved can only be part of the result;

· Choosing a goal of a subject is essentially predetermined and limited to individual preferences, influences ambient, side goals, etc. Therefore, the goal-setting is not only the expression of freedom of the will of the subject.

Functions of the organization's goals.

Joint activity breeds people of different levels and content. In conditions organized activity These goals can perform features:

1. Cognitive features of goals. These functions, which, according to representatives of the rational school scientific department And their modern followers belong to the first place, summarize the disposal of coordinating bodies and focus on analyzing the alternatives of action and decision-making.

2. Distribution functions. To implement the objectives of the organization, it is necessary to direct resources in the units optimally. The presence of goals various levels (The objectives of the organization, goals of divisions, goals of the participants of the organization) sets the problem of their combination during production activities, which causes managers to distribute resources within the organization.

3. Functions identification , those. Comparison of own aspirations of members of the organization with the objectives of the unit or organization as a whole. In the absence of these functions, the activities of members of the organization loses meaning. This in turn can lead to alienation and annomia.

4. Motivation functions. Objectives are able to motivate members of the organization in the event that the latter recognize them are actually achievable focus-oriented and related to their own needs.

5. Conversion features. The desire to implement the objectives of the organization inevitably leads to an understanding of the need for transformations of various aspects of organizational activities. This is especially true for organizations working in a market environment with a high degree of uncertainty when the goals being developed are initially focused on changes and innovation.

6. Candy, or emotional, functions. Objectives can form various emotional states from members of the organization: an emotional rise or, on the contrary, feelings of confusion, uncertainty. These side functions of the goals must be considered by taking management solutionSince they have a significant impact on the motivation of members of the organization.

7. Symbolic functions. Defining the goals of the organization, managers must take into account their influence on the public (or ordinary consumers), customers of the company, partners, customers, representatives of banks. In this case, the goals are considered as a business card of the company, a concentrated expression of its strategic designs.

8. Ideological functions. Goals form an ideology of the organization, i.e. Explain not only how certain results will be achieved, but why it was necessary to achieve them. Unfortunately, in domestic organizations, there are little attention to the organization's ideology issues, while American and even more Japanese organizations consider the creation of their own ideology of the priority.

The article is devoted to the topic of creating an effective organization with a clear functional structure. The author claims that well-coordinated actions contribute to this, which are largely achieved due to the formalization of the behavior of the team members, if official (official, working) functions are identified and documented. A service function, or a job function, should be part of the corporate goal.

It is the indicated service functions as the main tool specify the company's strategy at all levels. The solution to this task allows you to lay a huge management resource.

Creating an effective organization with a clearly functioning structure requires special attention to design, or design, individual job positions. The famous American Researcher in Management, Researcher of the Organization, Henry Fitzberg notes that one of important parameters Design of job positions isformalization of employee behavior . Moreover, the higher the need to coordinate the actions of workers, the higher the level of behavior formalization should be.

For example, to quickly extinguish the fire of the fire team members should be clearly coordinated and everyone should know: who manages the car, who connects the sleeve of the branded to the hydrant, who rises along the fire staircase. Such a coherence of actions is achieved largely due to the formalization of the behavior of the members of this team.

One of the main means of formalizing the working behavior of employees at all levels of the organization is the definition and documentary consolidation of service (official, working) functions.

Documents in which service functions are recorded may be called differently:functional responsibilities , official duties , functional tasks etc. The official functions of the head are often recorded in the Regulations on the division he managed. They can be included in job descriptionIn addition to functions, the powers (rights), responsibility, features of interaction with other divisions, employees of the enterprise and its counterparties, as well as individual procedures (processes) of activities are usually recorded. In addition, correctly formulatedservice features can be included in texts. labor contracts with employees.

According to many specialists, the definition of service functions is the main tool for concretizing the company's strategy at all levels. The solution of this task contains a huge management resource, which, however, is often underestimated in practice. A typical manifestation of such an underestimation is the following situation: Official functions are designed, pedantically spelled out, are listed in the appropriate folders and ... forgotten. Moreover, according to the observations of practitioners, about a third of the managers are concerned about the uselessness of significant efforts spent on writing these texts. They do not even know about the possibilities of improving the controllability of the organization, which contains the development and implementation of official functions.

At the same time, without quite well defined functions, the creation of effective systems of labor motivation, control, staff assessment is impossible. "Functions of units and workers are one of the most capacious and grateful points of development of the organization. Here, more or less competent leader sees huge opportunities to improve the management of the organization, for its integration. But, in addition, this point is very sensitive to change the motivation, organizational culture, to innovations. " German research researchers Helmut Lauss and Felix Lirmann also emphasize that the definition of adequate from the point of view of organizing the functions of each separate employee It is one of its central problems. The inconsistency of functions, especially managerial vertical, can cause the organization's functional crisis.

In determining the concept of service function, it is more convenient to repel from the concept of purpose.The goal is the planned result of the activity. The purpose of the organization is what it plans to achieve

in the process of its activities for some period. So here's a service function, or a job function, there is a part of the corporate goal, which is assigned to a specific unit or employee. "... The function is the contribution of the unit and the employee to achieve the goals of the company," writes Arkady Prigogin. Eduard Smirnov gives a more advanced definition of this concept: "... The function is a totality of actions, relatively homogeneous on some basis aimed at achieving a private purpose and subordinate to the overall goal of management."

Now you can allocate at least three approaches to the development of service functions:descriptive, product and role.

Descriptive approach

Currently, the definition of service functions is most often used.descriptive approach . It is focused on processes that make up activities. Keywords and turnover used in the description:"Controls", "coordinates", "informs", "supports", "assesses", "leads accounting," "is responsible", "participates", "promotes", "contributions" etc., reflect these processes. In other words, a descriptive approach in defining service functions gives a list of actions, and not the result to which these actions should lead. Moreover, actions or tasks associated with a certain position are formulated, as a rule, in a rather general form. Moreover, G. Laaks and F. Lirmann believe that "more accurate (detailed) description of official duties is impossible / unnecessary, especially when these duties are poorly structured or vary greatly in time." Often, service functions here are referred to as a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork.

Due to the generalized description of official duties, the range of tasks is determined, the clarification of which can occur with the time by publishing additional instructions and instructions. Such a definition of service functions will certainly be combined with sufficiently detailed and clear planning. At the same time, the employee may be provided with the right to independently specify the tasks facing it.

This approach has two essential drawbacks:

  • the description of the list of action is rarely complete, therefore it makes it possible to refuse to organize functions based on the fact that "this is not included in his duties";
  • the implementation of the prescribed actions does not mean receipt of certain performance, i.e., such an approach fundamentally admits the situation when there is a process, but there is no result.

    Product approach

    Disadvantages of the descriptive approach, according to A. Prigogina, allows you to overcomeproduct approach When the functions of a separate employee or a whole unit are determined through the required product of the activity or the specific contribution of the employee into solving the tasks of the organization. A product approach implies an orientation on the "internal client", which each unit and its employees must provide some service or conditional product. As an "internal client", a higher head or division of the organization can speak. In this case, the internal client can accept the "product" offered or require its modification. But can give up him. Those units and employees whose products do not find their "internal client" are unnecessary for this organization.

    Product approach in determining official functions, in fact, underlies the control system, which was named"Management for targets" (or "Management aimed at the results"). The appearance of this term is most often associated

    with the name of the famous "Guru" management, American scientist Peter Drucera. In the management system for targets, individual official functions appear as the purpose of specific workers who contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the unit and the organization as a whole.

    The process of determining the service functions is easier to exercise from top to bottom. The first leader and the strategic vertex (management team) specify the purpose of the organization and in the product formulates the functions of the main divisions of the organization. The leaders of these divisions, in turn, determine the functions of their subordinates, etc. It is possible to define functions and in the opposite direction when employees themselves formulate functions

    in the product, and then offer and coordinate them with the internal client. But such a process is more cumbersome, because it often leads to duplication of functions and their re-revision.

    As part of a product approach, the so-calledvector expression functions when they are determined and the need to increase or decrease something in comparison with something. For example:"Reducing the time of equipment downtime", "Increasing the interremary terms of operation of the equipment". This ensures the specificity and measurement of the results of action to perform the function. In addition, A. Prigogin advises where you can try to formulate functions through competitive advantages.

    Compare descriptive and productive approaches on the example of the Functions of the Sales Specialist (table 1). A product approach provides the limiting specificity of the results (goals), which the employee should achieve in this position. At the same time, such concreteness will require timely adjustment of the goals as they are achieved, which is not required when using a descriptive approach.

    Table 1. Sales specialist functions

    Descriptive approach

    Product approach

    Enter into product contracts Increase the amount of contracts by 10%
    Manage finished product reserves Reduce stocks up to 1/3 day arrival
    Organize storage, sales and transportation of finished products Automate 70% of operations
    Control the receipt of funds for implemented products Bring prepayment to 30% of the amount of contracts
    Promptly take into account shipment of products under the contract Have Daily Product Shipment Data

    If the personnel manager acts as a consultant as a consultant, then it can take advantage of a subsidiary questionnaire who proposed A. Prigogin (table 2). It can fill it out by the heads of departments. Processed answers It is advisable to discuss in the process of group work to determine the official functions of this unit in the presence of customer departments.

    Table 2. Questionnaire to determine service functions

    p / P.



    How do you determine the main contribution of this unit into the success of the organization as a whole?
    What makes this unit in the organization such that no one does not do here? What is it expressed?
    What is the main result of the work of the head of this unit?
    When will the execution of its functions be considered the most effective?
    What product of this unit is the leadership of the organization according to "buy"? (Brief name and in what form it can be presented)
    Who personally should be the main "buyer" of the product produced by this unit?
    What would your organization lose if it did not have this unit?
    What are the parameters of the company's management assesses the main results of the work of this unit? List these parameters in the order of their priority

    "The main thing is that it gives such a method for determining official functions - writes A. Prigogin, -sequence in the formulation and transfer of enterprise goals for all levels of the organizational hierarchy , as well as horizontally, i.e. between interconnected units and employees. However, thus achievedmaximum rapprochement, dusting of the goals and actions of workers and units with the objectives of the organization and its leaders . In addition, suchfunctions become controlled , and their execution is verifiable. "

    Formulation of functions in a product formulation allows to overcome such hazardous pathology of organizations such as uncontrollability, implicitness, dispersion of goals. An important property of this technique, as noted by A. Prigogin, is also the fact that it reveals the disadvantage and disorders of organizational purposes. Sometimes leaders only in the process of working on functions are thinking about their management priorities.

    But in the process of introducing a product of a product, difficulties may occur. They are primarily connected with the fact that such a technique will be much less comfortable for some employees than traditional, descriptive. Most people feel more confident, more protected when their functions are formulated as a list of actions without tight binding to the result. The consequence of this may be a certain resistance to the use of this approach, attempts to transition to previous formulations. In order to overcome these difficulties, you can use the help of an external consultant specialist.

    Role approach

    Actually, role approach Apply not so much to the definition of official functions as in general, the design of individual positions of employees in the structure of the organization. However, the definition of working functions within the framework of this approach is significantly different from the two previous ones. The role-playing approach is presented in detail in the work of the modern classic management of Michael Armstrong staff.

    The activities of some organizations are characterized by nomination to the first team work. The importance of working in teams and the need to have many skills sometimes confesses with tough position modeling. Under these conditions, according to M. Armstrong, the conceptrole better reflects new realities than the conceptposition. He believes that the role can be determined widely, and its definition should not be directive. Attention here is focused on the behavior of the employee, the "role execution", in the process of achieving the goal of activities. "The concept of role is much wider, because it is focused on people and their behavior - it is due to the fact that people do and how they do it, and not with close attention to the content of the work." Depending on the situation, some employees may be given a certain freedom of action in the application of their skills.

    The introduction of this approach beginsfrom role analysis involving the collection of information about the role played by the worker. In the process of this work, psychological models of the role description can be used and the corresponding psychodiagnostic techniques. According to the results of such work, as well as taking into account the analysis of skills and competencies, a briefrole profile, or identify the role that the worker should play to meet the demands of his work. In the role profile, as a rule, the overall target of the role is revealed, the sphere of key results is given a list of major competencies. Sometimes it is difficult to reflect the role in detail in detail writingSo it additionally explains the employee the head of the department in personal communication.

    Portnovsky principle in determining functions

    If we proceed from an idealized look at the organization, it is clear that the positions of the position are described, and not a specific person who occupies this position. Actually the task of personnel units (again ideally) is to choose a person as suitable for specified official functions. But still you need to admit that individual characteristics Workers have different. With formal compliance officers, every person has strong and weak sides. From the point of view of the organization, it would be waste not to use the strengths of the employee, even if they go beyond the framework of service functions, and not take into account the weaknesses. Therefore, A. Prigogin in determining official functions proposes to be guided by the so-calledportnovo principle . It is that not only a person to select under a specific function, but also to build a function under a person. "If we learn to use each employee with the most strong side, it will work in accordance with his inconsistencies, will be more satisfied with the work and the most effectively will fulfill it. The firm and employee mutually won. "

    Opponents of such a principle consider it too time consuming. For example, if an employee is dismissed, then functions need to be rebuilt. And they, as a rule, among employees of the organization are interconnected - a change in one function requires changes to others. On this occasion, A. Prigogin emphasizes that the construction of the organization is a laborious and constant process. Heads need to choose: they need stability and certainty or efficiency. In addition, firstly, such a principle is not suitable for all positions, but only for creative, secondly, it is with this approach to the fluidity of personnel minimal.

    In general, on the maintenance of office functions, not only the individual features of the performers, their personal potential, but also the conditions of execution (location, layout, technical equipment etc.), specificity structural unit Organizations (staff members, their experience and work experience, customer reputation). Therefore, for example, heads of territorial branches of the same enterprise may have different functions from each other.

    Parameters of functions

    The development of an agreed system of official functions requires accounting for their parameters. Eduard Smirnov allocates four parameters of functions:labor intensity, complexity, compatibility and cost.

    Labor intensity It characterizes the actual costs of the working time required to perform this function, and is determined in hours.

    Complexity associated with the nature of the operations performed. Allocate four levels of complexity:

  • zero level - characterized by the lack of rules, instructions and documentation support for their implementation;
  • low level - is characterized by the predominance of technical operations;
  • middle level - the predominance of logical operations;
  • high level is the predominance of creative activities, including actions based on adopting non-standard solutions.

    Compatibility Functions are the same, single-type and variety. TOequestrian E. Smirnov considers the functions performed by different people by the same rules (for example, the functions of the sales lounge). TOsimplicity include functions performed by different rulesbut related to one field of activity. For example, in the company's accounting, there may be workers who specialize in wages, taxes, etc.Multi-way are functions performed by different rules and related to different areas Activities.

    Cost Determined on the basis of the calculation of all types of operations constituting a specific function.

    The list of parameters of functions given by E. Smirnov, it is advisable to add another one -specialization level . It can be high when the employee specializes in one operation, medium, assuming several operations, and low when the employee performs many operations. In general, the concept of specialization is multifaceted and deserves separate consideration.

    Types of functions

    To date, there are various approaches to the classification of species of functions. G. Laaks and F. Lirmann distinguish:

  • object functions related to the implementation of operating activities (labor processes) and / or the adoption of object decisions;
  • organizational functions which include both the exercise of operating activities and the adoption of organizational decisions;
  • communicative functions providing operating activities and adoption of communicative solutions.

    Another view of the types of functions is adhered to E. Smirnov. Functions performed by employees of the organization, he divides on three large groups:

  • production which includes the functions of the main, auxiliary and servicing production of goods, services, information or knowledge;
  • managing production functions To this kind or group includes the functions of planning, forecasting, organizations, coordination, stimulating and monitoring the activities of workers performing production functions;
  • management of management activities - This species covers the functions of strategic management, external representation and consulting activities.

    Such a classification seems to be more complete and systemic. In general, it is assumed that the same employee can perform both the functions of one species and the combination of functions different species. Attainment optimal combination The functions of various types, taking into account their labor-intensity, complexity and compatibility, is an important task in determining official functions.

    1. Minzberg G. Structure in Kulak: Creating an effective organization / lane. from English Ed. Yu. P. Kapluyevsky. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 512 p.
    2. Prigogin A. I. Methods of development of organizations. - M.: MCFER, 2003. - 864 p.
    3. LAUKS G., Lirmann F. Basics of the Organization: Decision Management / Per. with it. - M.: Case and Service, 2006. - 600 p.
    4. Smirnov E. A. The foundations of the organization theory: studies. Handbook for universities. - M.: Uniti, 2000. - 375 p.
    5. Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I. Management: Textbook for economy. specialist. universities. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1994. - 224 p.
    6. Armstrong M. Practice of human resources management. 8th ed. / Lane from English Ed. S. K. Mordovina. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 832 p.

  • A variety of goals is so great that it is necessary to classify them in content, directions and criteria.

    Technological purposes include computerization, implementation flexible technologies, construction of new production buildings.

    Economic goals include strengthening the financial stability of the enterprise, profit growth, increase market value share capital.

    Production purposes are the production of a certain amount of goods and services, improving their quality, an increase in production efficiency, cost reduction, economical use of resources.

    Administrative goals are aimed at achieving high manageability of the enterprise, the complete interaction of employees, their good discipline, coherence in work.

    Marketing objectives are associated with the conquest of certain markets for sales, attracting new buyers, customers, extension life cycle goods and services, achievement of leadership in prices, etc.

    Scientific activity goals focus on creating and implementing new and improving existing product samples, bringing them to the level of requirements of world standards.

    Social goals are focused on creating favorable working conditions, life and recreation of workers, increasing their educational and qualified level, etc. For example, the elimination of heavy and manual labor, the establishment of relations between social partnership, providing personnel with high-quality medical care, etc.

    In terms of the level of goals are divided into general and specific. General goals reflect the concept of the development of the enterprise as a whole and the most important integrated areas of activity.

    The general includes the general goal, which is called the Mission, and 46 enterprise goals revealing and concretizing its content.

    Corporate goals can be oriented, for example, to achieve financial stability, ensuring the necessary level of profitability, the conquest of certain markets, updating products, technologies.

    IN modern conditions General goals are formulated, as a rule, in the joint dialogue of the highest leadership, heads of departments, consultants, experts on management issues, as well as representatives of the labor collective and trade unions.

    Specific objectives are developed in each division and determine the main directions of its activities in the light of the implementation of common goals. Usually they cover the medium - and short-term period and necessarily express quantitative indicators. Unlike general, specific goals are two types: operating and operational. The first are put in front of individual workers, the second - before the divisions.

    A more detailed classification of targets is presented in Table 1.

    Methods for constructing a target model in the form of a tree-shaped graph (a tree of goals) were gaining great popularity, the top of which the general purpose becomes, and the branches of the scenes, the solutions of which ensure the achievement of goals. (Fig. 1) The tree of goals describes an ordered hierarchy in the following sequence:

    The overall target located in the top of the graph should contain a description of the final result;

    Consider examples of the key goals of the enterprise.

    When the purpose is deployed to the hierarchical structure of the goals, it is based on the fact that the implementation of the contributions (tasks) of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

    When formulating the objectives of various levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not methods for their preparation;

    The scene of each level should be independent of each other and not emanating from each other;

    The foundation of the tree of the target combines the tasks that are the wording of work that are performed in a certain way and in advance deadlines.

    Activities of multifaceted managers and are multipurpose. Managers along with key goals and tasks solve current and operational. (See Example Current Goals in Table 2)

    Consider the structure of the tree goals of the functional subsystem production.

    The structure of the tree objectives of the subsystem production consists of 7 levels.

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    At 0 - Ohm, the level is provided for obtaining planned profits when performing relevant contributions;

    I level - Provides: improving product quality, resource saving, expansion of the market for goods, organizational and manufacturing production, etc.

    II Level - Performing Contributions to separate species goods, resources; Increased labor productivity, foundo studios, increasing working capital turnover, improving the use of financial resources, improving technological processes, etc.

    III level Performance according to individual parameters, quality properties of specific goods, an increase in positive results for generalizing indicators, etc.

    IV Level - Implementation of training in certain indicators of product quality, resource saving, etc.

    V Level - Further detail of the IV level indicators.

    VI Level - Factors affecting private tree target indicators.

    Thus, the Tree Target is a structural display of the distribution of goals by control levels. Such a tree of goals is built for each level of control, and then a combination of the object of each level in common tree Company goals.

    The next step is to bring the goal to a particular artist. At this stage, it turns out the possibility of implementing the target previously formulated by a specific performer. In some cases, for understanding the necessary activities, the selected goals are required to detail. Only after establishing the consistency of the system of goals and concrete activities, it can be argued that the selected goals are brought to each specific performer.

    Real work in this direction involves a broad discussion of all goals in the production assemblies.

    The stage of implementing goals, which includes:

    Consolidation of goals for each performer;

    Identifying the availability of all the resources required for the implementation of the goals;

    Establishing a schedule for execution of work;

    Control of the execution of goals in the entire control system from top to bottom;

    Timely intervention in the process at any level of management.

    Evaluation of the results achieved should be made from the bottom up with the exit to global goals. The discussion of the results should be informally taking into account the opinion of the employees of the enterprise. Sometimes special questionnaires are being developed for this purpose, which are processed with the theory. expert estimates.

    The method of expert assessments is defined as a procedure that takes into account a subjective opinion in order to determine the quantitative relationships between variables, when these relations cannot be established from theoretical considerations or on the basis of accumulated statistical data. Consequently, the task of formulating the goals of the enterprise with the help of expert assessments is the task of obtaining an objective result on the basis of the individual subjective opinions of the expert group.

    The value of the result obtained using the method of expert assessments depends largely on the competence of the experts involved in the experiment. Observations show that an experienced specialist before the experiment has a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe plausibility of its various outcomes. Consequently, the formation of expert groups, their composition are of great importance for obtaining an objective result. Even if there are reasonable competence criteria, the formation of expert groups is difficult, for the ability to the correct and probable forecast or assessment of the goal is a very specific feature of a person. In management, not everything is subject to formalization, therefore the objectivity and scientific research of research requires the use of experience, intuition of specialists. Objectivity and scientific means proper use experienced specialists.

    Correction target. Objectives are adjusted after identifying the degree of progress in the implementation of the goals set, i.e. Taking into account the achievement of the goals selected earlier goals are adjusted. Almost this means the end of the target forming cycle.

    The effectiveness of achieving the goal. If activities are fully or partially leading to the achievement of the goals, it is considered effective. Approximately efficiency can be determined before the start of activity as potential efficiency: the real depends on the degree of achievement of the goals themselves, that is, from the results obtained in the practice.

    From the efficiency of activity, it is necessary to distinguish its profitability and efficiency. The first is to obtain a certain positive result, for example, profits; The second shows the price that I had to pay for this result, correlating it with the amount of costs. The greater the result exceeds the costs, the more economical activity.

    The change in the more favorable side of the ratio between the results obtained and the costs associated with them is called the economy of activity. Economy is achieved in several ways: reduced costs with the same results; an increase in the result with a smaller cost increase; an increase in the result while reducing costs (the most favorable result); Reducing the result with even greater cost reduction.

    Thus, the economy of activity is not always associated with an increase in its profitability, since the absolute result may even be reduced, therefore, the profitability criterion can be taken into account only to assess the achievement of this goal out of connection with others.

    Effective economic activity is characterized by such signs as high performance, simplicity and rationality of technology and organization, accuracy, reliability of all elements (equipment, materials, employees), high quality processes and their results, compliance with the goals of the enterprise, enterprise, high activity, diligence, hardworking, persistence of participants.

    Effective activity today is not possible without freedom of maneuver, which prevents the possibility of getting into a deadlock. If this freedom is absent, then in order to avoid troubles, it is sometimes necessary to wait, which can lead to a loss of a profitable moment to start actions. Freedom of the maneuver for the enterprise is ensured by constant readiness for them, the search for reserves, creating conditions for the full use of the capabilities.

    The purpose of the enterprise is the desired state that can be achieved by the coordinated efforts of all employees at a specified period of time.

    In strategic management, there are three types of objectives that must be agreed within the planning process. Theories of the management of them are customary called the objectives of the "strategic triangle".

    • corporate goals. These goals are mainly related to the requirements that all economic units must satisfy, with the borders of the GOLODA organization, with financial goals, with the desired geographical distribution of activities, with a position held by the company in relation to social responsibility, etc. Corporate goals are Corollary I. real embodiment missions;
    • the goals of entrepreneurial activity. They relate to the desired level of profitability (the magnitude of the profit, profitability, income per share) and competitiveness (market share, position in the industry);
    • functional objectives. These are derived objectives of functional units that integrate their activities to achieve both corporate goals and entrepreneurial objectives. These are most often among the objectives in the field: performance (cost per unit of production, material consumption, return from the unit of capacity, etc.), financial resources (for example, capital structure, money movement, recycled capital size), R & D and OKR (including: Terms of implementation new technology, equipment, product, costs for NIR and OCP, quality), human resources (qualifications, staff turnover, organizational knowledge), organizational capacity (time of organizational change).

    The objectives of the "strategic triangle" are the objectives of the upper level, relative to which the hierarchical system of goals for company divisions are built.

    There are three main characteristics that define both the goal itself and the efforts that are required from the employee to achieve it: complexity, specificity and acceptability.

    1. The complexity of the goal reflects the level of professionalism necessary to achieve it. The higher the qualification of the employee, the more often it determines its activities as a system of results that must be provided. The complexity of the goals is determined by the process of its achievement. For example, a goal can be set for a technical service to provide a given quality of goods. If there is technical documentation, the achievement of this goal is not something particularly difficult. If there is no technical documentation, the complexity of achieving goal increases.

    2. The specificity of the goal reflects the quantitative result, its certainty. The specific features implies the compliance of the process of achieving the goal by the official duties of the Contractor. With the development of market relations in enterprises of the company appear market (marketing) goals. Accordingly, specialists of sales departments were originally attracted to carry out these goals, which did not fully understand the specifics of the changed situation in the market: competition, substitute goods, inflation, etc.

    The purpose of the enterprise on the market was the achievement of a certain market share, in contrast to the previous goal - the implementation of the plan. Understanding what is the proportion of the market, how to determine it and how to influence it, many enterprises have no so far. To achieve these goals, new knowledge and its structural support are needed. For this, marketing structures are introduced.

    3. The admissibility of the goal reflects the degree of perception by the goal officer, which is set in front of it. A person always evaluates those labor costs that he needed to achieve the goal, and what he will receive as a result. If the benefits for it are obvious, then the goal may not be accepted, and therefore not achieved. Thus, the acceptability of the target directly depends on the employee's motivation on its execution.

    When determining the purpose, it is necessary to take into account the following basic requirements:

    • it is impossible to determine the goal without the presence of a sufficient number of reliable information about the object;
    • it is impractical to use only one way to determine the objectives, especially if these are strategic goals;
    • the goal should be clearly described, and then it is necessary to make sure that it is correctly understood by those who have to be performed;
    • the goal should be concrete and measurable, i.e. to have a quantitative indicator of the result (for example, the amount of implementation, the number of new customers, the frequency of information presentation);
    • the goal should be achievable at a specified period of time. The Contractor must be sure that the result will be able to achieve, i.e., resources (administrative, financial, labor) should be allocated to achieve the goal;
    • goals should be compatible in time. Long-term goals correspond to the mission, and short-term - long-term;
    • objectives should not be contradictory, both at the level of the "strategic triangle" and for various divisions. This means that there should not be contrary to each other targets related to profitability and to establish a competitive position; or the goal of strengthening position on the existing market and the goals of penetration into new markets, the goals of increasing the motivation of workers and public charity, etc.;
    • goals should be flexible, so on. They should be set in such a way that they leave the opportunity to adjust them in accordance with the changes occurring in the external environment of the firm;
    • to achieve each goal, a period must be determined (week, month, year, etc.).

    Classification and types of goals

    When determining the goals, it is important to keep in mind that the goal is an integral indicator, the achievement of which depends on the specified period, on the level of execution, such as the final result. Thus, all the goals can be classified according to the three main features: by terms, according to the performer and by the final indicator.

    In the practice of economic management, when determining the goals, the management of the enterprise always puts a profit to the first place. Profit can be viewed:

    • as the difference between the result of activities and the costs of it;
    • as a return on investment capital;
    • as a percentage of turnover (total sales).

    If we talk about the strategic goal of entrepreneurial activity, it is expressed in maximizing profits. This is some generally accepted landmark of any commercial activity, in its kind, the perfect landmark. But in reality, profit is not always the sole purpose of the enterprise. The company functions, ultimately, not for the sake of money, but for the sake of bringing any benefit to consumers. Any money earned needs to be inserted somewhere. Therefore, along with profit to corporate purposes, enterprise growth (or business) includes, as well as maintaining continuity activities. The achievement of these goals is in contradiction in order to maximize profitability, since the investment is required for development and growth, and the return (profitability) of investments can be postponed for a long period.

    Profit maximization, growth and continuity of activity are the strategic goals of the entire company. Strategic goals allow the company to create a foundation in advance for the production of new products and services, to produce the necessary developments and prepare an organization for possible changes in the external environment. Strategic objectives become a certain foreseen of the changes that may occur in the external environment. Tactical goals are usually a continuation (extrapolation) of existing trends, taking into account alleged changes. For example, planned volumes for the next period can be established on the basis of sales of the previous period, taking into account the seasonal fluctuation of demand or, taking into account the fact that a new producer of goods came to the market. Operational objectives serve as the basis for the development of specific indicators of the enterprise's needs in working capital, labor or other types of resources. For example, in an educational institution, entries can be taken into courses four times a year, therefore, operational goals are established for 4 months.