The mirror principle in psychology. Mirroring nonverbal behavior

The “mirror” analogy will help you better understand that any negative reaction you have to what you see in another person is determined by your rejection of the same thing in yourself. If something irritates you in another person, find the same in yourself. In others, as in your mirror, you can easily see what is in you.

People in communication are mirrors of each other. The increased frequency of conflicts between people only means that they are often a mirror for each other. Every person, to one degree or another, tends to find a thousand and one justifications for his behavior, just not to admit that he acts exactly the same as those whom he criticizes for it.

Any unwanted relationship is a mirror in which our personality is reflected. When we are unhappy with our environment, we are actually unhappy with ourselves. Everything that we notice in people is present in ourselves as good,

and that which has not yet become so.

A person's attitude towards himself always coincides with his attitude towards others. Anyone who treats others with contempt, deep down, does not respect himself. Take a closer look at the people around you and see that they mirror your idea of ​​yourself.

Because the world around us- this is your world, then everything you see, hear and feel is your reflection. It is better to realize that the world in which we live is our continuation, and we, in turn, are a continuation of this world.

What a person has inside, he will see outside, for both inside and outside. The idea of ​​life changes when a person realizes that: everything that happens around him is a reflection of what happens inside him; everything he sees in other people is a reflection of himself.

What we see in other people is even more pronounced in ourselves. This amazing pattern was noticed by Jesus more than 2 thousand years ago: “You see the speck in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam in your own eye.”

Our " inner world“generates and simultaneously attracts similar “inner worlds” of other people. When someone else feels “bad,” it means that you have the same “bad” state inside you. This means that one’s own space “I feel bad”: on the one hand, it responds to the misfortune of others; on the other hand, it generates the misfortune of another. This once again confirms that “like” not only attracts, but also generates “like.” When a person rejoices because someone else is feeling bad, this means

that he has lost the ability to love.

Give, and you will give yourself joy. When you give, you are united with special joy, since any gift mirrors itself, that is, when you give, you rejoice!

Order in the world of people begins with order in every person. Alas, but how far is it complete order. By changing our own consciousness, we contribute to the Universal consciousness - the present and future of humanity. As you do this, know that the rewards will be numerous. All representatives of humanity will benefit.

Those who believe are drawn to each other. When you believe in yourself, you increase faith in others. This amazing law of reflection also manifests itself in the transfer of faith from one person to another. Very often a person plays the role of a “reflector” and the role of an “executor” not only of his own, but also of other people’s desires. For example, a child leaves home and leaves a note saying that he feels like he is not loved. Investigating this case, they discover the following: it turned out that the child’s mother also wanted to leave home as a child for the same reason. Subsequently, she suppressed this impulse in herself and married a man (like attracted like), who also experienced a similar feeling in his previous life situation. Their son was a kind of “reflector” and “executor” of the hidden desires of both mother and father. After providing “help” in the form of punishment for leaving home, the child’s desire to leave home temporarily subsided, but in reality it moved to a subconscious level. It was passed on to a dog that ran away from home three times. Only after all family members received qualified assistance from a specialist in the field of regression (return to the past) did the dog stop running away from home.

"As inside, so outside." If a person himself is conflicted, then this is exactly how he sees the people around him and builds relationships around him in the same way. Very often the faces of the people around us are a reflection of our own inner state. Maybe, really, stop “breaking mirrors”? To be responsible for yourself also means to be responsible for feelings, including unpleasant ones, projected onto other people.

Whatever thought dominates a person, such people surround him. What a person’s model of the world looks like is how he creates such situations for himself. If a person has aggression towards the world around him, then, as a “tyrant”, he will come across continuous “victims”. If a person’s aggression is directed at himself, then he will involuntarily encounter continuous “tyrants” in his life. When someone has offended you, know that it is not your place to punish him. Your job is just to thank him! Yes, thank you for the hint, because the one who offended you is your mirror! Know that the Universe will make sure to reward everyone according to their thoughts, intentions and actions. Understand that it is not the people around you who cause you pain, it is you who allow yourself to experience pain. Remember that the desire for revenge will always have a negative impact on your spiritual growth.

When you love the people around you, your mirror is filled with love for you. Love has tremendous healing power. These are very powerful energy vibrations. When you are filled with constant love, these vibrations are so strong that people around you begin to feel better. It will seem to you that they have changed, but this is just their reaction to your positive loving vibrations. People around in this case are your mirror.

A person notices in people what characterizes him. If you notice more beauty around you, know that this is how you view yourself. If you begin to pay more attention to the ugliness that is happening around you, this is a symptom that you urgently need to change. Everything that happens to you has a very important purpose: to get to know yourself better.

If you are admired by someone's kindness, reliability, good nature - congratulate yourself on the fact that you already possess these qualities. If you don’t like something in others (on the external plane), therefore, it is present in yourself (on internally) One case can serve as an example of how the internal manifests itself in the external. One day a man was traveling on a half-empty bus. Not far from him sat several young people who were heatedly and quite angrily discussing something, loudly shouting obscene words, interrupting each other, while spitting on the floor and littering seeds. Being a person who knows how to read signs and listen to clues from the Universe, this man I asked myself: “How did I attract this rather aggressive situation to myself?” Having carefully listened to the response of his subconscious, he discovered that similar behavior was present several hours ago in communication with a business partner, which took place in a raised voice, with mutual reproaches and insults. Moreover, this negativism continued to remain in him for the rest of the time after communication, right up to boarding the bus. And he realized that it was precisely with his negative thoughts that he attracted this aggressive and negatively-minded group of people to himself. And then something even more interesting happened. Thanking this situation and looking at it as a training program, he drew the right conclusions for himself. Having thanked his offender in communication, asking for forgiveness and forgiving him, the man calmed down and brought himself to a balanced state. Then something simply amazing happened: young people, as if by movement magic wand, stopped swearing, blaming each other and getting angry, stopped littering and abruptly changed the tone and topic of the conversation. Truly, like begets like, both inside and outside. What happens on the external plane is exactly what happens inside you. Remember, what is inside you, sooner or later, will definitely appear outside.

Turning away from the mirror does not solve the problem. Moving from one mirror to another, you will again see your image. Maybe we should finally not hit once again mirror, but still see yourself in it.

If you want to change someone else, change yourself. The only thing we can do if we want to change another person is change ourselves. Looking at us, at our changed inner world, those around us will begin to become like it, which means they will change

in the direction in which you yourself have changed.

Lead by example in the ability to see your own reflection in people. You can say something like this: You know, just recently in you, when you criticized me, I saw my own reflection. Surprisingly, I saw something I had never noticed before. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to change for the better. When you say words like these, believe me, your interlocutor will be touched by your efforts and ability to speak to him like that. He will not feel at all like he is being judged or criticized. Most likely, depending on his internal readiness, he will follow your example. Truly “like” gives birth to “like”. Practice the “mirror method” as often as possible and you will see how positive your reflection will be! Use those around you as a mirror and see how amazingly you yourself will change for the better.

God speaks to us in the language of signs. This is a very complex, but very useful ABC of Life, having mastered it, you can safely dive into the bottomless element of your Soul and explore with pleasure the treasures hidden in its depths.

How often, in order for us to be able to pick up another key to ourselves, to understanding our inner world and self-improvement, the Creator literally pits us against other people! These meetings can be momentary and immediately dissolve in the flow of days, they can last for a certain period of time, stretch out for years…. None of this matters. The main thing is what remains in our heart and soul after such “accidental” acquaintances, and what valuable experience we gained by meeting a “mirror man” on our life’s path.

Yes, yes! This is true! The main thing is to recognize in time what exactly our acquaintance (friend, relative, passer-by) is mirroring and why we need it.

The average person, looking at the world, looks as if into a mirror: he notices only his reflection in it. Therefore, the differences in people’s perception of the world depending on changes in internal states are completely logical: I feel bad and the whole world is going to hell, I feel good and everyone around me sings and dances, even if my neighbor sees everything the other way around.

How do mirrors work?

“People are mirrors” are able to instantly – at the level of feelings and emotions – pick up the treasured key to the secret door of your soul and give you a hint: why is it so restless in your personal inner “kingdom”, and what reforms should be carried out in it? Who to execute, who to pardon, and who to accept with love and forgiveness.

This is painstaking and hard work on yourself, but the main thing is that before this you received the right hint from your “mirror double”.

Try it yourself - look in your “Mirror”!

  1. Choose your “mirror”, that is, a person in whose character or behavior something very irritates you. Define this quality clearly and specifically. What exactly do you dislike so much? Boasting, lack of will, rudeness, irritability, laziness, amorphousness or something else?
  2. Now listen to yourself and look into the depths of your soul. Did you find out?... Then call on that part of your personality that is similar to the negative quality of your “mirror double”.
  3. Make friends with your " shadow side"and invite her to cooperate. Ask her what positive intention is she satisfying with her obnoxious behavior? What valuable experience does she want to impart to you? What to teach? There is no negativity in pure form– behind every minus there is a plus.
  4. Ask your “shadow” what ways it can achieve its goal, and how you can help it?
  5. Call on your Highest Potential for help - your absolute “I” in all its beauty, wisdom, omnipotence and omnipotence. Let Him give you valuable advice: what your immature part of your personality really wants, and what you need to do for it.
  6. Write down: what qualities and character traits you need to develop in yourself in order to transform negative into positive. Example: behind laziness and apathy there is a need to act and move forward; the fear of death conceals within itself the desire for life; stagnation requires change and so on. Develop your positive traits, work on yourself and monitor the changes in your life.
  7. After you realize your true needs and deal with your “glitches”, look again - but with different eyes - at your “mirror double”: does it no longer cause you such irritation? In fact, it is positive, high-quality and good man who hides his true face behind a mask of fear, anger, rudeness, vulgarity or weakness? Of course yes! It’s just that he (or she) has not yet revealed his Highest Potential, so at first you saw the medal only from one side.

Long live the invaluable benefits of “mirror people”! These are reliable and faithful guides to our own inner world. Low bow to them for this. Those from whom you want to run, with whom it is unpleasant to talk, from whom you turn off the phone or cross to the other end of the street... THANK YOU! And God save them, for they are the unspoken guardians of our soul and at the first signs of its illness or destruction they begin to send alarming signals to the outside world. But then... “Change yourself, and thousands around you will change!” - said the wisest Seraphim Sorovsky. Try it yourself, and you will see how one day a crystal clear and flawless image will appear behind the cloudy surface of the mirror - your Soul and your full-fledged Personality.

Is Mirror Man dangerous or useful?

At first glance, mirror people only have negative qualities, they are capable of hurting you and deceiving your expectations about them. But still, they can bring considerable benefits both to you personally and to society as a whole. If we use consumer language, we can describe the possible benefits of communicating with a mirror person in this way.

Let this person reflect your own emotions without adding your own to them. But you get them back, in their pure form, making them easy to analyze and perceive. Don’t worry: the mirror man will not “mix” anything extraneous or alien into them.

Even if he maintains a position of neutrality, maintaining good relations with you and your enemies, you can use him to resolve conflicts. If you interest him well, he will help you sort out any difficult situations that you have with other people. He will solve a problem that seems insoluble to you easily and quickly.

Does he think he can be an insightful psychologist? Let him think about his health - and listen carefully to your problems: very few people can truly listen. You may not meet more grateful “ears” than a mirror person.

Yes, such a person rarely creates something of his own. But he has excellent qualities: a lot of processed and “sorted” information, passing through someone else’s experience and wisdom. His knowledge may be of interest both for broadening one’s horizons and for solving specific problems. A definite benefit for you if you are tormented by some questions and cannot find an answer to them. Ask the mirror man: he will probably be able to help you.

Should he be praised? Why not, if it really helped you understand yourself, see yourself from the outside, and answer the questions that concern you? The psychological independence of these people is often only apparent, and in reality they are the same as everyone else: with their own internal problems and contradictions. Perhaps your friendship is what they need most.

Having met a mirror person, you can run from him like fire, bypass him indifferently, or use your relationship with this person for your own and their own good, gaining trust in them. Armed with information, you will know exactly what to expect from such communication.

What can you see in “Mirror People”?

– Reflection of your “shadow”: those negative qualities of your character that you need to work on for your own good.

Hidden Reasons and the consequences of their own problems.

– Favorable options for resolving your issues.

– Duplication of situations, circumstances and difficulties of your life and, thereby, selection of “keys” to them.

Real ways improving your quality of life.

Illustrative examples and mechanisms of “psychological adjustment” to this person, if your goal is to arouse his sympathy and establish contact. In this case, mirroring his properties and characteristics, you flexibly adapt to his breathing, timbre of voice, manner of speaking, behavior, etc., and at the same time establish rapport - that is, you join another person in order to cause attraction (liking). But this already applies to NLP techniques.

Who is the mirror man?

People of this type have certain signs that can be seen if you look carefully at the interlocutor. Such a person may be able to reflect your personal positive emotions - this is why he seems so close and understandable to you. He can apply (consciously or unconsciously) basic principles NLP: copy your intonation, voice timbre, gait, movements - this enhances the impression of mirroring.

If such a person becomes more than an acquaintance to you, he may also be on good terms with your enemies, adhering to a position of neutrality. As a rule, mirror people consider themselves excellent psychologists who really know how to call their interlocutors to a frank conversation. Psychologically, they do not depend on anyone and feel superior to those who become attached to them. At any moment, the mirror person, who has lost interest in you, can find another “object” for analysis, without even saying goodbye to you.

The purpose of mirroring may be to make the interlocutor interested in you and the essence of your message, to develop his sympathy for you or the subject of the conversation. The mirroring technique allows you to instantly reduce the criticality of your interlocutor and endear him to you.


Mirroring or reflection is an exact copying of the actions, words, and mood of the interlocutor.

Types of reflection

Reflection can be conscious or unconscious, complete or partial, that is, affecting one or more aspects of your counterpart’s behavior. Conventionally, it can be classified into the following levels:

Physical (bodily) level:

  • playback body position,
  • reflection of movements and gestures,
  • repetition of facial expressions,
  • adjustment to the rhythm of breathing.
  • volume, tone and timbre of voice,
  • speed and rhythm of speech.

Verbal (verbal) level:

  • speech style,
  • terminology used,
  • intonation,
  • emotional coloring of speech, etc.

Methods of mirroring can vary and change in the process of communication.

Unconscious reflection is most often found among like-minded people and friends, sincerely loving friend people's friend. Unconscious reflection of speech can manifest itself if you want to convey your thought to a person who speaks your language poorly. Relatives mirror each other, for example, adults begin to speak in “children’s” language in the hope that they will understand them more quickly. Children, in turn, also imitate their elders, wanting to be accepted into their midst.

Mindful reflection is often used in various techniques teaching, as well as for correcting communication problems and in sales psychology.

They mirror not only a person’s physical manifestations, but also interests, emotions, and hobbies.. Thus, the still known practice of inviting professional musicians, songwriters, and in some cases mourners, serves to form the desired mood among others by reflecting, transforming and directing psychological state those present in the right direction.

Reflection mechanism

Mirroring (reflection) of the interlocutor is based on the formation in the interlocutor or a group of people of a feeling of acceptance and closeness according to the Mowgli principle (“you and I are of the same blood”). Based on similar movements, gestures, interests, vocabulary used, manners and similar signals, a person gets the feeling that the interlocutor is the same, one of his own. This relaxes the person, reduces anxiety, removes blockages and thereby encourages him to listen, trust, understand and accept.

If the reflection is perceived by the person as unnatural or, worse, the interlocutor demonstrates diametrically opposed signals, he is perceived as a stranger, dangerous , from which you need to protect yourself. This is the situation in best case scenario will lead to misunderstanding, and at worst to open conflict. At the same time, the parties to the conflict will not realize what exactly caused their disagreements.

An unnatural reflection is always noticeable and is perceived very negatively.

The more unnoticeably and naturally mirroring is carried out, the easier it is to gain the interlocutor’s favor and even influence the point of view and actions.

Reflection is often used in pedagogy and psychology, including sales psychology.

By tuning into your interlocutor by reflecting his physical, emotional, verbal and other signals, you can achieve his trust and attention. If you then gradually change your signals, the person will begin to unconsciously repeat them and change his attitude to what is happening, following in the direction the interlocutor needs.

You can always find or create common points. You don't have to tell a lie to do this.

Remember during exams at school or college, without knowing the answer to a specific question on the ticket, you could always try to shift the focus of the discussion to another topic that was more familiar to you. For example, speaking about the properties of gases, one could move on to the operation of the engine internal combustion or the design of a converter furnace and get a fairly high score. Of course, provided that you are fluent in this topic.

When discussing the latest technological innovations, you don’t have to imagine that you own every conceivable set of devices. You may know something about them, have heard something about them, or at least want to know more. You will be considered the smartest interlocutor if you show real interest in your counterpart and are ready to listen to him, gradually mirroring and guiding him.

An important secret to successful reflection

Do not rush to immediately repeat the movements of your interlocutor. This will only complicate the relationship. Let him “forget” what exactly he just did, after waiting for some time, play his signal.

Basic reflection techniques

Did your counterpart lean forward? Wait a couple of moments and repeat his movement.

Did he lean back in his chair? Slowly change your position.

Your interlocutor is aggressive, his arms and legs are crossed. Cross your arms calmly, then relax for a few seconds and open your arms. This way you will show him on a non-verbal level. That there is no need to be afraid of you and ease the tension a little.

It is not necessary to wave your arms after the interlocutor, as if you windmill. But it will be useful to give some liveliness to your hands. Don't grimace if your counterpart's facial expressions are lively and intense, but try to feel the same as the person opposite you, and you will adapt to his mood on an emotional level.

  • Speech

If you speak slowly and your interlocutor is swallowing his words, try speaking a little faster and in short phrases. This way he will have time to hear you. Speech that is too slow for him simply will not be perceived by him.

Try to use terminology and speech patterns close to the speech of your interlocutor. Do not use words that you may not know the meaning of. IN different areas the same words can carry completely different meanings. Feel free to clarify the essence of a particular term. By doing this you will show your interest and will be able to win him over more quickly.

  • Interests

When communicating, try to identify the common ground between you and your interlocutor. This may be his hometown, to which you once came on official business. This may be his favorite thing that you have always wanted to do, but never decided to do.

Any such moment can turn a boring conversation into a pleasant informal conversation.

Reflection training


Ask someone to help you. Starting position next to each other. Let your partner move and you repeat his movements. The task is to tune in to the person in such a way as to move at the same time as him.

Reverse mirror

Stand opposite your partner. Now “mirror” the movement as if you were its reflection in a real mirror.

As you practice, make the task more difficult. Adjust to your breathing, use gestures and facial expressions. Then start training your partner to reconfigure by gently “imposing” your behavior on him.

In psychology, the mirror principle is often used, but what does it mean, what is its essence? The main motto of this method is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The “mirror principle” is the fastest and most correct method, which you need to use to know your own “I”. This rule should apply to every area of ​​your life: work, friendships and even relationships with the opposite sex. It’s not without reason that you can often hear the phrase: “Don’t judge by yourself,” and this is where the “mirror principle” manifests itself.

Evaluating ourselves

This method helps you see yourself from the outside and understand what you are doing wrong. For example, you observe a person, and his behavior is very annoying, but in fact you see yourself, only in such situations it is impossible to admit it. Your environment reflects the inner world of a person, which is hidden in everyone. The “mirror principle” is best seen in children, as they reflect the behavior of their parents.

Changing lives

First, think carefully about what you want from life: good friends, a happy family, etc., because, as you know, thoughts come true. After this, you need to think about what methods to achieve what you want, good or bad? If you want to be happy, treat others the same way. For example, you want to find a good and reliable guy, then think about it constantly and do not change your goals, as they say, what you are looking for is what you will find. There is no magic here, there is simply a law in the world that your actions, communication with others, etc. lead to the corresponding result. In this case, the principle of the mirror applies - “as you, so you.”

Pair to Pair

Many people are very similar to each other, they are united by the same behavior and principle of communication, that is, if you are an angry, hateful bitch, then the environment will be corresponding. Before meeting a person, observe his behavior, whether you like it or not, evaluate him by looking in the “mirror”, that is, compare him with yourself.

Here's how to behave in a relationship to get what you want:

  1. The goal is only sex. At this period of life, you only need carnal pleasures from the opposite sex, without any seriousness, then behave accordingly. Clothes, behavior, speech, manners, everything should come down to one thing. Such women are truly lucky, since they will be able to find quite a lot of men who pursue a similar goal.
  2. The goal is a serious and long-term romance. In this case, the behavior should be radically different compared to the first option. Trust your partner, appreciate him, love him, inspire him, thanks to this behavior you will certainly achieve a similar reaction in return.

We look in the mirror and draw conclusions

Many women dream of handsome, muscular guys who will carry them in their arms, but mostly this remains a dream. What is the reason? Look at yourself in the mirror, what do you look like, do you look like a woman who deserves to be next to the “prince”? If not, then move on to change. , regular exercise, shopping, a beauty salon, all this will help you transform yourself and change your life for the better.

Building a life on our own

The “mirror principle” can even be applied in planning your leisure time. Do you want to have fun with your friends, but for some reason everyone is silent, then it's time to take matters into your own hands and organize a party. Bring to life everything you expect from others, and the response will not be long in coming.


If you do something bad to a person, he will not answer you with a smile. Remember once and for all that you get what you deserve. Only in this way can you make your life harmonious and happy.

» Mirror perception

© Ramil Garifullin

In search of zerkamon. Psychology of the mirror phenomenon.
Self and proto-self as a product of a neural mirror

The question of which of our images is true: the one in the mirror or the one in the monitor has now become relevant. The monitor shows something as in reality, that is, just as we would see this something with our own eyes. The fact that something is right remains right.

In the mirror, something that is right becomes left. Due to the fact that the level of human development was low, the first object that reflected us was a mirror, which apparently reflects inadequately, changing from right to left. Now, with the development information technology, mirror-monitors appeared, that is, zerkamons (the term was introduced by the author back in 1995), which adequately reflect us and create our true image. Thanks to this, we can now see ourselves the way others see us. Our real image is how Others see us! Reality and objectivity are formed only on the basis of Others, otherwise subjective perception arises, which can be dangerous from the point of view of our survival!

When we imagine ourselves, that is, we reflect on ourselves, we usually see our image from the mirror. We are used to and adapted to this image. Others see the real you, that is, the non-mirror one, and build relationships with you on the basis of your non-mirror image. You yourself build relationships with yourself on your mirror image, that is, not on your real image! Such a paradox! Such false self-identification!

In your mirror image, your right eye becomes your left eye and your left eye becomes your right eye. And the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of your soul! It turns out that you see your soul in the mirror turned 180 degrees! Fortunately, in your eyes from the mirror, not your entire soul is visible, but only its components, but at the same time, alas, essential ones!

The right half of your face in the mirror becomes the left half. The right half of your body becomes the left! And it would seem that all this is not relevant for you, since you have become accustomed and adapted to this inverted image of yourself and this does not negatively affect you in any way? You use this unreal image of yourself, although you physically carry the real you. Does such a discrepancy really not affect you? Moreover, when you see the true, that is, non-mirror image of yourself, you understand that this is a different being, although it is you, that is, the being that others see! You can get acquainted with this creature if you ask a photographer to take a photograph not based on a mirror image of you, with which you have already been familiar all your life. By the way, photographers often make mistakes and take a non-mirror photo and the client does not recognize himself so much that he returns the photo back to get his usual image from the mirror. We do not accept our true, non-mirror image, because we are already accustomed to and use a fake mirror image in ourselves. And our real image is the one that others see, and not the one when we see ourselves in the mirror. Alas! It so happened historically that our image from the mirror became the basis in the phenomenon of our self-perception and self-attitude! Or maybe this is not relevant, they say, what difference does it make for us and there is no need to let into the soul the real image of ourselves, that is, the one that is not from the looking glass! Isn’t it time to throw out mirrors from our apartments and install zerkamons (mirror monitors), in which you will see the right as the right, and the left as the left! Perhaps at the beginning it will be unusual, because when you lift right hand, then it will already rise from the other side of the mirror, but when you pick your teeth or cut your hair, it will be more convenient and you will not confuse the direction of movement of your hand. And in general, in your soul you need to keep a true image of yourself, which is more conveniently perceived by your body. And this is an image from zerkamon.

Large-scale introduction of mirrors into everyday life will occur when the quality of its image is the same as in an ordinary mirror. I wrote about this in my book “The Encyclopedia of Bluffing” in 1995.

I am sure that in tens of years, when humanity abandons simple mirrors in their apartments and looks at themselves only through mirrors, many problems caused by centuries of false self-identification through a simple mirror will be solved!

Thus, there should be an objective self-perception and self-attitude based on our true image of ourselves! Therefore, we need to let into the soul a true and non-mirror image of ourselves, which we still perceive as an alien being that we do not recognize, but it corresponds to our true physicality. Moreover, such an opportunity now exists, since many mobile phones already have mirror cameras, which allow you to see yourself without being mirrored. If this is not possible, then you need to take two mirrors and look at the reflection of your reflection. You need to get used to seeing this other creature. Let this creature begin to compete with your original and familiar image from an ordinary mirror!

The point of view that our psyche is initially programmed for a mirror image of yourself and, they say, there is no need to introduce your true and non-mirror image is a misconception. There is no point in making truth what we are simply accustomed to! We must break out of the world of habits if we want real and useful knowledge about ourselves and the world!

Biochemists have already proven that if mirror-mirror milk were synthesized, that is, milk consisting of DNA molecules, the structure of which is mirror to the original one, then such milk would be poison for the human body. We would get poisoned if we drank this mirror milk! Therefore, the question arises: “Doesn’t the looking-glass image of ourselves, which is presented in our psyche, “poison” our soul? Maybe this is where the origins of some of our psychological and mental problems lie?

Come to to a loved one then when he looks at “himself” in the mirror and also look at his mirror reflection. Take a closer look! You won't recognize him! There will be a different creature in the mirror!

Look at the mirror image of the clock hands and try to quickly tell the time! It won't work! This image of a watch is meaningless! You won't recognize the numbers or the position of the hands!

When you pick your teeth with a toothpick, looking in the mirror, you get confused and move the toothpick in the wrong direction, but when you close your eyes, you are no longer mistaken in the direction of movement, since the truth comes from the body! But at the same time, you manage to be at peace with yourself, keeping in your head an image of yourself that is from through the looking glass! There is certainly some misinformation in this that will have an effect on your psyche. This misinformation has long been eliminated in ambulances. They have inverted signs on them, allowing you to recognize this car by looking in the mirror!

We should not forget that our self-awareness and the phenomenon of “I” are revealed in us without the influence of a mirror. The child becomes aware of the existence of Himself and His Self not thanks to the mirror. Otherwise, it would be enough to simply bring him to the mirror to cause a sharp leap in the development of his psyche and consciousness! Although at a certain stage the mirror can cause such a jump, it is still a controversial topic.

Thus, self-attitude and self-perception should be built only on an adequate image of yourself! Therefore, it’s time to return to Yourself! It's time to look only in mirrors! This is a serious problem, the resolution of which can change Humanity, since it begins with each of us!

Take a close look at the world through the looking glass: the world of “your” apartment, house, street, Nature, people. Learn to see the significant difference between this World and the real World. Realize that you do not need to perceive this mirror world, since you have the opportunity to look at the real World, except in cases where we simply need to detect an object behind us without turning our heads in the opposite direction. At the same time, you cannot extend these reasoning to visions of yourself in the mirror and abandon this vision, since you cannot see “yourself” otherwise. And yet, let into yourself the thought that you need to give up this vision of yourself in an ordinary mirror, since there is no need for it, just as in the case of the looking-glass outside world! Look at yourself only in zerkamon.

Apparently, we are looking for ourselves and cannot find ourselves, including because initially, thanks to the misinformation influence of an ordinary mirror, there is no true image of ourselves!

I’ve already talked enough about the psychology of the mirror phenomenon, but now let’s move on to more difficult level and let's talk a little about the philosophy of the mirror phenomenon.

Let us raise the above reasoning to the level of philosophy of the Mirror phenomenon, that is mirror effect, which can be at all levels of the Existence of the World and Soul. Then we can assume that if in mental processes animals, a mirror effect appears, reflecting thoughts, thanks to which a thought about a thought arises, then this animal has the opportunity to acquire consciousness. And if a second psychic mirror appears, which can survey thought, that is, observe thought as an object, that is, as if from the outside, then a condition arises for cognizing the Essence of thinking. Alas! Usually, if we have one thought, the previous thought immediately disappears. A normal human brain is not capable of holding two thoughts at the same time, that is, holding one, and at the same time, with another thought, “courting” the first thought. He can only alternate them. And yet, my research has shown that there are people who have this ability to observe a delayed thought. These are some individuals with schizotypal disorders. They have not one psychic mirror in their psyche, but two. And we can only be content with one psychic mirror, which misinforms us, creating the illusion that the thoughts that come to us and do not belong to us are ours, although this is not the case! We cannot observe our thoughts from the outside, just as we cannot see ourselves from the outside and turn to a physical mirror. But a person with schizotypal disorders can do this. She, having a second psychic mirror in herself, sees the Essence of Thought so much that she understands that it is not his and does not belong to him. A phenomenon arises of a person’s alienation from His thoughts and from his body to such an extent that all of this is perceived by Someone Made, turning into Another and Alien! The thought in this case is perceived as an external Object! This is called depersonalization in psychopathology. It is precisely this perception that often becomes a necessary mental condition for the emergence of the phenomenon of the Brilliant!

Thus, studies of psychology and philosophy of the mirror phenomenon have great heuristic potential for the emergence of new knowledge about the World and Soul.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin

© R.R. Garifullin, 2016
© Published with the kind permission of the author