How much do clothing designers get paid? How much do designers earn per month? How much do specialists earn in different regions, and what is the average?

The question of the amount of earnings, as a rule, worries two categories of people most of all - young designers, in order to get an idea of ​​the prices for their work and the profitability of their profession, and customers, in order to understand how much a design project can cost them. We will talk about how to determine the optimal income that will suit both the designer and the customer in this article.

So, in order to determine how much an interior designer earns, you need to consider how many projects he can handle at the same time. This figure may vary depending on the size of the project, its complexity and a number of other factors.

One person can manage a maximum of a couple of projects, provided that he spends his entire daylight hours doing only work. Only a large design studio can handle more than three projects.

The process of detailed drawing of sketches that accompany the design project and illustrate for the customer what the future interior will look like takes a lot of time. During the drawing process, the designer must think about how the repair team can implement his idea and with the help of what materials. And if sketches are developed in three-dimensional format, then this process is significantly extended in time.

In this case, interior design includes several additional stages such as modeling, texturing, rendering and post-processing. Moreover, at the modeling stage, the speed of work depends on the designer, and at the visualization stage - on the production capacity of the computer and can take an indefinite amount of time. Preparation of drawings, selection of decorative and finishing materials communication with the customer can also take a lot of time.

Working for a design studio, a beginning interior designer receives an average of 15,000-20,000 rubles. in most regions of Russia. In Yekaterinburg, the average salary for newcomers is slightly higher - 20,000-25,000 rubles. Moscow and St. Petersburg - 25,000-40,000 rubles.

As for professionals, salaries in the regions already start from 20,000 rubles, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can choose among offers from 40,000-50,000 rubles.

In fact, maintaining one project is optimal. This will allow you to better concentrate on implementing the idea, provide better authorial control, and relieve the designer from the need to constantly be torn between customers and work at night.

It is worth considering that the earnings of representatives of this profession greatly depend on the level, work experience and how well known their name is. Therefore, from a practical calculation it is worth immediately excluding young, inexperienced designers who work on small projects at a reasonable price and only after gaining experience begin normal work with decent pay. And VIP class designers who work only on exclusive projects at fabulous prices.

On average, the salary of a self-employed designer is about 10% of the total renovation budget. In order to calculate the acceptable cost of work on a specific object, the average monthly salary of a specialist in a specific region should be multiplied by the actual deadline for completing all necessary work until the customer is completely satisfied and divide the resulting figure by the area of ​​the designed premises.

Of course, the specifics of a designer’s work have a lot of pitfalls in the form of not entirely balanced clients, projects that are too long in time and insufficient qualifications repair team. Nothing can save you from the first, but scrupulous authorial control over the implementation of the project will protect you from the remaining points. Whatever happens, remember that you need to respect your work and, no matter how competitive there is in the market for such services, you should not work on pure enthusiasm, since the customer’s attitude towards you depends, among other things, on the stated level of payment.

Designer is no longer a new, but very relevant profession. An experienced and talented specialist will help you create a unique project. He can stress individual style your home, country house or create unique style in clothes.

To become a good specialist, it is not enough to have good taste. First of all, you need to get an appropriate education, preferably a higher education. After all good designer combines an artist, a stylist, an architect, a foreman and a designer. Proficiency in certain computer programs will also be required.

How much does a designer earn in different areas activities? What kind of designers are there and how is the work of creative people valued?

How does a designer work?

A designer's salary largely depends on how exactly he works. Specialists of this kind can make a living in several ways:

If you want to work only for yourself and not depend on the whims of your superiors, the first option is suitable for you. There are many exchanges where one-time orders are offered with good payment for the result. To take advantage of the offer, you need to register on the site, create a small portfolio of your work and submit an application for the work. The customer will contact you, after which it will be possible to discuss all the details of the work and agree on payment.

You don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for a customer on your own? It is worth paying attention to design agencies. Average salary designer in a small private company can be 50-80 thousand rubles. If you have good experience and know how to “sell” yourself, you can count on working in a larger organization. There, a designer’s salary can be 100-150 thousand or even more. Working in an office has its advantages. Interesting projects and a lot of communication are guaranteed to you. In addition, you don’t have to bother searching for customers. It is management's job to provide you with work.

If you want to earn even more, you will have to organize your own company. There is no upper limit for earning income here. Everything will depend on how quickly you can get on your feet and earn a good reputation in this market segment. The better you work, the more “fat” clients will come to you.

Web designer and graphics specialist

One of the most popular areas in this area is web or Such people can easily help you develop business cards, websites, landing pages, posters, avatars, and even develop a corporate identity for any organization.

How much a designer of this type earns depends on several factors:

  1. Availability of a diverse and high-quality portfolio. The potential client needs to understand your skill level.
  2. The average price for services of this kind - do not overprice for services, this will scare away customers. But you shouldn’t set a price that is too low either. Of course, this will attract you more clients, but very soon you will get tired of sitting around the clock for mere pennies.
  3. Time spent completing the order. How much a designer earns directly depends on how much he works. If you take one order per week, you won’t see much income.

Landscape designer

Another pretty one popular profession- landscape designer. The salary of such a specialist also depends on many factors. Good specialist landscape has recently become increasingly valued. This is due to the fact that many families, tired of the bustle of the city, strive to move to nature, which means they are faced with the need to equip the local area.

If your profession is “landscape designer”, your salary will depend on the region in which you work. In some regions, the price for such services ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles per project. In the near Moscow region you can already ask for 50-60 thousand rubles for one farmstead. And if you know how not only to create beautiful picture from flowers, trees and fountains, and if you understand construction, geodesy, water supply and other areas of activity, then your earnings can rise to 100-120 thousand. And if you can work not only efficiently, but also quickly, it’s worth trying to manage two or three projects at the same time. In this case, earnings will increase proportionally.

Interior design

Such specialists most often do not work on their own, but in collaboration with a design studio. Therefore, their salary is usually fixed and depends on experience, length of service and the number of successfully completed projects.

Newcomers can count on a salary of no more than 20-25 thousand rubles in the periphery and about 38 thousand in the capital. More experienced specialists who have higher education in this field and have independently completed dozens of projects can count on a salary of 80-100 thousand Russian rubles per month.

Fashion designer

The salary of a clothing designer depends on the level of the company in which he works. Small companies will offer 25-30 rubles per month. Salaries in large metropolitan companies can reach up to one hundred thousand.

Only a small number of specialists in this field of activity can afford to create and promote their own fashion collections and create under own name. The majority still work “for their uncle.”

How much does a designer earn abroad?

Everything we talked about before applies to the Russian services market. How much does a designer earn with them?

Here, to all the above skills, you will have to add excellent knowledge of the language. Simply conversational will not work here. After all, you will have to discuss in detail with the customer all the nuances of the future project.

Now about the salary. By our standards, it can be said to be transcendental. For example, an American graphic designer or web specialist can receive from 38 to 105 thousand “green” per month. An interior designer in Australia can claim an average monthly salary of 75-80 thousand "American Presidents".

Advertising agencies in major cities of many countries install hourly pay. It ranges from $320 to $585 per hour of work. Not bad, right? Looking at such proposals, we can confidently say that a designer is not only a very interesting, but also quite a profitable profession.

(5 ratings, average: 4,40 out of 5)

Currently, the profession of a designer is considered relevant, since a talented and experienced specialist can create a unique project, be it a remodel in the interior of an apartment, landscape design or when creating clothes.

To become a real professional, it is not enough just to graduate from college or courses; modern employers require higher education. After all, this specialist must demonstrate the skills of an artist, designer and foreman rolled into one. So how much does a designer earn in different fields? Is the work of such a unique worker with similar professional qualities valued?

Graphic and web designer salary

On average, the salary of a web designer in Russia from 25 to 75 thousand rubles. The following factors influence how much a web designer ultimately earns:

  • Having a good portfolio with many pages. The client must evaluate the work and therefore the portfolio must be of high quality. If it is missing, then you won’t be able to earn a lot of money;
  • prices for services. It is necessary to select the optimal prices so that they are low for the client and the work is adequately paid. For a low price there will be a lot of clients, but in this case you won’t have to work for a long time, since the low payment will soon get boring. An overly inflated price for services will scare away customers; accordingly, there will be few orders, which means that earnings will be meager;
  • working time. The more time a specialist spends on a computer, the more he will earn per day, week and month.

How much does an interior designer earn?

Interior designers most often work in design studio, and here their salary depends on experience and length of service.

Newcomers in this field will earn no more than 20,000 rubles in the regions, and in the capital - up to 40,000 rubles. Experienced specialist and higher education is valued more and is already being offered from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

If a specialist works for himself and manages one project, the salary of such an interior designer will be more than 100,000 rubles. If his work is structured this way, then he suggests:

  • more ideas;
  • he has the opportunity to concentrate on implementing the original concept;
  • exercises control over his copyrighted works.

This allows him not to work at night and not be torn between numerous customers. Great value It is in this area of ​​design art that the name of the specialist is famous. If his name is well-known among people, then he will have many clients who will recommend such a designer to their friends and family.

What is the salary of a landscape designer

The profession of a landscape designer is valued on a par with that of an interior designer. It can be noted that this position is a little more prestigious, since this type of design relates to architecture. Currently, many families are trying to move to live outside the city or at least buy country house to take a break from the bustle of the city in summer time year. Therefore, the services of a landscape designer are popular.

How much a landscape designer earns is mainly influenced by the territorial location of his work. In the regions such a specialist will receive a salary in the amount 30,000 rubles. In Moscow and Moscow region the rate doubles and is about 60,000 rubles. If this specialist is well versed in the joy construction, geodesy, ecology and water supply, then the price for his services may increase up to 80,000 rubles.

If a landscape designer is creating one project, not 3 or 4 at the same time, then his salary will be more than 100,000 rubles. In this case, he must create not only beautiful design in the courtyard of the house, but also to make a garden with fruit trees, and also winter garden, which will delight home owners during the cold season.

How much does a fashion designer earn?

If this specialist has talent and loves to work, then his work will be appreciated. The salary will depend on the prestige of the company in which the specialist works. For example, in the largest company in Moscow, the salary of a clothing designer can vary from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.

In the regions, the income of such a specialist will be less. The salary level of a clothing designer depends on the size settlement and the larger the city, the greater the income of the creator of stylish and fashionable outfits.

A clothing designer must have a good reputation; this is the only way he can create a name for himself and increase his salary many times over. Everyone knows that in this field there are stellar specialists with high salaries, but there are few of them.

What is the salary of a designer abroad?

Before going abroad to get a job as a designer, you need to learn the language of the country you plan to travel to to earn money. If a specialist knows the language, then he will be valued and receive a high salary. If the company is prestigious, and the specialist does not have language skills, then you will have to hire a specialist for the first time, if the salary justifies such expenses.

Graphic designers and web designers, e.g. in America get from 37,000 to 103,000 dollars depending on work experience. A creative director can earn up to $170,000 per month. Australian designer interior design also has decent income, which amounts to from 40,000 to 105,000 dollars.

Advertising agencies in the capitals of many countries pay designers the most. So, an hourly employee with little work experience will receive from $326 to $590 per hour. When compared with our standard of living, such incomes are considered very high, but for those countries this is a completely normal salary for an employee who has graduated from a university and has talent and work experience.

Let's summarize:

  1. A graphic and web designer is very popular if he has experience. Wages such an employee can reach from 80,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  2. The profession of an interior designer is considered prestigious, and the earnings of such a specialist can range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the presence of talent, the presence of an “earned” name and work experience.
  3. A landscape designer working on one project can earn a lot of income. It all depends on his desire to work, creating a unique design.
  4. Only a talented person can create stylish and beautiful clothes, and only he will be popular in the fashion industry. Only a few in this field become stars and earn big incomes.
  5. Abroad, designers earn income several times higher. They must have excellent skills in this field and be talented masters of their craft.

We also invite you to watch a video about how to become a designer:

Interior, website, and architecture designers now earn a lot, but how much do clothing designers earn? This question is of particular interest to those who have talent in this matter and who want to realize it.

Become a designer and work, combining this process with their favorite creativity is the dream of many people. Of course, such specialists can work in many fields, but in order to start their career, they need to undergo appropriate training.

If you need a good and stable income, courses or average special education won't be enough. Professionals in their field are required to know many of the subtleties and nuances of work, including related professions of architect, ecologist, builder, etc., and this knowledge can only be obtained in higher educational institutions.

After you get your education, you will need to decide on the area of ​​activity that attracts you most. It could be:

  • Interior design. A very popular service in the capital and in the regions for those people who buy housing in an open plan. It's very important here good knowledge graphic editors that will allow you to visualize customer wishes in a picture.
  • Landscape design - here the service will be in greater demand among people who want to spend more time outside the city, or even move to live in their own home in some cottage village. Here you will need not only to delimit the site, but also to come up with a scheme for planting trees, flowers, creating paths, arranging furniture and various outbuildings. If people live here on a permanent basis, the creation of a winter garden may also be in demand,
  • Jewelry art is a very specific type of activity that will require from you the finest work and a well-developed imagination, which will allow you to bring the ideas and designs of customers to life. You can work either in a jewelry salon or factory, or individually, accepting orders from advertising or word of mouth,
  • Fashion design is also a specific type of activity, which is mainly in demand in Moscow and abroad. The master will need a sense of style and taste, constant monitoring fashion trends and their prediction for the next seasons. It is very important to understand fabrics, body types, color types, cut features, etc.
  • Graphic design is very popular today because... We receive most of the information not from printed sources, but from Internet sources. Entertainment sites, information portals, bulletin boards, social media and their groups - all this requires appropriate design and content, as well as knowledge of programming languages.

Of course, the salaries of world famous personalities, which dictate modern fashion, differ from the salaries of ordinary designers. But something can be achieved in Russia too.

So, for example, in Moscow they offer up to 40-60 thousand rubles for such work, sometimes up to 100 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg you can get about 20-45 thousand rubles. Salaries in other Russian cities are slightly lower, but again, the final figures will depend on many aspects:

  • qualification,
  • area of ​​work,
  • popularity of the specialist, i.e. reputation,
  • his work experience,
  • portfolio,
  • creativity,
  • availability of knowledge from related professions.

You can find out how much designers earn in the current ratings, which are compiled from time to time by various sites and magazines, as well as on all-Russian and regional work sites

Hello friends! Elutina Maria is in touch. I am pleased to see your keen interest in the topic, desire to grow and develop in this profession. Therefore, today we will talk about the result of our work - monetary reward.

You will find out how much a graphic designer earns and what to strive for, using the example of the salary and cost of work for designers in the USA for 2017. We will compare them with Moscow prices and look at the regions of Russia.

From previous articles, you remember that designers can work without leaving home, otherwise known as freelancing. If you want a more stable income, then you can hire an agency and work for a salary. We will look at both options so that you can decide for yourself which one is closer to you.

How much do you earn as a freelancer in Russia?

Do you want to earn money by metropolitan standards? This is completely doable. offer a variety of orders with good pay for the work. But you will need a portfolio. In a separate article, I will write in detail how to properly design a portfolio for a graphic designer and what you should definitely pay attention to.

Therefore, I recommend that a beginner concentrate on more accessible, but cheaper orders. For example, make an avatar for a VKontakte group for 500 rubles. A landing page can be developed for 1,500–3,000 rubles and ask the customer to leave a review.

In I gave an example of how to calculate the cost of an hour of work for a graphic designer and, based on this, the cost of the order itself. I also advise you to create a table and in it indicate point A (where you started) and point B (where you are going, what you want to achieve, in this case- payment for your time). This will help predict the price increase for your work.

Official work as a designer in an agency or private firm

For a novice designer to find permanent job It’s not easy in a cool design agency or private company. But if you know how to sell yourself in such a way that they will buy you even without experience, you can count on a salary from 40,000 to 150,000, it all depends on professionalism and work experience.

Working for an agency is profitable and convenient. You're always busy interesting projects and growth. For sociable people, working in an office is a plus, but lovers of free travel will not be happy with a vacation once a year.

Employment options and salaries in companies may be different. Some companies hire remote employees on a permanent basis and assign them a fixed payment. For example, an online store where you need to update the design of packaging, products, come up with layouts for various promotions, etc. The salary of such an employee depends on the amount of work and the complexity of the tasks.

How much do they earn overseas?

Every time I visit the pages of the works of designers working on foreign sites, I receive aesthetic pleasure. But among them there are many “ours”. How do they do it?

  • Firstly, knowledge of the language (English).
  • Secondly, professionalism. What is now “fashionable” in America will reach us in five years.

The services of designers of this level are valued at thousands of dollars. For example, on the foreign exchange they will pay from $1,000 for a website design. For a regular banner you will receive from $40, and in Russia - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.


Based on the above, I want to please you that everything is real. The main thing is to know where to strive and develop in your chosen profession. Learn foreign language, improve your skills, expand your portfolio with work and satisfied customers.

I'm sure you will succeed. My articles will help you believe in yourself and expand your horizons in the world of graphic design. Ahead of you are articles on topics: creating a portfolio, reviewing design courses, useful books, as well as practical lessons on creating logos, banners and other graphic elements.

Stay with us, we are waiting for your comments and questions on the topic. We are for live communication.