Sunflower neighbors in the garden. Planning crops and compatibility of vegetables in the garden

On summer cottage A wide variety of vegetable crops are grown. They belong to different families, and their planting dates do not coincide. On small gardens compact cultivation is used. How to limited space ensure compatibility vegetable crops in the same garden?

Good predecessors

Every year, before the start of the gardening season, you should carefully consider the placement of plants in the garden. It is best to create a planting plan that will be useful for the coming season. Different ones can oppress each other or contribute to the spread of dangerous diseases. However compatible plants, on the contrary, will contribute better development and protect from pests. To avoid mistakes, you must follow certain rules.

The area for compacted planting provides additional nutrition for the increased volume of plants. To do this, the soil must be sufficiently fertile and clean. At the beginning of the season, crop rotation is planned. Plants that were grown last year should not have the same pathogens and pests. At the same time, they must have a beneficial effect on each other, so the compatibility of plants in the garden is important. Table best predecessors- this is the instruction with which planning begins.

An analysis of last year's plantings is carried out. The right choice will help you avoid many unpleasant moments when growing vegetables.

Predecessor table

When cultivating any crops, crop rotation should be observed. The information presented in the table will help you plan the site correctly.

Vegetable crop

The best predecessors


Legumes, cabbage, cucumbers


Onion, garlic

Peas, cabbage, radishes

Sweet corn

Potatoes, cabbage, legumes

Sweet pepper

Cucumbers, beets, carrots, rutabaga, cabbage

Table beet

Cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers


Peas, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes

Repeatedly growing a plant in one place is also undesirable.


When cultivating vegetable crops, information is needed about their mutual influence. To avoid an unfavorable neighborhood, you need to know exactly about the characteristics of vegetable crops. Acceptable growing conditions for plants that will be combined must be similar. This will help to accurately plan the entire area for the garden and achieve successful cultivation of various plants in compacted beds. In addition, certain crops not only have a beneficial effect, but also repel pests. The compatibility of plants in the garden is quite important.

A detailed list of representatives of different families that coexist well in the garden helps to accurately determine their placement. Equally important is information about plants with which joint cultivation is undesirable. They will suppress vegetable crops growing nearby.

Plant compatibility table

For normal development vegetables and obtain a high-quality harvest, they need to create favorable conditions. Proper agricultural technology in combination with a successful combination of plants will help solve many problems. The data given in the table will be useful when placing plants on the site.

Successful combinations

When planning crops, you should take into account the development time usable area, height and compatibility of plants in the garden. Carrots and onions go well together. They are placed in rows. Alternate three rows of carrots with four rows of onions. These plants have a beneficial effect on each other and at the same time protect against pests. A trio of plants will be successful. This is late white cabbage, head lettuce and spinach, which is used to compact vegetable beds. You can name other examples of combinations of vegetables that have good compatibility between plants in the garden. The table will help everyone find best couple. For example, early cabbage and celery, which have different planting dates. At the beginning of spring, seedlings of the first vegetable crop are planted. Landing distance early cabbage can withstand at least fifty centimeters. Three weeks later, celery is added. Plants with different ripening periods go very well. in the garden in in this case is based on the fact that early ripening crops are placed along the edge of the beds of plants whose ripening period is longer. For example, a combination of planting tomatoes with several rows of dill for greens and onions for feathers, as well as spinach, will not interfere with the longer development of tomato bushes. The classic combination is corn and string beans. In this example, one plant serves as a trellis for another.

Lighthouse cultures

Many plants have a long period of seed germination. To designate rows earlier, quickly germinating and early ripening plants are used. They allow for more early dates begin soil cultivation and agrotechnical activities. An example is the joint sowing of radishes and carrots. By the time it takes for the root crop to ripen, the early and early-ripening vegetable has time to ripen and free up space. In addition to radishes, lettuce, spinach and dill are used. They are sown along the edge of a bed of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

Amulets of vegetable plantings

Aromatic herbs are not forgotten either. These plants are fragrant, creating an amazing atmosphere around. Vegetables located nearby become more stable under the influence of volatile substances. They are able to repel pests. Medicinal plants, such as valerian and yarrow, planted along the edge of the beds, will be an excellent preventive measure that increases resistance to diseases. Lettuce and spinach are plants that can enhance the activity of neighbors. They will be good companions and have excellent plant compatibility in the garden. The table of successful crops confirms this statement. Lettuce and spinach are often recommended for joint cultivation with other vegetable crops.

Unfavorable neighborhood

Most plants get along well in the limited space of beds. When placing them, the compatibility of plants in the garden is taken into account. A table of successful combinations of vegetable crops will help to distribute them correctly. However, we should not forget about plants that will have a depressing effect on others. These include fennel and wormwood.

For these vegetable crops, it is necessary to allocate a separate corner of the garden, which will provide privacy.

There are plant species that get along well with each other and certain species that slow down the growth of their neighbors and grow slowly themselves. In general, some plants love each other and some hate each other.

Combined plantings can be quite complicated and often even too complicated, but with experience you will begin to understand better and the process will go faster. The main thing is not to get carried away with excessive planning, otherwise the pleasure of planting will wane.

Nobody says that you can’t grow certain plants in the same garden, the main thing is not to plant them next to each other. Below is a table with which you can see which plants get along well with each other and which do not.

Combined plantings are not like that simple task. There are criteria such as the age of the plants, their number in the garden bed, and the distance between plants. With the right approach, you can figure out for yourself what is better or worse for certain species.

Vegetable compatibility table.

Plant Good neighbors Bad neighbors
Asparagus Tomatoes, parsley, basil
Beans Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant Onion, garlic, gladius, chives
Bush beans Potatoes, cucumbers, corn, strawberries, celery Onion
Climbing beans Corn, sunflower Onions, beets, kohlrabi, cabbage
Beet Onion, kohlrabi Beans
Cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, kohlrabi) Aromatic plants, potatoes, celery, dill, hyssop, chamomile, sage, mint, rosemary, beets, onions Strawberries, tomatoes, climbing beans
Carrot Peas, lettuce, chives, leeks, onions, rosemary, sage, tomatoes Dill
Celery Leeks, tomatoes, bush beans, cauliflower, cabbage
Chives Carrots, tomatoes Peas, beans
Corn Potatoes, peas, beans, cucumbers, melon, pumpkin, zucchini Tomatoes
cucumbers Beans, corn, peas, radishes, sunflowers, lettuce Potatoes, aromatic herbs
Eggplant Beans, potatoes, spinach
Leek Onions, celery, carrots
Salad Carrots and radishes, strawberries, cucumbers, onions
Melon Corn, nasturtiums, radishes
Onion Beets, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, leeks, chamomile, peppers Peas, beans
Parsley Tomatoes, asparagus
Peas Carrots, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, corn Onions, garlic, gladiolus, potatoes, chives
Potato Beans, corn, cabbage, marigolds, eggplants (as bait for the Colorado potato beetle) Pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, sunflowers, tomatoes, raspberries
Pepper Onion
Pumpkin Corn
Radish Peas, nasturtiums, lettuce, melon, cucumbers Hyssop
Spinach Strawberry, eggplant
Zucchini Nasturtiums, corn Potato
Strawberry Bush beans, spinach, borage, lettuce (on the border), onion Cabbage
Sunflower cucumbers Potato
Tomato Chives, onions, parsley, asparagus, marigolds, nasturtiums, carrots Corn, kohlrabi
Turnip peas

List of herbs, their properties and plants that go well with them.

Plant Properties
Basil Companion plant for tomatoes; actively dislikes rue; improves growth and taste; repels flies and mosquitoes
Borage Companion plant for tomatoes, zucchini and strawberries; repels tomato worms; improves growth and taste
Caraway Plant everywhere; loosens the soil
Catnip Plant along the edge; repels earthen fleas
Chamomile Companion plant for cabbage and onions; improves growth and taste
Chives Companion plant for carrots; improves growth and taste
Dill Companion plant for cabbage; does not like carrots, promotes the growth and health of cabbage
Fennel It is better not to plant in the garden, most plants do not like being next to it
Flax Companion plant for carrots and potatoes; repels potato beetles; improves growth and taste
Garlic Plant next to roses and raspberries, repels beetles, promotes growth and health
Horseradish Plant in the corners of a potato field to repel potato bugs
Hyssop Repels cabbages; companion plant for cabbage and grapes. Do not plant next to radishes
Melissa It is better to plant throughout the garden
Lovage Promotes plant growth, improves taste
Marigold Excellent at repelling pests, can be planted throughout the garden
Marjoram Improves taste, can be planted anywhere
Mint Companion plant for tomatoes and cabbage; Promotes healthy growth, improves taste, repels cabbages
Nasturtium Companion plant for radishes, cabbage and pumpkin; plant under fruit trees; improves growth and taste
Peppermint Planting among cabbage repels pest butterflies
Petunia Protects beans
Calendula Companion plant for tomatoes, but can be planted throughout the garden, repels pests
Purslane Repels pests
Rosemary Companion plant for cabbage, beans, carrots and sage; repels pests
Sage Plant with rosemary, cabbage and carrots, keep away from cucumbers; scares away cabbages
Sagebrush Plant throughout the garden as a companion plant for cabbage; improves taste and promotes growth; scares away cabbages
Garden savory Plant with beans and onions; improves taste and promotes growth
Tansy Plant under fruit trees; companion plant for roses and raspberries; repels flying insects and ants
Tarragon Useful anywhere in the garden
ThymeRepels cabbage caterpillars; plant throughout the garden
Valerian Useful anywhere in the garden
Yarrow Plant along borders, paths and next to aromatic herbs; increases production essential oil

Experienced gardeners know that a good neighborhood different types vegetables will help increase the harvest. A table of plant compatibility when planting will help the summer resident to correctly arrange the crops in the garden bed. If you learn to combine plantings well, you can grow a huge crop in a small area, and the land will not sit idle for a single day. This skill will also be useful to those who do not have land plot. On the loggia in a small box you can grow fresh vegetables for soups and salads.

Choose the right predecessors

Radishes, salads, onions, early herbs will be removed in June. The garden bed is now free and you can plant other vegetables on it. Changing crops needs to be thought out wisely: each species extracts its own components from the soil, and some plants enrich the soil with nutrients. When planting for the second time, it should be taken into account that there are no plantings in succession. common infections and pests. It is advisable to follow the same rules when you decide what to sow the bed that was vacated last fall.

It is not recommended to grow the same crops in one place for a long time due to soil contamination, but there is another reason. The roots not only supply the flora with nutrients, they also serve as a system for excreting waste and toxins formed in the process of life. Usually plants react poorly only to secretions of their own species; plant peas after beets and the soil will quickly clear.

Some plants, such as melons and melons, do not like fresh fertilizers; only well-rotted manure is suitable for them. Such vegetables need to be planted in an area where root crops previously grew, requiring for development large quantity organics.

Precursors do not necessarily have to be removed before planting the second crop. You can early spring densely sow the soil in the greenhouse with radishes. By the time it is time to plant tomato seedlings, make room for bushes and use the root vegetables for food. The tomatoes will grow, and you will gradually begin to remove the radishes from the garden and finish eating them. It turns out that at first root crops were predecessors, and after planting tomatoes - joint plantings.

Examples of a good planting sequence:

  • carrots after melons;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers after cruciferous plants;
  • potatoes after greens, carrots, cabbage;
  • pepper after greens or cabbage.

Wanted and Unwanted Neighbors

There are many reasons why some plants can or cannot be planted with others. First of all, these are infections and pests. Plant potatoes next to eggplants, and Colorado potato beetles will flock to the tasty garden bed, but bush beans will drive these pests away from both crops. Celery growing will attract cabbage whites, and fragrant herbs will not let butterflies into the garden bed.

If you plant plants in the same bed, make sure that the crops have the same requirements for growing conditions. They should have similar requirements for humidity and fertilizing. It is advisable that each species takes nutrition and moisture from its own depth - for example, beans with roots that penetrate to great depths, and potatoes with a shallow root system. If crops are very different in height, such as corn and squash, try to arrange them so that everyone gets enough sun.

The table will tell you which species can or cannot be planted next to each other.

CultureGood neighborsBad neighbors
EggplantOnions, legumesGarlic, tomatoes
RadishLegumes, root vegetables, greenscucumbers
ParsnipCabbage, radishes, carrots
ZucchiniRadish, cornPotato
CabbageGreens, potatoes, carrotsTomatoes, peas, strawberries
cucumbersCorn, cabbage, legumesSpicy herbs, potatoes, peppers, strawberries
CarrotOnions, garlic, peas, lettuce, cabbage, radishesTomato, potato
CornLegumes and melons, cabbage, lettuceBeet
PotatoCarrots, corn, beets, lettuceTomato, strawberry, pumpkin
TomatoGreens, radishes, carrots, cornEggplant, cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin
BeetCabbage, cucumbers, onions, garlic, strawberriesCorn, beans, mustard

Joint planting is sometimes practiced to designate a place for sowing seeds that take a long time to germinate. When making a carrot bed, stick radish seeds along the edges of the rows. The carrot shoots will take a while to appear, but the radish leaves will show you where the rows are located.

Crops with long ripening periods ( late cabbage, pumpkin) at the beginning of development, you need very little land, and when the bushes grow, they need space. Plant salads, radishes, and early greens between the seedling bushes. Compacted plantings will not allow the land to become empty, and you will be provided with both early vitamins and an autumn harvest. In beds with late carrots, you can harvest 3 crops. Ready-to-eat vegetables are gradually removed, and there is room for the grown main crop.

If you want to try organizing mixed plantings of vegetables, the schemes can be different, for example:

  • 1st row – carrots;
  • 2nd row – bow;
  • 3rd row – radishes;
  • 4th row – bow;
  • Repeat until the end of the bed from the 1st to 4th rows.

There are individualistic plants that cannot get along with anyone. In the vicinity of other crops, they will either grow poorly themselves or begin to oppress the vegetables living nearby. Fennel has the most quarrelsome character - give it a place away from other beds. In the same way, hyssop and walnut do not like their neighbors; it is impossible to select compatible crops for them. The layout of the site should take into account separate places for such individual owners.

How do plants help each other?

If you properly understand the properties of each crop, you can arrange them in the beds so that they support and enhance the development of each other. For example, lettuce and spinach stimulate the development of the root system of nearby plantings. Legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen and should be planted among plants that require nitrates. Onions and garlic release phytoncides that destroy infections.

The mutual influence of some species on others has many nuances; at biological faculties an entire course of lectures is devoted to this issue. Representatives of the flora are living beings, and in different conditions they can demonstrate their qualities stronger or weaker. Much also depends on the climate: in the southern regions, combined plantings can develop well, but in the Urals both crops will wither and become sick. If you want to create a green community in your garden beds, observe and keep a diary. General recommendations can be taken as a basis, and how effective they are in your area can only be determined experimentally.

If you need both crops, which help each other when grown together, you can grow them in the same bed in approximately the same proportions. If you want to harvest only one type of crop, and you don’t need another, plant several bushes in the center or along the perimeter of the plantation, this will be enough.

The following plants will be good green protectors.

  • Parsley will protect the vineyard from phylloxera.
  • Mustard suppresses weeds, drives away pests from legumes, its roots secrete compounds that activate the development of peas and beans.
  • Parsley drives away slugs from strawberry and strawberry plantations.
  • Cabbage growing next to dill is less damaged by insects and becomes tastier.
  • Spicy herbs with their pungent aroma mask the smell of vegetable crops, and it becomes difficult for pests to find them.
  • They flock to the parsnips predatory insects, destroying pests.
  • The beans will provide the soil with nutrients that the corn needs to support the beans.
  • If you plant raspberries around an apple tree, the tree will protect the berry bushes from gray rot, and they, in turn, will prevent it from getting scab.
  • Dill increases the duration of fruiting of cucumbers.


Mixed plantings not only save space on a summer cottage - when correct selection plantation will give more yield from each bush than when filling a bed with one type of plant. On poor soils, alternate vegetables with legumes: nodules on the roots of peas and beans enrich the soil with nitrogen. Green manure has the same properties; you can sow mustard or around the seedlings. At first, the hardy grass will protect the weak tomato bushes from the sun and wind, then you will mow the green manure, and the roots will continue to supply the soil with nutrients. When preparing for spring sowing, first make a list of all the plants that you will plant in the beds, and only then decide how to combine them.

When practicing mixed planting of vegetables in the garden, you need to take into account not only the compatibility of species, but also the conditions in which they will grow. Pumpkin gets along well with corn, but if you plant a solid wall of tall stems on the south side of the garden, the pumpkin won't have enough sunlight and it will yield a very meager harvest. It is desirable that the root depth of co-growing crops be different. In this case, each plant will take moisture and nutrients from its own layer of soil and will not deprive its neighbor.

The general rules of combined plantings cannot be applied to every site; the table will only give basic recommendations, and you must figure out the details yourself. Observe how the plants in your garden are doing, which neighbors they are happy with, and which ones you would like to avoid, and this summer start preparing plans for your garden beds. next year. Be sure to write down your observations - next summer, most likely, you will completely forget how carrots and radishes got along or cabbage and potatoes. Every year, experience will accumulate, and then you will be able to harvest as many vegetables from a small garden bed as you previously collected from the entire garden.

Spring comes, the sun warms the earth, and it’s a busy time for the gardener. These days, it is very important to plan the usable area of ​​your plot and distribute it under beds occupied by various crops. Today we will try to optimize your plantings together by talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Some plants, as it turns out, are friends, help each other and protect from various pests, while others, on the contrary, cause mutual inhibition of growth and even death. But we are interested primarily in getting excellent harvest. This means that the compatibility of vegetables in garden beds is a very important and relevant issue.

Is spring site planning necessary?

Indeed, why re-draw your garden every year if you can build and plant cucumbers on one, tomatoes on another, and so on, once and for all? This is convenient, but somewhat irrational. Each plant requires its own set of microelements, and it turns out that a garden bed, used for many years for planting the same crop, is oversaturated with unclaimed elements. Or, on the contrary, she is devastated by the most important things to her. Therefore, crop rotation is necessary. However, on small area sometimes it is difficult to ensure a full replacement; mixed plantings are forced to be used, and therefore for proper organization They need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds.

What kind of beds can there be?

We are used to our land being divided into neat rectangles, each of which grows one crop. However, there are a lot of options, and in order for your garden to be as productive as possible, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. These can be narrow beds according to Mittlider, which require the introduction of large amounts of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as high and multi-tiered beds. The latter are quite difficult to arrange, but they are ideally suited for growing several crops. In this case, you should also be concerned about the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in the same bed, because the close proximity of plants allows them to influence each other.

Compacted beds

Sowing several crops in one bed allows you to significantly save space and at the same time get good result. At the same time, we must remember: maintaining the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in one garden bed is a little easier than planting several at the same time. fruit crops. Here it is already necessary to take into account the difference in growing seasons. However, let’s return to the bright flower and fruit beds. Why do they use this technique, is it just for beauty? It turns out not. For example, marigolds planted near tomatoes perfectly protect the bushes from various pests. Other flowers serve as tasty traps for insects. Plant nasturtiums around the garden - all the aphids will concentrate on it, not paying attention to the garden vegetables.

and fragrant herbs

And the greenery in the beds has long been proven, they do not compete, do not interfere with each other, but at the same time you significantly save space and get a pleasant variety for your table. Herbs planted next to the fruit bed will give the vegetables a refined taste and will protect them from insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans, cabbage pests really don’t like thyme, and aphids are afraid of onions and garlic. Oregano, like marigolds, is a reliable protection for everything fruit plot from uninvited guests.

Every gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea of ​​​​the compatibility of vegetables and herbs in the garden beds. This doesn't require much. So, fast-growing lettuce, radishes and other spring vegetables and greens can be planted between pumpkins and melons. By the time the powerful stems of the pumpkin grow, the radish crop will already be harvested. If you plan to plant shade-loving greens such as spinach, choose tall plants that will reliable protection. For example, it could be corn. Sunflowers also grow well next to corn; the plants do not compete with each other.

We have discussed general issues a little, now let’s move directly to the types garden plants. We will look at the compatibility of different vegetables in the garden beds. How to plant this or that species, what its proximity to will bring it more benefit than harm, and much more.

Favorite peas: what to plant next to them

This is a plant that gardeners do not like because of its creeping nature. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds - and the disadvantage turns into an advantage. The fact is that it gets along well with corn, and its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. This way, you will harvest two crops from one bed and save yourself the trouble of tying up tender peas. But you can go even further and unify the garden bed by planting beans or carrots, lettuce, radishes, parsnips or turnips around its perimeter.

What else is pea compatible with? It can be planted among cucumbers; such proximity will benefit both crops. Eggplants and melons love peas, in addition, if you have potatoes growing in your garden, be sure to scatter peas throughout the planting, their roots will enrich the soil essential microelements. But onions and garlic need to be planted away from peas; such proximity is completely useless.

Beauty Carrot

We continue to consider the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Leading agrotechnical companies give advice to gardeners, recommending planting carrots along the edge of a bed with tomatoes and peas. Goes very well with various herbs. This is sage and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with fragrant leafy greens and plant them with carrots. Or vice versa. But dill and parsley need to be moved away from carrots; such proximity leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root crop.

Green onion

This is the first spring source of vitamins, which is loved and grown in every garden plot. However, today we are talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. The list of plants with which onions are “friends” is quite large. These are almost all the most important horticultural crops: beets and bell pepper, tomatoes and carrots, lettuce and broccoli. Onions combine very well with spinach, potatoes and cabbage. However, to make your planting enjoyable, avoid its proximity to beans, sage and peas.

bell pepper

A capricious culture that does not grow so well in our climatic zone as in more southern regions. However, this can be slightly improved if you choose the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it cannot be planted in the same bed with beans. But the proximity to tomatoes, on the contrary, is tolerated very well. Do not forget to plant greens and fragrant herbs to make full use of the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. About ten different herbs can grow in a garden at the same time. Basil and coriander, onions and spinach go well with peppers.

Lettuce, a precious source of vitamins

Another plant that eloquently shows the compatibility of vegetables; you can count a dozen fruit crops, which will only grow even more magnificent from such proximity. These are asparagus and beets, sunflowers and tomatoes. Experienced gardeners recommend planting lettuce along with white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and corn, and cucumbers. Considering that lettuce grows in a short, curly carpet, it helps conserve moisture by preventing the liquid from evaporating as quickly. Cucumbers love this kind of neighborhood very much.

There are many ways to disembark different plants on one bed. If this is an ordinary bed on a plane, and not multi-tiered design, then, in addition to interspecific competition, you need to take into account the size of the plants. The central part of the bed can be occupied by sunflowers or tall tomatoes, cucumbers, then onions and peas, and eggplants can be placed. Or plant peas over the corn and plant lettuce around it. All these plants complement each other well.


Often this particular crop occupies a significant part of the garden, which means you need to carefully consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Photos of garden plots of professional gardeners very often show the classic combination of potatoes and legumes. Indeed, beans and peas grow well in potato plantings, bringing benefits primarily by enriching the soil. Although the legume harvest will also not be superfluous. Potatoes go well with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplant, garlic, lettuce and onions.

The Friendliest Neighbor - Eggplant

Indeed, its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden is simply fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements almost any culture well. However, if we talk about the health and quality of growth of the eggplant itself, experts advise planting it next to potatoes and legumes, in particular beans and peas. Leafy vegetables are excellent neighbors for eggplants. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant basil, lettuce and spinach next to blue ones.

This begs the question: “In what order should I plant vegetables to make the garden bed as efficient as possible?” We propose a scheme that is used by German farmers. They make a very wide bed for planting root crops, about 1 meter. In this case, the potatoes are located in the center ( early varieties can be planted in two rows, and later ones in one). On one side, eggplant is planted in a line, and on the other, lettuce, kohlrabi and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternated in one row. Two rows of spinach are sown along the edge of the bed, and the space between them and the rest of the crops is sown with lettuce and radishes.

It will pass as the crops mature. The green umbrella of lettuce appears first; it shades other, slowly growing crops and saves them from the scorching sun. Lettuce ripens first, then spinach, then it’s the turn of radishes. After about a month, it’s time for lettuce and cauliflower. Thus, the bed gradually becomes empty, leaving room for the growth and development of eggplants and potatoes. Now it’s clear how to use the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. It will tell you how to plant correctly personal experience, and for the first time use the ready-made scheme.

Peanuts - exotic in our beds

Indeed, this crop is very rarely grown in the garden, but in vain. After all, agricultural technology is no more complicated than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product. The compatibility of peanuts in the garden with vegetables is due to their high requirements for nutrients. It gets along well with cucumbers, which also love high, warm and fertilized beds. In addition, any legumes can be planted with it.


A useful culture that is often undeservedly forgotten. However, it can serve as a natural support for climbing cucumbers; in addition, aphids do not like corn, which means your cucumbers will be under natural protection. Climbing legumes are also perfectly compatible with corn and can be planted around the entire perimeter of the bed. These are beans and peas. She gets along well with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflowers. But it’s better to plant tomatoes further away.


A bed of tomatoes is not so conducive to the neighborhood, since voluminous bushes tend to take over all the free space. But you can use different ways planting, for example, build a high mound in the center of the bed, on which to plant asparagus and basil, dill, lettuce, onions, parsley, spinach and thyme. Tomatoes love the proximity of legumes, so beans can be planted between the rows. Great option There will be carrots and melon for planting in the nearest garden bed. But cabbage and corn should occupy another part of the garden.


As you already know, there are a lot of varieties of this plant, and at least white cabbage and cauliflower grow in every garden. It would seem that they can easily be planted in one bed, since you will remove the colored one much earlier than its neighbor ripens. But in fact, they do not tolerate each other well, so when planning a common garden bed, it is better to give preference to beans and celery, and cucumbers. Aromatic herbs also get along well with cabbage; they help repel insects. These are sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onions. If landing white cabbage Don’t make it too thick, then you can grow enough greens, as well as radishes, in the spaces between the rows.


It does not grow well next to its closest relative, but it perfectly complements beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme. Doesn't like tomatoes or strawberries. Broccoli goes well with all of the listed plants, but does not tolerate cauliflower at all, so you will have to create several beds for different types of cabbage. Brussels sprouts- one of the most tolerant, it combines better in garden beds with other species. The only enemy is tomatoes, so tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables cannot be planted side by side under any circumstances. But dill and lettuce - please, you can add radishes and sage, spinach and turnips to the garden.


When planting this crop, make sure that there are no potatoes, melons or aromatic herbs nearby; it is better to plant all the greens along with cabbage. Cucumber loves high warm bed, on which peas and beans, corn and lettuce, radishes will grow well together with it. As with the previous example universal bed, we allocate the central strip for corn. It will become a support for cucumbers, beans and peas, which can be sown not only mixed, but also together, in one hole. The edge of the bed can be lined with lettuce and radishes, which will be harvested fairly quickly.

How to combine incompatible things

This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, but a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it is occupied by a variety of fruit plants. To separate poorly compatible plant species, film canopies are used to divide the greenhouse into certain sections. This helps create a kind of microclimate.

To summarize all that has been said, I would like to note that planning mixed beds greatly helps save space and significantly improves the quality of the harvest. Soil resources are used more evenly, and the plants themselves serve as natural protection for each other from diseases and pests. It should be taken into account that the planting scheme can be changed to suit the needs of your garden; we have given only general templates. But be sure to observe the compatibility of vegetables. This simple rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs or investments. From one garden bed experienced gardeners remove 11-15 kg of a variety of vegetables. Proper arrangement of plants in the garden also helps to save resources, as less water and fertilizer are required. That, perhaps, is all about what the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is. A list of plants that are “friends” and “not friends” with each other is given at the beginning of our review in the form of a table. Use it - and you are guaranteed a good harvest!

Vegetable compatibility. Compatibility of vegetable crops in one bed Home comfort Gardening Av. Litvinenko Elena August 1, 2015

Many gardeners take great responsibility when growing vegetables, herbs and fruits.
They follow all agricultural practices, use all modern preparations and fertilizers for better results, and constantly fight weeds and pests. But sometimes, despite the maximum amount of effort, the harvest is not satisfactory. Why does this happen?

There is also such a thing as vegetable compatibility. This is a very important factor that must be taken into account. The importance of vegetable compatibility When planting plants in the garden, it is very important to take into account the proximity of plants and know their predecessors. Many cultures are incompatible and can oppress each other.
The size of the plants and their mode of growth also play a big role. Taking into account all these factors, you can use the garden area more rationally, which is especially important when it is small. Planting plan Focusing on the compatibility of vegetables, you need to draw up a planting plan in advance. It is better to start compiling it in winter period, before the start of field work.

Different parts of the land may differ in fertility. This must also be taken into account when distributing crops.
There are strong consumers among plants useful substances and weak. They must be swapped periodically. All vegetables have different ripening times.
This can be used to rationally use the land so that it does not stand idle.

But the most important factor is the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. It greatly influences future harvest. Therefore, using the information from this article, plan future plantings taking into account all factors. Nutrient requirements of vegetables The nutrient requirements of plants greatly influence the compatibility of vegetables. This indicator is different for all cultures.

All plants can be divided into three conditional categories.
Heavy consumers are vegetables that require large amounts of nitrogen. These include almost all types of cabbage, chard, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, peppers, pumpkin and cucumbers.
Average consumers are carrots, radishes, kohlrabi, potatoes, beets, eggplants, field lettuce, endive, spinach and head lettuce.
And finally, peas, radishes, herbs, beans and spices are weak consumers of nutrients. When arranging vegetables in the garden bed, you need to take this factor into account and place them depending on the saturation of the site and its predecessor. This will help increase productivity.

Carrots are found very often in our areas. Almost every gardener grows this crop. When planting it, you also need to take into account the compatibility of vegetables. Thus, carrots grow well next to peas, radishes, spinach and lettuce. This vegetable gets along very well next to some types of onions (leeks, onions and perennials). These two vegetables protect each other from pests. It is not advisable to plant carrots next to parsley, dill and celery. Very often dill is sown on its own; it is worth planting it once on the site. But for carrots this is an undesirable neighborhood. Therefore, it is better to remove it from the garden and use it for its intended purpose.

The vegetable compatibility table (see below) is very important for every gardener, especially beginners. Subsequently, with experience will come knowledge about the characteristics of each culture. Eggplant is another common vegetable. It grows well next to crops such as beans, peppers, and peas. You should not plant eggplants next to cucumbers. This is not a very good neighborhood. There are conflicting opinions about contact during growth with other nightshade crops. Some fairly experienced gardeners believe that such a neighborhood is appropriate and gives excellent results. The opinion of others is exactly the opposite. They believe that planting eggplants near other nightshades results in poor harvests.

If we consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden, then the best neighbors for many crops are beans. They repel Colorado potato beetles. Also, beans, thanks to nodule bacteria, accumulate a sufficient amount of nitrogen on their roots and enrich the soil. Potatoes, corn, cucumbers, spinach, radishes and radishes get along well next to them. However, beans should be planted around the perimeter of the potato plot. In turn, basil should be placed next to the beans, which will protect them from weevil.

Cabbage is a very good neighbor for many crops, so finding a place for it on the plot is quite easy. Next to it you can plant carrots, beets, beans, celery, cucumbers, beans, strawberries, leeks and tomatoes. It is not advisable to place white and red cabbage next to each other. Parsley and dill take root very well next to this vegetable.
Kohlrabi is special kind cabbage It is planted next to asparagus, peas, radishes, potatoes and beans. It is not advisable to place kohlrabi with horseradish, garlic and tomatoes in the same bed.

Cucumbers and zucchini
Zucchini and cucumbers are considered related plants. However, there are some differences. The compatibility of cucumbers with other vegetables is slightly different from the compatibility of zucchini. Cucumbers get along well with peas, beans, beets, onions, cabbage, kohlrabi, fennel, basil and dill. It is not recommended to plant this vegetable with eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, watercress and radishes. For zucchini, lettuce, spinach, beans, onions and peas will be excellent allies in the garden. They should not be placed next to tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, parsley, pumpkin and radishes. Compatibility of growing vegetables is very important for good harvest. As you can see, related crops, zucchini and cucumbers, do not get along well with each other.

The best neighbor for onions is carrots. These two vegetables protect each other from pests. Therefore, experienced gardeners traditionally plant them nearby. The compatibility of onions with other vegetables interests many gardeners. Good allies for onions are melons, lettuce, cucumbers and beets. It is not advisable to place beans, asparagus, legumes and watercress next to this vegetable. Only leeks are friends with beans. The compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse is the same as in the garden.

Dill can coexist well with many crops. It usually self-sows and is found throughout the site. However, it is better to remove it from the carrot bed, as this is not the best union.
Basil is the best neighbor for tomatoes. It also gets along well with beans, cucumbers, some types of lettuce, fennel, onions, zucchini and corn. But it doesn’t go well with dill and marjoram. In turn, marjoram can be placed next to onions, carrots, spinach and turnips. In addition to basil, fennel is also a bad neighbor for it.

Peppers, radishes, turnips, radishes and beets
Any type of pepper can be planted next to tomatoes, thyme, basil, eggplant and kohlrabi. The compatibility of vegetables in the garden, the table of which will be the best help for any gardener, is very important. For peppers, beets, beans and fennel will be a bad ally in the garden. Beets can be planted with dill, lettuce, zucchini and onions. Among the many types of onions, the only opposite for this vegetable are perennial varieties. Radishes and radishes can be placed next to green onions, watercress, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, spinach and lettuce. They do not get along well with horseradish, cucumbers, basil and zucchini. Delicious turnips can be planted next to marjoram, watercress, celery, radishes and spinach. It does not get along well with tomatoes and cabbage.

Tomato is one of the main vegetables in the garden. Basil is considered its best companion. It also gets along well with beans, dill, carrots, onions, radishes, celery and lettuce. The worst place to plant this crop is in an area where potatoes, peas, grapes, zucchini, cucumbers and fennel grow. If these requirements are met, the yield can be much higher.

One cannot help but say something about this culture. It is often grown in garden plots and mistakenly placed next to zucchini. As a result, a crop grows that is characterized by low taste qualities. These two vegetables simply cross-pollinate. Better than pumpkin Plant next to beans, peas or legumes. But most the best option is a separate area that is unsuitable for planting other plants (for example, compost heap). Pumpkin growth is adversely affected by proximity to potatoes, peppers and eggplants. It is also undesirable to plant cucumbers and tomatoes nearby.

Grow plants on personal plot not that difficult. But what the harvest will be like depends on many factors, including the proximity of crops to each other. Compatibility of vegetables in the garden, a table of which should always be at hand for any gardener, will help achieve excellent results. Together with the timely implementation of all necessary agrotechnical measures correct location plants will allow you to obtain higher yields. Plant, grow and enjoy the fruits of your labors!