In the Dagkomreligion there was a discussion of the message of the head of the Republic of Dagestan to the people's assembly of the republic. Message from the head of the RD to the people's assembly Discussion of the message from the head of the RD to the people's assembly

On February 24, 2016, at the general meeting of the labor collective of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan KTsSON in the municipal municipality "city of Kaspiysk", a discussion was held of the annual Address of the Head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov to the People's Assembly, which took place in the conference hall of the Ministry of Education and Science of the republic.
Chairman of the trade union committee Sherifova G.S. spoke at the meeting regarding the Message of the Head of Dagestan R.G. Abdulatipov: “The cornerstone of our work is resolving issues in the social sphere. Our attention should include elderly people and children, orphanages, homes for the disabled and the elderly.
In the Address to the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation, in particular, noted that “in issues such as assistance to the elderly and disabled, support for families and children, we need to place more trust in civil society and non-profit organizations.”
Bagomedova P.G. Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan KTsSON in the municipal municipality “city of Kaspiysk” expressed her opinion: “In the message of the Head of Dagestan Abdulatipov R.G. All spheres of human activity were affected. He clearly outlined the priorities of the republic, including: a healthy family, traditional values, respect and elevation of man, stability, development, security, strengthening the unity of multinational Dagestan and Russia. What changes for the better took place in 2015? He pays special attention to social, socio-political and socio-cultural programs. “The message of the Head of Dagestan outlined the main problems of the republic - from the fight against terrorism and corruption” to sports achievements.”
The Center's employees expressed their thoughts on the President's address.
Social work specialist Belenko L.P.: “Over the past three years, order in the field of education has been restored in Dagestan and one of the painful issues that was resolved is the high-quality implementation of the Unified State Examination, because the younger generation and their knowledge are the future of the country.” The construction of new schools and kindergartens is envisaged to eliminate the three-shift teaching regime.
Head of the Department of Social Services for Family and Children Magamderova D.K.: “I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Head of the Republic of Dagestan for his contribution to the development of sports, the opening of sports schools and sections. Great emphasis is placed on the younger generation.”
Head of the department for the prevention of neglect of minors Zagidov G.M.: “In his Message Abdulatipov R.G. recognizes corruption as a serious threat to our republic. In recent years, much work has been done to eradicate it. Many high-ranking officials were released from their positions and brought to justice. But this is not enough. I am glad that the Head of Dagestan understands that there is still a lot of work in this direction and is drawing the attention of law enforcement agencies to this.”
Head of the Department of Rehabilitation of Minors Magomedshapieva U.K.: “I would like to note what changes have occurred in the field of medical care. Thus, in three years, 5 medical institutions received a license to provide high-tech care. There is a decline in overall, infant and maternal mortality. But in medical institutions it is necessary to change the attitude towards sick people who complain about queues in clinics and hospitals, about the work of our sometimes not at all ambulance services, etc.
All the Center’s specialists, in their speeches, support the line pursued by the head of the Republic to improve all areas of activity in our country.

Media department of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan, KTsSON in the Moscow Region. Kaspiysk"

In the Agul district, at an extended meeting of the Assembly of Deputies, they discussed the Address of the Head of Dagestan to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan. The discussion of the Message was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Republic of Dagestan V.B. Ferzullaev, the head of the Agul district municipal organization Yu.G. Ismailov, deputies of the district Assembly, heads of rural settlements, heads of institutions and organizations, public and religious figures, and the media.

Speaking to the audience, Ferzullaev V.B. noted that the Address of the Head of Dagestan to the People's Assembly of the Republic is the result of the work over the past year and the setting of tasks that need to be completed in the new year. This Message from the Head of the Republic of Dagestan, like the previous ones, is a comprehensive document reflecting the state of affairs in the republic and indicating ways out of existing problems.

Speaking about the economic component of the Address, he noted that from the theses of this document one can conclude: Despite the Western sanctions policy towards Russia, the country has withstood the blow and is developing internal resources. Dagestan also finds intensive development paths and internal reserves

In his speech, he expressed satisfaction with the success of the region in socio-economic development and expressed gratitude to all residents on behalf of the Head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov.

At the discussion of the Message of the Head of Dagestan to the People's Assembly, the head of the region, Yu. Ismailov, also spoke, who noted that the Head of Dagestan in his Message pointed out the need to fight against terrorism with the whole world, the whole society. It is necessary to carry out preventive work with people at risk, with relatives and other persons who sympathize with extremist ideas.

“The entire public must speak out against terror and extremism,” Yu. Ismailov emphasized.

The discussion was attended by the chairman of the Council of Elders of the district, school directors, deputies of the district assembly, heads of institutions and others.

At the 4th meeting of the Assembly of Deputies of the MR “Agul District” of the fifth convocation on February 26, 2016, the following issues were also discussed:

“On the report of the head of the municipal district “Agulsky district” on the results of his activities, the activities of the administration of the municipal district “Agulsky district” and other local government bodies subordinate to the head of the municipal district “Agulsky district” for 2015!” (Report by the Deputy Head of Administration of the MR "Agul district" Kurbanova Benevsha Abdulsalamovna.)

“On amendments to the Decision of the Assembly of Deputies of the municipal district “Agulsky District” dated December 28, 2015 No. 96 “On the district budget of the municipal district “Agulsky District” for 2016.” (Report of the Deputy Head of Administration - Head of the Finance Department of the Administration of the MR "Agulsky District" Amaev F.D.)

“On amendments to the decision of the Assembly of Deputies of the municipal district “Agulsky District” dated September 16, 2014 No. 23 “On the structure of the administration of the MR “Agulsky District”. (Report of the Deputy Head of Administration - Head of the Finance Department of the Administration of the MR "Agulsky District" Amaev F.D.)

“On the report of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the municipal district “Agulsky district” for 2015.” (Report by the Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the MR "Agulsky District" Ramazanov K. G.)

“On the election of the Chairman of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the municipal district “Agulsky district.”

Appropriate decisions were made on the issues discussed.

The results of the meeting were summed up by the head of the Agul district municipality, Yu.G. Ismailov.

On Monday, February 1, at the 58th session of the Dagestan parliament of the fifth convocation, the Head of the Republic Ramazan Abdulatipov delivered an Address (report) to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan. The session was attended by deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives of executive authorities, judicial and law enforcement agencies, political parties, public organizations and others. Tarumovsky district was represented at the session by acting the head of the administration of the municipality "Tarumovsky district" of the Republic of Dagestan, Alexander Vasilyevich Zimin, and the chairman of the district Assembly of Deputies Magomedali Alievich Magomedgadzhiev.

Ramazan Abdulatipov:

"Dear deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan! Dear members of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, heads of municipalities, representatives of federal authorities, public organizations! Dear Dagestanis!

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Dagestan, I present to the People’s Assembly, and therefore the Dagestan people, an Message (report) on the situation in the republic, on the results of implementation and prospects of state policy in the Republic of Dagestan. The message (report) was prepared on the basis of the main provisions of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly, which contains a detailed analysis of the state of domestic and foreign policy and responses to the challenges of our difficult times.

Dagestanis fully support the policy of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. We talk about Dagestan - we think about Russia, we talk about Russia - we think about Dagestan. These are two wings of our flight, our common destiny. We, Dagestanis, think, work, worry, win victories together with the whole country, all the Russian people. The crisis phenomena that are engulfing the modern world also have an impact on the socio-economic well-being of Russia. But, as our people have repeatedly proven historically, in times of crisis we mobilize and begin to work with greater responsibility. I am convinced that this will be the case now. Russia and Dagestan will emerge from the crisis stronger, more competitive, more united, with new opportunities and prospects.

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has been working in the republic for three years to cleanse and renew the government and society. Large-scale transformations were carried out that radically changed the life of the republic. You all remember what a difficult situation Dagestan was in after the “troubled” 90s. Historically significant reforms of V.V. Putin, which brought Russia out of the deepest crisis, were not always brought to Dagestan. And we had to go through the most difficult stages of work to analyze the state of affairs in the republic and establish basic order in government, in the economy and in society. From the very beginning, we felt a shortage of resources and human resources. Outdated approaches dominated in power and the economy, and a certain inertia prevailed in society. We inherited many problems, the solution of which was postponed for years, and sometimes decades.

Guided by an integrated approach, we solve the problems of the long-term development of Dagestan. The management system is changing, the habits of the authorities and citizens of working only for themselves and acting outside the legal framework are being broken. It was precisely these approaches in the past that brought Dagestan society to a crisis, to a state of civil war, to terrorism. Do you remember the times when Dagestanis “ordered” and killed each other. And this happened, first of all, within the government itself, and then spread to society. Many of you witnessed these events, and some suffered from them. It was not easy to survive in these conditions, but Dagestan retained the will to revive and the desire for dignity. As a result of the transformations carried out over three years in the republic, there has been a positive dynamics in the development of a number of industries and aspects of people’s lives. But the danger of a return to the previous order has not yet been overcome, because the structures and people who were “fed” by the old system and who lived freely in conditions of chaos continue to operate. I want to reassure everyone - there will be no return to unrest and lawlessness. The Dagestanis supported the formula of our policy - the cleansing and renewal of Dagestan through the unification of all creative, spiritual forces, true patriots of the republic and country. And today in this hall, I am sure, there are mainly people sitting who adhere to this formula and represent the majority of the Dagestani people.

The authorities are obliged and will ensure the protection of Dagestanis from the influence of destructive, ignorant forces, to create guarantees that the republic will never again be dominated by various kinds of figures and groups who will use power and the economy in their own selfish interests, instilling fear, raping and killing honest people. and talented people, robbing citizens of faith in the rule of law, arrogating to themselves the right to “rise” above laws and morality, creating lawlessness and instilling lawlessness in society.

The destruction of the foundations of the rule of law and public morality led to the appearance in Dagestan of people alienated from power and society, which as a result contributed to the involvement of Dagestanis in terrorism, including under pseudo-religious slogans. Some Dagestanis became hostages of destructive forces, various kinds of radical preachers and recruiters, who directed people’s dissatisfaction against the Russian state, the faith and culture of our ancestors.

The leadership of Dagestan, and above all Magomedali Magomedovich, did a lot in those difficult years to preserve the unity of the republic within the Russian Federation. But the authorities and society, even by the beginning of 2013 in Dagestan, remained weak, being under the influence, and in some places, the dictates of individual groups that worked in their own selfish interests, pandering to terrorists and murderers.

Strengthening state power, ensuring the supremacy of law and morality, the security of the state and citizens of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Dagestan, an irreconcilable fight against terrorism, lawlessness, banditry, corruption - these are the basic issues that we had to solve under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee played a huge organizational and coordinating role in uniting our efforts against the threat of terrorism. It was possible to establish joint work between republican and municipal bodies with the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and the Investigative Committee, which allowed us to basically win a victory over crime and terrorism. And, of course, the main factor that allowed the transformation to take place was the understanding and support of the majority of Dagestanis. I would like to thank Dagestanis, deputies at all levels, public organizations and the media for their joint work to cleanse and renew our native Dagestan. The main result of this work of ours is that Dagestan has been living for more than two years without terrorist attacks, without bandits who stole people and planted “flash drives” on businessmen and officials. Many worthy people died. Dagestanis know firsthand what terrorism is and what tragedies it brings to the people, to each of us. Therefore, we support the efforts undertaken by our national leader, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the fight against international terrorism. This is in our interests, and we believe in Russia's success.

Dagestanis condemn those who pursue a two-faced policy, pandering to terrorists and trying to use them in their own interests, which hinders the formation of a coalition of anti-terrorist forces. Dagestanis remember how the leadership of Turkey and some Arab countries provided moral and material support to the militants and terrorists who were then operating on our land, and Westerners called them nothing more than rebels.

It is also no secret that the ideology of terrorism, like the terrorists themselves, in Dagestan emerged from those countries that are currently fighting against Syria. Was all this done and is being done in the interests of Islam? Of course not. It is time for the Muslim Ummah to understand that terrorism and extremism work for the enemies of Islam. We urge everyone not to simplify these processes and to seriously oppose any form of radicalism and terrorism. We cannot allow foreign values ​​and alien ideologies to be imposed on Dagestanis, destroying our culture and the faith of our ancestors. And there have always been and are enough teachers of Islam, worthy sheikhs and ulama with deep knowledge and orthodoxy in Dagestan.

We must remember that about 80 percent of terrorist acts committed on Russian territory occurred in our republic. Dagestanis have suffered enormous casualties from terrorism. Dagestan, unfortunately, was also the main supplier of terrorists to other regions of the country. I want to state once again that this ignorance is not characteristic of our faith, our culture, and we, Dagestanis, assure the leadership and people of Russia that terrorist threats to the Russian state and its citizens should never and will not come from the territory of our republic. . The results of our activities indicate that the majority of Dagestanis today are mobilized to reject the ideology of terrorism.

Our responsible task is to resolutely oppose the participation of residents of the republic in international terrorist organizations in the countries of the Middle East. The position of the Dagestanis regarding these renegades is clear: they are traitors and enemies of the Motherland - Dagestan, Russia. According to special authorities, more than 800 people from Dagestan are fighting on the side of terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Each of us is responsible for this, but at the same time I express confidence that hundreds of times more Dagestanis, if necessary, are ready to fight terrorists with arms in hand. For those who think that these are just words, I would like to remind you of the national feat of 1999, when the Dagestanis, together with the Russian army and under the leadership of the future President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin won a victory over international terrorists. But we must not let our guard down. Heads of districts and cities, imams of mosques must know everyone who is fighting on the side of terrorists against Dagestan, post their names in a prominent place, and register relatives and friends. A Dagestani cannot just go somewhere without his loved ones knowing anything about it. This means that someone sympathizes and helps, without realizing the tragic consequences of this betrayal. And here our position must be clear and civil. All this was discussed in detail at the final meeting of the Anti-Terrorism Commission in the Republic of Dagestan with the participation of the head of the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee I.G. Sirotkin and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District S.A. Melikova. The meeting adopted a Comprehensive Plan to counter the ideology of terrorism.

Particular attention should be paid to increasing the effectiveness of the activities of anti-terrorist commissions of districts and cities. The message to everyone: the level, quality, and efficiency of the organization of the fight against terrorism must be increased. Our common motto is the same: “Everything to fight terrorism!” No one has the right to stay on the sidelines, observe and, especially, flirt, because we are talking about threats to the security of the state and citizens, each of us, our children and grandchildren. I draw special attention to the heads of ministries and departments of the republic, heads of municipalities to the need to systematically involve officials, teachers, doctors, students, and cultural workers in this work. In addition, we, as citizens of the Russian Federation, are obliged to protect the security and unity of our country.

Of course, the global crisis and sanctions against Russia have reduced the resources for our development, but the approved federal and republican budgets for 2016 clearly show everyone that the state and the republic are not abandoning their social obligations. I would like to responsibly declare that we have everything necessary to adequately respond to the challenges posed to Russia and Dagestan. In Dagestan we are not talking about a crisis, but about development.

Reporting on the results of our work to the People's Assembly, the Dagestan people, we have something to say: we have restored controllability in the republic, ensured positive dynamics of economic development, strengthened and updated government bodies at all levels, strengthened social support for the population, formed a capable team with common priority goals and tasks. The authorities in the republic receive the support of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

All this is the result of the coordinated work of the People's Assembly, the Government, the Public Chamber, municipal authorities and civil society institutions, and the media. Working with us are representatives of federal authorities, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District S.A. Melikov, entrepreneurial community.

The main thing is that we managed to significantly bring power and management closer to the needs and interests of the people. We, as promised, were largely able to change the socio-cultural environment of the Dagestanis, an environment that for years reproduced corruption, banditry, ignorance, violence and terrorism. The Dagestanis are convinced by their own example that ultimately it is culture and morality that determine the state of government, the economy and human relations. Thanks to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin's anniversary events to celebrate the 2000th anniversary of ancient Derbent made it possible to reveal the enormous spiritual and civilizational potential of our native land.

In Dagestan, priority projects have been developed and are being implemented, which are based on the Development Strategy of the Republic and the subprogram for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025. The government must improve the efficiency of this work.

We need to continue the course we have taken to increase the pressure on crime in all spheres of the economy, strengthen the fight against the “shadow” economy, and suppress the activities of organized criminal groups in the fuel and energy complex, as well as in the field of drug trafficking. The security of the state and citizens, the rights and freedoms of people is a subject of our common concern and common responsibility.

Corruption in republican and municipal authorities, federal structures in the Republic of Dagestan, law enforcement and judicial bodies still remains a serious threat. The public perceives corruption most painfully in the areas of education and healthcare. This causes significant moral and material damage and undermines the authority of authorities as a whole.

At the initiative of the Commission for Coordination of Anti-Corruption Work in the Republic of Dagestan, several ministers and deputy ministers were relieved of their positions, and high-ranking officials at the republican and municipal levels were held accountable. This indicates the priority of the course pursued by the leadership of the republic towards the cleansing and renewal of society and all spheres of our life.

The FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and the Investigative Committee are doing heroic work in the fight against crime and terrorism. Dagestanis are grateful to them, including employees sent from Moscow and other regions of Russia. Some of them gave their lives for our safety. But there is a lot of work ahead. With a serious analysis of the sources of crime, including terrorism, we come to the conclusion that there are still significant shortcomings.

There was an order from the President of the Russian Federation to cleanse the structures of all government bodies in Dagestan and, above all, in the city of Makhachkala from the remnants of criminal, corruption and terrorist scum. But law enforcement agencies limited themselves to individual actions instead of systematic work. In addition, it is known that in all bodies of republican and municipal government, in federal structures operating on the territory of Dagestan, in the media, there are still those who for years indulged bandits and terrorists in their own selfish interests, although cleanup work is being carried out everywhere. These people are constantly trying to sabotage our work to restore order and civilized development. How much dirt have they collected and poured on me, Shikhsaidov, Gamidov and others over these three years?! Some of our representatives in Moscow, who specialize in denigrating Dagestan, are also not behaving very honorably, although they know that in fact we are busy cleaning up manure from the “Augean Stables”, which they left us as a legacy. And who doesn’t know that some of them cowardly fled to Moscow, fearing the local bandits who dominated Dagestan? And now they calmly, without fear, visit the republic and overthrow those who gave them freedom. It was possible not to remember these people, of whom there are only a few, but we need to be vigilant, protect Dagestan and take care of the stability that we managed to achieve.

Dear colleagues!

I would like to especially say about how some of the tasks set in the previous Address (report) to the People's Assembly were implemented. Moreover, many of them were correlated with the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly.

Of the 125 instructions specified in the Address, 68 have been fully implemented. Many orders are still at the execution stage. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has not fulfilled 7 instructions, including in the field of horticulture and viticulture. Proposals for the creation of machine-technological stations have not been implemented. The potential for fisheries development has not been tapped. The problems of efficient use of agricultural land have not been fully resolved. All this was repeatedly pointed out to Deputy Prime Minister Sh.I. Sharipov, Minister B.V. Battalov, and now they are surprised that they were relieved of their positions. We must work efficiently and honestly.

The government was unable to use the enormous capabilities of the Makhachkala transport and logistics hub. Order has not been restored in the area of ​​passenger transportation, especially in cities. A new ministry has been created for transport, energy and communications issues. The task has been set to restore order in all these sectors.

The government is also missing out on development factors that are important during the crisis, such as internal resources that could contribute to economic growth. This is evidenced by the work of the Ministry of State Property, where they have not learned how to properly manage republican property and use privatization and competition as levers for the development of a market economy. The minister and his deputies were relieved of their positions, including due to corruption issues.

It is necessary to reduce the public sector, because huge assets lie dead weight in state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises. And sometimes they are also “fed” with subsidies. The main and not yet fully resolved task for the Government and federal structures is to create conditions for free and healthy competition in the republic.

The implementation of instructions regarding the intensification of foreign economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, Iran and other countries remains at a low level. It is necessary to strengthen integration ties with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with all neighbors. We are talking about the Makhachkala transport hub, about the Great Silk Road, but we stand aside from the creation of regional technological and food markets, from the work to expand trade flows to Dagestan.

It is necessary to intensify efforts to create logistics centers and transport and port systems with preferential treatment for enterprises and entrepreneurs. The helplessness and slowness of some ministers, heads of districts and cities, and businessmen do not allow the republic to use its potential.

I urge my colleagues to be more responsible and to realize that my instructions, and especially the instructions of the President of Russia, are given for unconditional execution. First of all, these are the “May” decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the import substitution program, the anti-crisis plan, priority development projects of the Republic of Dagestan and others.

Dear deputies!

We critically evaluate the work of the Government of the Republic, the Administration of the Head and the Government, and municipalities, but it should be noted that they did a tremendous amount of work, thanks to which we were able to maintain the positive dynamics of development. In general, they increase the productivity of A.M. Gamidov, R.M. Aliev, A.Sh. Karibov, I.I. Efendiev, A.P. Gasanov, R.A. Yusufov, a number of heads of districts and cities.

According to preliminary results for 2015, the growth rate of industrial production amounted to 102 percent, the volume of agricultural production - 105.1 percent, investment in fixed capital - 104.8 percent, the volume of work performed in construction - 106.6 percent. Average monthly wages increased by 3.3 percent. The index of output of goods and services for basic types of economic activity increased by 5.5 percent.

The main principle of our work is old, Soviet: everyone conscientiously does the assigned work and produces results.

At the end of 2015, most municipalities achieved the planned indicators of socio-economic development.

The Government of the Russian Federation, at its meeting on December 24, 2015, approved the results of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the results for 2014.

The Republic of Dagestan was awarded 17th place among Russian regions and received a grant in the amount of 161.2 million rubles. In this regard, I would like to thank the Chairman and members of the Government, the Administration and encourage the continuation of the ongoing reforms.

We resolve issues of the development of the republic together with the federal authorities, and in this, I repeat, we received enormous support and understanding from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, as well as the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation S.B. Ivanov and his first deputy V.V. Volodin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District S.A. Melikova.

Thanks A.G. Khloponin, L.V. Kuznetsov, O.Kh. Baysultanov, who oversaw the preparation and implementation of the subprogram for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025.

Dear colleagues!

We have had to live and work in difficult times. Modern geopolitical conditions not only present us with challenges, but also open up opportunities for development. We are implementing an import substitution program aimed at increasing labor productivity and producing extremely competitive products, which can and should also be exported.

The import substitution program should be implemented using the existing potential of enterprises, including the military-industrial complex: Dagdizel, Aviaagregat, Zavod im. Gadzhiev", "Concern "KEMZ".

The republic faces the task of more fully developing our hydro resources. Undoubtedly, the commissioning of the Gotsatlinskaya HPP will partially satisfy the growing demand for electricity. But we also cannot refuse the idea of ​​​​building a cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Sulak, Samur, Avar and Andiyskoe Koisu rivers. We need to interact more actively with RusHydro and attract private investment in hydroelectric power.

On our initiative, the Dagestan Network Company was created, but we are concerned about the state of the networks and the growth of debts. People complain about the quality of energy supply. Together with Rosseti, the Government needs to keep this issue under control.

For us, the situation is unacceptable when the Government of Dagestan often acts as an outside observer in the energy, oil and gas industries. This is not a state thing.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of existing market niches and the possibilities for filling them. Many directors of our enterprises managed to keep them afloat in the most difficult years, we need to actively help them. But at the same time, I note that some heads of enterprises and business structures show their inability to respond to the challenges of the time. Through their fault, many enterprises, especially in the agro-industrial complex, were destroyed.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic is obliged to cope with the definition and implementation of industrial policy, with modernization, with the introduction of new technological achievements into production. The Ministry is extremely inert regarding the implementation of the V.V. program. Putin on training 25 million high-tech workers. So far, the industry has made little use of the latest scientific developments that our scientists have, but high-quality laboratories have been created and operate at DSTU and DSU.

The government of the republic does not pay due attention to issues of market protection and regulation. The work on forming the consumer basket of the average resident of the Republic of Dagestan has not been completed. Our stores are overflowing with imported goods, even those that we could produce ourselves. If we want our industry to be competitive, it is important for us to know which goods can be replaced and produced to replenish the consumer basket of Dagestanis.

Small and medium-sized businesses should play a significant role in the socio-economic development of the republic. This issue was named by Russian President V.V. Putin is the most important economic and socially significant. The huge potential of medium and small businesses is not being realized in Dagestan. We need to more actively involve small and medium-sized businesses in government procurement and import substitution.

I instruct the government to optimize a set of measures to support small and medium-sized businesses. The Ministry of Industry and Trade actually failed this issue. A clear mechanism for entrepreneurs has not yet been defined: from opening to liquidating a business. A decision was made to create a special Agency for Entrepreneurship and Investment (B.I. Magomedov). I would like to draw the attention of all federal structures, republican and municipal authorities, banks: for all of us, entrepreneurship is an area of ​​our common responsibility.

Dear deputies!

In his Address to the Federal Assembly, President of Russia V.V. Putin has set us a national task: by 2020, to fully supply the domestic market with domestic food. Today, Dagestan rightfully occupies a leading position among Russian regions in the production of a number of types of agricultural products and in recent years has consistently demonstrated high positive dynamics, providing an average increase of up to 7 percent.

The Year of Gardening, which we announced in 2015, allowed us to concentrate available resources on reviving the industry. As a result, last year two thirds of intensive gardens were planted in the republic.

A significant contribution to the development of the industry is made by such farms as the MUP "Majaliskoye" of the Kaitag district, the peasant farm "Babaev" of the Suleiman-Stalsky district, the agricultural production complex "Granit" of the Magaramkent district and others.

We continue to work to restore viticulture. Last year we managed to harvest a record grape harvest - about 150 thousand tons, of which almost 100 thousand tons were sent for processing.

In horticulture, fruit growing and viticulture, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic, together with scientists from Dagestan, must seriously engage in nursery matters.

In recent years, vegetable growing in protected soil has been developing at a good pace. Last year, an additional 20 hectares of greenhouses were created, and their total area today exceeds 145 hectares; 2.5 thousand people work in greenhouses. We need to develop this important sector of the agro-industrial complex more intensively.

One of the promising areas was rice growing, where the gross harvest increased by almost 15 percent. Among the rice-growing farms, I would like to mention Niva LLC in the Kizlyar region, which built a modern rice processing plant and a seed-growing center and is increasing its rice production volumes.

Historically, Dagestanis are good livestock breeders. In 2015, in Agulsky, Akushinsky, Babayurtsky, Buynaksky, Gergebilsky, Gunibsky, Karabudakhkentsky, Kizilyurtsky, Nogaisky and other regions, livestock complexes and feedlots for small cattle were built, and meat processing enterprises were put into operation. But we still have not learned how to bring manufactured products to consumers in a civilized manner, primarily through retail chains, bypassing unscrupulous intermediaries.

As a successful project, we can note the Boztorgai peasant farm in the Nogai district; such work has also begun in the Botlikh district (with the support of deputy U.M. Umakhanov). Many other entrepreneurs in Dagestan also began to successfully engage in such projects.

As part of the implementation of the investment project of APK EcoProduct LLC (A. Abduljalilov), a large poultry complex with a capacity of 5.3 thousand tons of poultry meat per year will soon be put into operation in the Magaramkent region. This is another example of mutually beneficial cooperation between the state and private investors, which brings concrete results.

Despite the generally positive dynamics of development of the agricultural sector, we have changed the leadership of the agro-industrial complex, thereby orienting all farmers towards more efficient development of the industry.

The problem of shortage of agricultural machinery remains quite acute. The government of the republic did not ensure the implementation of the instructions to create conditions for the development of the market for mechanized services, equipping machine-technological stations using leasing mechanisms.

The declaration of 2016 as the Year of the Mountains should be used to restore mountain horticulture and the canning industry in the mountains. I instruct the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to take this work seriously and submit for approval a program for the Year of Mountains.

The Kikuninsky cannery (M. Sheikhov) operates successfully in the mountainous zone of the republic. The plant has opened a line for the production of baby food. It is necessary to expand the activities of the Kikuninsky plant. It would be good to adopt the experience of M. Sheikhov, who gave money to many gardeners in the spring, and in the fall they handed over their harvest to him.

In 2016, the All-Russian Agricultural Census is being held, which will be held under the motto: “The village is in order - the country is prosperous.” I have already had to point out that in almost all rural settlements the work of maintaining household books is extremely poorly done.

Attention to villages and mountainous areas are measures to preserve our people, the way of life and culture of Dagestan. Many problems in the republic have accumulated due to the neglect of the development of mountain territories and mountain people. We need to more rationally use the economic, cultural and tourist potential of our mountains.

The government was unable to ensure the effective implementation of the Dagagrocomplex project (I. Umalatov). A well-established company is actually destroyed due to illiterate management. The government (A.M. Gamidov, Sh.I. Sharipov, B.V. Battalov) showed its helplessness. Now the work is being carried out through the mediation of the Minister of the Russian Federation for North Caucasus Affairs L.V. Kuznetsova.

Dear deputies!

The construction complex, which is developing dynamically, occupies an important place in the economy of the republic. In 2015, 1 million 799 thousand square meters were put into operation. meters, which is 9.2 percent more than last year. The volume of work performed in construction increased by 6.6 percent.

At the same time, the Ministry of Construction never became the center for organizing construction and architectural policy in the republic. Hence the leapfrog that is taking place in the organization of the construction business: from the allocation of land plots to obtaining a building permit, maintaining the quality of the construction itself, as well as the socio-cultural development of the territories. It is important to ensure that the construction of new housing is accompanied by relevant socio-cultural projects. We must stop thinking only about profit, forgetting about people and the improvement of their habitat.

We must provide Dagestanis with affordable housing, reduce housing prices, freeing builders from various types of taxes.

Head of Makhachkala M.A. It’s time for Musaev, together with law enforcement agencies, to eliminate the consequences of the bandit seizure of land and buildings in the city, to cleanse the capital of the “shadow” economy. Often, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the prosecutor's office create a nightmare for normal business, while they bypass the “shadow” economy. An important decision was made by the Minister of Internal Affairs A.M. Magomedov: any inspection of a business will be carried out only with his permission. The prosecutor of the republic R.A. works in the same direction. Shakhnavazov.

In 2015, work continued to eliminate the dilapidated housing stock as part of the implementation of the “May” Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 600. In the territory of 9 municipalities of the republic, a program for relocating citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing is being implemented. The heads of the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent were relieved of their positions for disrupting this program. The same strict requirements are imposed on the execution of all decrees of the President of the country.

It is necessary to more actively use the opportunities of federal programs in the housing and communal services sector, to continue the construction of treatment facilities in the cities of the republic and water pipelines to Derbent, Babayurt, Kaspiysk and Izberbash.

Dear deputies!

The road sector is developing more actively than ever in the republic. This is one of the most efficient and high-quality industries. In 2015, 58.2 km of roads and 5 bridges were built and reconstructed, which is almost 3.7 times higher than the results of 2014. I especially want to thank Rosavtodor (R.V. Starovoyt) for the high-quality work on putting the road to Derbent in order and opening another 21 km of the updated road. In all regional centers, roads with asphalt concrete pavement will be built in the next three years.

The development of road infrastructure, including through the use of private investment, remains a priority for Dagestan.

Dear deputies!

The President of the country V.V. In his Address, Putin set the task of achieving budget balance. Budget planning must begin with a clear fixation of priorities; it is necessary to return the decisive role of state programs in this process.

All budget decisions we make must comply with the strategic development priorities established, first of all, by the “May” decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and priority development projects of the Republic of Dagestan. Speaking about budget policy, it is important to emphasize that we are faced with the task of ensuring the real contribution of each of the state, municipal authorities, state and municipal institutions to the socio-economic development of the republic.

This year's budget, as you know, is very tight. The main principle for this year: do not ask for money, but manage what you have in a businesslike manner. And ensure the protection of budget funds from corruption attacks.

The main indicator of our activities is the volume of tax and non-tax revenues of regional and local budgets, in addition to investments in fixed capital and the level of income of citizens.

We need to continue our joint measures to implement the priority development project of the Republic of Dagestan “Whitening” the economy.”

In 2015 alone, as a result of the implementation of this priority project, about 6 thousand business entities were identified that were operating without registering with the tax authorities. And the heads of districts and cities complain that they have no money. The government of the republic, together with the tax service, Rosreestr, and the Cadastral Chamber, needs to continue its local activities to build tax capacity and ensure objectivity in the formation of the tax base.

We have decided to transfer the full amount of revenues under the simplified taxation system to the municipal level. Perhaps the proceeds from the transport tax should be transferred to municipalities?

In 2016, it is necessary to continue to carry out serious and fairly effective measures to optimize and increase the efficiency of budget expenditures. Every budget penny should go to its intended destination. During the year, we managed to reduce budget expenses by a total of 3.1 billion rubles (A.M. Gamidov, R.A. Yusufov, R.M. Aliev). The corresponding tasks have been determined for 2016. The orientation in budget policy is as follows: all ministries, departments, districts and cities need to earn money, and not just spend. It's time to end the practice when one is with a bipod and seven are with a spoon.

I would like to draw special attention to the need to ensure transparency in the system of state and municipal procurement, while centralizing public procurement as much as possible and using the capabilities of local producers.

The main principle of budget policy in a crisis is to live within your means and create conditions so that every economic entity is interested in paying taxes. This is also a question about the “cleanliness” and efficiency of the tax service employees.

Dear Dagestanis!

The current situation in the field of land relations remains a subject of particular concern. There is a lot of talk about the land reform that we have started.

The strategic goal of land reform is to increase the efficiency of land use and preserve valuable agricultural land. There is no other policy here, and there is no need to look for it. But we all should understand that we are twenty years late with land reform. We are talking about establishing an effective system for using land resources, and therefore, about the development of the agro-industrial complex.

I ask the Government and the People's Assembly to intensify work on the formation of the regulatory legal framework of the republic in the field of land relations. We must finally restore order with state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises, strengthen state supervision and land control in the field of rational use of land resources.

In his Address to the Federal Assembly, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin proposed “to confiscate agricultural land that is used for other purposes from unscrupulous owners and sell it at auction to those who want and can cultivate the land.” Land is our wealth, and we need to think through the procedure for confiscating agricultural land from unscrupulous owners and selling it at auction to those who want and can work on the land.

Separately, I would like to say about federally owned lands, primarily on the coast of the Caspian Sea, the ineffective management of which causes their illegal use. This is most of the federal land around the cities of Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Izberbash, Derbent and in the Kayakent region, provided for long-term lease. The government and administration of Makhachkala are delaying the start of the implementation of projects on the site of the hippodrome and near it.

I instruct the Government of the Republic to work at the federal level on the issue of transferring these land plots into republican ownership in order to increase efficiency and their targeted use.

Dear deputies!

Not only the health of the people, but also their well-being depends on the state of the environment. Recently, it has been possible to achieve some positive results in the field of ecology and protection of natural resources (N.A. Karachaev).

The new economic philosophy in Dagestan should be based on the most careful treatment of natural resources and their effective use for economic growth. The Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have already taken a number of measures to restore legality in this area, but there are still many who want to protect themselves in the old way, to work for themselves and not for the state.

For Dagestan, it is important to restore the hydrological regime of rivers and lakes, to determine the ecological regime for the use of the territories behind the Naryn-Kala fortress and the Tarki-Tau Mountains, including for the creation of park areas. In the years following the collapse of a single country, the ecology of Dagestan has suffered enormous damage, and a program of environmental rehabilitation is needed in a number of places.

Dear colleagues!

The main priority of all our work is the ordinary Dagestani. If he feels comfortable living and working in Dagestan, then we are doing a good job. We pay special attention to the implementation of a complex of social, socio-political and socio-cultural programs for the decent development of Dagestanis and their living space.

The prospects of settling their families and receiving services are very important to people. Thus, in three years, 5 medical institutions received a license to provide high-tech care. If in 2012 we did not carry out a single operation to provide high-tech medical care and all patients were sent outside the republic, then in 2015 more than 3 thousand people received this type of assistance in Dagestan. In the Republican Clinical Hospital, complex procedures such as coronary angiography and vascular stenting are carried out around the clock, unique operations are mastered and performed. Private clinics operate successfully: Medical Center named after. R.P. Askerkhanov and the Center for High Technology Medicine named after. I.Sh. Ismailova.

There is a decline in overall, infant and maternal mortality. In 2015, the average life expectancy increased and is now more than 75 years. But in medical institutions it is necessary to change the attitude towards sick people who complain about extortions, queues in clinics and hospitals, the work of our sometimes not at all ambulance services, etc.

Important health issues were discussed in November 2015 at a meeting of the Government Commission led by D.A. Medvedev in Makhachkala. Relevant instructions have been given, and the Government of the Republic needs to monitor their implementation.

The long-term agenda of Russia and Dagestan is preserving the nation, raising children and discovering their talents - everything that determines the strength and future of any country, including ours.

High-quality, modern education is one of our main priorities. Over the past three years, order in the field of education has been restored in the republic, and one of the painful issues that we have managed to resolve is the high-quality conduct of the Unified State Exam. This was done through joint work with the heads of districts and cities, the prosecutor’s office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB Directorate and, of course, Rosobrnadzor. As part of the federal target program “South of Russia”, the construction of 11 schools is envisaged in order to eliminate the three-shift teaching regime. In high schools in the republic, work is already underway to organize specialized training in working specialties.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic has done a lot in secondary vocational education. Universities are taking slow but positive steps: DSU, DGTU and DSUNKh.

We are extremely concerned about the situation at the Dagestan Pedagogical University and the Dagestan Medical Academy. Electing a rector from among those who have been spreading corruption and immorality in the university for years is useless; more drastic measures are needed. Graduates of some Dagestan universities are no longer hired in other regions of Russia, but we elect a rector from among the vice-rectors. A.Sh. Karibov, Sh.K. Shakhov, T.I. Ibragimov, together with the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Republic of Dagestan (T.A. Ismailov), needs to seriously engage in updating staff and improving the quality of teaching in universities.

Measures are needed to train personnel with natural science and technical education. And the thesis that universities are under the jurisdiction of federal ministries does not mean anything, because we are talking about a single state, about the well-being and prospects of citizens of the Russian Federation. We need to radically change the situation in terms of the content of secondary and higher education.

Dear deputies!

All our activities are devoted primarily to the return of Dagestanis to the values ​​of traditional spiritual culture and morality. There will be culture - and we will not be left without bread. Remember, A.S. Pushkin: “Believe in the spirit of the people and expect salvation from it and you will be saved.” The return of our traditional spirituality is the main factor in the renewal of the republic. Religious denominations also play an important role here.

On the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in December 2014 adopted the Fundamentals of the State Cultural Policy, which outlines the basic thesis that “an adequate comprehensive response to all the challenges and threats of our time can only be given by a balanced state cultural policy, which takes into account the impact of culture on all areas of state and public life.” . This is a fundamental approach that we use as the basis for our ongoing reforms.

Culture, honor and human dignity have always been highly valued in Dagestan. And the dagger on the Dagestani’s belt was never an element of aggression, but was an attribute of culture and ethics. Dagestan thinkers, poets, and writers placed man and human dignity at the center of the universe. “People, people are high stars, I wish I could only fly to you,” proclaimed the great Rasul Gamzatov. And many of our problems are due to the fact that we rarely turn to human culture and morality, and we pay little attention to the worldview of the Dagestanis.

If in the 20s of the last century the main task was to combat illiteracy, now we need to begin work to combat ignorance. The authorities of Dagestan are sending signals to society about the relevance of increasing the role of culture, literature and morality. This signal must be picked up primarily by the intelligentsia and the media.

The only House of Poetry in the country has been created in Makhachkala, in which the Poetry Theater operates (the artistic director is the chairman of the board of the Writers' Union M. Akhmedov). We also need a House of Music, and we need to speed up the restoration of the Philharmonic. The renovated Dagestan State United Historical and Architectural Museum is preparing to open. A. Tahoe-Godi. The House of Friendship operates in a fundamentally new, active and effective way. Centers for the traditional culture of the peoples of Russia have been created and operate in all regions and cities. Traditional Dagestan crafts in rural settlements should receive high-quality support. For these purposes, we created the Ministry of Tourism and Folk Arts.

Dear deputies!

The past 2015 in the republic was marked by the anniversary of Derbent, which we celebrated on a large scale in Dagestan, Moscow, and Paris. This most important historical event has become a clear indicator of the ability of government bodies and society to solve the tasks set before us by the country's leadership.

We are grateful first of all to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The anniversary helped to identify and show the rich sources of the cultural and civilizational development of Dagestan. The President supported our proposal to extend repair and restoration work in the city of Derbent until 2018.

Government (A.M. Gamidov), Mayor of Derbent M.D. Bagliev urgently needs to continue the implementation of the city improvement program and actively involve the Derbent residents themselves in this, because everything is ultimately done for their sake.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of ancient Derbent, including special thanks to our neighbors: the leadership of Azerbaijan (I. Aliyev) and the Chechen Republic (R. Kadyrov).

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who visited the exhibition at the State Historical Museum dedicated to the anniversary of the city, met with the Dagestan delegation and highly appreciated the level of preparation and conduct of the celebration, noting the love of Dagestanis for their small Motherland, Dagestan and Russia. “I very highly appreciate the devotion of Dagestanis to their Motherland,” he said, “they are ready to show these qualities if life demands it, just as it was in 1999. “No one has ever been able to intimidate the Russian people as a whole, and even more so Dagestan; this is absolutely, as lawyers say, a futile endeavor.” The opinion of the President of Russia fully corresponds to the Dagestan spirit and our civic position. We are not afraid of extremists and terrorists, let them be afraid of us: we live and create in our homeland, we have a great culture, a great country behind us.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, who visited Derbent in November 2015, also highly appreciated the work carried out in Derbent.

Derbent and Dagestan were comprehensively presented for the first time at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Now we demand that in cultural, historical and artistic events we adhere to the “Derbent standard” that we have achieved and continue to work at the same level.

In October 2015, large-scale events were also held to celebrate the 280th anniversary of the founding of Kizlyar, a city that has always been a center of communication and a territory for bringing Russians and other peoples of Dagestan together. The events dedicated to the anniversary of Kizlyar showed the indestructible strength and longevity of our fraternal union.

Dear deputies!

The cornerstone of our work is solving social issues. Our attention should include elderly people and children, orphanages, homes for the disabled and the elderly.

In the Address to the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation, in particular, noted that “in issues such as assistance to the elderly and disabled, support for families and children, we need to place more trust in civil society and non-profit organizations.” I instruct the Government of the Republic to prepare and organize, together with non-profit organizations, a social forum in order to establish joint work in this direction.

The strengthening of interethnic and interfaith relations is of fundamental importance for Dagestan; this is the most important task of the republican and municipal authorities, of the entire Dagestan society. “The world rests on the friendship of peoples,” our ancestors said long ago. As the anniversary of Derbent showed, we have vast experience, culture, and traditions of interethnic and interreligious cooperation. In this regard, while celebrating the anniversary, Derbent, Dagestan, Russia presented to the current world, which is drowning in conflicts, a kind of civilizational message - the experience and wisdom of representatives of different nationalities, cultures and faiths to establish a common life on one land. And it is important for us to treat this historical heritage very carefully.

We are actively participating in the implementation of the federal target program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia (2014–2020).” Interesting projects are being implemented in Dagestan: “Kunaki”, “From tribal consciousness to pan-Dagestan unity”, “We are Russians” and others. It is necessary to raise the status of national cultures and languages, to strengthen the civil identity of Dagestanis. We need to give a general Dagestan answer to those who like to ethnopoliticize personnel, land and other issues. Flirting with the national issue in Dagestan is dangerous and unacceptable, but all the fundamental problems of the life of the republic must continue to be resolved taking into account the national well-being of Dagestanis of different nationalities and ethnocultural groups. This also applies to those issues whose resolution has been delayed for decades. The solution to many old and new problems of the development of the Aukhovsky district, the Lak population of the Novolaksky district, residents of the villages of Khrakh-Uba and Uryan-Uba resettled from Azerbaijan, and others, we included in the subprogram for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan until 2025, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation. Now it is necessary to determine the specific stages of work for its implementation. At the same time, it is important for everyone to understand that problems will be successfully resolved if we are able to simultaneously defend all-Dagestan, all-Russian interests and help strengthen the unity of our people. In the interethnic sphere, all problems can and should be solved on the basis of taking into account two principles: achieving parity of interests of each nationality and establishing interethnic partnerships between representatives of all nationalities.

It is necessary to increase the importance of the state program of the Republic of Dagestan “Support for the Russian population living and returning to the Republic of Dagestan for 2014–2017.” It is important to carry out this work together with the Bishop of Makhachkala and Grozny, Father Varlaam, as well as the ataman of the Terek Cossacks.

The Republic of Dagestan, together with the Russian Book Union, has prepared a unique multimedia project “We are the Russian people. Dagestan is multinational,” which was highly appreciated by Russian President V.V. Putin. The work summarizes the vast experience of solidarity between the peoples of Dagestan and Russia, and it is important to convey it to school and university students and young people. I instruct the relevant ministries to closely address this issue.

Together with the Muftiate of the Republic of Dagestan, significant work is being carried out to improve the situation in the Muslim Ummah. It is a great sin and crime to sow distrust among Muslims, between believers. I would like to thank the Dagestanis who are working to preserve unity and harmony between representatives of all religious faiths, which corresponds to our culture and traditions. Special thanks to the Mufti of Dagestan, Sheikh Akhmad-haji, and the Bishop of Makhachkala and Grozny, Father Varlaam, for their productive joint work on an ongoing basis. Following the example of the successful experience of the Youth Interreligious Forum in the republic, it would be possible to create youth interreligious educational societies and groups to educate the younger generation based on the common values ​​of traditional confessions of Russia.

Dear deputies!

In 2015, we worthily celebrated the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This Victory unites all Russians with a common sense of pride in their Fatherland. This is a great feat of a great people, a great country! And the Dagestanis are worthy heirs of the Victory.

In schools and universities of Dagestan, it would be possible to create clubs “Heirs of Victory” as permanent cells of the “Immortal Regiment”. In the current conditions, the Ministry of Youth should strengthen its work on the patriotic, civic education of the younger generation, so that it is worthy of the exploits of our ancestors. The new Minister of Youth Affairs needs to more effectively use the potential of youth organizations and their initiatives for the economic and cultural modernization of Dagestan.

Dear colleagues!

The Republic of Dagestan is distinguished by its love of sports and sporting achievements. In 2015, more than 20 sports facilities were built, including a universal volleyball hall in Makhachkala, a modern swimming complex at the Dagestan State Technical University. At the initiative of the heads of districts and cities, gyms, football fields with artificial turf and standard volleyball courts are being built. At the same time, the Sports Palace named after. A. Aliyev is used ineffectively. I instruct the Government to create a Palace of Youth, Culture and Sports on its basis.

Dagestan athletes Bilyal Makhov, Abdulrashid Sadulayev, Abdusalam Gadisov, Magomed Gazimagomedov (freestyle wrestling) won tickets to participate in the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). We honored the guys the other day, and after that most of them performed successfully at the tournament in memory of Ivan Yarygin. I would like to remind Olympians that the spirit of a nation is manifested in sports. And it is important for Russia to demonstrate this now. If you win, we will be in a better mood to work.

Dagestan held the Russian Wrestling Championship, the Russian Cup in football, as well as in volleyball and rugby at a high level.

Dagestan took first place as a team at the VI Festival of Culture and Sports of the Peoples of the Caucasus “Caucasian Games-2015”.

The Anji football club has returned to the Premier League.

The Dagestan-Makhachkala national volleyball team became the champion of Russia in its league. Veteran volleyball players also became champions of Russia.

It is important to more actively cultivate new sports: rugby and para-taekwondo, included in the Olympic program, as well as athletics, aquatics, and chess.

The Ministry of Sports and the heads of districts and cities are tasked with developing mass sports, attracting children and adults to participate in mass competitions, and more persistently introducing the “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) complex. I propose to hold the Dagestan Open GTO Championship for Victory Day.

One of the priority areas should be the development of sports for people with disabilities, as well as the creation of normal conditions for physical education and sports for disabled people and veterans.

Dear deputies, colleagues!

Last year’s Address to the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan set the task of rejuvenating management personnel. Now, about 30 percent of state civil servants in the executive authorities of the republic and municipal employees in local governments are young people under the age of 35. The share of youth and women in representative bodies has increased.

But youth policy often comes down to “entertainment,” although it is designed to ensure the participation of young people in public life, motivate them to work, study, and comply with the laws and cultural norms of their country.

It is necessary to increase the political and civic activity of young people in the upcoming elections to the People's Assembly of the republic, wisely combining experienced and young people in the deputy corps. It is important to involve a person in culture, creativity and communication from childhood. It is necessary to hold competitions and championships in professions. Everyone needs to work more actively in the youth environment, to have a positive influence on the worldview and civic choices of young people. These and other issues have been entrusted to be addressed at a higher quality level by the new leadership of the Ministry of Youth.

Dear colleagues!

In the successful identification and solution of the entire complex of development problems of the Republic of Dagestan, a huge place is occupied by the media: both state and non-state. Dagestan journalists, under the most difficult conditions, showed themselves to be smart and courageous people, responsible citizens of their country. But some journalists are still struggling to emerge from the “troubled” times, sometimes continuing to drive us back to the 90s with their materials, corrupting the people, sowing ignorance in people’s minds, and sometimes sympathizing with murderers and terrorists, flirting with them, “serving “all sorts of bandits and thieves, from which Dagestan, and the journalists themselves, have already suffered.

The Ministry of Press needs to more seriously address the issues of information security of the republic, country, and carry out content - analysis of media publications, orienting journalists towards joint cleansing and renewal activities with the authorities. It is important for everyone to remember that indifference and ideological unscrupulousness have already led to many tragedies in Dagestan.

We must and will defend freedom of speech, but it is important, while defending freedom, not to lose responsibility and notice the line between truth and lies, good and evil, Motherland and betrayal. If you are in opposition to the truth, then you are preaching a lie. If you are against good, then you are for evil, etc. That's life. We all together have an obligation not only to inform, but also to educate the Dagestanis, returning to them the honor and dignity inherent in our culture.

The role of the media in the dialogue between government and society is great. Competent journalists not only cover people’s problems, but also offer solutions to them. We do not direct journalists to praise us, but ask them to critically analyze our activities, but at the same time convey to the people the creative essence of the reforms we are carrying out. There is no need to speculate on difficulties, driving people into fear and despondency, talking about crises and tragedies around the clock, as some newspapers do. It is important for all of us together to give people hope and positive perspectives.

The fact that our information services and media can work efficiently was demonstrated at the celebration of the anniversary of Derbent. Over two days, September 19 and 20, 630 materials about Derbent were published.

The Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District provides new platforms for information work. We need to be more active in using them.

It is necessary to develop media in national languages, including through the Internet. Social networks could become a kind of virtual centers of the traditional culture of the peoples of Dagestan, uniting people from our republic not only in different parts of Russia, but throughout the world. Ministries and municipalities need to deal with these issues together with the Permanent Mission of the Republic in Moscow. And deputies of the State Duma, start promoting the positive image of Dagestan in the Russian Federation.

Dear deputies and guests!

To solve many issues of government and society, it is necessary to improve the quality of work and interaction of republican, federal and municipal authorities.

In general, such interaction is being established, but some representatives of federal structures in Dagestan, in my opinion, have little idea of ​​what the republic is doing and what the tasks of its long-term development are. The position of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency for the Republic of Dagestan is not entirely clear, which has almost completely withdrawn from participation in the implementation of republican and federal programs. The department has questions in connection with obtaining cadastral passports for land plots for recreational purposes, forest resources and specially protected areas.

The Territorial Directorate of Rosfinnadzor for the Republic of Dagestan has long been distinguished by its isolation from the life of the republic and its minimal efficiency.

Excessive PR and insufficient interaction with the Government of the Republic is evident in the work of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The Office of Rosreestr in the Republic of Dagestan has begun to work more efficiently in the last year, but violations of the established deadlines for the provision of services for registering rights to real estate and transactions with it, providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate are allowed.

More fundamental problems exist in interaction with the territorial body of the Cadastral Chamber for the Republic of Dagestan, as a result of which the legal rights and interests of applicants are violated.

No one understands what the federal structures in the Republic of Dagestan, responsible for supervision in the field of press, healthcare and other areas, are doing.

Some positive aspects have emerged in the work of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Republic of Dagestan, but much remains to be done together with the Government of the Republic and municipalities.

The government of the republic and the Administration actively interact with the Department of the Federal Tax Service.

The work of the traffic police is not particularly effective: we lost 14 people in a year at the hands of bandits and terrorists, and 486 as a result of accidents. This is no good. We discussed these issues at a meeting of the Security Council and instructed to take effective measures.

There are agreements with the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District S.A. Melikov on conducting a fundamental analysis of the activities of federal structures in the Republic of Dagestan and the effectiveness of their interaction with republican and municipal authorities, while paying special attention to the work of federal and republican structures in municipalities and locally.

At the same time, I am far from blaming federal structures and point out, first of all, to the Government the need to establish active interaction with all territorial bodies of federal authorities.

In 2015, we quite successfully implemented a project to create a network of multifunctional centers to provide state and municipal services in every district and city. It is necessary to expand the range of services provided and increase their coverage of the population. Services of some federal structures must also be provided through the MFC.

Dear deputies!

The most important indicators of the political maturity of a society are the development of democratic institutions, the quality of the electoral system, and citizens’ trust in it, as well as in the government itself. In recent years, Dagestan has made great steps forward in this direction.

The 2015 election marathon was a significant indicator of people’s support for the authorities and positive changes in the republic. The heads of 22 municipal districts, 1 municipal district, 9 cities, 459 settlements, including districts of the capital of the republic - Makhachkala, were elected. The heads of Makhachkala and Derbent were elected unanimously. New heads of municipalities were elected in 10 districts and 6 cities. Representative bodies have been formed in 28 municipal districts.

There were isolated violations, but not hundreds, as in previous years. We have virtually eliminated moments of administrative pressure or bribery.

An important feature of the 2015 election campaign was the participation of 23 regional party branches in it instead of 5 in the previous elections. We conducted a kind of audit of party resources, and I must say that they were not entirely convincing.

But some politicians used our openness to their own advantage and even interpreted it as our weakness. This is wrong. In Buinaksk, Kaspiysk, and Dagestan Lights, “mossy” people again came out and tried to interfere in the election process using the technologies they had become accustomed to since the 90s. We cannot allow this. Everything should be only in accordance with the law and morality. In short: there will be democracy and there will be order.

At the same time, the elections showed that in a number of municipalities everything has been taken to the extreme, and it is necessary to prepare rehabilitation programs there to solve priority problems, passing these programs through public parliamentary and public hearings. I draw the attention of the Government and Administration to the city of Buynaksk.

In general, the past elections showed the stability of the political system of the republic. At the same time, I would like to draw the attention of political parties to the fact that during the elections there was little competition in terms of the level of programs put forward and candidates capable of taking responsibility for affairs in the region and city. All this must be taken into account in the 2016 elections.

Undoubtedly, in recent years the volume and quality of work of the entire deputy corps of the republic has increased. Parliamentarians take charge of important issues. A good example of this is set by the Chairman of the People's Assembly Kh.I. Shikhsaidov, his deputies, a number of deputies. We are and will continue to use the human resources potential of the deputy corps. Parties and candidates must go to new elections with specific, real projects for each district, city, and republic as a whole. It is important to nominate authoritative people who are able to work for the people, for the state. This also applies to candidates for State Duma deputies. All parties and candidates must be provided with equal opportunities, but I warn you, we will not allow anyone to undermine the situation in the republic. Our common task is to mobilize the people and mobilize ourselves for constructive deeds.

After the new elections, we should optimize the structure of the People's Assembly by reducing the number of committees and the number of deputies working on a professional permanent basis. This will not only eliminate duplication and increase responsibility in the work of parliament, but also save financial resources. It is necessary, following the example of the Administration of the Head and the Government, to optimize the Apparatus of the People's Assembly.

Dear deputies! Dear Dagestanis!

Improving management efficiency is the most important lever for positive changes. We are constantly improving our management model, and for the past three years we have been gradually moving to project management. “Project offices” have been formed in each republican executive body and local government bodies, which are designed to coordinate the work on the implementation of priority development projects of the Republic of Dagestan. The structure of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Republic of Dagestan has been optimized accordingly. Our requirement for the structures of power and management, for personnel, is one thing - to learn how to manage the result. In addition, I would like to emphasize and draw everyone’s attention that project management for us is also a way of forming a unified team based on the formulation and awareness of common goals and objectives of our activities. Whoever is on my team must work on the basis of common approaches, honestly, competently and efficiently. And then there are those who have been talking about devotion for three years, but have not learned to work. The main thing in our work is to be attentive to the needs of people on the ground. And thereby strengthen the authority of the authorities. Level of trust in the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the Republic of Dagestan reaches 93 percent. And we must correspond to this level in our work.

The Public Chamber plays an active role in our transformations. I would like to thank Chairman G.M. Gamzatov and members of the Public Chamber for their initiative and concern. Public chambers of districts and cities are becoming effective platforms for dialogue between authorities and citizens. And we ask the heads of municipalities to pay attention to this. Youth, women's, and veterans' organizations, as well as a number of non-profit organizations, play their positive role in the life of the republic. I thank the Council of Elders (A.A. Magomedov) for their productive activities.

Dear colleagues!

Three years of our joint work in our native Dagestan have passed, and I will say that every day I meet more and more Dagestanis who are ready, not in words, but in deeds, to join in real transformations and benefit the republic, their region, their city. Therefore, officials at all levels have the same goal: to listen and hear people, to work with them every day and patiently. I am convinced that only the open and honest work of the authorities with citizens will unite and organize Dagestanis around the transformations that are being carried out in the republic. Working together for Dagestan and Russia, we recognize ourselves as a single Dagestan people, part of the Russian nation.

Dear deputies! Dear fellow countrymen!

It is extremely important for all of us to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, which, despite the difficulties, still allowed us to ensure positive dynamics in our development. The task of the upcoming stage of our work is to ensure the sustainable development of the Republic of Dagestan. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the pace of development and achieve growth, continue transformations, introducing the latest technologies of state and corporate management and focusing on the end result - ensuring the security of the state and citizens, the stability of Dagestan society. We don't need revolutions. We are following the course of traditional and gradual reforms. By moving this way, we have achieved positive results: whoever wants to see will see. Much is changing for the better in Dagestan. And not only in terms of formal indicators, but also in terms of the state of society, culture, and the well-being and mood of people. But this is only the beginning of the great work we have to do.

We, Dagestanis, are citizens of a single country. Our thoughts and our actions are aimed at adequately responding to all the challenges that are thrown at Russia, rejecting the petty, tribal, parochial, which sometimes prevents us from becoming a single and cohesive people, capable of mobilizing and winning. Once upon a time, during difficult times for Russia, statesman and diplomat Alexander Gorchakov said: “They say that Russia is angry. No, Russia is not angry, Russia is concentrating.” So today, Russia, Dagestan, we focus and unite in order to overcome all difficulties and confidently move forward to new victories.

Thank you for your attention!"

On February 26, in the assembly hall of the district administration, the 2nd session of the district meeting of deputies of the Novolaksky District municipality took place.

During the 2nd session the following issues were discussed:
1. Report - a message from the head of the Municipal Municipality “Novolaksky District” about the work done in 2015 and the tasks for 2016.
2. Discussion of the Message of the Head of the RD People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan.
The session was attended by: Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Zainulla Mirzoev, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Novolaksky District Sadrudin Rashidov, Prosecutor of the Novolaksky District Huseyn Alilov, heads of rural settlements in the region, heads of institutions and organizations.

The Plenipotentiary Representative of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan in the Northern Territorial District of the Republic of Dagestan, Vyacheslav Stepanovich Palamarchuk, arrived to participate in the session.
The head of the Novolaksky District Municipal District, Gadzhi Aidiev, delivered a report-message to the district meeting on the results of 2015 and the tasks for 2016. In it, the head of the district outlined in detail the results of the work done in 2015, and also outlined the tasks and ways of their development for 2016. (report - message from the head of the Ministry of Defense)
Discussing the Message of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan R. Abdulatipov to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan G. Aidiev noted, “The Message of the Head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan is a program document of a strategic nature, a vector of development of the republic for the near future, in which before the people's representatives, the executive branch, the heads municipalities, the main tasks that must be performed have been identified, as well as shortcomings and omissions that need to be corrected.”

Gadzhi Aidiev emphasized that the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan affected almost all spheres of life - the economy, social and youth policy, education, security, healthcare, etc., and it should become decisive for every conscious resident of Dagestan, where the uncompromising the fight against terrorism, lawlessness, banditry, and corruption, ineffective use of land, increasing management efficiency. Also discussing the Address, the head of the Ministry of Defense paid special attention to the implementation of the RD PPR, which step by step determine the further systematic work of the republic and the region.
Next, to discuss the Address, the head of the Moscow Region gave the floor to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan in the Northern Territorial District of the Republic of Dagestan, Vyacheslav Palamarchuk. V. Palamarchuk began his speech by greeting the district’s activists.
Moving on to the discussion of the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan, he focused on the socio-economic situation in the country and in the republic as a whole.
“We must actively and professionally move towards the intended goal,” he noted.
Simultaneously with the discussion of the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan R. Abdulatipov to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, V. Palamarchuk commented on the report - the message of the head of the district, noting that the main goals and priorities for 2016 were clearly defined, and also highlighted that the Novolaksky district is one of the leading districts in the Northern territorial district of the republic.
He also noted that the area is a resettlement area, which causes difficulties in solving some problems.
Vyacheslav Stepanovich recommended creating large agro-industrial complexes on the territory of resettled lands (Novostroi), in order to create jobs and develop the socio-economic situation, and noted that the Government would support any proposal for the development of agro-industrial complex in the area.
Chairman of the People's Assembly of Deputies Mavledin Islamaliev took part in the discussion of the Address. In his speech, he paid special attention to reducing budget expenditures and the socio-economic development of the Republic and the region.

Noting the priorities of 2016 in the field of education, the head of the educational institution, Ruslan Magomedov, spoke. He emphasized that the Head of the Republic of Dagestan in his Address paid special attention to quality education and passing the Unified State Exam. He announced the Unified State Examination performance indicators for the district, and provided information on the professional training of high school students, also that in the district there is only one specialty - “master of digital information processing”; in the near future it is planned to attract children to a number of other professions and specialties.
Special attention was paid to preschool education in the region. According to 2014 indicators, only 6% of children were enrolled in preschool education, but in 2015 the percentage of enrollment increased to 34%.
Discussing the Message, the NSRD Deputy noted that the Message paid enormous attention to the problems of extremism and terrorism, and also emphasized that in 2015 the number of terrorist acts in the republic decreased. Zainulla Mirzoev thanked the head of the district, noting for his positive work that the district is in 9th place in terms of social -economic development.

In conclusion, the head of the Moscow Region recommended that the heads of rural settlements, heads of institutions and organizations, public associations discuss the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan to the People's Assembly at gatherings, meetings at the place of residence, in work collectives in order to clarify the problems and tasks for the development of the main spheres of life of the republic raised by the Head RD in its Message - Report.
Summing up, Gadzhi Aydiev quoted the words of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, “We, Dagestanis, are citizens of a single country. Our thoughts and our actions are aimed at adequately responding to all the challenges that are thrown at Russia, rejecting the petty, tribal, parochial, which sometimes prevents us from becoming a single and cohesive people, capable of mobilizing and winning.”

On February 22, 2017, a joint meeting of the leadership of the municipality and the Assembly of District Deputies was held in the meeting room of the administration of the Karabudakhkensky district.

This event was dedicated to the discussion of the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov to the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan.

The meeting was attended by the head of the MR "Karabudakhkent district" Mahmud Amiraliev, the first deputy minister of agriculture and food of the Republic of Dagestan, curator of the district Kamalutdinov Kamalutdin Dzhamalutdinovich, deputy chairmen of the Assembly of Deputies Magomedtagir Vagabov and Bekbolat Sakhavatov, heads of structural divisions, heads of organizations and institutions, heads of rural settlements, deputies, representatives of the public and the media of the region.

On the first issue, “On the Message of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan to the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan dated 02/06/2017,” the head of the municipal district, Mahmud Amiraliev, spoke, who noted the importance and promise of the tasks outlined by the Head of the Republic of Dagestan and the need to take all possible measures for their implementation. The Message accurately and succinctly defined the development priorities of the republic, and also assessed the activities over the past period.

Next, the floor was given to the guest of the event, Kamalutdin Kamalutdinov. He noted that the Address of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan touched upon all spheres of the republic’s life, provided a detailed analysis of socio-economic development and identified the development priorities of the republic for the future. In particular, it was said about the work and large-scale transformations being carried out in the republic to renew power, fight terrorism, lawlessness, corruption, and so on. Much attention was paid to the patriotic and civic education of the younger generation, as well as the need to ensure the active participation of young people in the public life of the republic, strengthening and updating government bodies at all levels, strengthening social support for the population, and much more.

At the end of his speech, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Dagestan emphasized that the Head of the Republic Ramazan Abdulatipov in his Address noted the Karabudakhkent district among the best municipalities that ensured growth dynamics and positive economic indicators. Kamalutdin Kamalutdinov wished the district successful implementation of all planned plans.
Words of approval of the Message and support for the chosen course of development of the republic were made by the head of the Municipal Municipality "Gubdensky Village Council" Osman Jalilov, the head of the MKU "Department of Agriculture" of the district Shagabutdin Mustafayev, the director of the Karabudakhkent secondary school No. 3 Tazhli Khizrieva, the head physician of the Central Regional Hospital of the Karabudakhkent region Khabibulla Shakhmanaev.

The message of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan was approved by the activists of the region, and those gathered expressed their readiness to support the planned course of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan.