Which school will he go to? What school does the child belong to at his registration address? Right to education

The period of schooling has a huge impact on the development of a child’s personality, so parents should approach the choice of an educational institution with all responsibility. You should not consider the possibility of transferring a child to another educational institution if the chosen school does not suit the parents in any way: changing schools, especially at the very beginning of education, can have a very negative impact on a young student. Therefore, it is recommended to choose which school to send your child to several months before the start of school, in order to have time to consider all suitable options and finally settle on one.

When choosing which school their child will go to, parents will need to collect a lot of information about educational institutions in their city. What criteria should you look for when choosing a school?

Close to home. If the school is located close to home, over time the child will be able to go there independently. However, by basing your choice only on this condition, you significantly narrow the range of educational institutions, since there may only be one or two schools close to your home. On the other hand, if you send your child to school at his place of registration, there is a high probability that he will study there together with those children with whom he attended kindergarten or was friends, and this will help him adapt faster to new conditions.

Nutrition. Many schools have canteens where children can have a full meal, but some only have buffets. It is important to pay attention to whether the food outlet sells harmful products (sparkling water, chocolate bars, chips). Of course, this is not of decisive importance for parents who carefully choose where to send their child to school, because in the absence of well-organized nutrition, the child can take lunches to school from home.

Teaching staff. The school must employ qualified teachers, and it is desirable that the majority of teachers have experience working in the educational institution in question. It is also important to pay attention to the teaching experience and qualifications of the primary school teacher who may become your child’s first teacher.

Level of education. Most schools have a standard school curriculum, but some schools have an enhanced or accelerated curriculum. In this matter, in no case should one be guided by one’s own ambitions: it is important to objectively assess the child’s capabilities and realize whether he is ready for an increased academic load. One of the indicators of the quality of education provided by the school is constant participation in various Olympiads. Also, a connection between a school and a higher educational institution can indirectly indicate a good level of education: it indicates that the school’s educational program meets the requirements that universities place on applicants.

Stability of the composition of schoolchildren. When choosing which school to send your child to, be sure to pay attention to whether there is a noticeable “turnover” of students in the educational institution in question. It can occur if many parents transfer their children to other schools, or if students who fail or violate discipline are too often expelled from the school.

Developed extracurricular activities. Pay attention to whether the school has clubs, sports sections, whether cultural events are held (thematic excursions, trips to the theater, etc.).

School specialization. Many parents are faced with the choice of which school their child will go to: a regular school, which is usually located near their home, or a specialized school, where they will have to travel every day, but in which the child is expected to receive a higher level of education. Although the advantage of such educational institutions is the best contingent (after all, they do not accept everyone, but only well-prepared children from wealthy families), here you need to focus only on the child’s abilities and his inclination towards certain subjects.

The most important condition for successful learning is a good first teacher. The child’s academic performance and psychological comfort largely depend on it, so when choosing where to send your child to school, try to find out as much information as possible about the potential first teacher of your future first-grader. In some cases, for the sake of a good teacher, you can turn a blind eye to the school’s inconsistency with some other criteria.

Should I send my child to a specialized school?

In schools with in-depth study, children are provided with a high level of education in the subjects in which the educational institution specializes. These are physics and mathematics schools, schools with in-depth study of one or more foreign languages, legal, economic, artistic and aesthetic schools, as well as schools with a broad humanitarian focus.

When deciding which school to send your child to, remember that he has not even started his studies yet and has not tried himself in different fields. Ask yourself: won’t it turn out that after a few years of in-depth study of the language, the child will begin to demonstrate abilities in the exact sciences? In addition, it is important to consider that in addition to the high workload, increased attention to one subject can lead to one-sided personality development. As a rule, in such schools the same amount of time is spent on studying specialized subjects as on all other subjects combined.

At the same time, studying in a specialized school can make a child more disciplined and purposeful. But do not forget that it is not necessary to choose a specific specialization from the very first year of study - this can be done after 4-6 years. Therefore, before choosing a school with in-depth study of any subject for your child, carefully weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make your final decision.

Lyceums, gymnasiums, schools... Now their choice is so huge and varied that many parents of future first-graders are at a loss: where to send their child, how to make the right decision? And you need to make a decision now, because it is in the spring that registration or admission to first grade begins.

Modern children and their parents have much more choice of first educational institution than their peers of the Soviet period. Then the choice was between a regular district school and a special school with in-depth study of individual disciplines, and the words “gymnasium” and “lyceum” were associated with the pre-revolutionary era.

After the fall of the USSR, many schools began to be called lyceums and gymnasiums. Parents often do not understand what the fundamental difference between them is.

Pro-gymnasium- elementary school with a humanitarian orientation, grades 1-4.

Gymnasium- middle and high school, from 5th to 11th grade, as a rule, a curriculum with a humanitarian orientation, in addition to the school curriculum - an abundance of historical and philological disciplines, often two foreign languages.

Lyceum- high school, grades 8-11, professionally oriented education. Lyceums often work in collaboration with universities, in most cases technical ones, and students are admitted to universities based on their graduation from the lyceum.

Simply put, a lyceum or gymnasium means a larger number of additional disciplines, the study of several languages, and a specialized focus. If a school becomes a gymnasium or lyceum, this means that it has passed state certification. An initiative, energetic director strives to obtain the status of a lyceum or gymnasium, because such a school is attended by talented children who want to learn, and it is easier and more interesting to work with such students.

When choosing a school for your child, be sure to pay attention to:
  • for staff turnover. If teachers change frequently, this affects the quality of teaching and indicates an unfavorable environment in the school;
  • Do the schools monitor children’s rest and leisure time? Find out what clubs there are, how often there are excursions, trips to other cities, abroad;
  • Are there additional educational services that the school has the right to provide for money? Please note that the school must be licensed to provide these services. By the way, the only legal “extortion” from parents (except for money for extracurricular activities, which are voluntary) is security. Collections “for curtains”, “for class gifts”, etc. are illegal;
  • Look how cozy and comfortable the school is. Your child will spend a significant part of his life within its walls. Pay attention to the condition of the window sills and walls - are there many inscriptions; their content can give an idea of ​​the cultural level of schoolchildren, as well as the very fact of their existence. Look how many wall newspapers there are, reports about campaigns, how long ago they were created, what they write in them;
  • is there a psychologist at school - undoubtedly, this is very important, because he helps children solve their problems;
  • Do school students participate in city and regional competitions, and what results do they show?

State comprehensive school

This is a school, which, as a rule, is located in your or a neighboring yard. The curriculum in such schools is the same, the list of subjects is the same. It’s worth going there if your child has not yet shown any special talents or interests. Typically, such a school is chosen based on its location - proximity to home, lack of a road to cross.

As a rule, the teaching staff here is not the best - talented teachers work either with capable children in specialized schools, or with rich ones in private ones. However, there are exceptions. Almost every school has at least one dedicated teacher who, in his free time, leads clubs and studios and teaches talented children. How productive his work is depends on the director: whether he is ready for change, whether he encourages initiative. Therefore, before giving your treasure to the first school you come across, talk to the director, form your opinion about him, about his attitude towards students, teachers and the educational process.

"Advanced" schools

Now there are no special schools, there are schools with in-depth study of certain subjects. As a rule, enrollment in specialized schools is carried out in the first and senior grades. Many of them became gymnasiums and lyceums, usually old Soviet special schools that had enjoyed a good reputation for many years.

If your child goes to such an educational institution, you need to be aware that he is choosing a specialization for many years to come and will enter a university with the appropriate profile. There is quite a lot of competition in “former” special schools, even among future first-graders, and admission (either to 1st or 8th grade) here is sometimes no less difficult than the entrance exam to a university, and studying requires considerable effort. Another similarity with university: many schools have preparatory courses. School education is usually free. In a number of such schools, certain specialized subjects are taught by teachers from universities with which the school cooperates, and good studies in such schools are practically a guarantee of admission.

If your main priority is knowledge of a foreign language, choose a good old special school that has had the image of a “special language school” since Soviet times - the choice is now huge, there are more than a hundred of them in the capital alone.

The fact that a school teaches English from the first grade is not a guarantee that it is a good language school. Ask what percentage of graduates enter the university without (of course, this will not affect you soon, but such information will give an idea of ​​the quality of education), which universities are most often admitted to, whether there are exchange programs with foreign schools, internship opportunities, whether classes are taught by native speakers language. In some schools, some subjects are taught in a foreign language, so that the child is in “total immersion” mode, which, of course, contributes to the rapid acquisition of the language. As a rule, the first foreign language is taught in the 1st or 2nd grade, and then another one is added. Often, upon graduation, students take an international exam, which gives them the opportunity to enter higher education institutions in other countries.

The undoubted advantage of “in-depth” schools is that the child rotates among gifted children like him with similar interests.

A huge disadvantage of “advanced” schools, gymnasiums and lyceums: the load, which primarily affects health. Overwork, headaches, myopia, gastritis - these are diseases of talented children who sit at their desks from morning to evening. In addition, forced to spend most of their time indoors in order to have time to complete fairly voluminous homework, these children walk and move less than their peers. The result is lower immunity, poor physical fitness.

Full day school

In the last two years, state and non-state full-day schools have become widespread. In such schools, the child stays for the second half of the day, which is very convenient for working parents. This is not a standard Soviet after-school school, where the child just walked and did homework; at the full-day school there are additional clubs, sports sections, children, of course, are fed, do their homework with them and take them out for walks. Whether or not to send a student for the whole day depends primarily on the individual characteristics of the child - some feel comfortable being constantly in a group of peers, while others need silence and peace at home. This service is free in public schools. As for private schools, the price directly depends on the package of services provided.

Private schools

There is no fundamental difference in the quality of knowledge between state and non-state schools: both are weak and strong. But in non-state schools, if you wish, you will be provided with transportation of your child from home to school, quality lunches, a swimming pool, horse riding - whatever you choose and can pay for. The child will study in a small, perhaps exclusively female or male group. In such a school, the child is under close control, and there is no need to worry that he will run away from class or bring cigarettes or beer to school. In addition, there is usually such security that a mouse cannot get through. An important fact is the attentive and respectful attitude of teachers towards absolutely all students, a warm, friendly atmosphere. Both plus and minus: your child will be surrounded by children from non-poor families. Sometimes these are very original, spoiled, capricious and lazy children. Some parents whose children study in non-state schools often have this approach: I cry, but what he does there doesn’t concern me, it’s the school’s problem, let them figure it out themselves! And they dump their “leader of the Redskins” into the care of unfortunate teachers, to become your child’s classmate.

If you choose a private school, you need to remember:

A private school must have a license for educational activities, which will be shown to you when you meet. Pay attention to its validity period - if it ends in, say, two weeks, this should alert you: a good school does not have problems with licensing, and they take care to renew the license in advance. A non-state school must have state accreditation. This confirms that the school meets all standards, provides quality education and provides a state certificate. This is very important, because otherwise the child will not receive a state certificate and, accordingly, will be able to continue his studies only at a non-state university. If a school without accreditation organizes final exams at another school, the child will receive a certificate from the school in which he takes the exam. Usually, if everything is in order at the school with the documents, they do not hide it, they hang the license and accreditation on the stand.

Expert commentary

Alexander Gavrilov, head of the press service of the Moscow Department of Education

In the spring, when admission to the first grades begins, special commissions are created in the departments where you can turn for help if you are denied enrollment in the school.

Now schools are not assigned to a specific area and a child, if there are places available, can go to any school. Both doctors and psychologists recommend sending your child to a school that is located near your home, because otherwise the child will have to get up earlier and will be more tired. When looking for a school for a first-grader, remember that a lot depends on the primary school teacher; he is the one who creates the foundation for the future. Attend an open day, get to know the school program, talk to teachers to get an idea of ​​who will teach your child, talk to the mothers of school students. Of course, it also matters what condition the school building is in, whether there are computer classes and equipment. By law, schools can choose for themselves which program to teach children - five- or six-day. The difference is that with a five-day week, children have one more free day, but then they have a greater workload at school; with a six-day week, the daily load is less, but children study on Saturday too.

Please note that when admitting children to first grade, the school has no right arrange an exam; children are admitted to first grade by registration. The only thing a child can go through before admission is an interview. They can refuse admission in two cases: if there are no places at the school and if it is a specialized school with in-depth study of any subjects, and your child has not passed the interview.

The best public schools in Moscow:

  • physical and mathematical:
    • Lyceum "Second School" (L2 Sh),
    • Boarding school No. 18 at Moscow State University,
    • Physics and mathematics school No. 444,
    • Mathematical gymnasium No. 1514,
    • Energy and Physical Lyceum at MPEI No. 1502,
    • Polytechnic Lyceum No. 1501,
    • school number 57.
  • humanitarian:
    • Oriental Studies Lyceum No. 1535 at ISAA Moscow State University - former boarding school No. 14,
    • gymnasiums No. 45, No. 1250, No. 1225, No. 1275, No. 1243, No. 1239 - former No. 20.

The best private schools in Moscow:

  • Moscow Economic School,
  • Premier school,
  • Lyceum "Moskvich"
  • Samson school.

One of the new stages in the life of every child is the beginning of school time.

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For many children, the first of September is a holiday: white bows, a beautiful school uniform, a fashionable backpack and a pile of educational material. For parents, this is a particularly important moment. At the same time, the hassle of enrolling a child in school begins long before the first day of autumn.

First, parents need to decide on the choice of educational institution. It is from this stage that everything begins.

Right to education

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision that education in schools (basic general education) is compulsory for citizens of our country. This means that every parent must provide education for their child. At the same time, parents should under no circumstances prevent their children from studying. This rule is also legally enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the general sense of the word, education in schools of the Russian Federation is supposed to be free. However, there are also so-called private schools, where education takes place on a paid basis. This is rather an exception to the rule. Choosing such educational institutions is the right of parents, not an obligation.

In addition, official representatives of children are given the right to choose schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums according to the level of preparedness and development of the child.

This means that a parent can choose an educational institution with a training program that would fully prepare and develop the child’s personal qualities at the proper level. But in some cases, such schools may refuse parents to admit their children if all the vacant places are filled and the school is not located at the child’s place of registration.

Territorial factor

If you pay attention, there are several schools in each district (neighborhood) of the city. It may also turn out that they will be located in close proximity to each other. A natural question may arise about which school is tied to the child’s place of residence and whether one exists at all.

Indeed, the Russian Law “On Education” stipulates in its norms that there is a link between residential facilities and educational institutions. This was done, first of all, with the aim of providing educational services to the maximum number of students living in close proximity to schools, since the convenience of visiting an educational institution on a territorial basis is very important for the quality education of children.

So, after receiving the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get a job at a school near home, it is worth voicing the other part of the question: how to find out which school we belong to by registration.

How to find out which school your registration belongs to

Modern realities allow the use of several methods for obtaining information about educational services. Many of them are as accessible as possible for every citizen.

These methods include:

  • studying Internet resources about education: websites of schools, departments of education, etc.;
  • visiting authorized government bodies, for example, education departments in a city, district, etc.;
  • personal visit to school.

You can use one of these options, or you can use several methods to ensure that the answer is as reliable, complete and detailed as possible. Also, this is supposed to be done if there are doubts about the reliability of the information received, its correctness and legality.

Exploring the vastness of the global network

Currently, every school, as well as other educational institution, is required to have its own Internet resource. The amount of information, of course, may be different for each of them. Some educational institutions cover every important stage in the lives of their students and teachers, talk in detail about various events, achievements, etc. Some schools limit themselves to general information.

However, each such site must necessarily disclose information about:

  • which houses are assigned to the educational institution;
  • rules for admitting students;
  • the number of available places for the next academic year;
  • what areas of education are provided at school, etc.

In a special section on the website you can get information about the territorial affiliation of the school, which streets and houses are assigned to it. This option is the most efficient of all, as there is no need to leave your home, make an appointment in advance, stand in queues, etc.

Divisions and Departments of Education

Every Russian city has authorized bodies for education. Visits by citizens on personal matters are possible, most often, at certain hours and days of the week. It is better to find out this information in advance so as not to waste time.

Usually appointments are made by telephone in advance. However, in some cases it is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Competent employees in the field of education must definitely give you an answer to the question of which school is assigned to your place of residence. But going to the department or department of education just for this question is not the most convenient way. It is more suitable for those people who have other additional questions, if their solution is only possible during a personal visit.

Personal visit

Every parent has every right to go to a nearby or favorite school and find out everything that is important to him.

You can easily get information about:

  • whether the school is attached to the child’s place of residence;
  • how many training places are available;
  • what are the school admission rules;
  • how likely it is to get into a given school if it does not apply to registration and much more.

It is impossible to refuse to provide information or prohibit parents of potential future students from visiting the school.

It is recommended to use this method to obtain information, since in this way you can not only get to know the school administration, but also see the conditions in which the children’s learning process takes place, the condition of the building, etc.

Denial of admission

Such cases are not frequent, but are possible. The most common and frequent reason for refusal to admit a student is the lack of educational places, that is, if all classes are fully staffed. These responses from school administrations must be documented.

Each parent can demand proof that there really are no free places at the school, especially if the refusal was addressed to those to whom the school is registered.

There are age restrictions for admission to the school. As a general rule, the child must be 6 and a half years old by September 1 of the current school year. But this rule is not rigid. Sometimes, the level of training of children is so high that this age limit is removed down to 2-3 months.

It is not recommended to send children before the established age, since at an earlier age children have certain differences not only in intellectual development, but also in emotional and mental development. Every child should be comfortable learning in a group setting.

All parents should remember that health status is not a categorical reason for refusing to admit a child to school if, according to a medical report, he is able to fully perceive information and communicate with adults and peers. This also applies to a number of mental illnesses.

If the child is not registered at the place of residence

Currently, lack of registration is not a reason for refusal of admission to an educational institution. It should be remembered that our state is obliged to take all possible measures to ensure that every Russian child receives an education at school.

If parents are denied admission to a child because he does not live at the address assigned to the school, then this is grounds for filing a complaint with the Ministry of Education and other authorities.

They can refuse only if the classes are fully equipped. However, parents must be provided with information about which schools still have free places. Of course, there are various life situations, but parents need to make sure in advance that the child goes to the school that has a convenient territorial location or meets all the parents’ requirements, so that there is no panic when enrolling the child in an educational institution.

You can apply to two schools at the same time. But there is a rule that students with registration are enrolled before everyone else, before July 31st. But from August 1 until September 5, the subsequent enrollment of classes with those students who do not have a registration attached to the school takes place.

Benefits when enrolling in schools

In every subject of the Russian Federation there are benefits for admitting children to educational institutions. It is better to check the list of such with the relevant department of education.

As a general rule, beneficiaries include children:

  • military personnel;
  • judges;
  • prosecutors;
  • police officers;
  • parents of those injured and killed in the line of military duty;
  • parents who were injured, injured or killed in the performance of official duties.

Some regions of our country may be considered beneficiaries:

  • children of single mothers;
  • children who are under guardianship;
  • children whose parents are deprived or have limited parental rights;
  • large families;
  • low-income families, etc.

If schools have preschool courses, then those children who are their graduates can be primarily enrolled in this educational institution.

Permanent and temporary registration

As you know, citizens have the right to obtain temporary registration in their place of residence. But this is also an obligation if the citizen stays in another locality other than the place of permanent registration for more than 3 months in a row ( 90 days). It is recommended to apply for a temporary registration for a minor child if he/she will go to school in this particular area. This will make the enrollment process easier for parents.

It is worth noting that a parent who already has temporary registration at the place of residence can freely register their minor child in the living space without the consent of the property owner. This state of affairs guarantees the full implementation of the rights of the child, including to receive secondary education in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and other similar educational institutions.

Where should I send my child, to what school?

To do this, your good friends traditionally advise you to find out:

a) how many children are in the class,

b) where the school is located,

c) what is its slope,

d) in public, alternative or private

e) are the teachers there polite, especially the first teacher?

e) how much you will have to pay (legally or illegally)

But as soon as classes begin, parents feel that they have not calculated something: the child is turned away from school, from there he brings bad habits, unimportant grades, a lot of homework and complexes.

Gradually the parents begin to see the light. It becomes clear to them that it was important to worry not about the number of children in the class, but about the environment they come from... Not about the location of the school, but about how comfortable it is for the child to develop his abilities there... Not about the slope of education , but about what are the prospects for a child with this bias in life after graduating from school... Will he go to a good university, and will he earn enough money later in life...

They want the child to be happy, but have not yet figured out what is needed for this: greenhouse conditions and a “kind” teacher who allows and indulges everything, or a “strict” one from whom they can learn wisdom. Or both together.

They ask how many computers are there in the school?.. Although instead they should ask: what percentage of teachers at the school communicate with the computer first-hand and actively use mobile applications?

For some reason they don’t ask how conflicts are resolved (although they will still have to deal with this someday).

It would also be good to ask what the school’s system of assessments, rewards and punishments is like, isn’t it humiliating? Are bad grades given “on purpose”? And how are issues with payment resolved, if any.

Another disappointment is caused to parents by a failed orientation or specialization. After all, there is no more effective way to raise a future loser in a family than from the age of six (or even fifteen) to define him as a physicist, writer, programmer, artist, lawyer or sportsman.

Because now it’s worth thinking about whether he won’t sit on his parents’ neck like a loser until he’s thirty years old and curse everyone in a row at street strikes.

Then isn’t it worth it to find a school in advance where they give 2 in 1: both fundamental knowledge and practical knowledge, with the help of interdisciplinary case lessons?

Namely: be able to program, earn (and spend) money.., know the language well.., be able to work in a team.., skillfully process information.., quickly type on a keyboard and on a 3D printer.., be able to prioritize.. , communicate with everyone.., become erudite.., achieve goals.., do everything on time.., and 50 more similar skills.

It’s good that recently there has been a steady trend when parents find a truly progressive school, the graduates of which have a successful and prosperous life.

And, as they say, not least thanks to the right choice of a good runway since childhood.

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