Algorithm for first aid for fractures. First aid for fractures: immobilization rules

Damage to the integrity of bones is a dangerous and very painful condition, when it is important to provide first aid quickly and correctly, because human life often depends on it.

For fractures, the essence of first aid is to ensure maximum immobility of the damaged part of the body. The slightest movement in the area of ​​damaged bones will lead to tissue injury, painful shock, and condition.

What first aid is for fractures of various locations, as well as how to properly ensure the immobility of a damaged bone, we will tell you in this article.

Specifics of injuries and their classifications

A fracture is a change in the integrity of a bone under the influence of external factors.

First aid for bone fractures is provided by health care workers, whose actions are aimed at avoiding injury to adjacent tissues from debris, as well as other complications.

If providing first aid for fractures is impossible for any reason, all necessary actions are carried out by relatives or witnesses of the accident.

There are several types of bone damage.

  • Traumatic.

They appear due to the influence of external factors on the bone. Fixed in case of impacts, falls, etc.

  • Pathological.

Arise due to various diseases, which thin the bone tissue and lead to bone damage even with minor external influence. Such damage occurs quite rarely.

Fractures are also distinguished depending on their type:

  • Open. In parallel with bone damage, a violation of the integrity of the skin is recorded (for detailed information on this topic, read our next one);
  • Closed with displacement of debris. They are characterized by changes in the anatomical location of bone fragments that injure adjacent soft tissues, while no skin damage is observed;
  • Closed. Cracks appear in the bone tissue, but the bone anatomical location does not change, but skin remain undamaged.

There are also injuries in which the joint is injured. In such cases, bloody exudate accumulates in the joint cavity. Diagnosis of such injuries is carried out only using x-rays.

At the time of providing first aid, you need to verify the type of injury. Therefore, it is important to know its symptomatic manifestations:

  • Severe pain at the site of injury;
  • Changes in the normal appearance of the limb;
  • The appearance of a strong force on the injured area;
  • Visual change in limb length;
  • The appearance of a specific injured area on palpation;
  • Complete or partial loss of mobility.

With open bone injuries, external hemorrhage is observed; with closed injuries, internal hemorrhage is observed, accompanied by the formation of hematomas.

Algorithm of primary actions

Regardless of the location of the damage urgent Care for fractures consists of clear and consistent actions.

  • Calling doctors from detailed description symptoms, type and location of damage;
  • Immobilization of the damaged area using medical or other means;
  • If there is skin damage, treat the injured areas with antiseptics;
  • Relief of symptoms of pain.

Main point when providing first aid for fractures consists of correct use tires Special medical devices are not always available, so you can use hard, straight objects such as sticks, boards or plywood.

The splints are fixed on both the outer and inner sides of the limb. If a person is missing clothing or fragments of it, splints are used as follows:

  • Any soft fabric is wrapped around them;
  • Secure the material with a bandage so that it adheres securely to the splint.

First aid for fractures is based on the main rule: do no harm. Therefore, it must be done extremely carefully, because any awkward movement can further aggravate the situation.

First aid for a fractured limb includes the use of pain-relieving agents. It is better to do this before installing the splints, since any manipulation in the damaged area leads to severe pain, which provokes a painful shock.

An important point is that in case of bone fractures, the devices are fixed only to clothing. It is strictly forbidden to remove it, as these actions will lead to a shift in the fragmentation parts and increased pain.

If a closed fracture of the tibia is recorded, you need to use two splints. 1 is placed on the outside of the leg. It should end under the person's armpit. 2 the tire is placed with inside legs. Both devices are tightly fixed with bandages.

In the event that there are neither specialized splints nor improvised means to replace them, first aid for a broken leg consists of connecting the two legs together: the damaged limb is bandaged to the healthy one.

If the shoulder bones are damaged, use a Kramer splint, which is placed starting from the scapula of the uninjured shoulder and ending with the middle of the forearm of the injured arm. Be sure to immobilize the joints of the shoulder and elbow. The splint is modeled by the person who helps the patient, and then he bandages the device to the broken arm.

Timely provision of first aid for fractures of the extremities allows you to avoid serious complications, wound infection and pain shock.

Injury to the spine and collarbone

Providing on time competent help will not allow a person to become disabled.

A spinal fracture requires the provision of first aid only in a hospital hospital setting.

The goal of the people helping the victim is to quickly provide a medical examination. occurs on a solid stretcher or a special shield. In this case, special cushions are used to ensure the natural position of the spine.

For a fractured collarbone, emergency care consists of applying cold to the injured area, since the rapid appearance of swelling will prevent doctors from performing the necessary actions.

First aid for a clavicle fracture includes the use of a figure-eight bandage. Soft material must be placed under it so that it covers the armpit area.

Trauma to the skull

Injury to the skull is dangerous due to the appearance of hemorrhage in the brain or its swelling.

First aid consists of the following sequential actions:

  • Lay the person down so that the head is slightly above chest level;
  • Place ice on the damaged area of ​​the head.

When the base of the skull is fractured, spinal injuries are often recorded, so the first medical assistance also includes securing real estate for the neck.

Security Training

Considering the prevalence of such injuries, it is necessary to begin familiarizing yourself with the treatment of bone fractures with school life lessons.

It is important to explain to children what symptoms of injury are revealed during the initial examination, what to do with a broken limb, and why hospitalization in this case should be urgent.

With this important knowledge, children learn the basics of life and learn how to stay healthy during their daily activities.

Integrity violation bone tissue, arising due to mechanical impact on it. Most often this happens after an unsuccessful fall or blow. First aid measures may vary depending on the location and type of fracture. From this article you will learn about the features of first aid and what not to do.

The complex of primary measures necessarily includes restoration of bone integrity, stopping bleeding, immobilization of the limb and application of an aseptic dressing. It is important to remember that doctors will be able to provide specialized assistance, so you need to immediately call an ambulance or transport the victim to medical institution.

The leading symptom for fractures of all types and locations is the development of severe pain in the area of ​​injury to the limb, which will intensify significantly when trying to move an arm or leg. It is also possible to develop bleeding, bruising, hematoma and swelling. All manifestations of bone integrity violation are divided into reliable and probable. The first category includes the presence of crepitus (crunching of bone fragments), the appearance of pathological mobility in the damaged area and changes in its size. The second category includes the appearance of local pain that occurs during palpation, and its intensity can also increase with axial loads, bone deformation, impaired mobility of the limb in the damaged area, and the development of hematomas.

General diagnostic principles

If a bone fracture is suspected (regardless of its location), X-rays will be required in frontal and lateral projections to confirm a violation of the integrity of the bone.

However, one of the important parts of the diagnosis is the collection of anamnesis; it allows one to determine the nature of the impact of the traumatic factor on the victim’s body, the place of application, etc. difficult situations computed tomography is used.


During the interview, the circumstances surrounding the injury are clarified. This information will help determine the exact location of the damage. Based on it, carry out measures related to first aid.

Physical examination

The victim should be examined in detail for bleeding and other injuries. If the integrity of the bone is compromised, you need to check the pulse and sensitivity throughout the entire arm or leg. IN special attention patients who are stupor, unconscious, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs need it.

Deformation of the limb, pain and swelling at the site of injury, crepitus of bone fragments, hematoma and bleeding are the main signs of a fracture.

In order to distinguish a fracture from a bruise, you need to pay attention to several key points:

  • a bruise is just damage to soft tissue, and with a fracture, the integrity of the bone is disrupted;
  • if soft tissues are damaged, the pain will gradually decrease, and if there is a fracture, it will be felt for quite a long time;
  • these two injuries are accompanied by similar symptoms, so it is better to entrust their differentiation to a specialist;
  • a fracture is characterized by the appearance of an unnatural position of the limb and a decrease in the normal range of motion;
  • when a typical bone crunch (crepitus) appears, a fracture can be confirmed;
  • treatment of bruises can be carried out without medical assistance, and for the rehabilitation of patients with a fracture, immobilization is mandatory.

How to provide first aid for broken limbs

The first stage in the provision of pre-medical care is immobilization of the injured limb (keeping it immobile) and delivery to a medical facility. When performing immobilization, you need to be guided by several simple rules:

  • there is no need to try to straighten the limbs or give it a physiological position, this can lead to secondary damage soft tissues and the development of pain shock in the patient;
  • If the victim has an open fracture and broken sections of bone are gaping from the wound, then there is no need to try to set them into soft tissue. With this type of fracture, it is important to take care to stop the bleeding and immobilize the patient in the position in which he is;
  • It is necessary to refuse to independently transport a patient with multiple injuries, as well as fractures of the spine and pelvis. Only doctors should transport a patient to a medical facility;
  • If the patient develops intense pain, you can give him an anesthetic. It is best to use analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. Absolutely any over-the-counter analgesic will do;
  • If the incident happened in the cold season, then you need to ensure that the victim does not become hypothermic. It is best to wrap the injured limb in warm clothing or a blanket and give the patient a hot drink.

Pearl of the upper extremities

Immobilization of the upper limb during a fracture is a manipulation that can be used to immobilize it and prevent further injury to the soft tissues from bone fragments located near the fracture. To secure it in a fixed position, it is best to use tires that were found at the scene of the accident. For example, a piece of plywood, a stick, a piece of board, etc. The tire can be secured with any scarf, bandage, belt, napkin, scarf.

Correct algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to determine the severity of the victim’s condition and the location of the fracture.
  2. If soft tissue is damaged by bone, bleeding must be stopped.
  3. Transporting the victim from the scene of the incident (if it is dangerous there) to a place where he can be picked up by an ambulance, or directly transporting him to a medical facility.

If the integrity of the pelvic bones or spine is damaged, it is prohibited to move the victim. Witnesses only need to call 911 to report what happened.

  1. It is necessary to maintain contact with the victim and encourage him so that he calms down and does not become hysterical. You can give him some water to drink.
  2. After this you need to select improvised means for applying a splint and immobilizing a limb in two adjacent joints.
  3. For local anesthesia as a compress cold will do bottle or ice.

After completing all the above actions, you need to stay with the victim until the paramedic arrives, or accompany him to the hospital yourself for minor injuries.

Fracture of the lower extremities

Among leg bone fractures, the most common is a violation of the integrity of the bones and. After an injury, swelling immediately increases and the intensity of pain increases.

After injury, you need to give the injured leg the correct position, first removing the victim’s shoes. To immobilize a limb, you can use any available materials that can be used to fix the limb in two joints: hip and knee or knee and ankle. When a knee is fractured, as a rule, there is a pronounced deformation of the limb and significant pain, so during first aid you should not try to straighten the leg by force. It is enough to place the victim on flat surface and strengthen the fixed leg. For additional comfort, you can place a blanket or bulky clothing around the injured limb.

Offset pearl

If obvious signs of a mixed fracture are detected in the victim, it is necessary to take care of the correct provision of first aid.

  • As a rule, bleeding develops; to stop it, it is best to use an aseptic dressing.
  • Anesthesia. If severe pain develops, care must be taken to use analgesics. Before doing this, you need to ask the patient about the possible development of an allergic reaction.
  • Immobilization. The injured limb should be at rest and in the position in which you found it. There is no need to transport the patient for splinting.
  • Splinting. To do this, you can use any available materials: a branch, a stick, a mop or any other hard, flat object. If necessary, the splint must be bent or shortened so that it best matches the shape of the limb and its position. The splint, as a rule, is placed over clothing and secured with a bandage, scarf, scarf, etc. Bandaging should occur from the periphery to the center, from bottom to top. When the limb is immobilized, a scarf bandage can be performed. In the absence of a splint, the upper limb is bandaged to the body, and the damaged lower limb is bandaged to the healthy one.

If it was not possible to find a splint among the materials at hand, then the damaged limb can be bandaged to the body.

In order for the injured limb to be immobilized, it is necessary to grasp two joints: one overlying and the other underlying. If development is suspected, the limb should be completely fixed in all three joints.

What not to do

In order not to harm the victim, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • you should not try to straighten the bone or try to push it inside if it or its fragments are sticking out;
  • there is no need to deliver the victim to the emergency room or ambulance according to the “need it faster” principle; his transportation should be as gentle as possible. The fact is that it is haste that can worsen the patient’s condition and contribute to the displacement of bone fragments;
  • You should refrain from trying to give analgesics or water to a patient who is in a near-fainting state, as he may choke;
  • ignore the symptoms of fractures that were described above and hope that everything will go away on its own. Even if a person’s vital organs are not damaged, he needs a detailed medical examination. Compressed nerve vessels can further develop into impaired limb mobility or chronic pain.

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Providing first aid for a fractured victim - important stage. The witness must take care of the patient’s safety, stabilization of his condition, pain relief, splinting, transportation to medical institution or simply wait for the ambulance, which was immediately called after the victim was discovered. And with open fractures, it is important to take care to stop bleeding and stabilize hemodynamics. Always encourage the victim, this will help him not to become hysterical, such actions will help maintain his stable condition.

No one is immune from accidents. Injury can occur under a variety of circumstances. The main thing in such a situation is that the people nearby are provided with timely and competent first aid. In case of fractures, almost anyone who knows the main points in this matter can help the victim.

Signs of fractures

When determining the presence of a fracture, it is important to pay attention to several signs. Their presence or absence will help to understand the diagnosis:

  • Increasing pain when touching the affected limb or when moving it.
  • Impaired functions. If a leg is broken, a person will not be able to lean on it, a broken arm will not perform any actions, and if the ribs are broken, breathing will be difficult.
  • Deformed limbs with fractures. Often, when the bones of an arm or leg are damaged, the fragments are displaced.
  • The resulting mobility in the place where in good condition it shouldn't exist.

If a person has suffered a fracture, it is not necessary to have all these signs. Some of these symptoms also appear with sprains and bruises.

If you are absolutely sure that this is a fracture, you should immediately begin providing first aid.

Types of fractures

The classification of fractures is quite extensive. Only a specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis. And sometimes he needs time and special equipment for this.

The following types of fractures are distinguished:

  • Without displacement - if the damaged bone remains in place;
  • With displacement - when the broken bone has changed its position;
  • Complete - if the bone is divided into several parts during a fracture;
  • Incomplete (crack) – in this case the bone simply breaks;
  • Open – the broken bone has come out through the skin;
  • Closed - during a fracture, the bone was not exposed and did not damage the skin.

Providing first aid

So that the broken bone does not touch nearby arteries and the victim does not lose large number blood, you need to provide assistance as soon as possible, without waiting for doctors to arrive.

The first thing to do is to ensure complete rest for any type of fracture and not allow any movement of the affected part of the body.

Closed fracture

If a limb is broken, a splint must be applied. The materials you can use are boards, cardboard, and magazines rolled into a tube. The splint must be placed between at least two joints.

At the same time, it is undesirable for it to come into contact with open area skin. The splint is fixed along its entire length using a bandage; scarves and scarves can be an alternative.

If material that can be used as a splint is not available, the broken arm or leg can be reattached to uninjured parts of the body. For example, a broken leg - to the other leg. Or an injured finger to an adjacent finger.

The most dangerous is a spinal fracture. Every wrong move on the part of those providing assistance can make the victim disabled, and sometimes even take his life.

When the spine is damaged, a person loses feeling in his arms and legs. In this case, he must be extremely carefully placed on a flat surface, on his back, the entire body tightly secured to the surface with a bandage, and transported to the hospital as soon as possible.

Open fracture

With an open fracture, you first need to stop the bleeding, then deal with the injury itself.

If blood is flowing from the capillaries, it will be enough to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and it will stop.

If there is bleeding from an artery, a tourniquet must be applied. The dressing is done just above the wound site, indicating exact time applying a tourniquet. The tourniquet is applied for a maximum of 2 hours in summer and 1.5 hours in winter time, after which it changes.

After the bleeding has stopped, treatment of the fracture itself begins.

Fractures at work

If a fracture occurs at work, it is an industrial accident. The fact of the incident must be registered by the accident commission. This commission also determines the severity of the injury.

In addition, the victim must consult a doctor to obtain a report and a certificate of incapacity for work.

Based on the certificate of incapacity for work, the company pays benefits to the injured employee in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

Providing first aid is very important point when receiving fractures. Misfortune can strike anywhere, so each of us should know the basic methods of help. Moreover, these methods do not change; they were actively used back in Soviet times and even earlier.

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Anyone can find themselves in an emergency situation. And in this case, knowledge of the rules of first aid can save lives. The main thing is to maintain clarity of thinking and not try to perform manipulations that require special training.

Rules for the provision of primary care

The task of the person who provides first aid is not to make the victim worse than he already is. It should relieve pain and provide rest to the damaged area. This is the main task (PMP) for fractures.

First of all, it is necessary to assess the severity of the victim’s condition and locate the location of the injury. Then, if necessary, stop the bleeding. It is not recommended to move a person until qualified help arrives, especially if he has a spinal fracture or damage to internal organs. In some emergency situations Evacuation from the scene is vital. In this case, rigid stretchers or shields are used.

An isolated injury requires a slightly different approach. It is necessary to immobilize the injured limb with a splint, giving it the most physiological position. It is imperative to fix the joint before and after the fracture. If there are no other complaints, the victim is transported to a medical facility.

Open or closed fracture?

PMP for fractures depends on the shape, type and severity of the injury. During the examination of the victim, it is necessary to determine the type of fracture, since depending on this, first aid will be slightly different. Any diagnosis is based on certain criteria. In the case of a fracture, there are relative and absolute signs indicating the presence of injury.

Relative signs:

  1. Pain. When tapping or trying to change the position of the injured limb, discomfort occurs.
  2. Edema. It hides the picture of the fracture, is part of the inflammatory response to damage, compresses soft tissue and can move bone fragments.
  3. Hematoma. Indicates that the integrity of the vascular network at the site of injury has been compromised.
  4. Impaired function. Manifests itself in limited mobility or inability to withstand the usual load.

Absolute signs:

  1. Strange, unnatural position of the bone, its deformation.
  2. The presence of mobility where it never existed.
  3. Presence of crepitus (air bubbles) under the skin.
  4. With an open fracture, skin damage and bone fragments are visible to the naked eye.

This is how you can determine the presence and type of fracture without the use of complex technology.

Fracture of the bones of the upper limb

PMP involves giving the limb the correct position and fixing it to the body. To do this, you need to bend your arm at the elbow so that you get a right angle and press your palm to the victim’s chest. To apply a splint, choose a material that is longer than the forearm and hand. It is secured to the limb in the presented position, then the arm is suspended on a bandage, which is a piece of fabric tied with a ring and thrown over the neck to eliminate possible stress.

A shoulder fracture requires slightly different tactics. The position of the limb is also given at an angle of ninety degrees, but two splints are applied:

  • outside the shoulder so that it falls below the elbow;
  • By inner surface hands from armpit to the elbow bend.

The splints are first bandaged individually and then secured together. The hand also needs to be suspended on a belt, scarf or any piece of material that is at hand. The victim should only be transported to the hospital while sitting.

Fracture of lower limb bones

In order to provide emergency medical treatment, you need to stock up on a large number of long and wide tires (boards, pickets, etc.). When immobilizing a limb in case of a hip fracture, the first splint should go from the outside, with the upper end resting against the armpit cavity, and the other reaching the foot. The second splint runs from the perineum to the foot, protruding slightly beyond it. Each of them is bandaged separately and then together.

If materials for a splint are not available, the injured limb can be bandaged to the uninjured leg.

A fracture of the tibia requires the same fixation as a fracture of the femur. The victim is taken to the hospital only lying down.

Fractures of ribs and jaw

Since when the ribs are fractured there is no need to fix them, then chest a tight bandage is applied. The victim is recommended to breathe exclusively using the abdominal muscles, without loading the chest. If there are not enough bandages, you can use pieces of fabric or scarves. It is important that a person does not lie down under any circumstances, since sharp fragments of ribs can damage the lungs, heart, and pierce the diaphragm.

Most often the result of a fight or a fall. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to assume that the victim also has a concussion. First aid in in this case consists of covering a person's mouth, giving him analgesics and securing his jaw with a bandage, tying its ends on the top of his head. The main thing is to monitor the position of the tongue so that it does not overlap respiratory tract. If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to lay him on his side or face down. Transport immobilization for head fractures should be in a horizontal state. This will help avoid stress on damaged bones and prevent asphyxia.

First aid for an open fracture

PMP for an open fracture should be provided as quickly as possible. In such a situation, the risk of complications such as collapse and massive bleeding increases significantly.

Therefore, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Examine the victim and assess his condition.
  2. Give him an anesthetic to prevent traumatic shock.
  3. Treat the skin around the wound with peroxide solution, iodine or any other antiseptic.
  4. Use a sterile gauze pad to gently dry the bottom and edges of the wound.
  5. Folded several times, apply to the wound, but do not press.
  6. Perform immobilization using improvised means.
  7. Under no circumstances should you reset the fragments!
  8. Call an ambulance.

PMP for a closed fracture will have similar stages, with the exception of those points that talk about wound treatment.


Immobilization is the immobilization of an injured part of the body. It is necessarily performed in case of fractures of bones and joints, rupture of nerve and muscle fibers, and burns. Due to pain, the patient may make sudden movements, which can aggravate his injuries.

Transport immobilization involves keeping the victim immobile while he is transported to a medical facility. Since some shaking is inevitable during movement, good fixation of the patient avoids aggravating the situation.

There are rules that, if followed, will make splinting the least painful for the victim.

  1. The splint must be large enough to support the joint above and below the fracture site. And if the hip is damaged, the entire leg is immobilized.
  2. A splint is formed either on the victim’s healthy limb or on oneself, so as not to cause additional inconvenience to the patient.
  3. The splint is applied over clothing to avoid infection of the wound.
  4. To avoid bedsores in areas where the bone is close to the skin, soft material is placed under the splint.
  5. The splint is not fixed on the side where the broken bone protrudes, because it is strictly prohibited to set it before arriving at the hospital.

Types of medical splints

A medical splint can come in several modifications, depending on the purpose of its use. There are prosthetic splints that both hold the affected area in one position and replace the missing section of bone.

The following types of immobilization splints are distinguished:

  • A Kramer splint is a lattice made of thin wire, which is covered on top with several layers of bandage or soft fabric. The frame can be given any shape that is necessary in a particular case, this makes it universal.
  • Dieterichs splint - consists of two wooden boards with holes drilled in them through which belts or fabric are pulled. The kit also includes a small flat bushing that is inserted into the hole, securing the tire to the right level.
  • medical is a sealed chamber into which the injured limb is placed. Then air is pumped between its walls, and the body part is securely fixed.
  • The Shants splint is a collar-fixator used for diseases of the spine, as well as for the prevention of displacement of the cervical vertebrae during back injuries.

PMP for bleeding

Bleeding is a consequence of a violation of the integrity of the vessel wall. It can be external or internal, arterial, venous or capillary. The ability to stop bleeding is essential for human survival.

PMP for bleeding requires compliance with certain rules.

  1. It is necessary to wash a bleeding wound only if caustic or toxic substances have entered it. In case of other contaminants (sand, metal, earth), the damaged area cannot be washed with water.
  2. Do not lubricate the wound under any circumstances. This prevents healing.
  3. The skin around the wound is mechanically cleaned and treated with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Do not touch an open wound with your hands or remove blood clots, as these clots will inhibit bleeding.
  5. Only a doctor can remove foreign bodies from a wound!
  6. After applying a tourniquet, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Applying a bandage

The bandage is applied directly to the wound. To do this, use a sterile bandage or clean cloth. If you doubt the sterility of the material, it is better to drip iodine onto it so that the stain becomes larger than the wound. A roll of bandage or cotton wool is placed on top of the fabric and bandaged tightly. When the bandage is applied correctly, the bleeding stops and the bandage does not get wet.

  • Attention: in case of an open fracture and a protruding bone, it is prohibited to tightly bandage and set the bone! Just apply a bandage!

Applying a tourniquet or twist

A hemostatic tourniquet can both help in the fight against bleeding and aggravate the severity of the victim’s condition. This manipulation is resorted to only in case of very severe bleeding that cannot be stopped by other methods.

If there is no medical equipment at hand, then regular will do thin hose. In order not to pinch the skin, you can put a twist on your clothing (sleeve or pant leg) or place a piece of any dense fabric. The limb is wrapped with a tourniquet several times, so that the turns do not overlap each other, but there are also no gaps between them. The first one is the weakest, and with each subsequent one it is necessary to tighten it more strongly. The hemostatic tourniquet can be tied when the bleeding stops. Be sure to record the time the tourniquet was applied and secure it in a visible place. In the warm season, you can keep it for up to two hours, and in the cold - only an hour.