Flowers Shadowish and Teleboy Perennials. Perennial shape flowers for the garden or how to organize a "shadow" side? Video: What plants fall in shady terrain

It is quite difficult to equip the shady places of the garden, because there are few plants that like these conditions. If it is a shadow near a large tree, the soil in this place is usually pretty fruitless and too wet. The arrangement of such a non-microgenic place should be thought out thoroughly. The most reliable plants for shadow angles or ledges located on the north side are ivy, ferns and borwinki, which will certainly grow even in very poorly illuminated places. When we have more ambitions, you can try to grow other brake plants for the garden, preferably perennial unpretentious.

There are no species growing in the sun, there are no such choice in the shade. Many plants allow partial shading (become less painted or less abundant blooming), but there are shaded areas in the garden with a small amount of sunlight. In such conditions, there are, for example, plants growing from the northern wall of buildings or under the crowns of trees and shrubs.


Ferns can grow in the shade, they need to provide moderately wet soil.

The most popular in the gardens the following ferns:

Delighted plants

Below are the soil perennials with photos that dwell the soil and transfer shading.

Ivy, European hoofer, Barwin

These plants impose very low lighting requirements. Ivy ordinary, European hoofer and balquer ordinary are better growing on fertile, wet soil, but also suffer the worst position. These plants will definitely solve even very shaded places.

Calusing luggage

This perennial grows by clusters, creates creeping shoots underground, can be grown in shaded places, protects the soil from landslides. The plant blooms with blue flowers collected in the inflorescence of the spike. Bowls flowers from May to August, garden varieties often have brown-red leaves.

Rearnnik fragrant

These teen-bique flowers bloom from April to June, small flowers are collected in a bunch. The plant makes a smell similar to the hay.

Pahisandra Uphechnyy

Japanese milk (Pakhizandra) - evergreen plant. Flowers in May, it has quite imperceptible flowers. These shadowable plants for the garden can be grown in the shade of trees, beautifully dying the soil with green carpet.


The plant includes teothelubiovy annuals or perennials of the camneur family. The name of the plant is obliged to use during diseases of the spleen. A long-term spleen like wet soil, has evergreens, leathery leaves. Plant in May with small star flowers, white, in the middle of red, collected in loose bakery.

Camery shadow

Small perennial plants often form an extensive, not blooming turrender. Camery is a widespread plant throughout the northern hemisphere. Pink flowers collected in thick inflorescence. Camelights like half-hearted and wet position with fertile soil. The plant looks very decorative in mass, on large spaces.

Herbs, well carrying shading

Some herbs grow great in the shade. Consider what shadowable plants are most popular from the group of grassy.

Snowy Snowy, Forest

Snowy and Forest and Forest High Resources - well-known teothelubiy perennials. It is possible to plant extricas under the trees and shrubs, but it cannot be constantly in a deep shadow.

Forest vessel - evergreen plant with leaves with long hair.


Oatman Siza, Bolotnaya oatmeal, Low School is an evergreen or a native shaded shadowy perennial from the family of cereals.

Low spelled perennials

Fascular violet

These are excellent teen-bique garden flowers with small blue-violet flowers and an exceptionally pleasant smell. Flowers violet from March to May, it is growing easily, spreads pretty quickly. It is important to take into account her ability to quickly spread around the garden until the violet occupied unplanned areas.


Red Medicarian flowers in March-May, brick-red flowers, the plant has a height of 30-40 cm, can grow under trees, shrubs.

Median Sugar - plant for sexual and shadow places. Loves wet and fertile soil. It has decorative, dark green leaves decorated with contrasting white-silver spots. Flowers originally have coral and red, when disclosure become pink, blue or purple. Flowers from March to April. The plant forms dense, dense, hinder the Earth of bushes.

The liver is noble

Herbal evergreen liver creates low carpets, the leaves in good conditions are preserved throughout the winter - on the top of the green, and the yellowish tint have a yellowish. It can be used as a green carpet under high trees.

Lily of the valley

These flowers breed rhizomes, adore shaded places. However, in a strong shadow, it bloom less, but the leaves are well developed. The valley requires position, at least half a day, not lit by the sun. Small flowers of the bell-shaped shape with a characteristic aroma.

Garden Frost

This amazing flower is first blooming in our gardens. In a soft winter, flowers may appear even in December. The freezer should grow on shady positions: in wet and secluded places.

Doronikum East

Plant flowers in May golden yellow flowers. It feels well on loose, wet garden soil, prefers sexuality positions, not strongly shaded.

The primrose is finely converted

This is the teen-born garden flowers, the strong sun harms the plant. Better primrose grows in a light half. The soil should be fertile, looming, constantly wet (in the summer it should not disappear). Soil reaction is neutral.

High perennial plants

Below are presented garden high growth plants that can grow in partial shade.

Japanese host

The lounge or host is better growing on fertile, slightly wet ground in a half, although tolerates the solar position. The main decoration of the plant is large, interesting painted leaves.

Volzhanka ordinary

A perennial plant that generates large thickets up to 2 m high. Blurred scenery, blooms in June-July. Volzhanka - an extremely imaging herbal plant. The perennial is easy to grow, grows almost on each basis, in one place can grow many years. Frost-resistant, not susceptible to diseases, pests.

Voronets villagelike

The plant of the family of ilokone is also called the clockon. It is better grows in shaded or partially shaded places, blooms in August-September. Little flowers collected in a thick cluster resemble a candle, strongly smell. The inflorescences of the Voronez reach a height of 60 cm.

Towned buznel

Great grows in shady, wet places. On a bright sun can dry. A buczock has baskets with yellowish-floral flowers, blooms in August-September. Large leaves are also decorative.

Japanese anemone

Annemon loves half and sandy drum wet soils. Grow up to 90 cm. Flowers at the end of summer are usually pink flowers.


Cortose mattioli or russian - medium-high perennial, rarely found in our gardens, with decorative purple-purple leaves, flowers-bells. It blooms from May to July, the soil must be fertile, wet, position is a feverish.

Venus Bashmock

The shoe real or venerein belongs to the orchid family, rarely meets in the gardens. Loves shaded places and thickets, blooms in May, has a pleasant smell of vanilla and lemon.

Waller's Ladut

ImpoTiens Valerian - a grassy perennial race from Africa. In our climate is often grown as annual. Prefers to grow in the shade, it blooms abundantly in a wide range of colors, the flowers are very decorative. It has a long flowering period.


The perennial is known called False Spiray. Slice of the inflorescence will be revirting dark parts of the garden. Astilbe needs to ensure the relevant conditions - fertile and wet soil. Astilbami often planted shores of ponds, reservoirs.


Shadowish flowers for a garden with inflorescences similar to lilies, stable and easily grown. The perennial is well tolerates the half. There are many interesting varieties of loyers with original colors, some look like sprinkled with golden parolh, others have velvet petals, others resemble exotic butterflies.

Bulbous and tuber plants for sexuality positions


These are low plants with white hanging flowers, blooming in March, shadow they are not confused. Snowdrops are one of the first spring colors adorning the garden. They are tolerant to frost.

Dodecateon ordinary

A tube plant, quite rarely found in our gardens, blooms effectively, steady frost. Dodecateon can grow in a half, it should be planted in the company of other perennials, because after flowering it fades.


It belongs to the subfamily smokeyanka. Low or average gravy plant, grows in regions with temperate climates. Flowers in May flowers pink, blue, purple, white.

Ryabik chess

Grassy perennial with drooping flowers with a characteristic ripple pattern on the petals. It can be grown in dark and raw rocaris places, on spring flower beds, plant under bushes or on lawns in the garden.

Perennial shadowless shrubs

Common wolper year

This shrub should grow in the shade. Wolf berry (wolch year, niffan), early and plentifully blooms with pink or white flowers. In June-July, the wolper year gives fruit.

The fruits of wolf berries are very poisonous. No wonder the other name of the wolf berries is a deadly wolf. The plant can not be planted in the gardens in which children walk.


Beautifully blooming shrub Hortensia can grow in shady places, although in such conditions it blooms less. Better in the shadow grows by hydrangea.


These teothelubile shrubs prefer a half-life and even shadow, secluded and wind-protected positions. They bloom perfectly in May-early June. Rhododendrons need loose sandy-humus and acidic soil with moderate humidity.

Padub Ostrobist

Ostolist (ILEX Aquifolium) is a decorative shrub of the Paduboy family. May increase in the shade, in the company of high trees. The best places for ostolist are secluded, protected from wind, with not too large temperature fluctuations. Bright midday sun can "burn" holly leaves. The decorativeness of the hollow give spherical fruits, beautifully contrasting with dark green foliage. They stay on the bushes all winter, but the plant is sensitive to severe frosts.


A perennial race from America. In our climate is grown, as an annual, since it is afraid of frosts. Fuchsia can be planted for the summer to land in the ground shady or feud in the ground - this shrub does not like the strong sun. It is important to ensure sufficient soil moisture and regular fertilization. Fuccia blooms throughout the summer and autumn. In winter it should be transferred to the cool room.


The following trees also carry the shading well.

European beech

The tree grows perfectly on fertile and slightly wet soil. Beech can grow in the shade.

Clean ordinary

The ash grows pretty quickly, resistant to air pollution. May grow in medium soil (although it prefers fertile). The tree can be planted in a half.

Mountain ash

Rowan is a small, sustainable tree or shrub, grows on any soil, transfers shading. From summer to winter, the rowan is decorated with decorative orange-red fruits.


European and mountain elms - require wet, fertile soil. They are resistant to frost, can grow in the shade, but they can get a disease of the Dutch elm.

Canadian Tsuga.

Tsuga (Tsuga Canadensis) is a coniferous tree or shrub, preferring wet places, fertile soils. Dwarf varieties are suitable for small gardens, they can be planted on shady chapels, rockers.

Plants that can be grown under the trees

Under high trees that give a lot of shadows, you can grow the following plants:

  • liver;
  • snowdrops;
  • lily of the valley;
  • barwin;
  • luggage;
  • lump;
  • forget-me-not;
  • violets.

Plants for wet, coastal places

For planting on shady shores of reservoirs, in wet places are suitable:

  • astilba;
  • dumplings;
  • hellebore;
  • marsh marigold;
  • iris Japanese, Siberian, Iris Ordinary Yellow;
  • derbennik Ivolet;
  • european swimsuit;
  • verbaine dot;
  • strasting Anderson, Virginian;
  • ivy.

Fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables

In the shaded places, it is rather difficult to grow fruit cultures, because there are few challenge plants for cottages, a garden, a garden that likes such conditions. If the shadow gives a big tree, the soil in this place is usually pretty fruitless and too wet. The choice of agricultural plants for shady places is smaller than decorative, but even in poorly lit places you can try to grow some fruits, vegetables or herbs. You need to choose plants that will at least transfer the half.

Berry shrubs, nuts

The largest selection of agricultural plants, ending the shadow among shrubs, as they are or were part of the forest litter.


This shrub is unpretentious, but it is worth filing the soil with plenty of compost. Currant can grow in a half, is resistant to frost. There is a choice:

  1. white currant (the most sweet, like children);
  2. red (more sour);
  3. black - fresh form is not too tasty, but excellent for canning, contains a lot of vitamin C.

The best date of the currant landing is Late Autumn. The currant bushes are best growing on humid, medium-heavy, sandy and linous soil with sufficient humidity.

Gooseberry, Yoshta

Gooseberry grows well in a half. He needs to provide a little better soil than currant: fertile, rather humid, with a weakly acidic reaction. The gooseberry has fruits with green, yellow or reddish peel, often covered with ferrous hairs. Some sorts of skin smooth and brilliant.

Yoshta is a black currant hybrid and a gooseberry. Good grows in half. Yoshta and gooseberry can be planted, for example, under the trees of Cherry.


This berry shrub can grow in shady places. Plant with very low solar needs, it will be suitable (sandy), acidic, humus, wet and air soils. It is worth planting blueberries by groups, because for polling it needs one more bush. Blueberry fruits contain micro- and macroelements - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, group V.

Leschin (forest walnut)

The forest walnut is resistant to low temperatures, does not require special soil-climatic conditions. Peat and too wet soil are not recommended. He likes the sun or hemale. The tree can grow in the shade, but gives less nuts. Unfortunately, pests often attack the plant.


Raspberries can grow in the sun or in a half, a resistant to frosts, droughts, does not impose increased soil requirements.


The shrub grows in a dry, light and sandy soil - the fruits are delicious, but the plant grow greatly, it is necessary to control its growth.


Plant with low soil requirements. Good grows on different soils. Withstand low temperatures up to -35 ° C. Prefers positions from fully solar to half, the plant is resistant to pests.


Dogwood garden - shrub unpretentious, grows well in the sun and in a half, tolerates lime soils, dry and contaminated air. In full shadow weakly fruits, has a loose form of the crown. Fruits edible in raw form. From Kizyl is preparing marmalade, jam, jam, tincture, compotes.

Fruit trees

Most fruit trees need the sun. In the half you can plant an apple tree. As a rule, in the descriptions of varieties it is indicated that the apple tree love the sun, but they can also grow and bring in places with fewer direct sunlight. Cherry and cherry trees can grow and fruit.

Vegetables and herbs

The choice of shadowish vegetable crops is very limited. You can plant:

  1. Petrushka - can grow on light, sandy dry soil.
  2. Red beet - it is better to sow on light, wet soil.
  3. Medical sage can grow in a half, on light, sandy, dry soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  4. Curly cabbage (Kale) is a two-year plant belonging to the cabbage family, prefers a cold climate. Cabbage transfers almost all types of soil provided that satisfactory drainage is provided. The plant does not like drought, transfers shading. Not amazed by pests and diseases. After freezing the leaves, the cabbage becomes more gentle and have better taste, contain more sugar, lose the characteristic bitterness, so they should be collected after the first frosts. Kale grows best in the cold months - November-December.
  5. Mint peppermint - loves the soil rather heavy, relatively wet.

What do you need to remember when planting plants in the shade?

  • many teen-born garden plants have dark green (sometimes shiny) leaves;
  • in such places it is worthwhile to avoid landing of perennials with two-color or multi-colored leaves (they will be unattractive and more difficult to grow);
  • do not put plants giving large flowers, with the exception of rhododendron and hydrangea;
  • care must be taken to ensure sufficient distances between the plants (too high thickening may be the cause of fungal diseases, increased mosquito activity);
  • to illuminate the shady angles, it is necessary to plant perennials with light flowers of leaves or flowers;
  • from deciduous shrubs, azaleas with creamy or pink flowers, hydrangea with beautiful, white flowers, samshet, catifice, dogwood, ligusers, Barwinka are perfectly well.
  • to make the composition of the club in interesting and varied, it is worth putting coniferous plants for the garden, which prefer shady places, for example, tees.


Owners of the gardens often struggle with the problem of using shady seats. As a rule, the cultivation of trees and shrubs does not represent a big problem, a situation with low plants, such as perennial, worse. Many species growing at such sites die or become less decorative. With the right choice, shady places in the garden can be colorful and decorative.

My garden is partially in a thick shadow - this shadow falls from a high fence located around the perimeter of the site, part of the Earth shads a small house, and high splashing trees that I do not give to anyone, covered by branches of grass under them.

At first I was frustrated because I could not land my favorite roses and Clematis everywhere, where the look falls.

Plants are taxable and shadowed. Telebobile plants prefer that they do not fall into the bright rays of the sun at all, and the shadowishly feel nicely feel in half, and on the lit parts lit by the sun.

Therefore, before deciding which plants you will plant, be sure to decide which the shadow on your site. If it is the northern side of the house, and also shaded trees shaded, you need to choose exactly the teen-bobbed plants that can grow almost without sunlight.

If this is an eastern or western part of the garden, or the plots where the sun shines through the trees that form a half, the choice of plants should be different - you need trendy plants.

It is best to plant in the shadows unpretentious perennials that do not require frequent transplant and without problems winter in the open soil.

Telebobile plants

Plants that better feel in a thick shadow than in open solar sites - these are the teothelubile plants. And the first place among them are fern.


There is such a variety of species of ferns (their in nature more than 10,000), which differ in color, shape, size, height, patterned leaves, that only with these plants you can decorate all the sections of your garden, where the sunlight does not enter.

Unpretentious ferns exquisitely look in single landings, they are good among rocks, imitating rocks, high species of ferns x can land like a living fence or along paths.

Ferns leaves grow straight from the roots, they are carved, openwork and always very lush. The only minus of this plant is not blooming. But the decorativeness of foliage takes on this lack of interest.

This perennial grows quite greatly, and this circumstance should be borne in mind, while planting a plant into an open ground. For the garden, which is in the shade, the fern is indispensable.


The following in the list of discharge perennials, which are a real garden decoration - are great hosts, which are rightly called "dark queens."

The hosts, like ferns, have the most different shape and size, however, they also differ in the color of the leaves - the large leaves of these plants are green, yellow, sizy, blue and even multicolored.

In addition, unlike fern. The host blooms - in small flowers resembling the shaped bells.

The size of this unpretentious plant varies from 10 to 80 cm, and the hosts look great in group landings, in combination with ferns, as well as lined with one bush on the lawn. Often hosts are planted as a framing for paths in the garden.

The host with such a shadow-enough perennial, as an Astilba with her shaggy multicolored inflorescences in the form of blinks, is perfectly combined.

By the way, the host will grow on solar sites, but the leaves in this case will acquire green. A variety of shades of this plant is achieved precisely to disembark them in the shade.

Lily of the valley

Another tepeless plant, unpretentious and not requiring complex care, is a magnificent lily of the valley, which will not only decorate your shady garden, but also fill it with a magic aroma.

This perennial is not demanding to the composition of the soil, loves shady and wet areas, it grows perfectly, it blooms abundantly, and at the same time refers to rare types of colors.

The valley can be planted under the trees, along the fence, from the northern side of the house - it is in such conditions that he will feel good and delight you with abundant and decorative blossoms of all May.

It should be borne in mind that the valley will quickly grow up, have a powerful root system, so after a few years the garden section, where you planted a couple of these unpretentious plants, will be covered with them as a carpet.

Therefore, next to the garden, these flowers are better not to plant, they will muffle your cultural landings. Drop the land after the valley is quite difficult due to a large number of roots.

Shadowish plants


Astilba can grow in the shade, however, if at least a bit of sunlight, it will bloom much better, and the amustilb flowers are very decorative and have a different color, from white to dark purple. Therefore, planting an astilba is better after all in the half, from the western or east side of the house.

Perfectly combined the blooming all summer anstilbs with hosts, this is a classic combination of plants for a shady garden. Astilbies love wet, fertile soils, in such conditions it will feel great.

Siberian irises

Another real decoration for a shady garden - Irises, which are rightfully considered among the most exquisite colors.

Only it is not necessary to confuse bearded irises that prefer well-drained sunny plots, with Siberian irises that grow beautifully on shaded wet areas.

Bearded Iris, even if it will grow in a half, blooming either will not be at all, or bloom will be rare and short.

Other business is a shadowless Siberian Iris. Iris Siberian belongs to non-counseling irises, they are very diverse and numerous.

The flowers of Siberian irises have a smaller size than the flowers of the Garden Iris, and not such an interesting shape for which bearded irises is called "northern orchids", but Siberian irises bloom much more richly, longer, and simply fascinate with sophisticated flowers with narrow petals.

Some varieties of Siberian irises simultaneously produce buds, and look like a "hat" of flowers, and some bloom for a long time, releasing one flower after another.

The color of Siberian Iris is the most different - flower petals can be painted in yellow, purple, white, blue, color pisosicles, and can be combined (yellow-violet irises are very often found).

Siberian white-colored irises look very elegantly, which will look beautifully in combination with franks and hosts.

Also perfectly look like Siberian irises near water bodies. Reflecting on the surface of the water, the flowers will look even more decorative and naturally.

Coniferous plants

Well, finally, the real decoration of the gardens is coniferous plants. At the same time perfectly feel in the shadows and high Canadian ate, and Tui, and low-spirited juniper, peeling along the ground.

Preference should be given all the same unpretentious juniper, as they require significantly less care than coniferous trees.

Juniper feels great and in the sun, and in half, are not very demanding to the soil (the main thing is that it is not a clay and too heavy), some varieties are perfectly transferred to the full shadow, but they do not like excessive moisture, not to mention the wetlands. This should be remembered by decorating your garden with juniper.

Juniper are perfectly combined with ferns, look very beautiful among the stones, especially if the stones are covered with moss (this effect is easy to achieve, first watering the stones with a diluted kefir, and then having fling to forest moss on them.

After two or three weeks, your stones will acquire a view of the moss of northern Scottish rocks.

For a consideration of the effect, you can land the same richly bushes there). Just keep in mind that Moss loves a thick shadow and moisture. Therefore, periodically stones should be water or sprayed with water.

Juniper can be planted between large stones, and you can simply fall asleep the area around it by pebbles (medium size or shallow, angular or rounded - it is only the taste of the garden owner, in any case, the juniper will look great).

Stones and coniferous plants are a great combination that is very often used in landscape design.

Juniper grow sufficiently slowly, but gradually occupy a fairly large area, and this circumstance must be taken into account when landing.

If you decide to decorate the shady corner of the garden with juniper, then the distance between them should be at least half a meter. Then bushes, raging, will not interfere with each other.

It should be remembered that Juniper is categorically not tolerated for about five years old - if at the end of March - early April the plant does not take pronounced, it just will yellow and die.

Therefore, if your juniper grows in a half, and the sun rays fall on it, be sure to take care of its shelter from the bright spring sun. Even adult juniper is burning in the sun, and for young plants it is deadly.

If you comply with all these uncomplicated rules, choose suitable plants, correctly combine them with each other, sophistication and beauty of your garden can simply be impossible not to envy.

Almost every summer cottage is divided into certain zones - well-lit and signed. The zones of the site in the shade are often empty and look inorganized, and therefore we decided that there will be quite relevant to study the shadowable plants for giving.

To tell the truth, almost every second cottage there are buildings or adult trees, which cast a lot of shadow on a young garden, garden and flower beds. Partial shadow does not scare plants, because their share of solar heat and light they get throughout the day anyway. But what to do with zones that are generally not covered with the sun or are minimal? What plants can be planted for a country house, under the old apple tree or a new garage for the car? specialists are responsible for these issues, who conducted painstaking work on the sample of the necessary information, as well as the study of the forums and the collection of a wide variety of opinions.

Today we will try to describe the plant growing zones in the most detailed, choose for shaded areas. Annual and perennial, shrubs, berry and vegetable crops for shaded areas.

This formation of zones and sampling of plants for growing in the shade are particularly relevant for owners of standard cottages in 6-9 acres, where places, to be honest, is not enough, and it is necessary to land everything like a lot!

Determination of the shading of the site and the choice of plants

It should be very seriously approaching the study of the plant for planting plants and the time of its shading during the entire daylight day. Many of us are already known to the agrotechnics of popular country plants, and therefore it is not difficult to understand that not every one of them can normally develop in a complete shadow. In such a medium, only some types of decorative plants feel normally. For the rest, you will need to choose zones with partial shading, where the sun is at least half of the day.

Plant Distribution

The problem of the correct distribution of plants in the country is very serious, because in small areas it is very difficult to figure out where and that it will grow, how to correctly plant. Special difficulties are pursued by newbies, who only purchased a cottage and decide exactly where the garden, garden, flower garden.

Often planting trees occurs along the fence, so as not to occupy the useful area at the cottage. But here it is necessary to choose the right side so that the shadow from the trees does not shake the large area of \u200b\u200bthe site. It is possible to distribute them and evenly in the country, taking into account the requirements of the distance. Thus, it will be possible to form areas with partial shading and leave some zones with the greatest lighting for those plants that prefer the maximum light.

Sustainers Dachnips are also used to planting along fences and fences, but it should be understood here that some of them will be in full shadow from the fence or trees planted earlier. Therefore, the most correct solution will land the berry or decorative shrubs closer to the center of the country area, for example, for separating the territory to certain zones.

For colors and berries, the place can be founded everywhere, as we have long studied the technology of vertical landscaping and high beds. Besides, there are always such small architectural forms that suggest growing colors on the elevation. You can also consider unique decorative flower beds, special garden sculptures, original pots in the country and other products, thanks to which plants are ensured as correct conditions for growth and development.

Telyulyubiy and Shadowish Plants

These concepts we are accustomed to seriously confused, believing that those and other plants easily cope with dark areas at the cottage and endure conditions without sunlight. We recommend distinguishing the concepts and when buying a particular culture, be sure to study the agrotechnik, the requirements for the selection of plants planting the plant at the cottage. Remember, the shadow is stable throughout the day, partial (a certain part of the day due to the running of the Sun) or scattered (sunlight through the branches and foliage of the strongest plants).

Degree of shaders and soil

It should be understood that for the development of plants, not only conditions of lighting, but also certain soils and other conditions are necessary. Thus, in a thick shadow, discarded by summer buildings, thick plantings of shrubs or trees, will feel nice Singing Single, Coupling, Nine Magnificent, Tiaca Calcalized, EUROPEAN HOWE.

If you combine the dacha zones with a well-moistened soil, it is possible to planting clopogonica, primulus, frost, astilbi, geranium dark.

In areas with scattered shadow, for example, under nuts or old apple trees, it is quite possible to plant the planting of the souvenrian Spring, Mlanennik of fragrant, Lupins, Lilyniki. Some medicinal and fragrant plants will immediately grow - the peppermint, Melissa Drug, Others.

It is also necessary to know that not only the moisture of the soil determines the possibility of growing some plants in the shade or a half, but also its composition. Thus, on sandstones and letters in partial shades, they feel okay, the valley, parquinine, the violet, the lily of the creeping and others.

Shadowish shrubs

Interesting is the fact that in the shadow of the fruit garden or on the fences of the distinction of summer cottages, shrubs often can be found, which do not feel any negative shadow. They grow and develop quite normally, without requiring a special relationship.

But it is advisable to plant them in a half, scattered shadow, under the trees, since the complete absence of the sun seriously affects flowering.

Halfing is suitable for Hydrangees, she will not hurt and Kalina, elder. At the same sites you can land and ivy, maiden grapes, Clematis.

Flowers and decorative plants in the shade

In this section, we will present a small list of plants names that normally relate to the shaded areas, and some are generally ready to live without sunlight.


The greatest number of plants loving shadow, precisely among perennials. Thanks to the abundance of plant species, it is not possible to create single landings, but entire long-lived flower beds that will decorate the shadow landscape.

Badan - Plant preferring to the middle and dense shadow. In such conditions, only flowering may suffer, Badan is perfect in the growth of the same.

Ransette Lily Prefers half-day, in the strong shadow flowering weakens noticeably. Modern varieties of Lilyika better planting in the sun.

Host - A plant that is not only not afraid of the shadows, but also just loves her. The only requirement is wet soil.

Aconite It feels good in the shaded areas, but also like most, prefers wet soil.

Astilby - Shadowish plants, but prefer a partial shadow or half.

For doccentra Senten and shadow with well-wet soil - also the best place of existence in the country.

Brunner - A pretty and absolutely non-additive plant that will survive in any shadow. But it should be careful, since Brunner is quickly growing.

In the scattered shadow of a young garden beautifully blooms doronikum.

Lily of Lily and Blue - Practically classic plants for shadow and fellow in the country.

In addition to this list, lupine, swimsuit, violet foolish, Barwin, Ariaria, Tiarca, Churchwich, Others feel great in different shades in different shades.


Start worth S. pansiesBy choosing different varieties of which and planting in pronted places in different periods of the warm season, you can easily achieve flowering from spring and to autumn.

Digitalis - Tall dual-year-old plant, which is well coped with the lack of the Sun, but necessarily subject to the observance of agrotechnics.

If you need to land something in full shadow, remember Forget it,Which Self-Soviet will soon create a whole carpet of pretty flowerflowers.


It is quite difficult to choose from annuals, as lovers of pronted sites are not so much.

Balsam - Corrects with a half, but in full shadow suffers from blooming.

Tobacco fragrant - An excellent and fairly beautiful plant that can be planted in a scattered sunlight in a young garden.

Begonia eternal - Suitable for privided flower beds and single landings.


Almost all the bulbous love sunlight, but there are some exceptions that are normally developing with minimal lighting.

Most Molacrovic, the bloom of which begins early in spring, Can grow in the shade of a garden or shrubs. These are crocuses, prolesk, whitewasters, snowdrops.

Positively to the shadow in the garden includes daffodils, which are still brightly bloom and do not change the vertical position of the stem.

All this refers to flowers and decorative plants for which it is no longer necessary to look for some special place in the country area. Hosts, ferns, Barwinka - in the shade and half of them they will grow easily and show the expected result.

What vegetables can be grown in the shade?

Shadowish vegetables and other garden crops are available, and in the country there are almost half of them. That is, you will not have any problems with the cultivation of food, if you find them a small plot between shrubs or in the genital garden.

In addition, there is always a problem of placement of light-chapter plants, which must be at least 5-7 hours in the sun daily. As an example, we can bring the most popular tomatoes at the cottage (although such plants are enough). So, if there is no place for all the light-loving plants in the country, you can always use the materials of our site and arrange high gardens in several tiers, come up with special designs from pipes or boxes, plant tomatoes in containers and pots, for example, creating a similar way "heavy flower bed "On a chopler.

If the places for such plants are enough or you have already coped with their placement, we have many plants that can be planted in the shade.

By the way, it is better to approach this issue on the other hand - calculating the landing of light-loving plants, repel from the shadowless and, placing them in suitable places, score the remaining sunny vehicles with susmonders!

So, vegetables that grow in the shade. In compliance with the correct agricultural engineering from these crops, it is possible to expect a good harvest even with minimal solar lighting. Here is a brief list of that, under what you will not need to look for a place for a long time on the cottage - beets and beans, salad-latch, cauliflower and broccoli, onions, parsley, garlic and many others.

Gardening crops in the shade (according to dachnikov)

Regarding the next list ... It is not an advisory, and purely conditional, since we chose the views of the dacnis, speaking about the possibility of growing certain garden crops in places with a lack of sunlight. We give just a few of the most interesting:

  • Excellent copier with full shading sorrel and garlic. Sometimes in such zones you can collect and a good harvest of carrots, but this culture is still better to be in the sun. In addition, it is possible to grow in the shade of the trees and a reprehensive bean, peas, often you can see even planting cucumber;
  • In the regions with hot summer, tomatoes grow well in the fellowship. Of course, they need sunlight, but not always his overabundance is good for tomatoes. In the shade of a young or even old garden, you can grow the entire line of green salads;
  • In the shade of high living hedges grows red currant. The lack of the sun affects the speed of ripening, but not at the quality of the harvest. Immediately, the hell is growing nearby, a little indeed, in a half-haired - rhubarb, Chinese cabbage, zucchini ... everything gives a normal harvest if you care.

These opinions from dachnings from different regions, and therefore it can be noted that, depending on the climate, the plants can relate differently to the shadow and the sun.

On any summer cottage there are places that are constantly in the shade - behind the house, garage or under fruit trees. Often, gardeners are wondering how to make it so that these territories do not gap in black holes with black holes, but pleased with the eyes with motley paints. And then the problem arises, since most colors and decorative plants are still preferred to grow under sunlight. However, there is some amount of teotalemable plants for giving, disembarking that you can create beautiful floral compositions. In this article, we are familiar with the decorative perennials that prefer to grow in the shade.

Important! Before starting planting plants in the country, it is desirable to explore the country area for the presence of a shadow in one day or another and allocate the following categories: 1) territory with constant shading throughout the day; 2) sections with partial shadenism (only in a certain period of the day); 3) sections with a scattered (rarefied) shadow (from other more tallest plants).

If you are just looking for information about which gardening flowers are suitable for a half, we advise you to look at the Astilbe (Astilbe). This herbaceous plant of the camnery family combines 40 species and over 400 varieties. Grows from 15 cm to 2 meters. Flowers in June-August melakovoid inflorescences of red, white, pink, purple colors. It has large leaves that form a lush openwork bush. Lives on average five years.
Growing conditions. Prefers scattered shadow. It grows well on any basis, but long flowering can be achieved by putting an astilba to the soil with a similar location of groundwater. Unpretentious in care. Loves good watering. Winter tolerates well, only sharp temperature differences can be fatal for it.

Methods of breeding.Propasses seeds, dividing bush and shoots.

Application.It is well combined with Badan, iris, valley, subophyllum, frost. It is used in mixed flower beds, on stony slides, in Rabatkov.

Akonit (wrestler)

In the review of plants for a half can not do without aconite (acónítum). This is a perennial grassy flowering plant of a family of ilok with a height of a stem of 50-150 cm. Includes several dozens of varieties. Flowers from July to the end of October with cyutious inflorescences of blue, white, purple, yellow. The plant is considered to be poisonous because it contains alkaloids.

Did you know? About the poisonous properties of aconite was known for a long time. Different peoples used it for poisoning predators and enemies, poison for arrows and copies.

Growing conditions.Growing on wet places in soils rich in humus. However, it can also put up with different soils, except sandy and stone. Moisture does not like stagnation, strong overvaluing can destroy the flower. It feels well both in the shade and in a half. Does not require special care measures. Frost.

Methods of breeding.It is multiplied by several ways: seed, dividing bush, tubers, cuttings.

Application.It looks impurious next door to peonies, anstic, iris, Rudbequee. It is used both for mixed flower beds, flower beds, and for decoration of walls, can serve as a screen to cover any unattractive building or a household building.

You can not get around the attention and one more flowers for shady places - Brunners (Brunnera). This is a perennial plant of the boured family with beautiful large leaflets and non-uniform flowers in inflorescences on the right of the long-liver, because it can live up to 10-15 years. Grows a spreader bush, reaches a height of 40 cm. Flowers in May. Beautiful from the end of April to the first frost. Two types are used in culture.
Growing conditions.Growing on clay, wet soils. It should not be planted this plant in a complete shadow - in this case it will lose its decorativeness: the stalks will be pulled out. When landing it in the sun should provide abundant regular watering. Brunner is easy to care. The plant is very frost resistant - withstands the temperature to -29 ºС.

Methods of breeding. Propagated by the division of rhizomes, root process, seeds.

Application. Her Mixle partners can become a frost, primula, fern female. Brunneur also planted in curbs.

The list of shaper perennials includes both the dicentra (Dicentra) is a herbaceous plant that attracts attention to its flowers in the form of hearts. Another name of the dtscentra is "broken heart" - came from the legend of the unfortunate love of the French girl Jegestte. Perennial numbers about 20 varieties. The flower height varies from 30 cm to 1.5 m. The period of flowering - May-June, the duration of flowering is about a month. Flowers of bright pink or white color are collected into drooping arcuate inflorescences. The leaves are green with the Sizem, give beauty to the plant even before flowering. The "broken heart" has a high immunity to pests and diseases. The flower is frost-resistant, but requires shelter for winter.
Growing conditions. It grows well on moistened soils with drainage and with a sufficient number of humus. It may be planted both on the sunny plot and in the shade of trees, but the sun blooms before. It requires a good watering, regular loosening of the earth to access oxygen to roots and weeding. You also need to remove faded flowers on time.

Methods of breeding. It is propagated by the division of the bush, root cuttings, less often in a seed way.

Application. Interesting floral compositions forms with daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, brunner, stamps. Used in mix bears, on the Alpine slide.

Easy shading loves Doronicum (Doronicum) - Perennial from the Astrov family. Rod has 36 species. Flowers with large yellow flowers, in shape resembling chamomile. Flowering comes in May, lasts about a month. Quickly grow up, forming lush bright bushes. Differs high frost resistance. The recommended growth duration in one place is three or four years.
Growing conditions. When landing, the doronikum should be borne in mind that it only takes out half day, in absolute shadow completely loses its decorativeness. It becomes unattractive after flowering.

Important! When planting plants, it is necessary to clearly understand the value of agrotechnical requirements for illumination: what is the complete sun, the half, shadow and the sparse shadow for plants. "Full Sun" means that the plant is more than three hoursin a dayunder the right rays; "Pedumba" - about three hours under the right rays in the morning or in the evening, with a shadow in the middle of the day, or good illumination without direct rays throughout the day; "Shadow, shady zones, a complete shadow" - three hours of direct daylight in the middle of the day and limited illumination throughout the rest of the day; "Robbeled shadow" - partial penetration of sunlight during the day (for example, through the crowns of trees).

Doronikum loves well-drained soils and abundant moisturizing. It blooms longer on light, loose, weakly acid, fertile soil. It feels well with moderate and uniform watering.

Methods of breeding. It is multiplied by dividing the bush and seeds.

Application.Doronikum belongs to the plants of the second plan. It should be planted in a company with plants that have a long period of preservation of decorativeness, for example, with Aquaille, a host, Roger. Also combined with daffodils, tulips, iris. In landscape design it is planted in mixlers, rockers, alpinearia.

Volzhanka (Aruncus) always attracts attention - first of all, the dimensions of their sprawl bushes, abundant blooming white inflorescences and a gentle aroma. Arunkus stems can reach a height of up to 2 m. Blossom duration - two months: June-July. In one place can grow for 15-20 years.
Growing conditions. Volzhanka equally can grow both in open areas and in the shade. However, under the right sunny rays, the bushes are poorly growing. For planting Aruunkus, they pick up a light wet soil with good drainage. The plant is very unpretentious, needs minimal leaving: regular watering and cropping the blurred inflorescences. Resistant to colds (shelter requires), diseases and weeds.

Methods of breeding.Dividing bush, green cuttings, seeds.

Application.The flower looks beautifully both singly and in groups. Usually, the volzhanka is planted near the low-voltage plants. It looks good with astilbami, hosts, spirits, barbaris, shield. Easual buildings are very good for lush bushes of Arunkus.

An excellent plant for the garden in the shade is Gubastic (Mimulus). Mother's homeland - in America - the other name of this flower is common: Monkey Flowers (monkey flowers), due to some similarity of the plant flowers on the muzzle of monkey. Gubastics includes 150 species. Plant stalks grow up to 60 cm. Depending on the species, they can be different in shape. Coloring flowers - monophonic or leopard. It has two periods of flowering - in spring and autumn.
Growing conditions. Mimulyus must be planted on a slightly pronted sections in fertile, loose and wet soil, rich in peat and humus. It is recommended to carry out propagation.

Methods of breeding.We multiply with stalling and seeds.

Application. Used in the frame of borders, stony rols, mixlers with labels, floccals. Some species are suitable for landing in fried and balcony boxes.

If you want to cover the shady sections of the carpet of flowers, then you will fit the camneur (SaxiFraga). This is a soil plate from a family of camneur, numbering 250 varieties. Stamped stalks reach heights from 5 to 70 cm. They are annual, perennials are shoots. Flowers are small: 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The color is diverse: white, pink, red, and others. The period of flowering occurs in May, lasts about a month.

Did you know? The Latin name of the encounter comes from the words "Saxym" and "Frango", which are translated as a "rock" and "breaking". This is explained by the fact that in nature this plant is most often found in the crevices of rocks.

Growing conditions.Landing, growing and catering for a bowelism will not cause difficulties. Already the very name of the plant says that it is not demanding about the soil and watering, it is capable of growing on poor soils (necessarily with good drainage) and does not like to convergence. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and dislikes a complete shadow (can affect the decorativeness of the leaves). It is characterized by high winter-hardiness. Young plants require shelter in winter.

Methods of breeding. Multiplied by seeds, dividing the bush, sockets.

Application.In decorative culture, the camneur is planted between stones, on the slopes, artificial rocks, in the mountaineering.

One of the most unpretentious perennials for the half is a swimsuit (Trollius). In addition to its unassumability, it attracts the attention of gardeners with large bright yellow and orange flowers. Capalnitz has 20 varieties. Stems Plants grow up to 90 cm. It blooms about 20 days, starting from May. In one place, the swimsuit can decorate the garden for 10 years.
Growing conditions."Troll flower" (it is also called a swimsuit) can grow both in the sun and in a half, although in the latter case somewhat loses its decorativeness and loses growth. For planting plants, fertile wet land is suitable. Although it can grow in poor soil. The only thing that the swimsuit does not like is stagnation of groundwater. Maybe winter without shelter.

Methods of breeding. Split a swimsuit can be divided by the Musician, sowing seeds.

Application. A beautiful neighborhood is obtained by a swimsuit and catchment, muskari, dolphinium, prolesk, magnolia, bells.

All the famous Lily of Lily (Lilium Convallium) is also suitable for landing in the shade. This is a low plant (20-25 cm in height) with dazzling white small flowers in the form of bells and gentle aroma please their owners in May-June. Leaves remain green until July.

Did you know? Wildlindish lilies are listed in the Red Book.

Growing conditions. The flower loves a wet, rich organic soil. It grows well in the shade of neighboring trees or bushes. In full shadow stops flowering. Care does not require, with proper landing can grow by itself for several years.

Important! When working with valley, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves, as all organs of the plant are poisonous.

Methods of breeding. Propagated by the division of rhizomes and very rarely seeds.

Application.Put the Lily of Lily next to Akvilia, Fern, Medunication and you will get a beautiful tender flowerbed. This flower is also used as a soil plant and for trampling.

At the beginning of summer, in the garden you can admire the blossom of bright lupine perepine brushes (Lupinus). This plant belongs to the bean family. He is called "Wolf Beans", since his name comes from the word lupus - wolf. The inflorescences of some types of lupine can reach sizes in 1 m, and the plant itself grows from 50 to 150 cm. Flowers are different colors: red, white, yellow, purple, pink, blue; There are three-color. The period of life is five to six years.
Growing conditions.The flower is very drought-resistant - his wild fellows grow even in the deserts. It can grow both in the sun and in a fever or under multiple lighting. The soil for its landing should be drigly or squealed with low or neutral acidity. Special difficulties in care does not cause. Preferably periodic soil looser and weed removal. For the winter, the bushes should be dipped and cover.

Methods of breeding. Lupine breeds vegetatively cuttings, or seeds.

Application.It can grow both alone and in a group landing in flowerbed in the second plan next to iris, lilies, dolphiniums, hosts, astilbami.

Rows of colors growing in half and shadow, replenish and spectacular perennials of Rogersia (Rodgersia). These decorative-deciduous plants of the camneur family at first glance are remembered by very large and beautiful palpses or cigarette leaves, which in the fall acquire a red or bronze tint. Flowers Rogers high (1.2-1.5 m) pano-white or cream-colored pan. The flowering period is July.
Growing conditions. To the care of Rogers unprecedented. The best place for its landing will be a plot located in a partial shadow. To the soil composition, the plant is undemanding, can grow on any garden land. Loves frequent watering.

Methods of breeding.Rogers can be propagated by dividing rhizomes, sheet cuttings and seeds (rarely).

Application.Roger will become an exotic decoration in the mixtore, Rabata, Rokaria. She will give unusual to your water. It looks very nice in combination with a fern, badhouse, host, bells.

Even the novice gardeners can be cultivated by another unpretentious, but very beautiful and fragrant trendy perennial - Sinai (Polemonium Caeruleum). In height, this plant reaches 40-120 cm. The inflorescence is quite high, it is collected in a panicle of blue, white bells. Blossom takes place for a long time in June-July. Blue has therapeutic properties.
Growing conditions.The soil for this plant is better to choose a light, moderately wet, weakly acidic. Although in principle the perennial is not particularly demanding of soils. It is resistant to frost, diseases and pests. Loves moisture.

Methods of breeding.The flower is multiplied with the division of rhizomes, green cuttings and seed.

Application. Since after flowering the blue loses its attractiveness, when it landed, it is necessary to take care so that it is near the plants that have a decorative period longer. It is good for the host, Iris, Badan, primura. It is successfully planted on the flower beds and in mix bears.

Rod (Symphyandra) combines 10 species. In nature, these are perennials, they are grown in culture as a two-year plants. This flower is interesting primarily by its inflorescences - drooping sweatshirts or spherical with flowers-bells purple or white color. Bloom in June-August. Reaches a height of 15-30 cm.
Growing conditions.
Mostly, Symifian prefer solar plots, and only two of its varieties are both Asian and Asian - capable of put up with a half. Prefers loose soil with good drainage. From the care, it will be arranged only by watering in drought and removing the bleached inflorescences.

Methods of breeding.It is multiplied by two ways: seeds with seeds and stalling of roasting processes.

Application. Sets out on the Alpine slides, for curb landings, in rockers and mix bears.

Another unpretentious shadowable plant is a host (Hosta) or a fun. This decorative deciduous plant is able to decorate any summer cottage and garden. The main attraction is the leaves: large, often two-color, with cuts, a variety of forms. Also beautiful and hostess flowers are simple and terry, white, blue, pink, purple colors. The height of the stem is mainly 60-80 cm, but there are types of dwarf (15 cm) and gigantic (1.2 m). The blossom of the host is usually incredible, and the more beautiful it is the leaves, the more faded flowers. This perennial refers to long-livers - can grow without transplanting up to 20 years. Today, about 400 Hosts hybrids are displayed.
Growing conditions.Selecting a site for this plant depends on the variety you will prefer. Among the hybrids are found both solubular and flowers for landing in a half and in full shadow - it all depends on the color of the leaves: the leaves are darker, especially the showingly plant. The composition of the soil for planting this perennial is desirable gumus, weakness or neutral, well-drained. There will be no survivors on the sand or host's loam. Loves moisture.

Methods of breeding.The host is multiplied by three ways: stalling, dividing bush and seed.

Application.Host - excellent background for flowering crops. Suitable for borders and flower.

When planting plants, preferring a shadow, consider the fact that often their beauty lies not in flowering (most of them it is modest, in contrast to light-affiliated conifers), and in foliage. In addition, correctly selected perennials will be able to decorate your garden, they are still an excellent way to fight weeds.

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At many cottage sites there are certain zones of natural lighting - well lit by sunlight and shaded. Very often, the zones of the area located in the shade are used partially or even remain empty, which not only looks inorganized, but sometimes leads to an irrational distribution of plants on the site. This article will tell how to choose a suitable teothelobile plant for the gardenwhich can feel comfortable in such conditions.

It is worth noting, a partial shadow, which adult trees drop or small buildings of the house, does not frighten most of the plants, since during the day they manage to get the required amount of sunlight. But it happens that there are places on the sites that are completely covered from light and plants on them are translated, becoming less endless, and often they do not even take root and die.

Especially problematic, the issue of shading zones of the country house is becoming for owners of small country sites, since in a small area you need to place all the necessary cultures and desired plants.

To the question of the correct distribution of plants in the country area, it should be sufficiently seriously, since the crop will depend on the proper landing of plants and various crops and, accordingly, forces spent on planting. Very often, newcomers are faced with difficulties in this matter, which only plan landing and decide where and how exactly the flower garden, garden and garden will be located.

Pretty often planting various trees is carried out along the fence or fences. Such an approach is quite appropriate, since with this arrangement, the trees do not occupy a useful area, but here you need to consider on which side of the site it is better to plant a landing so that the shadow of the trees does not fall into the large area of \u200b\u200bthe country area and did not prevent plant saturation with sunlight.

If the planting of trees is only in the plans, then you need to take into account in which plants will be located, which prefer the maximum amount of light, and where you can partially sharpen the site.

Shrubs are also often planted along the hedge and fences, but it is worth understanding that some of them will be in full shadow from the trees that were planted earlier, or fence. Based on this, a more correct option will be the landing for decorative or berry shrubs closer to the central part of the country's dacha, which will also serve as an additional separation of the area on the zone.

A little easier about growing colors, as for these purposes there are simple technologies for growing flowers on the elevations or with vertical landscaping and placement in the suspended pots. Thus, colors have the opportunity regardless of the location to receive the desired amount of light.

In order to prevent possible problems in the cultivation of plants, the concepts of shadowish and tenetic plants should be distinguished, since the first adapt and cope with the existence in the shaded areas, and others by their nature prefer to grow and develop in the shade. For a complete understanding before planting plants, it is recommended to study the agricultural engineering and take into account the requirements for the landing site.

It should be borne in mind that the shadow can be stable (constant), partial (the zone can be shaded at a certain period of the day and covered at a certain time of the day, due to the course of the Sun) and scattered (the light penetrates through the foliage and tree branches).

In a thick, stable shadow, which the trees, shrubs or buildings discard, will feel nainly gorgeous, buying, tiarca carcasecaric, sephelter, european coil. Such a zone of illumination in combination with a well-moistened soil is perfect for landing Geranium Dark, Frost, Astilb, Klopogonov and Primula.

In those areas where the shadow scattered, for example, under old apple trees or nuts, it is recommended to disembark the nursery of the spring, lupines, a moltennik fragrant, a loyal. In such conditions, such medicinal herbs as Melissa and peppermint will exceed themselves. It should also be borne in mind that in addition to the shadension and humidity of the place, the composition of the soil can affect the plant. For example, on sandstones or letters in the conditions of a scattered shadow, the lunch of a creeping, violet, lily of the lily, Barwin and Coupura grow beautifully.

Usually, in the shade of the fruit garden, there are various shrubs that do not require too much attention and develop great.

In half-directed garden zones, you can often find a shadowless rhododendron, which prefers exactly these conditions and does not like the sun's rays.

But it is worth remembering that this shrub should grow precisely in a half, since with the complete absence of sunlight its bloom may not be so abundant and beautiful.

Cataline, erup, hydrangea, ivy, clematis and girlish grapes are also considered to be shadowless shrubs.

Telebobile and Shaded Flowers for Garden and Clumb

Some flowers may not be easy to feel well in the shaded zones of the country area, but also do without sunlight.

Teleboy perennials

Even for a beginner flower, it will not be difficult to grow a perennial from the speaker-born colors in its summer cottage. Among the perennials a huge number of colors preferring a shadow. Due to the fact that such types of teothelubil flowers for the garden are incredibly many dacifics appear the opportunity to plant non-monotonous flower beds, but entire flower beds that will decorate the shaded landscape.

  • Badan - A perennial plant that loves a dense and middle shadow, but, despite the fact that in a complete shadow he can grow perfectly, his bloom can suffer.
  • Ransette Lily, Perennial who loves half-day, and in a strong shade his bloomingly weakens.
  • Host - This is a plant that prefers to grow and develop in the shade. The only requirement is constantly wet soil.
  • Aconite It feels quite good in the shade, but as well as the host, prefers moistened soil.
  • Lily of the valley - The usual and classic perennial flowers for the shaded areas in the country areas.
  • Astilby - Prefer the half and grow great in it and grow.
  • Doccentra - Flowers who love halftime and shadow with moistened soil.
  • Brunner - Non-additive and cute perennial flowers, which calmly feels in any shade. But at the same time, the Brunner needs constant care, as the plant has a property to quickly grow.
  • Blue and Lily of Lily - Classical plants for the shaded zone zone areas.

In the shaded, all the varieties of pansies feel good, besides, when they are planted, flowering can be achieved since the spring and to late autumn.

  • Internshot - A two-year tall trendy plant that copes well with a small amount of sunlight, but to ensure the normal state of the plant can only be observed by agrotechnics.
  • Forget-me-not A shadowed plant that is absolutely not afraid of a complete shadow and has a property to quickly grow, forming a whole floral carpet.

The selection of annual plants to disemboditate in the shaded zones of the country area is very small, so many daches do not so often land them in areas, but there is still some row of plants that will be able to please their beauty.

  • Balsam It feels well in a half, but in the conditions of complete shadow in the plant there may be a lack of flowering.
  • Begonia eternal It is suitable for the shaded zone of the garden or flower garden.
  • Tobacco fragrant - A beautiful plant that feels well in the scattered light, for example, a good place for such a plant will be a young garden, where foliage and branches are able to skip a sufficient amount of sunlight.