How to prime a ceiling: primers for concrete and wood coatings, priming technology. How to properly prime a ceiling before painting How to properly prime a ceiling before painting

Any renovation in a room starts from the ceiling. One of the most important stages when preparing the ceiling for finishing, this is the primer of the ceiling.

The primer itself is a solution that consists of a coloring pigment and a film former. The number of layers applied is determined by the degree of unevenness of your ceiling. If the difference is less than 3 mm or the ceiling has a porous surface, a deep penetration primer is used.

After all, the main purpose of the primer is to enhance the surface’s ability to bind moisture. Even if done, due to the difference in the thickness of the plaster, moisture will be bound differently in different places. If you do not prime, this can lead to the fact that when painting, the ceiling will absorb moisture, and this in turn will lead to the paint drying out and deteriorating its ability to fully adhere (adhesion) and you will have to paint and paint to achieve what -some result. But it may be that the paint will not be able to stay on the ceiling at all and will begin to crumble (see)

Advice: it is advisable that the finishing materials are from the same manufacturer. This way the materials will fit well together.

Primer Types

For different surfaces there are different types primers depending on their composition. Acrylic primers consist of acrylic polymers, they are used for various surfaces(concrete, glass fiber, wood, plaster, brick, cement, chipboard and fiberboard). Primer on water based used for water-soluble emulsion paints and coatings.

Tip: It is important to know that only acrylic, alkyd and mineral-based primers are used in residential areas, and other types of primers are not intended for use inside a residential area.

Alkyd based primer considered particularly durable. It can be used on fiberglass, galvanized steel, glass or tile surfaces. But it is not suitable for plasterboard and plastered surfaces.

Mineral based primer suitable for brick, concrete, plastered surfaces, as well as gas silicate and expanded clay concrete blocks. The primer is based on gypsum, cement, and lime. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the instructions.

To paint a ceiling made of wood, metal or other highly absorbent materials, you can use primer paints. They are made from drying oils or resins, synthetic or natural. There are more special compounds, they impart moisture resistance or anti-corrosion effect.

A deep penetration primer serves to strengthen the base, as well as deep penetration into the material from 3 to 20 mm, thereby fastening it from the inside. They contain antiseptic additives to prevent the occurrence of troubles such as mold, mildew, and rotting.

Quartz primers contain sand. When using this primer on a smooth surface, it creates an ideal rough layer for applying the next decorative plaster.

Sometimes the primer can be used as a coating itself. Then it is applied in 2 layers. 1st layer diluted with water (1: 1), and 2nd layer undiluted.

Advice: primers intended for enamels with properties resistant to radiation and electrical insulation, as well as based on alkyd resin, are not entirely suitable for treating indoor ceilings, because have poor adhesion.

Types of primer

Ceiling primers can also be divided into several types:

  • primer for enamel;
  • primer for water-based paints;
  • universal primer;
  • special primer.

Some craftsmen make a primer by simply adding PVA glue to the putty or using diluted paint as a primer, which is then used to paint the ceiling. 4 parts paint to 1 part solvent, depending on the paint.

Primers for enamel consist of a suspension of pigments and fillers in varnishes or resins (glyphthalic, pentaphthalic). This primer also has special additives. And it is diluted with solvent, xylene, as well as solvent 646.

Primers intended for water paints consist of a mixture of synthetic dispersions and latex with additives. Such primers are diluted with what is specified in the instructions for use.

It is widely used for priming ceiling surfaces; after application, a dense coating is created; the primer is applied in several layers.

There are also universal primers that are used to prepare almost any ceiling surface for subsequent application of paint, putty, glue, etc. Using a universal primer, you can increase the strength and durability of the final finishing of the ceiling surface, and you can also save on the consumption of finishing materials.

To strengthen loose old surfaces, it is better to use emulsion primers, which are made from vinyl-acrylic copolymer modified with silicone. It is usually made for waterproofing. The primer is applied to the concrete or plastered surface of the ceiling. It will provide strong adhesion for subsequent layers of finishing.

Latex strengthening primers can be used to prime porous ceiling surfaces such as wood and plasterboard, as well as concrete and plaster. This special remedy applied to prepare ceilings with fragile top layer for finishing, but not for lime surfaces.

Strengthening primer is compatible with cement-sand mixtures, which allows the ceiling to be tiled in the future.

Tip: soil can be used as self-covering on the ceiling. In this case, it is applied in 2 layers. For the 1st layer, use a primer diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, and for the 2nd layer, use the primer undiluted.

Surface priming

Priming can usually be done in 2 ways: manual or mechanical.

So, to prime the ceilings you will need:

  • Any primer (depending on the finish) or concentrate, which must be diluted in the specified proportion;
  • Tray for pouring the finished primer. Choose the size according to the size of the roller.
  • Roller and brush, or spray gun. If the ceilings are high, use a roller extension. It is better to apply the last layer of primer with a roller so that no marks remain after the brush.

Tip: When diluting, you cannot add more water than is written in the instructions, because... this will affect the strength of the primer.

The first coat of primer should be applied perpendicular to the direction of the rays sunlight falling from the window. Then the primer is applied in a parallel direction.

In order to apply the primer correctly, you need to select it correctly for your ceiling surface. The surface before application must be free of dust, grease, and must be dry. Metal ones should not be rusty, they should be degreased. Wooden surfaces needs to be sanded clean.

Advice: you must wait until the first primed layer has completely dried, only then proceed to the next layer; the drying time for the primer is indicated in the instructions.

The 2nd layer of primer is applied to the ceiling after plastering, and after the 2nd priming, leveling putty is applied. Then, if necessary, you can prime the ceiling 3 times and then do final finishing or coloring.

Choosing the right primer can save you not only your money, but also your nerves. Good luck to you in repair work!

The modern approach to the repair process involves the use of a range of materials. This also includes primer for the ceiling. There is constant debate around this milky liquid: some craftsmen do not see the advisability of using it, while others, on the contrary, consider the primer to be an essential component of repairs. Knowledge of all the intricacies of use helps to avoid doubts.


Why is a primer needed? This question is asked not only by those new to the construction process, but also by very experienced craftsmen. The purpose of the liquid is as follows:

  1. Strengthening the concrete surface. Liquid consistency allows the product to be easily absorbed. The water contained in it gradually evaporates under the influence of positive temperatures, leaving solid particles in the concrete. The latter are responsible for increasing the strength of the ceiling surface.
  2. Increased adhesion. The primer creates a film on the ceiling that improves the adhesion of the slab and finishing material.

Some types of the product have bactericidal properties. After their application, the ceiling surface becomes resistant to mold and the development of fungal spores. This quality is invaluable for rooms where long time There are children, as well as people with diseases of the respiratory system.

The question often arises whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling before painting. The main purpose of the product is to prevent moisture from being absorbed by the ceiling surface. Skipping a liquid treatment step when painting will result in more coats being required to evenly cover the entire surface. Even after applying putty, it is impossible to exclude the possibility that the paint will begin to crumble after some time.

What are the types of primer mixtures?

Materials for processing ceiling tiles have different compositions depending on the type of base surface. It is also important to consider the type of room. For example, acrylic, alkyd primer, as well as a mineral-based product - best choice for rooms in a house, apartment, office.

Acrylic primer may have different composition, which allows you to divide it into several types.


This product is needed when working with loose base. Loose structure plaster mixtures, putty allows the product containing latex to penetrate to a depth of 10 cm. The result is a monolithic base that will last quite a long time.


Doesn't really penetrate into the base. Its purpose is to tie those parts of the base that hold weakly. This composition is used, for example, if the ceiling is covered with plaster with a fine fraction. This primer is also needed if you need to strengthen minor cracks. Both of these types of primers are indicated for working with surfaces that have previously been whitewashed.


Due to the presence of acrylic in the composition, it creates a film on the base. In the future, this allows you to significantly save on finishing materials for subsequent work. This type of primer can be easily combined with almost any paint. Even putty is much easier to apply.

How long does it take for any type of acrylic primer to dry? On average, from 6 to 12 hours. The exact time depends on what the foundation was.

Choice depending on base

  1. A water-based ceiling primer for painting is suitable for water-based coatings and paints. This product is recommended for use when you need to prepare drywall, wood, concrete or cement base for wallpapering. This primer dries quite quickly. At this time, even minor temperature changes should be avoided.
  2. For substrates made of fiberglass, it is recommended to apply an alkyd-based primer. The finishing layer is very durable.
  3. Ceilings made of brick, concrete, expanded clay concrete and gas silicate blocks, as well as those finished with plaster, are best coated with a mineral-based primer.

Special cases

Many owners of old homes are wondering how to prime the ceiling (and whether it is worth doing it) if it is whitewashed or it is planned to apply putty to it.

Most often, the question of the need to prime a base that has previously been whitewashed arises when a homeowner decides to paint the ceiling. Before starting work, you should determine what served as the basis for the applied composition - chalk or lime:

  1. Whitewash with lime, if it is not cracked and does not fall off, can simply be wiped with a damp cloth. After the surface has completely dried, you can safely proceed to priming and painting (even with water-based paint).
  2. For chalk-coated surfaces, you need to carefully evaluate the condition of the surface and determine how many coats have been applied. If there are no cracks and a thick layer, the ceiling is coated with a special whitewash primer.

How to apply primer to a previously whitewashed ceiling? The technology includes preliminary cleaning of the surface from dust and other contaminants. After this, it is recommended to apply the first, test layer. Then you should wait from two hours to a day - this is how long the primer composition dries, depending on its base. Do not allow drafts - this increases the risk of the base coating peeling off.

After the first layer has completely dried and there are no signs of peeling or swelling on the surface, apply the second. How many layers should there be? Experts say no less than three. And before applying a new one, you should wait the recommended time until the previous one dries. If even minor violations of the strength of the base have been identified, it is recommended to return to the stage earlier and completely remove the old coating.

Priming before puttying

How to properly prime a ceiling if putty will be applied to it? And is this necessary? The priming process in in this case allows you to solve two problems:

  1. Disinfection. After the product is applied to the ceiling slab, its surface receives reliable antifungal protection.
  2. Increased adhesion. Putty is a fairly heavy material. Therefore, in the absence of a primer coating, it may begin to peel off over time. The technology involves layer-by-layer application. That is, after a layer of putty is applied and sanded, it is coated with a primer.

The product should not be applied while the base is drying. The type of primer used and the material of the ceiling tile will determine how long it will take.

If the ceilings are suspended

Let's consider whether and how to prime the ceiling on which the structure with PVC film will be installed. Stretch ceiling – best solution for apartments in new buildings. Over time, the house shrinks, after which the surface of the slabs becomes covered with cracks. To minimize repair costs, homeowners resort to using a tensile structure.

PVC film reliably hides all imperfections. After its installation, you can forget about repairs for a long time. However, this does not mean that the surface under tension structure should not be processed. The primer is the minimum you can limit yourself to.

As is known, suspended ceiling often protects the apartment from moisture coming from the upper floor. It is easy to remove. But while the untreated surface of the slab dries, microbes multiply in it and fungi can develop.

The primer provides protective properties. That is why the ceiling under a tension structure must be treated.

Important point

When choosing a primer, you should consider not only the period of time it takes to dry. First of all, it is necessary to determine the volume of product that will be required to treat the surface.

To find out how much primer is required, determine how much square meters to be processed. The resulting figure is multiplied by the consumption rate according to the instructions. You should also consider the following nuances:

  • type of primer;
  • purpose of the remedy;
  • base material.

Taking into account the above points, it is not difficult to determine how much product is needed to evenly and completely cover the ceiling.

It is important to remember that there is another factor that affects the calculations. important point– layer thickness. This indicator depends on how porous the ceiling base material is. The higher the porosity, the more layers may be required. To avoid mistakes, it is better to involve specialists in the calculations.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out repair work in any room. And the ceiling becomes the face of the room, because the overall impression of the room will depend on its appearance. Most modern paints are marked that it does not need to be pre-treated before applying to the ceiling. Before you begin repair work, you need to understand why you need a primer for the ceiling.

Priming the ceiling before painting is an important part of the painting job. The fact is that the main purpose of the material is to reduce moisture absorption of the surface. The layer prevents the ceiling from absorbing moisture from the paint, and it will dry in an even layer. When applying paintwork to an untreated surface, the paint will dry out and may become cracked. Uneven drying is also possible.

The material is mainly used to improve the adhesion of paint to the ceiling surface. When applying the primer material to a plane, it forms a rough film, which improves adhesion to the paint and also prevents moisture from being absorbed from the surface. coloring material. In addition, pre-treatment before painting can hide minor defects on the ceiling, for example, like cracks and small differences in height.

The primer performs many functions:

  • Strengthening the surface, in particular preventing the ceiling from falling off;
  • Strengthening the base for painting;
  • Improves the water-repellent properties of the ceiling;
  • Improves the adhesion of the ceiling to paint and other finishing materials;
  • Makes subsequent putty (plaster) easier and smoother;
  • Protects the surface from mold formation;
  • Helps reduce paint costs for subsequent finishing;
  • Promotes rapid hardening of the putty;
  • Increases the service life of subsequent finishing (paint, wallpaper, tiles, etc.).

The universal option can be used on almost any plane. In particular, use on various materials and makes it universal.

Composition and technical characteristics

The composition of ceiling primers includes the following components:

  1. Surface film forming agents;
  2. Plasticizer;
  3. Additives to improve film formation;
  4. Antiseptics;
  5. Components to improve absorption and hardening.

In addition, color pigments may be present in the primer composition. The shade of the coating will depend on their addition.

Important! The composition of the primer may vary depending on the intended surface to be coated, as well as the type of room.

A universal ceiling primer for painting dries on average in 1-1.5 hours. Can be stored for up to 6 months at temperatures from 5 to 50 degrees. Retains its properties when temperature conditions 5-30 degrees.

Consumption per 1 m2

Basically, when applying 1 layer, 10 liters of primer material is enough for 65 sq.m. The average consumption is 0.15-0.17 kg/sq.m.

This indicator can increase upward depending on the type of surface, porosity and smoothness. Also, consumption increases with the number of layers applied.

To make high-quality painting of the ceiling, you must follow the instructions for use. Basically, the work on preparing the surface and applying the primer is divided into stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to vacate the premises in which repair work will be carried out. All lighting fixtures remove from the ceiling if available. It is recommended to lay a film on the floor.
  • It is imperative to remove the old coating from the plane and clean the ceiling. Whitewash is easily removed with a wet roller and scraper. Paint can be removed with sandpaper and solvent.

Important! Before starting work, the room must be de-energized!

  • After cleaning, you need to check the ceiling for cracks and irregularities. All of them are covered with putty.
  • After which you can start working with the primer composition. It is important to follow the instructions when diluting the primer with water. Otherwise, insufficient or excessive amounts of liquid will negatively affect the quality of the coating.
  • The substance can be applied using a roller and brush. You should not give preference to only one of their options. With a brush you can reach hard-to-reach places, and with a roller you can level the surface. So it’s worth purchasing both tools in advance.
  • The primer must be applied in two layers. It is important to wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second. It is also recommended that the direction of layering be perpendicular.
  • After which it is recommended to apply two layers of putty. It is also worth treating each layer with a primer. This will significantly smoothen and strengthen the plane of the ceiling.

Advice! To prevent streaks from the layers from being visible after painting, it is recommended to finish with a roller. You can also replace it with a spray gun when applying the second layer. In this case, the layer will lie very evenly, without stripes or bald spots.

After all this work, you can safely apply paint. Preliminary priming and putty will reduce paint consumption.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ceiling primer for painting has its clear advantages:

  1. Levels the plane;
  2. Improves adhesion to paint;
  3. The application process is very simple;
  4. Protects against moisture;
  5. A large palette of colors makes the painting process easier;
  6. Protects the ceiling from mold and mildew, and when processed metal parts prevents corrosion.

But despite many advantages, the material also has its disadvantages:

  • Layer transparency;
  • Possibility that the film is formed unevenly.

But almost all the shortcomings are easily solved correct application material on the ceiling.

Types of primers for ceilings

There are several types of primer, and in order to make high-quality repairs, it is necessary to select the material for priming strictly for the type of subsequent finishing. Also, the material must be selected in accordance with the type of surface on which it will be applied.

Thus, the primer is divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic.

It contains acrylic polymers. Can be applied to wood, brick, concrete, fiberglass, cement and plaster surfaces. This primer is water-based and recommended for use before painting with water-based materials.

Important! In residential areas, acrylic, mineral or alkyd based primers can be used.

  • Alkyd.

This primer is different from other high strength primers. Mainly used on surfaces made of tiles, glass and steel. This primer is not suitable for use on plaster or drywall.

  • Mineral.

This type is the most popular and widespread. It can be used on brick, concrete, plaster, aerated concrete and foam concrete surfaces. The composition is based on cement, gypsum and lime.

  • Colorful.

To produce this type, drying oil or resin is used. Used for subsequent painting of wooden or metal ceilings. There are also options with additional anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant properties.

  • Deep penetration primer.

This type of primer penetrates the surface to a distance of 0.3-2 cm. This thereby strengthens the ceiling. There are also options with antiseptic properties that prevent the occurrence of rot, mold and mildew.

  • Quartz.

This primer contains sand. After the material dries, the ceiling plane becomes very rough. Used for application to ceilings and other surfaces for painting and other finishing materials.

There are options that are full coverage. They are usually applied in several layers.

How many times should I prime the ceiling before painting?

Before painting, putty is applied to the ceiling several times. Each layer must be primed to improve adhesion. Also, before applying paint directly to the ceiling, the surface must be primed with two layers. When applying primer, follow the instructions:

  1. The first row is applied in the direction of the light;
  2. The second is strictly parallel to it.

Review of popular manufacturers

Among the popular manufacturers of primer material are:

  • Prospectors.

The primer from this manufacturer fills any cracks and pores in the surface. Quartz sand in the composition significantly improves the adhesive properties of the surface. Primer consumption is 0.1 l/sq.m. The layer dries in 1 hour.

  • Ceresite.

The composition of this material is based on synthetic resin. The primer is well absorbed and is also protected from uneven drying.

  • Optimist.

The primer from this manufacturer is used for surface treatment indoors and outdoors. The composition contains quartz sand and antiseptics. Suitable for application on surfaces that are subject to constant humidity.

  • Bolars.

The primer is usually transparent or matte white. Used to strengthen concrete plasterboard. Helps reduce the amount of paint up to 1.5 times.

  • Text.

A universal primer that penetrates 6 mm into surface pores. Used to prepare surfaces indoors and outdoors. Can be used in damp environments.


When painting the ceiling, it is necessary to carry out priming work. This will not only increase surface adhesion, but also reduce paint consumption.

Often during renovation and finishing work, people have questions about the need to prime their ceilings. More precisely, you are interested in how to prime the ceiling, and what types of primer are applicable for this. In this article we will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Ground means support

Understanding that this question is primarily of interest to newcomers to finishing works, we will divide our article into two topics:

  1. The need for a primer;
  2. How to prime the ceiling.

Before explaining the need for a primer, we draw your attention to the very name of the material. The word itself says a lot for itself. Soil is a kind of support for any subsequent decorative layer of your ceiling.

Basic mistakes

Beginners, as a rule, neglect priming the surface to be finished, believing that the subsequent decorative layer will perfectly hide all defects and protect the surface from external adverse environmental influences.

This is a huge misconception. In this matter, it is important to understand that each material is designed to perform its strictly assigned functions.

Any finish is a kind of cake consisting of several layers. The absence of one of them can negatively affect the other.

Soil functions

The primer layer prepares the surface for its further coating with various finishing materials. Don't think that this only applies to painting. The primer is also used for other works.

  • Deep penetration acrylic primer for ceilings is perfect when you need to treat a concrete or lime-cement base. Why does this happen?
  • The composition of the primer, penetrating into the base, tends to polymerize inside, due to which the internal structure of the coating is strengthened, all individual particles are bound into one monolithic layer.

Important! Penetration is only possible deep into a porous material, for example concrete, cement plaster or gypsum coating. Hydrophobic surfaces are treated with other compounds, which we will talk about later.

  • The final surface perfectly allows air to pass through, and at the same time its absorbency is regulated.

The last point is especially important when working with liquid mixtures, which lose their strength with intense loss of moisture.

Liquid paint as a primer

Sometimes people ask the question, is it possible to use thinly diluted water-based paint as a primer?

  • In some cases you may, for example, you need to hide dark tone base so that it does not show through the wallpaper.

  • But if you want to lay tiles or putty on the surface, then this coating will be inappropriate, since it does not have the necessary adhesion.
  • Diluted even to the very liquid state the paint will not be able to penetrate into the base of the surface being treated. Solid large inclusions simply clog small, invisible pores and prevent liquid from penetrating into the very depths.
  • However, it is worth noting that there is a special opaque primer-paint that is suitable even for applying putty.

A primer is a suspension of polymer resins diluted with a special thinning agent. That is why it penetrates so well into all pores, fills everything interior space to a depth, sometimes up to 4 cm, and after the moisture evaporates, it polymerizes, gluing all the individual particles together.

Our information is that the wettability and capillary penetration of the primer are much higher drinking water from the tap. What can we say about paint, even thinly diluted?

Unlike primer, paint forms a thin film on the base. All subsequent layers will adhere to it and depend on how firmly the paint adheres to the surface, while the base is not strengthened.

We think the issue of using liquid paint instead of putty is completely settled.

The main hazard is dust and loose particles

It will probably be no secret to anyone that dust is generated during any repair work. Small particles settle not only on the floor and walls, but also on the ceiling.

No brush can completely remove all the smallest particles. Trust us, even a vacuum cleaner will not help 100%.

These particles, unrelated to the base, greatly reduce the adhesion of any surface. As a result, putty, wallpaper, paint and other coatings may peel off over time due to the fact that they initially had poor contact with the surface.

Vapor permeability is the basis of a proper indoor microclimate

Any ceiling, like walls, must be vapor permeable. This is the key to normal gas exchange indoors, thanks to which a normal microclimate is established. Poor vapor permeability and lack of ventilation will soon lead to the formation of moisture in the room.

Advice! If you are forced to use vapor-proof materials, for example, if the renovation is carried out in the bathroom, where it is important to protect the walls and ceiling from moisture, then it is imperative to install heating device(in particular, a heated towel rail) and supplement it with good ventilation.

In general, ventilation in wet areas should always be there. Living rooms are not so susceptible to this influence, but the problem is quite real, especially with insufficient heating in winter and severe frosts outside the window.

By the way, to prevent the appearance of mold, when purchasing a primer, choose an option with antifungal additives.

How to prime

If you have a question about how to properly prime a ceiling, we will answer it as follows. Priming the ceiling is no different from priming any other element of the building.

You will need:

  • A roller with medium pile (it is not recommended to use felt or sponge);
  • Tray for convenient wetting of the roller in the ground;
  • Maklovitz brush;
  • Hard spatula.
  • We begin the treatment by cleaning the surface from large flaking particles - we go over it with a spatula;
  • Pour the soil into the tray and thoroughly wet the roller;
  • We systematically coat the entire ceiling;
  • We go through hard-to-reach places (corners of the room, various surface irregularities) with a brush. You can also coat the main parts of the ceiling with it if you don’t have a roller at hand.

Attention! After applying the primer, wait about 10 minutes and check how well the absorption has occurred. If the surface has become almost dry, repeat the treatment.

Types of primers

Let's now figure out how to prime the ceiling. To do this, it is necessary to consider several types of soil. It is immediately worth noting that the type of soil is selected depending on the type of coating that will lie on top and the base.

  • First on our list, the already mentioned acrylic primer. These compounds are perfect for mineral bases and more. Even wooden surfaces can be processed.

  • Phenolic soil– used mainly for wooden or metal surfaces, less often for drywall. It has some toxicity, so good ventilation is provided during the work, and the craftsmen use respiratory protection.

  • Alkyd primer– these compositions are applied to wooden or plasterboard bases. Cannot be applied to putty.

  • Concrete contact– is also an alkyd-based primer and is suitable for exterior and interior works, but its peculiarity is the presence of quartz sand, which creates a durable, rough surface with excellent adhesion. It is intended for application to glossy, non-absorbent surfaces (glass, oil paint and so on).

Basically, when priming ceilings, primer is used for surfaces with mineral base. There are other soils, but they are rarely used in everyday life. More often than not, people make do with the listed options.

Choose only the primer that matches the surface material of your ceiling. We think the question of what and how to prime the ceiling has been answered in full. Most importantly, remember that compliance with technology is not just far-fetched nonsense. Each step will increase the quality of your finish and increase its lifespan.

Many people, when making renovations in their apartment for the first time and reaching the stage of finishing the ceiling, stop due to a lack of understanding of further work. This is especially common already at the priming stage, because if many have heard about painting and whitewashing surfaces, and some have even done it, then priming walls is already considered the domain of professionals. However, this is a wrong opinion. You can apply the primer to the ceiling yourself; you just need to follow the instructions presented in this article.

The first step is to figure out why a primer is needed at all and whether it is possible to do without it when finishing the ceiling and walls.

To immediately answer the second question - it is almost impossible to do without a primer and get a high-quality result. The walls will deteriorate faster, and soon the repairs will have to be done again.

Why do you need a primer:

  1. First of all, the primer strengthens the material of the walls and ceiling, thereby increasing their durability;
  2. The primer improves the adhesion of the ceiling and the materials applied with the next layer (plaster, wallpaper, paint and others).

What happens if you neglect the primer and immediately apply it to concrete wall, for example, paint? Many have already encountered the consequences of such neglect of the primer when builders painted the walls in their entrance. As a rule, they prefer to save on the primer layer. Because of this, residents end up with shabby walls after three years.

If you do not want to get the same result on the ceiling in your apartment, prime it first, and only then apply a decorative layer.

Also, don’t forget to wipe off any dust from the surface before applying primer to it. Many people forget about this little detail, and as a result they end up with a low-quality primer layer that begins to fall apart after just a year.

Types of primers for ceilings

The main thing to remember when choosing a primer in a store is its compatibility with the material of your ceiling.

As a rule, ceilings in most cases are made of concrete and much less often of wood. Therefore, when choosing a paint, look at the composition to see if it suits your ceiling. But if you concrete ceiling, then there will be no problems with choosing a primer - they are very common and are available in every hardware store.

List of ceiling primers:

  1. Strengthening primer;
  2. Deep penetration primer;
  3. Primer general purpose;
  4. Primer-impregnation.

The first two types are for concrete surfaces, the next two are respectively for wooden ones.

You can choose a strengthening primer only in cases where the concrete is already beginning to deteriorate, cracks are visible on it, or it is beginning to crumble. The fact is that such a primer is intended, as the name suggests, to strengthen the main layers of ceilings that are already beginning to deteriorate. But this type of primer is not suitable for entire products - its consistency will not allow it to be absorbed well, and you will only ruin the walls.

Deep penetration primer is more universal and is suitable for initially strong walls. This primer is applied just before applying the facing layer to the wall, and its composition promotes stronger adhesion between the materials. If you have crumbling walls, it is still better to choose a strengthening primer - it contains an adhesive substance, and the walls will become stronger.

A general purpose primer improves the properties of wood, making it less susceptible to moisture and smoother. If your ceiling is made of wood, then this primer will be the most optimal for you.

Primer-impregnation is in less demand during renovation work in residential premises. Main Features Such a primer is able to protect the material from termites and other insects, as well as the process of rotting.

There are more separate species primer, the composition of which promotes even greater adhesion. It is used for priming glass, tiles and plastic, but ceilings and walls, as a rule, are not made from these materials.

How to apply primer to the ceiling

Most often, the primer is applied with a regular roller, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

A less common option is to apply the primer with a brush. A construction brush is used in cases where applying a primer layer with a roller is inconvenient or not possible at all. For example, in narrow and hard-to-reach places. But it is already problematic to prime large spaces with a brush, since the consistency of the primer does not apply well to the brush.

There is a third device for applying primer - a sprayer. It is used even less often, and, unlike a brush, on the contrary, over too large areas. For example, in barracks and warehouses.

If you are priming the ceiling, then even on large areas it is preferable to use a roller.

Ceiling primer roller

A roller is the optimal means for applying primer to the ceiling. If you don’t have hard-to-reach places that only a brush can handle, then you won’t need anything else except one roller.

The roller consists of three parts:

  1. Plastic handle;
  2. Metal rod;
  3. Rotating bobbin;
  4. Foam cylinder for reel.

If you have high ceiling, then buy a roller with an extended handle.

Ceiling primer materials

Try not to neglect the quality of the primer solution, as this can affect the quality of the final work.

Materials you will need to prime the ceiling and walls:

  1. The primer itself;
  2. Roller;
  3. Plastic bath;
  4. Rubber gloves.

The latter are necessary to protect your hands from getting primer. And although its composition is harmless to the skin, it can be problematic to wash it off in the future.

Don't forget to check whether the primer you choose is suitable for your ceiling material.

Correct ceiling primer

You can properly prime the ceiling and walls with your own hands. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions provided.

Instructions for applying primer:

  1. Pour some of the primer into the prepared plastic tray;
  2. Dip the roller into the solution, lift it up, and then lightly shake to remove excess. Otherwise, this excess will drip onto the floor while working.
  3. Carefully apply the primer to the wall;
  4. You will likely need to apply at least two coats. To do this, you need to wait until the first layer is completely dry (several hours), and only then apply the next one.

If you want to see how primer is applied in practice, you can watch the corresponding video.

Keep in mind that some manufacturers' primers must be diluted with water. Companies write such information on the label of raw materials.

How long does it take for primer to dry on a ceiling?

Read the label of the can for the exact drying time of the primer. But, as a rule, the complete drying time is about two hours, after which you can apply the next layers or begin applying the facing material.

Once you are finished and the primer has dried, wash the roller thoroughly. Otherwise, after it dries, it will be problematic to do this.

Do-it-yourself ceiling primer (video)

The main thing is to prevent the primer from getting on the floor, walls and furniture. If a few drops do fall, you should immediately wipe them off with a cloth. Also, always wear a hat and gloves. As you can see, the process of priming the ceiling is very simple, and sometimes it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of specialists.