How to disassemble the impact mechanism of the perforator. Do-it-yourself repair of a puncher

The perforator is in demand not only for professional construction works, but also in everyday life, when necessary in concrete wall drill a hole. If you think that a drill can cope with any task, then you are mistaken here, since this tool is designed for drilling wood and metal. Even the most expensive tools are not eternal, therefore, in the event of a breakdown, each owner will be able to repair the perforator with his own hands. To do this, you do not need to bring the tool to service center so that the master estimates the cost of a simple repair. How to repair each perforator assembly is discussed in detail in the material.

What is a perforator and how does it work

Structurally, a hammer drill is similar to a drill, but its main difference is that it is endowed with an enhanced percussion function. The impact function is needed in order not only to drill, but also to drill holes in durable materials such as concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, etc. The tool copes with its main purpose in the best way. It is achieved through a special mechanism, which is called shock. This percussion mechanism is under heavy loads, so the need to repair the hammer drill with your own hands arises depending on the frequency of its operation.

The percussion mechanism is implemented through the use of a so-called “drunk bearing” tool in the device, which creates shocks that are transmitted to the piston. This piston, in turn, acts as a percussion hammer, which hits the rod or striker connected to the working nozzle fixed in the cartridge. A detailed diagram of the perforator device is shown in the photo below, on the basis of which it becomes clear how percussion system tool.

In addition to the percussive motions generated by the indirect rotation of the bearing, the drilling of holes by the tool also requires rotational motions. This option is implemented due to the gear unit, presented in the form of a pair of straight gears. Rotational and shock movements are created by rotating the shaft of a powerful electric motor.

It is precisely due to the fact that a powerful impact mechanism is used in the design of the tool that it can be used not only for drilling holes in concrete, reinforced concrete and asphalt structures, but also to perform manipulations such as chiselling, destruction, removal ceramic tiles etc. This tool is also called destructive, but this does not make it eternal.

The time comes when the components and mechanisms of the power tool break down, which requires the need for repairs, the cost of which in service centers is decent. Repairing perforators is not a difficult procedure, as it might seem at first, and for its successful implementation, you will need not only to know the device and design of the tool, but also the principle of operation.

Types of perforators and their design differences

Before you repair a hammer drill with your own hands, you need to understand the varieties of these tools. Hammer drills come in two types:

If straight punchers are classified by purpose into household and professional, then barrel units are intended exclusively for performing complex work. They have a large power reserve, so they are used exclusively by professionals to perform work of any complexity.

Many do not understand how barrel units differ from direct ones, except for the location of the engines. The main difference, and it is also the main advantage, is that barrel models have a more advanced cooling and lubrication system, presented in the form of a container into which a liquid lubricant is poured. This means that barrel appliances have a longer service life, and therefore they break less often.

Barrel punchers, although more perfect, their main drawback lies in their dimensions. They not only have massive dimensions, but also weigh 2 times more than direct units. Both pistol and barrel perforators break down over time, which leads to the need for repair work. To repair the tool, there is no need to contact specialized service centers. After all, repairing a perforator can be done with your own hands quickly and easily.

The principle of operation of the perforator

Consider the principle of operation of the units under consideration, which will simplify the troubleshooting process. For barrel and direct units, the principle of operation is the same, despite their distinctive design parameters. All perforators work according to this principle:

The tool not only creates rotational movements, but also percussion, due to which heavy types of work with concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the punch is arranged, as well as how it works, it will not be difficult to take on its repair, which can be done at home.

What types of malfunctions occur on rotary hammers

If the punch does not work, then you should not immediately rush to disassemble it. No need to rush to buy new power tool. You need to act in order. To begin with, it does not hurt to find out what types of malfunctions are most common on rotary hammers, which will help simplify not only repairs, but also identify the cause of the breakdown.

The most common cause of breakdowns is the wear of parts. If the parts are of high quality, then they have a long service life, and in the case of low-quality components, as on household units, you have to resort to repairing the punch with your own hands quite often. That is why household hammers are not recommended to be used often and for a long time, otherwise the need for its repair in the near future is inevitable.

The perforator device shows that the unit is converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, which is used to perform useful action. The tool can be conditionally divided into two parts:

  • Electrical
  • Mechanical

Actually, breakdowns are also divided into electrical and mechanical. Common signs of mechanical problems with rotary hammers include:

  1. When the start button is pressed, there are signs of motor operation, but the actuator is in place
  2. A working nozzle is wedged in the tool chuck - a drill, a chisel, a spatula, a crown, etc.
  3. Unable to install the nozzle in the chuck
  4. Extraneous noise occurs when the unit is turned on
  5. Operation modes do not switch
  6. Grease leaking

It is much easier to identify malfunctions of the mechanical part of the puncher than the electrical ones. This is due to the fact that the user sees signs of breakdown, which simplifies the repair procedure by 90%. Common malfunctions of the electrical part of the perforator include:

  1. When you press the "Start" button, there are no signs of the functioning of the motor
  2. The sparking of the brushes increases during operation, and there are also signs of a burning sensation.
  3. Smoke is emitted from the tool
  4. When the button is pressed, the motor turns on and off alternately

In almost all cases of malfunctions of the puncher, in order to repair it with your own hands, you will need to disassemble it. This is not difficult to do, but you should not rush. After all, often the inoperability of the tool can occur due to the lack of electricity in the outlet. Therefore, it is important to start repairing the perforator with your own hands according to the instructions.

Repair of the electrical part of the puncher, diagnosis of breakdowns and their elimination

Most often, as practice shows, breakdowns of the perforator occur in the electrical part, so it is with it that you need to start diagnosing. If the tool works, but at the same time it crackles, buzzes or makes other sounds, then the breakdown must be looked for in the electrical part, so it is immediately recommended to skip the item on repairing the electrical part and proceed to troubleshooting the mechanics.

Diagnostics of the electrical part depends on what kind of breakdown has occurred - the device does not show signs of life or it works, but at the same time it sparks, smokes, or periodically turns off. So, in order to repair the puncher without outside help, you must follow the instructions. Consider the main types of breakdowns and how to eliminate them.

The engine does not turn on and does not show signs of life

The most common failure is when the tool does not turn on. The reasons may be different factors- from a lack of electricity in the outlet to a breakdown of the electric motor. But you need to start looking for the cause from the smallest to the largest, and not vice versa. It is not advisable to immediately disassemble the hammer drill if it does not show signs of life, since such types of malfunctions as described below can contribute to this.

No mains voltage

Trite, but it is in 15% of cases that these types of breakdowns occur for this reason. You are working, and suddenly the tool stops showing signs of life. Check immediately for the presence of electrical voltage in the room. Even if the lights in the room turn on, this does not mean that everything is working properly. Perhaps while drilling or operating a hammer drill, you hooked a wire in the wall that powers the outlet. Even with prolonged operation, the cable could overheat, and knock out the “machine” on the meter. In most cases, sockets and lighting in the premises are powered by different machines, then the sign of the presence of light in the room does not mean that everything is in order.

To verify the presence of voltage in the network, you must use or a multimeter. It is better to pick up a multimeter, and setting it to measure AC voltage over 220 V, insert the probes into the outlet holes. If there is electricity in the outlet, and its indicators correspond to the norm (not lower than 190V and not higher than 250V), then proceed to the next stage of the test.

Mains cable damage

The current is supplied to the electric motor of the tool through a network wire, the length of which depends on the manufacturer that produces the puncher. When working with a tool, you can damage not only the cable in the wall, but also the power cord. And this may not necessarily be the working nozzle of the tool, but also the squeezing of the wire by a door or other objects, tools and materials.

You can identify a wire malfunction in the following way - visually inspect it for defects in the form of squeezing, damage and melting. If there are no signs of defects, then it is too early to beat the drums. The vein could become thinner, therefore, in order to determine the 100% serviceability of the network wire, you will need to ring it.

To dial the network wire, you will need to disassemble the puncher. More precisely, it is not necessary to disassemble the entire tool, but only its handle. After that, set the tester to the continuity mode, and touching the pin on the plug with one probe, and the second probe to the wire core (connected to the button), check. A beep means that she lived in order. Do the same for the second strand. If both cores are ringing, then you will need to make a more serious repair of the puncher with your own hands.

Punch button repair and diagnostics of its malfunction

What is a button on a puncher (it is also called a switch) - this is part electrical circuits s, which is responsible for supplying current to the electric motor, that is, for turning the tool itself on and off. If the button on the punch is broken, then you can try to repair it. However, experience shows that repair attempts lead the masters to a dead end, and the result of such attempts is the same - buying a new button. Just do not rush to buy a button for a puncher, as it is not always a weak link.

If mechanically it does not show signs of failure, then the probability of its failure is 50%. If, when you press the button, there is a feeling of its malfunction, which manifests itself by such signs as jamming, jamming, failure or the need to make great efforts to press it, then only a dial tone will help confirm its breakdown. To do this, you will also need a multimeter, which needs to carry out contact dialing.

It should be borne in mind that, depending on the model of perforators, the start buttons may differ. And the difference is not only in design, but also in functionality. Professional Models perforators are equipped with start buttons without a speed controller, but with a lever for switching the direction of rotation of the cartridge - reverse. Household rotary hammers, which also often replace drills, are additionally equipped with speed controllers, which allows you to work at the appropriate rotational speed of the cartridge, for example, when you need to drill woodworking material.

Depending on the model of the puncher, the button can be disassembled and its contacts cleaned. However, if it wedges, then it is better to replace it immediately. To make sure that the problem of the inoperability of the tool is in the button, a multimeter set to the dialing mode will help. We turn on the dialing mode, and touch both probes to the corresponding terminals of the punch button. In this case, the trigger on the button must be pressed. If an appropriate beep is emitted when the trigger is pressed, then the button is working, and if not, then it needs to be replaced.

Below is a diagram of connecting a button on a rotary hammer with a reverse without a regulator. This circuit will be useful not only for the dialing of the button, but also for those who did not remember the location of the wires when replacing the switch.

If you have disassembled the puncher and do not know where to connect the probes for continuity, then you need to find the wires that go to power and the capacitor. It doesn’t matter what brand of hammer drill you have broken Bosch, Makita or others, in any case, the principle of checking is the same. To remove the wires from the switch contacts, on some models of punchers you will need to use a thin wire or an awl. The awl is inserted into a thin hole near the contact, where the wire enters and remove it.

If you want the new button to last much longer, it is recommended to buy the original sample. The video below shows the repair of the punch button and its replacement with your own hands.

How to repair a hammer drill when brushes are worn

If the graphite brushes that are designed to transmit current to the collector connected to the armature winding are worn out on the puncher. The principle of operation of electric motors is to create magnetic field stator, which contributes to the drive of the moving part - armature or rotor.

Over time, the graphite brushes on the perforator are erased, which is absolutely normal. When they are abraded, the quality of the contact decreases, so if strong sparking occurs, which is visible through ventilation holes in the body of the puncher, as well as when a smell of burning and smoke is detected, it is necessary to replace the brushes. These items are not repairable as they are categorized Supplies. If they are worn out, then the motor brushes will need to be replaced. Changing the brushes is quite simple, for which you need to remove them from the brush assembly, after unscrewing the screws, disconnect the power wires that come from the button, and then install new ones in the reverse order of removal.

Determine the malfunction and unsuitability of brushes for further application possible by measuring their length of the working part. If the length of the graphite base is less than 8 mm, then the elements need to be replaced. After replacement, the hammer will work like new. The process of replacing brushes on an Einhell barrel puncher is described in the video material.

Speed ​​controller malfunctions

Not all models of rotary hammers have a speed control. This device is usually located in the design of a push-button mechanism. If the design of your tool has a chuck speed controller that is out of order, then it cannot be repaired, so it should be replaced.

Such a sign as the absence of a change in the speed of rotation of the cartridge will help to identify a malfunction of the regulator. Another malfunction of the regulator can be the cause of the complete inoperability of the tool.

Malfunctions of the electric motor of the perforator

The heart of any power tool is a collector electric motor, which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. If all the diagnostics and repair steps described above are completed, and the rotary hammer does not work, then the rotary hammer motor needs to be repaired. This is one of the most complex elements of the tool, which requires a special approach. Breakdowns of this unit can be divided into two parts - malfunctions in the rotor and stator.

If the armature of the electric motor is broken, diagnostics and repair

You need to start diagnosing the rotor (armature) by checking the condition of the collector - these are plates or lamellas, due to which current flows through the brushes. First you need to inspect the condition of these lamellas, which should not have signs of soot and blackening. If there is carbon deposits, then perhaps the reason for the inoperability is in it. It is recommended to clean the soot with the finest paper sandpaper. For control cleaning, it is necessary to take cotton wool with alcohol, and thoroughly clean each plate.

After cleaning the collector and replacing the brushes, you need to check whether the hammer drill is working or not. If such a repair of the puncher does not give positive results, then you will need to arm yourself with a multimeter and check the suitability of the anchor.

The causes of damage to the armature of a power tool are:

  • Violation of the winding insulation, which leads to an increase in resistance
  • Violation of the integrity of the winding or breakage
  • Lamination of the steel core

The process of checking the health of the motor armature is to perform the following steps:

It is almost impossible to replace the armature winding with your own hands at home, so you will need the help of specialists. Practice shows that replacing the winding is only advisable if you have an expensive puncher, the purchase of a new anchor for which will cost a round sum. If the puncher is inexpensive, then it’s easier to buy a new rotor and replace it yourself than to take it to a service for repair. The principle of checking the health of the rotor on all power tools is the same, therefore detailed description described on the example of Bulgarians.

Stator malfunctions on a puncher, how to identify and fix

The stator is the fixed part of the electric motor, which also consists of a steel base on which a copper winding is wound. The stator is a magnet, due to which the rotor is actuated, thereby setting it in motion. To verify the serviceability or malfunction of the stator of the perforator, you will also need to take the multimeter in your hands and carry out some simple manipulations:

  1. The presence of resistance between the stator windings and the core is checked. We touch the probe to the output of the windings, and the second to the core. The absence of resistance indicates the health of the device
  2. Each probe must be touched in turn to the corresponding terminals of the winding. The resistance in each winding should be approximately the same, and with a large run-up, we can conclude that the insulation is broken
  3. A visual inspection of the stator will also make a conclusion about its suitability. If there are signs of delamination of steel plates, it will need to be replaced. If only the winding is damaged, the stator can be repaired. However, for this it will need to be handed over to a service center for rewinding.

It is also worth noting that rotary hammers are equipped with powerful electric motors with high torque, so problems with the failure of the "heart" of the tool are extremely rare. If this happens, then the reason for this is the improper use of the tool, for example, household hammers cannot be used for a long time. Another reason may be improper storage when the tool is in a humid room. In any case, there are enough factors that can cause the engine to fail, so only after a specific breakdown has been identified, it will be necessary to make a decision to eliminate it.

Repair of the mechanical part of the perforator, diagnosis of breakdowns and their elimination

In case of breakdowns in the mechanical part of the punch, you will also need to disassemble the tool in order to identify defects. Mechanical failures are much easier to detect, as they are audible or visible after disassembly.

In the mechanical part of the perforator, there are three main nodes that need to be repaired:

  1. Reducer - in order to identify a breakdown of this assembly, you will need to disassemble the tool, and then inspect the mechanism. If this is a barrel puncher, then you must first drain the oil. Visually, it is possible to identify such defects in the gearbox as licking of the gear teeth, a drunken bearing malfunction, and a violation of the integrity of the drummer. Repair of the perforator gearbox, unlike an electric motor, can be done by hand
  2. The cartridge is another node that, if not properly cared for, can fail. Often, cartridge failures are associated with clogging of its internal part. You can troubleshoot the cartridge on the puncher after disassembling this assembly. If the internal parts are damaged, then the cartridge must be replaced.
  3. The mode switch is a useful option that is designed to be able to operate the tool not only for drilling, but also for drilling

All these nodes break down sooner or later, and in order not to hand over the tool to a service center, it is recommended to repair the puncher yourself.

Gearbox repair or if the hammer drill does not work in impact hammer mode

If the perforator does not drill, but drills when the percussion mode is turned on, that is, the percussion function does not work, then factors such as a malfunction of the floating bearing (destruction of the inner race) and a violation of the integrity of the rod (striker) can serve as reasons for this. It is impossible to identify such a breakdown from afar without dismantling the plastic case, so the puncher (its mechanical part) is disassembled and the internal structure of the mechanism is examined.

How to replace a drunken bearing on a hammer drill

If the floating bearing (on straight lines) or the crankshaft (on barrel) units fails, they should be replaced. If the reason for the inoperability of the punch is a rod or striker, which wears out over time, then it should also be replaced. The process of dismantling a drunken bearing is quite simple. To do this, the fixing U-shaped bracket is removed with a screwdriver, after which the bearing can be removed by hand.

When replacing a floating bearing, you will need to perform a thorough cleaning of all internal parts.

How to repair a striker and put it back together

Breakage of the impact striker on perforators is a common malfunction that you can fix yourself if you know how to properly disassemble the design of the gearbox assembly. If it is necessary to repair or replace the drummer (aka the striker), then the process of extracting it from the raster tube is performed in the following way:

As a result, we get a striker, which consists of some parts, including sealing collars, which are recommended to be replaced with new ones.

Often the impact bolt fails in the striker and needs to be replaced.

After replacing it, it is necessary to assemble the parts and install the mechanism in place inside the raster tube, having previously lubricated each element. The impact striker is fixed with a retaining ring, which is installed by pressing in with a screwdriver.

How to remove and replace warped bearings and impact heads on rotary hammers is shown in detail in the video material.

In any case, if you change parts, then at the same time you need to completely replace the lubricant, having cleaned the entire mechanism and the body of the mechanical part from the old production. If this is not done, then the repair will most likely have to be repeated, since the lubricant contains a lot of metal dust and fragments.

If the cartridge stops rotating, how to repair

Before you repair the punch, you will first need to identify the cause of the breakdown. For example, if the working body or cartridge does not rotate, then the gear mechanism can serve as the reason for this. The moment from the motor shaft to the intermediate shaft of the tool is not transmitted due to abrasion of the teeth on the gears, so the chuck does not rotate.

Another cartridge may not rotate due to jamming of the gearbox assembly. If part of the gear tooth broke off, then it could be clamped inside the rotating elements, which leads to jamming. If the gearbox is jammed, then it will be heard. The motor will hum, but the tool will not work. To eliminate such a breakdown, disassembling the tool and removing stuck parts will help.

If the drill does not hold in the cartridge and constantly falls out

If, when a drill tool or other nozzles are installed in the chuck, they fall out, then the reason for this is non-compliance with the rules for operating the unit. Working with a tool that does not hold a drill and other nozzles is not only difficult, but also dangerous.

If the cartridge does not hold, then the reason for this is its wear or breakage. To eliminate this type of breakdown, you will need to disassemble the cartridge and identify the cause. The reasons may be the following factors:

  • Deformation of locking balls for rotary hammers with chuck type SDS plus and rollers for SDS max
  • Development of the restrictive ring
  • Detent spring sagging

By replacing the worn part, the chuck starts working properly again. How to disassemble a perforator cartridge and repair it is shown on the example of a DIOLD sds max brand tool in the video below.

The cartridge does not hold in the puncher causes and repair

In addition to the fact that nozzles do not hold in the cartridge, there are situations when the drill flies along with the cartridge. This is also not a pleasant phenomenon, which has its own explanation. The reason for such a breakdown is the wear of the body mount, which fixes the element. The chuck body is secured by a retaining ring fitted on the end of the raster sleeve.

As soon as the integrity of the retaining ring is violated, the entire cartridge with all its constituent parts crumbles during operation - a protective cover, balls, rollers, springs, etc. It is not difficult to repair a perforator with your own hands with a flying cartridge. To do this, you need to arrange all the elements in their places, and then fix everything with a new retaining ring. To install the retaining ring, you will need to use special devices - round-nose pliers.

How to replace bearings on a rotary hammer and lubricate them

The puncher has not only a “drunk” bearing, but also ordinary ball bearings, on which the motor armature is centered. The bearings that drive the armature shaft need regular lubrication. The misaligned bearing must also be lubricated, otherwise it can accelerate its wear. When installing drills and other nozzles, their shanks must be lubricated, which will extend the life of the components of the cartridge, among which there are fixing balls or rollers, depending on the type of cartridge.

To dismantle bearings for replacement, you will need to use special tool, which is called a puller. Installing new bearings is done by using the correct size tube and hammer. When installing new devices, one factor must also be taken into account - they must not be skewed relative to the rotor shaft. How a drunken bearing changes is already known. On the barrel punchers instead of a drunken bearing, a crankshaft can be installed, which has a longer resource compared to its counterpart on direct units.

This is interesting! If we compare the cost of barrel models with impact mechanisms - a drunken bearing and crankshaft, then the latter are more expensive, due to their efficiency and reliability. However, this does not mean that models with floating bearings are not effective. They have a slightly smaller resource, but also have high efficiency shock work.

How to properly disassemble the gearbox on the rotary hammer and repair it

To diagnose the gearbox, as well as its repair on the punch, you will first need to disassemble it. How to do it right, we will consider further. Initially, it is necessary to unscrew all the screws holding the plastic housing cover, and also dismantle the cartridge. After that, the gearbox with the housing is bred into different sides until a gap appears between them. To remove the mode switch, it must first be switched to the "impact with drilling" mode, and then dismantled. To do this, press the switch to the body and move it slightly below the drilling impact mode, and then pull it towards you.

Following the switch, you can remove the plastic housing cover, under which the gearbox is located, or remove the mechanism from the housing base. It all depends on the model of the perforator, which is being repaired. After repairing the gearbox on the puncher, you will need to assemble it in place, having previously treated it with lubricants. Lubricants must be in sufficient quantity to exclude the possibility of operation of the mechanism in conditions without lubricants.

How to repair a barrel puncher

Dismantling the hammer drill is not difficult, but the dismantling process differs depending on the type of tool. For example, the repair of a barrel perforator begins with draining the oil from a special container, while there are no such devices on pistol devices.

The process of disassembling the barrel perforator begins with the fact that the plastic cover, which is located on top, is dismantled. To access the electrical part, you will need to remove the plastic cover at the bottom. The principle of repairing the electrical and mechanical parts of a barrel-type perforator is similar to direct devices.

On barrel perforators, crank mechanisms are used instead of warped bearings. However, in the design of such units, sliding bearings are used, located on the wheel cam together with the eccentric. All these mechanisms work in a liquid lubricant, the amount of which must be in abundance. If there is not enough lubrication or it has not changed for a long time, the probability of failure of the crank mechanism of the perforator increases.

If it is serviceable, as in the photo, then it is necessary to replace the seals and lubricate it. If it is damaged, then it should be replaced completely.

This is interesting! Barrel units do not have a drilling function in the design of the mechanism, as is typical for pistol devices. This means that professional barrel machines are used exclusively for heavy work such as chiselling and drilling. In addition, in the design of such units, only cartridges for nozzles with a shank type are used.SDS-max.

How to use and care for a perforator so that you do not often repair

How long a power tool will last depends on how it is properly maintained and stored. Even if it professional tool popular brands DeWalt, Makita, Metabo, Bosch, Hitachi and others, this does not mean at all that they can be loaded to the fullest. Any even the most high-quality and expensive tool has its own specific resource, which largely depends on the nature of operation and storage.

If you want to extend the life of the newly purchased puncher, then from the very first days you need to follow a number of the following recommendations:

  1. Before using the tool, it is necessary to check its technical condition visually.
  2. Use the machine only for the work for which it is intended. If there is no drilling option in the assignment, then you should not try to drill a hole with an impact function in metal or wood, since you will not only fail, but the tool will also break
  3. Before installing the drill and other nozzles in the cartridge, it is imperative to apply lubricant to the tail section. This will extend the life of not only the tool, but also the nozzles used.
  4. After finishing work, clean the hammer drill from dust and debris, and even better, using a compressor and a blow gun, clean the tool with compressed air
  5. Do not store the tool in wet rooms, since moisture accumulates in the design of the working mechanisms, which not only destroys the metal, but can also cause a short circuit when the tool is plugged into an outlet

These are the simplest rules that will help extend the life of the tool up to 5-10 years, depending on the frequency of its use. In addition to electric, there are also battery models of rotary hammers, the repair of which is almost the same. Structurally, battery devices are similar to barrel units, only they are additionally equipped with autonomous batteries.

In general, it should be noted that if the design of the device and the principle of operation are known, then it will not be difficult to perform any repair of a puncher with your own hands of different brands. Difficulties only arise mainly in terms of electrics, however, using the above material, any breakdowns can be easily and quickly eliminated.On the puncher adapter for fixing the drill

A perforator is a tool without which it is impossible to imagine most construction and repair work today. Therefore, today every person associated with such work strives to have this tool. A video about repairing a puncher will be of interest to anyone who wants to be able to independently fix the breakdowns of this tool.

Finding out the cause of the breakdown

To know what exactly needs to be repaired, it is worth understanding the reasons for the breakdown of the perforator. This video will help you do that.

Replacing the bearing in the rotary hammer

If you hear an uncharacteristic “rustle” when working with a rotary hammer or feel that the drill is “jumping”, it's time to replace the bearing. This video will show you how to do it.

Disassembly of the rotary hammer gearbox

The rotary hammer gearbox is designed to transmit rotational motion to the cartridge from the engine. This is what activates the percussion mechanism. To replace parts or lubricate them, the gearbox must be disassembled. How to do this, you will learn from the video.

Another plot dedicated to the disassembly of the gearbox.

Perforator Lubrication

For that. So that the puncher does not break and does not fail, you need to properly care for it. Regular lubrication of the perforator is one of the conditions proper care behind the instrument. To lubricate the perforator, it must first be disassembled. You will learn how to do this by watching this video.

How to prolong the life of a perforator

To protect the rotary hammer from dust means to shed its service life. If you want to know how to make a dust cover for your tool with your own hands, watch this video.

Any tool, including a puncher, requires special care and careful use. Therefore, each owner of such an electric tool is obliged to regularly inspect the unit, to know how to disassemble the hammer. It is quite possible to disassemble and repair the device at home without spending a penny on the services of a specialist.

A hammer drill is an indispensable tool at any construction site, but due to careless use, it wears out very quickly and fails. This is due to the large loads on the tool. As we know, the rock drill often works at full power in the most difficult conditions. Due to such loads, even branded models are susceptible to breakage. Therefore, each owner of this device should know how to repair a perforator with their own hands.

Like any other technical device, a hammer drill can be repaired; for this, it is not necessary to carry it to a specialized workshop. Although not every man knows how to repair a hammer drill, it doesn’t matter! This article will help you do your own repairs without outside help.

Most common cause tool breakage is a loose wire. Due to simple inattention, people pay considerable money for a trifle at a rotary hammer repair service. An elementary inspection is enough to understand that the tool has broken conditionally, that it can be easily repaired by yourself without outside help.

Is self-repair feasible?

Not always a visual inspection will help to identify the cause of the breakdown. In this case, the next step will be the analysis of the perforator. If the device has served for many years and is not of significant value, you can try to find the cause of the breakdown by disassembling the tool into separate parts. Feel free to proceed with offline repair if the cause of the tool malfunction is visible visually and you already have an idea about the filling of perforators. If the device was purchased relatively recently, and the model itself is more modern and costs a lot of money, then it is best to contact a service center, because self-repair can not only repair the device, but cause harm. If the inspection of the unit did not reveal a breakdown, then it is necessary to wait a while with the repair of the perforator. In the latter case, it will not be superfluous to consult an experienced specialist.

Symptoms of hardware problems

Any irregularities in the operation of the tool have their own causes that should be detected. A person who has purchased a tool, for example, from Bosch or Sparky, expects from him a corresponding high result of work, as from any foreign, high-quality product. To eliminate the risk of serious damage, you need to know the principle of operation of the device. By some characteristic signs, you can identify the cause of the breakdown and prevent a larger problem from occurring.


  • The smell of burning from the device.
  • During operation, pauses occur or small short circuits occur.
  • The device does not turn on the first time or works intermittently.
  • The appearance of extraneous noise when working with the device. At the same time, such noises were not noticed before.

Any of the above signs should not be ignored. Proceed to find out the cause of the failure of the unit. For trouble-free operation over a long period, you should carefully monitor and care for the tool. To repair the device, you should study the components of the perforator and learn how to disassemble and assemble it.

Tool disassembly and assembly + (Video)

Damaged wire on the device, like other small mechanical damage, it is possible without special work notice. If you make a thorough inspection of the parts of the tool, then it is not difficult to see other minor malfunctions that led to the breakdown of the device. For more serious problems, disassembly of the perforator is necessary. And upon completion of the repair work - also the assembly of the perforator. The second operation in some cases is more complicated than the first - the appearance of extra parts after assembly will indicate repair miscalculations. To prevent this from happening, you need to not only know how to properly fix the punch, but also how to assemble it. It is important to be attentive and careful during instrument repair, then in 99% of cases the repair will be successful!

To proceed with the repair of the perforator, including the barrel type, you should correctly disassemble the device:

  • Removing the rubber tip and ring spring. After that, we proceed to remove the casing of the drill coupling itself.
  • Carefully pull out the steel ball, which acts as a fixation.
  • Removing the switch handle, having previously placed the operating mode lever in the maximum position. Press the position lock button.
  • Removing the lining (rear) on the handle.
  • Removing the motor brush.
  • Removing the front part, for which you need to unscrew the 4 screws located near the drill.
  • We take out the rotor. To do this, unscrew the crepes located on the stator, after which we unfasten 4 terminals from the stator contacts.
  • We take out the remaining parts.

In some cases, if the problem lies in the gearbox or impact mechanism, we additionally unscrew the end of the gearbox housing, after which we carefully remove the casing made of plastic. To keep the parts in place, it is best to do this whole process with the tool on its side.

Do-It-Yourself Repair + (Video)

In most cases, repairs consist of replacing broken and defective parts. But there are other problems in the operation of the tool:

  • Breakdown of the winding. To solve the problem, rewind the armature and stator.
  • Wear of brushes. In this case, they resort to disassembling the punch and replacing worn parts.
  • Deterioration of the anther of the perforator. It cannot be repaired, only replaced.
  • Perforator cartridge. The problem will be noticeable if its rim starts to constantly slow down the rotation. To be replaced.
  • Bad lubrication. Periodically check the oil level in the tray. Some parts of the tool should also be lubricated: the intermediate shaft, the gear of the gearbox.
  • Bearing wear. Bearings gradually collect dust and dirt during operation, the lubricant thickens, they begin to overheat and, as a result, fail. To be replaced.

If the breakdown is serious, and you have no repair experience, the best way for you - contact experienced craftsmen. Do not start repairs if you are not sure that you can independently identify the cause of the breakdown, and are not able to solve it!

An electric hammer drill is perhaps the most popular device that I use at a construction site, repair, etc.

This tool is operated in rather harsh conditions - vibration, increased dust, power surges and others. All this, sooner or later, leads to the fact that the tool will fail and require repair.

An electric perforator is a complex engineering product, which consists of units that ensure the movement of the cartridge, with a drill installed in it. In fact, a perforator is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical.

The main malfunctions of the perforator and their external signs

Depending on the operating conditions, this device may experience both mechanical and electrical problems.

The scheme of the perforator is quite close to electric drill. One of the differences is that instead of an ordinary gear pair that transmits torque to the tool, a full-fledged gearbox is mounted in the puncher. It is designed to convert the torque generated by the electric motor into the reciprocating motion of the chuck.

Problems requiring repair can occur in almost any part of the device. But before starting repairs, it is necessary to diagnose the breakdown and identify the causes that led to its occurrence.

It should be noted that identifying a breakdown is not difficult, but sometimes this requires disassembling the body of the puncher.

Like any technical device, an electric hammer has some weak points in construction. They are the cause of the breakdowns that require repair. It is not uncommon for a hammer drill to fail due to the fault of the worker who operates it in exorbitant modes and in violation of the operating rules.

It must be understood that the main malfunctions occur in the electrical or mechanical part. In the mechanical part, the following problems most often occur:

  • the device does not perform its main functions - drilling and drilling;
  • jamming of the drill in the cartridge;
  • the nozzle is not installed in the cartridge;
  • extraneous noise during operation of the device.

The most common electrical faults are:

  • the engine does not work;
  • excessive sparking of brushes;
  • the appearance of burning or the smell of burnt insulation.

The beginning of the repair begins with cleaning the body of the device. This is necessary, at least so that dirt does not get into the disassembled puncher.

Mechanical breakdowns

When repairing an electric hammer drill, there is often a need to disassemble it. But before you start it, you need to once again make sure that the problems arose precisely in the mechanical part of the device. We will analyze in detail what problems occur and how they can be fixed.

Faults in the gearbox

Untimely maintenance, poor-quality repairs, operation of the perforator in exorbitant modes can lead to the failure of any part that is part of this mechanism. To identify defects in the gearbox, it is necessary to disassemble it, rinse the parts and then perform a thorough inspection.

Identified damaged parts must be replaced with new ones. Then assemble the gearbox, of course, it is required to put grease in it. By the way, the brand of lubricant should be indicated in the instruction manual.

Cartridge failure

If the nozzle is not included in working position, then most likely the reason lies in the cartridge. To eliminate this defect, there is no need to disassemble the tool. As a rule, interference with the installation of the nozzle lies in the fact that some debris has got inside the cartridge.

Faulty mode switch

To identify malfunctions in the mode switching device, the puncher will still have to be disassembled. In principle, a defect can be detected by a careful inspection of the switching mechanism.

In principle, the main components are listed, in which breakdowns most often occur and require repair. Meanwhile, there are several more types of defects that can occur for various reasons. For example, there is no impact hammer mode. That is, the drill rotates together with the cartridge, but the impact on work surface does not render. The most common cause, in this case, is a floating bearing. Another cause of this malfunction may be damage to the steel striker. In both cases, the defective part must be replaced.

There are frequent cases when, when the tool is turned on, the engine runs, but the cartridge does not rotate. This happens most often because the gearbox is jammed. By the way, it is unacceptable to keep the punch on for a long time, when the cartridge is not working, the motor winding may burn out. The puncher will have to be disassembled and defects in the gearbox repaired. They can be caused either by damage to the gears, or by debris getting into it.

Another defect is that the cartridge cannot fix the drill. This problem may occur with a tool that has already long time exploited. The reason for this problem lies in the wear of the fastening of the retainer housing.

Electrical faults

Serious problems can also be caused by malfunctions associated with the electrical part of the puncher. By the way, failure to work can be caused by a trivial lack of voltage in the outlet.

By the way, troubleshooting should start with less. That is, it is necessary to check the presence of power in the electrical network, the integrity of the wire and socket.

By and large, if the tool does not show any signs of life, the likelihood is that it was the electrical part of the tool that failed. The main electrical defects include the following:

Lack of voltage in the mains, cable break

To check, you can connect any electrical appliance. If there is voltage in the network, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the cable.

To identify this defect, it is examined, then, using a tester, ring it. To eliminate a cable break, you can either solder it or twist it. But it's best to replace it.

Start button malfunction

The cause of this defect may be the elementary oxidation of the contacts in the button. To check this assumption, it is necessary to dismantle the rear cover of the casing. In the absence of visible traces of oxidation, it is advisable to use a tester. To correct this malfunction, you can clean the contacts, but it is better to replace the power button.

Erasing brushes

With prolonged and intensive use of the perforator, the brushes wear out, through which the electricity on the engine. With a lot of wear, they begin to sparkle and a burning smell appears. The brush must be at least 8 mm long.

Upon reaching this and a smaller size, they are replaced. The replacement procedure is quite simple and anyone who is not even familiar with the basics of electrical engineering can handle it.

Breakdown of the speed controller

If this problem is identified, it is advisable to replace the entire assembly. But, in fairness, it should be noted that this defect is not common.

Motor failure

This is probably the worst defect that can happen to an electric tool. The user must understand that it is better not to carry out self-repair of the engine. To do this, there are specialized workshops equipped with all the necessary repair and diagnostic equipment.

When the engine is running, a certain layer of soot is formed on the manifold. You can remove it yourself and then try to turn it on. If this operation does not help, then it is necessary to ring the armature and stator. Exist certain requirements to winding resistance.

Repair of these units is permissible only in the conditions of an electrical workshop. It is permissible to perform this work at home, but only with special equipment and certain knowledge regarding the operation of the electric motor. This operation, performed at home, will significantly reduce the cost of repairing the perforator as a whole.

Important! Repair of the device is carried out with the tool disconnected from the mains.

Necessary tools and materials

To repair and restore the tool's performance, you will need some keys, both ordinary open-ended and hexagonal screwdrivers, screwdrivers with different slots. A puller will be required to remove the bearings.

The disassembly and assembly of the perforator must be carried out using the kinematic and electrical circuits of the perforator.

Quick search for a breakdown

To diagnose a faulty hammer drill, most often there is no need to use special equipment and tools, with the exception of a tester and a device for rewinding the engine.

You can determine the cause of the breakdown using an ordinary inspection.

Yes, and in order to identify problems in the mechanism of the tool, it is desirable to know and understand its structure and principle of operation.

Rules of operation or how to protect the device from breakdowns

To ensure a long and effective work electric hammer drill, it is enough to observe a few simple rules. In particular:

  • When working, it is not advisable to press hard on the tool, at least there is no need for this, and moreover, with excessive pressure, the tool fails faster.
  • The operation of the electric puncher in idle mode is unacceptable.
  • When working with porous materials, it makes sense to turn off the impact mechanism. When working with particularly hard materials, it is advisable to use a lubricant.
  • When working, especially for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the heating of the body, especially in the place where the gearbox is installed. With noticeable heating, it is necessary to stop the work and wait until it cools down. Water for cooling must not be used, its use may damage the parts of the gearbox.
  • Work with the tool should be carried out in the following mode - at least a 10-minute break after half an hour of work.

DIY repair

Do-it-yourself puncher repair can only be partially done. But, for example, such a unit as an electric motor is still better to perform in a special workshop.

It is best to carry out repairs in the warranty workshop of the company in which it was purchased.

To lubricate the rotary hammer assemblies, use only those materials that are recommended by the manufacturer.

Barrel Punch Repair

The barrel perforator differs from the traditional one in that the electric motor is located vertically and it cannot work in drilling mode.

Therefore, due to the design features, in order to get to certain nodes, additional operations will have to be performed, in particular, to inspect the electric motor, it is necessary to remove the lower part of the casing or cover. And for replacing brushes, special technological holes are provided in the body.

Replacing the power button

To replace this button, you will have to disassemble the case, disconnect it and install a new one in a regular place.

Brush replacement

To replace the brushes, it is necessary to provide access to the brush assembly. To replace, it is necessary to release the brushes from the lock, install new ones in their place.

Bearing replacement

If extraneous sounds are heard during the operation of the punch, then there is a high probability that the bearing has reached a certain degree of wear. That is, it must be replaced.

To do this, it is necessary to perform a complete or partial disassembly of the case and gain access to the node in which it is installed. A puller may be required to remove it. By the way, some bearings can be secured with circlips.

Cartridge replacement

To replace a cartridge that has exhausted its resource, it is first necessary to take into account which company produced this product. The thing is that the schemes for securing cartridges in different manufacturers have their own characteristics.

For example, to dismantle a cartridge in a Bosch puncher, you need to do the following manipulations - loosen the retaining ring, pull out the cartridge and install a new one in its place.

Drunk Bearing Repair

In some models of this tool, the impact is provided by a drunken bearing. With intensive use, it can be destroyed.

You will need a flat head screwdriver to repair it. After disassembling the housing, the bearing must be removed from the housing, disassembled, replaced with worn parts and reinstalled.

Repair of raster bushing and impact bolt

To repair the impact mechanism of the perforator, it is necessary to remove the raster sleeve, for this it is necessary to release the spring and the retaining ring. After that, the impact bolt is replaced with a new one, or sent for restoration.

Sleeve replacement

The sleeve fails quite rarely. To replace it, the old one must be removed from the aluminum case and a new one installed instead.

A rotary hammer is a tool that requires a serious attitude during its operation and disassembly. To do this, you need to know its device, all the nodes included in the design of the tool. A quick orientation in the device and knowledge of how to disassemble the hammer will help to avoid unnecessary expenses both financially and in terms of labor.

Perforator, unlike conventional drill, you can drill concrete and other durable materials without any problems.

Any, even the most insignificant, failure in the operation of the device can lead to breakdowns of a more serious nature. To quickly find a breakdown of the tool will allow its phased disassembly. It is important to know the cause of the breakdown and how to fix it. Disassembling the tool involves following a certain sequence.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step disassembly of a perforator

To begin with, the upper assembly of the perforator is inspected, which is disassembled primarily into its components. All parts are removed in the following order:

  1. Tip.
  2. Washer.
  3. Spring.
  4. Ball.

When the last part is removed, you will need to unscrew all the screws holding the case. Next, remove the overlay on the handle, if any, after which it is required to disconnect each wire from the starter. Then the brush holder is removed.

At the next stage, the gearbox and housing are disconnected until a gap appears through which the switch should be removed. Next, the device should be fixed in a vertical position using a vise. This will allow you to get all the details out of it.

You can use the services of the appropriate service to disassemble the punch. By doing it yourself, you can save a lot of time and money on equipment repairs. During the execution of work, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Disassembly begins with the upper assembly, after removing the tip, washer, and at the end - a spring with a ball.
  2. When the ball is removed, you can begin to unscrew the screws that allow you to hold the case.
  3. After that, remove the overlay on the handle, if any, then disconnect each of the starter wires.
  4. Remove the brush holder.
  5. Disconnect the gearbox from the housing until a gap is formed so that the switch can be removed.

The final stage of disassembling the perforator involves vertical fixation of the tool using a vice, then all parts and spare parts are taken out of it.

The disassembly of the tool should be done with the utmost care, since it is imperative to remember the locations of individual parts and the sequence of their extraction. Should choose special place for them, otherwise they may get lost, rolling somewhere, and the hammer will not be repaired.

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What could be the reason for disassembling the perforator

Even if the puncher is in good condition, it still needs to be cleaned periodically for prevention. For this purpose, the device is disassembled, while replacing worn parts. The process of disassembling tools from different manufacturers is approximately the same, with the exception of some nuances.

Before disassembling the device, the causes of breakdowns are established, which may also depend on the surface of the device. For example, very often there is an unsatisfactory condition of the plastic anther on the cartridge due to its wear.

The reasons for disassembling the perforator can be instability of work, the smell of burning, strange sounds when working with a tool.

This is the reason for the loss of stoppers. In order to prevent the problem, it is necessary to use long drills in the process of working with the tool.

The main prerequisites for the repair of the device and its disassembly may be the following:

  1. Instrument instability.
  2. Occurrence of strange sounds when the device is turned on.
  3. The appearance of a burning smell.
  4. With absence visible reasons the device does not hammer.

If these signs of malfunction are identified, the question arises of the need to repair the device.

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How to properly disassemble the rotary hammer gearbox

With great care, the gearbox with the instrument housing should be moved apart in different directions so that a gap of 30 to 50 mm is formed between them. To begin with, the switch should be moved to the “drilling impact” position, only then the switch is removed. After that, remove the housing from the gearbox.

The gearbox is an element that transmits rotation to the cartridge from the electric motor. This is due to bringing the percussion mechanism into working condition. The gearbox includes a set of gears that have different shape. It can be cylindrical, worm or conical.

Disassembly of the perforator gearbox: 1 - special ring, 2 - releasing bushing, 3 - ring, 4 - ball, 5 - spring. Bearing shield from the casing: 22 - closing spring, 29 - ring, 30 - spring, 31 - retainer.

The unit of the device, including the gearbox, has an electronic device that is able to regulate the number of revolutions. It also regulates the beat frequency. This element requires periodic inspection, lubrication and replacement of worn parts. Before disassembling the perforator gearbox, the cartridge is disassembled, then the lever that switches modes should be disconnected. You may need a flat head screwdriver for this.

For example, in order to repair the armature of the gearbox or its stator, three bolts are unscrewed on the back cover of the tool and the cover is removed. The tool must be disconnected from the power supply before starting work. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the brushes. However, you need to ring the power button and cable.

If a breakdown is detected after ringing, they proceed to inspect the cable, since it should be checked whether there are kinks in it. In the absence of visual damage, each core of the cable is checked by unwinding it. After penetrating inside the gearbox, an inspection of such parts and spare parts should be made, such as:

  1. Gears.
  2. Striker.
  3. Piston.

Important to pay Special attention on the gear teeth. When worn elements are found, they are replaced with new components. If they are absent, then a thorough cleaning is carried out using white spirit or gasoline.

It should be noted that the repair of perforators light class not as difficult as more serious equipment, which only professionals understand. When choosing a tool of any class, it is better to purchase a model that has a vacuum cleaner. This device saves time spent cleaning tools. Since the amount of dust will be the least, the use of the tool will be safer.

Another problem is the breakdown of the windings, which is also associated with the appearance of dust. IN this case the tool is disassembled if thorough cleaning and replacement of all elements that cannot be repaired are required.

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How to disassemble a rotary hammer to lubricate it

For prevention, the device must be cleaned every two weeks, impregnating it with varnish or lubricant. The choice of lubricant is made very carefully. Basic rules to remember when lubricating:

  1. You should buy a solution that is produced by the same manufacturer as the perforator itself.
  2. You can use the oil used for a diesel engine, if there is no varnish or special oil.
  3. It is necessary to replace the brushes, which are more likely to wear out.

It is necessary to disassemble the puncher to replace the brushes even if the tool is enough expensive model. To replace the brushes, the puncher is disassembled according to the principle described above. After that, they find brushes that are worn out, remove them from the structure, put others in their place.

It is best to use carbon-graphite brushes, which are the best and not too expensive option. Graphite brushes are used, which are distinguished by a long service life. Coal serve for a relatively short time, but they are in contact with other parts of the perforator at a qualitative level.