How to hide exposed wiring in an apartment. How to hide TV wires on the wall - simple solutions versus non-standard ideas

Completing renovations in a home or office, as well as carefully masking existing wires, should not relax the owners. Mounting a new TV on the wall, replacing a computer, installation burglar alarm or additional wiring to power electrical appliances leads to the appearance of new switching. All this carries additional risks for children, animals and the appearance of the interior. What methods of camouflage are most effective? How to hide wires in an apartment in compliance with safety regulations and preserving design? Let's consider these points in more detail.

Internal disguise

The best option is to hide the cables at the stage of major repairs. There are several ways here.

Conceal the wires in the wall. This technology can be used before or after wallpapering. To begin with, the paper is cut with a sharp knife, after which the edges are moved apart and fixed with needles. Next, using a puncher or manually, a groove is made for masking. After completing this work, the cable is laid in the prepared recess , and the groove is closed with alabaster or plasticine. The final stage involves applying glue to the wallpaper and fixing it in place.

How to hide wires under wallpaper is shown here:

Hide wires in the floor. There are several options here.

  • Mask the wires in floor plinth, where there is a cell for wires. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the design of the product, in the central part of which there should be a special recess. This is where the wires are laid. This method is distinguished by its versatility and ease of execution.
  • Hide the wiring in the groove. The principle here is the same as in the case of wall mounting. Using a hammer drill, a recess is made into which excess commutation is placed. After this, the groove is filled with cement and leveled to the floor level.
  • Fill with cement. If the quality of the flooring in the room leaves much to be desired, you can make a new screed by hiding the wires in it. The latter should be corrugated.

Remove wiring from the ceiling. Option two:

  • Hide the wires in a plasterboard niche installed around the perimeter.
  • Hide the wires in between tension fabric and the main ceiling. In the latter case, it is worth warning the craftsmen in advance about your decision, otherwise you will have to use other options.

External camouflage

If the methods discussed above are not available for implementation, do not despair. To beautifully and wisely hide numerous cords, you can use the opposite method, which involves external camouflage. If you approach the issue wisely, numerous wires will in no way spoil the interior, but, on the contrary, will give it exclusivity and an unusual appearance.

Let's look at how to hide the wires outside. The options are as follows:

  • Imitate a tree branch. You can easily decorate a computer or television cable by using it to create a small branch decorated with homemade flowers, leaves or birds. This solution will transform the interior, giving it uniqueness and brightness.
  • Make a tree. If the wire is one and a half meters long or more, there is no need to cut it - it will turn into a nice “tree”. Used to secure the cord special fastenings, with the help of which the necessary outlines are set.
  • Power plant. Fans of original design can imitate the supports on which the wires will be attached. This method allows you to solve two problems - make the wires invisible to the eye and create a basis for teaching your children.
  • Complex drawings. If you have free time and imagination, you can hide the wires on the wall by creating an original landscape. Here the main emphasis is on the contrast between the shade of the wallpaper (paint) and the cable. Separately, it is worth considering elements that allow you to highlight the wiring.
  • Fence. One of best options- fastening the wires in the upper part of the baseboard. But to hide them from view, it is worth making wooden blanks shaped like a fence, and then fixing them on double sided tape. This method is suitable for a corridor or a child’s bedroom. For greater originality, each element of the “fence” can be painted in a different color.
  • Car track. This option is the most labor-intensive, because its implementation requires time. To create a road, cardboard is used, from which the required object is cut out. Next, the paper is painted in a color that matches the interior.
  • Other methods. In addition to the options listed above, wires can be hidden under door frames, behind indoor plants, under the carpet or behind furniture.

Remember that it is better to develop a plan for masking wires in advance, and then strictly adhere to it.

Many creative options masking of wires is shown in this video:

Hiding cords from the computer

Despite the popularity and availability wireless technologies, many devices still need to be connected using wires. One of them is a computer, after installation of which a whole “web” of cords is assembled connecting the system unit with the monitor, power supply, printer and other devices.

How to remove all the cables from under your feet without disturbing the overall design of the room. There are several options:

  • Hide the wires and extension cord in a special box. To implement your plan, it is enough to find a box of a suitable size, make several holes in it, and then disguise all the switching in it. As an example, it is possible to use a Plug Hub box made of special plastic. Its peculiarity is the absence of a bottom and holes provided in the upper part. This “box” can be attached to the floor or to the wall.
  • Fixing cables under the tabletop. To the most simple options This includes masking the switching under the table, which will require binders and short screws. Make sure that the length of the latter is 20-30 percent shorter than the thickness of the top of the table. First, an extension cord is attached under the tabletop, after which the wires are collected into a bundle and clamped using binders secured with screws. There are other options - fastening the power cables using a construction stapler (special clamps are used) or regular ties. In the latter case, the wires are pulled together into a common bundle and fixed to the table leg. The part of the switching that comes from the baseboard can be covered with plastic, matched to the color of the floor covering. The filter outlet should be hidden under the tabletop, secured with wide Velcro (the latter is secured with screws). To prevent wires from dangling, switching is done in small cable channels, which are fixed using insulating tape or a simple plaster.
  • Creative approach. As discussed above, the cable does not have to be hidden somewhere. One option is to fix it to the wall using clamps and then “attach” a bird cut out of a magazine. If you have available funds, ugly chargers should be replaced with products of a more original design.

Fixing wires under the table using binders is shown in this video:

and one more option:

Properly hidden wires are a chance to improve interior design and eliminate the risk of damage electric shock children and pets, as well as get rid of the “cobwebs” from under your feet. But, in addition to the secrets already discussed, it is worth considering a number of recommendations:

  • It is important to store numerous cords correctly. To do this, all switching from the set-top box, phones, computer and other equipment is put into a special box. To avoid future confusion, the purpose of each cable is signed. To avoid intertwining wires, you should use zip ties.
  • If the wire is needed regularly, you can fix it around the perimeter of the table on the underside of the tabletop. With this fastening, the cord is easy to remove and connect to the device at any time.
  • During the masking process, it is important to mark each cable on one side and the other. This precaution allows you to avoid confusion in the future, when the purpose of each switching element is already forgotten.
  • Construction stores offer a wide range of special boxes made in different style and capable of completing the assigned task. You can easily hide wires in them and not worry about interior design.
  • When using fabric braiding, it is important to ensure that it does not sag. Otherwise, the risk of fire increases, and appearance This product leaves much to be desired.
  • The power cable should be as short as possible. In this case, the risk of injury from electric shock is reduced and the masking process is simplified. If small children live in an apartment (house), it is worth remembering the danger posed by power cords. That is why it is advisable to hide the wires immediately after installing the equipment.
  • Cables performing different function, must be divided among themselves. Thus, the wires for powering a computer, printer, music center and other devices are connected separately from the power cords through which voltage is supplied. Thanks to such forethought, it is possible to minimize the interference that causes noise and interference.


It’s not difficult to tidy up your interior and protect your loved ones by masking wires, because there are many ways to do this. effective ways. The main thing is to decide suitable option, think through the switching layout in advance, purchase necessary materials and follow the advice outlined in the article.

The extension cord with chargers constantly gets in the way on the table or under your feet, collects a lot of dust, and also looks unaesthetic. Dealing with this problem is very simple: take a nice box, make a few holes in it and hide all the wires and cables there.

There are also ready-made solutions, such as Plug Hub from Quirky. This is a box made of hard plastic with a rubberized bottom. There are three holes on top for cables, and inside there are three fasteners that can be used to wrap cords that are too long. The Plug Hub can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall.

2. Secure the wires under the tabletop

To secure the wires and extension cord under the table, you will need binders and screws (their length should be at least a quarter less than the thickness of the table top, otherwise they will go right through and the table will be damaged). First of all, attach an extension cord under the tabletop, preferably in the middle of the table or closer to the wall. Then in in the right places secure the binders with screws. Connect everything you need to the extension cord and collect the wires with clamps. Visually the table has become much cleaner and neater.

There is a simpler option if you don’t need to hide a large number of wires. This will require construction stapler. To prevent the long wire from the lamp from dangling under your feet, carefully secure it with paper clips at the table leg. A small extension can also be secured with paper clips. For thicker wires, it is better to use special clamps (for example, these).

Stapler clips aren't your thing? Regular zip ties will do. Secure the wire to the table leg with zip ties. Wires that run along the floor can be covered with plastic or a board that matches the color of the floor. The extension can be secured under the tabletop using wide Velcro: secure it to the back of the tabletop with screws, and then attach the extension. To prevent the wires from dangling under the table, run them through cable channels - they can be purchased at any hardware store. You can fix the channels themselves with electrical tape or a regular plaster.

3. Organize your cable storage

They will help you get rid of tangled wires. proper organization. First, collect cords from phones, players, etc. throughout the house. game console, tablets. Then take boxes (preferably prettier ones), place cardboard dividers inside them, label the location for each cable (so you don’t get confused later) and lay everything out neatly. To prevent the wires themselves from getting tangled, use regular cable ties.

If you don't want to deal with boxes, buy a basket and save up more toilet paper rolls.

If the wires don't bother you, you can simply attach a label to each one to make it easier to distinguish between them. For example, like this:

4. Keep all necessary wires at hand

We can’t hide all the cables in a box: we need some of them almost constantly. The solution is simple: secure them to the edge of your desktop so that if necessary, you can reach out and connect the device to the desired wire. Sugru will help us with this - plasticine-rubber and one of the most irreplaceable things in the household. Don't believe me? Then take a look.

Roll Sugru into small balls and place on a table support. Then use a utility knife to remove some of the plasticine (be careful, try not to deform the balls too much). Life hack: to prevent the plasticine from sticking to the blade, first rinse it with soapy water. Then adjust the shape a little with a sushi stick or toothpick to create neat hollows (they should be slightly wider than your wires). Everything is ready, you can fix the cables.

There is an option for those who know how to work with wood. A small block with holes will help organize all the wires on your desktop.

The simplest solution is to pass the wires through binders attached to the tabletop.

5. Don't hide wires

Seriously, if you get creative, cables can become interesting element decor.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring is carried out at the construction stage or at the very beginning of renovation, when there is only rough finish. This option is considered optimal because it allows you to completely hide the wires from view. However, the work requires efforts to chisel the walls and then putty. However, if the floor is laid, then the scope of work is simplified. So how do you hide the wiring?

To ditch or not?

The average thickness of the plaster, in which any hidden wiring could be hidden, is 6-7 mm. In most cases, a standard finish will do the job of camouflage. However, if it is planned that the thickness of the plaster layer will be only 3-4 mm, it would be more advisable to first plaster all the walls, and then make channels the right size and cover them again after laying the wire.

An important point: before installation and immediately after it is completed, you should definitely check the cables for integrity. For this, a probe lamp or a special indicator is used. Remember: repairing hidden electrical wiring in the event of an error will require much more effort than extra control over the process.

General description

Before starting to lay the grooves, it is necessary to draw in advance the lines along which they will pass, and subsequently hidden electrical wiring will be laid.

A level is used to ensure that the lines are strictly vertical or horizontal. They should not be made too high or low so as not to interfere with the subsequent installation of the floor or suspended ceiling. Experts recommend making a margin of 15 cm. Places for future fastenings are also marked; the recommended step is from 20 to 40 cm.

At the second stage, holes are cut for the boxes (a hammer drill is often used), and connecting grooves are made with a grinder or a special wall chaser. All that remains is to make hatches in the boxes, the conductors are put in place and fixed. Next, do the same with the cable between them. Upon completion, all installation boxes and cables are masked with plaster, and at the end of the work, switches and sockets are installed.


If laying the cable during rough finishing is impossible or the thickness of the plaster layer is insufficient, the need for gating arises. This term refers to making a rectangular furrow for the subsequent laying of hidden wiring.

The grooves are made using special tool wall chaser or an ordinary grinder. The first one is not so popular due to its high cost and rarity (that is, it is unlikely to be possible to take it from a neighbor), but it allows you to cope with the task as quickly as possible and with the least amount of labor. In the absence of tools, a chisel and a hammer are used. However, this option is fraught with possible chips and damage to the plaster.

The parameters of the groove depend on which conductors and in what quantity are planned to be used in hidden wiring.

The depth should be chosen to hide the wire in the groove with a margin. More often the best option is 2, maximum 2.5 cm. The width is somewhat more complicated: it is necessary to ensure a distance of at least a few millimeters between the individual wires.

Before plastering the wall again, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the accumulated debris from the grooves and also coat them with a primer. Work with branch boxes is carried out on final stage, so at first you should just leave the wires hanging. This is very important, since it is difficult to predict in advance at what depth the boxes will be installed.

Fastening and installation

For brick and concrete walls, all experts recommend using a dowel clamp or UW as fastening. In common parlance it is also often called “uveshka”. To work with 3x1.5 or 3x2.5 cords, you will need a mount marked 5/10. To drill holes for fastening, use a drill with a diameter of 6 mm. During installation, the dowel is wrapped around the cable and inserted into the hole; the key tendrils in the system become a spacer that is wedged in the groove.

Separately, it should be noted cases when the cable needs to be rotated 90 degrees. This should be done carefully, ensuring a sufficient turning radius. Exact numbers can be found in technical specifications cable used.

Laying cables in pipes

For greater reliability, in some cases hidden electrical wiring is installed in pipes made of PVC or corrugated material. This method It is not used so often and is in demand only in rooms where changes in temperature or humidity often occur: bathhouses, buildings without heating, and the like.

There is practically no difference between installing conventional hidden electrical wiring in an apartment and installing it in pipes. Key Difference is that in the case of pipes there are relaxations to the requirements, for example, overlapping of cables is allowed. However, the grooves for them will have to be made much more. The pipes are fastened in the same way if the diameter is small, or with staples if the diameter exceeds 4 cm.

As an alternative approach for fastening, you can use quick-setting gypsum. It will help increase the reliability and fire safety of the system, but working with it is much more difficult. True, if you want to remove the cable from the pipe if necessary, it will also be much easier.

Place of installation - floor, partition, ceiling

Separately, it should be noted the options when hidden electrical wiring is installed in floors, ceilings or partitions. For example, if we're talking about O suspended ceiling made of plasterboard with a metal frame, then it will be much easier to hide the wiring; you don’t even need to ditch the walls - the conductors are simply hidden under the ceiling, and in the right points go down.

You can also place junction boxes under the drywall, but for them you will have to worry about installing hatches opposite. Hatches are used to gain access to hidden wiring if necessary. Clamps or UW are used to secure lighting cables to the ceiling covering.

The best option: hidden electrical wiring is first hidden in pipes, and they are already mounted in the ceiling. This solution improves fire safety plasterboard construction, installation is done with clips.

Installation of hidden electrical wiring under flooring produced in a similar way. The easiest way to install cables in the floor is if it is made of wood or gypsum fiber. In the case of wood, holes are made in the logs into which pipes are inserted and the cable is laid accordingly. As alternative option hidden wiring can also be arranged along the floor surface. First, level the surface with expanded clay or a similar mixture, and apply a finishing coating on top.

Some install hidden electrical wiring in the apartment, hiding the wires in pipes and then filling them with cement. This should not be done, especially if it is planned that the layer of solution above the pipe will be small.

An important point: if you decide to hide the wiring under the floor or ceiling covering, connections may only be made in specially designed boxes. This is the only way, if it fails, it will be possible to get to it relatively quickly.

Often, hidden wiring is installed behind drywall and into partitions.

As practice shows, non-specialists often make a common mistake: they forget about protective shells.

In an attempt to get by with minimal effort, holes are made in the very metal profile. You should also not pull wires through the drywall before sewing it on. In both cases there is a high risk of damage to the insulation. Pulling out the conductor for repair becomes very problematic. Is being decided this problem elementary. Before pulling the conductors through the holes, you should first put them in pipes.

Working with lighting is much easier. The key role here is played by voids in the slabs. They remain from the floor installation stage. This solution is also attractive because it does not require any gating. However, this does not affect the protection of the cables. It is enough to punch two holes: at the wall and at the location of the lamp. To pull wire through pipes, special probes made of rigid wire are most often used.

It remains to note the case when hidden wiring is installed through insulation in the walls. It is preferable to lay through mineral wool because of individual characteristics material: it is lightweight, compresses perfectly and does not require any additional work. Many people prefer polystyrene foam, but additional channels for pipes will have to be cut into it.

Installation of the junction box

There are some nuances here too. It’s worth starting with the fact that in rooms with concrete walls it is recommended to use crowns with diamond coating, since the more common models with pobedit coating wear out quickly, and you will have to buy additional drills. They can only be used in houses with walls made of finblocks. Typically, when working with finblocks, it is prohibited to use diamond-coated crowns for the same reasons.

Before milling begins, a hole with a diameter equal to the drill is made in the center of the installation, which will make the work much less difficult. Experts recommend choosing boxes with a diameter of 6-7 cm; this will be quite enough for 6 cores. If you plan to connect several sockets in a row, the place for them is leveled.

Wire quality

It is worth remembering that the reliability of hidden, and indeed any, wiring depends not least on the quality of the wire. Today you can find a large assortment of conductors on the market. Their main parameters are as follows:

  • the cross-sectional diameter of the core can be from 800 to 0.75 mm;
  • core material (most often copper, aluminum or their alloy);
  • number of cores up to 37;
  • wire sheath: yarn, rubber, paper, plastic (more protected wires have two types of insulation).

For installation of wiring at home, cables marked NUM and VVG are used, as well as wires SHVVP, PUNP and a number of others. It is worth briefly talking about the main features.

VVG is a cable without armor, the cores of which are copper and the insulation is vinyl. There are several varieties on the market with additional markings: VVG NG is characterized by increased fire safety, VVG Z has additional insulation, etc.

NUM – ​​cable increased strength for organizing hidden wiring. Poorly suited for outer shell has poor resistance to sunlight.

PVS – connecting wire for any type of work.

PBGPP and PBPP – wires for laying lighting lines. They differ in the presence of an additional flexible core.

ShVPP – copper wire increased flexibility.

In general, making hidden wiring at home with your own hands is a difficult task, but quite accessible even to a non-specialist. The main thing here is to strictly observe the technology features and nuances described above, and then high-quality wiring will delight you for many years.

Modern housing consists of many communications, where electrical wires occupy a leading place. They connect not only numerous light sources, but also all equipment, from household to digital. Such an abundance of cable can create an unattractive picture, and if there are small children in the house, it can also be dangerous. To avoid any troubles, when planning a renovation, you must immediately determine where and how to hide the wires in the apartment. Let's look at the most common options that are very popular.

Internal placement

When it comes to major renovations, it is best to hide all communications so that they do not spoil the aesthetic appearance.


This technology can be used when wallpaper is already hung on the wall. To do this, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. The wallpaper is carefully cut sharp knife and bend to the sides, securing with needles.
  2. Using a construction tool, make a groove where the wire will be hidden.
  3. Place the cable in the resulting recess.
  4. The groove is sealed with plasticine or covered with plaster.
  5. When the solution dries, coat the wallpaper with glue and glue it in place.


No less popular is the placement of wires on the floor, or rather under it. So simple, but at the same time in an original way, you can quickly disguise the wires. Once you choose this option, you have several options.

  1. Special plinth. When visiting hardware store Pay attention to skirting board models with a special niche for cables. The central part will be easy to remove, and wires can be laid in the recess. This method is convenient and universal.
  2. Disguise to the floor. During the repair work Using a hammer drill, a recess is made in the floor, in which communications are laid and then filled with cement.
  3. Cement screed. Leveling the floor is a mandatory process in almost every apartment. To do this, you need to stretch the wire in a corrugated wire, lay it on the floor and pour a regular cement screed on top.


You can even hide the wires on the ceiling, and it will be easier to do this than with a wall. There are also several options here:

  1. Installation of a decorative niche made of plasterboard, which runs along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. In the resulting gap you can place huge amount wires Experts recommend connecting all communications into one common highway.
  2. A stretch ceiling also allows you to hide the wires, but you just need to think about this before the canvas is stretched. The placement method will not make any difference.

External camouflage

If you don’t want to disrupt and add more work to yourself, then you can use no less interesting ways camouflage.

Tree branch. Even a small but extra piece of cable can be easily decorated. To do this, a tree branch is formed, which is decorated with homemade leaves, flowers and birds. An original idea will update the interior and enliven the room.

Trees. If the length of the excess wire is too long, then do not rush and cut it. It will be enough to buy special fasteners, look on the Internet for a suitable silhouette and form it on the wall.

Scenery. More can be considered complex options. So you can “draw” on the wall original panel. The main thing is a clear contrast that will highlight the idea.

Art object. Since we are talking about electricity, we can do original design ceiling in the form of a giant light bulb. This design is fixed to the ceiling.

Power plant. To decorative element performed several functions at the same time, you can depict a simple power plant on the wall, with the help of which parents can teach their children the basics and principle of operation of the power plant.

Automobile road. The process is more complex and painstaking, and will also require free time and desire. To create an interesting piece of furniture, you need to cut out all the components from cardboard and, if desired, paint them to create a colorful object. You can purchase special blanks. This way you can easily disguise the wires from the TV.

Fence. Any wires can be secured to the top of the baseboard. But, in order to disguise them, you can cut out small blanks in the form of a fence, which is fixed to the baseboard using double-sided tape. This original idea for a children's room, while the fence can be painted in different colors or one specific one.

In addition, communications can be easily hidden behind the following items:

  • tall indoor plants;
  • correctly positioned furniture;
  • door frames;
  • carpeting.
Pay attention! It is best to sketch out the wire placement plan on a piece of paper in order to think through and use several masking options.


The largest number of cords are located around computer desk. Here, in addition to the computer itself, there may be other devices that require connection to the mains. All this leads to the presence of not only tangled wires, but also carriers. To decorate them, just use your imagination:

  • Using clips, screws, double-sided tape, all wires are secured under the table cover.
  • Any shoebox will contain a large number of wires that will come out of specially made holes.
  • The sewn cover for the extension cord is simply fixed to the cover desk and thus it will not get underfoot and disturb the user.
  • A simple cover is also made along the contour of the back of the table, along which the cords will run down to the sockets.
  • To keep the wires twisted into one whole, you can tighten them into a hose, which will quickly remove the chaos behind the wall.
  • To prevent device connectors from getting lost, you can use simple stationery paper clips that are attached to the side of the tabletop. When it comes to Internet cables, experts recommend switching to modern and innovative technologies, that is, use wireless network– Wi-Fi. This will allow everyone to connect to the Internet no matter what room they are in.

Pay attention! The shoe box idea can also be used for storage. chargers to phones, tablets and digital cameras. In this case, they will all be in their places and will no longer get lost.

  1. During the masking process, each type of cable must be marked on both sides. Even after a few years you will not get confused in large quantities wires and quickly find what you need.
  2. Wires that are used to transmit data or signal (computer, antenna, audio and Internet) must be connected separately from cables with alternating current networks. This will reduce the level of interference and noise.
  3. The power cable should be short; the longer it is, the higher the risk of electric shock and injury. Even a child or animal can damage it while playing.
  4. The fabric braid should not be bent, as the fabric can catch fire if there is a small tear and also quickly lose its attractiveness.
  5. IN specialty store presented large assortment special decorative boxes in which you can hide wires. Original design It will easily fit into any room interior and will not take up much space.

Pay attention! Buy and cut required quantity wires after the fact, so that later you don’t have to think about where to put the excess and how to decorate it .

If necessary, you can implement the most unusual and extraordinary ideas for masking wires in the apartment.

Sometimes when buying new technology or after repairs, the wires in the apartment remain lying on the floor, hanging on the wall. They seriously spoil the appearance of a home, and can also cause a person or electronics to fall. You need to clarify in advance how to hide the wires so as not to spoil the design and make the house safe.

Internal placement

When in the apartment, the house begins major renovation, the wiring is most often recessed into the walls. First, using a wall chaser, drill, or hammer drill, grooves are made in the wall, into which the cables are then hidden. Posting to wooden house be sure to be placed in a protective corrugation - a shell that will protect them from adverse effects and prevent damage.

Communications remain open during cosmetic renovations of the home or when installing new sockets and switches. If you wish, you can always correct the situation without extra costs. There are several methods to hide wires with your own hands.

On the walls

It happens that the wallpaper is already pasted, and you don’t want to violate its integrity. There is an option to eliminate protruding cables without causing serious damage:

  • carefully cut the wallpaper or bend it away from the wall close to the floor;
  • take a convenient one construction tool, make a neat shallow channel in the wall;
  • lay the wires in the resulting hole;
  • close the channel with a thin layer of plaster or putty;
  • let the solution dry;
  • glue the wallpaper in its place.

If this method not suitable, you can proceed without gating - use decorative box for wires. It is especially common to cover power wires with boxes: they have large diameter, therefore, without repeated repairs, it will not be possible to recess them into the wall. It is necessary to buy a cable channel that is suitable in color, width, and length, which will serve as an additional decorative element and reliably protect the wiring.

In a wooden house, the box will enhance fire safety measures. This option is also ideal for the bathroom, because it is very difficult to lay wires under the tiles. It is only important to remember that all lighting elements, electrical wiring, and cable ducts must be waterproof.

How else to beautifully hide wiring on the walls? If desired, it can be covered with the following finishing elements:

  • door frames;
  • various moldings, baguettes;
  • window slopes.

It should be noted that only low-current wires (for example, for the Internet, telephone) can be covered with such materials, and high-voltage cables can only be hidden in accordance with fire safety standards.

On the floor

Wiring is often routed along the floor, and here it is even easier to hide it than on the wall. During repairs when laying the screed, you can stretch the cables in corrugation and fill them with cement on top - the communications will be reliable and durable. If there is already a floor covering, it is easy to carefully remove it, punch out recesses with a hammer drill, then push the wires into them and cement them. Under wooden floors you will have to lay the cables in metal pipe, after removing the boards.

The stores offer a wide range of floor skirting boards with a hole for wires (with a cable channel). The central part of such a plinth is removed, the cables are laid in the niche, and then the removable element is returned to its place. Working with such skirting boards is convenient, fast, there is no dust, dirt, and the floor material does not deteriorate.

The procedure for laying wires under the most popular coating - laminate - is as follows:

  • remove part of the lamellas under which the cable will pass, right down to the construction logs (bars);
  • place the cables in the corrugated pipe along or across the joists, if necessary, cutting out space in the wood for the wires to intersect;
  • return the soundproofing pads and lamellas to their original place.

On the ceiling

It is also possible to hide wiring on the ceiling, but the method will depend on the type of coating. Often used in homes and offices suspended ceilings, which take up extra space, but provide the opportunity to route wires as users need. There are practically no obstacles for the cables, so it is possible to route them along the shortest path. This has a number of advantages:

  • cost reduction;
  • reduction of work time;
  • decrease total resistance contour;
  • strengthening fire safety;
  • possibility of easy wiring replacement.

According to the rules fire department it is necessary to cover the wires and their bundles with corrugated pipes. Do the same with wiring under suspended ceilings, niches or complex structures from plasterboard. It is best to connect communications into a single highway, which will facilitate repairs in the future. If the ceiling is concrete, you will have to drill grooves in it and lay wires in the same way as is done on the walls. This method is very labor-intensive and is rarely practiced.

External camouflage

If they have an artistic taste, many people prefer to decorate rather than hide the wires. From standard wiring it is quite possible to make a real art object, painting, panel with your own hands. Typically, cables come in black or white, but if desired, you can find a material of a brighter shade.

Next, you should choose a drawing that suits the style of the interior, make its sketch non-greasy with a simple pencil right on the wall. Afterwards, you need to measure the length of the circuit using a thread in order to purchase the missing amount of cable (part of it will only serve a decorative role).

You can make any wall pattern out of wires. Often the following are taken as a basis:

  • branch with leaves, sitting birds;
  • one or more trees;
  • giant light bulb;
  • power plant;
  • highway (in the nursery);
  • decorative fence.

The wires are attached to the wall with special fasteners, which can then be decorated with any suitable material– fabric, special paper, designer decorations. Also, ugly protruding wires are hidden behind high indoor plants, well-placed furniture, carpeting, door and window frames.

Hiding wires from TV and computer

Usually the TV is placed in plain sight, so the long cable from the equipment will also be visible to everyone. Most often, during repairs, they immediately determine a place for the TV, installing sockets behind it, and leading the wire out of the wall. It is recommended to carefully peel off the wallpaper, make a groove for the wiring, place it in the hole, drowning it in the corrugation. The wires are fastened using brackets.

There are almost always a lot of cables near the computer desk, because printers, modems, routers and other devices are connected to the system unit. To hide the “tangle”, you can do the following:

  • attach the wires to inner surface table with self-tapping screws, reliable tape, construction staplers;
  • decorate a shoe box beautifully, plastic box, cut holes and release the wiring;
  • sew a fabric cover, attach it to the table top or to the back of the furniture from the inside;
  • connect the cables with office clips to the furniture;
  • hide the wiring in a single “hose” that will prevent confusion.

In order not to get confused when masking the wires and not to get into trouble during repairs, they must be marked in advance. This will help you find it right away required cable subsequently. It is better to separate low-power wiring from power wiring, without connecting it into a single bundle. Wires from the antenna and the Internet should be placed separately from others so as not to spoil the signal quality.

Cables should have the shortest possible length and the minimum number of connections: this increases their safety and reduces the risk of injury. It happens that the braid of hidden cables frays due to poor placement, so in dangerous places The wiring needs to be checked more often. If you need to mask wiring, you can use any ideas, especially since the range of tools and materials for decoration is now huge!