How to grow bonsai: a miniature garden on a windowsill. Bonsai: how to grow from seeds

A wonderful miniature of a garden tree in our home or greenhouse. Growing bonsai at home is not difficult if you wish. The only thing you need is patience, especially when growing large quantity bonsai.

Among the types of bonsai, some of them have gained particular popularity. The following species are most often grown from seeds:

  • tropical: boxwoods, acacias, wisterias, leptospermums, ficuses;
  • broad-leaved: beeches, birches, hornbeams, elms, maples;
  • conifers: cedars, spruces, pines, firs, cypresses.

Actually the list of available woody plants much more. For example, seeds of spruce, euonymus, pine, beech, oak and fir can be planted at the time of collection.

Bonsai seeds can be found independently in parks, groves, and so on. It's much more fun than shopping in a store. But they will be needed specialized knowledge, from searching to preparing and growing seedlings.

Advice from an amateur gardener

An important point is that seedlings must be formed within a period of up to 3 months.

If you find seeds, but want to plant them at another time, you will need to properly store the material. To do this, they must be placed in a container or, better yet, in a special wooden cellar. Before this, the seeds should be dried. They should be stored in a cool room at a temperature from -5 to 0 degrees Celsius.

Growing method

The seeds themselves differ mainly in weight and type of seed coat. For a certain type of seed, one or another sowing method is suitable. Following the rules will allow you to grow truly beautiful and healthy seedlings. Trees such as Japanese maple, hawthorn, juniper, hornbeam, quince require a preliminary freezing period. To do this, you need to place them in wet sand in a cool room. The rest period varies from six months to a year.

Pre-treatment of seeds

In order for the seeds to begin to germinate properly, they must be processed to avoid disease or death. Before planting, the seeds are placed in water for a couple of days. Or peat moss is also used for germination. To speed up the effect, you can break the hard shell of the seed. Next, they are treated with Bordeaux mixture against diseases and the soil is disinfected.

Bonsai seeds can be ordered online

For example, thermal soil treatment with drainage is suitable for fir. Usually a laundry bin is taken, in which two bricks are placed, edges down. Place a bucket on top so that it is tightly closed with a lid. As boiling water is poured, the top edges of the bricks should protrude three centimeters out of the water. Before this, holes are made at the bottom of the bucket, and gauze is placed on top of the bottom. It takes about 2-3 hours to warm up the soil.

Ready-made kit for growing Bonsai from seeds

There are other ways to sterilize soil - freezing. This is usually done in late autumn. The soil is poured into a bag and left in the yard or loggia until frost sets in. Afterwards, the soil is brought into the room to thaw for 10 days. Before doing this, it is advisable to water it with melt water from fresh garden snow. Then for 6 - 7 days the soil is again exposed to the air. In this case, the temperature should be about -20 degrees. These processes of freezing and thawing the soil must be done 2-3 times to completely destroy harmful microorganisms and weed seeds.

Planting bonsai, soil

The seed is planted in the spring, late summer or autumn. Peat pots, previously filled with a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions, are ideal for planting. Or use cactus soil and coarse sand. You can’t fill the soil mixture to the brim; you have to leave about three centimeters. Above is a centimeter layer of pre-prepared soil. Then the entire mixture should be lightly pressed down with a piece of wood, the seeds should be laid out and covered with a layer of sand, no more than two diameters of the seed being planted. Press down again with a piece of wood and add a little water.

Mini greenhouse for Bonsai from an egg carriage

The container is covered with glass or plastic film to create a greenhouse effect. Then all the contents are placed in a place protected from the sun with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. The soil should always be moderately moist and not dry out.

Seedling care

After the first shoots appear, air must be supplied to the container. To do this, several holes are made in the polyethylene, or you can place a sliver under the edge of the glass. As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedlings should be completely opened.

In the interval from one to three months, re-rooting is required. This is cutting off the taproot - 2/3 of its length. Sometimes a special hormone is injected to stimulate root formation.

Plants need to be fertilized, it is better to do this in early summer. Fertilizers should be added to the soil in small portions. When the seedling reaches a height of 10 centimeters, it is transplanted into flower pot. The plant must be acclimated to sunlight. Don't forget to do periodic shaping. Depending on the type of bonsai, it is produced at the age of several years.

Using simple instructions and the tips suggested above, we can get the truly beautiful and healthy tree of our dreams.

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Bonsai is an entire art that came to us from Japanese monarchs. It was in that part of the world that many centuries ago they learned to fight the laws of nature. Bonsai is a small copy ordinary wood(pine, birch, oak, juniper and others). The point is that you plant a tree, but you constantly slow down its growth. As a result, you get a small and very beautiful tree. Let's figure out how to achieve this. If you have enough time and inspiration, learn to grow bonsai with us.

You will need:

Where to get a seedling

If you have chosen a tree that you want to place in your home, a seedling from nature is best. You could buy it in a store, but the chances of success may be significantly reduced.

If you decide to grow from seeds, keep in mind that this will take 20-30 years.

So go to the forest or park. When you find the seedling you need, carefully dig it up. Choose a plant no higher than 15 cm. Together with it, dig up the soil in which it grew. And on the spot, or at home, without pity, cut off the roots with scissors, leaving only no more than 10 cm.

How to prepare the soil

You will need:

  • The soil in which the tree grew 3 kg
  • Peat 1 kg
  • Sand 1 kg

There should be a drainage grid at the bottom of the pot. The plastic version is best suited. Choose a pot that is wide and not deep. Mix all parts of the soil and compact it into the pot. Bring it all out fresh air, but not under straight lines sun rays.

When to start planting bonsai

Once the roots are trimmed, trim the branches too. Only those branches that grow horizontally should remain on the stem. For landing would be better suited autumn time, because over the winter the roots will take root and by spring the tree will begin to grow.

You need to plant an already trimmed plant in the prepared soil.

How to slow down the growth of a bonsai tree

When the tree's height doubles, you can begin to slow down its growth. To do this you will need a special soft wire, which is sold in flower shops. The crown of the tree must be cut off along with the buds, and the branches must be wrapped with this wire after the procedure. Depending on the desired shape, remove excess branches.

Basic forms of bonsai tree:


    smooth trunk, which becomes rougher towards the root;


    the plant grows at an angle;


    the trunk grows above the ground, and other trunks grow from it;


    the top of the tree gradually descends to the very bottom of the earth;

To slow down the growth of a tree, cuts are also made on the trunk, which does not provide the plant with adequate nutrition for growth. 2-3 times a year (and sometimes more often) a bonsai tree needs to be replanted. In this case, the roots of the tree are trimmed each time.

Be careful with soil additives. They should not contribute to the growth of the tree.

There is a lot of philosophy and work in this whole process. It’s not a fact that you will be able to grow a mini-forest at home the first time. But still, you must agree, it’s an interesting activity.

An accelerated version of growing bonsai

If you don't have a lot of time and energy for all this long journey, there is another option for growing bonsai. It's not exactly classic, but it almost always has the potential to succeed.

You will need:

  • ivy sprouts 5-10 pcs.
  • soil for ivy according to pot size
  1. Take a shallow pot and plant a few ivy sprouts in it.
  2. They need to be placed very close.
  3. When you notice their growth, start trimming the top. By doing this you will ensure that the plant does not grow upward, but rather strengthens itself in the trunk.
  4. If you keep an eye on the ivy and constantly trim the tops, after 3-4 months the trunks will become wooden.
  5. Moreover, the closer the shoots are planted, the greater the chance that they will intertwine and you will end up with a small, beautiful tree.

The art of creating miniature copies of tall crops originated in China. The bonsai tree is suitable for decorating any interior. You can grow it at home yourself. At the same time great value has the right choice of plant. Each variety has its own characteristics, but rarely requires specific care at home. Basic agricultural technology is valid for all crops.

What is bonsai style

The name literally translates as “grown in a tray.” This is the art of growing an exact replica of a real tree in miniature, originating in China and perfected in Japan. Growth is regulated by the development of a flat root system in a small volume of nutrient substrate.

The trunk of a Japanese bonsai tree is shaped according to the following styles:

  • formal direct;
  • informal direct;
  • double barrel;
  • inclined;
  • cascade;
  • semi-cascade;
  • root on stone;
  • raft-like;
  • group.

Plants for bonsai are selected from crops that can form a crown and roots. It's better to use ones that grow slowly to make it easier further care. Depending on the style and idea, the resulting tree is 2.5-120 cm high.

To create interior decoration in the bonsai style, varieties are taken that are not suitable for growing at home. For this reason indoor flower it is necessary to provide fresh air and create an appropriate microclimate.

Basic rules and features

Growing a bonsai tree should follow basic agrotechnical recommendations, taking into account varietal characteristics, plant needs. Requirements for watering and lighting are different. Some crops need to be placed on a lighted windowsill, others should be moved deeper into the room to protect them from direct sunlight.

Bonsai is specially placed in a small container, since an increase in fertile substrate leads to the growth of the root system and the formation of long shoots with large leaves. If the plant is not pruned, the indoor flower will eventually lose decorative look.

You can grow a bonsai with your own hands only with constant care. The tree needs to be monitored and the crown formed and roots shortened in a timely manner. An unsuitable microclimate or failure to comply with natural vegetation cycles will destroy it. The hibernation period, if the selected crop has one, should not be disrupted.


The bonsai style indoor plant should be grown in a ventilated area whenever possible. weather conditions- take it outside or open balcony. The level of air humidity must correspond to the needs of the plant. Some crops can grow equally well indoors and outdoors. It is recommended to ventilate the house every day, except in winter. Draft formation is unacceptable. Light requirements depend on the variety of plant being cultivated.

Choosing soil and pot

The soil can be inorganic, garden soil or fertilized with reagents. Use techniques taking into account the preferences of the selected crop. Bonsai soil requires light, permeable air and water. To do this, you need to add drainage to the soil mixture - gravel, bark, coarse sand, ceramic shards, coke. Akadama is a special substrate containing certain types of clay, intended for growing such plants. All components must be prepared by disinfecting with a solution of potassium permanganate, boiling water or calcination in the oven.

At home, the composition of the soil mixture corresponds to the variety:

  • turf, vermicompost, sand in a ratio of 7:1:3 – flowering crops;
  • turf soil and sand 7:3 – deciduous trees;
  • turf, sand 3:2 – coniferous species.

The bonsai container should be small and shallow. Be sure to have drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom.

Not only must the soil structure provide good air and moisture permeability, but the container itself must also contain drainage. How older plant, the more important it is to choose a heavy container. Especially when forming an irregular, inclined or cascading shape. To protect against bacteria and fungi, the flower pot must be treated with a disinfectant solution and doused with boiling water before planting.

Rules for forming a tree

Bonsai for beginners may seem difficult, so it is recommended to purchase ready-made plants. If you want to start from the very beginning, you should follow the growing rules. The main ones:

  1. You need to understand what an adult tree will look like.
  2. Achieve naturalness.
  3. Choose the front point from which the bonsai looks best.
  4. Trim off unnecessary shoots and leaves.
  5. Distribute branches evenly, with the exception of some styles.
  6. Leave the trunk visible.
  7. Do not plant the plant in a large container.
  8. Form the desired crown using haircuts and wires, and constantly maintain.
  9. Ensure sufficient and uniform lighting on all sides.

How to grow bonsai at home

First you need to choose a crop and type of planting material. The tree can be obtained from seeds, cuttings or ready-made seedlings. All these methods have advantages and disadvantages. Be sure to follow the steps step by step and do not skip or delay the required procedures.

Growing bonsai at home may seem difficult, since the formation of the crown must take place in a timely manner. Won't fit large plants who grew up in the forest. The smaller the seedling, the easier it is to give it the desired shape. For this reason, growing a bonsai tree from seeds is ideal option, you can control the process from the beginning. The key to success is to choose the right culture and not deviate from the style.

From a cutting

The method reduces the time of growing bonsai by 1 year compared to sowing seeds. Another advantage is that the characteristics of the resulting plant are known in advance and will correspond to the mother tree. You should start by choosing cuttings. In the spring, cut off a shoot 0.2-0.5 cm thick and 5-10 cm long. Lignified branches can be planted at the end of summer.

To obtain a bonsai tree at home by cuttings, the cut shoots must be properly rooted. Wash and disinfect the container. Place a drainage layer on the bottom and a nutritious soil mixture on top. Cut the bottom of the cuttings at an angle of 45°. Upper part pinch so that the plant directs its forces to the formation of roots, and not to feeding the green mass.

Deepen the shoots by 2 cm and water generously. For crops growing in high humidity conditions, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions using a bag or glass jar.

The substrate must be kept moist and the greenhouse must be ventilated periodically. Remove the cover after the appearance of a young leaf, indicating rooting. It is recommended to begin formation after a few years.

From seeds

Having chosen a crop, you need to purchase seed material - collect it yourself, buy it in a specialized store, or order it from China. In any case, preliminary preparation is needed, depending on the type of plant. At home, growing bonsai from seeds can be difficult due to the fact that some breeds require stratification or scarification, which violates the integrity of the shell or awakens the embryo to grow. To do this, place them in a container with damp sand and put them in the refrigerator for several months. Some crops require complete imitation natural conditions, consisting of periodic thaws.

Before germinating seeds, you must disinfect them with a solution of potassium permanganate and soak them for 24 hours in water or a growth stimulant. The prepared seed can be planted in spring, late summer or autumn. Prepare the container and soil as for other growing methods. Fill with substrate not to the brim, leave 3-4 cm. After distribution seed material Sprinkle 1 cm of sand over the surface of the substrate. Moisten with a spray bottle and cover with a bag. When sprouts appear, pierce the polyethylene in several places. Remove the cover after the formation of the first true leaves.

Seeds for a bonsai tree can take several days or months to germinate. It depends on the breed, time of planting and preliminary preparation. Once stratified, a warm, moist environment will stimulate growth. Emerging seedlings need sufficient lighting. Bonsai grows from seeds for a long time, up to 5-6 years.

Growing from a seedling

Planting material you need to purchase it at a nursery or dig it up in a forest belt. The seedling must be healthy, about 15 cm high. It is important to preserve some of the soil in which it grew, especially for conifers. Trim the roots, leaving 7-10 cm. Shorten the vertical shoots, remove the lateral ones. Plant in a nutrient substrate, monitor the condition of the seedling until rooting, water in a timely manner, and loosen the soil.

Correction and shaping of an adult plant

Dwarf forms can be used to produce bonsai already in adulthood. Advantage this method consists in reducing time, and the disadvantage is that the decorative effect is inferior to previous methods. The lignified trunk and skeletal branches are difficult to change and difficult to direct in the right direction.

The dug up tree must be inspected for signs of infection or pests. Only a healthy specimen is suitable for growing bonsai.

Clear the roots of soil, trim to 7-10 cm. Plant in a prepared container, pinch the main shoot. After a year, with formative pruning, shorten root system and skeletal branches, remove unnecessary branches. Repeat the procedure several times. Young branches bend easily; they need to be immediately given the desired shape using a thin wire.

How to care for bonsai

When growing in a pot, the tree must create the required conditions. Air and soil humidity, lighting, temperature regime depend on the culture. It is necessary to ventilate daily, protecting the planted plant from drafts. Constant growth restriction, pruning, small container volume reduce immunity indoor trees, therefore they need to be carefully monitored and not rely on the variety’s inherent resistance to unfavorable factors.

Bonsai care includes:

  • creating an optimal microclimate;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • feeding;
  • crown formation;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

How often to water a bonsai

The plant requires constant care. Water as needed, do not allow the soil to dry out. Main mistake beginners - the opinion is that small leaves evaporate a small amount of moisture, and therefore do not require regular watering. This often leads to aboveground part remains green and the roots die.

You need to use rainwater, melt water, or water that has stood for 2 days. room temperature. Water carefully, being careful not to wash away the soil. Best ways– irrigation and drip method. In autumn, reduce the amount of moisture, preparing the bonsai for the dormant period.

Feeding mode

A small volume of soil cannot provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients for a long period, so fertilizing is required every 2-3 weeks during the period of active growth. It is advisable to purchase special mixtures. The algae-based additive has proven itself well.

The ratio of the main minerals - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - changes with the seasons and depends on the crop. In spring, more nitrogenous mixtures are required; closer to winter, phosphorus-potassium mixtures are required. In summer, the volume of fertilizing should be reduced by 2 times, in autumn and winter - not carried out. Flowering and fruiting plants require an increased amount of potassium.

Fertilizer for bonsai trees must be applied in liquid form when watering. Avoid contact with the root system of concentrated solutions. Do not mix organic and mineral supplements. Exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to the death of the plant.

Transfer rules

The procedure is carried out to renew the soil and is somewhat different from others indoor plants. Bonsai should be replanted carefully; part of the substrate should be saved and mixed with new soil mixture. If the root system cannot be removed from the roots, it is necessary to remove a layer of about 1-1.5 cm along the entire diameter of the pot and replace it with nutritious soil. It is permissible to increase the size of the container only at the beginning of growing bonsai and when changing the design, when free space is required for decorative elements.

2 days before the procedure, the plant must be watered abundantly. Prepare the container and soil. It is recommended to replant quickly, since the roots are sensitive to light and air. Remove the tree along with the lump of earth, clean ⅓ of the old soil on all sides. Remove diseased and dried roots, shorten healthy ones. Place in a new pot, straighten the root system, cover with substrate. Water and move the container to a warm, ventilated place without drafts or direct sunlight.

Features of agricultural technology of some types

To obtain miniature trees from ordinary plants, it is necessary to correctly form the crown and root system from the moment of planting. Depending on the type of crop and design style, agricultural technology may vary slightly.

All bonsai plants can be divided into groups:

  • tropical - ficus, acacia, boxwood, wisteria;
  • conifers - spruce, cedar, fir, pine, cypress;
  • broad-leaved – birch, maple, elm, beech.

Caring for a tree with wide leaves and needles varies. Additionally, within-group differences may be present. It is important to take into account the time of flowering and fruiting, the dormant period, and the shedding of foliage. For bonsai, European olive, carmona, willow, and Chinese elm are often used. There is a mix of plants different types.

Light-loving crops require additional lighting in cloudy weather. Subtropical trees (pomegranate, olive, myrtle) should be outdoors in summer and kept at a temperature of +5-15 °C in winter. For tropical plants, it is better to be indoors; the thermometer readings should not fall below +18-25 °C.

Flowering and fruiting

Agricultural technology is the same as for other species, but good lighting is necessary for the formation of buds and ovaries. Flowers will not be able to grow due to dry soil and excess nitrogen fertilizers. Decorative varieties Apple, cherry, and pomegranate trees are capable of bearing fruit with proper care. It is necessary to provide sufficient watering, but avoid overwatering. The scorching sun will cause the leaves to wither, and non-compliance with the temperature regime will lead to shedding of the ovaries.

A flowering bonsai should be heavily pruned after flowering. Forming with wire is carried out in spring or summer. Bark deciduous trees delicate, it must be protected from damage. After trimming, the cut area must be covered by special means. It is not recommended to use garden varnish because it leaves greasy marks and is difficult to remove. Wilted flowers must be removed immediately, otherwise next year there won't be any. Cut off excess inflorescences and fruits, otherwise the tree will not be able to provide them with nutrients and will weaken.


It is important not to overdo it with watering. The lower layers of soil should dry out. The plant should overwinter outside, the maximum possible temperature during this period is +10 °C. You can grow a beautiful coniferous bonsai if you provide uniform lighting. Periodically, the container should be rotated 90° in one direction. The breed perceives diffused light well.

Bonsai can be made from pine, fir, thuja. It is recommended to form a culture during wintering - from December to March. A wire bent into a shape will help you get a curved trunk. in the right directions. It should not be allowed to grow into the wood, so it is important to loosen it periodically. Replacement is carried out every season. For successful cultivation It takes 2 years to get the necessary branches. If you remove the fastening earlier, the shoots will align.

The art of bonsai is a fascinating, beautiful activity. To create compositions are used ordinary trees and shrubs. The crown is formed, and the root must be pruned. It can be grown from a seed, cuttings, seedling or adult dwarf plant. Flowering, fruiting and coniferous crops have slight differences in care. Maintaining the proper appearance of your bonsai is required throughout your life.

Bonsai is a special technique for growing dwarf trees in room conditions. Essentially, bonsai is the art of creating the tree you want. For the plant, you can choose the most common cuttings of aspen, birch, pine, oak or juniper. Using various tricks, a strong large tree is forced to grow in small indoor pots, thanks to which a very beautiful small tree grows that fits amazingly into a modern interior.

In the East, the bonsai technique is equated to the art of creating sculptures or painting. The history of bonsai began from the times of the samurai. When warriors went on campaigns, they certainly took with them small trees, personifying eternal youth and life.

How to plant a bonsai

An adult bonsai is not a cheap pleasure. In addition, a bonsai grown by someone else will not bring you proper satisfaction and joy. Old-timers in the East say that growing bonsai from scratch gives a person strength, teaches wisdom and patience.

To grow bonsai at home, you need to go to the nearest park and find a small shoot of any tree. Remember that bonsai is a prototype of a large tree, so you need to choose those varieties that suit your taste. That is, if you do not want to see leaves falling in autumn and bare branches in winter, you need to choose evergreen tree species. Also pay attention to which trees do well in your strip. You should not plant a palm tree or banana tree if they don't have enough sunlight.

Walk through the park and decide on the choice of tree. This can be ficus, oak, elm, birch and any other plants. Dig up a small tree cutting. Typically, viable shoots nestle near the roots of a large tree. There, in the park, you need to collect land for planting. This is done so that the tree gets into “familiar”, that is, soil that is familiar to it.

To plant a plant, you need to prepare a pot. Bonsai grows very well and takes the desired shape in wide and shallow ceramic pots. The pot should be shallow enough to just cover the roots of the tree. Ceramics, in turn, perfectly retains moisture, which is so necessary when planting plants shallowly. However, for the first time, until the tree has grown stronger and gained strength, it can be planted in a regular pot for indoor plants.

At the bottom of the pot you need to make drainage - scatter expanded clay pebbles or just brick shards. To prepare the soil, you need to mix three parts of the soil brought from the park with one part of sand and one part of peat. Mix the soil and pour it into the pot. Plant a tree in it, after cutting off the long roots. This is another important part of growing a tree. With each transplant, you need to cut off the roots of the tree, leaving no more than 10 cm. This allows the plant to grow in breadth rather than height.

Growing bonsai is quite simple. Most trees don't need any special conditions. Immediately after planting the tree, it should be watered abundantly and placed in fresh air - for example, on a balcony or on a windowsill on the outside of a window.

Since there is not much soil in the pot, the bonsai needs to be fertilized regularly. The plant needs to be fed once every three weeks during the period of active growth. In winter, fertilizing can be canceled. Bonsai is usually fertilized from a mixture minerals, which include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Some crops, such as pine and maple, are not fertilized with nitrogen, otherwise it can provoke active growth of these trees, which is unacceptable for us.

Watering a bonsai tree
Bonsai should be watered sparingly; the amount of water the plant requires depends on its type. However, you should not allow the soil to dry out completely, since a shallow pot does not allow the tree to accumulate moisture. It is best to water the plant as soon as it dries out. top layer soil. IN winter time Watering is reduced to a minimum. If the room is very hot and dry, you need to place the pot with the plant in a pan of water. Bonsai also needs regular spraying - this makes it look fresher.

Temperature and amount of sunlight
Most crops are quite unpretentious regarding the temperature in the room where they grow. Try to regularly take your “pet” out into the fresh air - put it on the balcony. Most trees grow normally at temperatures between -10 degrees and +40 degrees Celsius.

But there should be a lot of sunlight all year round. Place bonsai on windows with sunny side Houses. And only in the middle of summer should the tree be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the crown will simply turn yellow.

Bonsai pruning
Pruning is one of the main conditions for growing aesthetically. beautiful plant. Even at the very beginning of growing a tree, you need to decide on the shape that you would like to see in your pot. Trees can be pruned so that they are straight and tall, spreading and low, asymmetrical, spherical, etc.

When pruning, it is important to consider some features. If you want to speed up and improve the growth of a plant in a certain direction, you need to cut off only the tops of the branches that grow in that direction. When you remove only the top leaves, the plant grows faster in that direction. If, on the contrary, you want to stop the growth of branches in a certain direction, the branches need to be “pinched”, that is, removed from the very base of the trunk. Most likely, new shoots will no longer grow from this place.

From the very beginning of the seedling's growth, it is necessary to constantly form the crown of the plant. This accelerates the growth of leaves, at the same time making them small and decorative. Typically, the tree is pruned in spring and summer using small pruners or scissors. There is no need to prune the tree while it is flowering, otherwise it will never bloom again.

Many gardeners who are just starting to grow bonsai do not understand how such a dwarf plant can be obtained from a large viable tree. Here are a few secrets that will help you understand bonsai shaping.

  1. Small capacity. If you plant a seedling in a large container, you will get real garden tree. The small size of the shoots is achieved by using a shallow bonsai pot. There is not much soil there to allow growth to take place. And in order to replenish the plant’s strength, you need to replant the tree every few years in fresh soil saturated with minerals and fertilizers.
  2. Minimum fertilizers. To slow down the growth of a tree, you need to fertilize it, but to a minimum. You should not allow active growth and development of the crown.
  3. Frequent pruning of young shoots. If you constantly prune young branches, all the growth of the tree will go towards the thickness of the trunk, which is what we want to achieve.
  4. Root pruning. With each transplant, you need to ruthlessly cut off the roots of the tree, leaving only small branches no more than 12 cm long.
  5. Tree bark cuts. If a tree stubbornly strives to grow upward, you need to stop the flow of sap under its bark. To do this, cuts are made on the bark or the trunk is simply tied with wire for several months.

All these techniques can be carried out only after the seedling has been completely strengthened, otherwise it may lead to the death of the fragile tree.

What ails bonsai

Bonsai can usually suffer from all the diseases and pests that affect large trees of this type. The main pests of bonsai trees are: spider mite, aphids, scale insects. Like other houseplants, bonsai can suffer from mold and mildew. You can get rid of pests using medicinal compositions for indoor plants, which are sold in specialized stores. You can also wipe the tree trunk with garlic tincture, which kills insects. If your plant is sick, it means that you did not comply with the temperature regime, the amount of watering and other living conditions of the plant.

Growing a beautiful, elegant and exquisite bonsai tree is a true hobby that requires patience and endurance. Bonsai is not just floriculture, it is the real art of creating beauty.

Video: how to grow a bonsai tree with your own hands

Literally translated, the word “bonsai” means grown on a tray. Essentially, bonsai is an art that involves growing a miniature copy of a tree. It originated at the end of the 8th century, in China, and was the main decoration of the imperial court. Since that time, many styles have emerged that differ in the structure of the trunk and crown. Bonsai trees are outdoor trees, their size varies from two centimeters to one and a half meters. Even if you do not know how to grow bonsai at home, this art becomes accessible thanks to the article.

Trees for bonsai - types and features

Some people mistakenly believe that bonsai is some kind of crop characterized by dwarf size and bizarre shape. Actually this is not true. You can grow bonsai from almost any tree. The main condition is to know which culture is suitable for creating a harmonious miniature copy.

  1. Juniper, serviceberry, spruce and rhododendron 8-20 cm.
  2. Barberry, field and rock maple, privet, mountain pine 20-30 cm.
  3. Scots pine, American maple, birch, hazel, elm 30-70 cm.
  4. Linden, larch, ash, ash-leaved or sycamore maple, oak, beech, black pine 60-100 cm.
  5. Wisteria, chestnut, black pine, plane tree, elderberry, acacia 100-130 cm.

Seeds of the tree you like can be purchased at a botanical garden, a specialty store, or collected in a city park. Good option for beginners - buy seed in China. The seeds of trees such as spruce, pine, fir, oak or euonymus are ready for planting after collection.

Seeds of other plants must remain dormant for some time and undergo stratification.

Seed stratification as a measure of preparation for sowing

There are seeds that are specially prepared before planting - these are sakura seeds. In fact, Japanese cherry (sakura) - perfect material for creating bonsai. From the seeds of Japanese sakura, you can create real masterpieces that will amaze with their amazing shapes. In order for the plant to germinate properly, the seeds of this tree are subjected to stratification.

In essence, stratification is a process that imitates winter conditions for better seed germination. There are several ways to stratify plants:

  1. Cold stratification. Necessary for seeds that need ripening: pine, thuja or blue spruce. The seeds of such plants are first soaked in lightly warm water and then placed in the refrigerator. In this way, an artificial imitation of temperature differences in nature is produced.
  2. Warm stratification. Used to “awaken” seeds. Planting material is placed in warm water for several hours or days. You can also place the seeds not in liquid, but in a medium with high humidity: Wrap in damp cloth or place in damp coconut substrate.
  3. Combined stratification. Applies to maple, cedar, and sakura seeds, which take a long time to germinate. Its essence lies in the change of cold and warm stratification. Initially, the seeds are placed in a cold room, and immediately before planting they are soaked in warm water. Combined stratification is common when growing bonsai.

In addition to stratification, seeds should be disinfected so that plants are not afraid of fungal formations. To do this, you can use a solution of manganese.

This product perfectly disinfects seeds before planting. The seed is soaked in pinkish water. Disinfection of seeds lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks. After the seeds have been stratified and disinfected, they can be planted.

Soil and container for growing bonsai

The best soil for seeds is considered to be coarse sand, which is steamed before use. This is a kind of disinfection that will prevent the plant from dying. It is recommended to use a wide container with a depth of 5 cm and drainage holes. Before planting, the sand must be well moistened and special grooves must be made in which the seeds will be placed.

To grow bonsai at home, you should take care of preparing the soil and choosing the right container. The container in which the miniature tree is grown can be different shapes and depth. Rectangle, oval, circle or polyhedron, deep or flat - the choice is really wide. Remember, if the bonsai trunk has a slope, then the container for it should be more stable. In this case, give preference to deep containers or those made of heavy material.

The color of the container should be calm and discreet; this will only emphasize the elegance of the plant. Moreover, the bowl must match the bonsai style. If the miniature copy will have a dense crown, then it is better to choose a flat and wide container. For cascading bonsai style will suit a narrow and tall pot, and the tall crowns of the plant will better emphasize containers that are deep, but not wide.

Before planting, scald the bowl with boiling water to destroy possible sources of fungus and bacteria.

Traditionally, bonsai are grown in a special substrate called akadama. It is a heavy soil, in which there is a lot nutrients, high level moisture and good air circulation. However, such land is rarely used in pure form. Firstly, it is available in its pure form only in one of the prefectures of Japan, and secondly, a high concentrate of useful substances does not always have a beneficial effect on bonsai, especially during the period when the tree is being shaped.

The substrate for bonsai must meet several criteria: retain moisture well, contain useful substances and provide oxygen access to prevent souring or rotting of the roots. A good substrate is mixed from granular clay, humus and sand, in a ratio that is suitable for each type of plant.

  1. Type of tree and soil used.
  2. Deciduous trees. Turf soil and sand, in a ratio of 7 to 3 (3 parts sand and 7 parts turf).
  3. Blooming bonsai. The mixture is prepared from turf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 7:3:1.
    Coniferous bonsai. Four parts sand and 6 parts turf soil.

You can prepare the soil yourself at home. Turf soil can be dug up in a meadow. You just need to remove the top plant layer, and the top 20 centimeters of soil can be used for growing bonsai.

Before use, the soil must be cleaned by sifting through coarse sieve. Sand should be taken from river, coarse grain. It will make the soil looser, which will improve air circulation, and it will retain moisture better. Before use, all these components should be disinfected by heating in the oven. Humus should be purchased in a specialized store or ordered online.

Features of sowing seeds and plant care

Planting is carried out in spring, summer or early autumn in peat pots, which are filled with a mixture of sand and peat in a one to one ratio. If you have nowhere to buy peat, you can buy soil for cacti and mix it with coarse sand. Such a substance will be a complete replacement. Follow the following sequence of actions.

  1. Pour the mixture into the pot so that there is still 3 cm left to the edge.
  2. Add 1 centimeter of cleared turf soil and press down with a wooden circle.
  3. Place the seeds on the prepared surface and cover them with a layer of sand. The layer thickness is no more than twice the diameter of the seeds.
  4. Press down again with a wooden circle, remove it and pour water over the sand (no more than 80 ml).
  5. Cover with plastic wrap.

Place the pot with seeds in a dark place with a temperature of no more than 15 0 C. Periodically remove the film for ventilation and check if the soil is dry. It should always be moist, but not wet.

When the first shoots emerge, pierce the polyethylene to provide air access. After the first shoots appear, remove the film from the pots and move them to a lighted room. Make sure that the plants are not exposed to direct sunlight. After 2-3 months, it is worth cutting off the taproot by 2/3; this process is called the formation of seedlings.

Fertilizers are added to the soil where the seedlings ripen. It is necessary to transplant the seedlings into a separate form after the sprout has grown by 10 centimeters. During this period, the sprout can be accustomed to the sun's rays and at the same time continue to form the desired shape.

Using this scheme you can grow sakura bonsai or Japanese pine . But some types of trees require a special approach.

Features of agricultural technology of Japanese and red maple

This tree begins to drop seeds in the fall. To grow bonsai from maple seeds, they need to be stratified for 120 days. Optimal time April or May for planting. To make sprouts appear faster, the seeds are soaked in hydrogen peroxide for 1-2 days. This measure will speed up the germination process and protect the plant from diseases.

Bonsai from seeds of all types of maple, especially red, must be grown in partial shade - direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The land for growing this species should be fertilized once a month to achieve the required level acidity. IN winter period feeding is excluded.

Features of lemon bonsai agricultural technology

Growing a plant from lemon seeds is not difficult. Stratification in this case is not needed. Seeds for planting are extracted directly from the fruit. It should be ripe, but without external damage. You can plant several seeds at once.

  1. Prepare the pot and soil as described above.
  2. Make 1-2 cm of drainage at the bottom of the container.
  3. Fill to the top with prepared soil.
  4. Place the lemon seeds at a depth of 1.5 cm.
  5. Wrap the pot in film.

In the room where the container with seeds will be stored, the temperature must be at least 18 0 C. Every 2-3 days, remove the film and lightly moisten the surface with water. Do not over-moisten so that the resulting roots do not rot.

Features of cedar agricultural technology

Cedar seeds are the easiest to grow bonsai from and are suitable for beginner gardeners. Stratification seed material has two stages.

  1. Lasts 6 days. The seeds are placed in water at a temperature of 25-30 0 C and changed every two days.
  2. The stratification period is 60 days. The seeds are taken out of the water and mixed with disinfected river sand and peat. This substance with the seeds is moistened and stirred periodically until the first shoots hatch.

Once the sprouts have hatched, the seeds can be planted or placed in a container. In this form, cedar seeds can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 0 C until planted in a pot. Cedar loves a lighted place, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The exception is a young bonsai made from Japanese cedar seed. It will grow better in a shaded area.

Features of Japanese pine agricultural technology

There are 2 types of Japanese pine: black (less demanding on lighting) and ordinary. Before planting, the seeds undergo a mandatory 3-month cold stratification. Seeds should be planted in a deep container to a depth of 2 centimeters. Sowing time is the end of winter.

The grooves are cut at a distance of 3 cm from each other to facilitate the care of sprouted but not yet mature bonsai seedlings. When the first leaves appear, you can take the container into a bright room. At accelerated process photosynthesis, the shoots will grow stronger faster. You can begin to form the crown as soon as the plant reaches 5 cm in height.

Watering, fertilizing, wintering

The main problem in caring for a bonsai is watering it. Due to the small size of the pots, the roots of the tree are deformed and the efficiency of watering is reduced. There are two main methods of watering: irrigation and submersion.

  1. The plant is watered with water from a special kettle.
  2. The tree pot is placed in a bowl of water and taken out after a few minutes.

It is better to water with rainwater, but if there is none, let it sit for two days with tap water.

Remember, bonsai die without water. Even if its leaves are green, if there has been no watering for a long time, the roots are most likely dead.

In summer, watering should be done more often and more water should be poured.

Feeding is important when growing bonsai, especially at the time of crown formation. The tree is fertilized once every 2-3 weeks, and algae-based fertilizer must be applied once a month. The most important components of fertilizer are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nitrogen is responsible for the growth and development of tree leaves and stems. It is the main component that promotes cell division and protein production.

Phosphorus stimulates cell division, is responsible for budding and has a positive effect on root growth and development. Protects against diseases.

Potassium helps fight microorganisms that cause disease, promotes fruiting and flower development.

Bonsai food must contain these substances. Difficult to find in flower shops suitable option, which contains all the substances in required proportions. Therefore, we recommend mixing fertilizers yourself in the following proportions:

  • In the spring, when the growth period is more intense, add more nitrogen. The optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 12:6:6, respectively;
  • in summer, nutrition should be more balanced, so components are added in equal proportions - 10:10:10
  • In autumn, less nitrogen is required, the optimal ratio of components is 3 parts nitrogen and 9 parts each of phosphorus and potassium.

If the bonsai is grown from flowering tree– focus on adding potassium in a proportional ratio of 12:6:6

Indoor bonsai plants are fertilized all year round, and outdoor ones - from early spring to mid-autumn. Young trees are fertilized once every 2 weeks, older bonsai can be fed once every 4-6 weeks. Flowering bonsai should not be fed during the flowering period or immediately after it. When feeding, remember that it is better to apply less fertilizer than to “overfeed” the plant.

When winter comes, inexperienced gardeners who have miniature trees outside make a huge mistake - they bring them indoors. warm room. This behavior causes the tree to constantly grow, which takes too much energy and depletes resources. By depriving the plant of its natural “rest”, all efforts can be wasted. A tree that grows outside needs to be properly prepared for wintering:

  1. Clean branches from dirt and pests.
  2. Move the trees to an elevated, lighted, draft-free spot in the garden.
  3. At temperatures below -10 0 C, move the plant to an unheated room.
  4. Make sure the soil is not too wet.

Bonsai is an amazing art and painstaking work that begins with the selection and search of seeds and never ends. Like all living things, bonsai requires care and thanks its owner for his kindness with green leaves, bizarre shapes and a unique sophistication of the image.

To reinforce the material, watch a good video on growing bonsai from seeds. There is a lot to learn from the author!

Growing bonsai from seeds - features of agricultural technology