How to disguise a hose from a gas stove. Simple solutions for masking gas pipes

Hide by safety standards gas pipe into the wall is strictly prohibited. Gas is a flammable medium, so the pipeline must be visible.

But, on the other hand, aesthetic perfection modern kitchen does not add such an object.

Something needs to be done with the pipe, within the framework current rules. There is a way out, the pipe can be decorated in a variety of ways.

There are many ideas, and if you add a drop of your own imagination to them, the result will be excellent.

Dependence of choice on various factors

To determine the method of decorating a gas pipe in the kitchen, some factors should be considered:

  • place of attachment of the gas pipe;
  • features of the layout of the room;
  • desired style;
  • resources for solving the problem.

The most popular methods are listed below.

Application of the railing system

If anyone does not know, the railing system is a railing pipe and various accessories, devices and fixtures suspended on it. The gas pipe can be used in this capacity, observing a certain caution.

First, it is not recommended to overload it or upgrade it.

Secondly, such use is possible if the pipe is in the required place and placed horizontally. If the pipe is above working area kitchen, it can be painted with the required paint and hang hooks with utensils.

Another option for using the railing system is to position the rails so that they hide the gas pipe as much as possible. The latter will only need to be painted with the required paint, which will make it as invisible as possible.

The use of drywall boxes

Plasterboard box - perfect option in order to hide the vertically located part of the gas pipe. Drywall is easy to process even for beginner home craftsmen.

To do this job you will need:

  • actual drywall;
  • a knife that cuts drywall;
  • Rack-mounted CD-profile, this is a specially shaped aluminum bar for fixing drywall;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • impact drill or hammer drill;

  • if there is no screwdriver, just screwdrivers will do;
  • self-tapping screws for drywall;
  • tape for sealing joints;
  • putty;
  • roulette, building level, putty knife.

The algorithm of work looks like this:

  • Prepare and install the profile near the gas pipe. To strengthen the resulting frame, it is recommended to use transverse bars.
  • Prepare pieces of drywall, according to previously made measurements and calculations.
  • Mount the box, fix it with screws. Tighten the screws carefully, but without using excessive force.

  • The use of a docking tape will create the effect of the integrity of the box. Glue it carefully.
  • 5. Putty the plasterboard surface. After the putty dries, it must be cleaned with high-grain sandpaper.
  • Decorate the box to your taste, from simple painting to the use of ceramic tiles.
  • Don't forget to initial stage arrange doors where access to meters and fittings is needed.

Whether drywall is legal or not when it comes to a gas pipe is a moot point. But if you do not make an armored structure, access to the pipe will be normal.

kitchen cabinets

Kitchen cabinets and pencil cases, if not done in them rear wall, you can hide both horizontal and vertical gas pipes. But in this case, furniture will have to be made only to order, taking into account the layout of the kitchen and the location of gas pipes in it.

Hanging cabinets are easy to remove, and access to counters and fixtures will be free and so, because there is no back wall.

Simple ways to decorate a gas pipe

If there is not enough money for serious solutions for decorating a gas pipe, you can use budgetary ways, besides not requiring too much time for implementation.

If a we are talking about paint, hemp rope, or similar inexpensive things, then the pipe can be:

  • Paint the same as the walls. The pipe will become almost invisible.
  • Paint in a bright, eye-catching color (or color composition). Then the pipe will become an independent object of the interior, it is even possible that it will become the center of the composition.
  • Wrap with rope, with knots and at an angle. Looks good and often appropriate.

  • Put on travel magnets. Then the refrigerator door will gain pervoz this species.
  • Decorate with artificial flowers.
  • Decorate with bamboo stems.
  • Cover the pipe with fine ceramics.
  • Hide it in a stainless steel casing.
  • Paint with original patterns.

There are a lot of such options, it's a matter of taste. It is important to remember that it is undesirable to violate the integrity of the composition.

Photo ideas for decorating a gas pipe in the kitchen

The gas supply pipeline is an indispensable thing, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. But you really want the room where family members spend so much time to only please the eyes of all households. However, a gas pipe in the kitchen is not a sentence for the beauty of the interior. Since it is impossible to radically solve the problem by getting rid of the ugly element, the enterprising owner will always find suitable way how to decorate a pipe in the kitchen, among the options below.

The gas pipe in the kitchen can spoil the visual beauty of the home interior

Decor in the matter of masking pipes

It is easiest to disguise a gas pipe in the kitchen during repair, replacement old furniture and kitchen equipment. Taking into account the style of the future interior and its other features, you can use several proven methods.

  • The preferred option to remove the gas pipe in the kitchen is to hide it behind furniture. With the help of pencil cases, it is easy to hide the riser in the kitchen, and horizontal pipes will not be visible behind wall cabinets with a missing back wall and specially made slots. You can just as easily close the gas meter in the kitchen.

Obvious positive sides this way to close the gas pipe in the kitchen is an opportunity to remove the faucet from your eyes for gas stove and geyser, hide the gas meter in the kitchen and at the same time provide free access to them so as not to violate safety requirements.

We hide from the eyes the excess in the closet

  • Another one good idea to get rid of pipelines in a conspicuous place - decorative pipe boxes. Its implementation will cost less than buying new furniture. This method is really good for people who know how to craft on their own. To make a box in the kitchen for pipes, you must first enclose the gas riser with a frame made of wooden bars or a metal profile. Then fix any decorative panels made of plastic, glass, chipboard or wood on it. Such a box for, if equipped with a door and shelves, can be used to store useful little things.

The same materials are used to close the gas meter in the kitchen by building a special cabinet. The method is justified when it is impossible using general design close the gas meter in the kitchen. This situation arises because of its isolated position. The output will be a separate locker made of the same materials. Home craftsmen will make a box for a gas meter with their own hands.

Important! The panels must be easily removed with a screwdriver or screwdriver, regardless of the material from which they are made.

We decorate our interior with trinkets

  • If there is not enough space for the construction of extra bulky structures, you can get out of the situation if you beat the gas pipe in the kitchen with the help of decor, turning it into independent element interior. For example, bright magnets will add color to an unsightly gas riser. People with artistic inclinations, having made the painting with a bizarre pattern, will turn the pipe into an exotic snake, a tropical liana, a fragment brickwork or flower border. This element of the interior, decorated using decoupage technique, looks beautiful.

Important! Finishing should be in harmony with the overall style of the room.

  • When funds are limited, use a cheap masking method - paint the pipe with paint so that it blends in color with the general background of walls or furniture. For this purpose, heat-resistant paint for a gas stove, matched to the color of the equipment, is suitable.
  • The most common, economical and aesthetic method to hide a gas pipe is to cover it with drywall. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of this option.

Creating an ergonomic interior in the kitchen is a realistic task if you sew up the gas pipe with drywall. This solution has both advantages and disadvantages.

Drywall box as a means to hide flaws

Positive sides:

  • the development and implementation of the project can be carried out not only with the help of a specialist, but also independently;
  • materials for creating a structure are available for purchase at a building profile supermarket;
  • the cost of the necessary components of the structure is within reasonable limits and affordable for everyone;
  • drywall box can be harmoniously fit into any interior with the help.

Negative sides:

  • closing gas pipes with drywall is unacceptable from the point of view of the safety of people living in the house, because. at the same time, access to them is completely or partially blocked;
  • the design “eats up” the usable volume of the kitchen, which is important for cramped spaces;
  • it is also not recommended to close the gas pipes in the kitchen because when repairing or replacing gas communications, the structure will have to be dismantled.

The technical side of the issue

If, when repairing a kitchen, the “pluses” of masking a gas pipe with drywall outweigh the “minuses”, pay attention to the recommendations on how to install the box.

After installation is completed, the box should be plastered

  • We make measurements and determine the size of the future structure.
  • We prepare the amount of materials and tools necessary for work: moisture-resistant drywall, metal profile or wooden block, screwdriver and self-tapping screws, hacksaw.
  • We form the frame of the structure from metal or wooden rails.
  • We specify the dimensions in place, we make cutting drywall sheets and cut out the resulting details.
  • Using self-tapping screws, we fix the blanks on the frame.
  • When gaps or chips are formed, be sure to carefully mask them mounting foam or putty.
  • We produce the final design of the surface with materials that are in harmony with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior of the room.

We transfer gas systems

The need to move the gas pipe in the kitchen arises in connection with the overhaul. The transfer of gas pipes is a responsible matter and requires a competent approach, therefore it is better to entrust the installation work to professionals who have special knowledge and skills. The operation of gas communications is always associated with some risk, and your safety depends on how correctly the transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment is carried out.

Transferring a gas meter

Important! Remember that work involving changes to gas distribution can lead to an accident. If the need to move pipes or gas equipment has no serious reason, but is caused solely by the desire to improve the aesthetics of the room, then it is better to refuse this risky event.

In order to carry out reconstruction gas system in a legal way, four mandatory steps are required:

  • Send an application to the territorial gas service with a reasoned request for permission to dismantle and install pipelines and equipment, for example, move a gas stove.
  • With the participation of a gas service specialist, inspect the place of work and assess their feasibility.
  • If the issue is resolved positively, obtain from the service organization a calculation of the required work and their final estimated cost.
  • Order, if necessary, a technical project in a specialized organization licensed for this type of work.

At the end preparatory phase design necessary documentation you can start installation. For this, it is recommended to involve licensed professionals. Specialists performing gas hazardous work strictly comply with the requirements of the instructions. Watching them, you can assess the level of professionalism of employees. To move the gas pipe, you must strictly follow the following algorithm:

Installation work gas supply systems are best left to professionals

  1. Before starting work, it is required to turn off the tap on the gas pipe leading to the equipment: boiler, column or stove.
  2. Pipes need thorough purging in order to remove the remnants of the gas mixture from them.
  3. The unnecessary pipe is cut off, the resulting hole is welded, a new pipe is mounted in the required place.
  4. Welds and other connections are checked for tightness.
  5. Upon completion, an appropriate document is drawn up - an act of work performed, and notes are made on the changes made to the technical passport.

When entrusting gas hazardous work in your premises, you need to make sure that a specialized organization has a certificate for this type of activity. The qualifications of employees must be confirmed by valid certificates.

Wiring problems

You have become the proud owner new apartment or decided to radically change everything on their old kitchen, for example, decided to do redevelopment. In this case, it is better to do without transferring gas pipes, and for your own safety, use flexible hose. You can hide the gas hose in the kitchen by covering it with furniture or a box. However, in accordance with the requirements normative documents The length of the hose must not exceed two meters. If the project provides for new places for accommodation kitchen appliances at a greater distance, then it is impossible to do without altering the gas wiring. In such situation right decision will - to resort to the help of professionals.

Unusual disguise options

In some custom kitchens there are strange options for gas wiring. In order to hide pipelines in such premises, special masking methods are also used.

  • For example, if gas valve in the kitchen is installed at a height of 75 cm or even lower, then when installing kitchen furniture it becomes unavailable. There is a non-standard way out of this situation - to design a removable tabletop.

There is another solution to this problem, invented by craftsmen. It is enough to make a hole in the countertop exactly above the valve and fix a long handle in it, rigidly fixed at the bottom of the tap. In this case, only top part which can be beautifully decorated. It is easy to turn off the gas with such a handle without disassembling or moving parts of the kitchen set. Moreover, this exotic method does not violate the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the safety of the operation of gas equipment.

  • Often, apartment owners are faced with the problem of a gas pipe in the kitchen during repairs, which runs along the entire wall in the “apron” area. You can’t hide such “ugliness” under the countertop, you can’t close it with a box or cabinets. But this situation can be dealt with with the help of rails. Such a hanging system for storing many necessary little things will allow you to arrange different shelves and hooks with kitchen utensils so that the gas pipe becomes, as it were, part of the structure. In fact, of course, nothing can be attached to it. You just need to carefully clean the pipe and paint it in a metallic color.

  • When the style of your future kitchen is ultra-modern (hi-tech or techno), the pipes will not spoil, but decorate the interior, they will become its “highlight”. It is only necessary to place accents in an appropriate way, to highlight them in any way - to make them contrasting, shiny, bright.
  • Making the room in an eco-style will allow you to turn a vertical gas riser into a trunk of a sprawling tree. Having decorated it with pieces of bark, adding the appropriate painting on the walls and furniture, you can “grow” a tender birch, a mighty oak or a pacifying pine right in the kitchen. For the kitchen in oriental style exotic bamboo will do if you close the pipeline with a half of a bamboo stem bought at a hardware supermarket.


  • Objects with a diameter greater than 3-4 cm will give beauty original version- decoration with mosaics. The material is fragments of glass, ceramics or wood, beads, eggshell, stone and even pieces of fur. The main thing is to apply a layer of a fixing substance to the surface, which is used as an adhesive composition or a special cement mortar. The technology of drawing up a pattern and its originality depends on the selected raw materials and the artist's imagination.

The gas pipe cannot be called a decoration of the kitchen. You can ignore it, but the best way out is a good disguise. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen? There are several great ways to choose from which you have to yourself.

The easiest way to decorate is to paint the pipe to match the color of the wall. To carry out the work, you will need white paint, colored paint, a roller and brushes.

Stages of work:

  1. Rid the wall of old paint and prime the surface.
  2. Mix paint and color. If the result suits you, you can paint. If not, achieve the desired result by mixing the coloring components.
  3. You can start coloring. First, paint the pipe with a brush.
  4. Now you can proceed to the wall, it is painted with a roller in 2 layers.
  5. The final part is the next painting of the gas pipeline. Only in this way both the pipe and the wall will acquire the same color.

The presented method is only suitable if the pipe can be painted.

Drywall box

If you are familiar with such material as drywall, then you should try to hide the pipe with it. For this, a box is being built. It will become not only an element of disguise, but also an interior detail.

So, you will need:

Stages of building a box:

  1. Profiles are mounted near the pipes to the wall and in the floor so that they take up a minimum amount of space.
  2. The profiles are sheathed with drywall. Don't forget the windows! Otherwise, it will be impossible to get to the pipe valve.
  3. The box is puttied and decorated - with paint, wallpaper or other materials.
  4. The windows are covered with plastic hatches.
  5. Disadvantages of masking the pipe with drywall: the box takes up a lot of space; when transferring the pipe, you will have to dismantle the product.

According to safety regulations, it is not recommended to close the pipes with a box!

Chipboard box

Today, the range of materials is presented very widely and in addition to drywall, you can decorate the pipe with a box of MDF or chipboard. The advantages of the method are a minimum of dust and the ability to make the structure collapsible. Metal profiles are also used, but the use of a simply assembled box is not forbidden. Profiles are mounted on self-tapping screws or with bolts.

Stages of work:

  • if you decide to sew up the pipe with a one-piece structure, fastening occurs to the wall and to the floor on metal corners;
  • it is important to install inspection hatches;
  • finishing is done with paint, wallpaper or other materials to match the kitchen;
  • the box is removable, which means that it can be decorated and changed at will.

It is forbidden to tightly close the pipe with a box. During a gas leak, this will play a cruel joke.

Use of furniture

You can hide ugly communications with ordinary furniture. So, if the location of the pipe is vertical, it can be covered with a vertical pencil case. With a horizontal arrangement of pipes, wall cabinets are used, although the back wall will have to be removed. But there is another option - you can make special slots so that the pipe enters, then they mount the cabinet and its back wall.

The pipe running along the floor can be sewn up plastic box or furniture.

Unauthorized transport of gas pipes is prohibited! Except in cases where permission has been obtained from government agencies.

A pipe located in a corner can simply be hidden with a corner case or by smoothing the corner. How to do it? Just cover the pipeline with wallpaper. The end result is a curve that is pleasing to the eye.

The use of rails

With the help of roof rails, you can literally "hang" a gas pipe without resorting to more drastic solutions.

You can close the gas pipe with the help of roof rails. What are they? These are devices with the help of which various utensils and accessories are placed in the kitchen: hooks, shelves, etc. Of course, it does not make sense to mount them on the pipe, but you can install roof rails near the gas pipeline. And hang on them various nice-looking little things that will hide the pipe. It is preliminary important to carry out the decoration of the gas pipeline. With the help of chrome paint, it is given an attractive metallic sheen.

Decoupage pipes

You can close the pipe using decoupage. This is a good option for high-tech or techno style. It is also allowed to cover the gas pipeline with silver.

There is another option: take a black one and white paint and smear on the pipe. As a result, an ugly element will resemble a birch.

It is not necessary to close the pipe in this way. You can just stick napkins with beautiful patterns on it.

How to do it:

  1. Spread the gas pipeline with glue - not all, but only sections.
  2. Wrap napkins around it.
  3. After the glue dries, apply the varnish directly onto the napkins.

Unusual disguise

If you are lucky and gas cock located 75 cm from the floor, it can be covered with a countertop! A special hole is made in it. It will be located above the crane. A cut is made on the pipe from below - it is put on directly on the valve.

As a result, it turns out that the valve is easily blocked from the countertop. At the same time, no norms are violated, which means that no complaints from gas workers are expected.

Summing up

If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the designer. He will surely find best option for your kitchen. Perhaps it will be a mosaic, or maybe new ideas for decoupage. In any case, the pipe will turn into a stylish element of the interior.

The mosaic pattern or on the napkins should match the interior of your kitchen!

So, you can decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen in many ways. Which option to choose - everyone decides for himself. It all depends on financial capabilities and what you want to get in the end result. If you do not know what to do, seek help from a specialist and choose from ready-made solutions.

One of the main concepts modern renovation can be stated as follows: all communications must be invisible. Everything is hidden under the finish or in other ways - from to plumbing risers. But how to close gas pipes with drywall, and is it possible to do this? You can hide, but according to the rules and regulations of operation gas appliances by no means is it possible. Minimum "tight" covered with drywall gas pipes threaten with a fine, but at most - shutting off the supply.

There are many options for solving such a problem, everyone usually decides for themselves how the pipe with the riser will be hidden, but how to do this using?

What can be done with gas pipes and risers without resorting to drywall constructions:

  1. Hanging furniture with a cutout for the highway will cost more, as you have to do individual order on the closet.
  2. Decorate under one of the design elements, for example, a tree trunk.
  3. Elementary under the general tone of the kitchen design.
  4. Contact the gas service with a request to transfer the riser from the kitchen.

Such solutions have their drawbacks. It is not always possible to hide gas pipes in wall cabinets, as their location can be very inconvenient.

Design options for concealing a gas pipe

To do this, you will need to contact gas company and change the position of the pipe, and this is due to extra costs. Painting and decor also do not always fit into the design, and the presence of taps on the riser will simply ruin general form. Can this problem be solved using drywall constructions, while not violating the rules of service?

Solution - drywall box

The gas pipe in the kitchen can be closed in, but leaving access to the line, connections and taps. It is very easy to assemble such a design with your own hands using standard and or.
An example of a moisture-resistant drywall box for a gas pipe Any available or planned material can be used as the lining of the box:, or. It is worth remembering that it is important to provide access to the highway. It will not work to completely hide the pipeline by closing it “tightly”.

As an access to gas pipes and risers, it will be necessary to plan and assemble either a removable hatch, which is finished with the same materials as the entire kitchen, or hang a door.

If the pipe is located horizontally, it can be hidden in, leaving the entire lower part of the line open. Moreover, with a finish in the general tone of the kitchen, it will allow you to hide or fit such a closing box into the concept of repairing the premises.

kitchen design with drawer

A drawing for placing a drywall gas pipe box. In this case, utilities allow the use of such structures. These options solve all problems at once.

  • the box will mask the gas pipeline well, hiding it from view;
  • inside, all taps will be directly accessible;
  • the structure will be ventilated, which in the event of a leak will prevent the gas mixture from accumulating and provoking its explosion.
  1. Drywall. It is best to use a moisture-resistant type of sheet in the kitchen, it perfectly withstands moisture and prevents the formation of fungus, due to the antiseptics contained in the additives.
  2. Metal profiles. You need to buy and It is better to choose from leading manufacturers with a wall thickness of 0.5–1 mm and a good zinc coating.
  3. fasteners. Black 18-20 mm long, bugs for connection metal parts frame to attach the guides.

  4. , and . The box will need to be covered with a primary layer finishing material for further decoration. It is best to purchase universal mixtures, and not separately starting and finishing. Perforated corners are needed to align and strengthen the edges of the structure.
  5. Perforator or drill. Used for drilling holes for mounting guide profiles, you should take care of good drills the desired diameter. Moreover, if the house is block or panel, then it is best to use a puncher.
  6. Screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws. You can replace a drill with speed control, but this is not very convenient.
  7. Roulette, for marking.
  8. Spatulas to apply putty to the finished box.
  9. Decorative materials are chosen according to individual taste and in accordance with the design of the room.

And you also need to buy it, but it will be completely replaced by an ordinary stationery with a spare set of blades. Full list necessary equipment selected according to individual requirements. So, how to assemble the box and close the gas pipe in the kitchen?

Read also

How much weight can drywall wall withstand

Work algorithm

Almost any drywall product is assembled on a frame, which is then sheathed with material. The walls around the gas pipe must first be prepared and marked. All old finish and the furniture must be removed by cleaning all planes. If there are dilapidated and fragile areas, they need to be restored. After that, they start marking the lines where the guide profile will be mounted, from which the base will be assembled.

The process of marking the wall for the installation of drywall boxes

  1. According to the marking, a guide CD profile is fixed, through which holes are drilled for mounting dowels-nails. The pitch of the attachment points is 250-300 millimeters. It is worth remembering that the type of dowel is selected according to the material of the walls. If they are made of soft aerated concrete, then the so-called "crocodiles" are needed.
  2. Rack profiles cut to the required dimensions are inserted into the guides and together they are connected with bugs.
  3. External corners are made again from guide UD profiles, connecting two by two, with shelves to each other. Small ones are suitable as fasteners. Scheme of the external corner device for a drywall box
  4. Angular guides are mounted to the racks, connecting along the way with bedbugs.
  5. To ensure the rigidity of the entire box, it is worth inserting several transverse (or rather, longitudinal profiles). They are cut to size and the side shelves are cut to the desired length. These parts are also attached to the resulting structure with self-tapping screws.
  6. For fastening hatches or doors, in order to have access to the inside of the box, wooden mortgages can be placed in the guide rails, they are fixed with self-tapping screws or press washers. An example of fastening a door in a drywall box
  7. Drywall is cut to the size of the edges of the resulting box and attached to the frame. When screwing in self-tapping screws, you need to control the pressing force on the screwdriver so that the fastener head does not break through the cardboard. But, at the same time, the attachment points should be slightly “drowned” into the surface by 1–1.5 mm.
    Fastening drywall to the false wall frame in the kitchen
  8. and glued with sickle. It is necessary to putty all the places where the screws are screwed in. When plaster mix dry, it is rubbed with sandpaper with a grain of fraction 120-160.

  9. In the future, you need to glue the profiled corners on the edge of the box and plaster the entire surface. Ready for decorative trim such a box will be after the final grouting of the dried plaster mix.

Watch the video: how to hide pipes in a drywall box.

Thus, niches are also assembled on horizontal pipelines, leaving the lower planes not closed. After the decor, such a box will fit very well into the overall design of the kitchen, hiding the communication lines.

The question that arises every time the owners see a gas pipe in the kitchen: "How to hide?" Photos with implemented ideas and descriptions can be found below. After reading this problem will not seem so global. The main thing is to show imagination, apply skillful hands and follow all safety rules.

How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen? Photo of the problem. Key Ideas

Unfortunately, most construction companies and gas services do not pay due attention to the aesthetic problem of the location of pipes in the apartment. What to say about the buildings of the last century?! Most "lucky" owners of panel houses built in the 70-90s. Pipes in them are located in the most prominent place. Moreover, they have both horizontal and vertical directions. Sometimes with bends and large gaps to the walls.

The dismantling and reinstallation of pipes will cost the owners of the apartment a round sum. And it is unlikely that permission will be obtained from the relevant services.

So, there is a gas pipe in the kitchen. How to hide? Photos will help to imagine how this can be done. There are many ways and techniques. Let's list some:

  1. Patterned metal screens (same as for radiators).
  2. Boxes made of plastic, drywall, wood, metal, plywood or MDF.
  3. Decoupage technique and other decorative techniques.
  4. Metal rails located next to the pipes.
  5. Painting to match the apron or vice versa, for highlighting and accent.
  6. A special little locker made to order by a furniture company.

Cabinets and a gas pipe in the kitchen: how to hide? Photo of the finished solution

This option is for those who are used to trusting problems to professionals and not reinventing the wheel. You order from a furniture company and just listen from the designer or manager to options for hiding unpleasant parts of the interior. At the same time, masters can hide pipes with the help of cabinets. In this case, the furniture will not have a back wall. Pipes and taps will be provided good access. The main thing is not to clutter up this headset compartment too much.

Warning: do not use gas pipes as fasteners for cabinets, and you must also ensure that furniture does not press on gas communications.

Special locker

Such an element can be made independently if the owner is at least a little familiar with furniture hinges, handles and materials. It should be noted that air holes must be present in the design. This cabinet will be appropriate under a gas boiler or water heater, where there are many flexible hoses for water and gas. At the same time, access to pipes and equipment will be free - just open the door.

Masking with rails

But what if the above ideas don't work? For example, if communications pass in the middle of the apron and have a horizontal orientation. So the question of what to do if the gas pipe in the kitchen looks ugly remains unresolved. How to hide? The photo in this section gives a hint and points to the roof rails.

These are elements of a headset on which dishes and towels are attached.

The idea is that if you place this rod next to the gas pipe, then all the utensils, rags and other items will hide the problem. It must be remembered at the same time that it is impossible to mount the railing on the pipe itself. For this, the gas service may issue a fine.

The pipe itself will not be superfluous to prepare. First you need to take it off old paint. Use with this grinder prohibited. Overheating of the metal can cause a fire.

GKL panels

How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen during repairs? The photo shows an unfinished wall with gas meter and communications.

Metal structures are necessary for fixing drywall sheets. Thus, after sheathing, all pipes will be behind plaster wall, while leaving a window for the counter.

Drywall is convenient because it can be used to make any shape. From decorative box you can create a shelf for kitchen utensils.

The design is easy to make. In this case, drywall is used only moisture resistant.

First you need to install a frame of metal guides. Cut out the necessary parts from the GKL according to the measurements. The elements are fixed with special screws. After you need to putty the surface, Special attention should be given to the joints. The main thing is not to forget to make holes for the counter and a door or hatch for taps.


The most creative solution is to decorate a boring pipe using the decoupage technique. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, but at the same time, the solution must be in harmony with the surrounding interior.

To implement the conceived idea, you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • napkins or special pictures;
  • clear nail polish;
  • acrylic paints (may not be needed).

Using a brush, thickly coat the pipe with glue. Cut out the desired elements from napkins. It is good if the shade of the picture matches the color of the facade of the kitchen unit. Glue napkins to the pipe. Wait for everything to dry and adjust the drawing if necessary. acrylic paints. After coating the pipe with varnish.

After the examples given, the question of how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen is not so terrible. Photo ideas with bamboo will push the owners to new solutions.


Affordable and most easy way disguise - painting the pipe to match the kitchen apron. Employees of the gas service will be satisfied and will not find fault with such a decision.

Of course, the problem is not completely out of sight. But the pipes will definitely not be an eyesore with their design. Now you can achieve any shade of paint. Don't be afraid to experiment. After all, you can always paint over a new layer.

Or, on the contrary, with the help of painting, to emphasize the design on the pipes. For example, if you turn gas communications into birch branches. It's easy to do. Mark black strokes on a white surface with strokes. If next is not expected open fire, then wrap the pipe with an artificial liana with leaves. This option is not suitable for kitchens in modern style, but it will look great in kitchens made of natural wood.

plastic box

How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen with plastic? There are several ways. The easiest is to buy a ready-made box for electrical network, according to the diameter suitable for the elements of the gas pipeline. Fix it with self-tapping screws under the pipes and close it. The plastic itself can be painted over with a special paint or any decorative elements, wallpaper can be glued onto it.

You can make a plastic box from PVC panels yourself.

There are so many ideas on how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen. Photo will help you choose desired option for a specific kitchen. Don't be afraid to experiment. In case of failure, you can always use another method of disguise. Thankfully, there were a lot of them.