Prostate massage benefits. Prostate massage: principle of action and effectiveness

Every year the number of men who experience certain prostate problems is growing. When this relatively small organ fails, it causes many problems and prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest. Massaging the prostate gland can help prevent problems. But to understand its principle, you need to know what the benefits and harms of prostate massage are.

What is prostate massage and why is it needed?

This massage is a procedure for influencing the prostate directly through the anus or non-contact. It is used by many doctors in Russia and China in the treatment of various diseases of the male reproductive system, as well as in obtaining the secretion of the prostatic glands for medical needs. In addition, prostate massage is a fairly common sexual practice.

Who should perform the procedure

Prostate massage for therapeutic and preventive purposes is usually performed by a urologist. However, since this process is quite delicate, many men choose not to seek medical help and carry it out at home. In general, this is quite possible if you have a reliable partner. However, prostate massage performed at home can often be dangerous, since improper implementation of this procedure causes a lot of harm to the body.

To avoid possible harmful effects, you must consult a specialist before the procedure. It is advisable to do this together with a partner who will perform the massage. The doctor will determine the presence or absence of contraindications and give the necessary recommendations to ensure that the procedure is as pleasant as possible and has a beneficial effect.

What are the benefits of prostate massage?

The benefits of prostate massage for men's health have been noted by supporters of traditional and folk medicine for several decades. So, as a result of massaging:

  • there is an outflow of fluid from the prostatic glands, which normalizes the patency of the internal ducts;
  • blood circulation in the prostate tissue improves, which has a beneficial effect on the properties of the prostate muscles;
  • along with the secretion of the prostatic glands, harmful bacteria are safely removed from the body.

As a result, men who regularly massage the prostate gland are much less susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, prostate massage benefits sexual life and tends to increase potency and enhance libido. Stimulating the prostate can lead to longer, more powerful male orgasms and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Types of prostate massage

There are several types of internal prostate massage:

  • manual;
  • hardware;
  • hydromassage.

Manual massage, performed with a finger, is the most common way to influence the prostate. It takes little time and brings a minimum of unusual sensations, but the beneficial properties of this method produce the desired effect only with the correct technique.

The hardware method, in turn, requires special massagers. Today there is a wide range of devices designed for these purposes. Their properties may differ in operating principle and appearance, but, as a rule, they look like oblong products made of silicone or medical plastic with a vibration element inside. Prostate massage with a massager can bring no less benefits than manual massage if the device is selected in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a man.

The essence is to introduce a medicinal composition in liquid form into the rectum using a special rubber can. Usually, the beneficial properties of chamomile decoction are used for this, but in some cases it is replaced with a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate. Since the tissues of the rectum communicate with the tissues of the prostate gland, stimulating the organs in this way has a beneficial effect similar to the methods described above.

In addition to massage, in which the effect occurs directly on the prostate, there are sets of gymnastic exercises that have a positive effect on the prostate gland without harm to the person. In some cases, it is good to use the beneficial properties of indirect massaging of the organ through the groin area.

Technique for prostate massage with a finger

In order for prostate massage to bring as much benefit as possible, and the potential harm to be minimal, you need to be able to perform it correctly. Moreover, attention should be paid not only to the technique, but also to the preparatory actions:

  1. The procedure must be carried out with a full bladder in order to enhance the effect of massaging, so the patient should drink 1 liter of water within 1 - 1.5 hours.
  2. For hygienic reasons, the area where the prostate massage is performed should be covered with a clean cloth.
  3. The patient should first cleanse the intestines. In case of difficulties, you can use an enema.
  4. At least 2 hours should pass between the last meal and the start of the massage.
  5. Before carrying out the required manipulations, the genital organs must be washed and wiped thoroughly.
  6. The hands of the person performing the massage should also be washed. It is better to cut your nails short, as harmful microorganisms tend to accumulate under the nail plates.
  7. Perform massage actions only with medical gloves.
  8. To reduce discomfort, use Vaseline or lubricant.

Massage movements

Manual prostate massage is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before starting the process, the patient lies on his side and bends his knees.
  2. After the patient has taken a comfortable position, the massage therapist inserts the index finger into the anus with the pad up to a depth of 5-6 cm and feels the prostate gland. Unlike the smooth tissue of the intestines, it is wrinkled to the touch.
  3. Massaging is carried out starting with circular stroking of the gland from the sides to the center. You can alternately massage the right and left parts of the organ.
  4. At the next stage, the pressure on denser areas is gradually increased. At the same time, attention is paid to the patient’s condition. Massage should never be painful.
  5. The process is completed with a soft downward movement along the central groove of the gland. Then carefully remove the finger from the anus.

Important! Immediately after the end of the massage, the patient should urinate in order to get rid of harmful microbes along with urine and glandular fluid.

Duration of prostate massage

The duration of one massage session should not exceed 1 - 2 minutes - this is enough to achieve a beneficial effect. As a rule, therapeutic massage includes a course of 10 - 15 procedures at the rate of 2 - 3 visits per week, and after each session the patient’s prostate gland secretions are taken for analysis. If there is such a need, the course is repeated after 3 weeks.

Important! Prostate massage is not a self-sufficient therapeutic method. In the absence of an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases, all the beneficial properties of the procedure will come to naught.

How to use a prostate massager

Prostate massage using a massage device is also beneficial. Today, medical supply stores offer a wide range of products for both external and internal use. The latter are considered the most effective. They, in turn, are divided into 3 groups, depending on the principle of operation:

  • thermal;
  • magnetic;
  • vibration.

Important! External massage devices are used only to prevent illnesses, but not for treatment.

Before purchasing a prostate massager, for your own benefit, it would be a good idea to consult with a urologist and undergo an examination. This is necessary in order to choose a product that is suitable in length and shape, because all men have an individual structure of the pelvic organs. The doctor will also help clarify the nuances of performing a massage with such a device.

Advice! Preference should be given to products that are sold in pharmacies. Devices from erotic toy stores can be unreliable and cause harm to the body.

A vibrating massager will be beneficial for the prostate if you prepare the product before the massage by following the following instructions:

  1. Treat the device with an antibacterial compound.
  2. Put a condom on him for the ultrasound so as not to introduce harmful bacteria into the body.
  3. Lubricate the product and the anal passage with pharmaceutical lubricant to avoid the appearance of microcracks.
  4. Insert the massager into the rectum 5 centimeters.
  5. Turn on.

The algorithm for performing a prostate massage using a massager is in many ways similar to what is done with your fingers, but you still need to read the instructions first, since different models may have their own characteristics.

The first session should last no longer than 5 minutes. Subsequently, the massage time can be increased daily by 1 minute. After the procedure, the massager must be disinfected.

Important! Vaseline and other fat-containing substances cannot be used to lubricate massage products, as this will harm the structure of the device.

How to do a prostate massage yourself

The above methods of massaging the prostate are direct, as they act directly on the organ. These manipulations can be carried out at home, but they all require the participation of a third party, since it is extremely inconvenient to perform them alone. If you still need to massage yourself, a useful method would be to massage the prostate using a non-contact method:

  1. To do this, hands are placed in the groin area just above the pubis. The palms should touch each other.
  2. First, use the middle and ring fingers to gently press on the skin of the lower abdomen, then lightly pinch it.
  3. Then the fingers are moved 3-4 centimeters to the right, without releasing the pinched skin.
  4. The same is repeated for the left side.
  5. Then move your hands 2 centimeters upward, without stopping pressing and stretching the skin in different directions.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until you reach the navel.
  7. Then they do the same, gradually descending back to the pubis.
  8. Perform similar actions on the sides.
  9. Upon completion of the process, they visit the toilet.

Indirect prostate massage has no side effects and is suitable for daily use in the absence of medical contraindications.

Harm of prostate massage and consequences

For all its benefits, independent manipulation of the prostate gland can cause serious harm to the body. Improperly performing prostate massage can lead to a number of undesirable consequences, such as:

  1. Damage to the urethra. Rough impact often causes microtears in tissue that disrupt the structure of the urethra, while being difficult to diagnose due to its size. Against this background, problems with urination and intimate life may arise.
  2. Changes in the microflora of the pelvic organs. An imbalance of bacteria causes various infections, which, if left untreated, can spread throughout the body. Because of this, doctors often prescribe antibiotics to clients who require prostate massage.
  3. Swelling of the prostate gland. Due to too harsh manipulations, the integrity of the mucous membranes of the gland is damaged, where harmful microbes penetrate, contributing to the occurrence of inflammation. This can provoke frequent visits to the toilet and cause severe pain when urinating.

Contraindications to the procedure

Although prostate massage performed according to all the rules is considered very useful, it is not allowed for some health conditions. So, it is contraindicated for people who have:

  • acute form of prostatitis and urethritis;
  • orchiepididymitis;
  • cooperite;
  • vesiculitis;
  • hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum;
  • prostate stones and cysts.

Also, massage will bring harm, not benefit, to men with prostate adenoma or cancer.

Is external massage effective for prostatitis?

Internal prostate massage has proven its benefits as a remedy for many male diseases and has been used in medicine for many years, including for the treatment of prostatitis of varying degrees of severity, except acute. At the same time, the properties of external influence, although they are useful, are not so effective. Nevertheless, it can be very effective in the initial stages of the disease and prevent the development of other unpleasant ailments of the pelvic organs.


Although the benefits and harms of prostate massage cause controversy between representatives of the American and European medical communities, this method is widely used in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. If the necessary rules are followed, the effect of this procedure will have a positive effect on the well-being of men and will prolong health for a long time.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go for a massage in a medical institution. If no one can do it at home, sometimes patients resort to self-massage.

It is necessary to understand that this is an unreasonable measure. Only a few people can give themselves a quality massage. This is due to the anatomical location of the gland and the structure of the fingers. Doctors do not recommend performing this manipulation on yourself due to its low effectiveness. By performing the procedure on their own, patients do not receive a therapeutic effect and waste valuable time. This may worsen the course of the disease.


Whether prostate massage is harmful or beneficial depends on who it is applied to. There is an impressive list of pathologies for which it is contraindicated:

  • All cancer diseases.
  • Prostate adenoma.
  • Acute period of prostatitis (especially bacterial).
  • Delayed urine flow.
  • Acute period of diseases of the intestines and genitourinary system.

Application of prostate massage in other countries

This method has been used in medical practice for more than a century. The initial point of application for prostate massage was conditions accompanied by a decrease in potency and libido. Later they began to use it for prostatitis and pain in the pelvic area.

In 1968, in the USA, this method was excluded from treatment by the American Urological Association. The reason for this measure was its unproven effectiveness. Later, European doctors came to the same conclusion. They also stopped using prostate massage for medicinal purposes.

Measures to exclude this manipulation from the standards of medical care in the West also raise questions among the medical community in our country.

Prostate massage: harm and benefit

The debate regarding the positive or negative impact on the patient is valid. The procedure may have a negative effect in the following cases:

  • Prescription off-label. If the patient has a pathology in which prostate massage is contraindicated, the procedure cannot be performed. This can lead to significant complications.
  • Violation of technique. If recommendations for massaging are not followed, as well as the use of improvised means for these purposes (especially during self-massage), injuries not only to the prostate but also to other organs are possible.
  • Performing manipulation for bacterial chronic prostatitis can lead to the spread of the process beyond the gland. In this case, inflammation can cover the perirectal tissue, lead to anal fissures, etc.

If you follow the indications and follow the recommendations for implementation, you will benefit from such a complex procedure as prostate massage. Harm from it will be received if you deviate from the rules. Due to the importance of the proper functioning of the gland, it is necessary to contact qualified specialists and follow their instructions to the fullest.

Prostate massage is one of the methods of nonspecific reflexology, actively used in clinical urology for the complex treatment of other diseases of the genitourinary apparatus (genitourinary system) in men. Despite the fact that in many European countries this method has not been used in urological practice for a long time due to its ineffectiveness (according to clinical studies), in Russia it is still included in the main treatment regimen for chronic asymptomatic, congestive and bacterial prostatitis along with antibiotic therapy and physiotherapy .

The benefits of prostate massage are obvious: the procedure improves blood and lymph circulation, normalizes the secretory function of the prostatic glands, increases a man’s sexual activity and prevents the accumulation of pus and the formation of abscesses in the interstitium of the organ and its parenchyma. The massage should be performed by a specialist, since improper influence on the prostate can lead to increased inflammation and the spread of infection in a lymphogenous, hematogenous and diffuse manner to surrounding organs and tissues.

Massage of the prostatic glands is carried out by manual mechanical action on the prostate through the distal colon, which is located between the anus (anus) and the sigmoid colon. The procedure is prescribed in courses of 5-10 procedures with an interval between sessions from 1 to 3-4 days. Prostate massage is quite effective in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men (especially those accompanied by sexual dysfunction and dysuria), but it has not been confirmed in clinical studies and comparative analysis with antibacterial therapy.

The procedure can be carried out on an outpatient basis at a clinic where there are specialists of the relevant profile (urologists, andrologists). Its duration ranges from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes (this indicator is influenced, first of all, by the severity of the inflammatory process, as well as the size of the gland and its consistency).

Massage of the prostatic glands: why is it needed?

The main purpose of massage for pathologies of the urinary tract and organs located in the pelvic cavity in men is restoration of normal venous outflow and prevention of congestion (congestion) in the pelvic vessels. It is the accumulation of blood and lymph against the background of increased arterial inflow and impaired outflow that is one of the main factors in the development of inflammatory processes in the prostatic and bulbourethral glands, seminal vesicles, testicles and other organs of the genitourinary system. Rectal massage of the prostate gland allows you to restore the movement of fluids (blood and lymph), ensures the outflow of stagnant secretions and prevents the formation and accumulation of purulent-serous exudate.

The need to include this procedure in the protocol for complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system is due to the therapeutic effect that can be achieved after a course of using massage techniques. The therapeutic effect of the procedure is as follows (the listed effect is observed in approximately 37.8% of patients):

  • improving erectile performance and improving the quality of sexual life (improving reflex and psychogenic erection, restoring libido, normalizing intravaginal latent time of ejaculation);

  • normalization of metabolic processes in organ tissues;
  • elimination of residual effects after relief of the acute inflammatory process;
  • restoration of normal patency of the prostatic ducts, through which evacuation (release) of viscous secretion occurs;
  • increasing local immunoresistance and the ability of parenchymal prostate tissue to self-heal;
  • reducing the manifestations of chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

After several massage sessions, a man’s pain in the pelvis, perineum, groin, and anus decreases in intensity. Most patients note improvements in intimate life, restoration of normal urination (including a decrease in the frequency of urges at night).

Pay attention! The positive effect of prostate reflexology also lies in higher absorption of medications (antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, anticoagulants, etc.). The active substances, entering the blood, enter the tissues of the inflamed organ in a hematogenous manner and accumulate there, breaking down into metabolites. If the blood supply to the gland is not impaired, the maximum concentration of drugs is achieved in a shorter period of time, which allows for a faster therapeutic and healing effect.

Who is prescribed prostate massage?

Prostatitis is not the only indication for the use of prostate reflexology. This method can be used as an auxiliary procedure as part of the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, accompanied by congestion, chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and other manifestations of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. This may be chronic urethritis, orchitis, cooperitis (inflammation of the Cooper glands). Some sexologists recommend a course of prostate massage for decreased sexual activity and premature ejaculation during intimacy.

Pay attention! Massage can also be prescribed as a diagnostic procedure to obtain secretions that are secreted through the prostatic ducts into the posterior urethra.

What awaits the patient: technique and preparation

To achieve a significant effect using mechanical action on the prostate gland, it is important to follow certain rules regarding preparation for the procedure, the patient’s behavior during the session and after its completion.

First stage: preparation

Prostate massage is a rather unpleasant and uncomfortable procedure, so some men refuse this treatment method to the detriment of their own health. In this regard, one of the most important tasks of clinical urology today is preparatory work with patients, which consists of timely, detailed and truthful information about the purposes and features of rectal prostate massage, as well as the consequences of refusing this procedure.

According to practicing urologists and andrologists, in almost 60% of cases, the reason for refusing massage is severe psychological discomfort, associated with rejection of the very fact of foreign bodies being in the rectum, as well as possible troubles during the specialist’s movements, for example, involuntary passage of gas. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines before visiting the doctor (3-4 hours before) using a cleansing enema or taking a saline laxative (“Magnesium hydroxide”, “Sodium sulfate”, Carlsbad salt, etc.). The day before the procedure, you should also avoid eating foods that contribute to increased gas formation: yeast bread, carbonated drinks, vegetables with a high content of purines and oxalic acid.

Immediately before the massage, you need to fill your bladder. To do this, it is recommended to drink about 1 liter of water or diluted fruit juice without added sugar an hour before the procedure. This measure allows you to increase the effectiveness of the massage and accurately determine the size and consistency of the gland due to the complete straightening of the walls of the bladder.

Second stage: during the procedure

In the office, the doctor will ask the man to undress and lie down on the couch. Today, urologists use two positions to manipulate the prostate gland through the rectum.

  1. . This is the most comfortable position for a doctor, but, as practice shows, men in this position experience maximum discomfort, so it is used quite rarely. To minimize discomfort, a special cape with a slot for the anus is put on the buttock area.
  2. Lying on your side. This is a more comfortable position for a man, in which he lies on the couch with his legs pulled up to his stomach and his knees bent.

The massage is performed with the index finger, which is inserted into the rectum to a depth of about 5 cm. To facilitate insertion, the doctor uses a special Vaseline-based lubricant, and all manipulations are carried out strictly in sterile disposable gloves made of hypoallergenic latex. It is necessary to begin the massage with stroking movements (alternately on one side and the other), gradually moving to rubbing and light pressure on the hard areas of the prostate. After 1-1.5 minutes, the finger is carefully removed from the rectum.

Important! The patient should be completely relaxed during the massage. In case of severe psycho-emotional discomfort, which often appears during the first sessions, it is permissible to use light sedatives of herbal origin. You should consult your doctor about the possibility and advisability of using drugs in this group, as side effects may develop in the form of decreased concentration and slower reactions.

Third stage: after the massage

As a rule, no special measures are required after prostate massage if the procedure was performed by a qualified doctor. Some experts advise refraining from intimacy on the day of the massage, but The appropriateness of these recommendations has not been confirmed by scientific research.

Can massage be harmful?

When performed correctly, prostate massage is considered a completely safe procedure, so the risks of complications after it are minimal. Rarely, patients experience certain complications, for example, damage or partial rupture of the urethra, but in most cases they are associated with non-compliance with the technique or ignoring existing contraindications.

One of the main contraindications to prostate massage is severe diseases of the genitourinary system, including acute bacterial prostatitis. With this pathology, increased blood flow to the tissues of the prostatic glands increases the risk of hematogenous and diffuse spread of infection into surrounding tissues and organs, therefore, massage in the acute period of prostatitis often leads to an intensification of the pathological process and the development of superinfection.

Before starting sessions, the doctor must exclude the presence of other possible contraindications, which include:

  • tuberculosis infection of the genitourinary system(one of the forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis);
  • prostate tumors(including prostate cancer and benign glandular epithelial hyperplasia -);

  • cystic formations and prostate polyps(identified during);
  • urolithiasis, as well as the presence of stones in the ducts and acini of the prostatic glands;
  • severe forms of dysuria, in which a high level of residual urine is determined in the bladder.

Local contraindications for any rectal exposure are diseases of the rectum (proctitis, inflammation and thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, anal fissures and fistulas, polyposis). If the integrity of the mucous membranes of the anus is damaged, treatment is postponed until the wound surface, erosive and ulcerative defects are completely healed. For men with chronic hemorrhoids, prostate massage is performed only after acute relapses have stopped, since the procedure can lead to increased anal bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoids outside the rectum.

Self-massage of the prostate: benefit or harm?

Urologists unanimously recognize self-massage of the prostate gland as a dangerous manipulation and advise applying only to medical institutions for the procedure. Self-massage at home can harm a man’s health, cause injuries to the rectum and urethra, and lead to infection of the anus (if hygiene and sterility requirements are not followed).

  • the table, bed or couch (the place where the massage will be performed) must be covered with cotton cloth, which must first be washed at a temperature of 90°C and ironed on both sides in the steam mode;
  • During the procedure, be sure to use disposable sterile gloves (wash your hands before the procedure, trim your nails short, and additionally treat them with any antiseptic);
  • Before the massage, the perineum and anal area must be washed with baby soap or a special intimate hygiene product and dried thoroughly.

The remaining actions are performed in accordance with the recommendations for preparing and conducting a massage: an hour before the procedure, a man should drink 1 liter of water, and during the session, relax as much as possible.

Which pose should I choose?

The position for self-massage is somewhat different from the position that a man takes in a doctor’s office, since it is important to ensure accessibility and ease of penetration into the rectum. If a man is not overweight, the most comfortable position would be “lying on his back” with his legs spread to the sides and pulled up to his stomach. The patient can manipulate the prostate with one hand, and hold the legs with the other. For patients with excess body weight and a large abdominal volume, a “squatting” position with knees wide apart will be more comfortable.

Pay attention! If a man is being massaged by his partner, you can choose any position in which both will feel as comfortable as possible.

What position to choose for joint diseases?

In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, when bending the knees in any position causes severe pain, the optimal position would be the “standing on the floor” position, in which a man lies with his upper body on any horizontal surface (for example, on a table). In this case, your legs need to be slightly apart.

How to feel the prostate gland?

The prostate can be easily felt during rectal palpation and feels like a walnut. The prostate is located at a depth of about 4.5-5.5 cm (this is how deep you need to insert your finger into the rectum).

Algorithm of actions

The technique for performing self-massage is presented in the table below.

Table. Self-massage of the prostate: stages.

Video – Prostate massage: visual illustration

Prostate massage is a therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive manipulation aimed at restoring normal blood circulation, stopping inflammatory processes and eliminating residual effects after acute inflammation in the tissues of the organ. Despite all the benefits of massage, it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, since the procedure has many contraindications and can cause harm to health if they are ignored.

The prostate is a male muscular glandular organ that is located in the pelvis under the bladder. The prostate is a soft capsule of smooth muscle that contracts during orgasm, allowing ejaculation to occur. Discharge from the prostate has an alkaline environment and a characteristic odor - the smell of semen.

Swelling of the prostate gland and tissue inflammation leads to stagnation of secreted fluid, which further aggravates the situation. In addition to relieving pain, spasms, swelling, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of seminal fluid - this is why prostate massage is needed, the most effective way to alleviate the patient’s condition.

Prostate massage and its benefits

Prostate massage allows you to simultaneously achieve several goals:

  1. Improve blood supply to the prostate;
  2. Ensure the outflow of secreted seminal fluid;
  3. Accelerate the regeneration of tissue areas affected by stagnation.

The effect of prostate massage is incomparable with the effect of medications and physiotherapy. However, many men are embarrassed to put themselves in the hands of a professional massage therapist; they do not fully understand why prostate massage is needed.

Often, only pain or sexual problems force a man to become a patient of a urologist. The effect that prostate massage gives makes you believe in the need for such treatment.

  1. Along with the stagnant secretion of the prostate gland, pus and bacteria come out of it, which provoke inflammation;
  2. By improving blood circulation and lymph drainage, prostate massage promotes enhanced regeneration of cells and tissues, increasing local immunity;
  3. Prostate massage is useful during drug treatment, as it promotes better absorption of drugs;
  4. Massage restores erectile function and helps normalize sexual life - that’s why a man’s prostate massage is done.

Is prostate massage beneficial at home?

Depending on what the prostate massage is for, doctors recommend/do not recommend massage at home.

Self-massage of the prostate is indicated for the prevention of congestion in the gland.

It is easy to perform in a car, at the workplace, or in your free time. The essence of this massage comes down to alternately squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the anus and perineum. The pelvic floor muscles are tensed during inhalation, held for a few seconds, and then relaxed while exhaling.

Indirect prostate massage is “light artillery”; in cases where the patient is diagnosed with prostatitis, a serious approach is required, transrectal massage. The massage therapist must be careful and careful, since manipulations can cause discomfort and pain. In acute cases of the disease, massage is contraindicated.

The impact on the prostate gland during transrectal massage occurs through the rectum using a finger. The patient should be as relaxed and uninhibited as possible. The session lasts one to two minutes.

Today you can purchase special devices designed to massage the prostate gland yourself. When choosing a massager, you should consult with a specialist and place an order only in specialized medical stores (or pharmacies).

Products from a sex shop are not intended for treatment, even if they look like it. They can cause serious harm to already poor health.

Knowing why a prostate massage is needed, a man should not hesitate to go to a medical facility for treatment from a professional massage therapist. It is a qualified massage therapist who will help cope with the disease and restore men's health without harm.

Prostate massage: preparation for the procedure

It is important to be prepared when performing a prostate massage. First of all, do an enema, but if this is not possible, then go to the toilet a few hours before the massage.
Another important element is hydration, so make sure your anus and finger are well lubricated.

Prostate massage should be performed regularly to maintain the gland and the health of the man. After all, the human body is quite fragile and susceptible to various diseases. Men between the ages of 19 and 40 most often suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland. People over the age of 45 suffer from prostate hyperplasia, which sometimes even leads to cancer.

Prostate massage reduces the risk of developing any of these problems.

Execution technique

  1. Prostate massage usually requires the participation of two people, as it is very uncomfortable and difficult to perform the massage on your own. Therefore: First, discuss the benefits of prostate massage with your partner and make sure you feel comfortable doing it. At the same time, both of you should be relaxed both mentally and physically. The partner should begin urinating and defecating if he feels the need to do so. Wash your hands before massage. Make sure your nails are clean and your nails are short.
  2. Wear latex gloves. You can easily buy them at any pharmacy. Rub some lubricant or olive oil into your hands. Gently insert your fingers into your partner's anus. Insert your finger into the rectum just a few millimeters. Bring it back. Insert again and again, each time penetrating deeper and deeper, to a length of approximately 5-6 centimeters. Choose the direction of the massage towards your partner's navel. Your fingers should touch the prostate. You should feel the ball a little larger than a walnut.
  3. If you are doing this for the first time, your partner may be very tense, which will prevent you from performing this technique. Let your partner try to relax the muscles of the anus, while you gently stroke the surface of the prostate with wave-like movements. Do not press too hard on the central part of the gland, as this is where the nerve endings are located. Your partner may feel the urge to go to the toilet. Calm him down, let him relax and try to forget about this need. During the massage, the penis will begin to grow and vibrate, and you will enjoy it.

The main task of the prostate gland is to produce sperm, and prostate massage will undoubtedly stimulate its production. Often during the procedure, a man experiences a strong feeling, sometimes an orgasm with ejaculation.

In the modern world, men are subject to frequent stress and the effects of poor ecology. They also do not eat the best, so many of them have problems with potency. Not only older men suffer from this, but also fairly young people. Therefore, many are interested in how to treat potency and whether there are effective measures. You should not immediately poison the body with potent drugs; you can try an effective, but less aggressive method - prostate massage. Can everyone do it? So, prostate massage: benefits and harms.

Prostate massage

During the massage, a mechanical effect occurs on the prostate area. Thanks to this, blood flow improves, stagnation processes are reduced (secret is released from the gland). Massage is also prescribed to patients while taking medications to enhance the effect.

Types of massage

The prostate gland can be affected in three different ways. You should consider them in more detail:

  • Manual massage. It is carried out by a doctor using the index finger, independently or with a partner.
  • Hydromassage. It is carried out by introducing a medicine into the rectum, for example, chamomile infusion, Furacilin, potassium permanganate. The solution is cooled to 20 degrees and administered with a syringe in the amount of 500 ml at a time.
  • Hardware massage. It is carried out using a device equipped with a special probe. The prostate gland is exposed to magnetic pulses, temperature and vibrations.

Each type of massage is beneficial in its own way. You should choose the one that is most convenient for the patient.

Massage helps men solve a lot of different problems, not only prostatitis. Sexual intercourse after it becomes much longer and better.

Indications for using massage:

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  1. Chronic prostatitis.
  2. Chronic pelvic pain.
  3. Congestion in the prostate gland.

It is worth remembering that this procedure is prescribed and the first sessions are performed by a doctor. Then you can do it at home yourself. The patient assumes a position: the torso bent at a right angle. The doctor, wearing sterile gloves, inserts his index finger lubricated with a special gel into the anus and feels a small bulge (approximately 4 cm deep into the rectum).

There are several elements of massage:

  1. Figure-of-eight finger movements.
  2. Funnel-shaped finger rotations.
  3. From the sides to the middle, and then from top to bottom.

All movements should be soft and directed towards the exit.

The disease has been diagnosed quite often in recent years. Therefore, prostate massage, the benefits of which are invaluable, is a fairly common procedure. And if earlier it was not customary to talk about this, now it saves a normal sex life for many men.

What is the effect of the procedure? Massage treats not only prostatitis. What happens during exposure to the gland:

  1. Blood flows to the prostate much better and enriches it with oxygen.
  2. By improving blood flow, the supply of useful substances to the gland improves, and the effect of medications is enhanced.
  3. Massage eliminates stagnant processes.
  4. The work of the pelvic floor muscles improves.
  5. The gland gets rid of stagnant secretions and various bacteria.

Doctors recommend doing prostate massage even to solve urological problems. When the inflammatory process has been observed in a patient for quite some time, only massage will help get rid of pus, various bacteria and their waste products.

Prostate diseases not only cause harm to health, but also affect potency. A man loses confidence and begins to have problems in his intimate life. Massage helps get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, restore a full erection and prolonged sexual intercourse.

Benefit or harm?

Whether prostate massage is beneficial for a man is decided by a specialist in each individual case. After all, it can also cause harm. When doing it yourself, you should have at least some understanding of human anatomy. Don’t forget about the lubricant, without which you can damage the rectal mucosa and the inflammation will become even worse.

  1. Men diagnosed with hemorrhoids or inflammation of the rectum.
  2. The presence of stones or tumors in the gland.
  3. Calcite.
  4. Prostate adenoma in the acute stage.
  5. Disturbed urination.
  6. Bacterial infection.

During the acute phase of bacterial prostatitis, it is strictly forbidden to massage, because this way the infection can enter the blood.

If done incorrectly, the risk of damage to the large intestine is very high. Before a massage course, you should definitely undergo a comprehensive examination. If there is some embarrassment in such matters, then you can watch a video on the Internet, which clearly explains how to do a massage yourself.

The benefits of hardware and hydromassage

Hardware massage is not only convenient because it can be used at home, but it is also very useful. Benefit:

  • Sedative effect. Some patients are even able to fall asleep during the procedure. But this is not scary, because devices are often equipped with a timer.
  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The patency of the urethra improves.
  • The erection is returning.
  • Local immunity increases.
  • Blood flow in this area improves.

Hydromassage is no less useful. A comfortable temperature helps to relax the pelvic floor muscles, secretions are released, and pain is relieved.

It is also worth noting this type of prostate massage, such as indirect massage. It relaxes and warms up the pelvic floor muscles, preparing the prostate for stimulation. Lymphatic fluids do not stagnate, blood flow to the pelvic organs improves. If you do everything correctly, then massage is not harmful to the prostate.

Massage on the prostate gland at home

First, you should undergo an examination and make sure that such a massage will not harm. You can ask a relative or wife for help to help carry out the manipulation. The knee-elbow position is best; doing a massage on your own will be quite difficult. If there is no person who can be trusted with this matter, then you need to follow the instructions:

  1. You should lie comfortably on your back, tuck your knees to your chest and relax as much as possible.
  2. You can clasp your legs with one hand, and the other will make massage movements affecting the prostate.
  3. The bladder should be full.

You can also complement the treatment with indirect massage. It can be performed almost anywhere: at home, in the office, in the car. Its essence lies in alternately squeezing and unclenching the muscles of the perineum and anus.

In order not to torment yourself with the question: is prostate massage harmful, you should first consult a doctor who will conduct an examination. He will examine the condition of the rectum and feel the size of the prostate. He will also conduct a series of studies to exclude the presence of concomitant problems that are a contraindication for massage.