A drink that quenches thirst well. How to quench your thirst: drinks, effective ways and recommendations

Everyone at some point felt a deterioration in vision. This may be due to physical and emotional overwork, lack of sleep, pressure surges, etc. Such phenomena can be both temporary and permanent.

The reasons for the fall in visual acuity can be problems associated with the physiology and anatomy of the eye, as well as systemic diseases of the body, which entail all sorts of visual dysfunctions, including age-related changes.

Why is consistency in eye gymnastics important?

Performing an eye warm-up is the most simple technique to keep one of the six human senses normal.

All components of the eye form a complex system that is responsible for the perception, processing and transmission of visual information to the brain.

The slightest failures in the program entail a distortion of the overall picture. The first, main reason for this is the weakening and unbalanced work of the eye muscles. All muscles need regular exercise, eye muscles are no exception.

Eye exercise to improve vision is the easiest and simplest action that any person can perform, it is only important to take them as a rule, develop a system.

Nowadays people, both at work and at home, a large number of spend time in front of computer monitors, TV screens, reading texts. Negative influence it is not the technique itself that affects the condition of the eyes, but, first of all, the wrong ones:

  • lighting;
  • arrangement of the workplace;
  • use of office equipment.

From this, the tension in the eyes increases, the light-sensitive retina suffers, changes in the curvature of the lens occur, the muscles that control it become lethargic.

This can be avoided by the mandatory organization of short breaks to relieve general fatigue and relieve eye strain through light gymnastics.

Note! At permanent job It is recommended to use safety goggles to block radiation while using the computer.

To choose the right required view glasses: progressive, varifocal, monofocal, bifocal, trifocal, you should check the health of your eyes with an ophthalmologist. And in combination with exercises for the eyes, the ability to improve vision grows.

Systematic performance, several exercises for training and relaxing the eye muscles, helps to improve and prevent disorders of the visual organ. The entire human body needs regular rest, and the benefits active rest has an extensive evidence base.

Complex: improve blood circulation

All types of circulatory disorders entail serious problems. The parts of the eye are nourished and oxygenated by blood vessels, in case of failures in the system, first of all, the retina of the eye suffers. Its layers form a complex multifunctional structure.

Retinal pathology is an urgent problem for ophthalmologists. The lightest and effective way keep the circulatory system working proper nutrition and physiotherapy.

To improve vision, it is reasonable to combine eye exercises with massage:

  • Sit up straight, take a relaxed position. Closing your eyes, it is easy to press your fingers on the eyelid, release, repeat 5-10 times. Open eyes.
  • Massage the eye, in circular motions over the closed eyelid.
  • Make rotations in a circle and turn your head left, right, forward, backward.
  • Close your eyes, open your eyes as wide as possible. Repeat 4-7 times.

  • Perform 7-10 times circular movements of the pupils in both directions, while not moving the head, the eye muscles are relaxed.
  • Without focusing your eyes, draw a horizontal line with your pupils, left-right, then vertical.
  • Relax the muscles with contrast compresses. To do this, soak two cotton pads in hot water, reasonable temperature, apply to the eyes, after 1 - 2 minutes, replace with cold ones. The temperature of the water should not cause discomfort, it is better to perform the procedure lying down.

There are much more necessary exercises for the eyes that can improve vision in the retina, you can perform any at will and possibilities.

Daily gymnastics develops a capillary network, promotes muscle flexibility, normalizes blood pressure, and provides proper cell nutrition.

Carefully! With the existing pathology of the eyes, the set of exercises should be selected according to the doctor's recommendations. In the presence of, for example, retinal detachment, glaucoma, some manipulations should be excluded and replaced by others.

Dealing with myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the ability to see well up close, but distant objects are blurry. It can be hereditary and acquired.

This happens due to a violation of the refractive power of the lens, the shape of the eye, as a result of which a fuzzy image is transmitted to the retina and brain. Subject to it are people whose activities are associated with a close concentration of visual attention.

Regular eye exercises to improve vision help stop negative processes. After all, glasses only compensate for the defect.

It's important to know! Myopic parents should know that their child has a predisposition to myopia, which means that from childhood he already needs to choose a set of exercises for prevention.

The basis of gymnastics for myopia is complete relaxation. Under the condition of a temporary, but complete distraction from pressing matters, massage and light gymnastics have a beneficial effect on visual function and muscle relaxation. Then - on focusing the gaze, for example:

  • Sit up straight, raise your finger. Concentrate your attention on it, slowly bringing your finger closer to your nose and pushing it back.
  • In the same position, focus on the tip of the index finger, close one eye with your free hand, remove your hand, close the other eye, repeat 6-8 times.

Eye exercises to improve vision in some cases help to avoid surgery to correct defects in the lens
  • Concentrate your eyes on the finger, slowly move your hand to the right, without taking your eyes off and without turning your head, try to turn on peripheral vision. Return to original. Move your hand to the left.
  • Place a bright object at arm's length, looking at it, blinking frequently, focusing on its center. Then change the picture, looking away at the nature outside the window. Repeat several times.
  • Concentrate on the object, trying to mentally reduce it in size, without stopping actively blinking, as if squeezing the muscles of the eye. Change focus.

All sets of exercises have prerequisite complete relaxation with the presence of elements of breathing exercises.

This allows you to release the tension of the muscles of all groups as much as possible, will allow you to learn how to control them and make them work in concert, which is extremely important for the eyes.

What exercises can relieve fatigue

It is the extreme tension of the muscles, followed by their lethargy, stiffness, that is the main provocateur of eye problems. Therefore, the basic emphasis of all exercises is to relieve fatigue. Palming is the easiest and most affordable way.

Feeling tired, you need to postpone work for a while, sit down comfortably, relax, even out your breathing. Further:

  • Warm the palms of your hands by rubbing them together.
  • It is convenient to lean on the table, fold your palms like a boat, close your eyes with them, eyelashes should not touch your hands. At the same time, the eyelids are open, the body is relaxed, slightly tilted forward.
  • Look straight ahead, without peering, without thinking about anything, until complete darkness appears before your eyes.
  • Slowly open your eyes.

Perform actions gradually increasing the duration of time, up to about 2-5 minutes. Palming perfectly relieves eye fatigue with the energy of your own hands. To enhance the effect, you can first look at the sun, absorb a piece of its light.

A simple exercise gives positive results not only for relieving eye fatigue, but also for the prevention of visual defects and rehabilitation after surgery.

The most effective eye exercise to improve vision

Any method of solving a particular problem should always be selected according to the characteristics and condition of your own body. For eye muscles and toning the blood supply system, it is useful to perform, for example, such exercises:

  • Put the index and thumbs on the corners of the eyes, squeeze and relax the eyes;
  • Then move your thumbs to inner part eyebrows

  • With your index fingers, lightly press on the superciliary arches, look up and try to raise your eyebrows up to the stop. These exercises should be performed 10 to 15 times;
  • With the pupils of the eyes, draw a circle, a vertical and horizontal line, a simple geometric figure etc.

Favorite eye exercise to improve vision, you can perform anywhere: at work, at home, in transport, while walking, without embarrassing others.

There are many different methods for maintaining visual function. Definitely, it is much easier to get into the habit of regularly doing gymnastics than to wait for the need for medical treatment.

Problems Solutions
eye fatiguePalming, massage
Violation of blood circulation and nutrition of cellsPalming, massage, contrast compresses, exercises, vitamin nutrition
farsightednessPalming, massage, exercise, proper nutrition
Age changesPalming, massage, eye exercises to improve vision, compresses, nutrition

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

The development of visual function, mindfulness in children requires close attention and creativity in adults.

In kindergartens, elementary grades of the school, it is imperative to conduct short physical education sessions. Gymnastics for the eyes they need to be taught in a playful way, using poems, songs, jokes.

In this design, let them open several times - close their eyes, blink quickly or slowly, shoot their eyes around, etc.

At the same time, not only the tension from the eye muscles will be removed, but the overall emotional load will also relax. and it only encourages thought processes and correct formation personality.

The ability to see is one of the six vital human senses. And it is necessary to maintain the main visual organ from childhood. All types of gymnastic complexes are the easiest way for this, moreover, it does not require large time, material and physical costs.

Useful video

According to medical research, the most common causes of visual impairments are functional disorders, which in most cases can be overcome with simple and natural treatments, without the need for surgery, glasses or contact lenses.

This article will cover the most effective ways restoration of vision, which have proven themselves in the treatment of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other visual defects. The effectiveness and speed of treatment directly depends on the complexity of the violation, its duration and the implementation of prescriptions.

Neglect of advice and recommendations, eye strain from overwork, physical and mental stress, and malnutrition can significantly slow down progress in treatment, and in some cases stop it completely. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully follow all the instructions throughout the course of treatment, as well as after its completion.

Causes of visual impairment

According to the research of Dr. Bates, the main cause of visual impairment is psychological and physical overstrain, which leads to disturbances in accommodation - the ability to equally clearly see distant and close objects.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, focusing of vision occurs not only due to a change in the curvature of the lens, but also due to a change in the shape of the eye itself, due to the action of the external muscles of the eyeball, which are responsible for the movement of the eyes in all directions.

Due to the contraction of certain groups of eye muscles, there is an approach or distance rear wall eyes, depending on whether you are focusing on a distant or near object. Thus, many visual impairments are nothing more than the result of a violation of accommodation due to improper functioning of the external muscles of the eye.

In the case of nearsightedness (myopia), the eye has a constantly elongated shape, which does not allow focusing on distant objects, and in the case of farsightedness (hypermetropia), on the contrary, the eyeball has a compressed shape, thereby not allowing you to see close objects clearly.

Correction of vision with lenses further exacerbates the situation, as it fixes the muscles in one position, violating the natural accommodation. As a result, muscle tension increases and the disease progresses.

Thus glasses and contact lenses are main reason the ongoing deterioration of vision, which they are aimed at combating.

Exercises to restore vision

Using special techniques to relieve tension from the eye muscles in combination with diet and general health improvement of the body, one can significantly improve vision, and in some cases completely overcome many visual defects, including myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

To achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to be conscious of the treatment and carefully follow all the instructions. The main task is to learn how to relieve stress and achieve right level relaxation of the eye muscles. Deep relaxation and relaxation is the key to successful vision restoration.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes is an essential step towards improving vision. The main task of eye exercises is to relieve tension from the eye muscles and bring them into tone. This will significantly speed up the process of treatment and return to normal vision.

Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism consists of four basic exercises that must be performed in the most relaxed state. This is best done while sitting in a chair or sofa.

Exercise #1. As gently as possible and with minimal effort, move your eyes up and down 6 times in each direction. Movements should be as slow and evenly spaced as possible. As you relax, the range of eye movements will increase. Keep it as relaxed and relaxed as possible. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with pauses of 1-2 seconds between repetitions.

Exercise #2. Smoothly move your eyes from side to side 6 times in each direction. No tension. The main task is to relax overstressed muscles, not to increase tension, so eye movement requires a minimum of effort. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 seconds between sets. As you relax, increase the amplitude, while maintaining relaxation and ease.

Exercise #3. Bring your index finger to your eyes at a distance of about 20 cm, focus on it, and then look at a large object that is 3 meters or more away. Then look back at your finger, then focus again on a distant object. Look back and forth 10 times is enough fast pace. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 seconds. This is one of the best exercises to improve accommodation, which should be done as often as you can.

Exercise #4. Move your eyes as gently and slowly as possible in a circle, first in one direction and then in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times for 4 circles in each direction with an interval of 1-2 seconds between cycles, while applying minimal effort.

Before each exercise, you need to relax your eyes by covering them with your palms for a few seconds. If you wear glasses, they should be removed while exercising. If your eyes hurt during the process, stop the exercise and rest. wash your face cold water and palming.

Wellness exercises for the neck

Gymnastics for the neck is an essential step towards restoring vision. due to overvoltage neck muscles, nerves are affected and there are problems with blood supply. Thus, in order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to exclude violations in the spinal system and achieve complete relaxation of the muscles of the back of the neck.

Exercise #1. Take a free standing position, arms relaxed and lowered down. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, then pull back as far as possible, then lower down and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 25 times, making fairly quick circular movements with your shoulders.

Exercise #2. Perform circular movements in the same way, only in the opposite direction. Pull your shoulders back, then lift as high as possible, lower down and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise continuously 25 times.

Exercise #3. Lower your chin to your chest as low as possible, relax your neck as much as possible, then gently raise your head and tilt it back as far as possible. Don't try hard during the process. Repeat the exercise 12 times.

Exercise #4. Gently lower your chin to your chest, then turn your head to the left, tilt back, turn to the right and return to the starting position. All movements should be slow, uniform and with the maximum possible amplitude, but without tension.

Exercise #5. Slowly turn your head to the right, return to the starting position, then turn your head to the left. Turns should be slow, without tension and with maximum amplitude. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Regular exercise helps to relax the muscles of the neck and upper back, improves the flow of blood and nerve energy to the head, normalizes high and low blood pressure, and also has a positive effect on vision and general well-being. Gymnastics for the neck is best done in the morning or in the morning and evening, as well as throughout the day, if necessary.

Eye strain relief exercises

In order to succeed in improving vision, the eyes need to be given a full, consciously secured rest every day, lasting 30-60 minutes to relax all the muscles and tissues surrounding the eyes. For this, there are special exercises:

Covering the eyes with palms (palming)- one of the simplest and most effective exercises for correcting vision, which can be performed almost anywhere and at any time. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position in a chair, armchair, or sofa to feel free and comfortable. Relax as much as possible.
  2. Close your eyes and cover them with your palms so that the middle of the right and left palms are opposite the right and left eyes, respectively, and the fingers are crossed on the forehead. Eliminate any pressure on the eyes.
  3. Get into a comfortable position with your elbows resting on your knees or on a table. The eyes should remain closed and covered with palms.
  4. Relax as much as possible, do not hold your thoughts on something important or serious, think about the good and positive. Try to see as much black as possible. The more black in front of the eyes, the more relaxation and rest they experience.

Schematically it will look like this:

To achieve a good effect, covering the eyes with palms must be performed at least 2-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes at least. It is also recommended to do the exercises in between work when your eyes are tired.

Swinging to the side- very effective exercise for eye strain relief and relaxation. To perform it, stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down along the body. Keeping yourself relaxed and at ease, begin to sway slightly from side to side.

In the process of movement, you can imagine yourself as a pendulum and move in the same measured and slow way. The torso should remain straight and the legs should not bend. If necessary, you can slightly raise the heel without taking your feet off the floor.

It is best to perform the swing while standing by the window. At the same time, the eyes should be relaxed and look without tension at the objects outside the window, “swaying” with you. After a minute, close your eyes and imagine the "movement" of the window as clearly as possible. After a minute, open your eyes again and keep moving, then repeat the exercise again.

Swinging should be performed at least 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. At correct execution it effectively relieves stress from the eyes, and also has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and the nervous system as a whole. It goes without saying that if you wear glasses or contact lenses, they must be removed before doing this exercise.

blinking- A very simple and effective exercise to relieve eye strain. Unfortunately, in many people with visual impairments, the natural process of blinking is disturbed: they blink less often, their eyes become less mobile, and the blinking process itself occurs convulsively, with tension and not regularly.

To improve vision and the condition of the eyes in general, it is necessary to develop the habit of blinking frequently, regularly and in a relaxed manner, thus preventing tension. It is recommended to blink at least 1-2 times every 10 seconds without any effort, regardless of the situation.

sunlight- is very important in the treatment of visual impairment and should be used to the maximum by all patients. However, it is worth using it with care so as not to harm yourself. To do this, follow the main rule - never look at the sun with an unprotected eye, so as not to damage the retina.

There are many ways to restore vision with sunlight. The simplest and most effective is to face the sun, close your eyes and slowly turn your head from side to side so that the rays evenly fall on your eyes. It is recommended to perform this exercise 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes. For safety reasons, it is best to do this in the morning and evening.

You can also rock from side to side while facing the sun. Of course, with closed eyes. Such sunbathing improves blood circulation in the eyes, relaxes muscles and nerves.

In addition, the following exercise is very favorable for improving vision:

  1. Cross the four folded fingers of one hand and place them perpendicular to the other four.
  2. Place your palms over your eyes so that one palm covers one eye, and the other creates a point for a thin ray of the sun to pass into the other eye.
  3. Pass a small beam of light through your fingers and look at it. Adjust the thickness of the beam so that contemplation sunlight was pleasant and did not cause discomfort.
  4. After 1-2 minutes, switch hands to look at the sun with the other eye.

Watching the sun through the hole between your fingers is very careful! Failure to comply with safety precautions can damage the retina of the eye!

Cold watereffective remedy for fast withdrawal tension and increase the tone of the eyes, as well as the muscles and tissues surrounding them. To do this, while washing, close your eyes and do not splash water into them too much. Repeat the procedure 10-20 times, then gently wipe your closed eyes with a towel.

Repeat the procedure every time your eyes are tired, but at least 3 times a day. At the same time, note that the water should be cold, not cool.

Memory and imagination training is an important step towards good eyesight. It is very easy to verify this - we recognize familiar objects much faster than unfamiliar ones, since memory and imagination come to our aid. Therefore, they must be developed in order for the restoration of vision to be successful.

To train your memory and imagination, you can use the following exercise. Carefully consider any small object, its size and shape. Then close your eyes and try to remember everything in the smallest details. Repeat the exercise.

The above exercise should be performed for 5 minutes or more, of course, without glasses or contact lenses. Words or letters from books can also be used as objects. Regular exercise contributes to a significant improvement in vision over time.

Central fixation- a basic exercise that allows you to better see the objects on which you are concentrating your attention. Unfortunately, people with visual impairments are often deprived of this opportunity. Due to the constant overexertion, they see better with peripheral vision than with central vision.

To restore central vision, use the following exercise. Open the book and concentrate all your attention on some line. Next, highlight the word in the center of the line and concentrate on it. After that, close your eyes and imagine that you see this word as clearly and clearly as possible, and imagine all the surrounding words as blurry as possible.

Open your eyes again and repeat the exercise. Perform the central fixation for 5 minutes, each time imagining the central word more and more clearly, and all the surrounding words as blurry as you like.

As your vision improves, move on to shorter words until you can do the exercise on two-letter words, concentrating on one letter. The second letter will be blurry. In this case, we can consider that the central fixation is almost achieved.

Reading– contrary to stereotypes and misconceptions, reading is one of the better ways training the eyes and keeping them active and healthy. Of course, this applies only to those cases where reading occurs without tension. Otherwise, poor vision will only get worse.

To improve eyesight, it is necessary to read without strain. To do this, take a comfortable sitting position, cover your eyes with your hands and relax as much as possible. After a few minutes, take the book and start reading, holding it at the most comfortable reading distance, remembering to blink while reading. As soon as the first signs of fatigue appear, give your eyes a rest. Close them for a few seconds, and if necessary, cover your eyes with your palms (palming).

As your vision improves, gradually change the distance to the book. In the case of myopia, the distance must be increased, and in the case of farsightedness, it must be reduced. If at the moment you have very strong myopia, then you can start reading with one eye, giving preference to the eye that sees worse. As vision improves, it will be possible to start reading with both eyes.

Initially, the duration of reading can be only a few minutes. However, you should not despair. Over time, by mastering the skills of relaxation and relaxation, you will be able to read longer without any effort or tension.

Proper nutrition and diet to improve vision

Improper nutrition is common cause visual impairment with age. In many cases, following a diet alone can significantly improve vision, and in combination with special exercises, completely restore it.

It is impossible to make a universal diet that would suit everyone, so the following are general recommendations for compiling proper diet supply:

  1. Eat only natural food.
  2. Eat more vegetables, fruits and greens (according to the season).
  3. Cook food as little as possible and only when necessary.
  4. Exclude artificial and concentrated food, semi-finished products and canned food.
  5. Minimize, or better yet, completely abandon fried, smoked, fatty, sweet and salty foods.
  6. Avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  7. Minimize your intake of tea, coffee and sugary drinks.
  8. Eat animal products, such as meat, in moderation.
  9. Start your morning with a light breakfast. Fruit and milk are best for this.
  10. Eat small meals, but often. Optimally up to 5-6 times a day.
  11. Each meal should contain foods rich in fiber (see point 2).
  12. Eat dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it should be minimized, and it is better to completely abandon the consumption of everything that is so diligently promoted with the help of means. mass media. Food should be treated as a necessity, not as a means to satisfy our tastes and whims. By changing your relationship with food, you will change your health.

The eyes are a unique organ. Through the eyes, a person receives the maximum amount of information about the world around him. Vision gives us the opportunity to see how beautiful this world is. Some scientists believe that this is an appendage of the brain. According to the state of the vessels of the fundus, the doctor determines the state of the vessels of the brain, which helps to diagnose various diseases.

The eyes are a unique organ that gives us the ability to see how beautiful the world is.

movement eyeballs and vision is controlled by the central and peripheral nervous system: cranial nerves and visual center. Therefore, you should be aware that at run time eye exercises the load occurs not only on the muscles of the eyes, but also on the control centers of the eyes and vision. Overload is not allowed. If you feel tired or dizzy, then physiotherapy for eyes should be terminated.

The set of exercises for the eyes helps to train not only the muscles of the eyes, develop the nerve centers responsible for eye movement and vision, but also strengthen memory, concentration, and develop imaginative thinking. And, of course, improve vision.

Sitting on a chair, hands on the back of the head to fix the head in a stationary state (it is possible on the belt), we maintain our posture. The head is motionless. Eye movements are performed slowly, qualitatively, with maximum amplitude.

one). "We look up and down." Hands on the back of the head. 1- Raise your eyes up, look up, see what is there. 2- Lower your eyes down, look. 4 times.

2). "We look to the right - to the left." 1- Look to the right. 2- Look left. 4 times.

3). 1- Move your eyes to the upper right corner. 2- Move your eyes to the lower left corner. 4 times.

4). 1- Move your eyes to the upper left corner. 2- Move your eyes to the lower right corner. 4 times.

5). "Circles". Circular eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise for 4 circles.

Imagine a small hoop in your field of vision and slowly, evenly move your eyes along it.

6). "We roll the barrel - 1." We train concentration of attention and imaginative thinking.

Imagine a heavy barrel near your feet. Now mentally with your eyes, slowly roll the barrel forward as far as possible. Then do the same, rolling the barrel back towards you. 2 times.

7). "Rolling a barrel - 2". The previous task can be complicated if we imagine that the barrel rolls on an inclined plane: from itself - up the hill, towards itself - from under the hill to the top.

eight). "Squares". Eyes look in the upper right corner.

1- Move your eyes to the lower right corner.

2- Now to the lower left corner.

3- To the top left corner.

4- To the starting position: to the upper right corner.

Let's draw 3 "squares" in one direction and in the other.

9). "Squint." 1- Close your eyes tightly. 2- Open your eyes wide. 6 times.

10). "Eights". The head is motionless, draw figure-eights with eyes in one direction and the other.

eleven). "Point on Glass" On the window glass, attach a dot with a diameter of 2 cm at eye level to look directly at this dot. Stand at such a distance that it is comfortable to look at the point, being as close to it as possible. This distance from the eyes to the point is about 50 cm.

1- Slowly move your gaze from the point to any large object in the yard that is behind the point. It can be a tree, a window of another house, and other objects.

2- Now slowly look back from the object on the street to the point.

Continue doing 3 to 10 minutes daily. This will help strengthen the lens muscles and improve vision.

12). "Painting". Place a picture or photograph in front of you, for example, with views of nature. Take a good look at all the details of the picture. Close your eyes (no need to close your eyes), cover them with your palms and remember everything that you have just considered. We train visual memory and attention.

Exercise "Picture".

thirteen). "Eyes on the spot, head turns." Hands on the belt. Fix your gaze on an object located directly in front of you at eye level.

1- Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left, without taking your eyes off the selected object.

2- We tilt our head forward and then back, our eyes are fixed on the object. 3-4 head movements in each direction

14). "What is around me?". Hands on the belt. Look ahead at the subject. Without moving your eyes from the point chosen in front and without moving your head, try to see with peripheral vision what is on the right, left, above and below.

And this task is for attentiveness: find the head of a person among the coffee beans!

Palming is an exercise to relax the eyes.

Exercises primarily aimed at relaxing the eye muscles. Eye exercises are effective for people who suffer from myopia, astigmatism, and strabismus. Palming really helps to relax the eyes, very effectively relieves stress after a long work at the computer and reading.

Read an article about this on the site "MNTK Eye Microsurgery Cheboksary".

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov explains the causes of visual impairment and the principles for eliminating these disorders. Try restoring your vision with exercise.

Eye exercises you don't have to do everything at once. Divide set of exercises for the eyes into parts and execute them in different time days, so as not to overwork. For example, the exercise "Point on the glass" should be performed separately.

Love and appreciate your eyesight, take care of your eyes, do eye exercises with pleasure to enhance the healing effect.

Our body is more than half consists of water, the lack of fluid in the cells leads to disruption of all systems and organs. It is generally accepted that to prevent dehydration of the body, you should consume at least two liters of fluid per day. However, this norm is acceptable only for people with an average weight, and this is about 70 kg. If your weight exceeds 100 kg, then you already need to drink much more. The body's daily water requirement can be calculated using the following formula:
Daily water requirement in ml = (weight in kg) x 30.

For example, if your weight 56 ​​kg, then daily requirement your body in water is 1680 ml or a little more than one and a half liters. But this does not mean that you need to drink at least 1680 ml of water during the day. This volume includes all the moisture that the body receives by snacking on vegetables, fruits and berries, eating soup or dairy products. In addition, the daily need for water depends on the air temperature, human activity and his diet.

In summer hot days and after strong physical activity our body needs twice as much moisture than at rest and in the absence of heat. This is due to a sharp increase in the evaporation of moisture by the body and the loss of fluid together with sweat. Already with the loss of 1 liter of fluid, a person develops desire drink. If the evaporation and release of liquid exceeds 2 liters - the work of the brain decreases, 3 liters - dizziness, 4 liters - a person faints, he has serious deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system. A person wants to drink not only in the heat, but also after eating salty and fatty foods, for the processing of which a large amount of liquid is consumed.

When we are tormented thirst, we try to satisfy it by taking a sip of cold, kvass or fruit drink. But all cold drinks do not quench thirst. They linger in the stomach for a very long time, which inhibits the entry of mineral salts into the cells, and a decrease in their content causes thirst. In addition, cold drinks contribute to increased performance. sweat glands, which leads to increased loss of moisture and salts that the body needs.

The more trace elements we lose with sweat, the more we are tormented by thirst. Therefore, it is best to replenish the water-salt balance of the body. mineral water, the temperature of which is not lower than 10 degrees. But drink every day medicinal mineral water with a salt content of more than 10g / liter without a doctor's prescription should not be, it has contraindications. For daily thirst quenching, drink only table mineral water with a salt content of not more than 2 grams. per litre. In hot weather, it is best to drink carbonated water, it contains carbon dioxide, which increases salivation and quenches thirst well. But with gastritis and stomach ulcers, carbonated water is contraindicated.

Even though the best means Mineral water is recognized to quench thirst, rarely anyone can do without tea, coffee or fruit juice. But not all of these drinks are healthy. From the use of canned fruit juices, carbonated drinks such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Lemonade and other modern drinks, give up altogether. There is nothing useful in drinks stuffed with preservatives and dyes, and they almost do not quench thirst.

With every sip of sweet carbonated drink, we get a large number of calories and harmful to the body substances that leave a residual sweetness in the mouth, which makes you want to drink it again and again. Therefore, these drinks are produced in 2 liter bottles, after all, a person, having started drinking it, can no longer stop. The result of drinking carbonated drinks is often obesity, allergies, gallstones, metabolic disorders and stomach problems.

Don't forget that in glass soda contains 4 pieces of sugar, and the phosphoric acid contained in it corrodes the walls of the stomach. The thirst-quenching ability of sweet compotes, fruit drinks and sweetened juices is rather low for the same reason. They have a lot of sugar than organic acids and mineral salts, which are necessary to quench thirst. The perfect drink from thirst is green tea.

It is useful to drink it, both hot and cold. form. It is advisable to drink hot green tea with lemon in hot weather. At the beginning of tea drinking, sweat will flow from you, of course, in a stream. But after a while you will feel a pleasant cooling of the body and the absence of thirst. Green tea rich in vitamins and contains biologically active substance, which helps to restore the water-salt balance. Teas with the addition of mint, currant leaves, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, rose petals and cornflowers also help to overcome thirst. Adding sour berries of cranberries, viburnum, cranberries, currants, strawberries and cherries to tea can also greatly improve the quality of the thirst quenching process.

From time immemorial, thirst in Russia was quenched with cold kvass. Real kvass, made according to old recipes, indeed contains many useful enzymes, amino acids and carbon dioxide. It perfectly removes thirst and promotes rapid digestion of food. But at present, it is almost impossible to buy such kvass in a store; all drinks sold under the name kvass are made with the addition of sweeteners, dyes, preservatives and various additives harmful to the body. Therefore, it is best to prepare kvass on your own, homemade kvass of natural fermentation is a pleasant and healthy drink to quench your thirst.

Excellent thirst quencher and all sour-milk beverages, such as kefir, katyk, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt, whey and many others containing organic acids. They are quickly absorbed by the body and help to improve the restoration of water-salt balance. But beer and coffee are harmful to drink in the sultry heat. These drinks only accelerate the removal of fluid from the body and have harmful effect to the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

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How can you quickly quench your thirst? Tea-coffee, wine-beer, water, kvass, soda, juice? What is more valuable to our body?

Whatever tea you prefer, green, black or a mixture of them, it will be a good help in the fight against thirst. It makes no sense to list all the vitamins and useful material contained in this drink, as well as list the countless ailments, in the fight against which tea will help. Let me just remind you that in order to quench your thirst, you will need about a third less tea than water.

No less popular drink than tea. Many people cannot imagine their life without drinking coffee regularly. In Spain, iced coffee is common to combat thirst. Try it, you will like it too.

Beer and wine
Intoxicated drinks during the day, at work, not everyone can afford. And certainly no one will drink them during working hours in quantities corresponding to weather conditions. And in general, alcoholic drinks cannot fight thirst in view of the subsequent manifestations. What do you want in the morning after yesterday's libation? That's it, I'm thirsty. It turns out, drink to drink thirsty? Doesn't it look like a squirrel in a wheel?

The most common, affordable and cheap drink. In any form, it perfectly quenches thirst. Typed from the tap or in a figured plastic bottle - we need water. Water with the content of mineral salts – mineral water – quenches thirst better. But know the measure great content salts, more than 10 grams per liter, turns mineral water into medicine. And not from the heat. The pitfalls of mineral water are carbon dioxide dissolved in it. In principle, it facilitates the fight against thirst, but you cannot call it useful for health. Distilled water is useless in the fight against thirst, and also, contrary to popular belief, ice water. It is delicious and effective to add a little sour juice to the water. For example, lemon.

Definitely worthy of a recommendation. It was thanks to kvass that epidemics did not go around Russia so often. A 20-minute bath in kvass is enough for the death of cholera vibrios and typhoid bacilli. Thanks to amino acids, kvass is an excellent warrior on the battlefield with thirst. One problem: where is he, real kvass? A pop from a bottle with a bright label is a very distant relative of the noble Russian drink. It smells similar, and the taste is somehow familiar. I just don’t understand where the acquaintance comes from and what it looks like.

A consumer product, it is difficult to find another name. Whether it's the famous cola, or the forgotten Pinocchio, the essence does not change. A minimum of natural substances, sugar, dyes and preservatives. A useless, if not harmful, mixture in a beautiful package. Thirst almost does not quench. Moreover, there are persistent rumors that "the Cossack is mishandled"! The presence of certain substances in drinks, on the contrary, increases thirst, which stimulates sales and lightens our wallets.

Natural juices and nectars, of course, can and should be drunk. In order to combat thirst, choose juices that are liquid, without pulp. Better yet, dilute them with water. But, I repeat, natural! Be picky - juices reconstituted from dry concentrate are almost as useless as soda.