My legs are swollen what to do. My legs are very swollen - what to do? Why do my legs swell a lot?

A large number of people suffer from swelling of the legs. To the question "Why are there swelling on the legs?" - there is no unambiguous answer, since the reasons for their appearance are diverse. For example: the accumulation of salts and toxins in the tissues of the kidneys, heart, diseases of the veins, arteries, a large person's weight, a long forced position. Edema is the accumulation of fluid in a particular cavity. In this article, we will look at all the ways to get rid of leg swelling.

The causes of edema on the legs are very diverse.

  • The main reason is venous congestion. Renal edema on the legs appears due to insufficient kidney function, the systemic circulation is overloaded, the kidneys cease to cope with work normally. Toxins accumulate in the blood, water accumulates in the lower leg area, on the eyelids, and dark circles appear. Other reasons: being overweight, uncomfortable shoes, pregnancy, deep vein thrombosis.
  • Heart pathology. With weakness of the heart muscle, blood ceases to circulate in full. Swelling is observed in the lower leg area. If heart failure is not treated, the "water" will rise, first to the level of the knees, thighs, then to the abdomen. In advanced cases, you can easily get pulmonary edema. Therefore, it is important not to start the disease and immediately consult a doctor. Swelling of the legs is the first sign to seek help from a medical organization.
  • Occupational diseases can also be the cause. In this case, they appear from a long stay on their feet during the day, or in one position: sellers, masseurs, pharmacists, farmers, drivers, bank workers.

What edema looks like and what are

  • Venous edema - otherwise called leg edema. They arise due to the weakness of the venous walls, excess or lack of salt (sodium ion) in the body, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis. Varicose edema of the legs appears in the evening, at night;
  • The localization of edema of renal etiology is the face, abdomen, arms and legs;
  • Cardiac edema. They are characterized by the rise of water to the upper body. The patient may die from the accumulation of fluid in the brain, an increase in toxic metabolites in the blood (increased uric acid), cardiac arrest. Water can fill the pericardial sac and thereby stop the heart muscle from working.
  • Localized swelling in the wrist area indicates the presence of kidney or heart disease.

  • Preventive measures include wearing comfortable shoes. If you have a flat sole, you need to buy orthopedic insoles at the pharmacy;
  • People prone to swelling must wear compression stockings before a long walk;
  • Heavy bags need to be redistributed evenly in order to exclude a large load on the muscles and blood vessels of the legs;
  • If swelling nevertheless appeared in the evening, you can raise your shins up, lean on the wall and lie in this position for 5-6 minutes. Pre-grind the place of swelling with your hands;
  • There are more vegetables and fruits, a high content of vitamins, helps to strengthen the walls of the veins.

What to do with leg swelling - treatment methods

Edema can be dangerous to human life, therefore, the article is informative, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

Today the pharmacy has a large assortment of anti-edema products. And only one of them will suit you. To eliminate the underlying disease means to cure its manifestation forever.

Therapists and phlebologists recommend getting rid of leg swelling with a comprehensive treatment. It includes: taking venotonic drugs (Venarus), wearing compression underwear, compliance with preventive measures.

Medication for edema is reduced by taking diuretics: furosemide, lasix. The drug must be prescribed by your doctor.

It is worth noting a very important fact! All stagnant fluid in the body is spent - it is full of toxins and harmful substances that must be removed from the body.

Therefore, during the complex treatment of fluid stagnation, it is very important to take at least two liters of clean water per day.

How to get rid of leg edema with folk remedies

Some traditional methods of treatment help much more slowly than medication, and some give a very quick effect.

  • Soda lotions are such a quick remedy;

Swelling in the feet often begins in the feet where salts and toxins are deposited, causing pain, fatigue, and fluid retention. The best way to get the salts to move is through an acid-base reaction. It is easy to carry out on the feet with the help of night lotions from slaked soda boiling water. Feet, in this case, must be placed in socks soaked in such a solution, and then in plastic bags so that the soda solution does not dry out overnight. In this way, swelling in the feet is eliminated overnight.

  • For stagnant fluid, it is effectively treated with diuretic herbs. To do this, grind bearberry grass, knotweed, birch leaves, dill, lingonberry leaves through a meat grinder ..

Grind one of the medicinal plant materials in a meat grinder. Place in a container and refrigerate. You can add 1-3 tablespoons to tea. Use for no more than two weeks, because herbs can accumulate in the body and cause adverse reactions. You can store the juice in a cool place for a long time - 3 years. The smell should remain the same;

Dried herb also contains medicinal compounds, but in lesser amounts.

Herbs for edema: yarrow, parsley, dill, cornflower flowers, black currant leaves, etc.

  • Most patients, on the advice of doctors, take baths for swelling of the legs. They only help to cope with unpleasant sensations and slightly eliminate bloating. An example of herbal collection: chamomile, birch leaves, mint, it is better to use fresh grass. Make a concentrated hot broth, stir with cold water and steam the shins for 12-15 minutes. For patients with hypotension, heart and kidney failure, foot baths should be taken no more than 2-3 times every seven days;
  • Compresses for leg edema are very common in use. Pour cold water over the cabbage leaf, then fix it in the area of ​​swelling (not too tight) for two hours or overnight (make sure that the limbs are not numb, blood flow is not disturbed). You can also make compresses from raw potatoes, grate 2-3 tubers, mix well, make a compress. After completing the procedure, rinse the skin of the legs.

Even simple parsley can help relieve leg swelling. Make a decoction of parsley and drink as tea 3-2 times a day. Contraindications: cardiac renal failure. It has a diuretic effect.

How to remove swelling in your legs with simple anti-swelling exercises

The following exercises help with stagnant fluid in the legs:

  • Stretching the back of the legs, namely the gastrocnemius muscle, by raising the feet on the wall, makes the stagnant lymph move upward;
  • Squats are a great way to eliminate leg swelling;
  • Diaphragmatic breathing is ideal for eliminating fluid stagnation and its absolute absence. For those who breathe differently, it is recommended to specially breathe with the stomach for 10 minutes a day in the morning and in the evening.

Physiotherapy exercises are good for reducing swelling in the legs.

  • Lie on your back, raise your straightened legs above you, lower them to their original position. Repeat 6-7 times;
  • Jump not high and often for 1 minute, hitting the heels on the floor;
  • Jogging (useful for all vessels);
  • Stand up like a "dog", raise your leg back, then touch your knee with your forehead, put it in its original position;
  • Lie on your stomach, unbend and bend your knee joints;
  • It is also helpful to put your shins upright on the wall at night for 10 minutes.

Regular yoga practice helps well against swelling of the legs. Here is an approximate set of asanas for leg edema:

Yoga asanas against leg edema.

Massage for swelling of the legs

For swelling of the legs, kinesitherapists strongly recommend massage. The work of certain muscle groups drives water to the vessels, during training, the fluid is absorbed back into the bloodstream, and excreted through the kidneys. Contraindications renal failure, blood clots of different etiology, infection, skin wounds.

General massage for swelling of the legs. All tricks are done in 1-2 minutes.

  • Apply oil (any vegetable oil) to your hands, warm it up by rubbing the area from heel to knee, first with your palm, then with your fist;
  • Pinch gently;
  • Twist, as if squeezing a rag;
  • Pat.

Massaging the foot can relieve swelling of the sole of the entire foot.

How to quickly remove swelling on the legs with medications

They cope with the cause of the disease so much that they help reduce the manifestation of edema of the legs, medications.

Diuretics for leg edema have a different chemical structure. The choice of the correct drug depends on the form and severity of the disease.

  • Loop diuretics are the strongest drugs. They have a fast and powerful effect. Class representatives: furosemide, lasix. They are available in ampoules and tablets. Often used in emergencies. Medicines inhibit the absorption of sodium, chlorine and calcium ions, as a result of which bloating decreases. The drug reduces the function of the Gentle loop. Drugs in this class are used for bloating of various etiologies.
  • Thiazide. Mechanism: absorption of sodium, water and chlorine decreases, a lot of potassium is released from cells. A lot of calcium appears in the blood, which is very good for patients with osteoporosis. Contraindications: hypokalemia, heart failure, gout, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, gastritis, metabolic alkalosis. With swelling of the legs, doctors often prescribe hypothiazide tablets.
  • Diuretic, potassium-sparing diuretics for leg edema have no less pronounced effect, they are indispensable helpers in heart failure and hypokalemia. These include: veroshpiron (spirolactone), amiloride. They help to eliminate puffiness on the legs, diuretics of this group act slowly, preserve potassium in the body.
  • Osmotic diuretics. Mechanism of action: drugs transfer water from soft tissues back to blood plasma (vessels), increase blood pressure. Cannot be used for high blood pressure, dehydration, renal and heart failure and other diseases. See instructions. Group representative: mannitol. To relieve swelling of the legs, you need to drink drugs of this group once a day.

Pills for leg swelling help well: furosemide, mannitol. But only a doctor can prescribe, based on laboratory tests.

IMPORTANT! The medicine for edema of the legs is selected only by a doctor.

Tablets lasix and furosemide for leg edema are prescribed for people with an advanced form of the disease.

All medicines for leg edema must be combined with basic drugs (antibiotics, cardiac glycosides ..)

How to relieve swelling in your legs quickly: give an intravenous injection of furosemide.

The drug Mannitol for leg edema has many contraindications, self-treatment can ruin your health even more.

  • Ointments for edema of the legs are made on a hydrophobic basis, gels, of course, are more effective, since they are created from a fine dispersion medium. Through the pores of the skin penetrate easier and faster, the effect occurs in an hour or two hours. Ointments: troxevasin, heparin, lioton, venitan - from horse chestnut lars. The main component is escuzan. Creams are in third place in terms of effectiveness, so we will not consider them in the article.

How to relieve leg swelling in pregnant women

Obstetricians - gynecologists are involved in the treatment of edema in pregnant women. They often prescribe herbal remedies and advice on how to avoid swelling.

Edema in pregnant women is a fairly common reason to go to the hospital. For pregnant women, the presence of edema is determined as follows: put a woman on a couch, press hard on the place of swelling. If there is swelling, a fossa remains. In healthy people, the skin immediately rises into place. To remove excess fluid, you should take a sachet of staminate orthosiphon, pour boiling water over it, and drink it twice a day, no more than a week. Be sure to drink any diuretics only as directed by a doctor. Since microelements useful for the fetus are excreted along with the urine: calcium, magnesium, potassium.

If you drink diuretics for a long time during pregnancy, a woman runs the risk of losing her teeth in a year, or the baby may be born very weak.

It is important with a course of diuretics to make yourself a vitamin salad from: dried apricots, raisins, prunes. At the same time, it is not recommended to drink complex vitamins.

Dill seeds during pregnancy should be drunk very carefully, the broth removes, like all diuretics, a lot of vitamins and useful microelements. It is prohibited without a doctor's recommendation.

Puffiness of the lower leg is not only discomfort, pain, but also a prominent defect that repels interesting looks. To cope with edema forever is possible only by eliminating the main cause of the underlying disease. Attempts without observing this rule are as effective as "water through a colander" and only useless treatment.

Often in the evening, the legs swell, there is heaviness, pain appears in the ankle area - such signs can signal fatigue, or serious problems with the kidneys and heart.

Legs may swell due to kidney and heart problems

Why do my legs swell?

A slight swelling at the bottom of the legs appears in the evening even in absolutely healthy people, if you throw your feet back on the wall, let them rest for 15–20 minutes, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. But sometimes the cause of discomfort can be errors in nutrition, lifestyle, and other factors.

Why the lower limbs swell:

  • narrow shoes, shoes with very high heels:
  • passion for salty food, alcoholic beverages;
  • hot weather - in order to avoid an increase in body temperature, the body activates the process of expansion of peripheral vessels, which leads to a violation of the microcirculation of fluid;
  • a large amount of fluid, swollen legs may also indicate dehydration, starvation;
  • excess weight;
  • pastiness is diagnosed in wheelchair users, occurs during sedentary work, excessive physical exertion, increased intra-abdominal pressure against the background of frequent constipation, after surgery;
  • allergies, poisoning - puffiness develops against the background of intoxication of the body with allergens or toxic substances, the feet become red, may turn pale, acquire a bluish tint;
  • PMS - swelling of the calves occurs due to a decrease in the level of progestins.

Severe swelling of the legs is a sign of a snake or insect bite, the affected area should not be combed, rubbed, in order to avoid the spread of poison throughout the body. First aid - cold compress, immediate medical attention.

The accumulation of fluid in the leg is the result of prolonged use of glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, antihypertensive drugs. In men, the cause of the development of pathology may be drugs for the treatment of impotence and diseases of the reproductive system, obesity.

Swelling of the ankles during pregnancy occurs in almost all women, the main reason is hormonal changes in the body, the uterus increases in size, begins to squeeze the pelvic veins. But if the limbs swell up strongly in the later stages, this may be a manifestation of preeclampsia. Dangerous pathology is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms - hypertension, severe headaches, convulsive conditions, nausea and vomiting.

To independently identify edema, you need to press on the area of ​​the foot, wait a few seconds - if a fossa appears that does not immediately disappear, we can talk about the presence of a problem. The various stages of pathology can be seen in the photo.

Swelling of the feet due to tight shoes

Ankle swelling is common during pregnancy

Swelling due to accumulated fluid in the leg

Swelling of the legs, as a sign of serious illness

If the swelling appears regularly, does not disappear after rest, is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, the skin is redder and itches, this may indicate the presence of problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system, kidneys, heart, venous insufficiency, problems often arise in old age.

For what diseases there is swelling of the extremities:

  1. Varicose veins, venous thrombosis, circulatory system disorders- edema is located asymmetrically, affects the area from the knee to the foot, fingers, accompanied by heaviness, pain, cyanosis of the lower leg, intensifies in the evening, as the disease progresses, the venous nodes become more and more noticeable.
  2. - against the background of the inflammatory process in the vein, a burning sensation occurs, the affected area hurts, there is a feeling of tingling, numbness, the skin becomes red, swelling can be located in the upper thigh, lower leg.
  3. Heart failure- if you press on the skin in the ankle area, the fossa does not disappear for a long time, the pain in the legs is intense in the evening, subsides in the morning, the edema is located below the knees.
    Additional signs are shortness of breath, increased arterial parameters, discomfort in the thoracic region, increased fatigue.
  4. Renal pathology- the legs swell from the back in the morning only during an exacerbation of the disease, the skin becomes pale, the disease is accompanied by swelling of the face, pain in the lumbar region, insomnia.
  5. Thyroid disorders- edema is characterized by increased elasticity, there is a change in complexion.
  6. Infectious processes in the body, the provocateurs of edema are often staphylococcal and streptococcal pathologies - tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, boils, carbuncles. Puffiness is characteristic of rheumatism, erysipelas, osteomyelitis, accompanied by pain on the rise, in the joints, diseases occur against a background of fever, weakness, and deterioration of the general condition.
  7. The initial stage of diabetes mellitus- puffiness is accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin, red symmetrical spots appear on the legs.
  8. Articular pathologies- arthritis, arthrosis are accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin around the joints, most often the disease affects the fingers and knees, accompanied by a local or general increase in temperature, stiffness of movements.
  9. Lymphedema - swelling of one or both feet on the back side, lower leg, thigh, edema at the initial stage is mild, gradually acquires a denser consistency. The disease can be congenital or acquired in nature, often develops with cancer of the vagina, prostate, ovaries due to malfunctioning of the lymph nodes, during radiation therapy, after surgery to remove regional lymph nodes.

Often the legs are swollen due to thrombophlebitis

Injuries, bruises, fractures, sprains are characterized by edema, which rapidly increases, accompanied by severe and acute pain, hematomas. Legs swell with hepatitis B, liver failure, polycystic liver disease, displacement of the vertebrae.

With thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, injuries, diseases of the knee or hip joint, osteomyelitis, after removal of the lymph nodes in the groin area, the swelling is unilateral, covers the left or right leg. With venous insufficiency, cardiac and renal pathologies, problems arise on both legs at the same time.

In children, leg edema most often appears due to flat feet, obesity, glomerulonephritis.

Which doctor should I go to?

If swelling appears regularly, accompanied by pain, redness or blue skin, itching, a general deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to start. After examination, collection of anamnesis, primary diagnosis may be required, nephrologist, infectious disease specialist.


Since there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of puffiness of the lower extremities, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination - this will help to start the correct treatment in a timely manner.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • general blood test - shows the presence of inflammatory, infectious processes in the body;
  • analysis for sugar, blood clotting;
  • hormonal blood tests to identify problems with the thyroid gland;
  • general urine analysis - allows you to see problems in the work of the kidneys;
  • Doppler ultrasound - allows you to see congestion in the lower extremities;
  • duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity;
  • ECG, ECHO-cardiography.

If the edema appears as a result of a fall or blow, it is necessary to visit the nearest emergency room, take an X-ray to exclude the presence of a fracture.

ECHO cardiography helps to know the condition of the heart

What can be done at home

The tactics of treating puffiness of the extremities depends on the cause of the development of the pathology, therapy is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and the underlying disease. If the legs swell infrequently, then you can use traditional medicine recipes to alleviate the condition.

Drug treatment

The drug treatment regimen is drawn up by a specialist after receiving the test results, if the underlying disease is eliminated, then the swelling of the extremities will gradually disappear.

How to treat:

  • diuretics - Indapamide, Furosemide, in addition, it is necessary to take Panangin or other drugs with potassium;
  • cardioprotectors - Felodipine, Sotalol, Lipin, funds must be taken to improve myocardial contraction;
  • phlebotonics in the form of tablets and ointments - Troxevasin, Phlebodia, heparin ointment, Lioton, Hepatrombin;
  • anticoagulants - Heparin, Lepirudin;
  • polyenzyme preparations based on plant and animal enzymes - Wobenzym, Phlogenzym, eliminate inflammation in thrombophlebitis;
  • blood thinners - Aspirin, Cardiomagnet, prevent the appearance of congestion, reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • antibiotics - Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, are prescribed for the infectious origin of thrombophlebitis;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Ortofen, Nurofen, necessary for the treatment of rheumatism;
  • hormonal drugs - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, help to quickly eliminate the manifestations of rheumatism.

Dexamethasone is a hormonal agent

Additionally, it is imperative to wear compression underwear, regularly perform a complex of therapeutic exercises, drink correctly, and review the daily routine.

The best and most effective method of treating chronic lymphatic edema is pressotherapy.

How to reduce swelling with folk remedies

With the help of alternative medicine, you can get rid of edema - they have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, but in case of serious diseases, they must be taken in combination with drugs.

Simple recipes:

  1. Infusion of linden blossom, juniper, mint - brew like regular tea, drink on an empty stomach.
  2. Do the wrap with birch, lingonberry, cabbage leaves, in the presence of inflammatory processes, they can be preliminarily greased with honey. You can keep such compresses all night.
  3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds 500 ml of water, simmer the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour, leave for an hour in a sealed container. Drink 100 ml of the medicine 4 times a day for 5-7 days.
  4. For kidney problems, rheumatism, 1 tbsp. l. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over chopped dry beans, leave for an hour, drain. Drink 50 ml three times a day.
  5. Hot or cold foot baths with the addition of ordinary, sea salt, decoction of birch leaves, chamomile, mint.
  6. If the bones near the big toes stick out strongly, they should be regularly lubricated with iodine, honey, and compresses from raw grated potatoes should be applied every day for 15 minutes.

Compresses with cabbage leaves and honey reduce puffiness

To prevent swelling of the legs, it is necessary to consume at least 400 mg of magnesium per day daily. Fresh pumpkin or grape juice, lingonberry juice, rosehip infusion, tea with milk copes well with puffiness.

Swollen legs - why is it dangerous?

If you constantly ignore the severe swelling of the limbs, then the problem will begin to worsen, which will cause serious complications.

The consequences of puffiness:

  • heart attack, stroke;
  • chronic renal and hepatic failure;
  • ulcers, gangrene, amputation of limbs.

With an advanced form of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot can come off at any time, clog an important artery - in such cases, doctors rarely manage to provide timely assistance, since the process develops very quickly.

Frequent swelling of the legs can cause a heart attack


Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle are the main methods of preventing the appearance of leg edema.

How to avoid swelling of the lower extremities:

  • regularly go in for sports - swimming, water aerobics, yoga improve the condition of the venous and lymphatic systems;
  • take long walks every day, climb stairs on foot;
  • take a contrast shower, do foot baths;
  • wear comfortable shoes, compression underwear;
  • walk barefoot more often, massage feet, shins;
  • limit the daily intake of salt to 1.5 g, liquid - to 0.6-1.5 liters;
  • canned food, salted fish, sausages, cheese should be excluded from the diet.

Soak your feet periodically

It is not recommended to regularly wear shoes with a heel of more than 5–6 cm, otherwise the tone and contractility of the calf muscles decrease, which provokes the appearance of severe edema in the evening. If it is not possible to change shoes, it is necessary to periodically roll barefoot from toe to heel and back.

Swelling on the legs is only an unpleasant sensation in the limbs, but also a sign of various diseases of the internal organs. If discomfort rarely appears, folk remedies, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle will help to cope with it. But if the feet, shins are poured often, it is necessary to visit a doctor to establish the cause of the onset of symptoms.

Swelling of the legs, namely the feet and ankles, is common and usually not cause for concern, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet. But if the swelling does not go away overnight or is accompanied by other symptoms, then this may be due to serious health problems.

Complications during pregnancy

During pregnancy, leg swelling can be both a normal variant and a sign of serious pathology.

In general, some leg swelling is normal during pregnancy. But a sudden and rapidly increasing edema (and not only on the legs, but also on the hands, face, etc.) can be a sign of preeclampsia. This dangerous condition is characterized by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine in the second half of pregnancy. If you feel unwell against the background of sudden significant swelling, then immediately call an ambulance or by other means (by taxi, with relatives) go to the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

Leg injuries

The legs may swell after injury, such as a sprained ankle. To reduce swelling, try not to step on the injured leg. Apply an ice pack to the injured limb and wrap it in an elastic bandage. Elevate your leg with a chair, pillow, or other available means. And see your doctor as soon as possible.


This condition occurs when the lymph fluid in the tissues stagnates and develops due to problems with the lymphatic vessels or after removal of the lymph nodes. Without proper treatment, lymph accumulations can slow the healing of skin blemishes and even contribute to infection of wounds and ulcers. Lymphatic edema often occurs after radiation therapy or removal of lymph nodes in patients with cancer.

Venous insufficiency

Swelling of the legs can be an early symptom. This is a condition in which the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities to the heart is impaired. Chronic venous insufficiency can lead to skin changes and ulcers. If you find yourself showing signs of venous insufficiency (especially at the end of the working day, enlarged and twisted veins), see your doctor.

There are several completely safe methods that can alleviate the condition even before finding out the true causes of the swelling of the legs.

10 easy ways that are great for getting rid of swelling on your feet

1. Multivitamins and supplements with magnesium

Swelling can develop with. This problem can be solved simply by replenishing its stocks with the help of dietary supplements and medications. It is recommended to take 200 mg of magnesium twice a day. Be sure to check with your doctor if you are pregnant. Often, taking magnesium is enough to get rid of leg swelling in pregnant women.

2. Do yoga

Exercise improves blood circulation, and yoga is a great way to restore and speed up blood circulation. If you are new to this business, then do not hesitate to ask the instructor for help. He will show you how to do the exercises correctly, and possibly suggest additional positions to help cope with swelling.

3. Use a foot tonic

At first, it may seem strange that an ordinary tonic, which is diluted with alcohol, is quite capable of relieving swelling on the legs. Immerse your feet in a container of room temperature mineral water. You can also use cold liquid if you don't feel any discomfort. The quinine and bubbles in the baking soda will reduce puffiness and bring a sense of bliss to your exhausted legs.

4. Take a fragrant bath

A warm bath with a few drops of grapefruit essential oil will soothe the body and mind and help relieve swelling. If you prefer to shower, use a foot and leg massage. Dilute a few drops of grapefruit oil with sweet almond or olive oil and rub in a circular, smooth motion into problem areas.

5. Epsom salt

Adding a good dose of Epsom salts to your bath will enhance the effect of your water treatments. You can simply submerge your feet in a bowl of saline. If your legs are swollen up to the knees, this method is perhaps the best choice to relieve your condition.

6. Pamper yourself with a massage

A foot massage will help reduce the severity of edema.

A competent massage therapist can do wonders for leg swelling. Do not hesitate to mention your concerns during your next session so that the doctor can properly work on your lower limbs. A high-quality massage will improve microcirculation, help the veins cope with blood stasis and simply cheer you up.

7. Try compression therapy

Use compression tights and stockings to prevent leg swelling and maintain venous tone. They are not easy to put on, as they are quite tight to the body, but they can really make a difference for the better with regular use.

8. Raise your legs

Standing firmly on your feet is good, but not in your case when it comes to swelling of the lower extremities. Try to elevate your legs at every opportunity. Lying on the couch in the evening, put some pillows. Ideally, the legs should be above the level of the heart.

9. Swim more

Swimming and bathing is a great solution to reduce swelling in the lower extremities. The pressure of the water prevents the expansion of blood vessels and prevents swelling of the legs. Plus, it's a great opportunity for your feet to take a break from the constant gravity of the earth. Walk through the local gyms, for sure you will be able to find the best option that suits you in terms of price and quality of services.

10. Drink more

Too much salt in the body aggravates the problem of puffiness. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will help remove salt and prevent the body from thinking that a drought has come and every drop of water needs to be stored. Another great way to combine business with pleasure is to make a cucumber and lemon drink. Add a couple of lemon slices and cucumber circles to a glass of plain water, wait a couple of minutes and enjoy!

Which doctor to contact

If edema develops, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner who will determine their cause. Depending on the identified disease or condition, it is necessary to consult a vascular surgeon and phlebologist, cardiologist. During pregnancy, you should consult with an observing gynecologist, and in case of sprains or other injury - with a traumatologist. A massage therapist will assist in the treatment.

In the morning you put on your favorite shoes, and by the evening they start to squeeze you hard and cause you discomfort? It's all to blame for swelling of the legs - a fairly common phenomenon these days. Such symptoms can be a consequence of the onset of the development of a wide variety of diseases. The main thing is to figure out what is the cause of edema and how to choose the right treatment?

Tight, well-groomed legs are an invariable attribute of feminine charm and attractiveness. However, systematic swelling of the feet can severely "wet" the idyllic look of your feet ...

Diagnostic algorithm: why legs swell

The brilliant Coco Chanel stated: "Nothing ages a woman like an overly expensive suit, and makes her younger than a light, impetuous gait." And you can't argue with that! How it hurts to tears (in the literal sense of the word) when graceful shoes by the evening turn into real chains that do not allow you to step a step. Almost every woman encounters similar unpleasant symptoms in her life. And if earlier the swelling of the legs bothered more often women of mature age, now the ailment overtakes young women. So what is the cause of leg swelling?

As you know, humans are about 70% water. About 2/3 of the total volume of fluid is inside the cells, 1/3 - in the intercellular space. An increase in the volume fraction of the latter is called edema.

In principle, if everything is in order with health, then the body independently regulates and removes fluid. First of all, due to the venous system. The reasons why the legs swell can be different - in fact, the method of treating edema depends on this.

There are times when no treatment is needed at all. For example, fluid stagnation in the legs and, as a result, the formation of edema, can be caused by prolonged static stress: a flight in an airplane, a long sitting position (in a car, on a train, in a queue) or standing on your feet. As a rule, after rest, the swelling of the legs goes away on its own. This variant of leg edema occurs in all people in certain life situations and no treatment is required in this case. But if the legs swell regularly and for a long time, then this is a good reason to see a doctor.

Swelling of the legs can be a symptom of various diseases:

  • The cause of leg swelling is heart problems. As a rule, "cardiac" edema is always symmetrical. They appear in the evening and disappear after sleep. They start from the ankles, gradually capturing the area of ​​the lower leg and thigh. The skin in the area of ​​edema is taut, cold to the touch, pale cyanotic. If swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, as well as muscle weakness and pain in the right hypochondrium, urgently see a cardiologist.
  • The cause of leg swelling is kidney problems. In this case, swelling in the legs appears against the background of lower back pain. And they are accompanied by a change in the color of urine, edema on the face in the eye area. It is better not to postpone the visit to the nephrologist.
  • The reason why the legs swell is a violation of the lymphatic outflow (lymphedema). The edema is dense, occurs in the evening and does not go away in the morning. First, the ankle joint is affected, then the lower leg, and sometimes the knee. Then the other leg also swells, but not so pronounced. You should not delay visiting a phlebologist. Elephantiasis is the last stage of the disease.
  • The cause of leg edema is premenstrual syndrome. In women, slight swelling of the legs may appear in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They are associated with hormonal imbalance and disappear after the end of the critical days. As a rule, the feet and legs swell. It is better to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  • The cause of edema is pregnancy. Swelling of the legs often appears late in pregnancy (after 30 weeks). First, the feet and legs swell, then the process rises higher. Swelling of the lower extremities can also develop with nephropathy of pregnant women (kidney pathology). As a rule, this is accompanied by an increased content of protein in the urine and arterial hypertension. Treatment methods are decided in conjunction with the attending gynecologist.
  • The cause of puffiness is a violation of venous outflow. The swelling is usually mild to moderate. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a trace from a golf gum or socks and captures the shin and foot. If there are also vascular "stars" on the legs, then this may indicate the beginning of varicose veins. Only a phlebologist can prescribe treatment in time to prevent the process from progressing.

Moscow doctors conducted research and found that various vein diseases are inherent in 62% of employees who spend whole days sitting in offices, while about 70% of them are women.

Feet to hand: treatment of leg edema

The first thing to do when your legs are swollen is to give them rest. And it is best to hold it upright. There is so-called postural drainage, when blood and lymph, under its own weight, swells from swollen legs.

Before you start fighting leg swelling, you need to understand that swelling is just one of the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to solve the problem, but only as part of the comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease under the supervision of a doctor. Modern medicine today has a fairly wide range of methods of treatment and prevention of diseases that cause swelling of the legs.

  • 1 Ointments and gels. These are the so-called venotonics, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood flow. The most effective drugs are sodium heparin. They improve blood microcirculation, activate tissue metabolism, eliminating fluid stagnation. These products are also good to use when flying and on vacation in hot countries to relieve fatigue and swelling from long trips and high temperatures.
  • 2 Compression jersey. This includes special knee-highs and tights. Prophylactic compression garments can be worn without a doctor's recommendation. It is suitable for healthy people who have to stand or sit for a long time. But the medical jersey for the already existing problem of leg edema is selected by the doctor strictly individually for a particular person, based on the parameters of the leg. The products can only be purchased at pharmacies.
  • 3 Diuretics and herbal preparations. Any funds should be selected only by a doctor. Some diuretics have a quick effect, but together with fluids, they promote the elimination of potassium from the body, which can negatively affect the work of the heart. And taking a number of herbal infusions can provoke a sharp jump in blood pressure. In addition, diuretics do not need to be drunk before bedtime, the effect of taking the drug will reach its maximum at night and can cause insomnia. Treatment with diuretic herbs should be course. In no case should you apply the fees constantly, it can lead to addiction and even cause dehydration.
  • 4 Leg pressotherapy or instrumental lymphatic drainage massage. This is both a health and beauty procedure that restores the balance of fluid in the legs, normalizes lymph flow, relieves swelling of any origin and fatigue, and also helps to remove excess adipose tissue in the legs. Contraindications: pregnancy (from the 4th month), renal failure, malignant tumors, lesions of small and large vessels in diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, the onset of the menstrual cycle.
  • The most useful loads for systematic leg edema are water sports, first of all, water aerobics: on the one hand, a person moves a lot, getting good physical activity, on the other hand, water puts pressure on the skin, preventing the vessels from expanding and the legs to swell. Dynamic sports such as running, skiing, cycling, skating, and even simple walking help prevent swelling.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the legs. Massage your feet daily with your hands or with a hard towel from the toes up. After the massage, you need to lubricate the skin with a special foot cream.

Excessive passion for strength exercises with weight lifting is contraindicated in people prone to leg swelling. During such exercises, the abdominal muscles contract, while the intra-abdominal pressure increases, passing to the inferior vena cava, which collects blood from the pelvis and lower extremities. This leads to a deterioration in blood flow. If you really want to lift the barbell, then you need to do it wearing compression hosiery.

Beauty without sacrifice. And no swelling on the legs!

Preventing leg swelling is the best way to treat it. Do you want to have a flying gait? Then start acting now:

  • never sit cross-legged
  • it is better if you do most of the housework while sitting with your feet on the chair next to it
  • while sleeping, place a roller or pillow under your feet
  • rinse your feet with cold water after a shower
  • keep track of your weight, reduce the intake of salt in your diet, as well as fried, smoked food and alcohol, give up sweet carbonated water;
  • take vitamins B, C, E. They strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation
  • if you have to sit at the table for a long time, then get up every 25-30 minutes to walk, stretch your tired legs, perform several exercises (for example, roll the ball with your foot)
  • move more. Hiking is the best way to avoid leg swelling. Do not stand on the escalator, but climb up on foot;
  • quit smoking - tobacco destroys not only the lungs, but also collagen, which is the main part of the structure of the walls of blood vessels;
  • choose the right clothes, follow not only fashion trends, but also common sense - tight tights, socks and shoes impede blood flow;
  • change your shoes throughout the day, especially if you are wearing high heels;
  • give your feet a rest during the day - take off your shoes, massage your feet, rotate them with them, pull the socks away from you and towards you.

Heels of 7 and 10 cm look about the same to the eye. But shoes that lift you just 7 cm off the ground do much less harm than shoes with heels of 8 cm or more.

Homemade recipes for leg edema

The problem of swollen legs did not appear yesterday. Over the centuries, traditional medicine has accumulated a huge number of useful and effective recipes for how to get rid of this problem. The main thing is that the products are based on exclusively natural ingredients.

Herbal infusions and medicinal drinks

  • From the leaves of white birch: 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of leaves insist in 500 ml of boiling water, drink half a glass of liquid up to five times a day.
  • From parsley: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of parsley with 2 cups of boiling water, drink a tablespoon during the day.
  • From flax: take 4 tbsp. l. flaxseed in 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cover the pan and put in a warm place. Let it brew for 1 hour. You do not need to filter. Add lemon or other fruit juice for flavor. Drink 1/2 cup every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. Better to drink the infusion hot. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  • Mix 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed carrot juice, cucumber juice and juice of 1 medium lemon. Divide the drink into 3 doses and drink 3 times a day, diluting the portion by half with warm boiled water.
Baths, compresses, rubbing
  • Take 50 g of chamomile flowers and pour one liter of boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours in a warm place, strain. Cool the infusion to 36 degrees and immerse your feet in it for 25 minutes.
  • To prepare the broth, peel and knead a large head of garlic, pour 500 ml of hot water and bring to a boil, remove from heat and let the broth infuse until the water becomes warm. Rinse your feet with broth, and then rub into the calves and soles.
  • Mix equal amounts of olive and camphor oil, lubricate your feet with this composition, rub well with massaging movements from toes to knees. Then wrap each leg with a cotton cloth and then a woolen shawl (scarf, shawl) and leave that way overnight. Do this procedure every day for a month.
  • Grate a couple of raw potato tubers on a fine grater and put potato gruel on the swelling, fix with a bandage on top. Hold it until your feet feel good. Remember the large leaves of white cabbage in your hands, put it on your leg. From the outside, it should look as if you were "bandaging" the feet and ankles with cabbage leaves. Secure the cabbage compress with gauze or bandage. The compress can be left overnight.

Swelling of the legs can be observed in any person. Often, such a state is preceded by excessive loads. It can be a long standing position, long walking. Puffiness is caused by wearing tight clothes, uncomfortable shoes that constrict blood vessels. But sometimes a similar problem is a symptom of various ailments. And in some cases, they are quite serious. Therefore, we will consider, if the legs are very swollen, what to do with such manifestations.

Main reasons

Why do my legs swell a lot? Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. Doctors identify many different reasons that lead to swelling of the lower extremities. Among them, harmless sources occupy a special place. As a rule, they are associated with wrong habits, negative lifestyle. In this case, it is easy to understand if a person's legs are very swollen, what to do. Just fix your lifestyle.

The main causes of leg swelling are:

  1. Improper nutrition. According to statistics, this is the main source of the unpleasant condition. An unbalanced diet leads to fluid retention in the body.
  2. Eating a lot of salt. It retains fluid in the body. The heart does not have time to cope with such a load. As a result, blood stagnation occurs. As a rule, it is in the lower limbs.
  3. Long-term or excessive loads. Swelling can be provoked by being in an uncomfortable position, long walking. Any stress on the legs, especially for an unfamiliar person, can cause an unpleasant effect.
  4. Overweight. It is much more difficult for the heart of such people to push blood through the fatty tissue.
  5. Age-related changes. Often, there is severe swelling of the legs in older people. With age, blood vessels lose their elasticity. In addition, such individuals can be diagnosed with pathologies that can also cause swelling.

Systemic causes

Sometimes completely different sources provoke severe swelling of the legs. The reasons can be hidden in pathologies developing in the body. Only a specialist can determine what caused this symptomatology. Therefore, people who observe systematic swelling are advised to definitely go to the doctor. Only a doctor can recommend, if the legs become very swollen, what to do in such a situation.

Among the diseases that can provoke this situation, the following are distinguished:

  1. Varicose veins... Swelling of the extremities is the initial stage of pathology. Often this condition is observed in the evening. In this case, the patient experiences a feeling of heaviness, pain, numbness, fatigue.
  2. Heart failure. With such a pathology, puffiness is observed in the evening, since the heart “gets tired” of pumping blood during the day. In the morning, this symptomatology practically does not occur. Puffiness may be accompanied by a bluish tinge to the legs. Shortness of breath is observed, blood pressure rises. Typically, patients experience heart pain. In addition, they are prone to fatigue. Sometimes the legs and feet swell a lot. In some cases, only the fingers are affected. It depends entirely on the heart. Rather, on how much the organ does not cope with its function.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. This is an ailment in which blood clots form in the lumen of the veins. Swelling of the legs is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: tingling, numbness, "crawling creeps." With an ailment, an increase in temperature may be observed. Inaction can lead to pulmonary embolism. In other words, the blood clot can come off and block the vein. The result will be death.
  4. Renal pathology. As a rule, swelling is observed on both legs. In this case, mainly the back side suffers. The patient does not experience itching, pain. Dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids may indicate problems with the kidneys. The color of urine changes, a decrease in its amount is observed. In addition, edema is observed not only in the evening, when the legs are tired. Unpleasant symptoms appear in the morning.
  5. Thyroid ailments. Such pathologies can also cause swelling of the legs. As a rule, this symptom is accompanied by lethargy, chilliness, drowsiness, and a tendency to constipation. There may be swelling of the shoulders, tongue.
  6. Diseases of the liver. Unpleasant symptoms are often provoked by cirrhosis. In this case, the patient may experience: jaundice, exhaustion, accumulation of fluid in the body cavities, itching.

Local sources of swelling

Some disorders can cause severe swelling of the legs. The reasons are hidden in a wide variety of pathologies:

  • injuries, fractures, bruises;
  • allergic reactions;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • cellulite;
  • snake and insect bites.

Swelling during pregnancy

Almost all women who are preparing to become mothers face a similar problem. The question arises: if the legs are swollen during pregnancy, what to do? Initially, you should determine the reason for which this symptomatology is observed. Indeed, most often, swelling is caused by physiological changes and is temporary.

Severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Enlargement of the uterus... The growing organ compresses the veins located in the pelvis. This leads to impaired blood flow. As a result, there is swelling of the legs. As a rule, with a horizontal position, the uterus ceases to press on organs and blood vessels. The swelling passes quickly enough.
  2. Change in nutrition. Very often, pregnant women abuse salty foods. After all, they are simply drawn to salty. To eliminate such symptoms, you should limit the use of table salt.
  3. Gestosis in the 2nd half of pregnancy. This is a rather unpleasant reason. A woman may experience increased blood pressure, headache. With this pathology, not only the legs, but also the hands and face swell. In this situation, the expectant mother requires adequate hospital treatment.

Despite the fact that most often the culprit of this symptomatology is a physiological cause, it is imperative to consult a doctor if a woman noticed that her legs are swollen during pregnancy. What to do in such a situation, only the doctor will say.

It is strictly forbidden to resort to diuretics without the appointment of a specialist. A pregnant woman should understand that such drugs affect not only her, but also the crumbs' body. Some of the diuretics are able to flush out the minerals necessary for the full development of the baby.

Puffiness symptoms

Unfortunately, some people are not always able to identify this condition. Unpleasant manifestations are completely ignored. A person notices a negative state only when the swelling is clearly visible visually. But, as a rule, in this case, the ailments developing in the body are already progressing. There are several simple guidelines for identifying pathology.

So, if your legs began to swell strongly, then use the following tips:

  1. Unpleasant symptoms can be determined by the increased volume of the feet and legs.
  2. Puffiness is indicated by the stripes left after the removed sock or shoes.
  3. When you press your finger on the skin, a trace remains on the surface. It will quickly disappear, but this phenomenon indicates swelling.

Do not forget that you should not joke with such symptoms. Therefore, consider the following question: "If your legs become very swollen, what to do?"

Treatment methods

Patients with severe swelling and pain in their legs are advised to start with a visit to the doctor. Indeed, sometimes unpleasant symptoms are provoked by ailments. It should be remembered that it is extremely dangerous to deal with pathologies on your own. Therapy will be selected depending on what disease is provoked by severe swelling of the legs.

  1. Varicose veins... In the initial stages, it is quite easy to cope with unpleasant sensations. The doctor will prescribe a special ointment that will eliminate the puffiness. If necessary, it will be recommended to wear special stockings or to wrap the limbs with elastic bandages. It is necessary to periodically do cold baths for the feet, do gymnastics. During sleep, it is recommended to put the limbs on an elevation. This will allow free blood flow.
  2. Heart failure. With such a pathology, treatment is prescribed only by a cardiologist. Therapeutic measures include: the appointment of diuretics, drugs that support the functioning of the heart. The doctor will prescribe medications that can fight the underlying ailment (hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia). The patient is recommended to do gymnastics, establish nutrition. As a rule, with this pathology, the legs in the ankle swell greatly. What to do? Patients are often prescribed elastic stockings.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. Therapy is prescribed by a phlebologist. In case of pathology provoked by infectious ailments, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In some cases, surgery may be recommended.
  4. Renal pathology. The patient needs treatment. Therapy is prescribed by a nephrologist.
  5. Diseases of the liver. The patient must be observed by a hepatologist. If the symptoms are provoked by viral hepatitis, then an infectious disease specialist should be consulted.

How to relieve fatigue?

An unpleasant state is most often provoked by harmless reasons. Sometimes, as a result of excessive exertion, fatigue, the legs swell a lot. What to do in such a situation?

  1. Special baths. However, it should be remembered that this procedure is contraindicated in case of varicose veins. So, if the legs swell a lot in the ankle, what should I do? It is recommended to resort to contrasting baths. Soak your feet for 5 minutes in hot water. Then put it in cold place for 10 seconds. It is recommended to add salt and herbs to the water.
  2. Massage. This exercise is very beneficial for tired legs. Use an ointment or cream. Rub the medicine into the feet, ankles, and calves with light movements.
  3. Lift your limbs up. Make yourself comfortable on the couch. At the same time, place a roller under your feet. The feet should hang freely. You can put your limbs in a sitting position on a chair or stool. It is enough to spend 15-20 minutes in this position.
  4. Medical stockings, tights. These products can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. They allow you to relieve your legs from fatigue. In addition, tights and stockings are an excellent preventive measure against varicose veins.
  5. Cold compresses. They are able to quickly get rid of puffiness. You can use this method if your legs are tired. It is quite effective for swelling caused by inflammatory processes.


It is fluid retention in the body that causes severe swelling of the legs. Treatment includes diuretics. However, such medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, since they all have contraindications and can cause a variety of side effects in a person.

However, there are still folk remedies that allow you to achieve the desired result. They have fewer contraindications, and often do not cause negative reactions. However, before using such recipes, be sure to consult with a specialist.

The following drugs have a diuretic effect:

  1. Infusion of parsley. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the whole plant (with the root). Pass it through a meat grinder. To make the medicine, you will need 1 glass of green composition. Transfer the resulting mass to a thermos. Pour boiling water over - 0.5 l. During the night, this tool should be infused in a thermos. Strain the composition in the morning. Add the juice of 1 lemon to this product. This amount of medicine is calculated for 1 day. It should be drunk in 3 doses. The use of the infusion does not depend at all on the intake of food. The treatment regimen with this remedy is as follows. For 2 days, you must take an infusion of parsley. Then a short break is taken - for 3 days. And again the 2-day course is repeated.
  2. Flax seeds. They also help remove excess fluid from the body. You will need 1 tsp. Flaxseed. This component is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture must be boiled over a small flame for about 15 minutes. Then tightly close the pan and leave the broth warm for about 1 hour. It is recommended to use this product hot. Every 2 hours, you should drink 0.5 cups of the medicine. During the day, 6-8 receptions will turn out. This therapy should last for about 2-3 weeks. Its duration depends entirely on the patient's well-being.
  3. Medicinal collection. It is necessary to mix the following components in equal proportions: flowers of calendula, linden; fruits of hawthorn, rose hips, viburnum; birch, blueberry, plantain leaves. Grind all ingredients thoroughly and mix. You will need 2 tbsp of this composition. l. Pour boiling water over them - 0.5 l. Such a remedy should be infused in a thermos all night. The medicine should be taken 3-4 times a day for ⅓ - ¼ glasses. The duration of therapy can be 2-3 months.
  4. Watermelon peels. It is necessary to grind the dry component. Fill it with water in a ratio of 1:10. Boil this composition for about 5 minutes. Strain the cooled broth. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Also useful:

  • decoction of birch buds;
  • cranberry juice;
  • a decoction of bearberry leaves;
  • lingonberry juice;
  • infusion of horsetail.

If unpleasant discomfort is triggered by improper diet, you should definitely reconsider it. As a rule, these measures are enough to get rid of the discomfort.

  1. Eliminate salt. It is advisable to reduce this seasoning to a minimum if you cannot completely abandon it. In some cases, doctors prescribe a salt-free diet to the patient.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Refuse to take coffee, alcoholic beverages.
  4. Diversify your diet with vegetable dishes. Steamed food is very useful.

If the patient is prescribed diuretics, then products that protect the body from potassium leaching should be consumed. Such properties are possessed by dried apricots, beans, baked potatoes, cabbage.

It is useful to introduce foods with a diuretic effect into the diet: celery, pumpkin, garlic, parsley. It is recommended to diversify the diet with the following foods: onions, watermelons, black currants, grapes. Do not forget about fermented milk products - yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir.

Gymnastics for edema

These activities are very useful. They will relieve the patient of discomfort if the ankles of the feet become very swollen as a result of wearing tight shoes or fatigue.

  1. Can be performed in a standing or sitting position. It is necessary to alternately press the toe to the floor surface, then the heel.
  2. Walk around the room on your toes for a few minutes (1-2).
  3. Try to pick up a pencil or small ball from the surface of the floor. The exercise should be performed with bare feet. Hands shouldn't help.
  4. Squeeze your toes. Then spread them apart. Do this exercise several times.
  5. Rotate with your feet. Describe them in circles in one direction, then in the other.

Be sure to consult your doctor if you experience very severe leg swelling. In most cases, your doctor will recommend using an ointment. However, one should not forget that this remedy is a medicine. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to resort to self-therapy.

The doctor may prescribe the following remedies to effectively get rid of the swelling of the lower extremities:

  1. Heparin ointment. It stimulates blood circulation in the damaged area. This ointment is capable of dissolving microscopic blood clots. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. "Essaven gel". The medicine has a beneficial effect on the damaged area. The gel strengthens the walls of veins, capillaries. The drug significantly improves blood circulation and is able to eliminate microthrombi.
  3. Venitan. The medication is based on horse chestnut extract. The ointment perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Troxevasin. The drug has a cooling effect and analgesic effect on the body. This ointment also helps to strengthen the veins and capillaries.

Now you know the answer to the question: "If your legs are swollen, what to do?" However, remember that it is important to correctly identify the root cause of the problem. Unpleasant symptoms are the consequences of an illness developing in the body. Therefore, in order to get rid of the puffiness, it is necessary to eliminate its cause.