Where does a woman get such strength? Feminine power

We all know that in nature there are only two principles, feminine and masculine. Most men are endowed with physical strength from birth. After all, since ancient times they were credited with heroic skills and remarkable strength, which helped them in hunting wild animals, in wars and banal fist fights. Women, on the contrary, have always been considered the weaker sex, created rather for the convenience and pleasure of men. However, what do we actually see?

When a man comes home from work, he usually has dinner and goes to watch TV. Lying near the screen most of the time before going to bed. Only occasionally does something around the house and devotes time to the children. Yes, of course there are exceptions, but the majority, as is known, only confirm already current rule. The men have only one explanation: they are tired.

The woman in modern conditions works in life, and often occupies the same positions as men, including leadership positions. When she comes home from work, she finds time to cook, clean, do laundry, do homework with the children, and at the same time pay attention and affection to her man. So the question arises: “Where does a woman get the strength and energy to do all this and even more?”

In fact, the energy of women is also not limitless and it also comes to an end someday. And then we watch how our wives, mothers, sisters and just acquaintances become irritable, take on an exhausted appearance, stop taking care of themselves, and so on. That is, signs that a woman clearly lacks strength and energy are visible to the naked eye, this is evidenced by her appearance and physical condition.

Strength and energy in women are not the same thing, but different things. Firstly, you need to know that feminine energy is drawn by female representatives exclusively from purely women's affairs. Surprised? Yes, it’s really true, if a lady regularly puts things in order in the house, takes care of the improvement and comfort of her home, grows indoor and other flowers, and is no stranger to various handicrafts, then she usually has enough energy for a lot of things.

After all, here the sense of beauty develops and the woman always looks calm and well-groomed, which allows her to enjoy her reflection in the mirror and not waste her feminine energy. Such ladies are usually called housewives, pleasant to talk to and very calm.

And of course, when all this is not there, then what kind of strength of a woman’s energy will there be? It simply won’t exist and urgent energy replenishment is needed.

Regarding feminine power, then it lies in many ways, in the basis of upbringing from childhood, love of life, patience and of course beauty. Just try to remember how much you have seen in your life beautiful women who were said to be weaklings? Now, this means that it’s not for nothing that beautiful women are called bitches. And most often the reason lies in the fact that, as they say, they can do anything and they always have enough time, strength and energy for everything.

At this point, ladies may also ask themselves: “How to increase feminine strength and energy?” After all, no one wants to look and behave like a squeezed lemon. Rather, on the contrary, there is a desire to always be on top despite all life’s troubles and stress.

Of course, there is no universal way for this, and each lady needs an individual recipe that will help replenish the supply of both. But we will still try to help you and point out the most common sources from which you can draw strength and energy for yourself.

So, let's start with energy and indicate the most effective points that will help return it.

1. In order for the supply of energy to regularly and uninterruptedly enter the female body, it is necessary to remember that a woman most often draws this supply from the inspired looks of men. It is their views that the ladies feed on. But for it to really work, you need to take care of it and look your best. What should I do? Don’t forget about the condition of your skin, nails, and hair. When all this is in perfect condition, then male attention you will not be deprived. After all, no man wants to look at an unkempt lady.

2. The next source of energy for a woman is massage. Because the female body is designed in such a way that touch eliminates stagnant energy and creates a mood, thereby nourishing the woman’s energy centers.

3. Also the main energy source female body, serves plain water. And not in the quality and quantity of the liquid you drink, but as a relaxation bath. Scented baths are good for energy boosting. This can be aroma oil or flower petals of your choice. It is worth considering that if you have blues, depression and a desire to cry, you need to take such a bath, and not an ordinary pillow.

4. Energy centers in women are located more in the lower part of the body. Therefore, it would be good to give up unnecessary restrictions and remove from your everyday wardrobe all tight clothing that compresses these centers in the lower part of the body. It is worth giving up dark clothes, replacing them with lunar shades, that is, light ones. After all, female energy also depends in everything on the phases of the moon, and male energy on the solar phase.

5. We must not forget about various jewelry, which not only creates charm and charm for a lady, but also contributes to the harmony of her energy. And if you also wear jewelry made of precious stones, you don’t have to worry about your energy at all.

6. You can’t give up sweets completely. Our brain is designed in such a way that it is fueled precisely by the glucose contained in sweets. The lack of the latter leads to protracted depressive reactions that feed on your energy, depriving you not only of energy, but of feminine power.

Using these tips, you will be absolutely sure that the power of feminine energy in your body will never dry up.
What kills the fair sex, where does their feminine energy go, its strength and sources?

All available sources have already been listed, it remains to find out where female strength and energy go. She, as it sounds, is not just wasted on vanity, or rather on the eternal female rush. It is this process that depresses all energetically strong centers.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to learn to do everything calmly and measuredly, even when you are late. When in a hurry, more time is spent on fussy movements and unsuccessful attempts to return the time that has already passed. Remember, time has already passed and no matter how quickly you run frantically to find this or that thing, put on lipstick, etc., you still won’t be able to arrive at your destination at the hour you needed.

This suggests that you need to recognize the fact that being late is inevitable and calmly, measuredly and with pleasure get ready and come a few minutes late and apologize. After all, you're not always late, are you?

The same applies to household chores, do them measuredly and calmly, then these worries and your energy will be in order and will bring joy, not burden.

Moreover, not all women know that the power of feminine energy is drawn from perfumes, yeast dough, positive communication with people you like. Strength and energy increase from doing some work that can be classified as a hobby.

How to stimulate the power of your energy?

Walk more often, find beautiful and unusual nuances in nature. Do some active shopping or sports. Stop, if possible, communicating with those people who clearly irritate you and throw you off balance. Remember, when you are upset or react to the words of such a person, you are giving him power and allowing him to take the energy of your body for nothing. Is it necessary?

A lot also depends on the mood of a woman’s partner. If, for example, he is constantly dissatisfied with something, is sick or does not pay enough attention to the lady, then she will lack positive energy and feelings of love.

And vice versa, an always smiling, positive partner who convinces a woman that everything will be fine and all bad things will pass, only gives the charming woman feminine strength, endurance and positivity. When a partner understands this, then a strong union is created for many years.

And one more good advice lastly, which will help you maintain the strength of feminine energy. Sing more often, regardless of whether you have hearing or not, it is through singing that feminine energy is cleansed and new strength comes.

Therefore, everything is in your hands!

Feminine energy is tenderness, peace, harmony, but at the same time strength and determination. Feminine energy serves as a kind of “battery” for unstable male energy, acting constant source wisdom and integrity.

Basic female chakras

Svadhisthana (2nd chakra - located in the ovary area and is responsible for receiving pleasure in any of its manifestations);
Anahata (4 chakra-chakra love and understanding, compassion and acceptance);
Ajna (6th chakra - responsible for female intuition and providence)

Where do blocks appear in the energy flow?

The modern world teaches women independence and constructive aggression. From childhood, girls are instilled with the idea of ​​gender equality, creating fertile ground for gender competition.

This state of affairs has a negative impact on soft feminine energy, which should inspire a man, and not act as a counterweight to his ego.

As a result of adaptation to the world of social attitudes, representatives of the fair sex drown out their energy. Because of this, a woman is overtaken by problems in her personal life, and a feeling of unfulfillment and lack of fulfillment provokes constant depression. In a word, the yin and yang system fails.

How to awaken feminine energy?

Classic practice

  1. Squeeze and unclench your intimate muscles for 3 minutes every morning.
  2. Imagining a small energy well in the area of ​​svadhisthana (2nd chakra), move with stroking movements from the center of the chakra to the chest and back. In this way, you will force the energy to “cleanse” the body and fill the entire being.
  3. Lying on your back, place your palms on your stomach. Then make 36 movements counterclockwise and 24 along the way.
  4. Place your hands on your chest, covering your nipples with your palms. Stay in this position, imagining energy circulating between your chest and palms. If performed correctly, the exercise should make your chest area warmer.
  5. Place your hands on your stomach and stay in this position for 3 minutes.

Practice body reflexes

To practice, play background music to help you relax. After this, tune in to a slight wave of excitement and begin to follow the recommendations:

  • The first stage lasts 10 minutes. Lie on your back with your legs bent. Rock your pelvis up and down with small thrusts. After each movement, the body should feel relaxed.
  • The second stage also lasts 10 minutes. Now the pelvis rises higher and higher, and thoughts concentrate on the uterus. Movements and breathing should not be restricted.
  • The third stage lasts 20 minutes. The pelvis is raised all the time. In the area of ​​the uterus, mentally create a pulsating ball of energy. Bring your knees in and out very smoothly (with small jolts, reminiscent of a pulsation). The installation should be in a receiving position, like a woman during intercourse. Breathe deeply and through your mouth, concentrating completely on the uterine area.
  • The fourth stage is descending and takes 5 minutes. Spreading your knees, smoothly and carefully lower your pelvis.
  • Stage 5 is the completion of practice. It takes 10 minutes. Lie in a comfortable position and relax with your arms outstretched, palms up. Feel the warmth that spreads throughout your body and imagine that the uterus is filled with energy that gently pulsates.

Awakening Practice

This practice is performed in the shower or in bed when the body is relaxed. A woman should wear a minimum amount of clothing (ideally, no clothing at all). Practice helps to remove blocks and develop femininity, as well as learn to move into a state of arousal. Both exercises are performed for 10 minutes.

Exercise 1
Take a comfortable position and start stroking your hands. Gradually move to the shoulders. Next, focus on the breasts, squeezing and stroking them until the nipples become firmer. Then switch to your stomach. All movements are performed with eyes closed. You need to touch yourself the way your beloved man would. Exercise also promotes self-acceptance and getting rid of complexes.

Exercise 2
Use your fingertips to draw imaginary pictures on your stomach. Movements should be light and almost imperceptible.

How to develop feminine energy?

1. Self-care
The element of ladies is beauty. Woman paying attention to her appearance, caring and nurturing your body, feeds your internal energy source. What is the first thing ladies do when they experience negative emotions? They go to the salon and change their image, cut and dye their hair. The self-confidence that appears after this nourishes the feminine principle. Devote at least 30 minutes to yourself every day and you will see positive changes in all areas of your life.

2. “Male shoulder”
Don't be afraid to ask a man for help or support. Any signs of attention from the stronger sex lift a woman’s spirits. They act no less positively on the energy source, charging and stimulating it (after all, a woman cannot exist without the masculine principle, just as a man cannot exist without the feminine).

This exchange of energy strengthens the biofield of both the stronger and weaker sex, making men feel in a dominant position. Well, what male doesn’t like being a leader? The value of a woman who makes her partner feel important is many times higher than the value of a dictator's partner.

A woman is a creative source. She needs self-expression. This could be anything from painting to growing indoor plants. A passionate woman attracts members of the opposite sex like a magnet. Maternal energy finds release in “birth” creative ideas, which means the chakras function unhindered and do not go into a state of stagnation of energy flows.

4. Give thanks and pray
Prayers and gratitude are positive expressions that allow you to tune the “strings” inner world and harmonize all processes. If the chakras are closed or do not allow energy to circulate, it is prayers and words of gratitude that can save the situation. Try to use the energy of communication by telling people pleasant, encouraging words. By giving, you will replace expended resources with positive energy impulses.

In pursuit of the Power that attracts attention to her, a woman is ready to do anything: buy the best cosmetics, learn to seduce, go to resorts and take spa treatments, work hard, but...

How you treat your mother is how you perceive every woman

How is a woman’s Strength objectively measured?Every woman intuitively knows what it is. In attraction to your Personality, in the desire to show care for her and be close to her.

The more Power a woman has, the more attention she attracts.

The less strength a woman has, the more she forces others to give her attention. And the more she demands, the less she wants to give, like an obsessive beggar with a sign: “We ourselves are not local. Help as much as you can.”

In pursuit of the Power that attracts attention to her, a woman is ready to do anything: buy the best cosmetics, learn to seduce, go to resorts and take spa treatments, work hard, but...

But she doesn't do the main thing. Does not gain feminine yin energy. That tenderness that truly enchants and evokes the unconditional magic of attraction.

There is plenty of this Yin energy around. It is in every woman. If a woman could accept another woman and not see her as a rival, taking away the attention of people significant to her, she could be filled with her Yin and increase her strength.

The Taoists knew this secret. They said:


Accepting another woman, giving up the instinct of competition, behind which lies the fear of loneliness, is a direct Path to your own Strength.

Why is it so difficult to accept other women and see them not as rivals, but as the Source of your Strength?

Because it's not accepted Home Woman- one who a priori has the status of a Goddess. Of course it's mom. Too long a wounded childhood forces the girl to go into protest against her immature, anxious mother and transfer her defenses to adult life, projecting onto each female individual its attitude towards the mother.


The woman does not realize that her childhood grievances against her mother have long become a dam for the Force.

The woman says: “Nonsense. I forgave my mother a long time ago. It’s not her fault.”

And she doesn't know that:



The pride of non-acceptance is the way to transform yourself into a man. Men need to fight and show each other their status and importance. This is what the father’s sperm did, overtaking all its other brothers and winning the mother’s egg.

But when a woman acts like a man, then there is no interest in her, and without attention she destroys herself.

In my experience, the hardest thing in the world is to accept the one who gave you life. In fact, it turns out that the most difficult thing in the world is to accept God.

There are thousands of reasons to compete with God and consider yourself better than Him. authorized representative- your immature, anxious, domineering and weak mother.

But only through her does Strength come. She - main Source Yin.


And of course, you ask: “And if the mother does not give anything, only reproaches, then what should I do?”

Look for love in her family. Look for who the love was interrupted and restore the flow of love.


My practice says that it takes a person 5 years to understand this simple idea.

For 5 years a man has been struggling with the idea of ​​taking the Power from his mother. He is looking for workarounds for success: he wants to learn how to manipulate, influence, and blame others for interfering with his happiness.


Everything else is a short-lived illusion of happiness.

Someday you will hear me. Exhausted from his protest, becoming a completely uninteresting person for others and himself. Left in the silence of loneliness, you will hear. When your proud Yang, deprived of Yin Power, completely goes out, you will hear.

"You are my mother. I am your daughter. You give. I take. I take everything you give. This is how I show you that I love you. Let me show you my love not with pain and suffering, but with joy and prosperity. Let me be filled with your love, mom."

And when you can really accept her love, having dissolved your grievances and claims with your love for her, her Strength and love for every woman will come to you as a Source of Love.

And all together these Sources will give you an ocean of Strength, Love, Tenderness, Trust, Attention and Care for you.published

Life is beautiful when a woman has a lot of energy. We feel great, everything is working out for us, we are full of strength and ideas. People, things, information, events themselves are attracted into our lives. It's good when a woman has a lot of energy.

But what to do if there is not enough energy? What to do when it is constantly being used up? Let's figure it out.

Feminine energy: when do we “drain” it?

We “drain” energy when We allow boundaries to be violated. Whenever we agree to something we absolutely do not like, we lose energy. Just imagine how much energy you spend to overcome your own resistance and persuade yourself to come up with a logical explanation for what you don’t want to do.

We “drain” energy when We deceive ourselves. This is how we lose contact with ourselves, that is, in fact, we disconnect ourselves from the source of energy. You can think all you want that a bouquet of freshly cut roses will look better in your room, but how long will they last?

We “drain” energy when we forget about rest. Do I really need to explain?

We “drain” energy when we tolerate. It’s not clear what, it’s not clear why. When you get a job, you understand quite clearly what it is for: money, experience, new acquaintances, insurance, or something else. If they take everything away from you, but at the same time ask you to work and endure... Will your strength and energy reserves be replenished?

Refuse to endure or give meaning to what you endure for. The main thing is that this meaning concerns you and not someone else. The option: “I tolerate him changing” will not work!

We “drain” energy when We get offended instead of asking. A woman is designed in such a way that she does most of her work within herself. How many seconds do you need for the blockbuster “Why doesn’t he pick up the phone?” to play out in your head?

Feminine energy is the energy of chaos. Strong and powerful. And every time we think, invent, change our minds instead of asking, finding out or asking - we spend huge amount energy.

We “drain” energy when We are minding our own business. It's no secret that one of the most powerful energy resources is doing what you love. The whole world stands on the balance of “take and give.” By doing something you don’t like, you, at a minimum, are giving away your time, and with it your energy, which is then not replenished. Even with money.

Will money buy you time and vital energy?

We “drain” energy when We allow negativity to enter our lives. Every woman is born for happiness and pleasure. But if you allow others to talk about negativity, watch TV shows, read books and news only about bad things, where is the place for pleasure?

It turns out that you are not living according to your “program”. It's like baking a Napoleon cake in the microwave: it's possible, but with what effort?

We “drain” energy when we gossip. Yes, girls. We don't fill up, we drain! Where there is attention, there is energy! If you discuss ideas, projects, thoughts, then you become enriched. You can discuss other people to learn from their experiences. But if you just gossip, then you are feeding others at your own expense.

We “drain” energy when We are afraid. When a person is scared, he stops breathing. If we do not breathe deeply, and in our case - “ full belly“, then we seem to refuse the previously prepared energy.

We “drain” energy when We are waiting for life to change. Instead of living the way we want.

We “drain” energy when we scold and blame ourselves.

Track where you might be losing energy. Stop doing this today. Change the “draining” of energy to replenishing it.

We're filling up through pleasure. Write a list of one hundred things that bring you pleasure. Write everything that comes to mind. Try to please yourself every day by fulfilling some “wish”.

We're filling up through new positive emotions. For example, when we travel, we introduce novelty into our lives, meet new people, and gain new knowledge.

We're filling up when we slow down. Try spending 20 minutes with a cup of coffee to inhale its aroma, savor the taste, and enjoy touching the hot liquid. Nice?

What will happen if you swallow this divine drink on the go, in one minute? Will you like it as much as you did in the first case? Of course not, you simply won’t have time to feel anything.

We're filling up when we are creative. The original feminine energy is the energy of creativity. In addition, through creativity, a woman splashes out negative emotions and, thereby, transfers energy into a positive direction.

We're filling up when we have faith in our lives. Believe in yourself, in life, in people.

We're filling up when we take care of our body. After all, the body is the greatest source of pleasure. Any bodily practices, bathhouse, swimming pool, etc. are suitable. By the way, the women's zone is a kind of “bottom” for our energy vessel.

We're filling up when we put order in our space. Remember how different you feel in a renovated room with new curtains.

We're filling up when we do what we really want to do.

Pamper yourself, enjoy yourself and!

The mental strength of the fair sex is several times greater than the mental strength of men. This is the law of harmony: a man is stronger on the physical plane, a woman is stronger on the energetic plane.

This means that a woman’s thoughts, her desires, prayers and meditations have an impact on the world around us much stronger impact. The Vedic scriptures said that the thought of a woman is equal to the action of a man.

Having lost knowledge of the strength and characteristics of the sexes, people did not stop noticing these special abilities in life. In the Middle Ages, this power was attributed to the devil’s machinations, and women – “witches” – were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

It has been known since ancient times that a wife is able to protect her husband on the battlefield simply by her purity and fidelity to him. Her feminine strength surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unharmed from any battle: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target. Subconsciously we understand this even today. And many men who returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return.

A woman truly has the ability to elevate a man to unprecedented heights if she is pure and intelligent. As the famous saying goes: “a woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool.”

By becoming a mother, she acquired the sacred duty and opportunity to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will further develop life on the planet. The woman knew that her children would germinate the grains that she placed in them. Thus, from time immemorial, one of the life tasks of every woman has been to give birth and raise children.

The fair sex has been prepared for such a great role since childhood. Every culture had a list required knowledge and skills that every woman should master. Among them: the art of dressing up, the ability to play musical instruments, singing, dancing, the ability to draw, tell fairy tales, knowledge of languages, the ability to decorate a house, and many other much more complex skills.

At first glance it may seem like nonsense. But in essence, these skills are the work of the Soul, this is creativity, creation, these are abilities that allow you to harmonize people’s lives, bring beauty, joy, peace into it, which is the essence of the female role. Among other responsibilities of a woman was creating beauty inside and out.

Being beautiful is the natural state of a woman. When reading about mythical and fairy-tale heroines and goddesses, we always come across descriptions of their radiant beauty. Exactly shining. Despite different ideas about standards female beauty V different cultures, all mythical and fairy-tale beauties of all nations are united by the fact that, according to descriptions, a radiance emanated from them.

The internal sign of this harmony is a feeling of pure bliss, that is, bright joy and love. Harmony and love are qualities of the Soul, qualities inherent in women from birth. Thus, beauty, praised at all times, was not an end in itself, but was a natural result of love, prosperity and inner strength.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, and gained feminine strength in devoting herself to family and society.

Appearance was part of women's magic - the magic of love. Our ancestors used well-thought-out color combinations, ornaments, shapes and cuts in their outfits - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energetic influence. The jewelry that the woman wore worked the same way. gems- all this had important, so the woman strengthened her connection with subtle worlds, harmonized herself and space.

The hairstyle was also magical. Hair is a conductor of cosmic energy (as an example, cosmos is a word with the same root as cosmos). Long hair made it possible to accumulate this energy and use it in different ways depending on the situation. For example, hair collected on the top of the head provided a woman with a large influx of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair collected below, at the back of her head, helped her enter a state of submission and deep humility.