Forms the anterior wall of the axilla. Layers of the axillary fossa (area)

Bandages on various parts of the body, based on therapeutic effect which underlie the temperature effect are called compresses. There is a huge variety of them. Let's look at the main ones that can be used as an addition to the main treatment. various diseases.

Cold compress (cooling) - used for fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, bleeding, bruises, headaches, to prevent high blood pressure, for neurasthenia (in the area between the shoulder blades and shins). This type of compress leads to vasoconstriction and slows down metabolic processes, and has an analgesic effect, as it reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings. Cold compresses are applied topically (if there is an injury, they are useful only for the first time, up to a maximum of three days).

To perform this procedure: you need cold water (ice, snow), a bandage or cotton wool, a plastic or rubber bag. If with water, then moisten the bandage, which needs to be folded in several layers, and apply it to right place, every five minutes the bandage must be re-wetted and wrung out. If there is ice (snow), then it is placed in a rubber (polyethylene) bag and applied to the desired place; it must be removed periodically, taking a break for ten minutes. Such compresses are not recommended for acute infectious processes accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

A hot compress is used for chills (on the popliteal area), angina pectoris (on left hand), for migraines, colic (renal, liver), pain in the legs caused by spasms. It helps relieve spasm of blood vessels and internal organs, enhances blood flow and metabolic processes. It’s done like this: a bandage is rolled into a number of layers and soaked hot water(from 60 to 70 degrees), apply to the required area, put an oilcloth on top (so that the warming effect is preserved), if it cools down, then moisten it again. Not recommended for elevated temperatures, pustular skin pathologies, high blood pressure, and the presence of fresh injuries (up to five days).

Warming compresses are used for inflammatory diseases mammary glands, if infiltrates occur after injections, also with myositis, radiculitis, gout, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis (on the knee or elbow), traumatic injuries of joints and ligaments (after the acute period, placed on the joint), with inflammatory pathologies respiratory tract(throat, bronchi, trachea - the compress is placed on the throat or chest, respectively), ear.

Its duration is from six to eight hours, depending on the substances used for warming (fats, alcohol, turpentine, water, dimexide, medicinal herbs and others), you can leave this compress on all night, a course of five to twenty procedures (depending on the pathology), if necessary, you can apply compresses twice a day.

For a warming compress, cotton fabric is better suited, which is folded in several layers (from three to five) and soaked in water with room temperature(or another liquid), squeeze it out and place it on the surface of the body, then compress paper is placed on top, wider than the previous layer, then comes an insulating layer (cotton wool) and then all this is fixed with a bandage. Under such a compress an environment with high humidity and temperature, since the heat generated by the body does not go into environment, but remains under the compress and accumulates, and the liquid, evaporating, gives moisture.

In this regard, metabolic processes in the tissues of the body are stimulated, blood circulation improves, and the beneficial substances contained in the compress penetrate into the tissues. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with a warm towel and the area is insulated. It is best to do such compresses at night; it is not recommended to go outside immediately after them. Depending on the disease, liquid forms of medications, including those prepared from medicinal plants(viburnum, string, celandine, chamomile, sage, horsetail, juniper, birch, lingonberry, heather). For trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds, compress paper cannot be used (this layer is not needed at all). Warming compresses are contraindicated in the following pathological conditions: traumatic changes (the first three to five days), bleeding, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, pustular diseases: boil, carbuncle, folliculitis, erysipelas).

Alcohol (vodka) compress is used for gout, sore throat (on the throat), otitis (on the ear), laryngitis, radiculitis, rheumatism (on the lower back). The same layers are used as above, only instead of water - alcohol (96 proof alcohol to three parts water or vodka 1:1 with water). The therapeutic effect is based on reflex mechanisms. When applying an alcohol compress, you need to ensure that the compress paper completely covers the cloth soaked in alcohol, and that it is also tightly covered with insulating material. Because then the alcohol will evaporate into the external environment and the effect of such a compress will be minimal. For diseases of the joints and spine, formic alcohol is used. If angina attacks occur, it is better to use menthol alcohol (applied to the left hand or area of ​​the heart). The time for applying such a compress will depend on the severity of the pathology. It is not recommended to use an alcohol compress for children under 3 years of age.

Turpentine compress is used for bronchitis and pneumonia in the chest area. Not recommended for children, elderly and weakened patients, also with skin pathologies. Before the procedure required area The body must be warmed up (with a heating pad). The turpentine should be cleaned and warm, soak gauze with it and place it on the body area, put compress paper on top, then cotton wool and bandage it. The duration of the procedure is from two to six hours (depending on the severity of the disease). If the patient feels worse, the compress should be removed and not applied again.

Fat compress is used for diseases of the joints, lungs, and spine. It is better to put it on at night, the course of treatment is from five to twelve procedures. Several layers of gauze are soaked in fat and placed on the required area, with cotton wool and film on top, and bandaged. You can also add garlic to this compress (if there is no intolerance), and the fats must be natural (for example, badger, seal, bear and some other animals). You can also use vegetable fats (sunflower, olive, corn, peach, sea buckthorn, rosehip oils), but before the procedure it must be irradiated (with ultraviolet light, at a distance of thirty centimeters), these oils are used for rheumatism and gout. It is done as before for two hours, three times a week, the course of treatment is from five to ten procedures.

Compresses with ointments are used for warming minor injuries after three to five days after the injury; for this, warming ointments Finalgon, Voltaren and others are used. First, you need to massage the damaged area, then rub in the ointment, put a cotton pad on top, then compress paper, then insulation and secure it all. You can leave this compress on all night.

A compress with dimexide is used for trophic ulcers, pustular skin pathologies, arthrosis, arthritis, spinal diseases, myositis, eczema, bruises, and injuries to the traumatic ligamentous apparatus of joints. This substance (dimexide) has an analgesic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps drugs penetrate deep into tissues (being a kind of conductor). Dimexide is contraindicated for children, debilitated patients, pregnant women, and patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system. Dimexide is used in solution (approximately 20%), if unpleasant sensations occur (pain, itching, rash, etc.), it is necessary to reduce the concentration or completely abandon such a compress.

Compress on the ear for otitis media

For otitis media, warm compresses are applied around the ear. Prescribed to obtain an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. A piece of 4–5 layers of gauze measuring 15x15 cm is used, in the middle of which a longitudinal incision is made with scissors for the auricle. Gauze is soaked in camphor oil (squeeze slightly so that the oil does not ooze) and placed around the sore ear - so that the auricle is in the slot. Apply cellophane on top, 1 cm larger than the size of the gauze, then cotton wool.

The compress is secured to the head with a bandage and left for 6–8 hours. Do it once a day. It is better for the child to put the compress on at night; it will disturb him less during sleep, but do not forget to remove it after a while.

Compresses for the ear are not only camphor, you can use diluted boric alcohol, vodka, alcohol half and half with water, you can put compresses with heated sunflower oil. As a rule, preference is given to vodka or semi-alcohol compresses, since they do not stain the hair (which cannot be said about oil compresses).

Compress on the throat

For a cold with a sore throat or sore throat, warming or alcohol compresses are often used (as described above), the compress is applied at night, the course of treatment is 5-7 days. For a runny nose that accompanies a sore throat, you can add a little menthol or eucalyptus oil to the compress.

Cough compress

Melt 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 tablespoon in a water bath sunflower oil. Add 1 tablespoon of vodka and stir. Cut a thick canvas rag (not gauze or cotton, so as to avoid burns from mustard plasters) to the size of the back, soak it in the resulting mixture and apply it to top part backs. Place 2 mustard plasters on top of the cloth, along the spine, with the back side (not the mustard side), and 2 more mustard plasters across the back (that is, “cover” the lungs with mustard plasters). Cover your back with cellophane. Tie the scarf crosswise. Lie on your back and lie down for 2 - 3 hours. Apply compresses once a day for 3 days in a row. The repeated course can be repeated after 3 days. Any warming compresses are contraindicated at elevated temperatures!

Compress for bruises

For some pathologies, compresses alternate. So, if bruises occur, for the first 3 days you need to use a cold compress and start doing this as quickly as possible, and from the fifth day apply a hot compress or a compress with an ointment containing heparin, troxerutin, aescin, horse chestnut extract, badyagi (Troxevasin gel - for bruises, Indovazin gel - for bruises accompanied by pain, Aescin, Lyoton - swelling, bruises, hematomas, you can use Traumeel, Rescuer gel, Badyaga - grass, any creams, ointments, powder (for example 911 Badyaga for bruises and contusions, balm "GOLDEN USER "from bruises and contusions with badyaga).

These are the main compresses that are most often used in treatment. You can do others (with others) useful substances). But the compress should not become the main method in the treatment of diseases. It should only complement the main drugs and methods. And before you start using it, consult your doctor about using the compress. The doctor will tell you whether its use is necessary or useless for your disease, and possibly dangerous, and may recommend another way to achieve a positive result.

Alcohol-containing compresses are an old and proven remedy: their use is recommended not only by experienced herbalists, but also by qualified doctors in the complex treatment of many diseases. However, like any effective medicine, the use of dressings soaked in alcohol-containing solutions is not indicated for everyone and not always. No less important for successful treatment is knowing how to make an alcohol compress correctly. This is an important issue and our article will be devoted to it.

Specifics of action

An alcohol compress is a bandage soaked in an alcohol-containing liquid. The warming effect of the compress perfectly eliminates the symptoms of many pathologies due to its following capabilities:

  • The ability to use “internal” heat allows you to warm not only skin, but also tissues of internal organs;
  • Has a pronounced analgesic effect, which manifests itself due to uniform expansion blood vessels;
  • By improving blood circulation, it allows tissues and organs to be better enriched with oxygen, which eliminates swelling, pain and inflammatory processes.

An excellent bonus after the action of the compresses will be an amazing cosmetic effect on the skin, because the heat from the alcohol significantly expands the pores, so they become clean.

Indications for use

A warming based bandage does not irritate the skin, but softens it. In addition, given the excellent dissolving capabilities of alcohol, it can be combined with extracts and infusions medicinal herbs. With the help of “hot” abilities, healing components will quickly penetrate directly into the bloodstream.

The use of alcohol compresses is indicated for the following diseases:

  • During periods of development of sore throat and otitis media;
  • During exacerbation of articular pathologies;
  • For acquired disorders of articular, muscle and ligamentous tissue (,);
  • For varicose veins and gout;
  • Radiculitis and persistent pain syndrome in;
  • For the treatment of thrombophlebitis and bumps that form after injections;
  • To eliminate dry calluses.

Despite the wide range of effects of compresses, the use of the procedure should be previously agreed with your doctor. The fact is that, in addition to a number of contraindications for warming bandages, there are also differences between the methods of their application, composition and duration of use.

Pay attention!

For an alcohol dressing, you can only use alcohol or vodka. Moonshine should not be used, as it contains impurities whose penetration into the body is extremely undesirable.

Almost everyone can apply compresses, even pregnant women and children over 3 years old. However, there are still contraindications to the use of “hot” dressings.

Prohibitions on use

We list contraindications to the use of an alcohol compress.

  • If the patient is under three years of age;
  • If they exceed 37 degrees;
  • If oncology is diagnosed or suspected.

It is prohibited to use dressings warming with alcohol for the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the ear of a purulent form;
  • Purulent sore throat;
  • Thrombophlebitis in acute form;
  • Diseases and blood vessels;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Skin diseases, the manifestations of which are associated with open wounds or purulent inflammations;
  • for alcohol or alcohol-containing products.

Learning how to make a compress correctly

In order for treatment with alcohol heat to be successful, you need to know the technique of applying a compress. It consists of 6 consecutive stages:

  1. Ethyl alcohol (also called medical alcohol) is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  2. A piece of gauze folded several times or thick fabric is dipped into the prepared solution and then wrung out.
  3. Make sure that the size of the prepared folded cloth or bandage that makes up the first layer is significantly larger than the painful area on which it is placed.
  4. Apply compression paper as a second layer. If you don't have one, use regular cellophane. The main task of the second layer is to prevent the rapid evaporation of “combustible” heat, preventing the fabric from drying out.
  5. Then using a bandage finished design it is fixed so that it fits tightly to the skin and does not create strong pressure on the vessels.
  6. The compress should be applied so that the bandage soaked in alcohol does not have contact with air, otherwise it will quickly dry out and cease to provide heat.

Pay attention!

If it is necessary to “warm” an area of ​​the body that has sensitive skin, before applying a compress it should be lubricated with baby cream or vegetable oil.

After applying the compress, you can tie a scarf on it: this method will keep you warm even longer.

Let's look at how to properly use a warming bandage on different parts bodies.


Joint problems

Treatment of diseases associated with joint problems with a vodka compress is a frequent prescription of doctors. It helps especially well with pathological changes caused not only by disease, but also. There are no specifics on how to apply a compress to the knee. It is carried out according to the general scheme.

But if the pain syndrome is caused by joint diseases, accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, you can use a method that sports doctors call a “double blow”: before applying an alcohol compress, the sore spot must be thoroughly lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment.

Pay attention!

After injury to the joint tissue, alcohol compresses, as well as other warming procedures, can be used only on the 2nd day after the injury.

Lumps on the buttocks after injections

Painful “bumps” that appear after numerous injections bring serious discomfort to their owners. To quickly get rid of them, you can use warm compresses at night. Use cotton wool as an insulating layer, securing it with an adhesive plaster.


A very pressing problem for women, especially before the onset summer period. The algorithm for eliminating this unpleasant and ugly problem is as follows:

  • Spread your legs in warm water with the addition sea ​​salt within 20 minutes;
  • Dry your feet thoroughly;
  • Make an alcohol compress using 2 pairs of socks as the top layer: cotton and then wool;
  • Leave the compress on overnight;
  • In the morning, treat your feet with pumice;
  • Lubricate your feet with nourishing cream.


Dimexide is a good addition to folk recipes. This drug is produced as a special solution for compresses. The medicine has a whole range of possibilities:

  • Removing the inflammatory process;
  • Improving metabolism and blood flow in the affected area;
  • Elimination of infectious agents.

Pay attention!

Dimexide is a drug that is never used in its “pure” form! Its concentration and dosage depends on the pathology that needs to be eliminated. The attending physician should tell you how to make a compress from Dimexide based on the diagnostics performed and the characteristics of the pathology.

The medicine should not be used by women or breastfeeding women, as well as by children and the elderly. Moreover, the drug causes adverse reactions in the body and has some contraindications for use, so it should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Compresses - various types medicinal dressings, there are dry and wet.

Dry compress prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and a layer of cotton wool, which are secured with a bandage; used to protect the site of injury (bruise, wound) from cooling and contamination.

Wet compresses there are warming, hot and cold. They are applied to different parts of the body depending on the location of the pathological process.

Prescribed as a resolving or distracting procedure for chronic inflammation of the joints, sore throat, otitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy. As a result of the local and reflex action of heat, a rush of blood occurs and pain sensitivity decreases.

Warming compresses are contraindicated for dermatitis, violation of skin integrity, and furunculosis. Compresses should not be applied when high temperature body, with various allergic skin rashes. This procedure is not recommended if cardiovascular diseases II-III degrees with symptoms of heart failure, with atherosclerosis with damage to cerebral vessels, with fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins), with a tendency to bleeding. Compresses should not be applied to patients with active TB and other infectious diseases. You should not do this procedure during a period of rapid, acute inflammatory process, for example, when there is pain, swelling, redness, or local fever in the joint.

Technique for applying a warm compress

A piece of fabric folded in several layers is moistened in warm water, wrung out, and applied to the skin. An oilcloth (compress paper, polyethylene) is placed on top, wider than the moistened fabric, and on top - a layer of cotton wool or flannel of an even larger area. All three layers are secured with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt normal blood circulation. After removing the compress (after 6-8 hours), the skin should be wiped with alcohol and a dry, warm bandage should be placed on the warmed area.

If you need to put a compress on the entire chest or stomach, you should sew a vest or a wide belt from oilcloth and cotton wool (batting); for the wet layer, fabric of the appropriate shape is cut out, but of a smaller size.

A medicinal warming compress is also used, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances (baking soda, alcohol, etc.) to the water. Usually a semi-alcoholic (alcohol is diluted with water) or vodka compress is applied. You can use alcohol and Vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a 1:1 ratio. Doctors often recommend ready-made compresses. medicines, For example, menovazin.

Very effective for rheumatic joint diseases medical bile or Dimexide. But medicinal substances can cause irritation, so before applying a compress, the skin should be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline oil. IN folk medicine use compresses with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, and buttercup.

Dimexide used as a solution for compresses. The use of Dimexide solution is indicated as part of complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of damage to periarticular tissues), reactive synovitis;
  • limited scleroderma, erythema nodosum, discoid lupus erythematosus, mycoses of the feet, keloid scars, thrombophlebitis, alopecia, eczema, erysipelas; bruises, sprains, traumatic infiltrates;
  • purulent wounds, burns, radiculitis, trophic ulcers, acne, furunculosis.

Dimexide solution for compress has a pronounced local anesthetic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, changes the sensitivity of microflora that are resistant (resistant) to antibiotics.

How to dilute Dimexide for a compress?

Dimexide is used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 - 50%) for tampons and compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, covering adjacent healthy skin.

To obtain a solution of the required concentration, the concentrated Dimexide preparation is diluted with boiled or distilled water in the following ratios:

  • 10% solution - 2 milliliters of concentrate and 18 milliliters of water;
  • 20% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 8 ml of water;
  • 25% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 6 ml of water;
  • 30% solution - 6 ml of concentrate and 14 ml of water;
  • 50% solution - mix the components in a one to one ratio.

Instructions for use of Dimexide

Cutaneously, in the form of applications and irrigations (washes). In a solution of Dimexide of the required concentration, gauze wipes are moistened and applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. Place on top of the napkin polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric. The duration of applications is 10-15 days.

How to use Dimexide solution in the treatment of diseases:

  • In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers, the drug is used in the form of a 30 - 50% aqueous solution of 50 - 100 ml 2 - 3 times a day.
  • For eczema and diffuse streptoderma, compresses with a 40-90% solution of Dimexide are recommended.
  • For pustular skin diseases, use a 40% solution.
  • For local anesthesia, a 25 - 50% solution of the drug for compresses is recommended, 100 - 150 ml 2 - 3 times a day.
  • When treating deep burns, bandages with a 20-30% Dimexide solution are used (if necessary, in a dose of up to 500 ml).
  • For facial skin and other highly sensitive areas, 10-20-30% solutions are used. In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 10-30% solution are used on transplanted skin auto- and homografts immediately after operations and in the following days postoperative period until stable engraftment of the graft.
  • Purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities are washed with less concentrated solutions. For postoperative purulent complications caused by staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the drug is applied to festering wounds and infiltrates.

If the patient suffers from severe pain, an anesthetic (Novocaine) can be added to the solution, and for compresses in the form of tampons, it is usually used vegetable oil.

Dimexide Gel used instead of compresses. Dimexide gel does not require dilution with water and is ready for use. Apply externally for the same indications as the solution.

Dimexide is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, adynamia, dermatitis, and diarrhea. In some cases, with poor perception of Dimexide, nausea, vomiting, and bronchospasm are observed.

Dimexide is contraindicated with severe cardiovascular insufficiency and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, impaired renal and liver function, stroke, comatose states, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, glaucoma, cataracts. Prescribe with caution to elderly people. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

How to apply a compress to a child?

The rules for applying a warm compress to children are the same as for adults, but absolute contraindication for this procedure - increasing the child's body temperature.

Compress for sore throat

For sore throats, children are often given vodka compress on the neck area.

In this case, a cloth moistened with vodka should be applied to the posterior-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its front part - the area of ​​the thyroid gland - free.

Hot compress

Hot compress prescribed for local heating of tissues. Under its influence, a rush of blood occurs, which causes an analgesic effect. This procedure is used for migraines caused by spasm of cerebral vessels, colic (intestinal, kidney and liver), pain in the joints, deposition of salts in them, and neuritis.

Hot compress technique

The fabric is soaked in hot water(temperature 50-60 o C), quickly wring out and apply to the desired area of ​​the body, cover the top with oilcloth and warm woolen cloth. This compress is changed every 5-10 minutes.

Cold compress

Cold compress, calling local cooling and constriction of blood vessels, reduces blood flow and pain. It is used for various local inflammatory processes, bruises, and nosebleeds (on the bridge of the nose). A cold compress is placed on the head during feverish conditions and severe mental agitation.

Cold compress technique

A piece of fabric folded in several layers is moistened in cold water(preferably with ice), squeeze lightly and apply to the appropriate area of ​​the body. The compress is changed every 2-3 minutes, so it is convenient to have two sets of compress, one of which, after cooling in advance, lies in cold water. Depending on the patient’s condition, the procedure is carried out for 1 hour or more.

Alcohol compresses have been very popular since ancient times for the treatment of various diseases that have both external and internal manifestations. They are mainly used as a warming agent. This method is used for physical injuries, inflammation of joints and muscles. It is also used to treat sore throat, otitis, radiculitis, various ailments of the larynx and other problems.

How to make an alcohol compress on the ear?

Similar methods are used for various diseases of the hearing organs. Most often, a compress is applied during the active phase, when water has been in the ear for a long time or simply for pain of varying intensity.


  • gauze bandage – 1 pc.;
  • a piece of polyethylene;
  • alcohol 96% or vodka – 20 ml;
  • water.

Preparation and use

To create a compress, you need to moisten gauze, folded several times, with a solution of alcohol and water (1:1) or vodka. Then place it behind your ear. A small piece of gauze is placed on top of the hearing organ itself, and then polyethylene. In both layers you must first make small holes for air circulation. After this, the affected area is wrapped with a cloth - preferably a woolen scarf. These dressings can be kept on for no more than four hours.

Alcohol compress on the throat


  • gauze bandage;
  • waterproof paper;
  • alcohol 40%;
  • wool fabric.

Preparation and use

The bandage is folded several times and moistened with alcohol. It is then applied directly to the throat. In this case, the fabric should only be damp - it should not drip from it. A film or waterproof paper is placed on top of the bandage. The whole thing is covered with a scarf on top.

This compress can be done several times a day. There must be a break of at least two hours between procedures. It is important to monitor the skin's reaction - if it clearly reacts poorly to the procedures, such treatment should be stopped.

Alcohol compress on the leg or arm

Often people actively involved in sports receive injuries to their legs and arms, which are accompanied by hemorrhages and.


  • vodka – 20 ml;
  • bandage;
  • cotton wool;
  • film.

Preparation and use

A bandage folded in several layers is soaked in vodka and applied to the affected area. There is polyethylene on top. After this, a dense layer of cotton wool is applied, which will ensure heat retention. Then the entire structure is covered with a bandage. Each layer should be one or two centimeters wider than the previous one. In this case, the bandage will perform its functions.

Such therapy is not carried out immediately after injury, but only the next day. It is still recommended to use ice at the very beginning. Moreover, if problem area is on a bend - the bandage can quickly move or fall off. In this case, it is recommended to use more rubbing. Before use, it is advisable to visit a specialist.

When we were children, our mothers and grandmothers used compresses for colds. This remedy has always been considered very effective and efficient and has been used for a long time. This method of treatment is considered traditional, but it is often prescribed by pediatricians and doctors for various diseases.

What is a compress?

Compresses are different, and their effect is also different. A compress is nothing more than a medicinal bandage. This is exactly how this word is interpreted. Compresses can be wet or dry. Dry ones are used by doctors to protect bruises or damage from contamination and cooling. They are prepared very simply: several layers of gauze and cotton wool are attached with a bandage to the affected area of ​​the body.

Wet compresses are a kind of physiotherapeutic procedure. Gauze and cotton wool are soaked in an appropriate solution and applied to the site of injury. Wet compresses are divided into cold, hot and warming. The alcohol compress, known to all of us since childhood, is warming. What is it used for? How to do it correctly, for what diseases? You will learn about all this from our article.

For colds, probably the most commonly used and accessible home remedy is just that - a compress. Despite the ease of preparation and low cost, this remedy is one of the most effective for a number of diseases.

So how to make an alcohol compress? It's not difficult at all. From its very name it is clear that you will need alcohol. It can be replaced with ordinary vodka. Also buy gauze (can be replaced with a wide bandage) and cotton wool in a roll. You will also need a plastic bag and a scarf, preferably a woolen and old one. After all, alcohol, if it gets on a thing, may well fade the fabric.

So, the process itself:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:3. If you use vodka, then for adults there is no need to dilute it, but for children the situation is different: you need to dilute it too (in a 1:1 ratio).
  2. Heat the mixture until it is hot, but your hand can “tolerate” the temperature.
  3. Soak gauze in the hot solution. A piece of it should be thick, folded in several layers.
  4. Wring out the gauze so that it remains fairly wet, but so that no drops flow from it.
  5. Apply oil or very rich cream to the desired area (for example, neck skin). This will save you from possible burns.
  6. Apply gauze to the sore area.
  7. Place the bag on top so that it covers all the gauze with a margin of 2-3 cm on each side.
  8. Place a thick piece of cotton wool on the bag. It is convenient to cut it from a roll; these are sold in any pharmacy.
  9. On top of the cotton wool you need to secure a warm bandage in the form of a scarf. This is convenient to do if the compress is placed on the throat or knee. The scarf will enhance the warming effect.

If your throat hurts

Colds are often accompanied by a sore throat. This may be due to sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Every sip is accompanied by pain, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible.

And one of the most effective methods The treatment is a compress! It is done in a course over 4-7 days, but, as a rule, significant relief occurs after 1-2 procedures.

How to make alcohol The instructions in this case are the same as described above. One procedure should last from 6 to 8 hours, so it is better to do this compress at night.

If a sore throat is also accompanied by a runny nose, then it is very useful to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the compress.

If your ear hurts

How to make an alcohol compress if the disease has affected the ear? In this case, the procedure is somewhat different, and the mixture for preparing the compress will also be different. To treat otitis (not purulent!), camphor oil is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 10:1. The bandage is applied directly to the site of inflammation, that is, to the ear itself.

How to do this?

  1. Take a square piece of gauze, folded in several layers (5-6) measuring approximately 10 x 10 cm.
  2. Make a cut in the middle of the gauze.
  3. Soak the cloth in a previously prepared solution of alcohol and camphor oil.
  4. Gauze is attached to the ear. In this case, the auricle is on the outside, threaded into the slot made.
  5. A plastic bag is placed on top of the gauze and ear.
  6. Place cotton wool on the bag.
  7. You can also place a piece of flannel or woolen cloth on top of the cotton wool to enhance the warming effect.
  8. The entire bandage is secured with a bandage, wrapped around the head.

This compress is left for 6-8 hours and done once a day.

Other mixtures can be used as a solution: regular vodka, the same diluted alcohol. Of course, it is better to consult with your doctor about which remedy will be most effective in each specific case.

If you have a cough

What to do if a vicious cold has spread to the lungs, and a cough prevents you from sleeping peacefully?

And in this case, a compress can help. True, it is not recommended to prescribe such treatment for yourself, because cough and cough are different. For example, for bronchitis, a compress is contraindicated. But if the doctor has given the go-ahead, let's find out how to make an alcohol compress for a cough?

  1. Dissolve the same amount of honey in one tablespoon of hot sunflower oil. Add one tablespoon of vodka or alcohol diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:3), stir.
  2. Take a thick piece of fabric, preferably canvas (not thin cotton or gauze to avoid burns).
  3. Cut the fabric to fit the back.
  4. Soak the canvas in the mixture prepared in advance, squeeze it out a little and place it on the upper back (over the lung area).
  5. Place 4 mustard plasters along the spine on top of the fabric in the lung area. Mustard plasters should lie back to back (that is, not “hot”).
  6. Cover it all with a bag.
  7. Tie a scarf crosswise, preferably wool.
  8. Lie on your back and hold the compress for 2-3 hours.

This procedure must be done once a day in a course of 3 days.

Indications and contraindications for alcohol compress

When can and should you use an alcohol compress? It is indicated for diseases and troubles such as:

  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis (but not purulent!);
  • gout;
  • cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • bruises;
  • inflamed injuries;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis.

You can’t make an alcohol compress:

  • at temperature;
  • to places affected by lichen, fungus;
  • on places that are mechanically damaged (scratches, wounds);
  • with purulent otitis media;
  • with bronchitis;
  • babies under 1 year of age.

It is not recommended to use an alcohol compress on small children from one to three years old. If your child is over three years old, but you still doubt whether it is possible to give a compress (alcohol) to your child, be sure to consult your pediatrician!

Basic mistakes

What mistakes do people make when setting themselves or to a loved one alcohol compress? Let's once again focus on this in order to avoid them and not cause harm to the body instead of benefit.

  1. Do not apply cream or oil to the skin at the compress site. Don’t neglect this, and then you won’t get burned!
  2. They forget or change the sequence of compress layers, in this case losing all the effectiveness of the procedure. Don’t forget: wet gauze must be covered with a waterproof film! This will prevent the alcohol from evaporating.
  3. The alcohol is not diluted correctly. Remember - it is better to dilute alcohol with water more than less. Then your skin will thank you. Children need to dilute not only alcohol with water, but even vodka (1:1)!

And always remember the basic rule: an alcohol compress is only an additional method of treating colds and other diseases. Despite the many years of experience of our mothers and grandmothers, it is advisable to use such treatment under the supervision of your attending physician.