Distance from the hood to the stove (gas, electric). What should be the height from the stove to the hood: basic rules for choosing the distance The distance from the stove to the hood should be

When cooking on a stove, fumes containing fat, combustion products, and other substances rise from the surface of the cookware. harmful substances to be deleted. These purposes are served by a household kitchen hood, which is mounted directly above hob. In addition to smoke and excess humidity, it also removes odors, including unpleasant ones, that are formed during the cooking process. The exhaust device provides direct air exchange in the kitchen area, pushing the captured volume of air, previously passed through a set of filters, directly outside the room or into common system ventilation. The key issue when installing an air intake device is to determine correct height hanging above the stove.

At what distance from the stove should the hood be installed?

Why is the distance from the hood to the stove so significant? The fact is that with the right height, the device will work most efficiently, within acceptable temperature conditions and will last as long as possible.

REFERENCE! If the appliance is hung too low and interferes with access to kitchen utensils, cooking will not be comfortable.

Distance standards from the stove to the hood

There are two main configurations of hoods with different mounting height requirements: horizontal and inclined. Let's consider each of the options separately.

The horizontal hood is located parallel to the plane of the hob. For electric, including induction models, the suspension distance should be within 65–75 cm.

If we talk about gas stoves, then due to the presence of open fire, requirements for the installation height of exhaust equipment are more stringent. The distance to the filter layer should be in the range of 75 – 85 cm.

Inclined models are mounted at an obtuse angle to the plane of the slab. This allows you to significantly reduce the distance from the hob to the nearest hood point and make it more convenient workspace above the stove. However, the inclined shape of the equipment will require more power with the same quality of air purification.

In this case, the distance between the hood and the electric stove is reduced to 35–50 cm, and in the case of gas burners, the hanging height is allowed within 55–65 cm.

There are several other types of hoods on the market:

  • dome;
  • island;
  • T-shaped;
  • corner.

As a rule, they differ from horizontally oriented models only in terms of decorative design and fastening features. However, the requirements for the distance to the tiles remain the same.

When choosing the exact distance during installation, you must be guided by the information in the operating instructions specific model, as well as the characteristics of the kitchen and the wishes of the owners. In some cases, it is necessary to place the air intake device below the recommended values, for example, due to low ceilings, or, conversely, above.

Factors to consider when calculating the distance from the stove to the hood

What factors need to be taken into account when determining the minimum distance between the plane of the slab and the hood? First of all, this is the type of tile. You should also take into account: the size of the kitchen, features of its layout and design, configuration and power of the hood, anthropometric data of the user.

REFERENCE! The power of the hood should provide ten times the air exchange of the kitchen area with a small margin. Air exchange performance is one of the main technical characteristics of these devices, on which their power depends.

Productivity can be determined using the following formula:

P = V*10*k (m3/h),

— P – productivity (air exchange rate);
— V is the volume of the room, equal to the product of its length, width and height;
— K – safety factor, taking the value 1.3.

The dependence on the temperature of the working burners is obvious - the higher the heat, the further the lower part of the filter device should be located. An open fire increases this distance by another 10 cm on average.

The height of the user of the stove is also an important factor, influencing the determination of the installation height of the air intake device. A tall housewife is unlikely to feel comfortable if the lower part of a horizontally oriented hood is at eye level. In this case, it makes sense to provide a mount higher than recommended in a standard situation. The second way out for tall users is to choose an inclined type hood.

IMPORTANT! To compensate for the increased suspension height, it is advisable to choose a model with higher power to provide the same level of air purification.

Reducing the distance to hob less than recommended can be allowed only in exceptional cases: if design features or low ceilings the premises do not allow compliance with the standards. This will inevitably lead to an increase temperature regime and reducing the service life of equipment, increasing the likelihood of its premature failure. There is also a growing risk that during prolonged use, the lighting elements located on the bottom of the hood may often overheat and burn out.

Ultimately, the correct suspension height should ensure.

Right arranged ventilation in the apartment multi-storey building or private housing construction – pledge wellness residents, fresh indoor air. It's built like everyone else engineering systems, from several elements. If each of them works properly, this will affect the comfortable microclimate in the house. The kitchen is one of the main objects where, first of all, there should be good ventilation.

Kitchen ventilation

What does “good ventilation” mean in the kitchen? It is clear that modern kitchen- this is a whole set kitchen appliances, which makes it easier for the housewife to prepare food. This includes: stove, oven, microwave, toaster, multicooker, bread maker and other “helpers”. To prevent various odors from entering other rooms from the kitchen, you need to equip it with a high-quality ventilation system. It can be general or local.

  • The general exchange provides air exchange throughout the kitchen. It can be supply, exhaust, supply and exhaust and is aimed at removing odors, burning, and excess moisture.
  • Local – rids the room of odors from the immediate area. For the kitchen area, this is a hood that is installed directly above the hob. A device such as a kitchen umbrella is often installed in private homes where there are large kitchen areas or they are connected to the dining room, or where food is often prepared.

Important! Whatever type of ventilation is chosen, it is necessary to remember its supply and exhaust purpose. That is, when arranging a hood, take care of the flow of fresh air.

Types of kitchen hoods

Variety of exhaust units in supermarkets household appliances simply amazing! But the most important thing here is not to give in to emotions and not to choose a “designer” thing, but to first carry out power calculations, and then beauty and design. Also, when installing it, the installation height of the hood above the stove must be observed. In this context, other important aspects emerge:

  • types of kitchen stoves (powered by gas, electricity or induction);
  • required (design) power;
  • way to connect to exhaust ventilation;
  • length of cooking surface.

Hoods are divided into 2 types: flow and circulation. The flow-through system sucks in air, it passes through the filters and is removed into the ventilation hole. Its correct installation is important; this is often entrusted to specialists. The design of the supply unit includes carbon filters to clean the drawn-in masses from fat and soot. One of the inconveniences of such a hood is that during its operation there is a slight decrease in the temperature in the kitchen.

Circulation devices suck in contaminated air masses, drive them through cleaning filters and return them back. It is clear that the filters in such devices periodically require replacement, otherwise poorly purified air will return to the kitchen.

Installing a hood above the stove: general requirements

It is important how correctly the hood is positioned above the hob. What matters is the safety and efficiency of its operation. After all, housewives often lean over the stove to see what is being done in a pot or frying pan. Therefore, in order to avoid creating a fire situation, the hood must be hung so that lunch or dinner is prepared on time and the cook does not get injured. So, installing a hood over an electric stove ( average), must be at least 65 cm, and above the gas - at least 75 cm.

Important! When installing a hood, take into account its power, the size and design of the kitchen, and the height of the home cook. If necessary, you can raise the unit a little, but you cannot lower it!

Installation height of a kitchen hood above a gas stove

There are special requirements for devices installed above a gas stove. The distance from the unit to the bottom edge of the burners is measured. The installation must be carried out precisely, since if you fix it, then nothing will succeed. It must be remembered that the air outlet to the kitchen ventilation hole should not be blocked. Since when the hood is turned off, natural ventilation should work.

You can hang the hood over a gas stove within 75-85 cm. This distance is slightly greater than over an electric or induction stove. The reason for this is the open fire of gas burners, which can ignite the filters with soot and grease deposited on them.

Very important aspect hoods is their power. Careful calculation is required before purchasing. Let us give an example of calculating a hood that will be installed above a gas hob.

Kitchen dimensions: height - 2.7 m, length - 4.25 m, width - 3.15 m. Approved air exchange rate - 12, standard sanitary coefficient - 1.3. We calculate the volume of the room 4.25x3.15x2.7 = 36.15 cubic meters. Productivity 36.15x12x1.3=565 W. If the kitchen is combined with a dining room, the hood power increases by 30%. For each “turn” of the chimney, add 10%. For our example – 565+30%+10%+10%=890 W.

Important! Choose a hood with a power not lower than that found by calculation. Otherwise, the unit will not cope with the volume of unpleasant odors and excess moisture. And soot and grease will settle on kitchen furniture.

Installation height of the hood above the electric stove and induction hob

Mounting the hood above an electric or induction hob, the height can be reduced somewhat, since these stoves are safer to use than gas stoves. In addition, the distance can be adjusted taking into account the specific design of the device itself. So, island hoods are mounted to the ceiling; corner - in the corner; dome, fireplace - on the wall; built-in - in a hanging cabinet; flat - with the back panel facing the wall. The installation height of an inclined hood differs from others. It can be installed above electric and induction hobs at a height of 35-45 cm.

In small kitchens, experts and designers recommend installing built-in or flat models. In addition to convenience, flat units are classified as budget models. By choosing a device with the required power, you get rid of kitchen odors throughout the entire apartment.

Important! When choosing a hood for the kitchen, you need to take into account the size of the hob. So, its length cannot be less than the length of the slab. Otherwise, from the missing spaces, fumes, soot, and grease will accumulate on the surfaces of kitchen furniture, household appliances, dishes.

Why do you need to adhere to a certain installation height?

Any self-respecting manufacturer attaches installation and operation rules to their products. These instructions describe in detail how to properly position the hood over the hob. By adhering to all requirements, the consumer can be confident in the trouble-free operation of the device for a long time. An incorrect location can lead to a fire, interfere with cooking, and simply have an unaesthetic appearance. If the unit is mounted high, it will not be able to effectively capture fumes and fumes.

The position of the socket for switching on depends on the distance from the hob the hood will be located. Basically it is installed above the device.

Things, being in a confined space, tend to absorb all the aromas like a sponge. And the kitchen area may not always smell only pleasant - there are unfortunate accidents that lead to the rapid spread throughout the home of the heavy smell of burnt food, which firmly eats into the furniture and even the walls. The salvation from this was the use forced ventilation, thanks to which all the odors accompanying the cooking process stopped leaving work area kitchens. Such equipment has long become a familiar attribute for us. But it turns out that few people know what the rules should be for the distance from the stove to the hood.

Types of hoods

Apartment buildings are mandatory equipped with special exhaust shafts. There are ventilation holes leading into it from each kitchen area. Fresh air naturally enters the room through windows and doors, and then, thanks to pressure differences, is drawn through the holes into the shaft. This is how, as conceived by the architects, air masses circulate in the kitchen, which should prevent the spread of any odors to other rooms.

Initially, ventilation of living quarters was carried out only according to this principle. Then in exhaust vent steel install a small fan, and it significantly increased productivity. On modern stage humanity has come up with air purification systems that can work both autonomously and in conjunction with an exhaust shaft.

By functionality

When you need to remove polluted air from a room, install a forced-air fan and connect it to the exhaust vent. It draws all the dirt and odors into the mine. And then the polluted air goes outside into the atmosphere. This kind of hood is called flow-through.

In case of malfunction of the general ventilation structure, there are standalone devices, which are installed above the stove and suck in dirty air, passing it through filters. The atmosphere, cleared of debris and odors, returns back to the room. This kind of hood is called circulation system (otherwise - recycling).

By installation

As a rule, most modern air purification equipment combines flow and recirculation functions. The kitchen hood is installed above the stove and connected to ventilation shaft. The user himself chooses the operating mode, according to the circumstances and his desire.

But hoods differ not only in the method of purifying air masses, but also according to installation features, which is predetermined by the design of the equipment. So, air purification devices are:

  • flat;

  • built-in;

  • island;

  • dome;

  • inclined;

  • T-shaped.

What determines the location of the hood

Any of the structures is located strictly above the kitchen stove. The only question is where the stove is located and what is above it. For example, island hood attached to the ceiling, since it is usually installed above kitchen stoves located in the center of a large room (this is mainly true for catering establishments).

In other cases, when the stove is against the wall and there is an exhaust vent above it, any other hood is installed. Here the main emphasis is on design. There are people who like retro in the form of massive dome structures. They are also called fireplace ones. Someone hides the device in a wall cabinet. Some people like ultra-modern inclined models, in which there is nothing superfluous, and in appearance they are strict and laconic, just like their work.

Important! All types and designs have one thing in common general requirement to installation - this means maintaining the exact distance between the cooking surface of the stove and the hood receiver. When using kitchen stoves that have different operating principles (gas, electricity, magnetic induction), it will differ.

When installing a hood, you should rely on the following criteria:

  • room volume;
  • layout;
  • type of slab;
  • equipment power;
  • the height of the hostess.

Hood installation standards

When mounting ventilation equipment you need to be guided by how convenient it will be to use the device. At the same time, we must not forget that there is constant values ​​- for example, height according to the standard. It's about about the distance from the countertop to the hood. Moreover, the lower threshold always remains unshakable, while the upper norms can always be adjusted at your discretion.

When determining the upper limit of equipment installation, you should remember the ability of the hood to suck in dirty air: if you hang it too high, then heavy layers of air masses with fatty waste simply will not be captured.

Advice! To capture all the polluted air, when you need to install the device higher, use equipment of higher power. Also, instead of the standard hood width of 50-60 cm, a size of 90 cm is used. This will increase the device’s ability to handle dirty air masses.

Power calculation

Calculate required power The device is needed immediately when purchasing a hood is on the agenda. This will allow you to purchase the device at the lowest price. noise level, which depends on the power of the built-in fan, and that, in turn, depends on the amount of air masses required for processing. It is important to make such calculations even when you need to take a higher capacity hood to be able to place it higher.

When calculating it is used formula: room volume multiplied by 12. This is exactly how many times per hour, according to the standard, the air in the room should be changed during recirculation. To calculate the volume, you need to multiply the area of ​​the kitchen by its height. If the device is connected to a common ventilation duct, the total amount must be multiplied by another factor - 1.3. For example, for a kitchen with an area of ​​11 m 2 with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, you will need a circulation device with a capacity of 330 m 3 / h (11 * 2.5 * 12), and a flow device - 430 m 3 / h (330 * 1 ,3).

Electrical connection

Only after determining the height at which the device will be installed should you think about connecting it to the power supply. In order not to use extension cords and not to build up the network cable of the device, it is recommended to create a separate wiring for the outlet. At the same time, it is placed 10-20 cm above the line of the top cabinet (this is ideal).

Hood height above gas stove

If installed in the kitchen gas equipment, then the minimum distance from the burners to the hood tray must be at least 75 cm. This will prevent spontaneous combustion of the device. The parameter must also be maintained so that when the device is turned on and an air flow is created to draw in dirt, this stream does not extinguish the flame on the burner.

Important! The air intake of horizontal hood samples can be lowered to 65 cm, as specified in the operating instructions. And for inclined models, the distance from the hob is reduced to 55 cm - this is the safest minimum that can be allowed when using a gas stove.

The maximum distance will depend on individual needs. How to calculate it correctly was described above. But some experts say that raising the device above 90 cm is inappropriate.

Hood height above induction and electric hobs

When using an electric stove, there is no danger of accidentally extinguishing an open flame. So you can place the hood receiving tray closer to the hob. Eat installation features, which according to GOST depend on the design of the exhaust device. But this is more suitable for determining the maximum distance above the electric stove.

As for the minimum for electric ovens, including induction ones, then it amounts to 60 cm for all, without exception, horizontal models.

But for for inclined hoods, this distance should be at least 35 cm. You need to measure from the bottom of the device. It is not for nothing that these models are considered the most productive: they manage to capture all the dirt and odors as soon as they appear, that is, without loss.

Rules for installing ventilation equipment

The installation of the hood should begin by finding its correct location, which depends on the location vent exhaust shaft. In many cases it is necessary keep a separate ventilation duct to connect the device to a common one.

Second important parameter perform design features of the device: from the type of hood it will be clear what work needs to be done so that the unit can use all its advantages. But there are some installation rules, which are clearly shown in the photo.

Advice! Do not forget that when installing an air duct you need to use at least right angles. This reduces the productivity of the device and, conversely, increases its noise level during operation.

If all installation rules are followed, the hood will reveal its full potential. The right choice the distance from the stove to the receiver will allow the device to work at full capacity at the lowest cost. However, for more complete and long-term operation of the exhaust device, you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. Try not to use the hood at full power. This will reduce noise and extend the life of the fan motor.
  2. Do not turn off the appliance for a couple of minutes after the burner has been extinguished. This will allow any residual vapor to be captured.
  3. Keep the device clean and regularly wipe it from dust and grease deposits.
  4. Clean the filter at least twice a year.
  5. Completely change the cartridge as soon as the need arises.

Without neglecting the standards when installing exhaust equipment, you can increase the performance of the device. And if you adhere to a gentle regime, then its operating time will be extended for years.

The most reliable hoods according to buyers

Built-in hood ELIKOR Air purifiers Integra 50 white / white on Yandex Market

Fireplace hood MAUNFELD Tower C 50 white on Yandex Market

Built-in hood Jetair Aurora LX/WH/F/50 on Yandex Market

Fireplace hood Bosch Serie 4 DWK065G60R on Yandex Market

Fireplace hood MAUNFELD TSH 60 stainless steel on Yandex Market

The installation of a hood has certain standards for the distance to kitchen stove. Not only the efficiency of its operation depends on the location of the device, but also the duration of operation (if the device is positioned incorrectly, the device will have to work longer and/or higher speed to remove air efficiently).

There are several standard layout options, depending on several nuances, which we will discuss below.

Why is it important to maintain the correct distance?

You need to mount the exhaust hood above the stove (both gas and electric stoves) not “by eye,” but following established standards. Incorrectly hanging the device will lead to a significant decrease in the performance of the device.

If the device is installed too low above the slab surface:

  1. It will be inconvenient to use the stove, especially for tall people.
  2. It will be inconvenient to conduct maintenance both the stove and the exhaust device (especially changing or cleaning filters).
  3. The hood should not hang low also because in this case there is a risk of igniting deposits (dust) that accumulate on the body and grille.

If the hood hangs too high, its efficiency is significantly reduced: you have to turn it on maximum speed to draw in unpleasant odors. Because too long distance the device will perform worse at low speed when reaching the source of the odor. As a result, the hood will have to work longer, work at increased power(due to these factors, wear and tear is accelerated and the likelihood of breakdown increases), and in addition, the kitchen will be noisy.

What exactly needs to be measured?

Distance measurements must be taken correctly so that you do not make a mistake with the height. They are made depending on which model of exhaust device is used.

Rules for taking measurements:

  • for inclined models: you need to measure the distance from the bottom edge of the body to the burners.
  • for straight models (recessed, flat or dome) kitchen hoods): distance measurements must be taken from the filter to the hob (to the burners).

In addition to measurements, it is also important to consider how comfortable it will be for you to use the stove depending on your height. The hood should not be hung too low relative to your head: it will block your view when cooking and will be inconvenient to operate. But it is also not advisable to hang it too high (relative to the head): it will be inconvenient to turn it on and off.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a location?

In addition to the question of at what height and in what position is it better to hang the hood, you should definitely take into account other parameters:

  • distance of the device from the ventilation shaft;
  • power of the exhaust device;
  • outlet location;
  • depth and width of the body - to increase the performance of the exhaust device, it is necessary that its body overlaps work surface stoves completely (relevant for both gas and electric stoves).

At what height to hang a hood: standards and norms

The optimal height depends on the type of slab, so there is no universal distance. There are standard norms separately for electric and gas stoves.

Standards for gas stove (min-max values):

  1. Inclined models: 55-65 centimeters.
  2. Recessed, dome, flat or T-shaped models: 75-85 centimeters.

Standards for electric stoves(induction or classical), minimum-maximum values:

  • inclined models: 35-45 centimeters;
  • built-in, dome, flat or T-shaped models: 65-75 centimeters.

If you can’t take measurements yourself, you can contact specialized companies for advice. Not only will they be able to take measurements, but they will also be able to install the device.

Rules for installing a hood in the kitchen (video)

Exhaust device – necessary element kitchens. It is used for room ventilation. During the cooking process, food may burn and then appear unpleasant odors. Removing them is not difficult with the help of modern technology.

If you decide to get a hood, important point It will be correct to calculate the distance from it to the stove so that odors are removed as efficiently as possible.


To ensure the required air purity in the room, which is comfortable for humans, ventilation must be installed in accordance with all accepted norms and standards. For different types of slabs, there are two types of hoods: inclined and regular (straight). The recommended distance from the hood to the stove directly depends on the type of kitchen panel and the design features of the equipment for a particular kitchen.

The minimum distance above the countertop of a gas stove for a conventional hood is seventy-five centimeters, above an electric stove - sixty-five centimeters. If we consider an inclined hood, the indicators will be fifty-five centimeters for gas and thirty-five centimeters for inclined ventilation.

The distance norm is chosen by the person who will cook, so it may also depend on the height of the owner, the type of kitchen, and the height of the ceilings.

It is allowed to change the height of the hood by 5-10 centimeters from the minimum distance. The correct choice of the distance between the exhaust device and the countertop of the stove affects the efficiency of operation, operational safety and long-term use of this household appliance. After all, incorrect installation of the device below the required level entails heating and, consequently, failure of the unit.

Based on the type of design, hoods are divided into three types:

  • flow-through;
  • circulation;
  • mixed.

The process of operating air intakes of a flow-through design is as follows. The air duct pipes are connected to the general house ventilation system; contaminated air exits through the pipes into general ventilation, and clean and pleasant air enters the room where food is prepared through open doors and windows. Circulation models are not connected to the general house system; in them the air is purified in internal system unit filters and returns to the kitchen.

This device has a high-performance motor that increases the useful action unit. Such structures are usually installed in old houses or in kitchens where the hob countertop is located away from the ventilation duct.

Mixed exhaust devices have design features previous types, they have an air duct that works in conjunction with an air filtration system. This ventilation system is convenient to use in winter to keep the kitchen and apartment warm. The disadvantage of such an air intake is that when the device is turned off, due to its design it blocks the ventilation. Therefore, there is a forced need to open windows for ventilation. Also, due to the powerful motor, the installation is very noisy during use, the same applies to circulation models.

How do equipment dimensions affect?

The dimensions of the kitchen ventilation are different; this should be taken into account when choosing a hood. It should be installed after measurements of the kitchen itself.


  • calculate the size of the room;
  • determine the position of interior items in the kitchen;
  • measure the dimensions of the slab;
  • take into account the height of everyone living in the apartment;
  • select the desired type of ventilation and efficiency;
  • consider where the device will be installed.

Hoods built into any piece of furniture are installed directly above a gas or electric stove to ensure maximum operating efficiency. Such models are located inside the kitchen interior object.

Such a ventilation system is invisible in the kitchen; visually you can only see the surface into which the air enters. From various types For built-in ventilation, telescopic ones are especially popular. Such hoods have a powerful motor with a maximum capacity of 1000 cubic meters. m/hour. To install models of this type you will need a wall cabinet without a bottom. The dimensions of the cabinet and ventilation must match.

When installing ductwork, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary bends in the pipe to avoid loss of power. Need to install check valves exhaust ventilation so that contaminated air does not get back into the room. Installation of this type of hood begins with the assembly of the cabinet or box. The box is made of wood. The box is assembled as follows: the top of the box and its side parts are fastened together immediately, and after that the dimensions of the box and the hood are compared. Then the lower part of the cabinet is installed, where a hole is cut for the air duct. For silent operation, it is recommended to use plastic air ducts.

What to consider during installation?

If you have a compact cooking space, then by purchasing a large ventilation structure, you risk creating inconvenience for yourself and your family. In this case, it would be advisable to take a built-in hood and install it in a cabinet on the wall, if there is one above the hob, or in another element of the kitchen interior. The main thing is that it is located above the stove top. The size of the air intake should be selected to match the size of the slab over which it will be installed. If the dimensions are smaller, then the air intake will not be complete, therefore, the air will not be cleaned. But if the air intake device is slightly larger than the stove, then there is nothing to worry about, it’s even better.

Dimensions and characteristics affect the height of the exhaust device above the stove. Systems low power should be installed at a height of at least seventy-five centimeters. If the air intake capacity exceeds five hundred and fifty cubic meters. m/hour, then the distance from the cooking surface to the edge of the device should be increased.

The angle of ventilation will also affect the height above the stove. If it is equal to zero, then no changes in height need to be made. But if an angle appears, then the distance from the lower edge of the exhaust device to the surface of the slab should be about sixty centimeters. Exhaust installation works on a stove where the temperature reaches high values. Due to the large dimensions and not correct installation may accumulate on the hood greasy spots, then it will become polluted on its own. You should be aware that dirt and stains are highly flammable and, therefore, if the hood is installed incorrectly and becomes dirty, a fire may occur.

Ventilation, like any electrical appliance, needs nutrition. When installing, you need to consider whether the outlet is blocked or not, as well as the distance to it. At the factory during production exhaust devices they are equipped with a short electrical cord. Most rational option– the socket should be ten to thirty centimeters higher than the unit and offset by twenty centimeters relative to the axis of symmetry of the device. This is important because the air exhaust pipe will go directly along the axis of symmetry.

The air duct of the device has its own design; for the most efficient air intake, it must have a minimum number of right angles, and also must not be pinched anywhere or have distortions. It is necessary to clean the air duct, as it tends to become clogged. When clogged, the flow area decreases, so air does not flow in full. This reduces the efficiency and performance of the device.

Installing ventilation is a responsible task; correct installation determines how the entire system will work, its efficiency and productivity. What should you consider during installation? The first step is to decide what type of ventilation will be: circulation, flow or mixed. After this, you need to determine the type of ventilation: direct (regular), inclined or built-in. Each of them has its own installation method and its own tricks, and each of them has its own pros and cons.

Straight hoods

Conventional hoods often have the shape of a trapezoid or rectangle. Installed above a gas or electric stove. As a rule, the unit is mounted on the wall, as it is large in size, so installing it in a closet is not an easy task. You need to pay attention to the accessibility of the outlet. The lower edge of the ventilation should be at least sixty-five centimeters above the stove and below ninety centimeters so that the efficiency of the exhaust device is not lost.

The opening for ventilation also deserves attention; not in all houses designers install openings in a way that is convenient for residents. There is a way out of the situation, this is the use of a flexible corrugated pipe or a rigid one plastic pipe for air ducts. To reduce the noise level, it is recommended to stretch the corrugation. The hood must be firmly attached to the wall; you should first prepare the wall by drilling holes in it with a hammer drill and inserting dowels. After the unit is firmly fixed, further installation of the air duct occurs.

Inclined hoods

The main thing in installing inclined ventilation is to check whether it interferes with the opening of wall cabinets. For small rooms, a hood measuring fifty centimeters will be sufficient. If the room is often subject to pollution or is large in area, it is recommended to install air intakes larger than eighty centimeters in size. If the hood model has an air exhaust function, then you need to additionally install ventilation pipe and seal any seams that appear.

If the unit operates autonomously without air exhaust, you will only need access to the power supply. The distance between such a hood and the hob should be more than sixty centimeters if the stove is gas, and fifty centimeters if it is an electric stove.

How to measure and install?

During operation, vibrations of the pipe are possible. To avoid its deformation, it is recommended to leave a little space between the hood pipe and the ceiling. You can install it yourself or call a professional. Installation ventilation system is produced in several stages. Using a measuring tape, measure the required height from the stove to the expected start of the hood. Using a special level, draw a line parallel to the horizon. It is a height limiter at which the lower part of the air intake housing will be located.

After drawing the line, you need to find its center and draw a perpendicular straight line from it using a level- this line determines the location where the air duct will be located. Next, we measure the device and approximately compare its dimensions with the already marked lines. If the top edge of the unit rests on the ceiling, then the air duct will need to be shortened so that the air intake housing does not fall below a point where it cannot function normally.

Next, measure the distance from the bottom edge of the device to its upper mounts on the case. Let's draw perpendicular lines to the bottom horizontal line, and connect the ends of these lines to each other to make two parallel lines (top and bottom). On the upper horizontal line, measure the distance from the center, noting the location of the unit mounts. Using a drill or hammer drill, you need to drill holes in the wall, insert dowels into them, into which screws will later be screwed.

It is recommended to install the device on the wall from its upper part, after installing the top. The device should be leveled horizontally and finally secured to the wall. At the very end of the work, a corrugated pipe or plastic channel is attached to the air intake. It is recommended to hang the air intake after careful preparation kitchens, after all measuring procedures and reading the relevant documentation. At each factory, the exhaust unit is accompanied by instructions for installation and operation, which indicate the parameters for installing a specific type of device.