Dimensions of the KTP transformer compartment from the point of view of power supply. Intrashop switchgears and transformer substations Installation of instruments and apparatus

Date of introduction 2003-10-01


DESIGNED with the requirements in mind state standards, building codes and regulations, recommendations of scientific and technical councils for reviewing draft chapters. Draft chapters were reviewed by working groups Coordination Council on the revision of the PUE


AGREED in in the prescribed manner with Gosstroy of Russia, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, RAO "UES of Russia" (JSC "VNIIE") and submitted for approval by Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

From October 1, 2003, Chapter 2.4 of the “Rules for Electrical Installations”, sixth edition, becomes invalid

The requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, as well as for individuals, busy entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity.

Scope of application. Definitions

2.4.1. This chapter of the Rules applies to overhead power lines AC voltage up to 1 kV, performed using insulated or non-insulated wires.

Additional requirements for overhead lines up to 1 kV are given in Chapters 2.5, 6.3 and 7.7.

Cable inserts into the line and cable branches from the line must be made in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2.3.

2.4.2. Overhead power transmission line (OHL) with voltage up to 1 kV - a device for transmitting and distributing electricity over insulated or non-insulated wires located on outdoors and attached by linear reinforcement to supports, insulators or brackets, to the walls of buildings and to engineering structures.

An overhead power line with voltage up to 1 kV using self-supporting insulated wires (SIP) is designated VLI.

Self-supporting insulated wire - insulated conductors twisted into a bundle, and the supporting conductor can be either insulated or non-insulated. The mechanical load can be perceived either by the load-bearing core or by all conductors of the harness.

2.4.3. The overhead line is a section of the line from the supply transformer substation to the end support.

Linear branches or branches to the input can be connected to the overhead line.

A linear branch from an overhead line is a section of a line connected to the mainline of an overhead line that has more than two spans.

Branch from the overhead line to the input - the section from the support of the main line or linear branch to the clamp (input insulator).

The branch from the overhead line is allowed to be carried out in the span.

2.4.4. State of the overhead line in the calculations of the mechanical part:

normal mode - mode with unbroken wires;

emergency mode - mode with broken wires;

installation mode - mode under conditions of installation of supports and wires.

Mechanical calculation of overhead lines up to 1 kV in emergency mode is not performed.

General requirements

2.4.5. Mechanical calculation of overhead line elements must be carried out according to the methods outlined in Chapter 2.5.

2.4.6. Overhead power lines must be placed so that the supports do not block the entrances to buildings and courtyards and do not impede the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. In places where there is a danger of collision with vehicles (at entrances to courtyards, near road exits, at intersections of roads), supports must be protected from collision (for example, with bumper bollards).

2.4.7. On the overhead line supports at a height of at least 2 m from the ground, after 250 m on the overhead line the following must be installed (marked): the serial number of the support; posters indicating the distances from the overhead line support to the cable communication line (on supports installed at a distance of less than 4 m to the communication cables), the width of the security zone and the telephone number of the owner of the overhead line.

2.4.8. When passing overhead lines through forests and green spaces cutting down glades is not required. In this case, the distance from the wires to trees and bushes at the greatest sag of the SIP and their greatest deviation should be at least 0.3 m.

When passing overhead lines with bare wires through forests and green spaces, cutting down a clearing is not necessary. In this case, the distance from the wires at the greatest sag or greatest deviation to trees and bushes must be at least 1 m.

The distance from insulated wires to green spaces must be at least 0.5 m.

2.4.9. The structures of overhead line supports must be protected from corrosion taking into account the requirements of 2.5.25, 2.5.26 and building codes.

2.4.10. Protection of overhead lines from electrical overloads should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3.1.

Climatic conditions

2.4.11. Climatic conditions for calculating overhead lines up to 1 kV in normal mode should be accepted as for overhead lines up to 20 kV in accordance with 2.5.38-2.5.74. In this case, for overhead lines up to 1 kV the following should be taken:

when calculating according to 2.5.52: = 1.1 - for SIP, free or covered with ice;

when calculating according to 2.5.54 and 2.5.55:

0.8 - for single-circuit overhead lines;

0.9 - for single-circuit overhead lines with suspension on PV supports;

1.0 and 1.2 - for double-circuit and multi-circuit overhead lines, as well as when hanging a self-supporting non-metallic optical cable (OSN) on overhead line supports;

1.0 and 1.0 - in all cases.

2.4.12. Calculation of the span length of the branch from the overhead line to the input according to 2.4.20 must be carried out in icy conditions for two cases:

1) the wind direction is at an angle of 90° to the overhead line axis, the overhead line wires are covered with ice, the thickness of the ice wall on the branch wires;

2) wind direction along the overhead line (angle 0°), thickness of the ice wall on the branch wires .

In both cases, one should take into account the reduction in tension of the branch wires when the top of the support is deflected.

Wires. Linear fittings

2.4.13. As a rule, self-supporting insulated wires (SIP) should be used on overhead lines.

SIP must belong to the category of protected, have insulation made of fire-resistant, light-stabilized synthetic material resistant to ultraviolet radiation and ozone.

2.4.14. According to the conditions of mechanical strength, wires with the minimum cross-sections specified in Tables 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 should be used on the main lines of the overhead line, on the linear branch from the overhead line and on the branches to the inputs.

Table 2.4.1

Minimum permissible cross-sections of insulated wires

* The cross-section of the core of self-supporting insulated wires, twisted into a bundle, without a supporting wire, is given in parentheses.

Table 2.4.2

Minimum permissible cross-sections of bare and insulated wires

Standard ice wall thickness, mm

Wire material

Wire cross-section on the main line and linear branch, mm

Aluminum (A),
aluminum alloy (AN)

Steel-aluminum (AS),
aluminum alloy (AF)

15 or more


2.4.15. When constructing overhead lines in places where operating experience has established the destruction of wires from corrosion (sea coasts, salt lakes, industrial areas and areas of saline sand), as well as in places where, based on research data, it is possible, self-supporting insulated wires with an insulated core should be used .

2.4.16. The overhead line, as a rule, should be made with wires of a constant cross-section.

2.4.17. Mechanical calculation of wires must be carried out using the permissible stress method for the conditions specified in 2.5.38-2.5.74. In this case, the voltages in the wires must not exceed the permissible voltages given in Table 2.4.3, and the distances from the wires to the ground surface, intersecting structures and grounded support elements must meet the requirements of this chapter.

Table 2.4.3

Permissible mechanical stress in overhead line wires up to 1 kV

Allowable stress, % tensile strength

at maximum load and lowest temperature

at average annual temperature

SIP with a cross section of 25-120 mm

Aluminum cross-section, mm:

From heat-treated and non-heat-treated aluminum alloy cross section, mm:

Steel-aluminum section, mm:

When calculating, the wire parameters given in Table 2.5.8 are used.

2.4.18. All types of mechanical loads and impacts on a self-supporting insulated wire with a load-bearing wire must be absorbed by this core, and on a self-supporting insulated wire without a support wire - all cores of the twisted bundle must be absorbed.

2.4.19. The span length of the branch from the overhead line to the input must be determined by calculation depending on the strength of the support on which the branch is made, the height of the suspension of the branch wires on the support and at the input, the number and cross-section of the cores of the branch wires.

At distances from the overhead line to the building exceeding calculated values span of the branch, the required number of additional supports is installed.

2.4.20. The selection of the cross-section of current-carrying conductors based on the long-term permissible current should be carried out taking into account the requirements of Chapter 1.3.

The cross-section of current-carrying conductors must be checked for heating conditions during short circuits (short circuits) and for thermal resistance.

2.4.21. Fastening, connecting SIP and connecting to SIP should be done as follows:

1) fastening the VLI main wire to intermediate and corner intermediate supports - using supporting clamps;

2) fastening of the VLI main wire on anchor-type supports, as well as end fastening of the branch wires on the VLI support and at the input - using tension clamps;

3) connection of the VLI wire in the span - using special connecting clamps; in the loops of anchor-type supports, it is allowed to connect an uninsulated support wire using a die clamp. Connecting clamps intended for connecting the carrier wire in the span must have mechanical strength at least 90% of the breaking force of the wire;

4) connection of phase wires of the VLI main line - using connecting clamps having an insulating coating or a protective insulating shell;

5) connecting wires in the span of the branch to the input is not allowed;

6) connection of grounding conductors - using die clamps;

7) branch clamps should be used in the following cases:

branches from phase conductors, with the exception of self-supporting insulated wires with all supporting conductors of the bundle;

branches from the carrier core.

2.4.22. Fastening of support and tension clamps to overhead line supports, walls of buildings and structures should be done using hooks and brackets.

2.4.23. The design forces in supporting and tension clamps, fastening units and brackets in normal mode should not exceed 40% of their mechanical breaking load.

2.4.24. Connections of wires in overhead line spans should be made using connecting clamps that provide mechanical strength of at least 90% of the breaking force of the wire.

In one span of an overhead line, no more than one connection per wire is allowed.

In the spans of intersection of overhead lines with engineering structures, the connection of overhead line wires is not allowed.

The connection of wires in the loops of anchor supports must be made using clamps or welding.

Wires of different brands or sections should be connected only in the loops of anchor supports.

2.4.25. It is recommended to fasten bare wires to insulators and insulating cross-arms on overhead line supports, with the exception of supports for intersections, in a single manner.

Fastening of bare wires to pin insulators on intermediate supports should be done, as a rule, on the neck of the insulator on its inner side in relation to the support post.

2.4.26. Hooks and pins must be calculated in normal operation of overhead lines using the destructive load method.

In this case, the forces should not exceed the values ​​​​given in 2.5.101.

Location of wires on supports

2.4.27. Any arrangement of insulated and non-insulated overhead line wires is allowed on supports, regardless of the region’s climatic conditions. Neutral wire Overhead lines with bare wires, as a rule, should be located below the phase wires. Insulated outdoor lighting wires laid on VLI supports can be placed above or below the SIP, and can also be twisted into a SIP bundle. Uninsulated and insulated outdoor lighting wires laid on overhead line supports should, as a rule, be located above PEN (PE) overhead line conductor.

2.4.28. Devices installed on supports for connecting electrical receivers must be placed at a height of at least 1.6 m from the ground surface.

Protective and sectioning devices installed on supports must be placed below the overhead line wires.

2.4.29. The distances between bare wires on the support and in the span, according to the conditions of their approach in the span with the greatest sag up to 1.2 m, must be no less than:

with a vertical arrangement of wires and an arrangement of wires with a horizontal displacement of no more than 20 cm: 40 cm in regions I, II and III on ice, 60 cm in regions IV and special regions on ice;

with other wire locations in all areas on ice at wind speeds during ice: up to 18 m/s - 40 cm, more than 18 m/s - 60 cm.

If the maximum sag is more than 1.2 m, the indicated distances must be increased in proportion to the ratio of the largest sag to the sag equal to 1.2 m.

2.4.30. The vertical distance between insulated and non-insulated wires of overhead lines of different phases on a support when branching from an overhead line and when crossing different overhead lines on a common support must be at least 10 cm.

The distance from the overhead line wires to any support elements must be at least 5 cm.

2.4.31. When jointly suspended on common supports of overhead lines and overhead lines up to 1 kV, the vertical distance between them on the support and in the span at an ambient temperature of plus 15 ° C without wind should be at least 0.4 m.

2.4.32. When jointly suspended on common supports of two or more VLIs, the distance between the SIP bundles must be at least 0.3 m.

2.4.33. When jointly suspending overhead line wires up to 1 kV and overhead line wires up to 20 kV on common supports, the vertical distance between the nearest overhead line wires of different voltages on a common support, as well as in the middle of the span at an ambient temperature of plus 15 °C without wind, should be no less than:

1.0 m - when hanging SIP with an insulated carrier and with all carrier wires;

1.75 m - when hanging SIP with a non-insulated support wire;

2.0 m - when hanging bare and insulated overhead line wires up to 1 kV.

2.4.34. When suspended on common supports of overhead line wires up to 1 kV and protected wires of overhead line 6-20 kV (see 2.5.1), the vertical distance between the nearest wires of overhead line up to 1 kV and overhead line 6-20 kV on the support and in the span at a temperature of plus 15 °C without wind should be at least 0.3 m for SIP and 1.5 m for uninsulated and insulated overhead line wires up to 1 kV.


2.4.35. Self-supporting insulated wire is attached to supports without the use of insulators.

2.4.36. On overhead lines with bare and insulated wires, regardless of the material of the supports, the degree of atmospheric pollution and the intensity of lightning activity, insulators or cross-arms made of insulating materials should be used.

The selection and calculation of insulators and fittings are carried out in accordance with 2.5.100.

2.4.37. On the supports of branches from overhead lines with bare and insulated wires, as a rule, multi-neck or additional insulators should be used.

Grounding. Surge protection

2.4.38. The overhead line supports must have grounding devices designed for re-grounding, protection against lightning surges, and grounding of electrical equipment installed on the overhead line supports. The resistance of the grounding device must be no more than 30 Ohms.

2.4.39. Metal supports, metal structures and reinforcement of reinforced concrete support elements must be connected to PEN-to the conductor.

2.4.40. On reinforced concrete supports PEN- the conductor should be connected to the reinforcement of reinforced concrete racks and support struts.

2.4.41. Hooks and pins of wooden overhead line supports, as well as metal and reinforced concrete supports, when suspended on them, self-supporting insulated wires with an insulated supporting conductor or with all the supporting conductors of the bundle are not subject to grounding, with the exception of hooks and pins on the supports, where repeated grounding and grounding are performed for protection from atmospheric conditions overvoltage.

2.4.42. Hooks, pins and fittings of overhead line supports with voltage up to 1 kV, limiting the span of the intersection, as well as supports on which joint suspension is carried out, must be grounded.

2.4.43. On wooden overhead line supports, when transitioning to a cable line, the grounding conductor must be connected to PEN- the overhead line conductor and the metal sheath of the cable.

2.4.44. Protective devices installed on overhead line supports for protection against lightning surges must be connected to the grounding switch with a separate descent.

2.4.45. The connection of grounding conductors to each other, their connection to the upper grounding outlets of reinforced concrete poles, to hooks and brackets, as well as to grounded metal structures and to grounded electrical equipment installed on overhead line supports, must be performed by welding or bolted connections.

The connection of grounding conductors (descents) to the ground electrode in the ground must also be carried out by welding or have bolted connections.

2.4.46. In populated areas with one- and two-story buildings, overhead lines must have grounding devices designed to protect against atmospheric surges. The resistance of these grounding devices should be no more than 30 Ohms, and the distance between them should be no more than 200 m for areas with up to 40 thunderstorm hours per year, 100 m for areas with more than 40 thunderstorm hours per year.

In addition, grounding devices must be made:

1) on supports with branches to inputs into buildings in which concentrations may be concentrated large number people (schools, nurseries, hospitals) or who represent a large material value(livestock and poultry premises, warehouses);

2) at the end supports of lines that have branches to the inputs, while greatest distance from the adjacent grounding of the same lines there should be no more than 100 m for areas with the number of thunderstorm hours per year up to 40 and 50 m - for areas with the number of thunderstorm hours per year more than 40.

2.4.47. At the beginning and end of each VLI highway, it is recommended to install clamps on the wires for connecting voltage monitoring devices and portable grounding.

It is recommended to combine grounding devices for lightning surge protection with re-grounding PEN- conductor.

2.4.48. Requirements for re-grounding devices and protective conductors are given in 1.7.102, 1.7.103, 1.7.126. Round steel with an anti-corrosion coating with a diameter of at least 6 mm may be used as grounding conductors on overhead line supports.

2.4.49. The guy wires of overhead line supports must be connected to the grounding conductor.


2.4.50. On overhead lines, supports made of various materials can be used.

For overhead lines should be used following types supports:

1) intermediate, installed on straight sections of the overhead line route. In normal operating modes, these supports should not absorb forces directed along the overhead line;

2) anchor, installed to limit the anchor span, as well as in places where the number, grades and cross-sections of overhead line wires change. In normal operating conditions, these supports must absorb forces from the difference in tension of the wires directed along the overhead line;

3) angular, installed in places where the direction of the overhead line route changes. Under normal operating conditions, these supports must absorb the resulting load from the tension of the wires of adjacent spans. Corner supports can be intermediate or anchor type;

4) end ones, installed at the beginning and end of overhead lines, as well as in places limiting cable inserts. They are anchor-type supports and must withstand the one-sided pull of all wires in normal operating modes of overhead lines.

The supports on which branches from overhead lines are made are called branch supports; supports on which the overhead line is crossed different directions or the intersection of overhead lines with engineering structures - cross. These supports can be of all specified types.

2.4.51. The support structures must provide the ability to install:

lamps street lighting all types;

cable terminations;

protective devices;

sectioning and switching devices;

cabinets and panels for connecting electrical receivers.

2.4.52. Supports, regardless of their type, can be free-standing, with struts or guys.

Support guy wires can be attached to anchors installed in the ground, or to stone, brick, reinforced concrete and metal elements buildings and structures. The cross section of the guy wires is determined by calculation. They can be stranded or made of round steel. The cross-section of single-wire steel guys must be at least 25 mm.

2.4.53. Overhead line supports should be calculated according to the first and second limit state in normal operation of overhead lines for climatic conditions according to 2.4.11 and 2.4.12.

Intermediate supports must be designed for the following combinations of loads:

simultaneous impact of transverse wind load on the wires, free or covered with ice, and on the support structure, as well as the load from the tension of the branch wires to the inputs, free from ice or partially covered with ice (according to 2.4.12);

on the load from the tension of the branch wires to the inputs covered with ice, while taking into account the deflection of the support under the influence of the load is allowed;

for a conditional design load equal to 1.5 kN, applied to the top of the support and directed along the axis of the overhead line.

Corner supports (intermediate and anchor) must be designed for the resulting load from the tension of wires and wind load on the wires and support structure.

Anchor supports must be designed for the difference in tension between wires of adjacent spans and the lateral load from wind pressure with and without ice on the wires and support structure. The smallest value of the gravity difference should be taken as 50% highest value one-sided tension of all wires.

End supports must be designed for one-way tension of all wires.

Branch supports are calculated for the resulting load from the tension of all wires.

2.4.54. When installing supports on flooded sections of the route, where soil erosion or exposure to ice drift is possible, the supports must be strengthened (filling with soil, paving, installing benches, installing ice cutters).

Dimensions, intersections and approaches

2.4.55. The vertical distance from the VLI wires to the ground surface in populated and uninhabited areas to the ground and roadways of streets must be at least 5 m. It can be reduced by difficult to reach terrain up to 2.5 m and in inaccessible areas (mountain slopes, rocks, cliffs) - up to 1 m.

When crossing impassable parts of streets with branches from overhead lines to building entrances, the distance from the self-supporting insulation system to the sidewalks of pedestrian paths can be reduced to 3.5 m.

The distance from self-supporting insulated wires and insulated wires to the ground surface on branches to the input must be at least 2.5 m.

The distance from bare wires to the ground surface on branches to inputs must be at least 2.75 m.

2.4.56. The distance from the overhead line wires in populated and uninhabited areas with the greatest sag of the wires to the ground and roadways must be at least 6 m. The distance from the wires to the ground can be reduced in hard-to-reach areas to 3.5 m and in inaccessible areas (mountain slopes , rocks, cliffs) - up to 1 m.

2.4.57. The horizontal distance from self-supporting insulated wires at their greatest deviation to elements of buildings and structures must be no less than:

1.0 m - to balconies, terraces and windows;

0.2 m - to the blank walls of buildings and structures.

It is allowed to pass overhead lines and overhead lines with insulated wires over the roofs of buildings and structures (except as specified in Chapters 7.3 and 7.4), and the vertical distance from them to the wires must be at least 2.5 m.

2.4.58. The horizontal distance from overhead line wires at their greatest deviation to buildings and structures must be no less than:

1.5 m - to balconies, terraces and windows;

1.0 m - to blank walls.

The passage of overhead lines with uninsulated wires over buildings and structures is not allowed.

2.4.59. The shortest distance from SIP and overhead line wires to the surface of the earth or water, as well as to various structures when overhead lines pass over them, is determined at the highest air temperature without taking into account heating of the overhead line wires by electric current.

2.4.60. When laying along the walls of buildings and structures, the minimum distance from the SIP should be:

for horizontal installation

above the window, front door - 0.3 m;

under the balcony, window, cornice - 0.5 m;

to the ground - 2.5 m;

for vertical installation

to the window - 0.5 m;

to the balcony, front door - 1.0 m.

The clear distance between the SIP and the wall of the building or structure must be at least 0.06 m.

2.4.61. Horizontal distances from underground parts of supports or support grounding conductors to underground cables, pipelines and above-ground columns for various purposes must be no less than those given in Table 2.4.4.

Table 2.4.4

The smallest permissible horizontal distance from the underground parts of supports or grounding devices of supports to underground cables, pipelines and above-ground columns

2.4.62. When crossing overhead lines with various structures, as well as with streets and squares settlements The intersection angle is not standardized.

2.4.63. Crossing overhead lines with navigable rivers and canals is not recommended. If it is necessary to perform such an intersection, overhead lines must be constructed in accordance with the requirements of 2.5.268-2.5.272. When crossing non-navigable rivers and canals, the shortest distances from overhead line wires to highest level water should be at least 2 m, and to the ice level - at least 6 m.

2.4.64. The intersection and convergence of overhead lines with voltages up to 1 kV with overhead lines with voltages above 1 kV, as well as the joint suspension of their wires on common supports must be carried out in compliance with the requirements given in 2.5.220-2.5.230.

2.4.65. It is recommended to cross overhead lines (VLI) up to 1 kV with each other on cross supports; their intersection in the span is also allowed. The vertical distance between the wires of intersecting overhead lines (VLI) must be at least: 0.1 m on the support, 1 m in the span.

2.4.66. In places where overhead lines up to 1 kV cross each other, intermediate supports and anchor-type supports can be used.

When crossing overhead lines up to 1 kV in a span, the intersection location should be chosen as close as possible to the support of the upper intersecting overhead line, while the horizontal distance from the supports of the intersecting overhead line to the wires of the crossed overhead line at their greatest deviation should be at least 2 m.

2.4.67. With parallel passage and proximity of overhead lines up to 1 kV and overhead lines above 1 kV, the horizontal distance between them must be no less than those specified in 2.5.230.

2.4.68. Joint suspension of overhead line wires up to 1 kV and bare overhead line wires up to 20 kV on common supports is permitted subject to the following conditions:

2) overhead line wires up to 20 kV should be located above overhead line wires up to 1 kV;

3) overhead line wires up to 20 kV, fixed to pin insulators, must have double fastening.

2.4.69. When hanging overhead line wires up to 1 kV and protected overhead line wires 6-20 kV on common supports, the following requirements must be met:

1) Overhead lines up to 1 kV must be carried out according to the design climatic conditions Overhead lines up to 20 kV;

2) the wires of overhead lines 6-20 kV should be located, as a rule, above the wires of overhead lines up to 1 kV;

3) the fastening of 6-20 kV overhead line wires on pin insulators must be reinforced.

2.4.70. When crossing an overhead line (VLI) with an overhead line with a voltage higher than 1 kV, the distance from the wires of the crossing overhead line to the crossed overhead line (VLI) must comply with the requirements given in 2.5.221 and 2.5.227.

The cross-section of the wires of the crossed overhead line must be taken in accordance with 2.5.223.

Intersections, approaches, joint suspension of overhead lines with communication lines, wire broadcasting and radio communications

2.4.71. The angle of intersection of the overhead line with the LS* and LPV should be as close as possible to 90°. For cramped conditions, the intersection angle is not standardized.
* LAN should be understood as communication lines of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and other departments, as well as signaling lines of the Ministry of Railways.

LPV should be understood as wire broadcast lines.

According to their purpose, overhead communication lines are divided into long-distance telephone lines (MTS), rural telephone lines (RTC), city telephone lines (TCL), and wire broadcast lines (LTV).

Based on their importance, overhead communication lines and wire broadcasting are divided into classes:

MTS and STS lines: MTS main lines connecting Moscow with republican, regional and regional centers and the latter among themselves, and lines of the Ministry of Railways running along railways and on the territory of railway stations (class I); intrazonal MTS lines connecting republican, regional and regional centers with district centers and the latter among themselves, and STS connecting lines (class II); STS subscriber lines (class III);

GTS lines are not divided into classes;

wired broadcast lines: feeder lines with a rated voltage above 360 ​​V (class I); feeder lines with a rated voltage of up to 360 V and subscriber lines with a voltage of 15 and 30 V (class II).

2.4.72. The vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the wires or overhead cables of the LAN and LPV in the intersection span at the greatest sag of the overhead line wire should be:

from self-supporting insulated wires and insulated wires - at least 1 m;

from bare wires - at least 1.25 m.

2.4.73. The vertical distance from the wires of overhead lines up to 1 kV to the wires or overhead cables of LS or LPV when crossing on a common support should be:

between SIP and LS or LPV - at least 0.5 m;

between the uninsulated wire of the overhead line and the LPV - at least 1.5 m.

2.4.74. The intersection of the overhead line wires with the wires or overhead cables of the LAN and LPV in the span should be as close as possible to the overhead line support, but not less than 2 m from it.

2.4.75. The intersection of overhead lines with drugs and LPs can be performed using one of the following options:

1) overhead line wires and insulated LS and LPV wires;

2) overhead line wires and underground or overhead cable LAN and LPV;

3) overhead line wires and bare LS and LPV wires;

4) an underground cable insert into an overhead line with insulated and non-insulated LS and LPV wires.

2.4.76. When crossing overhead line wires with insulated LS and LPV wires, the following requirements must be met:

2) the intersection of uninsulated overhead line wires with LAN wires, as well as with LPV wires with voltages above 360 ​​V, should only be carried out in the span. The intersection of uninsulated overhead line wires with LPV wires with voltages up to 360 V can be carried out both in the span and on a common support;

3) overhead line supports that limit the span of the intersection with the LAN of backbone and intra-zonal communication networks and connecting lines STS, as well as LPV with voltage above 360 ​​V, must be of the anchor type. When crossing all other lines and overhead lines, overhead line supports of an intermediate type, reinforced with an additional attachment or strut, are allowed;

4) overhead line wires should be located above the LAN and LPV wires. On the supports that limit the span of the intersection, non-insulated and insulated overhead line wires must have double fastening, self-supporting insulated wires are secured with anchor clamps. LS and LPV wires on supports limiting the span of the intersection must have double fastening. In cities and urban-type settlements, newly constructed power lines and overhead power lines are allowed to be located above overhead power line wires with voltages up to 1 kV.

2.4.77. When crossing overhead line wires with underground or overhead cables of LAN and LPV, the following requirements must be met:

1) distance from the underground part of the metal or reinforced concrete support and ground electrode wooden support to underground cable As a rule, drugs and LPW in populated areas should be at least 3 m. In cramped conditions, these distances can be reduced to 1 m (subject to the permissibility of interfering influences on LP and LPW); in this case the cable must be laid in steel pipe or covered with channel or angle steel along a length on both sides of the support of at least 3 m;

2) in an uninhabited area, the distance from the underground part or ground electrode of the overhead line support to the underground cable of the LAN and LPV must be no less than the values ​​​​given in Table 2.4.5;

Table 2.4.5

The shortest distance from the underground part and the ground electrode of the overhead line support to the underground cable LS and LPV
in an uninhabited area

Equivalent earth resistivity, Ohm m

Minimum distance, m, from underground cable LAN and LPV

to the ground electrode or underground part of reinforced concrete and metal support

to the underground part of a wooden support that does not have a grounding device

More than 100 to 500

More than 500 to 1000

3) overhead line wires should be located, as a rule, above the overhead cable of the LAN and LPV (see also 2.4.76, clause 4);

4) connection of overhead line wires in the intersection span with overhead cable LS and LPV is not allowed. The cross-section of the supporting core of the SIP must be at least 35 mm. Overhead line wires must be multi-wire with a cross-section of at least: aluminum - 35 mm, steel-aluminum - 25 mm; cross-section of the SIP core with all supporting conductors of the bundle - at least 25 mm;

5) the metal sheath of the overhead cable and the cable on which the cable is suspended must be grounded on the supports limiting the span of the intersection;

6) the horizontal distance from the base of the LS and LPV cable support to the projection of the nearest overhead line wire onto the horizontal plane must be no less than the greatest height of the intersection span support.

2.4.78. When crossing VLI with bare wires of LS and LPV, the following requirements must be met:

1) the intersection of VLI with LS and LPV can be carried out in the span and on a support;

2) VLI supports that limit the span of the intersection with LANs of trunk and intra-zonal communication networks and with STS connecting lines must be of the anchor type. When crossing all other LS and LPV on the overhead line, the use of intermediate supports reinforced with an additional attachment or strut is allowed;

3) the supporting core of the SIP or bundle with all supporting conductors at the intersection must have a tensile safety factor at the highest design loads of at least 2.5;

4) the VLI wires should be located above the LAN and LPV wires. On the supports that limit the span of the intersection, the supporting wires of self-supporting insulated wires must be secured with tension clamps. VLI wires may be placed under the LPV wires. In this case, the LPV wires on the supports limiting the span of the intersection must have double fastening;

5) connection of the load-bearing core and load-bearing conductors of the SIP harness, as well as LS and LPV wires in intersection spans is not allowed.

2.4.79. When crossing insulated and non-insulated overhead line wires with non-insulated LAN and LPV wires, the following requirements must be met:

1) the intersection of overhead line wires with LAN wires, as well as LPV wires with voltages above 360 ​​V, should only be carried out in the span.

The intersection of overhead line wires with subscriber and feeder lines of overhead power lines with voltages up to 360 V can be carried out on overhead line supports;

2) overhead line supports limiting the span of the intersection must be of the anchor type;

3) LS wires, both steel and non-ferrous metal, must have a tensile safety factor at the highest design loads of at least 2.2;

4) overhead line wires should be located above the LAN and LPV wires. On the supports that limit the span of the intersection, the overhead line wires must have double fastening. Overhead line wires with voltages of 380/220 V and below may be placed under the wires of LPV and GTS lines. In this case, the wires of LPV and GTS lines on the supports limiting the span of the intersection must have double fastening;

5) connection of overhead line wires, as well as LAN and LPV wires in crossing spans is not allowed. Overhead line wires must be stranded with cross-sections of at least: aluminum - 35 mm, steel-aluminum - 25 mm.

2.4.80. When crossing an underground cable insert in an overhead line with bare and insulated LAN and LPV wires, the following requirements must be met:

1) the distance from the underground cable insert in the overhead line to the support of the LAN and LPV and its grounding conductor must be at least 1 m, and when laying the cable in an insulating pipe - at least 0.5 m;

2) the horizontal distance from the base of the overhead line cable support to the projection of the nearest LAN and LPV wire onto the horizontal plane must be no less than the greatest height of the intersection span support.

2.4.81. The horizontal distance between the VLI wires and the LS and LPV wires when passing parallel or approaching must be at least 1 m.

When approaching overhead lines with overhead lines and LPVs, the horizontal distance between the insulated and non-insulated wires of the overhead line and the wires of the LS and LPVs must be at least 2 m. In cramped conditions, this distance can be reduced to 1.5 m. In all other cases, the distance between the lines should be no less than the height of the highest support of overhead lines, LS and LPV.

When approaching overhead lines with underground or overhead cables of LAN and LPV, the distances between them must be taken in accordance with 2.4.77 clauses 1 and 5.

2.4.82. The proximity of overhead lines to antenna structures of transmitting radio centers, receiving radio centers, designated receiving points for wired broadcasting and local radio centers is not standardized.

2.4.83. The wires from the overhead line support to the entrance to the building should not intersect with the wires of branches from the LAN and LPV, and they should be located at the same level or above the LAN and LPV. The horizontal distance between overhead line wires and LAN and LPV wires, television cables and descents from radio antennas at the inputs must be at least 0.5 m for self-supporting insulated wires and 1.5 m for uninsulated overhead line wires.

2.4.84. Joint suspension of rural telephone overhead cable and overhead lines is allowed if the following requirements are met:

1) the zero core of the SIP must be insulated;

2) the distance from the SIP to the overhead cable of the STS in the span and on the VLI support must be at least 0.5 m;

3) each VLI support must have a grounding device, and the grounding resistance must be no more than 10 Ohms;

4) on each support VLI must be performed re-grounding PEN- conductor;

5) the supporting rope of the telephone cable, together with the metal mesh outer cover of the cable, must be connected to the ground electrode of each support by a separate independent conductor (descent).

2.4.85. Joint suspension on common supports of non-insulated wires of overhead lines, LANs and LPVs is not allowed.

Joint suspension of non-insulated overhead line wires and insulated overhead line wires is allowed on common supports. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

1) the rated voltage of the overhead line must be no more than 380 V;

3) the distance from the lower wires of the LPV to the ground, between the LPV circuits and their wires must meet the requirements current rules Ministry of Communications of Russia;

4) uninsulated overhead line wires should be located above the LPV wires; in this case, the vertical distance from the bottom wire of the overhead line to the top wire of the LPV must be at least 1.5 m on the support, and at least 1.25 m in the span; when the LPV wires are located on brackets, this distance is taken from the bottom wire of the overhead line, located on the same side as the LPV wires.

2.4.86. On common supports, joint suspension of SIP VLI with non-insulated or insulated LS and LPV wires is allowed. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

1) the rated voltage of the VLI must be no more than 380 V;

2) the rated voltage of the LPV should be no more than 360 V;

3) the rated voltage of the LAN, the calculated mechanical stress in the wires of the LAN, the distances from the lower wires of the LAN and LPV to the ground, between the circuits and their wires must comply with the requirements of the current rules of the Ministry of Communications of Russia;

4) VLI wires up to 1 kV should be located above the LAN and LPV wires; at the same time, the vertical distance from the SIP to the top wire of the LAN and LPV, regardless of their relative position must be at least 0.5 m at the support and in the span. It is recommended to place the wires of VLI and LS and LPV along to different parties supports.

2.4.87. Joint suspension of uninsulated overhead line wires and LAN cables on common supports is not allowed. Joint suspension of overhead line wires with a voltage of no more than 380 V and LPV cables on common supports is permitted subject to the conditions specified in 2.4.85.

OKNN optical fibers must meet the requirements of 2.5.192 and 2.5.193.

2.4.88. Joint suspension of overhead line wires with a voltage of no more than 380 V and telemechanics wires on common supports is allowed if the requirements given in 2.4.85 and 2.4.86 are met, and also if the remote control circuits are not used as wired telephone communication channels.

2.4.89. Suspension of fiber-optic communication cables (OK) is allowed on overhead line (VLI) supports:

non-metallic self-supporting (OSSN);

non-metallic, wound onto a phase wire or SIP harness (OKNN).

Mechanical calculations of overhead line (VLI) supports with OKSN and OKNN must be carried out for the initial conditions specified in 2.4.11 and 2.4.12.

The overhead line supports on which the OC is suspended and their fastenings in the ground must be designed taking into account the additional loads arising in this case.

The distance from the OKSN to the surface of the earth in populated and uninhabited areas must be at least 5 m.

The distances between the wires of overhead lines up to 1 kV and OCSN on the support and in the span must be at least 0.4 m.

Intersections and approaches of overhead lines with engineering structures

2.4.90. When crossing and paralleling overhead lines with iron and highways The requirements set out in Chapter 2.5 must be met.

Crossings can also be made using a cable insert into the overhead line.

2.4.91. When approaching overhead lines to highways, the distance from the overhead line wires to road signs and their supporting cables must be at least 1 m. The supporting cables must be grounded with a grounding device resistance of no more than 10 Ohms.

2.4.92. When crossing and approaching overhead lines with contact wires and supporting cables of tram and trolleybus lines, the following requirements must be met:

1) Overhead lines should, as a rule, be located outside the area occupied by overhead contact network structures, including supports.

In this area, overhead line supports must be of the anchor type, and bare wires must have double fastening;

2) overhead line wires must be located above the supporting cables of the contact wires. Overhead line wires must be multi-wire with a cross-section of at least: aluminum - 35 mm, steel-aluminum - 25 mm, self-supporting insulated wire core - 35 mm, cross-section of the self-supporting insulated wire with all supporting conductors of the bundle - at least 25 mm. Connecting overhead line wires in crossing spans is not allowed;

3) the distance from the overhead line wires at the greatest sag must be at least 8 m to the rail head of the tram line and 10.5 m to the roadway of the street in the trolleybus line area.

In all cases, the distance from the overhead line wires to the supporting cable or contact wire must be at least 1.5 m;

4) the intersection of overhead lines with contact wires at the locations of the crossbars is prohibited;

5) joint suspension on the supports of trolleybus lines of contact wires and overhead line wires with a voltage of no more than 380 V is allowed subject to the following conditions: trolleybus line supports must have mechanical strength sufficient for hanging overhead line wires, the distance between the overhead line wires and the bracket or device for fastening the supporting cable of the overhead line wires must be at least 1.5 m.

2.4.93. When crossing and approaching overhead lines with cable cars and overhead metal pipelines, the following requirements must be met:

1) The overhead line must pass under the cable car; the passage of overhead lines over the cable car is not allowed;

2) cable cars must have walkways or nets at the bottom for fencing the overhead line wires;

3) when an overhead line passes under a cableway or under a pipeline, the overhead line wires must be at a distance from them: at least 1 m - with the smallest sag of the wires to the walkways or enclosing nets of the cableway or to the pipeline; not less than 1 m - with the greatest sag and the greatest deviation of the wires to the elements of the cable car or to the pipeline;

4) when crossing an overhead line with a pipeline, the distance from the overhead line wires at their greatest sag to the pipeline elements must be at least 1 m. The overhead line supports limiting the span of the intersection with the pipeline must be of the anchor type. The pipeline in the crossing span must be grounded, the resistance of the ground electrode is no more than 10 Ohms;

5) when running an overhead line in parallel with a cable car or pipeline, the horizontal distance from the overhead line wires to the cable car or pipeline must be at least the height of the support, and in cramped sections of the route with the greatest deviation of the wires - at least 1 m.

2.4.94. When approaching overhead lines with fire and explosion hazardous installations and with airfields, one should be guided by the requirements given in 2.5.278, 2.5.291 and 2.5.292.

2.4.95. The passage of overhead lines up to 1 kV with insulated and non-insulated wires is not allowed through the territories of sports facilities, schools (general education and boarding schools), technical schools, children's preschool institutions(nurseries, kindergartens, children's factories), orphanages, children's playgrounds, as well as in the territories of children's health camps.

In the above territories (except for sports and playgrounds), the passage of overhead power lines is allowed, provided that the zero core of the SIP must be insulated, and its total conductivity must be no less than the conductivity of the phase core of the SIP.

The requirements given in 4.2.123-4.2.132 reflect the features of transformer substations outdoor installation complete (KTP), pole (STP), mast (MTP) with high voltage up to 35 kV and low voltage up to 1 kV, as well as network sectional points (SSP) with voltage up to 35 kV.

In all other respects not specified in 4.2.123-4.2.132, the requirements of other paragraphs of this chapter should be followed.


The connection of the transformer to the high voltage network must be carried out using fuses and a disconnector (load switch) or a combined fuse-disconnector device with a visible circuit break.

The switching device must be controlled from the surface of the earth. The drive of the switching device must be locked. The switching device must have grounding conductors on the transformer side.


The switching device MTP and STP, as a rule, should be installed on the end (or branch) support of the overhead line.

The switching device of the KTP and SSP can be installed both on the end (branch) support of the overhead line, and inside the KTP and SSP.


At substations and SSP without fencing, the vertical distance from the ground surface to non-insulated live parts in the absence of vehicle traffic under the terminals must be at least 3.5 m for voltages up to 1 kV, and for voltages 10 (6) and 35 kV - according to Table. 4.2.7 size.

At substations and SSP with a fence at least 1.8 m high, the specified distances to non-insulated live parts with voltages of 10 (6) and 35 kV can be reduced to the size specified in Table 4.2.5. In this case, in the plane of the fence, the distance from the busbar to the edge of the external fence must be no less than the size indicated in the same table.

For overhead leads crossing passages or places where traffic is possible, the distance from the low wire to the ground should be taken in accordance with 2.5.111 and 2.5.112.


To service the MTP, a platform with railings must be installed at a height of at least 3 m. To climb to the platform, it is recommended to use ladders with a device that prohibits climbing on them when the switching device is turned on.

For STP, the installation of platforms and stairs is not necessary.


Parts of the MTP that remain energized when the switching device is turned off must be out of reach (1.7.70) from the site level. The switched-off position of the device must be visible from the site.


On the low voltage side of the transformer, it is recommended to install a device that provides a visible break.


Electrical wiring in MTP and STP between the transformer and the low-voltage switchboard, as well as between the switchboard and the low-voltage overhead line, must be protected from mechanical damage and be carried out in accordance with the requirements given in Chapter 2.1.


For substations with a capacity of 0.25 MVA or less, it is permissible not to provide lighting for the low-voltage switchboard. Lighting and sockets for turning on portable devices and tools at substations with a power of more than 0.25 MVA must be powered with a voltage of no higher than 25 V.


By condition fire safety substations must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance and 5 m from buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance.

It is also necessary to follow the requirements given in 4.2.68.

The distance from residential buildings to transformer substations should be at least 10 m, provided that acceptable normal levels of sound pressure (noise) are ensured.


In areas of possible collision with vehicles, substations must be protected by bumper bollards.

Locks on the doors of switchgear rooms of the same voltage must be opened with the same key; keys to entrance doors Switchgears and other premises should not approach the locks of the chambers, as well as the door locks in the fences of electrical equipment.

The requirement to use self-locking locks does not apply to urban and rural distribution switchgears electrical networks voltage 10 kV and below.

4.2.97. Enclosing structures and partitions of switchgear and package transformer substations for the power plant's own needs should be made of non-combustible materials.

It is allowed to install switchgear and package transformer substations for your own needs in process rooms of substations and power plants in accordance with the requirements 4.2.121 .

4.2.98. In one switchgear room with a voltage of 0.4 kV and above, it is allowed to install up to two oil transformers with a power of each up to 0.63 MVA, separated from each other and from the rest of the switchgear room by a partition made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of 45 min, a height of at least height of the transformer, including high voltage bushings.

4.2.99. Devices related to starting devices for electric motors, synchronous compensators, etc. (switches, starting reactors, transformers, etc.) may be installed in a common chamber without partitions between them.

4.2.100. Voltage transformers, regardless of the mass of oil in them, may be installed in fenced switchgear chambers. In this case, a threshold or ramp must be provided in the chamber, designed to hold the full volume of oil contained in the voltage transformer.

4.2.101. Switch cells should be separated from the service corridor by solid or mesh barriers, and from each other by solid partitions made of non-combustible materials. These switches must be separated from the drive by the same partitions or shields.

Under each oil switch with an oil mass of 60 kg or more in one pole, an oil receiver is required for the full volume of oil in one pole.

4.2.102. In closed free-standing, attached and built-in production premises PS, in the chambers of transformers and other oil-filled devices with an oil mass in one tank of up to 600 kg, when the chambers are located on the ground floor with doors facing outside, oil collecting devices are not installed.

When the mass of oil or non-flammable environmentally friendly dielectric in one tank is more than 600 kg, an oil receiver must be installed, designed to hold the full volume of oil or to retain 20% of the oil with discharge to the oil sump.

4.2.103. When constructing cells above the basement, on the second floor and above (see also 4.2.118 ), as well as when arranging the exit from the chambers into the corridor under transformers and other oil-filled devices, oil receivers must be installed in one of the following ways:

1) when the mass of oil in one tank (pole) is up to 60 kg, a threshold or ramp is made to hold the full volume of oil;
2) with an oil mass of 60 to 600 kg, an oil receiver designed to hold the full volume of oil is installed under the transformer (apparatus), or at the exit from the chamber there is a threshold or ramp to hold the full volume of oil;
3) with an oil weight of more than 600 kg:

An oil receiver containing at least 20% of the total volume of the transformer or apparatus oil, with oil drainage into the oil sump. Oil drain pipes from oil receivers under transformers must have a diameter of at least 10 cm. On the side of the oil receivers, oil drain pipes must be protected with nets. The bottom of the oil receiver should have a slope of 2% towards the pit;
oil receiver without oil drainage into the oil sump. In this case, the oil receiver must be covered with a grate with a 25 cm thick layer of clean, washed granite (or other non-porous rock) gravel or crushed stone with a fraction of 30 to 70 mm and must be designed for the full volume of oil; The oil level should be 5 cm below the grate. The top level of gravel in the oil receiver under the transformer should be 7.5 cm below the opening of the air supply ventilation duct. The area of ​​the oil receiver must be greater than the area of ​​the base of the transformer or apparatus.

4.2.104. Ventilation of transformer and reactor rooms must ensure the removal of heat generated by them in such quantities that when they are loaded, taking into account the overload capacity and the maximum design temperature environment, the heating of transformers and reactors did not exceed the maximum permissible value for them.

Ventilation of transformer and reactor rooms must be carried out in such a way that the temperature difference between the air leaving and entering the room does not exceed: 15 C for transformers, 30 C for reactors with currents up to 1000 A, 20 C for reactors with currents over 1000 A.

If it is impossible to ensure heat exchange by natural ventilation, it is necessary to provide forced ventilation, and its operation must be monitored using alarm devices.

4.2.105. Supply and exhaust ventilation with intake at the floor level and at the level of the upper part of the room must be carried out in the room where the switchgear and SF6 gas cylinders are located.

4.2.106. The ventilation of the reactor room must ensure the removal of generated heat to maintain the permissible electrical apparatus temperature. If it is impossible to ensure heat exchange by natural ventilation, forced ventilation should be provided with control of its operation.

RU rooms in which there are places where substances (for example, SF6 gas) may accumulate in quantities dangerous for workers must be provided with exhaust ventilation with an intake at the lowest point.

In areas with low winter temperatures, supply and exhaust vents should be opened and closed from the outside.

4.2.107. In rooms where duty personnel stay for 6 hours or more, the air temperature must be ensured not lower than 18 C and not higher than 28 C.

In the repair area of ​​the closed switchgear for the duration of the repair work a temperature of at least 5 C must be ensured.

When heating rooms that contain SF6 equipment, heating devices with a heating surface temperature exceeding 250 C (for example, heaters such as heating elements) should not be used.

4.2.108. Holes in the enclosing structures of buildings and premises after laying current conductors and other communications should be sealed with a material that provides fire resistance not lower than the fire resistance of the enclosing structure itself, but not less than 45 minutes.

4.2.109. To prevent the entry of animals and birds, other openings in external walls must be protected with nets or gratings with cells measuring 10x10 mm.

4.2.110. Floors cable channels and double floors must be made of removable slabs of fireproof materials flush with the clean floor of the room. The weight of an individual floor slab should be no more than 50 kg.

4.2.111. Laying transit cables and wires in the chambers of devices and transformers, as a rule, is not allowed. In exceptional cases, their installation in pipes is allowed.

Electrical wiring of lighting and control and measurement circuits located inside chambers or located near non-insulated live parts can be allowed only to the extent necessary for connections (for example, to instrument transformers).

4.2.112. Laying heating pipelines related to them (not transit) into the switchgear premises is permitted provided that solid welded pipes are used without valves, etc., and welded ventilation ducts are used without valves and other similar devices. Transit laying of heating pipelines is also allowed, provided that each pipeline is enclosed in a continuous waterproof shell.

4.2.113. When choosing a switchgear circuit containing SF6 devices, more simple circuits than in an air-insulated switchgear.

In-shop switchgears and transformer substations

4.2.114. Requirements given in 4.2.115 - 4.2.121 , take into account the features of in-shop switchgear and substation voltages up to 35 kV industrial enterprises, which must also meet the other requirements of this chapter to the extent not modified.

Switchgears and substations, special electrical installations of industrial enterprises, including in explosive and fire hazardous areas, electrothermal installations must also meet the requirements of the relevant chapters of Section. 7.

4.4.1. This chapter of the Rules applies to stationary installations of acid batteries.

The rules do not apply to installations of special-purpose batteries.

4.4.2. Battery rooms in which batteries are charged at a voltage of more than 2.3 V per cell are classified as explosive class B-Ia (see also 4.4.29 and 4.4.30).

Battery rooms operating in the mode of constant recharging and charging with a voltage of up to 2.3 V per cell are explosive only during periods of battery formation and charging after repair with a voltage of more than 2.3 V per cell. Under normal operating conditions with voltages up to 2.3 V per element, these rooms are not explosive.

Electrical part

4.4.3. Selection of electric heating devices, lamps, ventilation motors and electrical wiring for main and auxiliary premises batteries, as well as the installation and installation of the specified electrical equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements given in Chapter. 7.3.

4.4.4. The charger must have sufficient power and voltage to charge battery at 90% of the rated capacity for no more than 8 hours with a previous 30-minute discharge.

4.4.5. The battery installation must be equipped with a voltmeter with a switch and ammeters in the charger, recharger and battery circuits.

4.4.6. For charging and recharging motor-generators, devices must be provided to turn them off when reverse current appears.

4.4.7. In the battery circuit, as a rule, should be installed circuit breaker, selective in relation to network protective devices.

4.4.8. The charger must ensure voltage stabilization on the battery buses within ± 2%.

4.4.9. Battery installations, which use a battery charging mode with a voltage of no more than 2.3 V per cell, must have a device that does not allow the voltage to spontaneously increase to a level above 2.3 V per cell.

4.4.10. Rectifier units used for charging and recharging batteries must be connected from the alternating current side through an isolation transformer.

4.4.11. Tires DC must be equipped with a device for continuous monitoring of insulation, allowing to evaluate the value of insulation resistance and acting on the signal when the insulation resistance of one of the poles decreases to 20 kOhm in a 220 V network, 10 kOhm in a 110 V network, 5 kOhm in a 48 V network and 3 kOhm in 24 V networks.

4.4.12. The battery should be interlocked to prevent the battery from being charged with a voltage of more than 2.3 V per cell when the ventilation is turned off.

4.4.13. In the battery room, one lamp must be connected to the emergency lighting network.

4.4.14. Batteries should be installed on racks or cabinet shelves. The vertical distances between racks or cabinet shelves should ensure convenient maintenance of the battery. Batteries can be installed in one row for one-sided service or in two rows for two-sided service.

If double glass vessels are used, they are treated as one battery.

4.4.15. Racks for installing batteries must be made, tested and marked in accordance with the requirements of GOST or technical specifications; they must be protected from the effects of electrolyte with a resistant coating.

4.4.16. Batteries must be isolated from the racks, and the racks from the ground by means of insulating pads that are resistant to the effects of electrolyte and its vapors. Racks for batteries with voltages not exceeding 48 V can be installed without insulating pads.

4.4.17. Passages for servicing batteries must have a clear width between batteries of at least 1 m when the batteries are located on both sides and 0.8 m when the batteries are located on one side. The placement of batteries must comply with the requirements of GOST for racks for stationary installations of electric batteries.

4.4.18. Distance from batteries to heating devices must be at least 750 mm. This distance can be reduced by installing heat shields made of non-combustible materials to prevent local heating of the batteries.

4.4.19. The distances between the current-carrying parts of the batteries must be at least 0.8 m for voltages above 65 V to 250 V during normal operation (not charging) and 1 m for voltages above 250 V.

When installing batteries in two rows without a passage between the rows, the voltage between the current-carrying parts of adjacent batteries different rows should not exceed 65 V during normal operation (not charging).

Electrical equipment, as well as busbar and cable connection points, must be located at a distance of at least 1 m from non-sealed batteries and at least 0.3 m below the lowest point of the ceiling.

4.4.20. The wiring of batteries must be carried out using copper or aluminum bare busbars or single-core cables with acid-resistant insulation.

Connections and branches of copper busbars and cables must be made by welding or soldering, aluminum - only by welding. The connection of the busbars to the lead-through rods of the outlet plate must be performed by welding.

The places where busbars and cables are connected to batteries must be serviced.

Electrical connections from the terminal plate from the battery room to the switching devices and DC distribution board must be made with single-core cables or bare busbars.

4.4.21. Bare conductors must be double-painted with acid-resistant, alcohol-free paint along the entire length, with the exception of busbar connections, connections to batteries and other connections. Unpainted areas should be lubricated with technical petroleum jelly.

4.4.22. The distance between adjacent non-insulated tires is determined by calculation of dynamic resistance. The indicated distance, as well as the distance from the busbars to parts of the building and other grounded parts, must be at least 50 mm clear.

4.4.23. Busbars must be laid on insulators and secured to them with busbar holders.

The span between the support points of the busbars is determined by calculations for dynamic resistance (taking into account 4.4.22), but should be no more than 2 m. Insulators, their fittings, parts for fastening the busbars and supporting structures must be electrically and mechanically resistant to prolonged exposure to electrolyte vapors. Grounding of supporting structures is not required.

4.4.24. The outlet plate from the battery room must be resistant to the effects of electrolyte vapors. It is recommended to use slabs made of paraffin-impregnated asbestos cement, ebonite, etc. The use of marble slabs, as well as plywood and other materials with a layered structure is not allowed.

When installing slabs in a ceiling, the plane of the slab must rise above it by at least 100 mm.

4.4.25. When selecting and calculating a battery, one should take into account the decrease in its capacity when the temperature in the battery room is below +15 °C.

Construction part

4.4.26. Stationary batteries must be installed in rooms specially designed for them. It is allowed to install several acid batteries in one room.

4.4.27. Battery rooms belong to category E production facilities and must be located in buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance according to the fire safety requirements of SNiP 21-01-97 of the Russian State Construction Committee.

Doors and window frames may be wooden.

Battery storage may be carried out without natural light; It is also possible to place them in dry basements. In these cases, the use of easily removable panels is not required.

4.4.29. Portable batteries closed type(for example, starter batteries) used to power stationary electrical installations, as well as open rechargeable batteries up to 60 V with a total capacity of no more than 72 Ah can be installed both in a separate room with ventilation that has a natural impulse, and in a general production non-explosive and non-fire hazardous indoors, in ventilated metal cabinets with air removed outside the room. Portable closed-type batteries operating in discharge or constant recharge mode, the charge of which is carried out outside the place of their installation, can also be installed in metal cabinets with blinds without removing air outside the room.

If the specified conditions are met, the class of premises in relation to explosion and fire hazards does not change.

4.4.30. Sealed stationary batteries, the charge of which is carried out at a voltage of no higher than 2.3 V per cell, can be installed in a general production non-explosion and non-fire hazardous room, provided that a ventilation hood is installed above them. At the same time, the class of premises in relation to explosion and fire hazard does not change.

4.4.31. The battery location should be:

  • located as close as possible to chargers And switchboard DC;
  • isolated from the ingress of dust, fumes and gas, as well as from the penetration of water through the ceiling;
  • easily accessible to maintenance personnel.

In addition, the battery room should not be located near sources of vibration or shaking.

4.4.32. Entrance to the battery room must be through the vestibule. Input device from household premises not allowed.

The vestibule must be of such dimensions that the door from the battery room to the vestibule can be opened and closed when closed door from the vestibule to the adjacent room; The area of ​​the vestibule must be at least 1.5 m². The vestibule doors must open outward and must be equipped with self-locking locks that allow them to be opened without a key. inner sides s.

There should be signs on the doors: “Battery-powered”, “Flammable”, “Do not enter with fire”, “Smoking is prohibited”.

4.4.33. When placing batteries, there must be separate room for storing acid, separators, accessories and for preparing electrolyte with an area of ​​at least 4 m².

4.4.34. The ceilings of battery rooms should, as a rule, be horizontal and smooth. Ceilings with protruding or sloping structures are permitted, provided the requirements of 4.4.43 are met.

4.4.35. The floors of battery rooms must be strictly horizontal, concrete base with acid-resistant coating (acid-resistant ceramic tiles with acid-resistant material filling the joints or asphalt).

When installing racks on an asphalt surface, support platforms made of durable acid-resistant material must be used. Installing racks directly on asphalt pavement is not permitted.

A plinth made of acid-resistant material must be installed inside the battery and acid rooms, as well as at the doors of these rooms.

4.4.36. Walls, ceilings, doors and window frames, ventilation ducts(from the outside and inside), metal structures and other parts of battery rooms must be painted with acid-resistant paint.

4.4.37. When placing batteries in fume hoods inner surface cabinets must be painted with acid-resistant paint.

4.4.38. In battery rooms with a rated voltage of more than 250 V, service aisles must be equipped with wooden gratings, isolating personnel from the floor.

4.4.39. When using inventory ventilation devices Places for their installation and duct outlets to them must be provided supply- exhaust ventilation battery room.

Sanitary section

4.4.40. Battery rooms in which batteries are charged at a voltage of more than 2.3 V per cell must be equipped with stationary forced supply and exhaust ventilation.

For battery rooms operating in the mode of constant recharging and charging at a voltage of up to 2.3 V per cell, the use of stationary or inventory forced supply and exhaust ventilation devices must be provided for the period of battery formation and control recharges.

Required volume fresh air V, m3/h, determined by the formula V = 0,07I zar n,

Where I charge - highest charging current, A; n- number of battery cells; in this case, the concentration of sulfuric acid in the air of the battery room should be no more than specified in SNiP 2.04.05-91* (ed. 1994) of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

In addition, to ventilate battery rooms, natural exhaust ventilation must be provided, which provides at least one air exchange per hour. In cases where natural ventilation cannot provide the required air exchange rate, forced exhaust ventilation must be used.

4.4.41. Ventilation system battery rooms should only service batteries and acid batteries. Gases must be released through a shaft that rises at least 1.5 m above the roof of the building. The shaft must be protected from precipitation. Turning on ventilation in chimneys or common system ventilation of the building is prohibited.

4.4.42. When installing forced exhaust ventilation, the fan must be explosion-proof.

4.4.43. Gases must be suctioned from both the upper and lower parts of the room on the side opposite to the influx of fresh air.

If the ceiling has protruding structures or a slope, then air exhaust must be provided respectively from each compartment or from the upper part of the space under the ceiling.

Distance from the top edge of the upper ventilation holes to the ceiling should be no more than 100 mm, and from the bottom edge of the lower ventilation holes to the floor - no more than 300 mm.

The air flow from the ventilation ducts should not be directed directly onto the surface of the battery electrolyte.

Metal ventilation ducts should not be located above open batteries.

The use of inventory ventilation ducts in battery rooms is not permitted.

The air speed in battery and acid rooms during operation of ventilation devices must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91* (ed. 1994).

4.4.44. The temperature in the battery rooms in cold weather at the level where the batteries are located should not be lower than +10 °C.

At substations without constant personnel duty, if the battery is selected to operate only for turning on and off switches, it is allowed to take the specified temperature not lower than 0 °C.

4.4.45. It is recommended to heat the battery room using a heating device located outside this room and supplying warm air through ventilation duct. When using electric heating, measures must be taken to prevent sparks from entering through the channel.

When installing steam or water heating, it must be carried out within the battery room using smooth pipes connected by welding. Flange connections and installation of valves are prohibited.

4.4.46. At power plants, as well as at substations equipped with water supply, near the battery room must be installed water tap and a sink. There should be a sign above the sink: “Do not drain acid and electrolyte.”