The most popular professions nowadays. Which online career is right for you? The easiest professions to earn money

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Ever since school, we have been planning what to become in the future, what profession to choose. More precisely, they should do this. But in the graduating class, many questions arise: Where to go to study? What are the most in-demand professions in the world? How to secure your life in the future?

Choosing a profession is often made only once in a lifetime. Only some people are ready to radically change their specialization and, for example, at the age of 40 study to become an IT specialist, while being a Russian language teacher. This happens if during everyday work you begin to understand that work does not bring any pleasure and financial well-being, more and more often in the mornings I don’t want to go anywhere.

That's why best choice will become a profession that will combine several parameters:

  • For the soul. Whether it is in an office or a laboratory, in a wheat field or at a service station, it should be something that your soul will really want. Work should be fun.
  • For a wallet. The size of your salary significantly affects your standard of living.
  • For society. The profession must be in demand so that after receiving a diploma you can easily find one suitable place employment.

When choosing, you need to take into account the fact that some specialties require a certain composition of character, temperament, mental abilities and physical training. Often such requirements can prevent the realization of even the most cherished dream.

So what professions does society need?

IT specialists

Today it’s hard to imagine a person who would not use a PC and smartphones, tablets and other “smart” devices. electronic devices. Our life cannot do without Internet technologies, so people who are well versed in this area are highly valued by the modern labor market. Specialists are especially needed high quality, their average salary per year can reach 120 thousand dollars.

An IT specialist must understand how to protect a computer from information leakage, how to ensure electronic system companies with high-quality antivirus, how to develop new software, how to prevent your site from being hacked. Thanks to such workers, our life becomes easier every day.

The demand for IT workers is growing every year. Large corporations and small private firms want to hire a competent system administrator, developer or programmer. Therefore, if you choose such a profession, you will definitely not be left without a salary.


A person who saves people's lives... This is exactly how I would like to describe a surgeon. But to become a truly first-class specialist, you need to spend about 10 years in an educational institution.

In highly developed European countries the surgeon may receive up to 190 thousand dollars annual salary. Unfortunately, in our country this work is not valued so highly in monetary terms. But in the world rankings, the surgeon occupies one of the leading positions in the labor market, a qualified surgeon with experience.

To achieve success in this area, you need to be humane and love your patients, try to resist the human factor.

A doctor who administers anesthesia before an operation is also worth his weight in gold in the global labor market. At the same time, anesthesiologists in large clinics receive a fairly good salary - from 145 thousand dollars per year.

At first glance, it may seem that administering anesthesia is very simple. But the patient’s life depends on the correct sequence of the procedure and compliance with dosages. Anesthesiologist is far from last man in the operating room.

Translators and linguists

In a globalized world, such people are worth their weight in gold. Expanding the spheres of influence of various companies, business trips abroad, tourism - all these areas require a person who can translate the necessary sentences.

English translators used to be highly valued. Today they are also required, but only highly qualified ones who understand a narrow field.

Recently, there has been a catastrophic shortage of Chinese language experts. If you have good memory, the ability to reproduce sounds and an excellent ear for intonation, then you will achieve success in this area. A pleasant incentive is the possible salary, because some specialists receive up to 50 thousand dollars per year. The amount may not be very high, but knowledge of Chinese will help you successfully find a job.

Senior managers

Not every person can manage a huge corporation. To do this you need to have high performance professionalism, be able to be responsible for possible consequences, manage staff and make critical decisions at critical times.

A senior manager is considered a key figure in any company. Therefore, becoming a leader is not only prestigious, but also profitable. Some top managers receive salaries in 145 thousand dollars per annum.

Today there are many dental clinics, but doctors with highly qualified and great experience are always appreciated. Previously, only men became dentists, but recently this field has become significantly “feminized.”

According to statistics, the demand for treatment of teeth and gums is now 4 times greater than the supply. Therefore, there are prospects for professional growth. Moreover, good doctors have good salaries - up to 130 thousand dollars per year.

At all times, pilots were considered almost heroes, because the responsibility for the safety of the entire crew and passengers rests on their courageous shoulders. At the same time, there is a catastrophic shortage of good pilots.

The average salary of a pilot per year is from 130 thousand dollars. But this is in large airlines and with good work experience.

If you are planning to become an airline pilot, be prepared that you will have to make important decisions in critical situations. You also need to have endurance, determination and courage.

Advertising managers

Advertising has always been the engine of trade. To make a good profit, it is not enough for a company to produce high-quality products. We need as many people as possible to know about this. And this is where the advertising manager comes into the picture.

A creative, enterprising, creative person is able to achieve heights and lead his company to the top of the economic rankings. If an advertisement is created in an original way, then the average consumer will be interested in getting acquainted with it.

The average annual salary of PR professionals depends on the specific industry. But most often a good specialist receives about 100 thousand dollars.

Market Analysts

There are rules in the area of ​​buying and selling. To get maximum profit, large corporations must be well versed in forecasting the market situation. To do this, they hire specialists who analyze the market, collect all necessary information and direct this data to achieve high results.

Analysts receive good salaries. Its average annual figures are approximately 110 thousand dollars.

The main task of a lawyer is to protect the rights of his employer. The realities of our time are such that firms often violate legal norms. After all, laws often change due to various reasons, including the human factor.

To avoid huge troubles, it is better to have a good lawyer or even an entire legal department on staff.

If you are attracted by the specifics of the work, then you must become a highly qualified specialist. After all, the salary for the year is up to 115 thousand dollars.

Over time, this rating will change, because the labor market dictates its conditions. But it can be argued that most professions will still remain in value for many years to come. Experts believe that in the future they may be joined by such specialties as ecologists, plant breeders, genetic engineers, nanotechnologists and even builders of “smart” roads. But talented and conscientious workers will always be needed.


Would you like to work in any conditions convenient for you, without being tied to a specific place, move freely around the world, set your own work schedule and be your own boss? If so, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the most popular professions on the Internet that will allow you to work remotely right from your home, moving to a whole new level of quality of life. And to find out more about this, read on.


In fact, a copywriter is a specialist who, with the help of words alone, knows how to sell a wide variety of goods, services and, of course, earn decent money from this. Such workers are engaged in creating selling texts, commercial offers, email newsletters, advertising slogans, scripts for commercials on television or radio and other advertising materials. In a word, they do everything possible to increase sales figures for their clients’ businesses using texts. The range of earnings is quite wide - from $300 to $2000 per month.

The area of ​​creating text material should also include such Internet professions as web author or web writer (creating various information texts), proofreader (correcting various errors), rewriter (rewriting text in your own words, maintaining the main meaning), content -manager (managing a team of authors, creating a content plan) and transcriber (transcribing audio format into text form).

Training and employment:

  • Copywriting Basics, Commercial copywriting and other courses from the online education center Netology. Upon completion, you will receive a standard diploma, assistance with internships and employment.
  • School of copywriting by Yulia Volkodav— training in in-demand internet professions Copywriter. You can start with free introductory course of 10 lessons and free copywriting textbook.
  • Copywriting from scratch— a course with step-by-step training from Vasily Blinov. The first three lessons are free.
  • for copywriters: eTXT, TextSale, Advego, QComment.

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of copywriting and related specialties, as well as to freelance exchanges and remote work can be found at this page.


Continuing the topic of remote work with texts, special mention should be made of the translator. The essence of this profession is clear to everyone - it is necessary to translate certain text material from one language to another. Moreover, specialists in a wide variety of languages ​​are in demand online – from traditional English, Italian and German to the more exotic Portuguese and Thai. The salary of such specialists is usually $400–$1,500 per month, depending on the level of language proficiency and the amount of work.

Among similar specialties, the position of technical translator, translator should be highlighted here. literary texts, entire websites, advertising and advertising slogans, as well as film translators, computer games and various presentations.

Training and employment:

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of translator and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Web programmer

Almost all modern websites are controlled by programs that are developed by web programmers. Good specialist There will certainly be no job left in this area. The essence of this popular Internet profession is that a web programmer is engaged in the creation and modification of various programs and scripts that control the operation of websites and all kinds of Internet services. This area of ​​activity also includes creating websites from scratch and developing applications for mobile devices. Earnings of these workers usually start at $500–700 per month and above.

Also in the field of programming, computer and network maintenance include such specialties as system administrator (a system administrator has a wide range of tasks - from setting up several computers to developing, maintaining and ensuring the security of complex systems), tester (testing various software in order to identify problems and malfunctions) and webmaster (maintaining, updating and administering various sites, a “jack of all trades” on the Internet).

Training and employment:

  • Profession: Web developer from 0 to PRO, Frontend developer, PHP developer from 0 to PRO Skillbox

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of a web programmer and related specialties, as well as freelancing and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

But here the list of professions on the Internet is just beginning.

Mobile Application Developer

If you often purchase anything in online stores, use online banking, visit any educational Internet projects, and are simply an active user of the World Wide Web, then you have probably noticed more than once that all such sites have long released their applications for mobile devices. Most clear example– these are mobile programs for social networks and various electronic payment systems.

Naturally, those specialists who develop such applications are among the most sought-after workers on the network. A good specialist in this field is quite capable of earning from $1000 per month. As for related specialties, everything here depends more on the very topics of the programs being developed.

Training and employment:

  • Mobile developer from scratch, Mobile developer PRO and other online university courses Skillbox with the possibility of internship and employment. You can start with free introductory courses (available after registration).

Links to other free and paid Internet developer training courses mobile applications and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Web designer

A representative of this Internet profession can be described as an artist with a technical bent or a programmer with a sense of aesthetics. As a “techie”, such a specialist keeps in his head many technical requirements to website design, and as a creator, he is looking for non-standard solutions for complex problems. Essentially, web designers create themselves appearance of the future site, determine exactly where the various elements will be located, design them and decide how the user’s interaction with the site will generally occur. Good web designers are quite capable of earning $900–$1500 per month or more.

Related specialties include information designer (involved in “putting things in order” on the site for the purpose of more convenient perception of information), interface designer (ensuring ease of navigation on the site), illustrator, as well as graphic designer (creating logos, corporate identity) and printing designer ( booklets, calendars, business cards, etc.).

Training and employment:

  • Profession: Web and UX/UI designer— free course of 12 lessons from Web design schools of Maxim Soldatkin.
  • UI+UX Designer— a free course of 12 lessons from a top expert in UI/UX design Igor Dzhazov.
  • How to become a highly paid UI/UX designer in 2019— free webinar from a top expert in UI/UX design Igor Dzhazov.
  • Mobile application design— free online training course from a top expert in UI/UX design Igor Dzhazov.
  • Vector illustration from scratch, Design and Photoshop for social media networks 1Day1Step

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of web designer and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.


As you know, architects are engaged in the design of buildings, structures and the development of the entire architectural and construction part of the project. The tasks of such specialists include the development of plans, facades and sections of various residential buildings (or industrial buildings) in the required style using suitable computer programs. Such specialists are in demand both in the workforce of remote employees and for various private orders on freelance sites. Earning opportunities – from 400–500 dollars per month or more.

Among related Internet professions, it is worth noting interior designer, landscape designer ( visual representation design local area), 3D designer (development of high-quality graphics for printing, video, clipart, screensavers, presentations, etc.) as well as engineers of various profiles.

Training and employment:

  • How to become an interior designer?- free book and master class from.
  • Public interior design— free book by Vladlena Mikulchik from Schools of commercial interior design by Galina Tatarova.

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of architect and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Video editor

Most likely, you have already noticed how unprecedentedly popular various videos have gained on the Internet over the past 5–10 years. And this is not at all surprising, because it is much easier and more fun to watch a colorful video with voiced text than just read an article. Thus, many sites and various Internet companies make video presentations and simply thematic videos in order to entertain users and attract new audiences to their products. Video editors using special programs for audio and video processing they are engaged in the creation of such materials. Salary – $400–1000 per month.

Here we should also mention such popular professions on the Internet as photographers and photo designers, who not only engage in photography themselves, but are also well versed in processing the resulting photographs and images.

Training and employment:

  • Video editing in 30 days and other courses from the Internet Professions Training Center 1Day1Step. You can also start with free introductory courses.

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of video editing and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Social Network Administrator

As a rule, specialists working in social networks are engaged in promoting the services and various products of companies, online stores, entrepreneurs, etc. Such employees “manage” various thematic groups and communities, create entertaining and useful material, and also attract new users to them. The range of monthly earnings for these specialists is $300–$1000 per month. Basically, two specializations should be distinguished here.

  1. SMM specialists. Their tasks include promoting goods and services, working on the Internet with the image of a certain brand, searching for and neutralizing negativity from users. The main goal is to attract the largest possible audience from social networks to the customer’s resource.
  2. SMO specialists. Such people optimize the site more for the requirements and desires of users from social networks. The main task is to keep visitors on the site, stimulate the audience to be active (reposting, leaving comments, active interaction with the site).

Training and employment:

  • Profession: VKontakte administrator 1Day1Step.
  • Profession: Facebook Administrator— free introductory course from the Internet Professions Training Center 1Day1Step.
  • Content manager on Instagram and Vkontakte, VKontakte Administrator, Facebook Administrator, Promotion in Odnoklassniki, How to make money on Instagram and other courses from the Internet Professions Training Center 1Day1Step.

Links to other free and paid Internet administrator training courses social networks and related specialties, as well as freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Contextual advertising specialist

Workers in this field, using various programs and services, create advertising and conduct entire advertising campaigns on the Internet. Most often, the name of this Internet profession refers to specialists in Yandex Direct and Google AdWords. Surely you have already noticed that after a certain time spent on the Internet, attractive advertisements begin to appear on various sites with exactly the offers that you were recently looking for. This is the same contextual advertising that these workers create and configure. Average earnings are $500–1200 per month of work.

Among similar online professions, it is worth noting the vacancy of a sales manager (does everything to sell goods, calling customers), an online advertising manager (managing and coordinating a whole team of advertising specialists, launching advertising campaign and evaluation of its effectiveness).

Internet Project Manager

Usually, to implement any project on the network, a whole team of multidisciplinary specialists is needed and, of course, the person who will manage this group, coordinate all the actions of employees and ensure that everything necessary work was carried out on time in accordance with the planned plan. Earnings range from $1000 to $2000 per month or more.

This area also includes various team leaders of freelancers and editors who manage text preparation specialists in order to create required material.

Training and employment:

Links to free and paid training courses for the profession of Internet project manager and related specialties, as well as to freelance and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.


If you think that the popular and in-demand Internet profession of a blogger today is one of the simplest, then you are very mistaken. Thus, on the Internet you can find hundreds of a wide variety of author’s blogs, but only a few of them “reach the Top” and achieve popularity and recognition of their audience. Basically, a blogger is engaged in creating various texts, photos and video materials for his author’s project - a website on the Internet. Once such a blog gains a certain popularity, it can already be monetized using contextual advertising, affiliate programs, various paid reviews, etc. The range of earnings is very wide - from $100 to $1000 per month.

Since bloggers often promote their websites themselves, you can also add a specialist in website promotion in PS and a layout designer (“translation” of web pages into computer language for the purpose of better perception of information) to related online professions.

Training and employment:

Links to free and paid training courses for the Internet profession of blogger and related specialties, as well as freelancing and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Online consultant

If you now go to the website of any online store, you will immediately be offered to contact an online consultant via chat on the website or will be asked to enter your phone number so that they can call you back later. This is exactly what online consultants do - they answer clients various questions regarding working with the site, help them place an order and resolve various problems. The average salary range is $200–$500 per month.

Related professions include the vacancy of a telephone operator (caller) or a telephone sales manager. Typically, such people call potential clients (cold, warm, hot calls), offer to make a purchase and simply help place an order.

Training and employment:

  • Online consultant and other courses from the Internet Professions Training Center 1Day1Step. You can also start with free introductory courses.
  • Work at Tinkoff Bank- free training, practice and official employment. Work from home via the Internet. Professions: operators for attracting corporate clients, sales of car insurance, real estate, banking and mortgage products, cold sales.
  • Workle— training in sales management: insurance, travel packages, credit products, etc. Earning money during the training process. Official employment. Your own Internet office. You can work in several directions at once.

Links to other free and paid training courses for the Internet profession, online consultant and related specialties, as well as freelancing and remote work exchanges can be found on this page.

Which online career is right for you?

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* The test was developed with the participation of experienced career guidance and career development specialists, and takes into account your strengths and preferences.

Now you are well aware of the most popular and most in-demand professions on the Internet. And if you want to learn more about the topic of working online, improve your professional skills, or learn a new profession for remote work, then training centers will be of great help to you.

The labor market is constantly changing and it is quite difficult to say what are the most in-demand professions in Russia 2015-2020. It is almost impossible to accurately predict how things will be in this area even in a year; one can only make assumptions based on analysis and research.

This situation has arisen due to the rapid development of the market for services and technologies; they, in turn, present certain requirements to a staff of specialists. It is especially difficult to make predictions regarding professions for girls and women. But it is possible in general outline outline the situation in this area today.

What professions are in demand now?

This question is quite difficult to answer, since different researchers on this issue provide conflicting information.

In addition, today the concept of “state order for professions”. This is when at the government level they draw up a list of specialties for which it is necessary to prepare a certain amount qualified personnel.

After "order" goes down to educational institutions. But so far this scheme is hardly working. There are several reasons for this, the main one is abundance of private universities who independently decide in what areas to train specialists. And one more thing no less important, where to find applicants, future specialists, for example, engineers, teachers, when it is known about the deplorable state of the industries in which they will have to work and, accordingly, about low financial support.

The question: can be answered from different positions and points of view, there are at least 2 of them:

  1. State order data for specialties;
  2. Research data.

Basically everyone today strives to become managers, lawyers, economists, specialists in international relations.

These areas are certainly in demand in the labor market, but a huge number of specialists, trained in these areas, minimize the opportunity to get a job in their specialty without problems.

While employers have the opportunity to increase qualification requirements to applicants. At the same time, the situation in other areas is diametrically opposite.

Let's try to compose consolidated list of popular professions for women at the moment, taking into account the research of specialists and the state order for specialties. So the List will look something like this:

Teachers in secondary educational institutions, schools. This is traditionally a woman’s domain in the labor market, but due to some neglect of the education sector, today there are few people willing to go there to work. The Russian government, for its part, is trying to raise the prestige of this profession through financial incentives;

Doctors. In this industry, things are the same as in the previous one. There is a particularly acute shortage of junior staff: nurses, orderlies. The staff of doctors in clinics has been greatly reduced. Many specializations are in danger of disappearing due to the fact that soon there will be no one to work with;

Engineers. This applies to both men and women. Without a powerful engineering corps, technological and therefore technical development, much less a breakthrough, is impossible;

IT specialists. There is simply a catastrophic shortage of personnel here. Most workers in this field are self-taught or their qualifications leave much to be desired. The latter occurs due to the fact that the domestic education system is not adapted to modern requirements IT technology sphere and cannot keep up with its rapid development. As a result, specialists are trained using outdated systems and programs;

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology. The shortage of qualified personnel in this case is due to the fact that only a few educational institutions provide training. In addition, this direction is promising and is only gaining momentum;

  • Marketers. The market today offers simply a myriad of products, and to successfully promote them, it is necessary to conduct research and make forecasts regarding what prospects await a particular product in the market. The shortage of specialists in this field is due to the fact that educational institutions have only recently mastered this area and have not yet saturated the market with trained personnel;

    Psychologists, in particular family psychologists. This fashion trend came from the West, and today it is confidently gaining popularity in the post-Soviet space.

    This is probably the most in-demand professions on the labor market in Russia for the female half of the population. The following list answers the question: “What professions are in demand in Russia?”, in general, throughout the country. If we consider the situation in specific regions, it will change.

    The most in-demand professions in Russia, video:

    What professions will be in demand in 5 years?

    It is quite difficult to make any predictions about this, because modern market labor is very flexible and dynamic, directly dependent on the macroeconomic situation and directions of technology development. But on the other hand, it is quite static, since the reorganization of directions vocational training in educational institutions it takes quite a lot of time.

    Today all trends point to the fact that popular professions for girls in 5 years will remain in the same form as presented above. The first place will be:

    The latter specialty will almost 100% be in high demand in a few years, especially in Russia. This is due to the fact that the demographic situation, at least at a small pace, is beginning to improve.

    The increase in population necessitates the construction of housing. In addition, the catastrophically outdated housing stock requires at least partial renovation.

    On top of that, the demand for construction specialties will increase the development of businesses that need commercial facilities: business centers, warehouses, retail space, production premises.

    But in the first place there will still be professions related to intellectual work. This situation is natural, since Russia is gradually moving from the industrial to the information stage of development.

    Some of the most in demand will be specialties related to the service sector. These professions can be called eternal, because you will always need to repair a car, serve food in a cafe or restaurant, sell goods and provide other services.

    As business develops, the demand for such personnel only increases. This is the most dynamic category; it quickly changes the requirements for applicants depending on the situation. This is due to the fact that in this case no special deep knowledge is needed. These types of work can easily be performed by people with minimal knowledge in the field. What is needed here is a skill that is developed in the process of work.

    But to answer the question: “What professions will be in demand in 2020”, it is necessary to list those specialties that will remain, as they say, out of work. In this case, making forecasts is much easier. It is enough to list the professions in which educational institutions have already provided the market for decades and continue to produce specialists in these areas:

    But in the latter case the question may arise: “How come office workers are not in demand, since business is actively developing, and accordingly the need for such personnel is increasing?”.

    But they will play a cruel joke on him new technologies, they will allow you to optimize the work of organizations as much as possible, especially small companies and firms, and accordingly will allow owners to reduce the use of human resources.

    Also under threat of extinction, according to experts, is journalism in the classical sense of this specialty. This is especially true for print media; today they have already lost much relevance in terms of the source of information.

    The same fate awaits the radio, which is being restructured in an entertaining way, leaving the information function as short news blocks.

    The only source of information in equal demand with the Internet remains television, but this type of media is also losing its position.

    To post information online, you do not need to have a degree in journalism, and this is still a zone without censorship, which brings the Internet to a leading position.

    Thus, when choosing a direction of training or a future specialty, it is necessary to take into account current trends, get acquainted with research and independently analyze the information received.

    The most sought after and highest paid

    For Russia, the answer to this question is ambiguous, because demand and remuneration are different concepts in our country, unlike Western countries. For example, the most in demand professions are engineers and teachers, but at the same time they are among the lowest paid.

    At the same time, workers oil and gas industry and top managers get high wages, but are not so in demand, especially if you take the percentage indicator. This is no more than 5% of the total number of offers on the labor market.

    That's why the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia It is almost impossible to clearly define.

    In such cases, it is necessary to resort to the help of mathematics, namely, to derive the arithmetic mean. As a result, it turns out that this is a profession IT specialist, programmer.

    This corresponds to general global trends, since the development of technology requires writing software, its modernization and maintenance. This direction can also be noted as the most promising. It should also be noted that there are more women specialists in this field. Just 10-15 years ago it was the domain of men.

    The highest paid professions in Russia, video:

    What professions are most in demand in the world?

    In this case, the word “world” means the most advanced labor markets: Europe, USA. This is due to the fact that it is possible to obtain a clear, specific answer to this question, since labor markets are subject to systematic, scrupulous research and the list of in-demand specialties is quite clear.

    For example, it will be quite difficult to monitor the African labor market. It can be assumed that everything will depend on the degree economic development countries.

    So what does it look like list of leading professions for Europe and the USA:

    These are the most in-demand professions in the world. Here it is worth noting the point where the specialty of a mathematics teacher is indicated. A fairly precise definition of specialization, while the domestic labor market needs teachers without defining the focus in general.

    List of in-demand professions in Western countries can be considered very conditionally global. On other continents it may be completely different. But in the above lists you can find similarities in terms of the demand for specialties related to technology development, PR and advertising. These areas can confidently be called promising on a global scale. These are professions that will be in demand in the future.

    This situation indicates that Russia is a full participant in global economic and scientific processes, despite the forecasts of spiteful critics of the Russian Federation among leaders, including regarding the development of the labor market.

    Exotic professions in demand in Russia

    It would be unfair to ignore professions that the average person has barely heard of - exotic ones. These include:

    1. Torchbearer Manager;
    2. Boogie Woogie Trainer;
    3. Sports shoe tester;
    4. Captain of a floating drilling rig;
    5. Livestock slaughterer;
    6. Carcass cutting specialist.

    All these vacancies are quite real, employers offer applicants decent wages and a full benefits package. Considering that there are no training courses in educational institutions for most specialties, the main requirement is that candidates have a higher education.

    It should be noted that foreign companies are the trendsetters for exotic specialties, not counting the last 3 items on the list.

    Although they cannot be called truly in demand, since offers from employers are sporadic.

    5 most desirable professions, video:

    Interesting facts about the labor market in Europe

    If you ask a question in Germany: “What professions are in demand for girls now?” you can, among other things, hear about the vacancy brothel workers. This is not a joke, but reality.

    The employment service may seriously offer a vacancy as a priestess of love to a girl or woman under the age of 40. At the same time, she receives a decent salary, official employment with a social package and officially makes contributions, thereby earning a pension.

    It is hardly possible to imagine such a situation in domestic market labor.

    On the one hand, this is a civilized approach to solving a serious social problem, but on the other hand, it is still somewhat immoral. Although we, citizens of the former Soviet Union, whose moral heritage is still quite strong, cannot be understood by pragmatic Europeans.

    Considering the active integration of the Russian Federation into global processes, one can expect that by 2020 list of official professions will be replenished with new names that are unthinkable today.

    The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also by such indicators as stability, prospects for career growth, and demand in the distant future.

    TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

    1. Programmers, IT technology specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at present, and their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
    2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business if you have commercial abilities, it can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
    3. A top manager is the face of the company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And it is paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. Moreover, at different periods of the company’s activity, various qualities are required from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself to be a bright leader and a successful entrepreneur; in his heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
    4. Lawyers, advocates. The majority of the population of Russia is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. Civil lawyers are the most in demand and highly paid at all times.
    5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary for doctors in Kamchatka.
    6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
    7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in the sense of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, determination, and luck. As they rightly say about creative professions: “The first half of a person’s life works for the name, the second half the name works for the person.”
    8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the period of industrial development, but from a material point of view it is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
    9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. It all depends on the size of the bank, position held, region, etc. Recently, it has been more prestigious to work in a state-owned bank than in a private one.
    10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, and region. But what is certain is that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any industry. national economy and at all levels.

    When choosing a profession, you must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person, but the person that makes the place. We should not forget that the profession must correspond to one’s abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career counseling consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

    The most prestigious professions in the world

    1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Since the industry is the most relevant government program in the developed countries of the world and is well funded, high wages for nanotechnologists are guaranteed for many years to come.
    2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious ones for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand and decent pay due to the fact that IT technology specialists ensure the functioning of almost all processes of the modern world.
    3. Biotechnologists - the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and food industry. As a government program that is set to undergo rapid development, biotechnology is adequately funded. It is very prestigious to be a scientist or practitioner in this field.
    4. Environmentalists. Pollution problem environment It only gets worse over time. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleaning the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and production.
    5. Marketers. Modern world oversaturated with goods and service offerings. It is impossible to do without marketers in selling them and producing new ones that consumers need.
    6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not skimp on. And good doctors enjoy well-deserved respect.
    7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. Creating a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information and coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary individuals.
    8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. After all, even in the age of Internet technology, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
    9. Pilots. Airline passengers initially respect the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine, the control of which requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical training, psychological stability, ability to quickly make responsible decisions.
    10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations and the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions in financial markets and a forecast for the future.

    A person’s profession determines a lot in his life. This applies to both the material and spiritual side. To everyone young man I want to realize my ambitions, dreams, plans for life. It often happens that a mistake in choosing a profession and further lack of demand ruins all these plans to the ground. To prevent this from happening, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the top most in-demand professions today and in the near future. Of course, each country has its own economic situation and level of demand in certain professions. However, there are averages that highlight the particular interest of companies in certain specialists around the world.

    Top most in-demand professions in the world:

    1. IT specialists. Programmers and application developers are needed right now to improve the efficiency of sales, production and closer communication with customers.
    2. Engineers. Manufacturing requires new technologies, development of new or optimization of existing projects to reduce costs and stay ahead of competitors.
    3. Business analysts. Big business today involves serious risks. Any transactions must be preceded by a serious analysis by professionals.
    4. Environmentalists. Global problem maintaining the health of the planet is still a pressing issue that constantly requires new ideas and enthusiasm.
    5. Doctors. Humanity is not getting healthier. Rather, the opposite trend is developing. Medical care is required today by all segments of the population.
    6. Marketers. In an era of oversaturation of the market with goods, it is increasingly difficult to attract buyers with low prices and good quality. What is important to him is a beautiful presentation, bright packaging, an interesting accompanying offer - all this is part of the work of a marketer.

    Top popular professions in Russia

    Russia is a special country with a unique path of economic development. Today, manufacturing is relatively underdeveloped in Russia, but there are many resources and finished goods that need to be sold. Under these conditions and in next year former professions will be in demand here.
    Top in-demand professions 2017 in Russia:

    1. Sellers;
    2. Managers;
    3. Marketers;
    4. Logisticians, carriers;
    5. Consultants.

    Top in-demand professions 2017

    Young people graduating from educational institutions very soon are already interested in what specialties are included in the top 10 in-demand professions in 2017. Taking into account the constantly changing political and economic situation, this question is really relevant, because every graduating specialist is interested in a successful start to his own career. Today, the top 10 most in-demand professions in 2017 look like this:

    1. IT people. IT professionals are already popular today, but will not lose their relevance in a few years. Humanity still needs to maintain computers and create new programs and applications.
    2. Translators. In conditions of developed international relations in business, the profession is becoming popular. Specialists in the field of oriental languages ​​are of particular value.
    3. Doctors. Some diseases are constantly being replaced by new ones, viruses are mutating, taking on new forms, and the mortality rate from diseases is high.
    4. Teachers. Despite the cataclysms, the population of the planet is increasing, and the number of children who need upbringing and education is growing accordingly.
    5. Carriers. The scale of trade relations is obvious to everyone, but in order to sell goods, it is not enough to find a buyer, it is necessary to organize high-quality delivery.
    6. Environmentalists. The long-term problem will only become more complicated in the future. Conservation of nature is a global task for all humanity.
    7. Managers. The demand for the profession is due to the popularity of trade relations and market economies in many countries. The ability to sell profitably is the key to a stable future not only local organization, but also the country as a whole.
    8. Engineers. Along with the development of trade, industry is also actively moving forward. Production does not want to stand still and needs new engineering solutions in design, construction, and application of technology.
    9. Service specialists. Call center workers and operators make up a huge army of people without whom the work of not a single large enterprise is possible. These people carry a piano so that others can play it.
    10. Mechanics. People who work not only with their heads, but also with their hands, have always been in demand. It’s great when there is a wide variety of all kinds of technology and equipment. But at the same time, it is important to be able to repair this equipment in a timely manner.

    Top in-demand professions in 5 years

    The period for obtaining the initial level of higher education (bachelor's degree) is 5 years. A sufficiently serious period for significant changes to occur in the country, including a change of government and the course of economic development. Perhaps today’s top in-demand professions of the future will lose their relevance and it will be very difficult for graduates to find available vacancies. How to avoid a difficult situation? There is only one way out - you need to act proactively. It is already possible to predict the economic situation in the country and the world and roughly imagine the top 10 in-demand professions in 5 years. The following specialists will be among the leaders in demand:

    1. Gerontologists. The planet is changing, getting older and requires close study.
    2. Specialists in finding energy alternatives. Unfortunately, the planet's resources will sooner or later run out and new sources will soon be needed.
    3. Africa specialists. The potentially richest continent today is less developed than any other in the world.
    4. City farmers. This specialist will grow vegetables and fruits in an aggressive urban environment, almost on the roofs of high-rise buildings.
    5. Urban ecologists. This profession was invented by the authors of Forbes magazine and may soon become relevant. People are suffocating in a dirty urban environment; technologies for building environmentally friendly cities may be in demand.

    Top 10 in-demand economic professions

    Today there are no countries whose life is not based on economic laws. Specialists who know how to forecast profits, calculate losses, and analyze a particular niche in business have been highly valued ever since countries and peoples began to have market relations with each other. Economic specialties will continue to be in demand in the future.
    Top most in-demand professions 2017 in the economic sphere:

    1. Auditor;
    2. Accountant;
    3. Marketer;
    4. Financier;
    5. Economist;
    6. Commodity specialist;
    7. Sales Manager.

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