Catering technologist higher education. Catering Technologist

Suitable educational specialties: Chemist; Biologist.
Key items: Russian language; Chemistry; Biology.

Tuition cost (average in Russia): 176,000 rubles

Job description:

*Tuition fees are indicated for 4 years of full-time undergraduate studies.

Brief description

Technologist's work catering is primary in the food preparation process and determines the quality of food in public catering, its safety and taste. A technologist, knowing food production technology, food recipes, food storage, and food safety techniques, helps ensure that raw materials are transformed into a high-quality product. The quality of the prepared food, and, accordingly, the prestige of the restaurant or canteen, depends on his conscientiousness in determining the quality of the starting products and observing the full norm for their laying.

Specifics of the profession

The job of a food service technologist involves more than just working with food. The activities of a technologist are much broader and more responsible.


  • organizes production (places equipment, teaches how to use it)
  • makes a menu
  • distributes responsibilities between cooks and controls their work
  • checks product yield standards
  • introduces advanced technologies into production
  • Responsible for the serviceability of kitchen equipment and the quality of prepared food
  • develops new recipes, drawing up the appropriate regulatory documents
  • studies new trends in the catering market and coordinates work in accordance with them
  • offers a new range of dishes to increase demand
  • monitors compliance with sanitary standards
  • amounts to technological maps new dishes (calculation of the amount of food, calorie content, etc.)
  • carries out timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.
  • takes part in retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements of our time.

Pros of the profession

  • Constant demand in the labor market, relatively high level salaries, authoritative position in catering.

Cons of the profession

  • High responsibility for the results of the work of other people (chefs, confectioners); responsibility for the results of inspections of supervisory authorities: SES, Veterinary Supervision, certification bodies, State Trade Inspectorate in terms of technology, etc.

Place of work

  • restaurants
  • cafes, cafeterias
  • canteens
  • meat processing plants
  • fish processing plants (canning)
  • dairy plants
  • bakeries
  • confectionery
  • procurement factories.

Personal qualities

  • high sensitivity to shades of smells and tastes
  • correct color discrimination
  • good volumetric and linear eye
  • tactile sensitivity
  • good memory(short-term, long-term, visual)
  • high level of distribution and switching of attention
  • cleanliness
  • emotional stability
  • creativity
  • aesthetic taste
  • accuracy
  • exactingness
  • communication skills
  • organizational skills
  • responsibility
  • physical endurance
  • honesty, decency


Career opportunities for a food service technologist are limited. With sufficient work experience, career advancement to the position of head of a group of technologists is possible. To obtain the position of production manager or manager of a public catering establishment, a specialized qualification is required. higher education.

The salary of a catering technologist depends on the place of work: the level of a budget canteen cannot be compared with an elite restaurant. The average salary of a technologist in Moscow is 50,000 rubles, in the regions it is approximately 30,000 rubles.

Salary in Yekaterinburg

Minimum - 20,000 rubles.

Maximum - 36,400 rub.


To obtain a position as a catering technologist, a secondary specialized education is sufficient. You can study to become a catering technologist at:

  • Moscow cooperative technical school MSPC named after G.N. Altshulya, Moscow region, Mytishchi

Faculty: Light and food industry

Department: Technology of food products and consumer goods

Specialty: Technology of catering products

  • Trade and Technology College

Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny

Higher education in this profession you can get:

Faculty: Service sectors.

Specialty: “Organization of services in public catering”

Courses for catering technologists and calculators also give the right to work as a catering technologist and allow you to master the most modern technologies cooking (low-calorie, dietary, world cuisine, etc.):

  • Business Academy "MBA CITY"

Moscow, Maly Palashevsky lane, building 6.

A little more about the profession of catering technologist

The first technologists to control the quality of cooked food can be considered the people who tasted the royal food. The kings trusted them unconditionally. Currently, the profession of a public catering technologist is in demand more than ever before due to the development and expansion of the network of public catering enterprises.

In Russia, so-called public catering establishments in the form of taverns and taverns arose at the end of the 18th century along with the emergence of cooking as a science. The owners of the establishments had to control the quality of food prepared by hired people. Thus, the profession of catering technologist arose.

Organizes production (places equipment, teaches how to use it) draws up menus, distributes responsibilities between cooks and controls their work, checks product yield standards, introduces advanced technologies into product production, is responsible for the serviceability of kitchen equipment and the quality of finished food, develops new recipes, drawing up relevant regulatory documents, studies new ones trends in the catering market and coordinates work in accordance with them, offers a new range of dishes in order to increase demand, monitors compliance with sanitary standards, draws up technological maps of new dishes (calculation of the quantity of products, calorie content, etc.) carries out timely supply of raw materials, tools, equipment and equipment to production etc. takes part in retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements of our time.

02/19/10 Technology of catering products

The art of beautiful feeding is no different from
other visual arts.
It is akin to music, poetry or painting...
Andreas Rosi

Technology of catering products– a very interesting, and most importantly, modern specialty. And this despite the fact that the program has been implemented by Russian colleges and technical schools for more than 50 years. The food service industry is changing rapidly. Now it’s not just cafes, restaurants and grocery stores. Completely new formats of public catering have appeared: fast foods, confectionery cafes, mini-factory cafes, coffee shops, steak houses, national restaurants, pizzerias and sushi bars, drive-thru buffets and home cafes. Various grocery stores are opening: from boutiques to super- and hypermarkets. All this diversity requires appropriate personnel - catering technologists, which is why the specialty “Technology of Catering Products” does not lose its popularity.

Who is a catering food technologist?

Catering Technologist– a highly qualified specialist in the hospitality industry, a master of a wide range of skills. He is equally well versed in table setting and menu preparation, in organizing fairs for selling branded products and in recruiting staff for catering and improving their qualifications. A good technologist can teach colleagues in the shop - cooks and confectioners - new ways of processing products, reveal to them the secrets of preparing various dishes (national, exotic, ancient). He comes up with recipes for new confectionery and culinary dishes, including signature ones, and monitors the quality of products and the process of their preparation. The technologist knows everything about the restaurant business, about scientific basis proper nutrition, about the laws and rules of culinary art, about hospitality and service culture.
From simple ingredients, a technologist can create an excellent taste and aesthetic composition that can please the most demanding gourmet. The technologist develops technical and technological maps for dishes, prepares a wide range of culinary and confectionery products and evaluates the quality of the raw materials and products used, organizes work production workshops and customer service.

The specialty “Technology of public catering products” can be obtained at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Yalta Economic and Technological College”. Lectures and practical exercises Experienced teachers teach here. New ones are actively used educational technologies: simulation companies, business games that will not let students get bored. Students of this specialty gain practical skills through internships in the best restaurants and cafes of Greater Yalta. College graduates work in various public catering establishments (bars, restaurants, pizzerias, pancake houses, cafes, etc.) as technologists, production managers, shop managers, foremen, and cooks. With the acquisition of experience, a technologist can also work in regulatory authorities, in production market departments in the city administration. Graduates get the opportunity to engage in independent business and start their own business in the hospitality industry (cafes, restaurants, canteens).
General characteristics of the specialist: determines the quality of products, calculates their quantity to obtain ready-made dishes; creates a menu; distributes responsibilities between cooks and controls their work; Responsible for the serviceability of equipment and the quality of prepared dishes.
Requirements for individual characteristics specialist: visual, olfactory and gustatory sensitivity; penchant for analysis and forecasting; visual-effective thinking; figurative memory; creativity; aesthetic taste; accuracy; demandingness; communication skills.
Medical contraindications: pronounced diseases of the organs of vision and hearing; infectious diseases; skin and venereal diseases; diseases of the sense organs; disorders of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system; vestibular apparatus disorder; colds and cardiovascular diseases.
Advantages of the profession: constant demand in the labor market, relatively high salary level, authoritative position in catering.
Cons of the profession: high responsibility for the results of the work of other people (chefs, pastry chefs); responsibility for the results of inspections of supervisory authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, Veterinary Supervision, certification bodies, State Trade Inspectorate in terms of technology, etc.
Personal qualities:
high sensitivity to shades of smells and tastes;
correct color discrimination;
good volumetric and linear eye;
tactile sensitivity;
good memory (short-term, long-term, visual);
high level of distribution and switching of attention;
emotional stability;
aesthetic taste;
communication skills;
organizational skills;
physical endurance;
honesty, decency.

Requirements for vocational training

Must know: the structure of POP production, its planning and organization, requirements for production staff; features, forms, methods of serving consumers in POP various types and classes; rules for creating menus, price lists, wine lists; basic principles of technology, methods and techniques of culinary processing; requirements for the quality of culinary products and services, types and methods of control, rules for conducting quality control; labor protection at work, principles of occurrence and prevention of injuries.
Must be able to: keep records material assets, equipment, raw materials, finished products; develop recipes for new dishes; draw up technological maps; draw up and conclude contracts for the supply of goods; accept raw materials and semi-finished products in terms of quantity and quality; carry out planning of production work, organizing the work of workshops; enforce technological processes, carry out rejecting of finished products; apply waste-free and low-waste technologies.
Related professions: Cook; confectioner.

Standard period for mastering the main professional educational program secondary vocational education:

Basic training (graduate qualification - technologist):
* for full-time education:
- based on the main one general education- 3 years 10 months;
- on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 10 months;
* for part-time education:
- on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 3 years 10 months;

No matter how the world changes,
people will always cook and trade,
and in the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Yalta
college" you will receive
specialty that will
feed you for life!

Bars have become an integral part of any person's life. There is a wide variety of food and drinks served in restaurants and cafes. When visiting such establishments, a person wants to enjoy deliciously prepared food. The ability to cook beautifully, decorate food and drinks, and set the table is also important. In order to succeed in the restaurant business, you need to know the technology for preparing certain dishes and drinks.

Catering technology is exactly what is needed to understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business, food preparation and service culture.

The technology of public catering products, of course, includes a complex of disciplines. First of all, these are the technology and rules for preparing various dishes. In turn, the technology of preparing culinary dishes implies knowledge in various ways product processing and recipes, ingredient standards, preparation cost standards, as well as ready-made dishes.

The next important aspect, which includes the technology of public catering products, is technical equipment process of preparing food and drinks. A specialist in this field must know food preparation and be able to operate equipment correctly and efficiently.

Quality control of prepared culinary products has a special place in nutrition. It is also unacceptable to allow food to spoil, as this will ultimately affect the profitability of the restaurant business. The technology of public catering products, in addition to all of the above, also includes a culture of customer service.

After all, the atmosphere of a restaurant or cafe, and, therefore, the attitude of customers towards it, largely depends on how beautifully and correctly the table is set, as well as on the form in which the prepared food and drinks are served. Service personnel must comply with all rules of etiquette and politeness when communicating with customers.

A specialist in such a field as catering technology must certainly have skills and abilities and use them in his professional activity for organizing public catering and cultural services for the population.

Responsibilities of a food service technologist include:

  • Usage modern methods and technologies for preparing food and drinks;
  • Development and implementation of optimal production modes in modern places public catering;
  • Development of work procedures, standards of labor and material costs for preparing food and drinks;
  • Carrying out work to optimize production processes and reduce;
  • Monitoring compliance with technical discipline in all areas of work, as well as correct operation equipment used;
  • Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards during production, as well as compliance with safety regulations during work;
  • Constant control of the quality of food and drinks, as well as the ingredients used for their preparation;
  • Study and application of international experience in the provision of services in public catering establishments.

Only by professionally carrying out your activities in the field of providing public catering services to the population can you achieve success. After all, it is necessary to remember that the client is always right, and you need to try not only to feed the person, but also to leave a pleasant impression about yourself.

Obtaining an education in the field of catering technology involves obtaining a secondary specialized education. This education can be obtained in many educational institutions. For example, at the Moscow Cooperative Technical School. G.N. Altstuhl.

If we talk about studying after 9th grade, then it is possible. In this case, you will have to study for this profession for more than four years. Part-time study will take more than 6 years.

If you enter educational institution, having a diploma of 11 classes, then obtaining an education will take about 4 years.

Admission to an educational institution is carried out according to Unified State Exam results or on a paid basis.

Catering technology specialty

The technology of organizing public catering requires obtaining the qualification of a process engineer. This qualification is obtained based on the results of training. In order for this qualification to be awarded, students must pass the state exam. exams. You will also need to write a thesis qualifying work.

In addition, the training includes a mandatory practical part.

At the same time, practical training is divided into two stages: practice in production and pre-graduation practice. The practice can be completed on manufacturing enterprises– confectionery shops, bakeries or food establishments – restaurants, canteens, etc.

Specialty: technology of public catering products

The profession of a process engineer implies the following specialties, which are obtained in secondary educational institutions:

  • profession - bartender;
  • confectionery;
  • bakery;
  • cook's;
  • catering technology.

Specialty 260807 food service technology

Profession code 260807 means receiving education in the field of manufacturing products for various public catering outlets. A specialist from an educational institution who has received such a state diploma will be able to work at various facilities. This could be a food production facility or a catering facility.

Thus, the scope of application of this profession is quite wide. In addition, the demand for specialists is very high. Therefore, graduates from such colleges, as a rule, do not have problems with employment.

Product technology and catering specialty

This specialty involves acquiring a number of skills:

  • prepare confectionery products, flour products;
  • prepare various dishes from meat, fish or poultry;
  • prepare soups and sauces;
  • preparing desserts. It can be any type of dessert;
  • development and planning of indicators production activities;
  • purchasing the necessary volumes of products for preparing dishes;
  • control the production of final products;
  • organization of mass catering.

Specialty: catering technologist

This specialty means obtaining the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge about the technology of manufacturing food products, as well as catering.
Such a specialist can evaluate production work, organize meals for visitors to a restaurant or cafe. It may control the production of products for medical nutrition or child nutrition purposes.

Therefore, a catering technologist has quite wide opportunities for future employment.

Specialty standard for food service technology

The standard of study in the specialty with code 02/19/10, this is the technology of the process of manufacturing products for public catering, was approved by the Minister of Education and Science Livanov on 04/22/2014. This standard establishes educational standards for the specified specialty.

According to the standards, the objects of production activity of specialists are:

  • products and semi-finished products;
  • products of a high degree of readiness;
  • food production management processes.

Technology of public catering products specialty code

Catering Technologist is a specialist in the development, production and quality control of culinary and confectionery products at catering establishments. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in work and farming (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

The work of a catering technologist is primary in the food preparation process and determines the quality of food in public catering, its safety and taste. A technologist, knowing food production technology, food recipes, food storage, food safety precautions, helps turn raw materials into a high-quality product. The quality of the prepared food, and, accordingly, the prestige of the restaurant or canteen, depends on his conscientiousness in determining the quality of the initial products and compliance with the full norm for their laying.

Specifics of the profession

The job of a food service technologist involves more than just working with food. The activities of a technologist are much broader and more responsible.


  • organizes production (places equipment, teaches how to use it);
  • creates a menu;
  • distributes responsibilities between cooks and controls their work;
  • checks product yield standards;
  • introduces advanced technologies into production;
  • Responsible for the serviceability of kitchen equipment and the quality of prepared food;
  • develops new recipes, drawing up relevant regulatory documents;
  • studies new trends in the catering market and coordinates work in accordance with them;
  • offers a new range of dishes to increase demand;
  • monitors compliance with sanitary standards;
  • draws up technological maps of new dishes (calculation of the amount of food, calorie content, etc.);
  • carries out timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.;
  • takes part in retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements of our time.

Pros and cons of the profession

  • Constant demand in the labor market, relatively high salary level, authoritative position in public catering.
  • High responsibility for the results of the work of other people (chefs, confectioners); responsibility for the results of inspections of supervisory authorities: SES, Veterinary Supervision, certification bodies, State Trade Inspectorate in terms of technology, etc.

Place of work

  • restaurants
  • cafes, cafeterias
  • canteens
  • meat processing plants
  • fish processing plants (canning)
  • dairy plants
  • bakeries
  • confectionery
  • procurement factories.


Salary as of 03/21/2019

Russia 20000—80000 ₽

Moscow 40000—100000 ₽

Personal qualities

  • high sensitivity to shades of smells and tastes
  • correct color discrimination
  • good volumetric and linear eye
  • tactile sensitivity
  • good memory (short-term, long-term, visual)
  • high level of distribution and switching of attention
  • cleanliness
  • emotional stability
  • creativity
  • aesthetic taste
  • accuracy
  • exactingness
  • communication skills
  • organizational skills
  • responsibility
  • physical endurance
  • honesty, decency


Career opportunities for a food service technologist are limited. With sufficient work experience, career advancement to the position of head of a group of technologists is possible. To obtain the position of production manager or manager of a public catering establishment, a specialized higher education is required.

The salary of a catering technologist depends on the place of work: the level of a budget canteen cannot be compared with an elite restaurant. The average salary of a technologist in Moscow is 50 thousand rubles, in the regions it is approximately 30 thousand rubles.

Training to become a catering technologist

Courses for catering technologists and calculators also give the right to work as a catering technologist and allow you to master the most modern food preparation technologies (low-calorie, dietary, world cuisine, etc.).

In this course you can obtain the profession of a food service technician in 3 months and 10,000 rubles
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. as a gift!;
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Conducts the course: “Technologist-catering calculator”. Course program: 1. Introduction to the profession (Job responsibilities technologist-calculator; the concept of technology and technological processes in public catering; sanitary requirements for storage and culinary processing products; calculation of seasonal waste, types of defrosting; practical classes in the Store House program). 2. Working with documents(correct execution of documents; write-off acts; damage acts; inventory sheets; practical exercises in the Store House program). 3 Working with a collection of recipes(technological maps; costing maps; elaboration acts; work with tables; calculation of raw materials for semi-finished products and ready meals; losses during heat treatment, minimizing costs).

Secondary special education

  • Moscow cooperative technical school MSPC named after G.N. Altshulya, Moscow region, Mytishchi. Faculty: Light and food industry. Department: Technology of food products and consumer goods. Specialty: Technology of catering products
  • Trade and Technology College. Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny

History of the profession

The first technologists to control the quality of cooked food can be considered the people who tasted the royal food. The kings trusted them unconditionally. Currently, the profession of a public catering technologist is in demand more than ever before due to the development and expansion of the network of public catering enterprises.

In Russia, so-called public catering establishments in the form of taverns and taverns arose at the end of the 18th century along with the emergence of cooking as a science. The owners of the establishments had to control the quality of food prepared by hired people. Thus, the profession of catering technologist arose.