Earning money from a summer cottage from nothing. Business ideas on your site

Own land is a good opportunity to create your own personal business. What type of business can you organize on your site?

1.Growing greens

Using a greenhouse, you can harvest five or six times in one year. The cost of an ordinary greenhouse and seeds is approximately fifty thousand rubles. By selling only greens, you can provide an income of approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.

2. Growing mushrooms

This is a profitable business. Mushrooms are in very high demand. Champignons and oyster mushrooms are the most popular mushrooms that are grown on your site. They do not require any maintenance at all. Growing can be done in a barn.

There you can create ideal conditions for mushrooms. To organize the cultivation of mushrooms you will need approximately 20 to 30 thousand rubles. With their help you can earn approximately 15–20 thousand rubles in a month.

3. Cheese production

Cheese produced at home is in great demand and highly valued. Therefore, the idea associated with its preparation can be very profitable.

To organize production, you need a room with a minimum area of ​​fifty square meters. In addition, you will have to purchase equipment. The initial investment is quite significant and amounts to about 200 thousand rubles. Having formed a regular client base for several months, you can regularly earn from 40 thousand rubles.

4. Breeding rabbits

There are not many competitors in this segment. A small farm breeding up to one thousand rabbits per year requires a land plot of 600 to 800 square meters. In addition, you need to buy special equipment and the animals themselves.

This will require from 140 to 160 thousand rubles. By organizing a trade in rabbit carcasses, you can get from 50 thousand rubles in one month.

5. Quail farm

Quail farming does not require much space. Income can be obtained from the sale of meat and eggs. To purchase one hundred heads and organize a farm, you will need approximately one hundred thousand rubles. The minimum monthly income is thirty thousand rubles.

6. Flower business

Flowers are equally in demand all year round. The maximum demand for them is observed on holidays. To grow flowers, you need to install a greenhouse with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters. The total investment amount is approximately five hundred thousand rubles.

The most popular flowers are roses. You can recoup your investment after six months of hard work. The minimum amount of monthly net profit is one hundred ten thousand rubles.

7. Small own smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats are in great demand. Purchasing a mini-smokehouse will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. It is better to install it in a separate room.

To purchase equipment you will need to spend another 16 to 20 thousand rubles. The initial investment pays off in about two months of work. Every month, your own mini-smokehouse can generate income from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

8. Beekeeping

This business allows you to earn income not only from the sale of honey, but additional beekeeping products - propolis, wax, etc. It is advisable that there is a garden with fruit trees next to the apiary. However, bees do not like pigs and dogs. The hives do not need to be placed very close.

There should be sufficient distance between them. Approximately twenty or thirty square meters should be allocated per hive. To create an apiary consisting of approximately 25 hives, approximately 250 thousand rubles will be required. The minimum net monthly profit of an apiary is fifty-five thousand rubles.

Having chosen a suitable activity for yourself on your own plot of land and having carefully studied the market, you can start your own business.

Is it possible to create a business in the country, and will it be promising? If not, then there would be no point in writing this article. But since there is text below, and quite a large one, the conclusion is logical: business in the country is more than possible. In this example, consider the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing crops with subsequent sale, which involves possible earnings in $800,000 per year.

If you have a dacha, then you certainly have at least 10 acres of land that you need for cultivation. Here the question almost immediately arises - what to grow? It is necessary to choose the most profitable crop that would bring in more money and would require few costs. It's difficult to define this one. Some people don’t do this at all and rely on the great Russian “what if”, some listen to the opinions of experts who predict growth in sales next year, for example, potatoes, and others simply rely on intuition.

For example, if 10 hectares are planted with potatoes, then with an average harvest (200-300 kg per hectare) you can harvest 2-3 tons of this product. Its average price per 1 kilogram is 0.5 dollars (it’s easier to calculate), respectively, from one harvest you can get 1000-1500 dollars. Is this enough for you? Alas, no.

Next example – strawberry. Most people grow this product solely for personal consumption. From one hundred square meters you can get (on average) up to 150 kg, from 10 hundred square meters - 1500 kg. The cost of strawberries is $3 per kilogram, respectively, with 1500 kg you can get $4500. Better, but still not enough!

Is it possible to earn even more?

Earnings of $4,500 are guaranteed if you grow single-fruiting strawberries, but there are berries that produce 2 or 3 harvests per year. Accordingly, you can earn 2-3 times more. At the same time, it is also possible to earn money from seedlings, which are not cheap. To do this, you will have to grow seedlings in plastic bags so that their root system is closed. This will allow them to be sold throughout the warm season along with berries: summer, autumn, spring. These seedlings take root always and everywhere, and accordingly, they are sold to the last, and there is practically no competition.

It is not difficult to calculate the possible profit. 1 square meter allows you to grow 60 seedlings in bags. On one hundred square meters (paths for passages are taken into account) you can grow 4-4.5 thousand bushes. The cost of one seedling is, say, 0.5 dollars. Then from only one hundred square meters you can get 2000-2250 dollars; from ten acres - ten times more. And this is much better, but still not $800,000.

And that's not all! Country business can be much more profitable

We only considered 2 cultures, but there are many more of them. Let's take black currants, for example. You don’t even need to analyze the market to say for sure: the demand for it is very good, and black currants are sold to the last berry, no matter how many you grow. Productivity directly depends on the variety, and on average ranges from 100 to 200 kilograms per hundred square meters. The cost of 1 kilogram is 3 dollars. It's easy to calculate the rest. However, this is not the point. It is much more profitable and easier to grow blackcurrant seedlings, and here’s why:

  1. From one hundred square meters you can get 4-5 thousand blackcurrant seedlings (this can be found in any reference book on growing seedlings);
  2. From ten acres you can get 40-50 thousand seedlings (average 45 thousand);
  3. The cost of one seedling is (!) 1-2 dollars (as you sell it);
  4. As a result, the profit from 10 acres can be 45000-90000 thousand dollars.

One can only dream of such earnings. At the same time, you do not need to invest a lot of money in this business, and this is a distinctive advantage. In this case it can only be one problem - implementation.

Methods of selling products

There are several ways to sell the seedlings you have grown:

  1. Wholesale sales. In this case, you need to reduce the price, and significantly;
  2. Give it away for sale, losing only 10-15 percent of the possible profit;
  3. Grow currants in bags and sell them yourself. In this case, the implementation period is extended from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. These seedlings will be sold best in the summer, during the ripening period of black currants.

Additionally, you can sell the currant berries themselves, which, if you do everything correctly, will be very large. The buyer will definitely not pass by these.

To grow seedlings you will definitely need cuttings. You need to take them from the mother plant - this is a currant bush, which is intended exclusively for obtaining cuttings. They need to be planted densely - about 10-15 per square meter. On one bush you can grow about 10 powerful shoots, which are cut into cuttings in the fall. From one shoot you can get 5 cuttings, from a bush - 50. These 50 cuttings will turn into seedlings in the future. From one square meter you can get about 500-750 cuttings. It is easy to calculate exactly how many queen plant bushes need to be planted in order to obtain the required number of cuttings for growing seedlings. Most often (and this is more convenient), queen cells are planted in 1-2-3 rows around the perimeter. On average, 12 bushes are placed on 1 square meter, which implies obtaining 600 cuttings from 1 square meter.

The dacha business promises even more money, and it’s true!

You can earn even more from grapes. The point is that the cost grape seedlings are approximately several times higher than the cost of currant seedlings(1.5-2 times), but from one hundred square meters of soil you can get exactly the same number of seedlings - 4-5 thousand. Accordingly, you can earn 1.5-2 times more (about 90-180 thousand dollars).

This income is already fantastic and almost unrealistic. Of course, it is possible to grow such a quantity, but to implement it is not. The reason for this is great competition. At the moment, only the lazy do not sell grape seedlings, so problems may arise with the sale of such a number of seedlings. However, such a business can only be implemented in those regions where, thanks to climate warming, people have begun to pay attention to the emerging opportunity to grow grapes in their summer cottages. These are mainly the northern regions of Ukraine and almost the entire central zone of Russia, including Moscow. Now it is warm enough in this zone, which allows even late grape varieties to fully ripen, and this causes a great demand for seedlings.

To grow seedlings, you do not need to prepare special bushes for cuttings. About 100 cuttings can be prepared from just one mature grape, because anyway, about 90% of the vine is pruned in the fall. This vine will successfully take cuttings. In addition, grape berries can be sold if there are a lot of them.

Earnings from science fiction - EVEN MORE!

Theoretically, a dacha business can bring in even more money, but in practice this is almost impossible to do due to the large amount of work that will have to be done. You will definitely need help, but it is worth considering this option.

We are talking about clematis culture. They can be grown from cuttings in plastic bags and a closed root system. They are sold almost all year round, with the exception of winter. On one square meter you can grow 300 seedlings; on a hundred square meters - 20,000 (including space for paths); not 10 acres - 200,000. The price of one seedling is 4 dollars (on average), respectively, the cost of 200,000 pieces will be $800,000. The amount is fantastic, but theoretically it is possible to get such a profit.

Clematis cuttings are obtained from mother bushes, which need to be planted thicker. 500 cuttings are obtained from one bush, so you can easily calculate how many bushes you need to plant in order to grow the required number of cuttings.

So, does a business in a summer cottage promise profit?

As you can see, with only 10 acres of free land in your dacha, you can create a profitable business that will provide you for life. Even if you only have 2 free acres, then by planting them entirely with currant seedlings, you can get about 10-20 thousand dollars.

Of course, you can grow other crops that, in your opinion, will allow you to earn much more money. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with the appropriate reference books and market prices in order to be able to determine possible income. However, here you will have to experiment.

Your own plot of land is a treasure trove of opportunities for additional and basic income. What can you do at the dacha? There are two main areas of agriculture: crop production and livestock production. Let's look at possible options for their implementation.

Crop production

In this area, business can develop in two directions: growing directly products, seeds or seedlings. Growing vegetables and fruits for harvest is highly dependent on weather conditions. Hail, drought, late frosts - all this affects the yield of a particular crop and earnings will be at risk. It is safer in this regard to grow seeds and seedlings.

On your site you can grow:


To implement this idea, a couple of tens of acres will be enough. The growing technology is simple and has long been known to everyone:

  • plow the ground;
  • plant potatoes;
  • spud;
  • when it grows, dig it up;
  • sell.

On average, from 10 acres it is possible to harvest about 3 tons of vegetables and make a profit of $750-1125. Revenue depends on when to sell it: in the fall - cheaper, in the spring - more expensive. But in the latter case, you need to have a place to store it. In the northern regions, one harvest is harvested per year. In the southern regions, early ripening potatoes are planted and two crops are harvested.


Many people build a business on tomatoes. Since early spring, greenhouses of our own production have been installed, approximately 10 meters long and 6 meters wide. Some people install stoves in them and heat them with wood. A plot of 13 acres is enough to accommodate a couple of thousand bushes. The harvest is usually handed over to resellers or taken to be sold to the end consumer.

Some are mastering this direction for growing seeds. But then, for the business to generate income, you need to cultivate more than one variety of tomatoes. And, of course, grow them in sufficient quantities for sale. In addition, it is necessary to create a customer base of buyers.

Early cultures

This idea also requires a greenhouse, preferably a polycarbonate one, with heating, of course. It is not cheap, but greens and early vegetables from late spring and early summer are sold very well even on our own, without intermediaries.


Almost everyone at their dacha grows strawberries for their own needs. But it is easy to build a business on it, especially when cultivating early varieties. From 10 acres you can get 1.5-2 thousand kg and sell it for about 4.7-6.2 thousand dollars. And this is only for the variety that produces one harvest per year. Multi-yielding varieties produce more products. Plus, it’s worth organizing a business selling seedlings of this very strawberry. One hundred square meters can accommodate 4-4.5 thousand bushes. This means that from 10 acres the income will be on average 25-28 thousand dollars, depending on the variety of seedlings.


On your own plot of land you can organize the cultivation of various seedlings. In the spring, many people begin to plant various vegetables in their dachas, but do not have the opportunity to grow their own seedlings. Therefore, they are looking for where they can buy it. Earning money from seedlings is quite profitable, but is seasonal.


If you have a warm basement at your dacha, you can master a business such as growing mushrooms. Then you will harvest all year round. If there is no basement on the site, you can cultivate them in a greenhouse, but then your business will be seasonal. Oyster mushroom is the easiest to grow. Champignons will require a little more experience and care. There are other varieties of mushrooms, but in this case you need to study the market so as not to grow unclaimed products.


Most often, a seedling business is done by growing grape shoots. True, this idea requires certain knowledge. Up to 50 varieties of different grapes are grown at the dacha. In open ground, approximately 4-5 thousand seedlings are placed on one hundred square meters. If you sell all of them, you can earn 84.4-225 thousand dollars. But today almost everyone is engaged in growing them. With such competition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell all the goods. Although today the demand is quite high, as many have begun to develop viticulture on their plot of land. You can also grow fruit tree seedlings at your dacha. This technology is more complicated, but it is also much easier to sell them.


You can make a profit not only from land. It can be used to raise not only animals, but also birds. Moreover, they can be kept not only for meat, but also for other related products: milk, butter, cheeses, eggs, young animals.

Poultry farming

It is believed that due to high feed prices, raising poultry for meat is a low-profit business. But you need to figure out how much the final product costs: if the cost of eggs and meat increases, then the profitability of the business will increase. You can also reduce the cost of keeping birds by growing feed on your own property. Or you can organize pens for birds to walk.

But the greatest return comes from raising poultry in the countryside for the sake of eggs for the incubator and young animals. Such an egg is ten times the cost of a food egg, and chickens are much more expensive than eggs. Young meat birds are even more expensive: turkeys, geese, ducks.


Implementation of this idea at the proper level can become a highly profitable business. Firstly, rabbit meat is dietary and in high demand. Secondly, the sale of young animals to summer residents in the spring also provides a consistently high income. Many of them, settling in their dachas in the summer, raise rabbits for their own consumption.


Bee products, in particular honey, are highly valued. But to raise bees in the country, you need to have at least basic knowledge about these insects and their life characteristics.


One goat can produce up to five liters of milk per day. This is enough for one family, but if you keep several goats, you can sell the milk. It costs more than cow milk, as it is considered more valuable and healthier. In addition, you can sell cottage cheese, sour cream, and butter. Additionally, you can sell goat down, which is very valuable. To develop this idea, you can organize the sale of goat kids.


The traditional occupation in rural areas is fattening pigs. You can get a lot of meat and lard from them, which will always find its buyer. But this idea has its risks. If an African swine fever epidemic occurs among pigs in the area of ​​your dacha, the animals must be destroyed with modest compensation.


As with goats, a cow can produce a lot of milk and related dairy products. In addition, you can raise cows for meat, which will also always find its buyer.


Not everyone today practices such a business on their site. But in vain. Mineral fertilizers are known to kill soil. But worms bring it back to life and increase productivity. In addition to the fact that worms can produce excellent fertilizer, they can be sold as food for birds, cows, pigs, fur-bearing animals, and fish. Moreover, the process of growing them is simple.

For many centuries, land was considered one of the most reliable sources of income. But as a result of the industrial revolution of the early twentieth century and the subsequent relocation of the active population to the city, villages and villages began to empty out, and the culture of private farming was gradually lost, which allows you not only to establish your business on the land, but also to gradually expand the business to the size of a large farm .

If you like to work on the land or want to make money using the opportunities of a summer cottage, then you will have to study and work a lot, actually giving entrepreneurial potential to property that was not initially intended to generate economic profit, but serves only to satisfy the owner of the plot’s own everyday needs.

How can you make money from your own plot?

It is no secret that Russia is the largest agricultural country in the world. We have the most arable land, there are conditions for growing almost all types of grains, vegetables and fruits, and we also have outstanding agronomists and farmers. But against the backdrop of all this prosperity, it is obvious to us that we do not know how to use our own land plots to run a small family business.

This is due to the fact that for about 80 years in our country the right of private ownership of land was prohibited, and the use of a summer cottage for business, although not strictly, was prohibited.

Today there are no prohibitions. Therefore, the current generation can revive the culture of the tiller and lay the foundation that will allow future generations to freely use such an asset as a plot of land and wisely extract good profits from it.

Most often today, a plot of land is a fenced area with a house and outbuildings. The area of ​​the site is small, up to 100 sq. m. m. This plot can be used to earn money without registering a business activity. Commerce begins when an entrepreneur purchases or leases land for agricultural or commercial purposes.

The main directions for business on your plot of land:

  • craft workshop;
  • greenhouse for growing flowers and vegetables in the cold season;
  • animal farm (see);
  • poultry house (read about).

When planning a business on his land, an entrepreneur must remember that he has a very limited territorial resource. On his site, he will not be able to allocate a lot of space for beds and place hundreds of heads of birds or animals. Therefore, one of the main tasks for such an entrepreneur is to find ways to optimally use the territory of the entire farmstead. Many active businessmen erect entire engineering structures, the main task of which is to create a multi-tiered and multifunctional space with favorable conditions for growing plants or animals.

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Growing plants, vegetables and fruits

Difficult climatic conditions, a long cold period and a small number of sunny days a year in a large part of Russia - all this creates an additional need for fresh vegetables and fruits among the population. A summer resident can grow different varieties of berries, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs for culinary seasonings, onions, garlic, etc. on his territory. Read what income it can bring.

To make money from gardening in the warm season, the territory of one average plot will not be enough to grow a crop that can provide a profit. But the construction of a greenhouse for the cold season will not only allow you to benefit, but will also cover all the start-up costs for the construction of the greenhouse complex during the first season.

Heated prefabricated polycarbonate greenhouses are best suited for these purposes. Modern technologies make it possible to build such a greenhouse at minimal cost. For entrepreneurs who are afraid of the prospect of heating a greenhouse for a long period of time, there are many solutions that allow you to use energy resources economically.

Workshop at home

One of the successful ideas for business on your own plot of land is to open a repair or production workshop.

You can repair furniture, household appliances, watches, garden tools, etc.

You can produce bricks, nails (see), decorative tiles, chain-link mesh and much more, which does not require complex equipment and large labor costs. In fact, the production of all of the listed products can be carried out by one person.

As long as you do not cooperate with legal entities and produce piece goods for sale to other citizens, your business activity does not need to be registered. But if you still reach large volumes and plan to cooperate with large procurement companies, then you will need the status of an entrepreneur.

Today, both Russian and Chinese sellers of production equipment offer good machines for the production of piece goods at an affordable price. In order to make the right choice, study the experience of using these machines. Most often, in practice, many nuances arise that are best taken into account before paying for the purchase.

Find out. We will give examples of successful areas and tell you where to start a business.

Livestock business

Raising animals or poultry in a summer cottage is one of the most troublesome activities. But if you like this truly rural work, then you can not only provide your family with high-quality and healthy products, but also make good money from your favorite business.

It is believed that it is most profitable to keep in the household:

  • cows;
  • pigs (see);
  • chickens (meat and laying hens).

Any household will be able to serve two cows, three to four pigs, a couple of dozen laying hens and meat chickens. The profit from such a farm will be very significant. Three pigs for sale will give an income of about 50 thousand rubles, about 10 thousand rubles - the cost of animal feed. Net profit will be approximately 40 thousand rubles.

The profit from a cow is more difficult to calculate. On average, two cows produce about 20 liters of milk per day. By selling the entire milk yield per day, the housewife can earn about one and a half thousand rubles, not counting the sale of sour cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. Such a household will not only feed the whole family, but will also provide an opportunity to save money for large purchases.

Let's sum it up

There are not so many business ideas on earth. They all originate from those ancient times when the earth fed its owner and his family. And now even the smallest plot, which is used to the maximum for business, can give its owner a good entrepreneurial profit. An important advantage of this format is that while you are working on your site, you are not required to register as an entrepreneur.

Every second Russian has a dacha plot, every fourth wonders whether a dacha business is profitable, and what commercial initiatives will make money on their own piece of land. The dacha business is possible, and it has its own secrets. At the same time, it should be understood that such commerce is risky. The weather factor, the lack of civilized sales markets, access to cheap loans and vehicles make life difficult for those who want to make money from their own dacha. But it doesn't stop them. For a Russian person there are no barriers that cannot be circumvented.

Before organizing your own business at your summer cottage, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  1. find out which products are in demand in the region in which you live, since long-distance transportation increases the cost of what is produced - sometimes several times;
  2. determine (or organize independently) sales channels - where and how to transport (sell) the received products;
  3. understand production (growing) technology;
  4. draw up a business plan that details expected expenses and income.

Important! Large-scale business on a summer cottage is prohibited by law. You cannot build a supermarket or a brick factory on land intended for subsidiary farming. However, if the site is located near the highway and there is a desire to build a store or open an auto repair shop on it, you can change the purpose of the land.

Little secrets of income from a summer cottage

Combining business ideas and dacha farming has its secrets. What grows in everyone’s yard cannot be sold at a high price, and transportation immediately increases overhead costs - the business becomes unprofitable. Growing seedlings and early varieties requires heat, light, and frequent watering - at the same time, there are plots of land without water or electricity. The construction of a greenhouse will have a beneficial effect on plant growth and increase the yield, but will require additional financial investments. In addition, in order to implement a business idea on a summer cottage, you need to live there around the clock or visit often.

Important! Any business that involves making money on minimal financial investments is built on significant labor costs. In addition, the work itself on the land requires labor - it is difficult for one person to independently carry out the entire cycle of work. Automated tools make the process easier, but they cost money - in this case there is no need to talk about business from scratch.

10 ideas for making money at your dacha for the brave and hardworking

The first thing that comes to mind is to use the dacha plot for its intended purpose: to grow edible and ornamental plants. Vegetables that require minimal investment of labor and time include green onions, parsley and dill. Also at the dacha they raise chickens and raise fur-bearing animals (rabbits, nutria), and this is double income - from the sale of meat and fur. There are unusual ways to earn income. Let's take a closer look at how much you can earn.

Important information! In crop farming, profitable options for earning money are from seed and planting material, flowers, early vegetables and berries. In livestock farming - fur-bearing animals, raising quails and ostriches, rabbit breeding.

1. Income from edible greens

Dill, lettuce, parsley, and radishes are in demand and it’s easy to make money from them. Dill is the most popular type of greenery, and it begins to grow at 2-3 degrees Celsius. To ensure a higher harvest, the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground, but not germinated. It is better to purchase varietal dill seeds, or even better - to save them yourself. Your own greenhouse will help you get a harvest at any time of the year.