Women's boots. I dreamed about boots - interpretation of the dream according to dream books

From the moment we appeared on this planet, we live in two parallel worlds - in reality and in the world of dreams. Sleep is a mystical, magical place, leading to night visions with special attention people have treated at all times.

So what is so unusual about dreams? In fact, it is night dreams that can tell us about our future and what we still have to face in reality. Moreover, the simplest and seemingly unremarkable symbol can tell about this.

One such everyday look is boots. They may go unnoticed in a dream, but in reality this image contains many secrets. So, let's try to find out why boots are dreamed of.

As the dream book says, boots are a symbol of changes that will soon begin, as well as travel and long journey. But the interpretation may change based on the context of the dream, so be attentive to the nuances and details.

Here's what you should pay attention to if you saw boots in a dream:

  • Appearance.
  • What did they do with them?
  • How did you feel in them?

Shoes in a dream

So, the first thing to start analyzing the vision with is appearance. Seeing new, shiny, polished shoes in a dream means that a completely new period in life awaits you. You will go down a completely unfamiliar path and get a lot of pleasure from it.

New men's shoes in a vision indicate the appearance of a fan in your life. He will be fundamentally different from all the men you know, which is what will attract you.

If you dreamed of new women's dreams, then this means that you will meet and get to know a charming and unusual person. You can learn a lot from her and learn various feminine tricks, which you will then successfully try.

Old, dirty and torn shoes in a dream indicate that you will experience a period of some disappointments and worries. But don’t despair: after going through this difficult path, you can become better and reach a fundamentally new level.

If you dream of shoes from the past, then this suggests that, most likely, you need to repeat your past path. Perhaps you haven't decided on something very important task and now, in order to continue moving upward, the old business must be completed.

It is also important to pay attention to the color of the shoes:

  • Red new shoes are a symbol of your unbridled nature. A lot of adventures await you, including love ones.
  • Yellow shoes are a symbol of joy and hope; remember: in order for dreams to come true, you need to have them.
  • Black shoes speak of your rigor and conservatism.
  • White new shoes are a symbol of your innocence, purity and chastity.

Next, when making an interpretation, remember what you did with the shoes. If you dreamed about the shoes you bought, it means that you will have an interesting journey to a place where you have never been.

If in a vision your shoes were stolen, it means that someone from your circle is planning to use your ideas for their own purposes. Don't share your thoughts and creativity with anyone, otherwise it may turn against you.

If you dream that you stole someone else's shoes, then this indicates dishonest behavior on your part. It's worth reconsidering your life principles and values. Remember that any bad deed will definitely come back to you.

Getting your new snow-white shoes dirty means you will find yourself in an awkward situation. As he says Eastern dream book, boots, smeared, are a harbinger of disputes and conflicts.

Trying on shoes in a vision means that you will soon be able to take part in a completely new and unexpected event. You can look at yourself from the outside and see possible ways developing your positive qualities.

It is also important to remember how your boots feel. If you dream that your shoes are too small, then this indicates that you are setting too modest goals for yourself. It's time to reach a larger and more serious level.

But if you dream of larger shoes, then such a vision warns you that you have aimed at an impossible target. It's time to lower the bar and move from one task to another, otherwise you simply won't have enough strength to go the whole distance.

If a woman dreams that she is wearing men's shoes, then such a vision speaks of the predominance in her masculine qualities. It's time to become more feminine and not take all the responsibility for the family on yourself. If you didn’t like the shoes in your vision, then this means that you are not moving towards your goals and are trying to fulfill other people’s dreams. You need to think about yourself and your needs.

Visions can be diverse, complex and simple, but they will all be united by metaphor and allegory. The more deeply you analyze seemingly ordinary images, the more accurate your prediction will be.

Many dream books, when asked why boots are dreamed of, claim that these are good sign. Of course, the interpretation depends on the type of shoe and the situation that unfolds in the dream.

But in general, the dream book considers boots a favorable image. Moreover, shoes in a dream may be an important sign that will indicate to you further path. It is extremely important to note one detail in a dream: how comfortable the shoes are. When you dream that they are tight or, conversely, dangling on your leg and generally looking ugly, the dream book considers the dream as a warning: soon an unexpected turn will take place in life.


  • Women's
  • Men's
  • Children's

Men's shoes promise difficult, hard work. It will take a ton of effort from you, but in the end the work will pay off, you will achieve results and success will await you.

For a woman to see in a dream men's shoes- a promise of quick attention from the opposite sex. Perhaps there will be a meeting with fate.

Women in dreams are always associated with upcoming love adventures. Perhaps a passionate romance, a strong love interest, awaits you soon.

Children's slippers - sign great joy. In reality, the dream means that you will soon receive good news. They will be a cause for great joy and the mood in your home will be wonderful. If a woman has a dream, it is an image of her readiness and great desire to become a mother.

New shoes

To see beautiful new shoes standing in a window in a dream means that in reality there will be a great opportunity to change something. Even if you don’t manage to take advantage of the chance, it will appear again soon.

  • Buying new shoes promises long-awaited recognition of your achievements. The results of your work will finally be appreciated.
  • Trying on something new - there are people in your environment whom you truly appreciate, with whom you feel at ease and warm.
  • If new shoes are bought for a child, this also means that you will soon receive good news.
  • Seeing shoes received as a gift means that very soon you will get stronger and begin to grow materially.

Trying on someone else's shoes that are the wrong size means that some of your expectations will not come true. True, this means that a completely different door will open before you, with new opportunities.

Old shoes

Typically, the dream book characterizes old and worn shoes as the imminent appearance of minor, but distracting troubles from work. You should go back and remember one very important point from the past, which influenced the current situation.

Seeing torn shoes is a warning dream. In reality, your enemy is plotting and wants to harm you. If you are vigilant, the ill-wisher will remain with his nose. For businessmen, a dream in which torn shoes appear means that competitors and rivals are becoming stronger.

The dream book interprets dirty shoes as a sign that it’s time to put old things in order. You yourself understand that the time has come to deal with the past, but you continue to delay and put it off. There is no need to pack an extra load of unfinished tasks into your luggage. Sometimes dirty shoes promise tedious, boring meetings, empty conversations and explanations.

Let's put it in order

When you dream that you are polishing your shoes until they shine, the dream book will suggest the following interpretation: in reality you will have the opportunity to strengthen your financial situation, stability, and success.

When you dreamed about your shoes, which you carefully clean yourself, this plot is positive mood. Your affairs are in an excellent position, you are succeeding and success will come very soon.


When you dream that your shoes have been stolen, be wary. Such a dream can be called prophetic: in the near future, if you are not vigilant, you can fall for the bait of scammers. You should also be more careful in business, otherwise rash actions can cause financial losses.

Losing shoes in a dream is a symbol of separation. Long trip, a business trip or any other trip will force you to leave your loved ones for a long time. But after parting there is always a meeting, so don’t be too upset.

Giving your shoes to someone - such a dream concerns competitive relationships. Moreover, this rivalry concerns different areas life. This situation probably worries you greatly and you are waiting for its resolution.

If you dream of a long, tedious search for boots, the dream is a wonderful omen: an exciting journey awaits you, a trip to a distant, interesting country.


The color of the shoes you dream about also influences the currents.

1. Black. Single and unmarried people should pay attention to such a dream. This is a sign that you need to take a closer look at your partner. Perhaps being deeply in love does not allow you to see a number of negative aspects in the relationship.

2. White.

  • For a man to see white shoes is an omen that his betrothed will be extremely beautiful.
  • For a woman, her chosen one will be courageous and strong.

3. Blue. Dream sign: try not to get too lost in yourself, in your dreams. Only then will you find your right path.

4. Reds. Such dreams are always associated with love, family life, homely hearth. Scarlet shoes in a dream promise understanding and harmony with a partner, family happiness, and a cozy home.

5. Brown. Warning: you will have to go through a series of minor difficulties, which, fortunately, will not affect the course of your life.

In general, shoes seen in a dream are a pretty good sign. Depending on the specifics of the interpretation, it can be a warning and a good symbol, but in any case it promises good changes in the future. Author: Ksenia Maisova

dress - you find out something nice
cramped - difficult life
torn - you will be unfairly offended
buy - you'll hit the road
seeing a lot of them is a process
clean - you will have the highest honor and love
to lose is a significant loss
giving is a good deed
try it on - your enterprise is successful
wooden - you will lose customers
straw - beware of moneylenders
tourist - you will succeed in a well-known task

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Boots mean?

If in a dream you put on new shoes and they squeeze you, it means that you should be prepared for trials that will be provoked by your own carelessness.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Seeing Boots in a dream

Boots, shoes with laces - Clean, new - to good luck and business connections. Old, dirty - your affairs are filled with empty troubles associated with meetings and negotiations with unimportant people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do dreams about Boots mean?

Shoes - put on - good news - tight - difficult life - torn - unfair insult- to buy - a trip on the road - to see a lot of them - the process - to clean - you will have great honor and love - to lose - a significant loss - to give - a good deed - to try on - Your enterprise is successful - wooden - loss of clients - straw - beware of moneylenders - tourist - the thing you know will succeed.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Boots mean in a dream?

If in a dream you saw your shoes on someone else, then your lover or spouse is cheating on you.

If in a dream a loved one gave you the shoes of his spouse, then do not expect that you can calmly part with him.

Your connection will last a long time, no matter how much you resist it.

Choosing boots in a store is a sign that you will soon have new look earnings.

The better and more expensive the pair you choose, the better and more profitable your work will be.

Wearing beautiful and new shoes in a dream is a sign of honor and respect, promotion, success in business.

If your lover brought his old shoes to your house, this means that in difficult times he will turn away from you.

Seeing your old shoes in terrible condition in a dream is a harbinger that your affairs will worsen.

Putting on your shoes in a dream means receiving News about the progress of business; if the shoes are torn and you cannot put them on, then circumstances will change for the worse and you will have to look for work and livelihood.

Wearing rough shoes in a dream means an imminent wedding or big and happy changes in life. If they fall apart, your marriage or relationship will fall apart.

Buying boots means new plans and changes. It all depends on your choice in a dream: the better and more durable your shoes are, the better your affairs will be. Seeing a lot of shoes in a dream is a great opportunity.

Do it in your sleep right choice. Dirty shoes are a harbinger of a big scandal that will discredit you in the eyes of others.

Cleaning your shoes in a dream is a sign that you will be able to restore your good name.

Giving shoes in a dream means that you will be grateful to your friend for his help.

If you are presented with shoes, then this person is not indifferent to you and you can count on him.

If in a dream you cannot find your shoes, then loss and separation from a friend await you. Sometimes such a dream can predict that your spouse or lover will be the victim of an accident.

If the shoes are too small for you, then you have taken on the wrong business and you better abandon it right away.

Sports shoes are a sign that you have a lot of work to do, which will be crowned with success.

Wooden, rag or straw shoes in a dream are a sign of need and loss.

See interpretation: color, heel, shoes, boots, shoes, slippers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Boots

Seeing men's shoes in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is a sign of anxiety and disappointment in the near future.

If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you wore boots that were so big that they dangled on your feet, it means that in the near future your loved ones will complain about insufficient attention on your part.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does Boots mean in a dream?

If you are wearing new shoes in a dream, then the growth of your well-being is guaranteed.

If you see boots in a store window, then in reality you will miss a good chance to improve your financial affairs.

If you are buying boots for a child, then expect good news. If in a dream you are wearing shoes that you do not like, then you will have a conversation with your chosen one and, perhaps, it will end with a marriage proposal.

If you try on shoes and they don’t fit you, then you are surrounded by people with whom you find it very difficult to get along and a quarrel may arise between you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Meaning of sleep Boots

A dream in which you see your own shoes on someone means that you will betray the person who is in love with you. Perhaps you will meet a new friend who will actually turn out to be a dishonest person who is using you for his own purposes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Boots

If in a dream you see someone with your shoes on their feet, expect trouble in matters of the heart. There is a possibility that your rival will displace your image from the heart of the one who is the object of your adoration. Trying on brand new shoes in a dream is a sign good luck and salary increases.

Seeing boots that are fairly worn and in need of repair in a dream is a warning against ingenious traps on your path to success in life. Losing your shoes and walking barefoot in the darkness of the night is a disappointment, because there are forces that in every possible way hinder the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Boots predict in a dream?

Seeing your shoes on someone is a bad dream for lovers. It is quite possible that you will have a lucky opponent.

Putting on new shoes in a dream means an increase in salary and great success in business.

Old shoes should be taken as a warning about ill-wishers standing in your way to success.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Boots in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Boots” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

A black shoe is a harbinger that the future spouse will have a stubborn and quarrelsome character.

A white shoe means having a beautiful wife.

Red is a symbol of a cheerful and cheerful wife.

Yellow- a harbinger of an illness that will strike the spouse.

New ones - for marriage in the very near future.

Changing shoes in a dream- to marry a widow.

Cowhide shoes- a symbol of a wife with a rich pedigree.

Sheep leather shoes- a sign that the wife will come from a foreign land.

Tight shoes indicate that your wife is leading an unrighteous lifestyle.

A shoe that fell off a foot- to illness and disappointment; it is also a hint that you are dismissive of others.

Maly Velesov dream book

Putting on boots- to difficulty establishing a personal relationship with someone (whose shoes), or you will not like the job offered to you.

Shoes, used boots choose- the desire to enter into a personal relationship with someone (the one whose shoes) who has many acquaintances. You may be offered someone else's position

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Boots?

Put on - to the road; walking in them means making a new acquaintance, which will develop into friendship (love).

Russian dream book

New ones - to prosperity; old - to poverty.

Family dream book

A bad dream for lovers. It is quite possible that you will have a lucky opponent.

To a salary increase and great success in business.

Old shoes should be taken as a warning about ill-wishers standing in the way of success.

Combined dream book

Wearing shoes in a dream- joy, good news, an exciting journey awaits you, and if the shoes pinch your feet or rub- hard way.

Buy boots for yourself- to success in business; put on new shoes- to increase salaries.

Seeing someone's own shoes in a dream- quarrel with your boss or loved one.

Old shoes are a sign of obstacles on the way to your goal.

Making boots- lack of strength, illness; lose your shoes- to spending money; lose one shoe- conflict.

Taking off your shoes means separation, divorce; repairing boots is entertainment, pleasure; getting wet - treason; brilliant - financial wealth, success in business; wooden - quarrel with loved ones.

Take off wooden shoes- establishing a relationship with a loved one.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Boots?

Wearing boots in a dream- joy, you have an interesting journey ahead, what if the shoes are tight?- difficult road.

Buy yourself boots- to improve things; putting on new ones means a salary increase.

Seeing your shoes on someone in a dream- lose a good relationship with your boss or life partner.

Old shoes are a symbol of obstacles on the path to success.

Sewing shoes - to loss of strength, illness; lose - to the loss of part of the property; lose one shoe- argument.

Taking off your shoes means separation, divorce; repairing is a pleasure; getting wet - infidelity; sparkling - money, success in business; wooden - destructive connection.

Take off wooden shoes- getting rid of danger in your personal life.

Dream book for the whole family

If you are wearing new shoes in a dream- growth of your well-being is guaranteed.

If you see boots in a store window- in reality you will miss a good chance to improve your financial affairs.

If you are buying shoes for a child- wait for good news.

If in a dream you are wearing shoes that you don’t like- a conversation awaits you with your chosen one and, perhaps, it will end with a marriage proposal.

If you try on boots and they don't fit you- you are surrounded by people with whom you find it very difficult to get along and a quarrel may arise between you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

High boots or boots- they say that you foresee the danger of some troubles, but you have secured yourself, and in reality you have nothing to fear.

If the shoes are torn or dirty- such a dream warns of serious difficulties that may interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing yourself in a dream wearing old-fashioned boots- to the collapse of your old dream.

Buying or trying on over-the-knee boots for yourself in a dream- you will be presented with a valuable gift.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing yourself in a dream in shabby clothes and wearing boots like “goodbye to youth”- to shine in decent society.

Buying in a dream or putting on over-the-knee boots- means that you have a very high opinion of yourself, be more modest.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Put on boots - go to the road.

Over the knee boots - someone will become attached to you with claims and will wear out your soul.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Boots in a dream?

Putting on boots - you will learn something pleasant; tight - difficult life; torn - you will be unfairly offended; buy - you'll go on the road; seeing a lot of them is a process; clean - you will have the highest honor and love; to lose is a significant loss; to give is a good deed; try it on - your enterprise is successful; wooden - you will lose customers; straw - beware of moneylenders; tourist - you will succeed in a well-known business.

Miller's Dream Book

See someone wearing your shoes- a bad dream for those who love. It is quite possible that your rival will displace your image from the heart of your beloved being.

Putting on new shoes in a dream- to great success in business, for men - to an increase in salary.

Old shoes in your dream- a warning against tricky traps on your path to success.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Boots in a dream?

If in a dream you see someone with your shoes on their feet- expect troubles in matters of the heart. There is a possibility that your rival will displace your image from the heart of the one who is the object of your adoration.

Trying on brand new shoes in a dream- a sign of great luck and salary increase.

Seeing boots in a dream that are fairly worn and in need of repair- a warning against ingenious traps on your path to success in life.

Lose your shoes and, left barefoot, walk in the darkness of the night- a collapse of hopes, because there are forces that in every possible way hinder the implementation of your plans.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Boots according to the dream book?

Men's boots - a new place or image; labor, successful or fruitless, based on appearance.

Well polished- arrangement of monetary affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dreamed boots- portend a tiring trip.

Torn shoes mean a bad trip.

In a dream you walked in your shoes - you will soon receive a valuable gift.

If you wore someone else's shoes- you will be deceived.

A dream in which you bought shoes or were given shoes as a gift- warns of large losses.

You were selling shoes- you will be lucky, you will get a big profit.

You dreamed that you were cleaning your shoes- big troubles lie ahead.

You watched someone shine their shoes- troubles await you in your family life.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Put on boots- joy.

Esoteric dream book

The boots are clean and new- to successful affairs and business connections.

Old, dirty - your affairs are filled with empty troubles associated with meetings and negotiations with unimportant people.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Boots according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, new boots- symbolize increased material well-being, luck in all endeavors.

More interpretations

If you dreamed of worn-out shoes- be careful, someone wants to annoy you. Moreover, if it still leaks, be prepared for betrayal.

Shine shoes in a dream- to worries and vanity.

If you dreamed that you bought new shoes- you will be very lucky.

If in a dream you lost them- and in reality expect some expenses.

If you see torn shoes in a dream- be prepared for the fact that someone will unfairly offend you and offend your feelings. Try to maintain composure and not respond in kind.

See black boots- things will go smoothly, you will be at your best. What you have long wanted will happen.

Dreaming of seeing old shoes- to obstacles and obstacles on the way to the goal. Enemies are trying to interfere with your plan, be on your guard.

Red shoes - love affair, passionate and ardent love. Or a temporary affair that will leave a pleasant impression.

I dream about dirty shoes- to useless troubles, your efforts will be in vain. You will have to communicate a lot with partners who will not contribute to the growth and development of your business plans.

Putting boots on your feet is good news that you will learn unexpectedly. A pleasant surprise.

If your shoes were stolen in a dream- useless expenses in life, loss of money due to some force majeure circumstances. Be vigilant and quick.

New shoes - all matters will be resolved successfully, everything will go like clockwork. Partners will work with you as one, cohesive team.

Video: Why do you dream about Boots?


Did you dream about Boots, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Boots in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Good afternoon
    Please tell me why I dreamed about a bunch of high men’s boots (about 3-4 pairs), something like military ones, black, clean, large in size, just lying on the floor. I dreamed from Sunday to Monday.

    Hello, I dreamed of an acquaintance in white boots and I seemed to be filming him on the ground and he stepped over me. And it’s also as if I gave felt boots as collateral at a grocery store and then they don’t give them back to me, they can’t find them

    on my BD there is a young man, a cat. I only saw it in childhood, he met me in the present and gave me boots (old, gray, but for some reason I really liked them), I put the gift under the sofa and went outside to pick flowers and found grapes planted

    Hello Tatyana! I had a dream early in the morning. I saw myself in wedding dress, ordinary, unremarkable, I would even say that I didn’t see it completely, but clean. There was no groom, but there were relatives, close and not so close, the latter from another city. I walked arm in arm, it seems, with my older sister (not exactly) to meet an approaching car with these relatives from another city and even cheerfully waved at them; my uncle was sitting behind the wheel and waved back. Then in some room I picked up new women's low shoes in black and white and noticed the bright white high heel... I'm married and have children... I hope illness, loss, and death have nothing to do with it!

    I was leaving the store, and in front of me stood a man who had different slippers on his feet, I told him about this in surprise, although he said that he would fulfill any of my wishes, but from behind my back a respectable man suddenly launched fireworks in my honor .

    I bought winter boots red in color, very warm. There was some kind of noisy party with music. We were photographed, I was wearing old sandals, but when it was all over, everyone went outside, I started looking for my new shoes. I searched for a very long time, then I found and changed my shoes, it was cold outside. I was with my daughter. And we were waiting for the bus. It was in some unfamiliar city. What could this mean?

    hello. I dreamed that I bought new shoes and went to visit them. Then I came out with a mountain of shoes that were even very similar. But I couldn’t find mine. I tried them all on. I still couldn’t find them. Then my sister suggested that I go and buy the same kind of discounts there. I’m afraid lose your loved one

    It’s spring, I’m walking barefoot on the grass and come out onto the road, and my ex-brother-in-law (my sister’s husband) hands me his shoes. I put my foot out to put on my shoes and he bent down to put on his shoes. and he put on the second shoe himself and jokingly began to run away from me. I jump up and go to him, we ended up on the playground where there was still snow and we started playing snowballs.

    I dreamed that I was choosing a dress in a store. I chose bright orange. There were cheap blouses hanging, but I didn’t have time to buy them, because they were cheap and they were immediately sold out. Then I went to the shoe display. And I saw the shoes that I had long dreamed of since school. I think I bought them.

    My brother died on March 30th. This afternoon, 07/12/14 Mom saw a dream in which Yura (her son) comes out of the basement with shoes in his hands, but they are not the same, i.e. steamed, from different shoes. The boots were clean and looked good, Yura was calm. I ask you to comment on the dream, otherwise Mom is worried.

    I dreamed that in a dream I was wearing beautiful shoes, I really liked them (they were new), but one was made of suede yellow and the other is made of leather blue color. Externally they are the same. Why did you dream?

    I dreamed that I sewed shoes myself (looked like boots or closed autumn shoes). At first I sewed it for my mother, it looked good, but after looking closer, I realized that I had messed up. I started sewing the second pair for myself, but never finished it and doubted the result.

    came out of the entrance with my mother. And there were two pairs of shoes. Worn white shoes and my old sneakers. Mom asked where the shoes were from, I said they were from Grandma Valya. She looked and said how to put them on, and I said that I’d better wear my sneakers.

    I have a son from a man who abandoned us before he was born. in a dream he came to us, I sat him down at the set table but didn’t sit down myself, then we went shopping and bought new shoes for the baby, white and brown. returned home and sat down at the table.

    I had a dream in which I was given brown boots - worn, but in good condition. I'm comfortable and really like them. There were other kinds of gifts, but I liked this one the most. I also dreamed about my ex-husband that night, who wanted to renew the relationship, but I refused him, because... both in life and in my dreams I am married to another person. Although I am also drawn to him.

    I came to the car dealership, picked up a new car and went for a ride around the city, drove for a long time and quietly, driving into yards, etc. After I parked the car, I put on new suede boots blue with white thick soles and went for a walk around the city in them. The boots were very soft and comfortable, colorful and fashionable! But after walking right leg It became somehow uncomfortable in the heel, as if the sock had slipped into the boot, I pulled the toe up and noticed that there was a seam on the boot that was not stitched (factory defect). At first I thought: “no big deal, I’ll patch it up and that’s it,” but then I became indignant and changed my mind: “the shoes are completely new, which means I need to go to the store and exchange them for new ones without defects!” And I went... Then I woke up))

    I dreamed of myself in a wedding dress, with some man, as if I was going to marry him, for some reason we were eating in the elevator in the hospital, then I dreamed that my son and I were in the hospital, and one of my son’s sneakers that we were in a dream was lost lent it to a friend’s son, then I dream about my friend and it’s as if I’m still a schoolgirl and I’m running away from my parents’ house for the night and my parents are about to find out about this, then my parents are in the picture, then I’m again in a wedding dress and running somewhere or from someone, to me a guy I don’t know starts pestering me, I run away from him and cry, look around as if I’m looking for someone and meet my ex-husband, I seem to be getting married to him, he calms me down, asks me not to cry or say anything, otherwise I’ll scare my son, then our son runs out of the car and I wake up to this. What is all this for?

    I dreamed that I was wiping my shoes with a silicone sponge (not the old, not torn ones that I wear at work, brown boots), well, they seemed to be dusty, not cleaned, and after that the sponges became shiny, deep brown.

    wow) all this is happening in winter time, the snow cover is not strong. Well, I was driving bike, and the bike it was cool, with gas, brake and clutch pedals) and there was always a feeling that it was about to break. I was driving along the road with my brother. we stopped at a stop, and then drove on, and after four or three stops, I stopped again and discovered that I was driving with one shoe, and apparently lost the second one and without my younger brother. In fright, I went to look for them at the stop where I stopped for the first time, but I was no longer riding on the road, but on the side of the road, where I accelerated and braked sharply in front of the track, breaking the bike in half. Then I ran on foot, running through all the stops that I had passed before, while trying to find my lost shoe, by the way, the shoes were the ones that I wear in real life, at the next stop it was already raining, but at the same time there was snow, as if a large snowdrift had been dug up for this stop, and on the edge of the road there is also a cleared little retreat where you can walk, at the stop there were two telephones, such big cool ones) and three pairs of sneakers boots, black in my opinion, with white stripes, well, I have my only winter shoes here I took it off, and was about to put on the pair of shoes I liked, when suddenly some people walked by, I asked them: “Are these your shoes?” they say: - yes. and then I ran further and, but already in socks, and so I ran to that same stop, and there was no brother there and not my second one’s slipper, I was very upset and scared, and I went back again, having gone a quarter of the way, I I suddenly found myself in another place, where I was already standing in my shoes, and they were just trampled and so dusty, and my brother was also found. and I found myself not far from the stop where I lost them. I just felt it was nearby. I seemed to have forgotten some moments of the dream, I forgot a little the beginning, I think we rode along that road for the third time that day in a dream. and the horse seemed to have forgotten something too. Well, in general, this is the overall picture.

    In the dream I was driving, I forgot my old green flip-flops on the road. I got out of the car and put on my shoes, at that time my nephew got behind the wheel and drove away. His mother left for him, I got lost and couldn’t get to the city. My late dad was with me and helped me find my way; we waited for the trolleybus together.

    Dream: I see a man, who was once my employer, come to an appointment (seemingly like a doctor), he took off his shoes in front of the office... And I take his brown leather boots (they are in excellent condition) and I wet them with water inside (even though they weren’t dirty)... Then I realize that they are wet inside and I feel uneasy about why I did this. - I wipe them dry very carefully. After making sure that the boots are even best view and dry, I put them in their place, with the thought that this man has a girlfriend... And in life, at the time when I worked for him, it was like that. What does this dream mean?

    I arrived at the funeral of my deceased grandmother, I saw my cousin sister, with a white-green face, getting into the car in a fur coat (although it’s not cold outside, in order to separate the grannies after the funeral, my cousin brother was standing not far away with a face that was either gloomy or in pain. Then he goes out onto the porch deceased grandmother and gives me beautiful shoes, very comfortable. When I showed them to my mother, my mother found a small heel on them and advised me to cut it off.

    Hello, Tatyana!
    I dreamed about it. that I'm wearing old shoes. The right one is like new, I wiped it with a cloth, and the left one has a loose sole and water has flowed into it. But I’m showing these shoes to a woman I’ve seen for a long time. She was with her daughter. People are good towards me.

    Hello, In a dream I somehow found myself next to a friend, we used to communicate with her often, but now we see each other very rarely. It was in some kind of basement. She brought a lot of leather goods for sale, I didn’t like anything there. But.. for some reason I decided to sew myself shoes (something like sandals) from her skin. It was very clearly visible how I sew. Every seam. When I made one and tried it on, I was completely disappointed. 3 fingers were visible and they stuck out in different sides. I decided not to continue further. But then they demanded $200 from me for them (my friend), assuring Meng that it no longer mattered whether I would finish them. Very expensive leather. I really said that even if they sewed it themselves, they weren’t worth that kind of money... But it was all useless. And you know, I started eating the remaining skin like sushi with sauce. It turned out to be soft and pleasant to the taste, I don’t remember further

    I dreamed that I was going somewhere and putting on white shoes. and I want to clean them a little, but I take a brush for suede, not for leather, and this brush directly cuts my white shoes into strips (((and then I wear black suede boots and I’m already walking into them.

    I had a dream, I was looking for flowers while walking in heavy old shoes, and I didn’t understand why I was wearing them, I bought flowers, tulips, but I was looking for roses to take to the funeral of a person who had already died in life. I never took off my shoes

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed that I came to a business meeting. Met there young man, whom I once pushed away. She felt embarrassed, but continued the negotiations without showing it. When the meeting was over, I headed towards the exit and looked at my shoes, I was wearing old red men's shoes, they were clean, but several sizes too big. As I was walking, the sole of one of my shoes came off. I felt terribly awkward, but I tried to walk as if everything was fine.

If you dreamed of something unusual at night, then you should definitely look into the dream book. The shoe is just such a symbol that you need to pay attention to. It can mean success in business and good luck in all areas of life, as well as problems. It all depends on the details. However, first things first.

According to Miller

The first thing you should pay attention to is the interpretations given by this dream book. Was the shoe seen by the person on someone else? A bad sign for people who have a “soul mate”. Perhaps the rival will force the image of the dreamer out of her heart.

Not good sign is a dream in which a person noticed an old shoe lying alone. You should be wary after such a vision. It is believed that it warns of the intentions of ill-wishers to lure the dreamer into some cunning trap.

Have you had a chance to put on new shoes? They say this is a sign of dizzying success and good luck in business. And for men - to career growth and salary increases.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

This dream book can also tell you something. Was the boot high? If yes, then it can be considered the personification of a person’s premonition that he actually experiences. Perhaps he is worried about the prospect of some kind of trouble. But the fears will be in vain, since the person has played it safe and has nothing to fear.

But a dirty or torn shoe warns of difficulties that could interfere with the implementation of any plans. However, if a person picked it up and hurriedly threw it in the trash can, then everything would be fine. Such a vision is considered positive, since it symbolizes the end of a long, difficult journey, an exhausting struggle, a time of turmoil and trials. Such a vision seems to tell a person that he managed to go through such a difficult path, and now he has earned peace.

Dream Interpretation of the Seasons

It doesn't hurt to remember the color of your shoes. Every dream book recommends paying attention to this. Was the boot black, polished to a shine? This portends dizzying success for a person. However, it will be fleeting and short-lived. It is possible that after a quickly ending streak of good fortune, a recession will occur that could lead to a deep depression.

This is not all that the dream book tells. A red shoe, for example, is considered to represent strong passion and attraction. However, these feelings will quickly fade away without turning into something more serious and strong. The interpreter suggests that such a vision portends married dreamers an intrigue on the other side, which they will have to regret in the future. But a white shoe portends a pleasant romantic meeting. And perhaps even more than one.

A brown shoe usually symbolizes problems. However, they will turn out to be quickly and easily solved and general condition a person's deeds will not be reflected.

Ancient Persian interpreter

This dream book can tell a lot of interesting things. A shoe seen by a man symbolizes a woman. If he was black, then the dreamer’s future wife (if he is a bachelor) will have a quarrelsome and stubborn character. White shoes have a more pleasant meaning. A light shoe portends marriage to a beautiful and sensible woman.

If it was red, then the dreamer’s chosen one will be distinguished by incredible cheerfulness and cheerfulness. But a yellow shoe indicates that the man’s beloved will be struck by some kind of illness. A tight shoe, in turn, indicates the unrighteous lifestyle that his future chosen one leads.

It is also important to take a closer look at the condition of the shoes without a pair. A completely new shoe is considered a harbinger of an imminent wedding. If a person tried it on, but it did not suit him, as a result of which he had to change his shoes, then he will soon meet a widow or divorced woman.

By the way, a vision in which a shoemaker handed a shoe to a person is considered a good sign. They say it means sudden wealth.

Psychological book of interpretations

It wouldn’t be superfluous to flip through this dream book. One shoe flying off your foot is an unkind sign. It symbolizes disappointment and illness, and also indicates a person’s disdainful attitude towards the people around him.

You should also be wary if you see a shoe made from the skin of predatory reptiles. This vision is poorly interpreted by every dream book. A shoe without a pair in this case is a harbinger of betrayal, separation and treachery.

But it’s even worse if you see an old shoe, covered in dirt and patches. This suggests that soon a person’s luck will turn away and a dark streak will come in life. You may have to come to terms with ruin, divorce, poverty, loss of energy and strength, losing your job and the trust of loved ones.

But if the shoes without a pair were a beautiful emerald color, you can count on gaining hope and the emergence of chances in life to implement your plans.

Family dream book

According to this book of interpretations, the new shoe symbolizes an increase in prosperity. But not when it is visible behind the glass of a store window. Because such “circumstances” indicate that the dreamer is in real life will miss an excellent chance to improve his financial situation.

Was one shoe seen on a child's foot? This means good and pleasant news will appear in the house. A vision in which a man looked at a shoe on his foot, which he clearly did not like, is interpreted in approximately the same way. It is believed that this is for an imminent wedding.

The main thing is that the shoe the dreamer tries on is the right size. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the center of a social conflict. This will probably be a quarrel with someone close to you. The conflict will be provoked by a person with whom the dreamer does not get along well. But if in a dream he saw himself trying on a shoe and lacing it up, then he will soon have a surprisingly pleasant acquaintance. The new friend will turn out to be soul mate, and perhaps even become a close friend.

Esoteric interpreter

Many useful information This dream book also contains information on the topic. Look for the shoe and can’t find it - bad sign. Such a vision personifies the strong doubts a person experiences regarding the relationship in which he is currently in.

If the dreamer remembers how he lost his shoe, but he still cannot find it, then in the near future he will have a difficult and long road ahead, the path of which he will have to embark on due to family circumstances or not the best news.

For some reason in the vision, one shoe was stolen? This means that the person’s plans are not destined to come true. Unless he changes his tactics. It doesn’t hurt to become more consistent and persistent, and stop wasting your time on trifles. This is what the dream book recommends.

Did you find the boot? This means that a person will experience dizzying success in his activities, despite the fact that he may not think so. All work and efforts will be duly rewarded.

Universal dream book

This book is also worth a look. It is generally accepted that a new shoe represents prosperity and wealth. But the old one means poverty and misery.

If you happen to try on a beautiful shoe, it means that the person will soon be pleased with good news. Or great joy will happen in his life. It is quite possible that it will be an exciting, long-awaited journey. The main thing is that the shoes do not rub. Since this foreshadows the appearance of obstacles on the path of life.

Did you happen to buy one shoe in your vision? This means that a person will have success in business. But it’s short-lived, so it’s worth making the most of your luck.

Did the person in the dream notice his shoe on someone else? This means a quarrel with your significant other or a conflict at work. Have you ever made a shoe yourself? Such a vision suggests that a person’s strength is running out, as is his energy. He urgently needs a vacation and proper rest. By the way, entertainment and pleasure are foreshadowed by a dream in which a person saw himself mending an old shoe.

Maly Velesov dream book

In his vision, did the man notice himself taking off his shoe? This is for interpersonal conflicts, separation and parting. In any case, that’s what the dream book thinks.

One shoe, wet and soaked through with water, in turn, promises treason and betrayal. If a person looked at the shoes standing in front of him, and as a result chose a worn shoe, but in good condition, then in real life he would experience the desire to enter into a relationship with a sociable person who has many connections.

By the way, every dream book recommends paying attention to the features of this item of clothing. Did the man's shoe have unnaturally long lacing? This is not good. Such a vision symbolizes troubles that are about to knock on the door of his house. The longer the laces were, the longer it would take to deal with the problems.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

Finally, a few words about what this popular dream book tells. Is your shoe torn? This means that a person will face difficulties in business. Moreover, their “legs” will grow from the distant past, which will suddenly come back to haunt the dreamer.

If the shoe seemed not only to have been seen, but as if it had appeared from the century before last, then in reality it is worth being double vigilant. Perhaps there is a traitor in the circle of his closest comrades who will soon want to frame the dreamer.

But if a person is left without shoes because he gave them to someone, then in reality he will have to deal with very serious competition.

You can also tell a lot of interesting things about why you dream of boots or a single shoe. In addition to the above, there are countless other interpretations. That is why, in order to give your vision the most accurate definition, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with not one, but several dream books.