Drawings of three-axle light trailers. DIY car trailer: step-by-step instructions

Sometimes the trunk capacity passenger car turns out to be insufficiently spacious for many motorists, especially if transportation is required large cargo. A trailer is best suited to solve this problem.

Homemade trailers for cars

There are two types of trailers, manufactured by a specialized factory or home-made:

  • Factory trailers do not require additional permits for their registration and registration. But at the same time, factory trailers do not always satisfy car enthusiasts with their technical characteristics, and if they do, then their price is prohibitively high. And the quality of the trailers themselves is not up to par. high level, which requires additional investments after purchase to eliminate factory defects.
  • A homemade trailer is a structure that a car enthusiast assembles according to his own drawing from a material that makes it obsolete in quality, while adhering to GOST standards for its assembly. As for the registration aspects of such a product, they are much more expensive than when registering a factory one, since additional permits are required to operate a homemade trailer.

If we look at it from an economic point of view, then the costs of homemade trailer Taking into account all registration costs, significantly lower than buying a new one.

It is also worth considering that a homemade trailer will be of much better quality than a factory one, if only because the entire manufacturing process will be controlled by the car enthusiast himself.

Set of tools and materials

The first thing you need to make your own trailer is a drawing.

It is also worth noting that the drawing must correspond GOST standards 37.001.220-80.

This standard specifies all the requirements that are necessary in order to obtain permission to operate a trailer and its further registration in the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department.

In addition to the drawing, the following materials will be required to make a homemade trailer.

  • Profile pipe 40x40 millimeters for constructing a trailer frame. You can use a larger pipe, but it is worth considering that this will entail an increase in the weight of the structure.
  • For the sides it is recommended to use steel sheets with a thickness of at least 0.6 millimeters, but not more than 1 mm, as this can also lead to an unnecessary increase in the weight of the sight.
  • For the bottom of the trailer, you can use OSB sheets or polycarbonate. The amount of material is calculated from the bottom area of ​​the trailer.
  • Metal beam 80x5 mm for the trailer axle.
  • Hub for wheel mounting, will fit perfectly with the rear beam of the VAZ 2108.
  • Two VAZ wheels with a diameter of R 13, R14 optional.
  • Two shock absorbers from a Ural motorcycle.
  • Two car shock absorber springs, can be used building from VAZ 2101 or ZAZ 969.
  • Two-core braided wire for electrical wiring, approximately 10 meters.
  • Side lights with stops and turns.
  • Thick-walled metal pipe at least three meters long. D For the manufacture of a towing element.
  • Towbar lock.
  • Male-male connector for connecting the on-board network from the car.

To make a homemade trailer you will also need the following tools:

  • Welding machine - preferably semi-automatic, but you can also use a regular arc one.
  • Grinder and wheels for cutting metal.
  • Drill and drill bits on metal.
  • Roulette and hammer.
  • Screwdrivers, wire cutters.

After all necessary tool and the material will be purchased, you can proceed directly to the assembly process itself without deviating from the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

DIY assembly

Materials for trailer assembly are cut according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

Assembling a homemade trailer consists of the following steps:

The trailer wiring is laid according to the same principle as in a car: the negative wire is attached to its frame (ground), and the positive wire is attached to the contact of the lighting fixture.

How to register a homemade trailer for a car?

To register with MREO A technical passport and product number are required.

Of course, a homemade trailer cannot have either the first or the second.

Therefore, in order to register a homemade trailer for it, it is necessary to provide documents that confirm that this product complies with GOST standards and is safe for use on roads public use.

In order to obtain a document on the safety of a homemade trailer, you need to contact an accredited testing laboratory. After conducting a series of tests, the laboratory staff will issue (if the tests are successful) a certificate of the ability to safely use the trailer on public roads. With this document you can go to the MREO and legally register the trailer.

Also, do not forget that you will have to contact the office that deals with stamping numbers on vehicles, and only after the number is stamped on the frame of the trailer can you begin the process of registering it.

Registering a trailer

In order to register a homemade trailer, you will need the following documents:

  • Statement to the head of the MREO for trailer registration.
  • Identity card.
  • Registration certificate vehicle.
  • Laboratory certificate authorizing the use of a trailer on public roads (for homemade trailers).
  • Documents confirming ownership of the registered trailer(power of attorney, certificate of account).
  • Receipts indicating payment of state duty and for the services of the MREO.
  • Registered trailer or technical inspection report.
  • OSAGO insurance policy.

The trailer registration process consists of the following stages:

  1. Writing an application. Having arrived at the MREO, you need to write an application addressed to the boss about registering the trailer. As a rule, a writing sample is issued along with the application form.
  2. Payment for services and state fees. After writing the application, the person is given a bank account where it is necessary to pay the state duty, MREO services and for materials (registration certificate, license plates).
  3. Submission of documents. After payment of the state duty and service receipts has been made along with necessary documents and submit your application to the registration window. Afterwards, you can go to the site and wait for the inspector who will inspect the trailer (if there is no inspection report).

It should be remembered that if the trailer was purchased new, then 10 days from the date of purchase are allotted for its registration. If the trailer is not registered within the specified period, the owner will have to pay a fine.

OSAGO for trailer

Oddly enough, you also need to purchase an insurance policy for the trailer. But, according to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance parts 2 and 3, not everyone is required to take out an insurance policy. Private owners of trailers for passenger cars who used them for personal purposes have the right not to purchase an insurance policy.

As for the list of trailers for which the purchase of an insurance policy is mandatory, it includes the following vehicles:

  • Trailers for passenger cars of legal entities.
  • Trailers for trucks and tractors.
  • Trailers for buses.
  • Trailers for motorcycles and scooters.

In order to issue an MTPL insurance policy, the trailer must undergo a technical inspection. Otherwise, the policy will be denied.

A trailer is an excellent tool that allows you to transport large and bulky cargo. The luggage compartment cannot always cope with this task.

Dear readers! The article talks about standard methods solutions to legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

It may have too little space for transportation. The dimensions of the cargo can become an obstacle to its normal placement in the trunk of a car.

Undoubtedly, all vehicles have different luggage compartment capacity. Some models have large and spacious compartments for storing cargo.

But we are considering middle-class passenger cars, which in most cases are purchased by Russian drivers.

If such transportation is carried out one-time, then you can use the services of a cargo taxi. But if you need to transport cargo regularly, then this method can become very expensive.

In such a situation, you can either buy a homemade trailer for a car, or personally make it yourself. Each driver chooses the most suitable option for him.

For example, buying a ready-made trailer will save time and effort on its manufacture. A homemade products require less cash investment.


To make a trailer you will need certain crafts and tools. They need to be prepared in advance.

So, masters will need:

  • steel channels;
  • plywood;
  • sheet steel;
  • wheels with running gear;
  • fasteners;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • welding machine;
  • electrical equipment.

If the master has not previously dealt with assembling trailers, then he needs a drawing. It will be the instructions for carrying out all the necessary operations in the process.

Please note that the drawing must be drawn up correctly and meet all technical requirements.

This act includes requirements affecting the manufacture of trailers for passenger cars. Some drivers take the legislator's regulations very lightly, but in vain.

If the trailer does not comply with all OST standards, it will not be possible to register it.

And without going through such a procedure, its use is considered illegal. That is, the driver will waste his time, money and effort.


Let's consider the basic concepts related to our topic, which are presented in:

All vehicles that fall under the term “trailer” must be registered in the prescribed manner.

What is its purpose

Obviously, the main purpose of the trailer is to transport goods. The traffic rules regulate the procedure for performing relevant actions.

It is very important to comply with such rules, otherwise the driver of a vehicle with a trailer will create a threat of causing damage to other road users.

For such actions he may be brought to justice. The rules for the carriage of goods are defined in:

The weight of the load cannot be higher than Which is defined for this vehicle
The driver must keep an eye on the load while driving To avoid the possibility of it falling or interfering with movement
The cargo must not pollute the road or the environment Cover the vehicle's external lighting devices, impair the stability of the vehicle
If the cargo is considered large according to the law Then it must be marked with identification marks
For certain goods (for example, dangerous) There are specific rules that must be followed by them.

Legal regulation

We have already mentioned traffic rules. The Rules define the concept of “trailer” and also contain the rules for transporting goods.

The traffic rules define a list of documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer. Among others, special acts for trailers are noted ().

Clause 10.3 of the Rules stipulates the speed limit for a vehicle with a trailer - 70 km/h or 90 km/h (on highways). We also mentioned that the trailer is created according to certain parameters.

He meets the requirements if the driver wishes to successfully complete the registration procedure with the traffic police.

Currently, OST 37.001.220-80 “trailers for passenger cars” is in force. What to pay attention to:

It is important to mention another legal act – the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the penalties for non-compliance with the legislator’s instructions are fixed.

For example, if there is no sign on the trailer state registration, then he will be fined 500 rubles ().

For violating the rules for transporting goods, you will also have to pay 500 rubles ().

If the driver does not have registration documents for the trailer, then he will be fined 500 rubles in accordance with.

How to build a homemade trailer for a car

How to make a car trailer with your own hands? It is not difficult to perform such actions, but it is very important to carefully follow the instructions in the drawing.

If a discrepancy is detected, the registration of such a product will not be carried out. In such a situation, the driver will waste time, effort, and money.

The fact that the trailer will have to be registered must be remembered during the construction stage. This will allow you not to complicate your task with alterations and modifications in the future.

It's easier to follow all the instructions from the very beginning. If the driver decides to make a trailer, then he saves his money. Ready-made vehicles for transporting goods are more expensive.

At the same time, when deciding to create a trailer, you must understand that such operations will require additional costs both time and effort.

Difficulties often arise at the registration stage. It may be refused for various reasons. At the same time, registering a finished trailer from the manufacturer is much easier.

Required set of tools and materials

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary set of tools and materials. This list may differ depending on what kind of trailer a person wants to make.

We will give an approximate list:

  • for the frame and connection unit you will need a pipe with square section(40x40 mm). It is permissible to take a larger pipe, but if this does not lead to an increase in the mass of the entire structure. The length and quantity are determined according to the drawing;
  • to install the sides you will need a steel sheet (thickness - at least 0.6 mm). To calculate the quantity, you need to study the drawing. Multiply the length of the sides by their height. So, the area is calculated. After this, you will have an idea of ​​how many sheets are needed and what size they should be;
  • the bottom can be made of tin, thick plywood or polycarbonate;
  • you can make the chassis yourself or use the front axle of an SZD motorized stroller;
  • braking system;
  • towbar;
  • electrical appliances and conduct for connection to the car;
  • tarpaulin or other moisture-resistant fabric to cover the trailer;
  • fasteners (corners, brackets, etc.);
  • welding equipment;
  • electric tools for working with metal objects (jigsaw, grinder, etc.).

Where to get drawings

Video: homemade trailer

The master will ensure that the finished product meets the requirements of the regulations we have reviewed.

Where can I get the drawing? If you have enough experience and knowledge, then you can do it yourself.

At the same time it is allowed to use ready-made options. They're in large quantities posted on the Internet, including for creating caravans.

The finished drawing can be transformed at the driver's request. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that after such changes the trailer still meets the requirements of OST.

Assembly instructions

Assembling a homemade two-axle trailer for a passenger car includes the following steps:

Frame making The durability of the entire product will depend on it. The pipe or profile is cut and then the parts are welded into a rectangle. After this, it must be strengthened by welding a piece across the rectangle profile pipe. The frame of the side and front sides must be welded to the frame. They can be made from a profile pipe, but smaller in size
Trailer unit The length of this element cannot be more than 1.5 or 2 meters. The assembly is welded in at least 4 places from the end in the middle of the frame. Stiffening ribs are mounted on each side of the element
Installing a lock for the connecting node The lock is mounted with 3 bolts, with which it is attached to the trailer unit
Axle installation The axle is also mounted with bolts. It is installed almost in the middle of the frame
Formation of sides and bottom The material is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. Materials for cladding are chosen by the craftsman himself
Installation of electrical equipment (marker headlights with turn and brake lights) The trailer is equipped with red reflectors at the rear and white at the front.

How to legitimize (registration)

Every car owner is familiar with the car registration procedure. But not everyone knows how to register a trailer correctly. Is it really necessary to do this?

In accordance with this vehicle must be equipped with state registration plates.

The driver is obliged, at the request of the traffic police inspector, to provide documents confirming the fact of completing this procedure.

Failure to comply with such instructions will result in liability. The driver will be fined.

To avoid these consequences, you must register the trailer. You need to start by preparing documents that can confirm the fact that the product meets the requirements of the legislator.

To do this, a person contacts an accredited testing laboratory. Its employees will conduct tests to verify the homemade trailer.

If they are successful, a certificate of ability to safely operate the trailer will be provided.

Making a passenger trailer with your own hands is quite simple if you have the materials and tools. Even if all materials are purchased, such a trailer will cost less than a factory one. Moreover, in most cases it is possible to use various available materials and devices. You can independently make a trailer of almost any size for certain tasks.

Next, we’ll look at how to make a trailer with your own hands using the example of a standard configuration product. You can change the sizes and other parameters as you wish. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of trailer assembly.

Materials for making a trailer

Basic materials you will need:

  • sheet metal;
  • metal profile different sections(for the manufacture of frames, sides);
  • wheels;
  • strong axle;
  • springs (shock absorbers) and other parts for suspension;
  • bolts and other fasteners;
  • movable canopies for opening the sides.

Tools required include a drill, angle grinder, welding machine, screwdrivers, hammer, vice, pliers, wrenches and some other hand tools.

In the photo of a self-made trailer you can see various variations of such designs. Scroll necessary materials may vary significantly depending on the type of trailer.

Frame making

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. It must be strong and tough. The purpose of the trailer and its capabilities depend on the frame. For example, if you need to make a trailer for a PVC boat that you plan to transport in an inflated state, you should take into account its dimensions. Based on these dimensions, the dimensions of the frame are first determined, and only then the main parameters of the trailer.

The frame can be made so that it is between the wheels, or located on top of them. This also affects the design features. The frame is made from metal profile large section and has a rectangular shape.

But, before assembly, it is necessary to determine the dimensions and drawings of the trailer. After determining the needs, put all the dimensions on the drawing. Here it is necessary to provide not only the parameters, but also all the components of the structure.

It is necessary to make a structure through which the trailer will be connected to the vehicle. The trailer's handling depends on its length. Do not make the connecting part too long, as this will impair controllability.

The recommended length is 1.5-2.5 m, depending on the size and purpose of the trailer. It is advisable to make the part from thick square profile pipes. Three pipes are required. Transverse supports should also be installed to enhance the rigidity of the structure.

The pipes are connected by welding. And to strengthen the connections, corners are additionally welded. Don’t rush to weld the parts, try on all the structures first.

A safety rope must be attached to the same part. You can also attach a compact wheel with a folding mechanism. This will simplify the process of manually transporting the trailer.


Factory or homemade trailers must have a coupling. It is attached with a threaded or welded joint to the frame. The part that connects the trailer to the car is attached to this coupling. The coupling provides a movable connection.

Better to use threaded connection, this will allow you to easily dismantle the coupling if necessary. But, use only the most reliable, durable bolts.

Suspension axis

The axis should be shifted to the rear of the structure. From the end of the frame to the axle there should be 35-40% of the entire length of the trailer. To install the axle, the frame must be turned over. To install the axle, special bushings are used.

Technology is used to install bushings spot welding. The bushings must be welded over the entire area of ​​the product to ensure the most reliable connection.

It is advisable to equip the suspension with shock absorbers. This will make the structure softer and more durable. You can use a ready-made suspension from an old trailer or other automotive equipment.

Manufacturing of boards

Most best option– make sides on a metal profile frame using sheet metal. But, in order to save money, you can also use wooden shields. Also enough modern solution is the use of polycarbonate panels.

You can also use plywood panels. However, their thickness must be large enough, otherwise such sides will be damaged even when using the trailer without a load.

The advantage of wood and plywood is ease of processing, installation and low weight. But this option has a limited scope of use. Wooden shields are attached to the profile with threaded connections.

IN in this case Corners must be additionally installed in the corners to increase the rigidity of the structure.

DIY trailer photos

We also recommend viewing.

A trailer is an excellent tool that allows you to transport large and bulky cargo. The luggage compartment cannot always cope with this task.

It may have too little space for transportation. The dimensions of the cargo can become an obstacle to its normal placement in the trunk of a car.

Undoubtedly, all vehicles have different luggage compartment capacity. Some models have large and spacious compartments for storing cargo.

But we are considering middle-class passenger cars, which in most cases are purchased by Russian drivers.

If such transportation is carried out one-time, then you can use the services of a cargo taxi. But if you need to transport cargo regularly, then this method can become very expensive.

In such a situation, you can either buy a homemade trailer for a car, or personally make it yourself. Each driver chooses the most suitable option for him.

For example, buying a ready-made trailer will save time and effort on its manufacture. And homemade products require less cash investment.

To make a trailer you will need certain crafts and tools. They need to be prepared in advance.

So, masters will need:

  • steel channels;
  • plywood;
  • sheet steel;
  • wheels with running gear;
  • fasteners;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • welding machine;
  • electrical equipment.

If the master has not previously dealt with assembling trailers, then he needs a drawing. It will be the instructions for carrying out all the necessary operations in the process.

Please note that the drawing must be drawn up correctly and meet all technical requirements of OST 37.001.220-80.

This act includes requirements affecting the manufacture of trailers for passenger cars. Some drivers take the legislator's regulations very lightly, but in vain.

If the trailer does not comply with all OST standards, it will not be possible to register it.

And without going through such a procedure, its use is considered illegal. That is, the driver will waste his time, money and effort.


Let's consider the basic concepts related to our topic, which are presented in paragraph 1.2 of the SDA:

All vehicles that fall under the term “trailer” must be registered in the prescribed manner.

What is its purpose

Obviously, the main purpose of the trailer is to transport goods. The traffic rules regulate the procedure for performing relevant actions.

It is very important to comply with such rules, otherwise the driver of a vehicle with a trailer will create a threat of causing damage to other road users.

For such actions he may be held accountable. The rules for the carriage of goods are defined in paragraph 23 of the traffic rules:

The weight of the load cannot be higher than Which is defined for this vehicle
The driver must keep an eye on the load while driving To avoid the possibility of it falling or interfering with movement
The cargo must not pollute the road or the environment Cover the vehicle's external lighting devices, impair the stability of the vehicle
If the cargo is considered large according to the law Then it must be marked with identification marks
For certain goods (for example, dangerous) There are specific rules that must be followed by them.

Legal regulation

We have already mentioned traffic rules. The Rules define the concept of “trailer” and also contain the rules for transporting goods.

The traffic rules define a list of documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer. Among others, special acts for trailers are noted (clause 2.1.1).

Clause 10.3 of the Rules stipulates the speed limit for a vehicle with a trailer - 70 km/h or 90 km/h (on highways). We also mentioned that the trailer is created according to certain parameters.

He meets the requirements if the driver wishes to successfully complete the registration procedure with the traffic police.

Currently, OST 37.001.220-80 “trailers for passenger cars” is in force. What to pay attention to:

It is important to mention another legal act – the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the penalties for non-compliance with the legislator’s instructions are fixed.

For example, if there is no state registration sign on the trailer, then a fine of 500 rubles will be issued (Article 11.27).

For violating the rules for transporting goods, you will also have to pay 500 rubles (Article 12.21).

If the driver does not have registration documents for the trailer, then he will be fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to build a homemade trailer for a car

How to make a car trailer with your own hands? It is not difficult to perform such actions, but it is very important to carefully follow the instructions in the drawing.

If a discrepancy is detected, the registration of such a product will not be carried out. In such a situation, the driver will waste time, effort, and money.

The fact that the trailer will have to be registered must be remembered during the construction stage. This will allow you not to complicate your task with alterations and modifications in the future.

It's easier to follow all the instructions from the very beginning. If the driver decides to make a trailer, then he saves his money. Ready-made vehicles for transporting goods are more expensive.

At the same time, when deciding to create a trailer, you must understand that such operations will require additional costs, time and effort.

Difficulties often arise at the registration stage. It may be refused for various reasons. At the same time, registering a finished trailer from the manufacturer is much easier.

Required set of tools and materials

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary set of tools and materials. This list may differ depending on what kind of trailer a person wants to make.

We will give an approximate list:

  • for the frame and connection unit you will need a pipe with a square cross-section (40x40 mm). It is permissible to take a larger pipe, but if this does not lead to an increase in the mass of the entire structure. The length and quantity are determined according to the drawing;
  • to install the sides you will need a steel sheet (thickness - at least 0.6 mm). To calculate the quantity, you need to study the drawing. Multiply the length of the sides by their height. So, the area is calculated. After this, you will have an idea of ​​how many sheets are needed and what size they should be;
  • the bottom can be made of tin, thick plywood or polycarbonate;
  • you can make the chassis yourself or use the front axle of an SZD motorized stroller;
  • braking system;
  • towbar;
  • electrical appliances and conduct for connection to the car;
  • tarpaulin or other moisture-resistant fabric to cover the trailer;
  • fasteners (corners, brackets, etc.);
  • welding equipment;
  • electric tools for working with metal objects (jigsaw, grinder, etc.).

Where to get drawings

Video: homemade trailer

The master will ensure that the finished product meets the requirements of the regulations we have reviewed.

Where can I get the drawing? If you have enough experience and knowledge, then you can do it yourself.

At the same time, it is allowed to use ready-made options. They are available in large quantities on the Internet, including for creating caravans.

The finished drawing can be transformed at the driver's request. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that after such changes the trailer still meets the requirements of OST.

Assembly instructions

Assembling a homemade two-axle trailer for a passenger car includes the following steps:

Frame making The durability of the entire product will depend on it. The pipe or profile is cut and then the parts are welded into a rectangle. After this, it must be strengthened by welding a piece of profile pipe across the rectangle. The frame of the side and front sides must be welded to the frame. They can be made from a profile pipe, but smaller in size
Trailer unit The length of this element cannot be more than 1.5 or 2 meters. The assembly is welded in at least 4 places from the end in the middle of the frame. Stiffening ribs are mounted on each side of the element
Installing a lock for the connecting node The lock is mounted with 3 bolts, with which it is attached to the trailer unit
Axle installation The axle is also mounted with bolts. It is installed almost in the middle of the frame
Formation of sides and bottom The material is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. Materials for cladding are chosen by the craftsman himself
Installation of electrical equipment (marker headlights with turn and brake lights) The trailer is equipped with red reflectors at the rear and white at the front.

How to legitimize (registration)

Every car owner is familiar with the car registration procedure. But not everyone knows how to register a trailer correctly. Is it really necessary to do this?

In accordance with the traffic rules, this vehicle must be equipped with state registration plates.

The driver is obliged, at the request of the traffic police inspector, to provide documents confirming the fact of completing this procedure.

Failure to comply with such instructions will result in liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The driver will be fined.

To avoid these consequences, you must register the trailer. You need to start by preparing documents that can confirm the fact that the product meets the requirements of the legislator.

To do this, a person contacts an accredited testing laboratory. Its employees will conduct tests to verify the homemade trailer.

If they are successful, a certificate of ability to safely operate the trailer will be provided.

To register it with the MREO, the following package of documents is provided:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate from the laboratory;
  • documents evidencing ownership of the trailer;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • technical inspection report;
  • OSAGO policy.

A passenger car is not intended for transporting large cargo due to lack of space in its luggage compartment. If such transportation is necessary, the only way out of the situation is to use a light trailer. Modern market offers large selection such devices. But spend quite a lot of money to purchase finished product not necessary, since you can make it yourself by choosing necessary details and tools.

Necessary materials and components for a homemade trailer

The trailer is manufactured according to the design drawing, which must meet the technical requirements provided for by GOST 37.001.220-80, valid in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It describes standards, if not met, it will be impossible to register a homemade trailer for a passenger car with the state traffic inspectorate, and all the time and money will be wasted.

For the manufacture of a trailer weighing up to 750 kg, which does not require a driver's license with cat. BE will need the following equipment and components:

1. Square pipe or steel channel for making a frame and coupling unit with vehicle. His optimal cross section– 25x50 mm, and pipes 40x40 mm. The length is selected depending on the dimensions specified in the drawing.

2. Sheet steel with a thickness of 0.6 mm. and above, from which the sides of the body will be cut and assembled. The number of sheets is calculated based on the height and length of the sides.

3. Thick sheet of plywood, OSB boards, plastic, polycarbonate or tin for making the bottom. Selected according to the size corresponding to its area.

4. Chassis. It is optimal to use the front axle removed from an old SZD (disabled) motorized wheelchair. It is also often installed, which is mounted on rubber bushings. In appearance it is similar to the Volga car, but lighter. The springs are attached to the bridge beam with stepladders, and fillies are placed under them.

5. The bridge is made of a ∅25 mm pipe, to the ends of which axle shafts are welded. The hubs rotate on them. The axle pipe, axle shaft, fillet and springs are assembled into a single unit, connected with M8 bolts.

6. A pair of wheels. They are borrowed from a motorized stroller, in which case they will add minimal weight to the structure, or a VAZ car. The VAZ 2108 rear beam hubs are suitable for their installation.

7. Suspension. The best option would be the spring-hydraulic units of the Ural motorcycle due to their low cost and reliability.

8. Towing device (towbar) for coupling with the machine.

9. Brakes.

10. Electrical equipment (turning and parking lights, brake lights and the drive with which they will be connected to the vehicle).

11. Awning or material for it (banner fabric, tarpaulin, etc.).

12. Fastening devices (corners, brackets, etc.).

13. Tools for working with metal (grinder, screwdriver, electric jigsaw, drill, hammer, tape measure).

14. Welding machine.

Manufacturing and assembly of a homemade trailer for a car

The assembly of a passenger trailer occurs in accordance with the drawing and consists of several stages:

  1. Frame assembly. This part of the product is a load-bearing part, and the durability of the trailer will depend on its strength. To do this, the pipe or profile is cut to size and welded together. The resulting rectangle is checked for accuracy and evenness of the assembly. Additionally, a stiffener is provided, since the rectangular frame is unstable under load.
  2. Connection point to the vehicle. When making it, you need to keep in mind that the shorter it is, the faster the trailer will respond to vehicle maneuvers. Optimal length the connecting part will be 1.5-2 m. The same material is used for its manufacture as for the frame. Before starting welding, the correct placement of the parts to be joined is checked so that the coupling is in the middle. To ensure that the connecting part does not break under load, safety cables are mounted and welded at the bottom of the structure.

3. Coupling. Serves to attach the connecting part of the trailer to the vehicle. Can be mounted either with bolts or welding. The first method is less reliable, but can be easily dismantled. The welded assembly is durable, but removal may require gas burner. For bolted connection samples of the eighth strength class are selected.

4. Axle assembly. According to general rules, the axle is mounted at a distance of 40% from the rear side of the trailer, that is, it is slightly shifted from the center to the rear. Fastening occurs using a bolted connection, a frame is installed on it, and also connected with bolts.

5. Stabilizing jacks are a desirable but not required part of the structure. They ensure the trailer is level when driving. The best option their placement is in the corners of the frame.

6. Flooring on the side walls. It is made of metal, plastic, wood or other material, depending on the cargo that is planned to be transported. It is bolted, after which the sides are mounted on the frame. The corners are reinforced with metal corners.

7. Finishing. They did it and the nodes are painted, after which the power connection route for electrical appliances is drawn. Headlights, lanterns and reflectors must be installed. Connection to a single network is made using the towbar socket. If necessary, a homemade trailer is equipped with a braking system.

Purpose and features of a passenger car trailer

Designed for transporting goods various types, tourist equipment and small tourist boats, the length of which does not exceed 3.5 m. Consists of a frame, suspension, body, axle, and is connected to the vehicle by a coupling device. Trailers for passenger cars, manufactured in factory conditions, do not require additional permitting documents for registration, but are not always suitable for car enthusiasts in terms of characteristics or cost.

A homemade trailer for a passenger car is made according to the drawing and adhering to GOST when manufacturing and assembling it yourself. Registration of such a product is much more expensive, as it requires additional permits for operation. Moreover, all manufacturing costs, taking into account registration costs, will be lower than purchasing a new one. It should be taken into account that a homemade trailer is not inferior in quality to a factory trailer, since the manufacturing process is controlled by its owner.