The only month when geniuses are born. Scientists have discovered when geniuses are born

The ancients were sure that the birth rate of gifted people fluctuates over time depending on the periods and cycles of changes in solar activity. Today, scientists are not often ready to discuss these topics, for fear of seeming outdated. But there are researchers who are trying to understand the laws of genius.
In principle, we can agree that a person’s mental abilities may depend on the state of the natural environment at a time when the neural micronetworks of the cerebral cortex are actively being formed. However, the state of the natural environment is not the same, both in time and space. Can the frequency of births of gifted people really depend on geographic latitude and date of birth?

To answer this question, the leading engineer of the TsAGI branch, Evgeny Vinogradov, analyzed data on the place and time of birth of many prominent figures. The dependence hypothesis was confirmed. And yet: to become a genius it is not enough to be born in the right place and at the right time. Giftedness is a complex phenomenon, scientists note, it depends on an infinite number of factors, and we are now only on the threshold of understanding them.

Starting the research, Evgeny Vinogradov collected information from various sources about the time and place of birth of 757 Nobel laureates from 61 countries, known as of January 1, 2006. Thus, it was possible to identify a small but representative group of gifted people. Then the data of another 329 prominent figures listed in biographical reference books (mathematicians, mechanics, physicists, astronomers, chemists, biologists, composers) and biographies of 1201 people, which were given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, were analyzed.

The collected data made it possible to compare the proportion of gifted people born on average over a long period of time in high and low latitudes of the Earth. Talents were clearly born more often at high latitudes. Thus, 40 times more Nobel laureates were born at a latitude of 60 degrees than at a latitude of 20-30 degrees. The combined birth rate of Nobel laureates in Finland, Sweden and Norway was 8.7 times higher than in Portugal, Spain and Italy combined. The same pattern was observed for other groups of celebrities.

The author of the study explains the data obtained by the fact that from the equator to the poles of the Earth, changes in the elements of the natural environment occur: the intensity and amplitudes of variations in the intensity of cosmic rays increase, the oxygen content in the air and the amplitudes of variations in the oxygen content in the air increase, the amplitudes of variations in air pressure increase. In this regard, the author formulates the hypothesis of “infant enlightenment”: the higher the background radiation level and oxygen content in the air during the formation of neural micronetworks in the child’s brain (they arise in the very last stages of intrauterine development), the more micronetworks are formed, and the higher mental abilities person.

Natural radiation background is characterized by an average level and fluctuations of different heights and durations. The causes of sharp fluctuations can be, for example, widespread atmospheric showers of particles or solar flares. Massive activation and switching of genetic programs, including those responsible for the construction of neural micronetworks of the cerebral cortex, occurs within about a day before the birth of a child. And if at this key time, when the radiosensitivity of the genome increases, the radiation background is increased, the programs for building neural micronetworks are implemented in a strong version and the child’s mental abilities improve. If at key moments the background is low or sharply decreased, the programs for building neural micronetworks are implemented in a weak version and the child’s mental abilities deteriorate. With an average background, a normal “middle peasant” is born, which is the majority.

The scientist believes that a potential genius is born when a strong radiation pulse occurs at or close to the baby's first breath. The probability of this event is low, and geniuses are born infrequently.

Also, since the mid-twentieth century, the oxygen effect has been known in radiobiology, the essence of which is that the biological effect of ionizing radiation increases with the saturation of the body with oxygen. If there is enough oxygen, then ordinary background radiation can become stimulating. For example, it was noticed that the children of women who received oxygen during pregnancy, especially in the last days, are ahead in the rate and level of mental development of the children of women who did not receive oxygen. Here there is oxygen stimulation of the inclinations, the researcher notes.

However, the oxygen effect can also manifest itself under natural conditions, for example, when a cyclone is replaced by an anticyclone, especially in winter. Air pressure increases and humidity drops, therefore, the oxygen content in the air and the child’s body increases, and his mental abilities improve. When an anticyclone is replaced by a cyclone, everything goes the other way around, and the child’s mental abilities deteriorate.
The author of the scientific work considers the birth of smart children from women who received oxygen to be one of the confirmations of his hypothesis of infant enlightenment. But there are others. The amount of oxygen in the air increases not only from low to high latitudes, not only when a cyclone changes to an anticyclone, but also from summer to winter. Consequently, more gifted people should be born in winter than in summer. And indeed, statistics confirm this.

Having distributed the birth dates of 19,043 celebrities by month, whose biographies are given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and some reference books, the scientist discovered that the most talents are born in February, and the least in June and August. Moreover, in the cold half of the year (November-April), 1.14 times more talents were born than in the warm half. Among especially gifted and famous people (1570 of them were selected), the trend was the same, but the scope was even greater. Interestingly, the pattern also applies in the southern hemisphere of the Earth: the most talent is born here in July, and the least in February and December.

Based on demographic statistics, the researcher constructed a total fertility curve for the population of Europe and Russia; it turned out that mere mortals are born much more evenly throughout the year than talents, and even more so geniuses.

The author points out several reasons for seasonal surges in the birth of talents: annual changes in solar activity, the position of the Earth relative to the plane of the solar equator, and oxygen content in the air. All these reasons operate due to changes in the level of background radiation and the sensitivity of the human body to it.

In addition, the researcher drew attention to the fact that many outstanding people were born near volcanoes and mountain ranges. As it turned out, most often Nobel laureates are born in the vicinity of mountains with a height of 700-1400 m, and least often - in the vicinity of mountains with a height of 2600-3100 m, and a significant difference was revealed. Presumably, this may be due to the fact that since different secondary particles are formed at different altitudes in the atmosphere, they are deflected differently by magnetic fields of different extents, that is, by mountains of different heights.

In conclusion, the author notes that the study of the influence of the physical environment on a person’s mental inclinations is of great scientific and practical importance. “Knowing the factors and patterns of changes in the birth rate of gifted people, it is possible to time the birth of children to environmental conditions that improve inclinations and thereby increase the share of gifted people in society and its well-being,” says E.S. Vinogradov. The creation of an artificial environment that improves the inclinations will significantly increase the intellectual, creative and moral potential of humanity and qualitatively improve people's lives.

We asked the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University to comment on the results of the study. M. V. Lomonosov to S. M. Churbanov. “Currently, attempts are being made to bring together all the factors that contribute to the realization of human potential. This study examines variables that psychologists usually ignore, take for granted and do not try to comprehend. However, giftedness is a complex phenomenon; it is necessary to take into account a lot of other factors, - notes S. M. Churbanova - For example, there are studies that analyze the gradual social influence of the family environment on future Nobel Prize winners. Researchers studied five generations of the ancestors of Nobel Prize winners - who were their parents, forefathers. It turned out that at first they were simple peasants. , then wealthy peasants, teachers, priests; then university professors, and their children received the Nobel Prize. It is important to note that we are not talking about the factor of heredity (there were studies on this topic), but rather about the factor of social influence. who try to provide cognitive stimulation to the child, engage in various training programs, will receive a positive effect. So giftedness is not a simple phenomenon. There are an infinite number of factors to consider, and we are now on the verge of streamlining them. Such studies, looking at the problem from a new perspective, make their contribution to this matter,” the Informnauka agency reports.

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I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a minute, they don’t let you feed, but they don’t let you expose your breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to demonstratively expose your breasts? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your baby, so take with you a cape, a scarf, a snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it just so happens that you don’t have anything on you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded, so that you don’t embarrass yourself and don’t embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, the issue, in my opinion, is controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on my mother’s side. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency can we talk about in connection with the exposure of the chest if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, Michelangelo’s David without a fig leaf, do not cover the children’s eyes, etc. But this is done as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I would not drag an infant into a public place during the SARS season, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child? And then it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby ostentatiously in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous glances, strangers, not always positive thoughts, etc. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I would never have started a scandal with a nursing mother, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother started making a fuss in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, I would leave her alone. Why take a sin on your soul, get into a quarrel with it, make it nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that by your actions you are harming the baby, why is this?

“Our little genius,” parents often say proudly, patting their treasure on the head. And they say this not at all from an excess of parental feelings, but with good reason! How could it be otherwise?! After all, the great-great-grandmother of this miracle is a recognized poetess, and his grandfather is an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. Yes, with such sets of genes, a child simply cannot be dull, only a genius!

Ah, if only everything were really that simple! Then geniuses would be raised like chickens in an incubator. Imagine: a whole army of geniuses who, as soon as they grow up in a few months or at most a year, will boost the country’s economy, create a vaccine against a disease or even make people immortal, solve the problem of world hunger, and invent a formula for eternal youth, and then the list goes on.

A couple of decades ago, an American geneticist named Robert Graham became the creator of a sperm bank for Nobel laureates. Through artificial insemination, 200 children were born in 20 years. Alas and ah! Studies have shown that the brains of supposed child prodigies and their abilities were completely indistinguishable from those of their peers. Only one child showed the “expected” results - Doron Blake, his IQ was 180. At 2 years old the boy confidently used a computer, at 5 years old he read Hamlet. However, the paradox is that this unique person did not make any achievements in his life. And after 25 years he became a drug addict. As a result of everything described above, the idea of ​​​​creating an incredible “Factory of Geniuses” failed.

Deck of cards

Scientists are still arguing about the topic “Was there a boy?” Alas, the majority of scientists are sure: the gene of genius is nothing more than a myth, because its existence has not been proven. But the “tendency to inherit certain characteristics” has been proven (in this case we are talking about the ability to create). Scientists made this conclusion after studying the genealogical charts of prominent figures (Goethe, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Pushkin, Dumas and many others). It should be noted that Francis Galton, one of the founders of genetics, having studied the genealogy of more than 400 outstanding figures in human history, found out this: most of the brilliant people are related to each other to some extent. Galton himself was also considered a genius by his contemporaries (his current colleagues will not even argue with this). So, Francis Galton is a close relative of Charles Darwin and a distant relative of Yaroslav the Wise.

But even if your husband’s ancestors were all outstanding personalities (and maybe you yourself have a dime a dozen geniuses in your family), this does not give you a 100% guarantee that your child will continue the dynasty of smart people. It’s all about, as Koroviev used to say from the well-known “The Master and Margarita,” what it’s all about – “a fancifully shuffled deck of cards.” So, in order to compose musical masterpieces, you must inherit at least four pairs of “composer” genes. If you want to give birth to a poet, then at his conception ten pairs of recessive (inactive in the parents) genes must combine. If you believe scientists, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was the owner of 20 pairs of such genes!

In reality, the “genius genes” (more precisely, the tendency to comprehend knowledge and increased learning ability) are hidden in each of us. Even the stupidest parents can produce a brilliant offspring. And vice versa - highly intelligent parents sometimes give birth to a completely stupid child (people say that “nature rested on the children of geniuses”). The creative gift manifests itself only at the junction of two genetic lines. The first line must necessarily contain the beginnings of talent and minor pathological deviations. The second line should be similar to the first. Carriers of such heredity combine two genetic programs in a little person, modifying their positive and negative factors. A certain specific combination of genes contributes to the birth of that very “1% inspiration”. Alas, the probability of this combination is negligible. In other words, it is impossible to “program” the birth of a child genius. In addition, in addition to the “necessary” heredity and a specific combination of genes (and only Mother Nature “controls” this), taken from the parents, a lot of additional factors will be required. These include: the ideal course of pregnancy, ideal conditions for the development of talent, and much more. And most importantly, the child must also inherit the “gene” of hard work. As scientists say: a lot of brilliant people are born, only a few are realized in life. It is only thanks to hard work that mediocre individuals often achieve greater heights than those “kissed by God.”


Let’s say that everything in your child’s cells came together in such a way that he inherited the genius of his ancestors, but this does not mean that he will grow up to be a great scientist, poet, composer or someone else. As Thomas Edison said: “Genius is 99% labor to the point of exhaustion and only 1% imagination.” Environment, upbringing, and good teachers also play an important role. If a swan is raised by chickens, it is unlikely to swim, although it has the ability to swim.

Health and access to education, the opportunity to try and apply diverse inclinations are fundamental things in the realization of the gene of genius - everything must be balanced. There are certain methods that allow you to very accurately say about the possibility of a child’s success in a particular area of ​​activity, as well as in which direction it is better to work with the baby in order to achieve the most positive result. Among such studies are studies on heart rhythm, which are carried out first before dancing, singing, music, etc., and then immediately after them. If a child experiences a complete disruption of adaptive mechanisms, sudden fatigue sets in, it means that he is not doing his job. Such tests make it possible to protect a child from the rash desires of parents to “force” their child to do something they don’t like.

Therefore, if you have come to the conclusion that your child is a child prodigy, you will have to work hard. And the point here is not only in creating the above conditions that will help realize genius. Agree, if you have money you can hire good teachers, provide an ideal balanced diet, etc., it’s easy. But with all this, the mother and father of the future Lermontov or Einstein must constantly be in contact with their miracle child. And not just contact, but comprehensively and daily develop the qualities that are necessary, according to scientists, to realize superpowers: will, curiosity, the ability to be surprised (see a problem where others do not notice), memory, originality of thinking, ability to evaluate and hard work . And good teachers can suggest various methods.

A painful gift

Parents should be aware of one more important point that is unlikely to make them happy. Due to his genius, a child needs constant health monitoring, since very often genius manifests itself in people as “compensation” for certain disorders in the functioning of the brain, or mental and physical ailments. Thus, patients with autism draw stunning pictures, patients with Tourette's syndrome (a disorder of the central nervous system) perform some actions almost at the speed of light, and schizophrenics write deep psychological novels, etc. There are diseases that are combined into the group “manic-depressive psychoses” . These diseases are characterized by a periodic increase in activity to the most critical level (hypomania). In such a state, a person seems to be covered in a hurricane of creative activity, although before that he was in depressive melancholy. Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Schumann, Van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, Winston Churchill - this is not a complete list of famous and significant personalities who were subject to cyclothymia (sharp mood swings, apathy and melancholy change sharply into a rosy mood, accompanied by creative upsurge ). Many of the famous geniuses also suffered from alcoholism.

Health first

You should also pay attention to physical ailments. Even ancient doctors noticed a specific connection between giftedness and diseases such as gout. In the 19th century, the English scientist Garrod concluded that the blood of a patient with gout always contained uric acid in the form of sodium urate. The English researcher E. Orvan, in an article entitled “The Origin of Man,” which was published in the journal Nature in 1955, noted that the structure of uric acid is very similar to the structure of caffeine and theobromine, substances that can stimulate mental activity. In those who suffer from gout, the stimulating effect of uric acid is much increased, which is the “driving factor” for the manifestation of extraordinary performance and even genius. Every second brilliant and famous person suffered from gout: Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Boris Godunov, Admiral Nelson, Oliver Cromwell, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Maupassant, Beethoven, Charles Dickens, Turgenev and many others.

Another disease that often accompanies geniuses is Marfan syndrome. This disease manifests itself in disproportionate gigantism (usually, such people have excessively long arms and legs with a relatively short body), thinness, a displaced lens of the eye, and a deformed chest. These people are compensated by an increased level of adrenaline in the blood. It is adrenaline that makes them incredible workaholics. Among the victims of Marfan syndrome were: Abraham Lincoln, Charles de Gaulle, Hans Christian Andersen, Korney Chukovsky...

How can you determine if a child has cystic fibrosis, and how can you prevent it?

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that is inherited. Almost every twentieth person on the planet is a carrier of a pathological mutation in the cystic fibrosis gene. Such a person is also a carrier of the disease, although he himself is not sick. A child may have cystic fibrosis if his parents both have the gene. Such couples can use the IVF procedure, which allows you to select only healthy embryos, blocking the inheritance of diseases. Cystic fibrosis cannot be cured during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. But since 2006, cystic fibrosis has been included in the neonatal screening program; all newborns are required to be checked for the presence of congenital and hereditary diseases. This allows you to identify cystic fibrosis in the early stages and begin its treatment.

In conclusion, I would like to add the following: despite all the “minuses,” genius is the greatest gift of nature. And it is to geniuses that humanity owes all the greatest achievements and discoveries, both in the field of art and in the field of science. However, you should not try to forcefully make a genius out of a child. The most important thing is that your offspring must be healthy and not lag behind in development from his peers. Do you dream about your child's future heights? Use developmental learning principles. This will help the baby achieve great success in the future.

You can either write your own.

“Our little genius,” the parents say proudly, patting their child on the head. And this is not said at all from an excess of feelings, but is completely justified! How could it be otherwise?! After all, his great-great-grandmother is a recognized poetess, and his grandfather is no less than an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. With such genes, a child simply cannot help but be a genius!

Oh, if only it were so simple! Then geniuses could be raised like chickens in an incubator. Imagine: a whole army of geniuses who will immediately (as soon as they grow up) raise the economy of our country to the highest level, create a vaccine against all diseases, solve the problem of world hunger, develop a formula for eternal youth, and the list goes on.

Several decades ago, American geneticist Robert Graham created a sperm bank of Nobel laureates. With the help of artificial insemination, 200 children were born over a period of 20 years. Alas! Studies have shown that the brains of potential child prodigies and their abilities were no different from those of their peers. Only one showed the “necessary” results - Doron Blake, whose IQ was 180. At 2 years old, the child confidently used a computer, and at 5 years old he read Hamlet. But here's a paradox! - this unique person has not made any achievements in his life. And at the age of 25 he became a drug addict. The idea of ​​creating a "Genius Factory" was a fiasco.

Deck of cards

Scientists are still having heated debates on the topic “Was there a boy?” Alas, most of them are sure: the genius gene is a myth, its existence has not been proven. But a “tendency to inherit certain characteristics” (in our case, the ability to create) has been proven. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying the genealogical cards of outstanding people (Goethe, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Pushkin, Dumas and others). By the way, Francis Galton, one of the founders of genetics, having studied the genealogy of more than 400 outstanding people in human history, found out that most of them are related to each other to one degree or another. Galton himself was also called a genius by his contemporaries (however, his current colleagues will not argue with this). So, Galton is a close relative of Charles Darwin and a distant relative of Yaroslav the Wise.

But even if you married a man whose ancestors were all outstanding personalities (or you yourself have a dime a dozen of such unique individuals in your family), this does not guarantee that your child will worthily continue the “tradition”. It's all about, as Koroviev said from The Master and Margarita, a "bizarrely shuffled deck of cards." For example, in order to compose musical masterpieces, you need to inherit at least 4 pairs of “composer” genes. Do you want your treasure to become a great poet? Then, at its conception, 10 pairs of recessive (that is, inactive in the parents) genes must “join together.” By the way, scientists claim that “our everything” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - possessed 20 pairs of such genes!

In fact, the “genius genes” (that is, the tendency to comprehend knowledge and high learning ability) exist in a latent form in each of us. And the stupidest parents may well give birth to a brilliant offspring. Or vice versa - highly intelligent mothers and fathers suddenly give birth to a completely stupid child (people usually comment on such cases as “there is a black mark in the family” or “nature rests on the children of geniuses”). The creative gift manifests itself only at the junction of two genetic lines. One of them must necessarily contain both the beginnings of giftedness and minor pathological deviations (read about this below). The second one must be similar to the first one. Carriers of such heredity combine two genetic programs in the child, modifying both positive and negative factors. A certain combination of genes contributes to the birth of that very “one percent of inspiration.” Alas, the likelihood of such a combination is negligible. In other words, you will not be able to “program” a child genius. In addition, in addition to the “necessary” heredity and the necessary combination of genes (which only Mother Nature “controls”), taken from the parents, a lot of additional factors are required. This is the ideal course of pregnancy, and ideal conditions for the development of talents, and much more. Well, and most importantly, a person must also inherit the “gene” of hard work. Scientists say: many more brilliant people are born than are later realized in life. And it is thanks to hard work that mediocrity reaches greater heights than those “kissed by God.”

Create conditions

So, even if everything came together in your child’s cells so that he inherited the genius of his ancestors, it is not a fact that he will turn out to be a great scientist, poet, financier or someone else. As Thomas Edison used to say: “Genius is 99 percent hard work and one percent imagination.” Also, the environment, upbringing, and most importantly, good teachers play a significant role. A swan raised by chickens is unlikely to swim, although it has all the swimming abilities.

It would be useful to cite the opinion of a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary Childhood, psychophysiologist Alexei Novikov: “Let’s assume that the gene for genius exists. But on the way to the “realization” of this gene there are many “intermediaries,” biochemical and social. Health and access to education, opportunities for testing and the application of diverse inclinations - fundamental things for the realization of the gene of genius - must be balanced. There are certain methods that make it possible to accurately determine whether a child will be successful in the field of activity in which his parents decided to “determine” him. For example, studies of heart rhythm. They are carried out first before classes - singing, dancing, music, etc. - and immediately after. If the child has a complete violation of adaptive mechanisms, severe fatigue sets in, which means that he is not doing his job. “force” to do something you don’t like.”

In general, if you have already come to the conclusion that your child is a child prodigy, you will have to work hard. And the point here is not only in creating all the above conditions for the realization of genius. Agree, if you have money, hiring good teachers, providing a balanced diet, etc. is not so difficult. But with all this, the parents of the future Lermontov or Einstein must be in constant contact with their miracle children. And not just in contact, but comprehensively and daily developing the qualities necessary, according to scientists, for the realization of superpowers: curiosity, will, the ability to be surprised (the ability to see a problem where others do not see it), originality of thinking, memory, ability to evaluate and - again - hard work. And the same good teachers will tell you the methods.

A painful gift

There is one more point that is unlikely to please parents who consider their offspring to be geniuses. And because of which experts strongly recommend monitoring the health of potential “superhumans.” Not always, but quite often, genius manifests itself in a person as if as a “compensation” for certain disorders in the functioning of the brain, mental or physical ailments. For example, patients with autism can draw stunning pictures, those suffering from Tourette's syndrome (a disorder of the central nervous system) can perform some actions almost at the speed of light, schizophrenics can write deep psychological novels, etc. There are diseases that are generalized into a group called " manic-depressive psychosis." They are characterized by periodic increases in activity to a critical level (hypomania). In this state, a person is literally caught up in a typhoon of creative activity, although before that he was in depressive melancholy. Alexander Pushkin, Jonathan Swift, Nikolai Gogol, composer Schumann, artist Van Gogh, psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, politician Winston Churchill - this is not a complete list of celebrities subject to cyclothymia (sharp mood swings, when apathy and melancholy are replaced by a rosy mood and creative enthusiasm). Many of them also suffered from alcoholism.

Health first

Let's pay attention to physical ailments. Even ancient doctors noticed a connection between giftedness and... gout. In the 19th century, the English scientist Garrod concluded that the blood of a patient with gout constantly contains uric acid in the form of sodium urate. The English researcher E. Orvan, in his article “The Origin of Man,” published in the journal Nature in 1955, noted that the structure of uric acid is extremely similar to the structure of caffeine and theobromine, substances that can stimulate mental activity. In patients with gout, the stimulating effect of uric acid is increased many times over, which is the “driving factor” in the manifestation of extraordinary performance and genius. Do you know how many famous personalities suffer from gout? Yes, literally every second! Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov, Peter I, Oliver Cromwell, Admiral Nelson, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Beethoven, Maupassant, Charles Dickens, Turgenev and many, many others.

Another disease that often accompanies geniuses is Marfan syndrome. It manifests itself in disproportionate gigantism (as a rule, such people have very long arms and legs and a relatively short torso), thinness, a deformed chest and a displaced lens of the eye. But as “compensation,” nature gifts these sufferers with an increased level of adrenaline in the blood. This is what makes them fantastic workaholics. Victims of Marfan syndrome were, for example, Abraham Lincoln, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles de Gaulle, Korney Chukovsky...

How to determine if a child has cystic fibrosis and how to prevent it?

Natalia Kashirskaya, MD, PhD, pediatrician of the highest category, chief researcher of the Scientific and Clinical Department of the Moscow State Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that is transmitted only by inheritance. Approximately every twentieth person on the planet carries a pathological mutation in a special gene - the cystic fibrosis gene. Such a person is a carrier of the disease, but does not suffer from it himself. A child can get cystic fibrosis if both of his parents have this gene. These couples can be offered an IVF procedure, which allows you to select only healthy embryos and “block” the inheritance of the disease. Cystic fibrosis cannot be cured either during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. But since 2006, cystic fibrosis has been included in the neonatal screening program - a mandatory examination of all newborns to identify congenital and hereditary diseases. This is what allows for early detection of cystic fibrosis and its timely treatment.

Who will you be?

A disease called Morris syndrome is rare, but it is characteristic of many women who have proven themselves in one area or another. Morris syndrome is the result of a defect in the gene (and therefore not inherited) that encodes the cellular receptor for the male sex hormone testosterone. All cells of such an embryo have sex chromosomes X and Y. This chromosome set determines, along with the presence of female hormones, an increased level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the blood. But since there are no cellular receptors for testosterone, it is not perceived by cells. And only female hormones act on them. As a result, the fetus begins to develop according to the female type. A pseudohermaphrodite is born. This person has a male sex chromosome set, but looks like a well-built, beautiful girl. She has testes, but they are located in the abdominal cavity. These women have no uterus or ovaries; in other words, these women are infertile, although they lead a more or less normal sex life. Coaches are well aware of this syndrome, because such girls have remarkable strength, activity and endurance. It is clear that they get into the top athletic teams! True, today almost all female athletes are examined for the presence of the Y chromosome. And young ladies who have it will be disqualified.

So which famous woman was actually “the man”? First of all, Joan of Arc. It is documented that she did not menstruate. She had a somewhat masculine figure, strength, fearlessness, endurance, remarkable intelligence and the gift of a commander. Scientists have proven that Morris syndrome was “carried within” by Elizabeth I Tudor, Christiana of Sweden, Aurora Dudevant (writer George Sand), German poetess Annette Droste-Gulshof, and theosophist Helena Blavatsky.

In conclusion, it is worth saying the following: despite all the apparent “minuses,” genius is the greatest gift of nature. And it is to geniuses that we owe all the greatest achievements in both art and science. But you shouldn’t try to forcefully make a child prodigy. The most important thing is that your baby is healthy and does not lag behind his peers in development. Do you want your heir to reach some heights in the future? Refer to the principles of developmental learning. This will help your child achieve great success in adulthood.

Mental abilities depend on solar flares

Thanks to the research of Moscow scientists, we will be able to plan the birth of a brilliant child. True, for this you will need to try - because for now, only those mothers who are scheduled for a caesarean section can name the specific day the baby will be born. The expert has identified a pattern according to which it is now possible to say with a very high degree of probability on which days of the week talented people are most often born. There are three lucky days - Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. True, the presence of mental inclinations is also determined by time: on Tuesday it is the second half of the day, and on Wednesday and Saturday it is the first half. Leading engineer of the Central Aerohydrological Institute Evgeny VINOGRADOV exclusively told MK about his research.

In order to derive a formula for the dependence of talent on the day of the week on which its owner was born, Evgeny Vinogradov studied in detail the dates of birth of 727 famous people of different eras, peoples and professions. The scientist selected only those brilliant personalities about whom not only the year, month and day, but also the hour of birth are known.

Based on my calculations, I can conclude that most often gifted people are born at the end of Tuesday-beginning of Wednesday and in the first half of Saturday. - says Evgeniy Sergeevich.

An even more specific pattern can be identified from this statement: people who will be endowed with particularly noticeable talents most often come into our world at the end of Tuesday or beginning of Wednesday. As for the other side of the coin, geniuses are most rarely born in the second half of Wednesday and Sunday. As you can see, the line between the genius of a child planning to meet his parents on Wednesday is very thin. If you are born in the first half of the day, consider talent in your pocket; in the second half, depending on your luck.

In the second half of Tuesday, Aivazovsky, Byron, Gagarin, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Leo Tolstoy, Charlie Chaplin, etc. were born. In the first half of Wednesday - Balzac, Kuprin, Catherine II, Peter I, Mayakovsky, Nietzsche, Galsworthy...

What explains the talents of a baby born on a certain day of the week? The scientist found the answer to this question. Apparently, the reason lies in fluctuations in the activity of solar flares. Solar flares are the most powerful manifestations of activity affecting our planet. In more strict terms, they arise due to the reconnection of magnetic lines when spots of different polarities approach each other. It turns out something like a powerful short circuit in the sun. Such a flare affects the Earth in two visits: approximately 30-60 minutes after its start and after a day or two. In the first case, the background radiation of the planet increases by 100-1000 percent, which greatly affects the mental abilities of infants. True, on the other hand, this gives rise to a wave of all kinds of disasters: heart attacks, strokes, psychoses, hypertensive crises and accidents. Vinogradov calculated changes in the frequency of strong solar flares over the course of a week. And they almost completely coincided with the frequency of births of the most gifted individuals. This coincidence confirmed that the number and power of outbreaks are directly proportional to the number of talented children born during this period.

By the way, some time ago Evgeniy Vinogradov conducted a study where he found out that the most productive time of year for talent inclinations is winter, namely the month of February. This is due to several reasons. The most important of them are, again, solar flares, which unleash a stream of cosmic rays on our planet, which increases the effect of radiation on newborn babies. So now scientists can say with confidence that most often gifted people are born at the end of Tuesday - beginning of Wednesday and in the first half of Saturday - and all this is in February.