How to hang a flower pot on the wall. Stylish flower pots - we make it ourselves! Glass shelf for flowers on metal corners

Any room has a finished look if there are plants in it. They not only decorate the interior, but also give comfort and bring joy. In addition, plants are known to purify the air, which is very important especially for urban residents.

Growing plants is a lot of work that requires time and skill. Each plant has its own characteristics, living conditions, needs a certain humidity, temperature, and light.

Gutter: a simple DIY hanging garden idea

An original idea for a hanging garden would be a gutter; this simple device will wonderfully decorate both city apartments and any garden or cottage.

In order to turn the idea into reality, you will need gutters (several pieces), hooks, metal cable and clamps. Let's make holes along the gutter and thread metal cables into them on both sides; secure the cables with clamps from the bottom of the structure. On the next gutter, following the first example, you should drill holes and thread the cables parallel to the first one. The structure will not move if the fastening points are strictly below each other. All that remains is to attach the hanging garden to the hooks, fill it with soil and plant the plants. Master class:

Preparing the gutter

Clips and cable

Drilling holes

We stretch the cable

We install fasteners

Hanging the gutter

Planting plants

The kindergarten is ready

A similar idea for hanging gardens, implemented more simply - using plastic bottles. It’s not so impressive to make it, but doing it with your own hands is quicker, simpler and more accurate than anyone can do.

Hanging baskets made of climbing plants

There is a huge selection of special hanging pots with a tray for excess moisture. They can be made of any material: wood, metal, woven from branches, ropes. In addition, you can easily make a hanging flower pot yourself without much effort using available materials.

Plants hanging on a special flowerpot made of rope or cord look very beautiful. A good choice for such decorative dishes would be a fern or ivy hanging in the air, as if hanging in the air. Or use regular hanging pots for flowers and houseplants.

Hanging flower pots - the simplest solution

Using saw cuts of various tree species, you can make original hanging pots for the same ivy, as well as vines. An original pendant made from bamboo sticks or slats, as well as a piece of wood in which you can make a small depression, will be able to successfully combine several types of plants that do not have much developed root system. Or you can use bags made from regular fabric. This is how you can decorate a fence at your dacha.

Baskets made of galvanized wire have become widespread. They are the most durable and quite unusual design solution. You can also make a hanging garden from ordinary galvanized or painted buckets.

An interesting idea is to make a hanging garden without using any pots or things that replace them at all. We'll just have moss balls hanging on twine with green plants growing out of them. Here is the instruction “”, and here is what will happen in the end:

Hanging garden - a work of art

Hanging garden in pockets

Hanging garden in pockets is pretty unusual solution for placing plants. You can sew the pockets yourself or use a ready-made organizer for tools; you will also need a cornice and hooks.

The most important thing is to find a place for our future device under a canopy, so that in rainy weather excess water does not get into the pockets. We install the cornice in the chosen place and hang our canvas with pockets on the hooks. Now we fill the pockets with soil and plant the seedlings. All that remains is to attach a wooden block for weight and the hanging garden is ready! Instructions:

Hanging garden in pockets at the dacha - growing greens

We fasten the block

Planting plants

We fill up the earth

Sew pockets

Hanging garden upside down

Very creative idea for a hanging garden - use special upside-down pots. The plants in them do not grow as they should, but upside down. These original pots are called Sky Planter - search on the Internet, and they were invented by Patrick Morris.

How does this work:

Hanging garden: A new idea from old boots

A pair of old boots lying around in the closet will fit well into any garden. Any boots made of any material and absolutely any size are suitable for decoration. Let's make a hole in inside shoes and insert a hook into it, which can then be secured anywhere. The main thing is that the hooks are strong, since a boot with soil can weigh quite a lot, and when watering our “ flower pot" will become much heavier.

They will look especially good in this interesting device hanging plants of various colors and varieties.

Hanging pots for the garden with hanging plants Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

Street hanging planters, placed on a dacha or personal plot, create bright accents. They grow low, compact or ampelous varieties of flowers, from which contrasting or harmonious compositional groups can be created. It’s easy to make hanging flowerpots with your own hands using a variety of household items. By organizing proper care for plants grown in pots, you will be able to provide excellent landscape decor for a long time.

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    Advantages of outdoor planters

    Growing flowers in hanging flower pots has a number of advantages compared to stationary flower beds:

    • hanging containers are mobile and can be easily moved to the desired location;
    • in such devices the overhead lamps look great flowering plants, for which there is enough space to create spectacular waterfalls of flowers and leaves due to hanging stems;
    • there is an opportunity to create suitable conditions for each specific plant;
    • during inclement cold weather in autumn period you can bring flowers indoors;
    • Hanging flowerpots do not take up space on the site, which is important when the yard area is small.

    It is not necessary to look for suitable models in stores, since hanging flowerpots are easy to make with your own hands from available materials. A variety of containers are used in this capacity, which are additionally decorated with decorative elements.

    Types of fastening

    Outdoor hanging flowerpots are located on the structures of houses, balconies, verandas, and gazebos. They can be hung on tree branches and fences. Convenient device is a tripod or a mobile vertical stand of a different shape with several branches, which is installed anywhere in the garden. To fix the flowerpots, various types of fastenings are used.

    Vertical stand

    To place flowerpots to decorate a building, durable forged brackets are used. Their stylish design adds an additional decorative touch to the surrounding atmosphere.

    Forged brackets

    A convenient type is a retractable mount that has two carabiners - one under the ceiling, and the second holds the flowerpot. This design greatly facilitates maintenance, as it allows the plant pot to be lowered down to 0.9 meters.

    Retractable mount

    A lightweight option for fixing containers with flowers is a forged hook. It is easy to install and move as needed.

    Flowerpot on a hook

    Flower pots are often hung using decorative chains, which can have different designs and dimensions.

    Mounting on chains

    By tying strong twine, cord or rope to the container, you can securely attach the flowerpot to the selected support.

    Use as a rope fastener

    Balcony stands. Convenient openwork drawers with a specially curved fastening securely hold them on the balcony.

    Balcony stand

    Suspended structures, oriented for fixation on fences, perfectly decorate this element of the landscape.

    Attaching flowerpots to a fence

    Reliable fastenings ensure that the composition created from hanging flower pots is preserved for a long time.

    Planting flowers, care rules

    The choice of method for planting flower crops is determined by the shape and design of the flowerpot. If the container has a shape identical to the pot, then lay a layer of gravel and add one suitable for the selected variety soil mixture and seedlings are planted or sowing is carried out. Openwork varieties need to be filled fibrous material or moss. A moisture-proof film is laid on top and soil is poured.

    With a limited area for growing flowers in pots, it is necessary to practice correct agrotechnical planting techniques and provide timely care. The soil substrate must have a loose structure. If the site is dominated by heavy loamy soil, it is mixed with compost and sand in approximately equal proportions.

    Basically, the flowerpot serves a decorative function and is used as a tray in which pots with plants are placed. Such flowers need to be watered every other day, since moisture evaporates from the soil slowly. Half an hour after watering, the pan is checked. If a lot of water from the pot has leaked into it, it should be poured out. But often the soil is poured directly into the pots. In such a situation, in order to prevent moisture stagnation, drainage holes are provided in them.

    Plant care includes weekly feeding with a special liquid complex containing the necessary mineral elements. It is diluted according to the instructions.

    On hot days for hanging plants provide irrigation with warm water. Dry shoots, leaves, and flowers are removed regularly. To ensure the emergence of new shoots in order to form a lush crown, you need to trim the tops of the stems.

    Selection of plants

    To flower arrangements hanging flower pots looked stylish and beautiful, you need to think about the range of plants to grow. Crops that form compact bushes and ampelous types of flowers are popular. The characteristics of each plant are taken into account and suitable conditions are created.

    Large funnel-shaped flowers of Achimenes add color to any landscape for a long time. When growing, it should be taken into account that this crop belongs to light-loving varieties.

    As it grows, bacopa forms a lush ball of leaves strewn with small, exquisite flowers. This plant is characterized by repeated flowering after a period of dormancy, which lasts approximately 20 days.

    Possessing the original colors of its petals, balsam leaves a lasting impression when grown in any landscape. It needs a lot of light to produce many buds that highlight the dense foliage.

    Begonia is a shade-tolerant crop that perfectly decorates areas with insufficient light. The variety of colors inherent in the varieties of this flower allows you to create original plant ensembles.

    Verbena - this plant is decorated with bright green leaves combined with small purple, pink or blue flowers.

    To decorate a garden or dacha area, many choose geranium, choosing the color scheme of its flowers that is appropriate for the composition being created.

    Dichondra - the decorative appearance of this variety is given by long hanging shoots strewn with round green leaves. The yellowish small flowers remain almost invisible.

    Campanula ampelous - the stems of this flower crop reach a length of 30 cm. Gorgeous flowers, resembling a bell, have two shades, which led to the popular name - “bride and groom”. Abundant and long-lasting flowering allows you to create eye-catching compositional spots.

    Campanula equifolia - a flower strewn with an abundance of original buds, can delight with its splendor until the beginning of autumn, if the wilted inflorescences are immediately cut off. It is necessary to provide protection from the sun during midday hours.

    Delicate lavender fills the surrounding atmosphere with a piquant aroma. This plant needs sandy loam alkaline soil and daily watering.

    Unpretentious lobelia can be planted in the shade if it is not possible to allocate a sunny place for it. With regular watering and fertilizing, it blooms throughout the summer season.

    Nasturtium - this one unpretentious flower often cultivated on adjacent areas and looks great in pots. Attracts with its unpretentiousness and the ability to tolerate light shadow well.

    If petunia is grown in flowerpots or hanging flowerpots at the dacha, a magnificent color design plot. She needs good lighting.

    Surfinia - the plant has pronounced powerful shoots. Its flowers are painted in shades of varying degrees of saturation. There are purple, blue, white, yellow varieties.

    Tumbelina is a spectacular variety of ampelous petunia, looks majestic and creates a festive atmosphere.

    Magnificent fuchsia is appropriate to place under a canopy or roof to protect it from the destructive burning rays.

    When creating flower arrangements, you can select other plants suitable for cultivation in hanging pots. The color scheme depends on the predicted final appearance of the area being designed. They will bring multi-colored harmony different varieties one flower crop, differing in the color of the buds. An interesting combination is created from different types of plants placed in a pre-designed order. There are a lot of variations, and each has its own unique flavor.

    Making your own flower pots

    In an effort to make outdoor hanging planters with your own hands, you need to think about them exterior design, fastening methods, prepare material. Outdoor flowerpots, suitable for landscape design, can be made of different materials. Popular plastic containers, easy to process and attractive in appearance. Serves durable material metal, wood. Having mastered the skills of knitting and weaving, it is possible to create unique openwork products.

    Wicker varieties. Having prepared willow rods, they weave shapes in the form of a rectangular or round basket. Having mastered the basic skills, you can later create original products, imitating the figures of birds, animals and other objects.

    Fabric pockets. Bags sewn from thick burlap or felt will add individuality. Cut out two parts of the desired shape, grind them down, leaving the top open. The front side is decorated according to your own taste. Use beads, ribbons, braid. Sew a fastener from a strip of fabric or rope, place a container with a plant inside and hang it, for example, on a fence.

    Knitted flowerpot. It will be easy for craftswomen who master the crocheting technique to make an openwork base for installing a flower pot in it. The yarn selected is moisture-resistant and durable, which will allow you to maintain the original decor throughout the entire period of operation.

    Wooden product. To make a simple design, you need to saw wooden blocks of the same length, approximately 20 cm. They are laid in the shape of a square box, maintaining a checkerboard pattern. Self-tapping screws are used for fixation. Tie a rope to each side, hang it on any tree or hook.

    Plastic container. Having a voluminous plastic container with a wide neck, prepare fasteners from thick aluminum wire. Cut three pieces 25 cm long. Bend one end of each wire with pliers to make a ring. The other end is bent in the shape of the letter “P”. During work, you need to control that the length remains the same. Using an awl, three holes are made below the neckline, into which the prepared hooks are inserted. The pot is ready for planting flowers and hanging on the bracket.


    Well decorated various items, which have lost their performance qualities. With a little effort, old watering cans, teapots, bottles and even shoes are transformed into original plant pots. There are many options.

    By saving a cage that was previously intended to house birds or hamsters, you can easily turn it into original decoration garden To do this, you just need to place a flower pot in the center and hang it on the selected object.

    Having served my term ceiling chandelier dismantled, leaving only cups for fixing containers with plants. If necessary, the decor can be updated by painting.

    A beautiful vase of an unusual shape is an independent decoration, but in combination with delicate buds you get a complete, sophisticated ensemble.

    Forged hanging flowerpots look prestigious and noble, harmoniously fitting into any compositional group.

    Even a boring and inexpressive fence will be transformed by placing a container fixed with a simple fastener. After flowers grow in it, a stylish corner is formed.

    Leaky old watering can cleaned of dirt, treated with sandpaper and given a bright decor by painting with weather-resistant paint and painting.

    Metal, plastic, and enamel buckets act as flowerpots. If they have already lost their external luster, the problem can be easily solved by painting.

    Ceramic and plastic pots remain the most popular options for creating hanging planters. They may have different shapes and dimensions. You just need to think about a reliable fastening.

    By attaching hooks to one of the sides to a regular shipping box, you can hang it on the fence of a veranda, gazebo or balcony.

    Small wooden tub, in which flowers are planted, will not take up space on the site if it is securely fixed on the wall of the garden house.

    There is no need to throw away old bags, as they can act as eye-catching plant pots. They usually do not require preparatory restoration work. You need to put flowers planted in a pot in them and hang them using a strap.

    Any old wheel can be turned into a hanging base for placing flowering plants. You can even hang it on a tree.

    There are many options for transforming familiar items into comfortable and attractive hanging planters. Such creative activity does not require special skills.

    Creating a complete image of a country house or personal plot Using a variety of ideas for making hanging planters, you can independently transform existing items into stylish decorative designs. Placing flowering plants in them creates a unique ensemble that charges with positive energy.

    It’s difficult to imagine your favorite garden without flowers, since they are a stylish addition and an integral part landscape design. Compositions planted in unusual, original plant pots made by hand look especially impressive. Creating beautiful flower pots with your own hands from scrap materials is not only useful, but also a very exciting process. Step-by-step master class making original flowerpots with detailed description and visual photos, later in our article.

    What can you use to make a flowerpot with your own hands?

    Today at specialized stores presented large assortment various decor and decorations for the garden for every taste, including original flower pots. However, even with such an abundance of goods, it is not always possible to find what you need. There is only one way out of this situation - try to make a flowerpot yourself.

    Oddly enough, the most unusual decorative flowerpots are made from ordinary material. You just need to be smart and give free rein to your innermost selves. bold ideas and fantasies. Pots made from household items will look most harmonious in the garden. They are the ones who add real zest to your yard, creating the effect of grace and refined nobility.

    Second life for old shoes

    You probably have old shoes at your dacha that you haven’t worn for a long time, but you haven’t dared to throw them away. The perfect way to breathe into her new life- make an original flower garden out of it.

    To do this you will need an unnecessary pair of old shoes, the help of skillful hands and a little free time.

    Step by step guide

    1. Pour fertile soil (preferably black soil) into the bottom of the boot, then plant seeds or seedlings of your favorite plants into it;
    2. Water the resulting decorative flower garden warm water and put it somewhere in visible side Houses;
    3. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating inside, several small holes can be made in the sole;
    4. To make the composition more interesting looking, boots can be painted in any color you like.

    Decorate your shoe with your favorite flowers and plants - great idea for the creative summer resident

    Absolutely any shoes can be used as footwear: rubber boots, sneakers, sneakers, sandals, galoshes, low shoes, sandals, burkas. As for flowers, it is better to give preference to bright, unpretentious, low-growing plants.

    Important! Pots made from old shoes should have holes to drain excess water. Otherwise, the roots may rot, which will lead to the death of the plants planted in them.

    Flower pot made of cement, rags and burlap (photo)

    Looks very original and impressive flower vase made of cement and rags. The method of making the product is quite simple and does not require special skills or tools. It is enough to have cement mortar on hand and unnecessary waste textile production.

    Important! Before drying, a rag soaked in liquid cement mortar can take any shape, so such compositions can be made in any form.

    So, for work we need:

    • Panels of rags of the required size. You can use torn burlap from cereal or sugar;
    • Components for preparing concrete (water, cement, sifted sand or fine gravel);
    • Patterns made to your taste. You can use ready-made ones, such as a bucket, pan, old vase, etc.

    Step-by-step master class on making flowerpots

    1. Observing required proportions prepare . To make it easier to work with the material, the solution should have the consistency of liquid sour cream;
    2. Wrap a dry cloth around the pattern. If the size is appropriate, dip it in the solution and hold it there for about a minute;
    3. Place a dampened rag over your workpiece and allow it to dry for 12 hours;
    4. After complete drying, remove the pattern. The flowerpot made of cement and rags is ready.

    Good to know! The time for cement to set and harden in the sun is reduced to 2-3 hours.

    If you don't like cold and gray concrete, or you are simply tired of it, dilute it with bright contrasting colors, so the flowerpot will look more elegant and fun.

    Miniature garden made of tin cans (photo)

    One of the most favorite materials for making flower pots is tin cans.

    • Why are they so popular among those who love to create? It's very simple. Metal cans come in many colors, shapes and sizes, so you can use them to create a magnificent flower arrangement that will attract admiring glances.

    The undeniable advantage of making such floral decorations is the minimum investment of effort and time while obtaining the most creative result.

    To make a pot from tin cans, the following materials are usually required for the job:

    • Tin cans;
    • Nails and hammer;
    • Colored acrylic paints, swing hand;
    • Wooden base for fixing cans

    Manufacturing Guide

    1. To give the composition certain outlines, all cans are painted in bright colors;
    2. After complete drying, a hole is made in the bottom of the jar to drain excess moisture;
    3. All that remains is to secure the jars to the chosen base, pour soil into them and plant flowers.

    To add more expressiveness to the product, you can apply patterns to the slightly dried surface or decorate it with a variety of buttons, ribbons, beads or beads.

    Unnecessary teapot as a flower bed

    Found an old kettle in the garage? Don't rush to throw it away. You can make it out of it beautiful decoration which will look original in your garden. In addition, creating crafts with your own hands will help not only realize your creative potential, but also save money.

    Return the product to its original appearance a can of acrylic or spray paint. Using a stencil, you can also apply various patterns to the surface of the teapot.

    Important! To prevent the paint from swelling over time, the surface must be well prepared before application.

    A pot made from a teapot is mobile and, if necessary, can be moved to another place

    • For those who don't want to bother with painting teapot, you can leave everything as is. The worn and tarnished shade of metal with a slight patina from time has its own special charm. The cold shine of polished metal looks no less advantageous.

    Using an old teapot as a flowerpot is a rather bold and creative solution.

    Vase made from improvised materials: step-by-step master class

    Today, folk craftsmen and craftsmen Hand Made do it yourself original flowerpot from almost any material that comes to hand. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including the Internet.

    The photos of beautiful flowerpots posted in our article once again prove that there are no limits to a person’s imagination. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

    • If wooden sticks glue them together into a hollow cube, so that each new row forms a free space, and each subsequent row overlaps it, we will get an unusual flowerpot that is perfect for small plants. You can place it anywhere, for example on a windowsill or hang it on a rope, after planting indoor flowers in it.

    • Plastic bottles. Probably not a single garden craft or decoration can be done without their participation. Working with this material is very convenient and simple, the main thing is to take precautions. The simplest thing you can make from is a hanging flower pot.

    However, plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes. You can plant seedlings in them vegetable crops, That's why this material is also a favorite among amateurs.

    • You can weave a flowerpot with your own hands from ordinary rope. The shape of the product can be different: cylindrical, round or cone-shaped, the main thing is that the plant being planted fits freely into it. As a material for weaving, some craftsmen use thin vine branches or artificial rattan threads.

    • If you approach the creation of a decorative flower pot more thoroughly, you can create a more interesting and large-scale composition. Hanging old unnecessary boiler over an improvised fire made of flowers and logs, you can get a very interesting result that will not remain without the close attention of your guests.

    Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you have created, you can fence it with a border of ordinary stones, slightly drowning them in the ground.

    Boxes for flowers and seedlings

    • Summer residents are resourceful and thrifty people, so they never throw away anything, including cuttings from boards and other lumber. After all, they make excellent wooden boxes, which can be used as flower pots.

    In order to make a flowerpot from boards, you can get by with minimal carpentry skills, and the only tools you need are a hacksaw, nails and a hammer.

    • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used for planting seedlings of various crops. Only for this purpose, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for the hands so that they can be carried comfortably and safely.

    Beautiful flower beds made from old things

    Oddly enough, but an old bicycle that has not been ridden for a long time may still be useful to you as a decorative decoration. There is no need to violate the integrity of the structure. Just use it as a living flower bed. Additional contrasting elements in the form of flowers and plants will turn an old bicycle into a real masterpiece of art.

    Flower pots made from a bicycle - everything ingenious is simple

    • By showing your imagination, you can get a unique hanging decoration with flowers from an ordinary bird cages. Just place a pot or container with low plants in it and decorate it with some decoration.

    Important! A cage pot will look more elegant and noble if you use a decorative vintage cage in the Provence style.

    • For craftsmen with golden hands, make decorative flowerpot for the garden with your own hands in the form of a cart will not be difficult. To do this, you will need a special tool and certain skills in handling wood and metal.
    • To improve your mood and give yourself a lot of positive emotions, you can quickly and efficiently make flower pots from ordinary trash cans made of shiny metal. For ease of movement, rotating cranks can be attached to the bins. different sides furniture wheels.

    As you can see, having at hand suitable material It’s very easy to make a flowerpot for your garden with your own hands. To make simple products, no skills are needed. Even a child can cope with this task. As for more complex products, you can’t do it without the help of adults.

    The creative process of creating flowerpots is not only creative, but also educational. Therefore, even the youngest children can be involved in this exciting activity.

    Flower pots are quite popular, and you can find a lot of instructions on how to make them online. In one of ours, we already told you how to make hanging flower pots with your own hands, but today we offer you a different approach. There is no need to make the pots themselves; we offer completely ordinary flower pots to turn them into hanging ones.

    Materials and tools for making hanging flower pots:

    • 3 small flower pots with planted plants
    • a roll of thin clothesline
    • 15 untreated wooden beads, approximately 18mm in diameter
    • 9 wooden beads with a diameter of 25 mm
    • 11 beads with a diameter of 38 mm
    • copper tubes¼ inch diameter
    • pipe cutter
    • acrylic paint
    • tassel

    DIY hanging flower pots

    Paint the beads in different colors. If you want the paint to lay down in an even layer, the beads can first be sanded with sandpaper.

    Advice: The easiest way to dry beads is by placing them on a wire.

    A rather interesting effect is obtained if you paint the beads for each pot in different shades one color.

    Pull two ropes through each group of beads. In our case, to make each pot, a pole of ropes was used, tied at the top into a knot.

    Beads can be placed in any order. In our case, their diameter first increases and then decreases.

    Decide on the height at which you need to fix wooden beads, and tie a knot in this place on each pair of ropes.

    Separate each pair of ropes, and knot the left rope from the first pair with the right rope from the second. In the same way, tie all six ropes in pairs. Repeat the procedure again, moving downwards.

    Tie all three pairs of ropes in one knot, trim the ends of the ropes, or leave them as is.

    Using the same principle, we make the second hanging pot.

    Cut the copper pipe into lengths of about 70 mm.

    Alternate colorful wooden beads and pieces of copper tubing to decorate each pair of ropes. In this case, it is better to use small beads so that their diameter is not much larger than the diameter of the tubes.

    Secure the beads and tubes with knots.

    Separate each pair of ropes and tie them to ropes from adjacent pairs. Repeat the same, moving down slightly. Tie all the ropes into one knot.

    Place a flower pot in each of the resulting rope sleeves. Now all that remains is to hang the pots in the window or doorway, decorate your veranda or living room with them.

    To decorate hanging pots, it is not necessary to use wooden beads and copper tubes; it all depends on your imagination.

    Original article in English.

    To decorate the garden and home, gardeners often use hanging flowerpots.

    Baskets made of wicker look very beautiful, which can be made in a wide variety of shapes, for example, in the shape of a ball, a cone or a rectangular box.

    Perhaps, flowerpots made of wire or forged metal will become a harmonious decoration of any landscape design. This option is especially attractive because it creates the feeling of a kind of complete “flight” of the flowerbed.

    In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable.

    This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from sunlight.

    Specifics of planting hanging flower beds

    Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots, reminiscent of pots for indoor flowers, that is, those that have only one open surface, plants are planted as usual.

    It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is intended to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots

    Then, in those places from which the shoots will subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, soil should be poured inside the flowerpot and the plants should be planted on top.

    After planting flowers to create a hanging flowerbed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

    Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

    To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose low-maintenance plants that do not have special requirements for soil conditions.

    In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to take into account the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot.

    For example, the roots of petunia grow very quickly, and if the pot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then its root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, which is why the plant may die.

    Very beautiful design will have a hanging flowerbed with your own hands when planting lushly blooming annuals, for example, pansies, petunias, verbena, marigolds, etc. in flowerpots.

    Almost all house plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, young plants, sedums, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging pot or flowerpot.

    Of course, bright colorful flowers will always be worthy decoration any garden or interior, but do not think that only flowering plants can be used in the design of hanging flower beds. For example, flowerpots with herbs– mint, rosemary, etc.

    And for those who love originality, we can advise you to do something very unusual, but very useful decoration– a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, for example, strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or balcony.

    Specifics of caring for hanging flower beds

    Caring for plants planted in hanging pots depends on whether they have trays.

    Baskets without a tray prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, as it slows down the rotting of the plant root system, but on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flowerbed is located in a sunny area.

    If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

    In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds needs to be fertilized periodically, because... During watering, the minerals in it are washed away.

    In all other aspects, caring for plants in hanging garden beds no different from caring for plants planted in open ground– they also need to be watered regularly, remove dried leaves and control pests.

    Hanging flower beds are exactly the addition that can add brightness and expressiveness to any suburban area They can be hung in gazebos and pergolas, on fences and poles, on garden benches, in a recreation area, on summer terrace, balcony and even on the walls of the house - everywhere they will look beautiful and harmonious.

    However, when designing hanging street flower beds It is also important to take into account the style of the garden plot. You can beautifully emphasize the beauty of the landscape with the help of bright colors or unusual shapes, or you can focus on the natural beauty of plants.

    If such hanging flower beds “settle” in your garden, rest assured that this decision will not disappoint you. Beautiful flowers and plants, neat and well-groomed, always please the eye and create an atmosphere of comfort, and if they are also hung in beautiful, original flowerpots, then one can only envy such arrangement of the site.

    Old enamel bowls, flower pots, and buckets will be used to create flowerpots. The containers are hung on chains and hung as high as possible so that any passerby can see and appreciate this beauty.

    It's such a pleasure to make simple things for the garden with your own hands. Treat yourself to a hanging flower pot; it can perfectly decorate the porch of a private house or a balcony in a city apartment. And we will share with you a master class on how to make it...

    What you will need:

    • A woven wire basket, you can use an old one or even weave it yourself
    • Sphagnum is peat moss, it is used in gardening and construction; you can find and collect it in a swampy forest or purchase it in specialized stores
    • Rubber gloves
    • Land for planting
    • Small plastic trash bag
    • Bucket of water (for soaking moss
    • Beautiful flowers and plants for planting

    Soak sphagnum fibers in a bucket of water, squeeze out a little and lay out the bottom of the basket.

    After you have laid out a sufficient amount of moss, place a piece of polyethylene on top and make small holes in it, it will help partially retain moisture.

    Fill the remaining space with potting soil.

    Start planting your flowers and plants. It seems to me that hanging petunias or other hanging flowers would look great in this pot.

    We decorate the garden with our own hands. Enjoy)))

    wooden planter

    For an original hanging planter you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in checkerboard pattern, form a square box with through holes.

    The bars are connected with nails or self-tapping screws. Ropes are tied to the bars at the corners of the upper edge of the flowerpot and suspended homemade flowerpot for any tree in the garden.

    Wooden flowerpot with violas:

    A wooden flowerpot, similar to a hanging swing, will “hold” a whole flowerbed with pansies(violas)

    pots made of burlap (tarpaulin, felt)

    Thick fabric, such as burlap, is perfect for making flowerpots in rustic style country. All you need to do is cut two pieces of fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them together like a pocket and hang them on the fence.

    For hanging, you can use a strip of fabric sewn to the upper edge of the flowerpot or wire threaded into the fabric.

    Hanging planters for the garden made of felt

    You can place a pot of garden annuals in a felt pot.

    New outfit for the watering can.

    If you have old watering cans or buckets with basins lying around at your dacha, don’t throw them away, treat the surface with sandpaper to remove rust, and paint them in bright colors. It is fashionable to place pots (or bags of soil) and flowers inside. And these items will turn into funny flowerpots

    You can hang them on racks, trees, fences

    How to make a hanging flower pot from a plastic container

    1. Materials and tools. The lampshade itself. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm from the latest project. Key ring. Round nose pliers and pliers.

    2. We prepare three pieces of wire 25 cm long.

    3. Using pliers, bend a round eyelet at one end of each wire.

    4. At the other end of each wire we make a “U”-shaped bend. After all modifications, the length of the three blanks should be the same.

    5. Using an awl or the sharp end of scissors, we make three holes with our own hands in the area of ​​​​the neck of the lampshade.

    6. Insert “U”-shaped hooks into the holes

    7. We put wire blanks on the key ring. The pot is ready.

    8. Planting plants. Plants can be varied, but it should be noted that the pot does not provide drainage and, if the plant requires frequent replanting, it may be difficult to remove the plant in this pot design.

    Flowerpots can be made not only from cans, but also from plastic bottles(the most common source material, which is always at hand).

    Paint the surface of the pots with paints

    You can also decorate the pots with twine
    For this we need a plastic bucket of ice cream or other products:
    You will also need jute twine

    Glue the beginning of the skein together with the handle fastenings.

    And we begin to wrap the twine around the bucket. Make sure that each circle fits snugly together, without gluing the twine. When you have reached the bottom of the bucket, you can glue the last few circles, and also carefully glue the end of the twine.

    Then all that remains is to make 4 holes and hang the flowerpot bucket decorated with twine.

    Wicker flower pots

    Braid a flower pot so you can hang it in a simple way imitating macrame.

    In order to make a hanging flower pot, we will need about 10 pieces of thick rope, approximately 90-120 cm long, several large buttons and a metal ring. Decide on the sizes yourself.


    We fold our pieces of rope in half and fasten them with a simple loop as shown in the figure:

    Then select two loops next to each other and fasten their adjacent ends with a button as shown in the picture. It is better to place buttons at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ring.