Which mesh mesh is best for plaster. Application of plaster mesh

In building construction and production various types finishing works The use of metal mesh is becoming increasingly widespread. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a reinforcing metal mesh, you need to understand in advance all the pros and cons of its use. Knowing the characteristics of the types of this material will help you make the right and informed choice.


Plastering building facades or interior spaces using decorative compounds is one of the most common and cost-effective finishing options. A wide variety of high-quality mixtures, distinguished by a variety of colors and textures, allows you to be confident in the attractiveness of the tiled surface.

The only drawback is the not very high strength of this finish. To increase its reliability and durability, special reinforcing materials are used. Their use helps prevent the appearance of cracks during inevitable shrinkage or movement of a new structure, improves the adhesive base and plaster mixtures.

Reinforcing structures are made from various materials, as a result of which they acquire specific properties that determine the scope of their application. Most often when performing plastering works apply:

  • polymer;
  • plastic;
  • fiberglass;
  • metal mesh.

The choice of one type or another, first of all, depends on the expected thickness of the plaster layer. You should also pay attention to finishing materials and the composition of mixtures for decorative coatings.

Reinforcing metal mesh

This material is the most universal reinforcing product. Its main functions are to strengthen and protect the plastered surface from mechanical damage. It prevents the possibility of cracking of the plaster layer due to sudden temperature changes. The rough finishing layer is more even and smooth, better prepared for finishing work.

Reinforcement with metal mesh helps to further strengthen structures that are not very strong and reliable.

In the production of this type of building materials, wire or metal rods are used. Depending on their thickness, meshes are divided into the following categories:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • heavy.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Today the range of plaster mesh is very diverse. Constructions made of polyurethane, plastic and fiberglass have become available for use. But the most popular are those made from metals.

This is due to many features of their technical characteristics:

  • The metal mesh is particularly durable, which helps it withstand heavy loads. If leveling a large surface area requires applying a thick layer of plaster, then it is better not to save money and purchase just such a material for reinforcement.
  • Its use is possible when working on any base and with different compositions of rough finishing solutions.
  • The application of a plaster layer is not limited by its thickness. When working with thin or light substrates, it is possible to apply a minimum layer of up to 20 mm. If it is necessary to equalize differences in surface heights on vertical wall, then it is permissible to apply a solution with a thickness of more than 50 mm.

  • In preparation for plastering a metal base, you can weld a reinforcing mesh to it, which will ensure greater reliability of the entire structure.
  • To cut out individual pieces of a free configuration from a single piece of fabric, it is sufficient to use hand tools, for example, metal cutting scissors or wire cutters.
  • Fastening such reinforcement does not require much time and effort. To create a strong connection with the base, it is enough to secure the mesh in only a few places.

The main disadvantage of this type of material is its significant weight. It can be strengthened only on surfaces that can withstand the total weight of the metal mesh and finishing leveling mixtures. You should not perform reinforcement on surfaces made of plasterboard or hollow brick.

Types of reinforcing metal mesh

Reinforcing mesh is used both for plastering and for creating cement screeds or concrete pads. In their production, metal blanks are used, the thickness of which depends on the expected load on the lined surface. They also differ in cell size. For plastering work, lighter options are used, the wire thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 mm and with a cell size of up to 30 mm.

The most popular product sizes according to GOST:

  • 10x10;
  • 25x25 mm.

Manufacturers offer customers rolled and sheet reinforcing mesh. Each of these types is convenient to use in its own way. When carrying out finishing work on long areas, it is better to use rolled reinforcing mesh. This will require additional effort when stretching and fastening, but will significantly improve the quality and appearance finished coating - it will be more even, since the work uses a single piece of canvas, characterized by the absence of seams and overlays.

For artificial stone it is necessary to select small coating sizes.

The technology for attaching the mesh differs depending on the base of the surface. It is enough to weld it to the metal using a welding machine. If the mesh is quite thin, then wooden base it is conveniently fastened with an industrial stapler that shoots large staples.

To secure thicker reinforcement, you will need screws or nails. Reinforcing material can be attached to brick or concrete bases using dowels and washers.

Currently, several types are most widespread on the market:

  • welded;
  • woven;
  • expanded metal all-metal;
  • chain-link


This material is increasingly popular among buyers due to its relatively low price and very high quality, it can also be used at any stage of construction or finishing. Most often, welded mesh is used for the following types of work:

  • strengthening the foundation of the building;
  • reinforcement of walls made of bricks and various blocks;
  • when performing finishing work on load-bearing surfaces;
  • when installing a thermal insulation layer.

Made from metal rods different diameters by welding them. In this case, the distance between them can differ quite significantly. The weight of the mesh is small compared to other types.

Particular attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. It is optimal to use stainless metals and their alloys, since the resulting corrosion leads to premature destruction of structures.

The main disadvantage of this type of plaster fittings is the weakness welds– they may develop ruptures and rust. How smaller size cells, the higher the probability of destruction, since there are more of these seams. In addition, mesh stored in rolls for a long time becomes deformed, which significantly complicates subsequent work.


This type of metal mesh is universal building material. It is a fabric made of cross-woven wires with same size sections. It is produced on specialized looms from stainless and low-carbon steel, brass and other non-ferrous metals. Can be used in the production of painted steel threads. Cells can be different sizes and shapes, such as square or rectangular.

Stainless woven mesh is widely used in construction., made from the same material. Most often it is used as reinforcement to prevent cracking or sifting bulk materials in the production of mixtures of sand and cement.

Expanded metal mesh

In construction markets it can be found under the name “cutting” or the abbreviation TsPVS. This type of mesh is made from a solid sheet of metal, the thickness of which can reach 2 mm, but most often plates up to 1.5 mm are used. The manufacturing technology involves cutting holes and further stretching the material. As a result, cells are formed located in checkerboard pattern. This gives finished product special strength and flexibility. If one or more cells are deformed, the rest of the web is not subject to further destruction, but it is quite difficult to restore after storage in rolls.

This product is manufactured without the use of plastic protection, which can cause corrosion. The use of galvanized alloys significantly improves the anti-corrosion properties of the material, which is especially important in the aggressive environment of plastering compositions. On finishing stages finishing, no traces of rust appear. The shelf life also increases significantly.

Depending on the base, its weight may vary. Distinctive feature is fire resistance and can be used on any surface. The ability to withstand heavy loads allows it to be used when reinforcing concrete screeds.

The main tasks of the TsPVS:

  • protection of the plastered ceiling and walls from mechanical damage and sudden fluctuations in air temperature;
  • preventing the appearance of cracks due to technological violations during finishing work;
  • significant extension warranty period plastering services.


It is the most commonly used and most popular material among craftsmen around the world. The use of this mesh is not limited to its presence in fences - it is actively used as a reinforcing fabric.

Plaster as a method of protecting and beautifying a façade has a thousand-year history. In some cases unique effect gained worldwide fame and brand significance, if you remember Venetian plaster, imitating marble cladding.

But for any finishing layer of mortar cement-sand mixture were inevitable cracks and collapses exfoliated fragments. Plaster mesh helped solve this problem.

What is reinforcing mesh?

Flexible, openwork, knitted or woven - it creates a monolithic frame of the structure.

The prototype of the plaster mesh can be considered the once widespread way of lathing walls under the plaster using thin narrow boards laid crosswise - the so-called “shingles”. To this day, among the ruins of pre-revolutionary and Soviet buildings, one can see the exposed skeleton of wooden reinforcement.

Creation of new materials and construction technologies allowed replace a labor-intensive process the wall cladding is very fragile wooden shingles for a quick and reliable way to strengthen rough plaster different types facade mesh.

Is mesh needed for plastering, its advantages:

  1. Improving the adhesion effect of different materials.
  2. Protection of excessively hygroscopic masonry material (aerated concrete) from moisture penetration.
  3. Hardening corner elements and joints of structures when removing window and door openings.
  4. Formation of a monolithic frame, ensuring the durability of the walls and the strength of the cladding.
  5. Insurance from internal tension walls during sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  6. Restoration of cracked fragments of the facade.
  7. Waterproofing reinforcement.
  8. Achieving a respectable appearance of finishing work.

What are the requirements for plaster mesh GOST 3826-82:

  • density within 150-170g/m²;
  • resistance to corrosion and alkalis;
  • light weight (does not complicate the building load system);
  • tensile strength with acceptable flexibility and tensile strength;
  • identity of cells (by alternation and size);
  • availability of accompanying documentation about tests carried out in independent laboratories.

Reference: Plaster mesh is also successfully used when preparing screeds, pouring floors for installing “warm floors,” and when installing thermal insulation in attics and roofs.

How is it produced?

There are several materials, as well as manufacturing methods.

Made of metal (sheet or wire):

  • wicker from wire spirals (chain-link mesh - named after its creator, the German mason Karl Rabitz);
  • woven the mesh is created from wire threads using the weaving pattern of warp and weft, allows the use of wire of any cross-section, and gives the product the necessary flexibility;
  • welded- fixes by welding the intersections of the wire, forming square-shaped cells; used to prevent wall shrinkage;
  • twisted(manier) - the wire is twisted in such a way that it forms 6-carbon cells, the main advantage is resistance to high temperatures;
  • expanded metal(CPVS) - obtained from sheet metal (0.5-1.0 mm thick) by cutting holes under pressure, which, when stretched, form diamond-shaped cells; it is most convenient for cutting and transportation.

Metal mesh is worth choosing galvanized or polymer spraying. This way it will last longer.

Made of polymers (plastic):

  • armaflex(with reinforced components) - heavy-duty;
  • Plurima(with cells 5x6) - chemically inert;
  • syntoflex- with medium and large cells, lightweight, resistant to chemical attack.

Universal (made of polyurethane) with 3 types of cells:

  • small (6x6);
  • medium (15x13);
  • large (35x22).

Fiberglass - fine mesh, super strong, without restrictions in use. The mesh is woven from fiberglass with other components and impregnated with polymer solutions to acquire chemical resistance.

Fiberglass mesh is used for:

  • strengthening the base layer;
  • imparting strength to finishing elements made of soft materials;
  • reinforcement of the base for finishing with tiles.

Important: Each type of mesh is designed for a certain thickness of the plaster layer and operating features. An incorrectly selected reinforcing layer can lead to cracks, unevenness, peeling of the entire coating along with the finish.

Popular manufacturers

In the market of construction and finishing materials, domestic manufacturers occupy leading positions:

  1. Company "TOP HOUSE"-Works in this segment for 20 years, produces 50 thousand types of goods. It produces “VERTEX” mesh for reinforcing polystyrene insulation, and “Valmiera” fiberglass mesh.
  2. Company "Rantos" produces all types of metal mesh from wire BP 1, BP 2, steel, surfacing, spring. He is a representative of the Cherepovets Severstal plant.
  3. Company "Teplotek"- the main supplier of reinforcing fiberglass mesh CCI-160 (density 160g/m²) in the West Siberian region. It produces “TG-Textilglas” - a mesh for working over a layer of insulation.
  4. Company "Stroykit"(Izhevsk) offers not only metal and fiberglass reinforcing mesh, but also glue for their fastening.
  5. Company "Dr.Gunter KAST"- German representative on the market of specialized fiberglass mesh. The main production of plaster mesh is located in Sonthofen.

Plaster mesh 1 meter wide is delivered to commercial enterprises in rolls 30-80 meters long(roll weight 80 kg) with fasteners and additional elements. In retail trade, goods may be sold by the meter.

Which mesh should I choose?

The reinforcing mesh is not cheap material, But saves owner costs for subsequent repairs and restoration of lost fragments of the facade. The use of plaster mesh in the decoration of the facade gives it representative appearance. Therefore, the costs are justified.

But when purchasing material, you need to make sure of its quality, as indicated by:

  • appearance of the product (identical cell size, their alternation, reliability of weaving, presence of a protective layer);
  • testing the fragment for creasing and stretching (high-quality mesh instantly restores its shape and does not stretch much);
  • testing for chemical resistance(the result is visible a day after immersing a fragment of the mesh in an alkaline solution, for example, laundry soap);
  • document accompanying the packaging, which should contain information about independent examination product quality.

How can I not remember folk wisdom about the stingy? Plaster mesh - not a way to show off your material capabilities, but a calculated long-term investment for the future.

How to calculate consumption?

Conditions that must be taken into account when calculating the material:

  • wall area;
  • possible surface irregularities;
  • insulation footage;
  • mesh application (butt or overlap).

Therefore, the polymer mesh requires 1.1 m² per sq. meter walls, and for fiberglass - 1.15 -1.4m². Experts recommend providing a reserve 5% for unforeseen expenses.

The choice of plaster mesh depends on the thickness of the finishing layer, uneven walls.

The criteria become:

  • material;
  • cell size;
  • mesh weight;
  • method of fastening it.

With significant differences in layer thickness over the entire surface of the wall of a complex facade, it is recommended to abandon plaster and replace it with another type of finish.

How to attach mesh under plaster for exterior use?

The technology for installing façade mesh with your own hands is quite within the power of anyone; let’s look at the whole process in more detail.

Clean the wall from plaque and traces of masonry work. Level the surface. If a chain-link mesh is used - preparatory work and no primer is needed.

Prime the surface for porous materials(gas concrete blocks) - deep penetration primer.

Take a measurement surface to be treated and prepare pieces of mesh material.

When working with chain-link or welded mesh, it the filling is done directly on the wall using dowels or on the frame:

  • on wooden sheathing(for a wooden house);
  • on metal pins (for brick or concrete walls).

How to properly glue reinforcing mesh to walls video

Polymer and fiberglass mesh overlapped onto the starting layer of plaster, while the reinforcing layer is pressed into the mortar and secured with dowels along the edges.

The starting layer of plaster can be replaced special glue for attaching the mesh, after drying, the finishing layer is applied. Glue can also be used to attach fiberglass to insulation.

The adhesive layer should be sufficient to place the mesh in the middle when pressed. Base for adhesive fastening must be dried and work is carried out at positive t◦ (not lower than +5◦С) on a surface free of grease and dirt.

With significant unevenness Beacons must be installed on the walls (the thinnest layer is 1cm, the thickest is no more than 5cm). The solution is applied to the moistened wall, moving from bottom to top.

Finishing layer depending on the type of mesh and the planned thickness, is formed with a wide spatula from the middle to the edges, and, if necessary, in two passes (with each layer drying completely) until the wall is perfectly leveled.

A mesh for plastering walls is a product made of metal or polymers that is used to strengthen the surface created by means of a plaster mortar. In most cases it is not required, but for external works or rough leveling of very littered walls, a reinforced mesh for plaster is simply necessary.

First of all, you need to decide. If it is less than 2 cm, then reinforcement can be abandoned, since the solution will be able to adhere to the wall on its own. For a layer thickness of 2-3 cm, lightweight products based on fiberglass or polymers are required. They will significantly increase the service life of the finished coating and also prevent it from cracking. For a layer thickness of 3-5 cm, a metal mesh under the plaster is recommended.

Note! If, after taking all the measurements, it turns out that you need to apply a layer thicker than 5 cm, then it is better to abandon plastering and use drywall for leveling.

According to technology, the layer of plaster cannot be more than 5 cm, but some craftsmen make it even 8 cm, while strengthening each layer with reinforcing fabric.

Regardless of the layer, reinforcing mesh is necessary when finishing lightweight surfaces. cellular concrete(gas and foam blocks).

Types of plaster mesh

The modern construction market offers the following types of plaster mesh:

Galvanized mesh for plaster

Choosing a mesh for plaster

Before answering the question: which mesh is better to use, you should pay attention to the layer of plaster that will be applied. Through laser level or hand tools They find out the blockage of the wall, add the thickness of the lighthouse and a little margin to this value. The result is required thickness layer.

For small layers, lightweight polymer or fiberglass products are used, for large layers, metal mesh for wall plaster or reinforced polypropylene materials are used. The larger the layer, the larger the cell should be. If for 2 cm a light mesh with a 5 mm cell is sufficient, then for 5 cm it is better the product will fit with a nest size of 3-5 cm.

The thicker the layer of plaster, the larger the cells should be

You should know! If you intend to use cement mortar, then the material must be resistant to alkalis; for gypsum solutions, the mesh can be of any kind.

The last thing you need to pay attention to is the cost. It is not recommended to buy expensive, heavy-duty products just in case; they will never pay for themselves.

The construction market offers large assortment plaster mesh, but purchasing expensive products is not always justified

This material for plastering walls can be used with a layer thickness of 3 to 30 mm. The cell size should be from 5 mm or more, and the density of the product should range from 110 to 160 g/m2.

The first step is to cut the product into elements. The dimensions of the fragments depend on how many people are working (it’s easier for two people to apply a large part at once), and exactly how the material is positioned (lengthwise and crosswise). It is also important to leave 15 cm of margin to form an overlap with other fragments. After preparing the elements, it is necessary to apply the first layer of solution. A mesh is placed on it and recessed into the surface, after which subsequent plastering is carried out.

Installation of fiberglass material by embedding in a solution

In some cases, craftsmen attach the product directly to the surface to be treated using screws or self-tapping screws, and then plastering is carried out over the mesh. This method can only be used for decorative work and the layer thickness is no more than 1 cm. If the layer is thicker, the network will be too close to the wall itself, so the plaster will remain unstrengthened.

Ideally, the application of reinforcing material under wall plaster should look like this:

  • Fragments are cut to the required length.
  • The first layer of finishing material is applied and leveled to the dimensions of the mesh.
  • A mesh is applied through the heads of the self-tapping screws that were previously screwed in for mounting the lighthouse profiles.
  • Next, the next fragment of the wall is processed and so on until the end. In this case, the canvas should overlap.
  • After this, the beacons are installed and plaster is applied to the product.

Installation of fiberglass mesh under plaster

Note! The plaster should be evenly distributed over the entire area, and the material should be stretched from the center to the edges. When smoothing the edges of the mesh, it is necessary to hold them with a rule or a wide spatula.

Installation of metal mesh

Plastering metal mesh is used when it is planned to apply a significant layer of material. Craftsmen recommend choosing galvanized products with a cell size of 10-12 mm. This material is easy to cut with special scissors, weighs little, and does not rust.

Reinforcing walls metal products, it is important to remember that they are first degreased, then washed with water and wiped.

Installation of metal reinforcing mesh under plaster

Installation instructions:

  • First of all, the product is cut with metal scissors into fragments of the required size. It is important to take into account the fact that if there are rusts on the surface, then the mesh is applied in one piece along each of them.
  • Install a 6 mm drill bit into the hammer drill and drill holes along the entire wall, retreating from the corners, floor and ceiling by 20 cm, while the pitch of the holes is 30 cm. Their depth is slightly larger than the size of the dowels.
  • Mount the dowels into the holes, after which, together with a partner, press the mesh to the surface and secure it with self-tapping screws. To increase the density of contact between the product and the wall, its edges are fixed polyurethane foam. The next canvas should overlap with the installed one. If the material lags behind the surface, you will have to make several additional holes.
  • At the end, beacons are mounted on the wall and plastering is carried out.

Installation of beacons on reinforcing fabric

If the plaster layer is more than 3 cm, then it is necessary to additionally reinforce the surface. Let's say the first layer of 2 cm with a mesh was applied, after it dries, another mesh is attached to the coating, after which a layer of plaster is applied again, and so on with each additional layer, except for the decorative one.

Note! If an expanded metal network is used, the layer of plaster depends on its thickness. If the rod thickness is 1 mm or less, a 5 mm plaster coating will be sufficient.

If a large layer of plaster is planned, then it would be rational to apply several layers and reinforce each one

It is important to remember that the durability of the repair depends on the quality of the materials used. You should not buy cheap products of unknown origin, but buying expensive Western-made products is also not always justified. In this case, it is better to opt for products from domestic enterprises.

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Facade finishing is one of the most important construction operations. Coating external walls exposed to precipitation, cyclic freezing/freezing and exposure to harsh ultraviolet rays. Such difficult conditions operation put forward increased demands on the quality of finishing. Eliminating defects on façade walls is very expensive and time consuming. You will have to install scaffolding, wait for good weather, and remove construction debris. To eliminate the occurrence of unpleasant situations, you need to take all measures to prevent them.

Finishing of facade walls is carried out various materials and technology. Reinforcing stack is used in two cases.

To improve performance characteristics plaster layer. For such purposes, it is better to use a metal mesh made of galvanized wire.

All metal mesh

The fact is that among the many advantages of foam blocks, you must definitely pay attention to one very significant drawback– low physical strength. Another problem is that concrete blocks begin to crumble when they freeze/thaw under conditions of high specific humidity. In the end cement plaster begins to peel off with all the negative consequences.

The reinforcing mesh allows the plaster to adhere to the wall surface. Conversations that such a mesh should be used when the plaster is thick, and that this prevents cracks from appearing on the plaster, are only partially confirmed. Firstly, there are simpler and cheaper methods to prevent cracks from appearing in thick plaster. The simplest one is to spread the solution in a thin layer in several stages. Secondly, increase the adhesion of the solution with façade wall possible due to a slight increase in the amount of cement in the solution. If this is not enough, then spray it with cement laitance.

To protect façade wall insulation from damage. Reinforcing facade mesh is used during finishing foam insulation boards.

Not to improve the fixation of glue to the surface of polystyrene foam and to prevent cracks, as some “sofa” builders write, but precisely for mechanical protection.

Why do we say this? The surface of expanded polystyrene is protected from negative impact ultraviolet rays and, oddly enough, damage from birds. For some unknown reason, birds are very fond of pecking at polystyrene foam; if you leave it unprotected, many large and small depressions will soon appear on the surface. Conclusion - polystyrene foam needs to be covered. The cheapest and most reliable method is to use glue.

By the way, the advertising characteristics of manufacturers of plastic reinforcing mesh “they are not afraid of UV” do not in any way affect their actual performance indicators. The fact is that even the thinnest layer of glue or other cement-sand mixture does not completely transmit ultraviolet rays. Why should the consumer pay for features that he does not need? And one more nuance. Most often, builders fix the reinforcing mesh on the entire wall. We think this is done or out of ignorance physical properties, or the desire to earn more. We recommend using reinforcing mesh to a height of 1.5–2.0 meters; there is no need to go higher. No one will damage the finish screed on the foam that high. Mechanical damage occurs due to various impacts, careless maintenance work near the facade wall, etc.

Types of façade reinforcing mesh

Facade reinforcing mesh is made of galvanized wire or polymers. The former are used for facade plaster, and the latter universal use.

NameCell sizes, mmRoll dimensions, mBrief descriptionApproximate cost, rubles
Safety2x21×50The material of manufacture is fiberglass, used to reinforce plaster near doors and window openings, for leveling the joints of insulation boards900
OXISS5x51×50The mesh has enhanced protection against alkalis and can withstand significant dynamic and static forces over a long period of action.1050
Fiberglass mesh facade5x51×50For holding plaster on concrete facades and insulation boards. Withstands a tensile load of at least 1400 N/cm.1400
STREN S522×352×25 2×50Withstands rough and finishing facade plaster up to 5 cm thick.2750
KREPIKS Facade 13004x41×50Fiberglass, protected from alkalis and ultraviolet radiation.1560
KREPIKS Facade 15005x51×50Reduces the likelihood of cracks due to thermal linear expansion1970
KREPIKS Facade 20004x41×50For reinforcing finishing plasters during finishing of the insulating layer of the facade2300
6×6, Ø 0.6 mm1×15Increased strength, resistant to precipitation and sunlight1110
10×10, Ø 0.8 mm1×15For rough façade plasters 3–5 cm thick1330
25×25, Ø 1.0 mm1×25For strengthening facade walls, universal use. Hot galvanizing of wire, minimum thickness coating 20 microns1770
TsPVS mesh20×20, Ø 0.5 mm1×25All-metal expanded metal. It has an increased contact area with the façade plaster solution.580

Modern facade mesh

Prices for construction reinforcing mesh

Construction reinforcing mesh

Metal mesh fixation technology

Metal mesh is used only for cement-sand facade plasters; foam insulation is not finished with it. The reason is the small thickness of the screed on foam boards. But a metal mesh cannot be aligned with such precision; it must be pressed down with a thick layer of mortar. Metal façade reinforcing mesh can withstand great forces; it is used when it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster on an uneven base.

The algorithm for fixing it has several features, the implementation of which guarantees the expected effect. The mesh can be laid in both vertical and horizontal stripes. This does not matter for the strength of the plaster; decide for yourself how it is more convenient for you to work. How to properly fix a metal mesh to a façade wall?

Step 1. Take the dimensions of the wall and cut the metal mesh along them. Select a cutting tool based on the wire diameter. Universal tool– metal scissors.

If they are not there, then a thin mesh with a wire diameter of up to 0.8 mm can be cut with ordinary scissors. True, after this these scissors will have to be sharpened; they will no longer cut paper.

Prices for construction scissors for metal

Step 2. The metal mesh can be fixed with dowels; the length of the hardware should ensure strong fixation. For facade walls made of foam blocks, you can use ordinary nails 80–90 mm long. They are easily hammered into blocks with an ordinary hammer, and working with them is much faster and easier. Nails are much cheaper than dowels, and the quality of fixation is no different. Use dowels only on brick or concrete facade walls.

Step 3. Electric drill Using a hammer drill, drill the first hole for the mesh. The depth of the holes should be several centimeters greater than the length of the plastic part. Otherwise, it is impossible to insert the dowel to the required depth - the hole fills a little with brick chips during drilling and reduces its effective depth. It is difficult to remove it from there; it is better to drill more.

Important. The height of the protruding part of the dowels should not exceed the thickness of the plaster mortar. Monitor this parameter over the entire area of ​​the façade wall so that you don’t have to adjust the dowels during plastering.

Step 4. Drill holes along one line at a distance of about fifty centimeters, hang a mesh on each dowel. Pull it a little, do not allow large irregularities. The position of the line does not matter; it can be vertical or horizontal depending on the method of fastening the reinforcing metal mesh.

Step 5. Check the position of the opposite edge of the grid; if it lies unevenly, then move the grid onto adjacent cells.

Fastening the plaster mesh - diagram

Step 6. Everything is fine - continue to fix the mesh, install the dowels in a checkerboard pattern. Most metal mesh is one meter wide; to secure it you will need three rows of hardware.

Important. Where two rolls overlap, install the dowels at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the edge. Two strips of reinforcing mesh will be hung simultaneously on these dowels.

Step 7 In window and doorways the mesh is cut to size. But there’s nothing wrong if you don’t cut it off, but simply bend it. Just make sure that the edges of the bent sections do not protrude beyond the thickness of the plaster layer.

When plastering such a façade wall, the mortar must be applied in several stages. For the first time, the mass should be slightly thicker than for final leveling. Specific values ​​depend on several indicators and are determined individually, taking into account the practical experience of the master. The consistency of the solution is influenced by the weather, the ability of facade walls to absorb moisture, the linearity of the wall, the maximum parameters of unevenness, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for fixing plastic mesh

The durability of its operation largely depends on the correct implementation of recommendations for installing plastic reinforcing mesh on foam insulation. In all cases, do not rush, work carefully. We have already mentioned that there is no need to reinforce the entire height of the wall; it is enough to protect only the lower vulnerable area. But these are our recommendations; if you have doubts, protect the entire surface of the façade wall.

Any brand of glue is suitable for gluing the mesh. Study the instructions, it should have high adhesion with plastic materials. In most cases, a finishing layer of glue several millimeters thick is applied over the plastic reinforcing mesh. Finish coating done facade paints or a thin layer of decorative plaster.

Step 1. Inspect the surface of the slabs. If they were fixed with dowels, then completely recess the caps and seal the recesses. You can close the gaps at the same time, but this is not necessary. The fact is that the cracks will automatically close during the application of the first layer.

Step 2. On the wall, draw a horizontal line along the height of the reinforcing layer. It will help you monitor the height of glue application. A thin layer of material dries quickly, and this not only causes an increase in material consumption, but also negatively affects the final leveling of the layer for painting.

Step 3. Prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's instructions. Always pour water into the container first, and then add the dry mixture. This technology will greatly simplify the mixing process. You can mix it manually with a trowel or using a mixing attachment for an electric drill.

The second method is not only easier, but also more effective. You need to stir for a few minutes, and then leave the mixture to stand for another 5-6 minutes. During this time, the moisture will be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, and the smallest dry lumps of glue will completely disappear.

Step 4. The glue is applied to the wall with a spatula; the longer it is, the smoother the resulting surface is. Professionals work with spatulas up to 70 cm in size; beginners can initially use shorter ones.

Practical advice. If you are just learning how to apply glue to a surface, it is better to immediately get used to working with both hands. If one gets tired, use the other hand. Believe me, it is not so difficult, you just need to show a little endurance and patience.

Apply glue to the spatula with a trowel in the center of the tool. The quantity will be determined experimentally. While applying the layer, hold the spatula at an angle to the foam boards and press with medium force. Aim for a layer thickness of approximately 2–3 millimeters. Do not prepare a large amount of surface at once; for beginners, two meters in length is enough. If you don’t have time to fix the mesh, the glue will harden and you’ll have to remove it old layer and make a new one.

Step 5. Try on the location of the plastic reinforcing mesh. If it does not fit into the window opening, trim the material.

Step 6. Glue one end of the mesh, align it horizontally to the length of the prepared section of the wall. Make sure that the mesh lays flat without distortions or bends; be guided by a pre-drawn line on the foam.

Practical advice. The mesh should overlap approximately ten centimeters. You may come across recommendations not to apply glue to the overlap of one line, but to do this simultaneously for two rows. We do not recommend doing this, it only complicates the work. Glue the first row of mesh along the entire width at once, including the overlap. The second line will be glued on top of the freshly applied glue. This method simplifies fixation of the mesh and provides positive influence for quality.

Step 7 Use your hand to press the mesh onto the fresh glue in several places and check its position again.

Step 8 Using a spatula, begin to press the mesh onto the surface of the insulation. Carefully ensure that the glue of the first layer protrudes over the entire surface and evenly covers the mesh cells on the front side. If there are areas where the adhesive is not thick enough, reapply it over the reinforcing mesh. Such omissions may appear in inexperienced craftsmen. Over time, you will learn to determine by eye optimal thickness There will be no more glue and gaps. Spread excess solution over free surfaces. You shouldn’t try to immediately make the surface perfectly flat, but you need to strive for this result.

Step 9 Give time for the glue to dry. It is better to leave it overnight; finishing grouting of surfaces is recommended the next day.

That’s all the technology is, the surface of the façade wall is prepared for painting or finishing with other materials. We remind you once again that plastic reinforcement mesh on insulated facades it is used not to prevent cracks on the surface of the glue, but from mechanical damage to the foam. Keep this in mind when making your decision.

Prices for popular types of putty


Facade mesh to protect construction sites

Compliance with safety regulations during construction work on multi-storey buildings is one of the main requirements for all developers. This is especially true for facilities built within cities. The façade mesh is fixed to scaffolding and prevents falls construction waste and tools on pedestrian walkways. For such purposes, the cheapest plastic reinforcing mesh is used; after dismantling, it is suitable for direct use.

"Emerald" - a new mesh for scaffolding

Question - answer

Is it possible to repair peeled areas with façade reinforcement mesh? It is possible, but it is better to avoid such situations. Unfortunately, in most cases, peeling appears several months or years after finishing the insulated façade walls.

How is the repair done?

  1. Inspect the peeled area. Using your hand, check the strength of the mesh fixation next to the detached area. Prepare materials: glue and a piece of plastic reinforcing mesh. If façade walls painted, then you need to have the appropriate paint.
  2. Pull the peeled mesh towards you and use a sharp mounting knife to cut it around the perimeter. Work very carefully, do not damage the foam. If the sect continues to flake off during cutting, great. In this way you remove the entire problem area; in any case, it would peel off over time.
  3. Cut a new mesh for the patch, the size should be slightly larger than the cleared area for the overlap.
  4. Remove the layer of old glue from the surface of the foam.
  5. Use a spatula to carefully remove the remaining mesh from the surface. top layer glue to the width of the new overlap. Apply the first layer of glue, embed the mesh into it and apply the second layer of glue.
  6. After it dries, level it. Pay special attention to the docking area. It should be as smooth as possible without sharp changes in height.

In order to level a wall with a plaster mixture, you need preliminary preparation, which consists of surface treatment and installation of beacons. In this case, metal or polyurethane mesh is often used. This material gives surfaces high strength.

Scope of application

Metal mesh for plaster is quite in demand in the modern construction market for reinforcing surfaces. Long before that For these purposes they used shingles, but now metal mesh has completely replaced this material.

Using a grid allows you to:

  • reduce the size of cracks on the surface;
  • increase service life;
  • improve the quality of decorative finishing.

The scope of application of the mesh for plaster depends on its type.

The plaster will adhere well if the walls or ceilings are first thoroughly cleaned and coated with a primer. The use of metal mesh can only reduce the number and size of cracks, making them almost invisible.

For more information about the areas of application of the most common meshes, see the table:

Plaster Brickwork Floor screed Tile laying Fencing Housings, frames, cages Warm floors
Expanded metal ++ + +
Welded + + ++ + +
Masonry + +

In order to choose a metal mesh suitable for the job, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the types of reinforced mesh for plaster.

Species and types

Metal mesh is mainly sold in rolls. It can be attached to surfaces using glue, screws, screws and similar materials.

Plaster mesh can be of the following types:

  • masonry;
  • station wagon (small);
  • station wagon (medium);
  • station wagon (large);
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • Plurima;
  • armaflex;
  • syntoflex;
  • steel;
  • galvanized.


They are made from polymers and are usually used for brickwork. The cell dimensions are 5x5 mm.

Station wagon (small)

They are made of polyurethane and are used to prepare for plastering all types of surfaces. Cell dimensions are 6x6 mm.

Station wagon (medium)

Similar to station wagon (small), but cell dimensions are 13x15 mm.

Station wagon (large)

Also made of polyurethane, can be used for preparing indoor surfaces large size, such as warehouses and workshops. The cell dimensions are 22x35 mm.

Fiberglass mesh

Made from fiberglass. This kind of mesh is resistant to temperature and chemical influences. They are distinguished by a high degree of strength and can withstand even heavy loads. This material is popular for leveling any surface. R cell dimensions 5x5mm.


This type of mesh is made of polypropylene. Light in weight, it is convenient for reinforcement both indoors and outdoors. Cell dimensions are 5x6 mm.


Made from polypropylene. Ultra-strong, it is ideal for reinforcing areas of high load on plaster layers. The cell dimensions are 12x15 mm.


Polypropylene mesh. It is lightweight and resistant to chemical influences. The range of applications of this kind of materials is quite wide. Well suited for leveling work indoors and outdoors. Cell sizes can be 12x14 and 22x35 mm.

It should be remembered that a layer of plaster will not protect the metal mesh from moisture.


They consist of steel rods in which the nodes are fixed by soldering. They are used only for interior finishing work, because... As a result of atmospheric precipitation, steel suffers from corrosion.


They consist of galvanized rods fixed in knots. Cell sizes are different. Distinctive property is durability and strength. Used for indoor and outdoor work.

According to the type of design, metal plaster mesh can be:

  • masonry;
  • chain link;
  • welded

The most commonly used mesh is chain-link mesh, which is distinguished by its versatility.

To summarize, we can say that metal plaster mesh may differ in the following parameters:

  • by cell size;
  • by type of coating (black or galvanized);
  • by wire diameter;
  • density.

But, according to world standards, the main parameter is surface density. This is the main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a mesh for indoor and outdoor work.

For indoor work, use reinforcing mesh for plastering walls with a density of 110 to 160 g/m2(if the cell size is 5x5 mm). Facade mesh for plaster must have a density of 160 g/m2, because the surface of the room is exposed to precipitation and temperature changes. At facade reinforcement, it should be taken into account that depending on the floor, the mesh density should also differ.

To choose best option, it is better to consult the seller.

The main range of metal mesh produced for plaster can be seen in the table:

Working with the grid

The stages of working with metal mesh are as follows:

  • cutting;
  • installation;
  • applying plaster.

It is best to cut the mesh with a grinder, although thin ones can also be cut with wire cutters


Before you start working with the mesh, you need to measure the dimensions of the surface using a tape measure. After rolling out the roll, use metal scissors to cut a piece of the required size. Can be cut lengthwise or crosswise. It depends on how the grid will be positioned. You can cut the mesh with a special machine, intended for these purposes, but the principle of operation is the same.

Installation and application of plaster

Preliminarily, to improve adhesion plaster mixture, you should prepare the surface by cleaning it from various types of contaminants.

The procedure for installing the mesh under the plaster is as follows:

  • using a hammer drill make 6mm holes every 25-30 cm. The depth of the hole depends on the length of the dowel. For convenience, it is recommended to make holes 2-3mm deeper than the dowel length;
  • insert dowels into holes;
  • apply a small layer of plaster across the entire width of the mesh;
  • attach the mesh to the freshly plastered surface and fix the mesh with mortar, which hardens quickly;
  • slightly press the mesh trowel;
  • neighboring the piece is overlapped by 10 mm;
  • Press down the ends of the mesh with a spatula to the surface. If the ends of the mesh lag behind the surface in some places, it is necessary to secure them additionally;
  • after the first layer has hardened, apply another layer 2-3 mm thick with a trowel or spatula;
  • evenly level the surface;
  • to the grid attach beacons.

Reinforced mesh can be fixed in different ways. Sealing solution is most often used in small areas. The solution is applied pointwise and in small quantities; subsequently, the plaster layer is evenly distributed over the entire surface. But you can fix the mesh on the surface not only with a solution, but also with the help of devices designed for this: screws, self-tapping screws, special glue.

It should be noted that the thickness of the plaster layer directly depends on the thickness of the mesh. For example, with a mesh thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm, the thickness of the plaster layer should be about 5 mm.

The plaster layer from 2 to 5 cm can not be reinforced at all. But, as practice shows, this is not always advisable. With such a layer thickness, the plaster can shrink and the foundation can settle, resulting in cracks forming on the surface of the wall.

Reinforced mesh gives the wall elasticity and mechanical strength b. If you plan to apply a plaster layer with a thickness of 30 mm or more, the use of reinforcing mesh is mandatory. In this case, it is better to do this in two stages. It must be remembered that the second layer is applied after the first has dried.

Vacation forms in stores, comparative costs

The price of mesh for plaster depends on the size of the cells, type and manufacturer. It is packaged in rolls and measured in linear meters. So, The length of the welded mesh ranges from 1 to 120 linear meters. The most common chain-link mesh has dimensions: height - from 1 to 3 m, length - 10-30 linear meters.

On average, plaster metal mesh 5x5 will cost 800 rubles, galvanized mesh is more expensive. On average, the price of galvanized plastering mesh (20x20 or 10x10) will be from 1500 to 1950 rubles. Welded mesh the cheapest. Its cost for linear meter is 80 rub.

More information about metal mesh for plaster can be seen in the video: