What are the best stretch ceilings to stretch. How to choose a stretch ceiling, what types are

Today, stretch ceiling is the most popular attribute of the design of ceiling bases. It is quite practical, does not need additional finishing, and durable. Therefore, many, when performing repairs in an apartment or their own house, are interested in how to choose a stretch ceiling and what types there are in general.

Today, a fairly large assortment of stretch ceiling structures is offered on the building materials market, but in the vast majority of cases, fabric or PVC film is used to make the fabric.

Stretch ceilings - types of materials

Types of materials for stretch ceilings are mainly divided into 2 most popular types - PVC and fabric.

PVC sheets

This type of web is made from individual strips of thin PVC film. They are welded together on special equipment. The peculiarity of the installation of such a ceiling structure is the preliminary heating of the room to 70º using a heat gun. At this temperature, the PVC film is stretched, it is pulled onto a frame equipped around the perimeter of the ceiling. After the room has cooled to normal room temperature, the PVC sheet narrows, respectively, stretches even more, resulting in a perfectly smooth ceiling surface.

Fabric canvases

For the production of stretch ceilings, an elastic fabric is also used, which in its texture is similar to the material used in the production of women's stockings. To ensure moisture resistance, the fabric is impregnated with a special varnish, and to give the desired color, it is coated with an appropriate polymer.

What are stretch ceilings by type of texture

Glossy ceilings

A glossy canvas or varnish allows you to visually enlarge the room (due to minimal light absorption, the room visually becomes larger). This option is ideal for small rooms with a minimum amount of furniture. Glossy stretch ceiling structures are effective when it is necessary to divide the room into separate zones. Particularly successful ceiling surfaces of similar texture look in dark corners.

Matte ceilings

The ceiling with a matte surface is the most popular, budget option. It resembles a base finished with plaster. This ceiling design goes well with the interior in a classic style.


Satin canvas resembles a painted slightly shiny surface. Satin, unlike gloss, has a reflective effect. The silky surface of the satin ceiling gives the room a homely feel, so it is most often used for finishing bedrooms.

Types of structures of stretch ceilings

One-level stretch ceilings

A standard single-level stretch ceiling is easy to install, minimal costs, and has a long service life. It is easiest to care for him, periodically wiping the dust with a dry rag. Today, on the market of finishing materials, such ceiling structures are presented in a wide variety of textures; it is possible to choose canvases of any color scheme, including those with photo printing.

Two-level (multi-level) ceilings

Multi-level stretch ceilings are already more complex and expensive structures. The most popular are two-level ceilings. They help to hide any, even very noticeable defects on the ceiling base. There are two ways to form multi-tiered ceiling structures: using gypsum boards or using special profiles. The second option is considered more effective (drywall tends to crack even with a small “game” at home).

Types of stretch ceilings pros and cons

Ceiling tension structures with PVC fabric

Advantages of PVC ceilings

    Provides the ability to create a flat surface.

    A wide range of colors, textures.

    Fireproof material - does not burn (relatively does not burn)), but deforms very well !!!).

    At elevated temperatures does not emit toxic components.

    Resistant to flooding - withstands up to 300 liters of water per m2.

    Easy to clean - just wipe with a damp cloth.

    Microorganisms do not take root on the material.

    Provides the ability to form multi-level ceiling structures.

    Relatively low cost.

    Long operational period - from 10 years, depending on the quality of the material (later it may turn yellow, fade, deform a little - small waves may appear, etc.).

Disadvantages of PVC ceilings

    They do not allow air to pass through - they impede air circulation (in case of flooding and the absence of ventilation holes, it is very difficult to dry the space under the stretch ceiling, and it is MANDATORY to dry it!).

    Unpleasant smell the first days after installation.

    Low temperatures adversely affect the structure of the polyvinyl chloride web (it can deform or crack), so it is not recommended to install them in cold rooms.

    Installation requires the use of special equipment (air gun - as a result, heating of the installation room is necessary).

    At high temperatures, the material is deformed, therefore, when arranging a lighting system built into a ceiling structure, it is necessary to make thermal insulation from lighting fixtures (it is better to use diode lighting - it practically does not heat up).

    Ceiling structures with fabric

    Benefits of fabric stretch ceiling

    • Resistant to temperature extremes.

      Fabric sheets are made of sufficient width, allowing the installation of solid ceiling structures without joints.

      Not afraid of low temperatures.

      The material is very durable - resistant to mechanical stress.

      Easy to install, no special equipment required.

      The material is fireproof - it does not ignite (check with the installers for this moment).

      The possibility of repainting the ceiling surface in a different color (you can even draw something yourself, and then wash it off))).

      The material does not emit an unpleasant odor.

      Has soundproofing properties.

      Long service life.

      Do not interfere with ventilation.

    Disadvantages of fabric stretch ceiling

      High price.

      The material practically does not stretch, in case of flooding, the canvas is not able to retain water.

      Limited choice of colors, textures.

      Compared to PVC sheeting, fabric sheets are much heavier.

    Output: Having studied the advantages, disadvantages of a stretch ceiling and different textures, we can say that there are no completely ideal designs. From the huge variety of stretch ceilings offered on the market today, it is quite possible to choose the right option for any room interior.

Only a few years have passed, and stretch ceilings have rapidly gained popularity. Today, their diversity amazes our imagination, they not only have luxurious beauty, but also have a long service life.

However, only high-quality stretch ceilings can be really not only beautiful, but also safe for health. This sometimes confuses us when choosing a stretch ceiling. In this article, we will try to tell you in detail about how to choose the best stretch ceilings and not run into a fake.

PVC or fabric ceiling, what to choose?

The first thing you need to decide is the material of the stretch ceiling. Cloths are made either from polyvinyl chloride or from polymer fabric. Both types of stretch ceilings have their advantages and disadvantages. PVC ceilings make up 90% of the total volume of the offered canvases, we note their main advantages:

  1. able to withstand the load of water during flooding, without letting it through, thereby saving furniture from getting wet;
  2. a huge range of colors with the possibility of photo printing;
  3. variety of textures;
  4. possibility of partial dismantling;
  5. safety for human health;
  6. lack of difficulty in care.

Speaking of fabric stretch ceilings, it must be said that their lesser popularity is due to the fact that they are three times more expensive than PVC films. But thanks to their advantages, they also find their consumer.

In addition, it must be said about what width canvases are produced. Fabric stretch ceilings can be 5.10 m wide, and PVC films up to 3 m, so for large rooms they have to be welded on a special machine. However, no matter what material you choose, both ceilings are afraid of sharp objects. But at the same time, the main disadvantage of PVC ceilings is that they are afraid of low temperatures, and a significant disadvantage of fabric ceilings is not dismantled.

We select a stretch ceiling according to the type of room

When choosing a material for a stretch ceiling, it is worth considering in which room you want to install the ceiling. The most important conditions to pay attention to are:

  • Firstly whether the room is heated or not, because on a cold PVC balcony the ceiling is unlikely to last long, as the film will simply crack from low temperatures.
  • Secondly, humidity in the room, for example, for a bath or pool, fabric sheets are a less suitable option. While PVC ceilings have properties that reduce the accumulation of condensate, they do not start mold and fungus does not multiply. When flooded, due to the high elasticity, the film will not break through and will retain a large amount of water.
  • Thirdly, conditions in the room itself, the presence of odors, etc., for example, in the kitchen, fabric sheets will absorb odors, greasy stains may appear, which are more difficult to remove from fabric ceilings. PVC film is more practical in this regard, it can be washed, just do not clean it with brushes and products containing solid particles and acetone.

In general, any stretch ceilings can be installed in residential premises, it all depends on your taste and wallet. However, for a children's bedroom, preference should be given to fabric canvases from European manufacturers, because they are of better quality and safer. Such ceilings are installed even in medical institutions. In children's ceilings are more susceptible to mechanical stress, so it is better to install a matte fabric cloth than a gloss, which will quickly lose its appearance. Glossy PVC films are best installed in living rooms.

Matte or glossy, or maybe suede or how to choose the texture?

After choosing the material for the stretch ceiling, you need to decide on its texture. In addition to the usual: glossy, matte or satin textures, there are also:

  • suede (suide);
  • metallic;
  • wood;
  • marble;
  • translucent.

It cannot be said that some texture is better or worse; when choosing, most of all you will be guided by your taste. Also, the choice will be influenced by the style of the interior in the room, so stretch ceilings with wood or marble texture are suitable for eco-style, and matte and satin ceilings in white or light shade will fit well into the classic style. Suede ceilings can most often be found in restaurant halls, billiard rooms or libraries. But you can’t do without translucent stretch ceilings if you decide to design a luminous stretch ceiling.

Of course, from a practical point of view, it is better to give preference to glossy or satin stretch ceilings. Such canvases are less demanding in care. In addition, in the event of a web break, it will be easier to dismantle them and it will look less noticeable. From the point of view of designers, such canvases are also good, because they visually increase the height of the room, and reflections and reflective properties give the room a special atmosphere.

Variety of colors and photo printing

Today, it is very common to find colored stretch ceilings, it enlivens the interior of the room. But choosing a color can be a daunting task. Here you should not forget about the effect that color has on a person, because some colors can contribute to relaxation, while others cause a feeling of anxiety. The modern palette of colors of stretch ceilings has about 300 shades. Consider some of the popular colors:

Do not forget that when choosing a colored stretch ceiling, it should be in harmony with the walls, floor, furniture. You can combine several colors on the ceiling, or decorate a canvas with photo printing, especially since you can depict everything: nature, still lifes, animals. The main thing is not to overdo it with paints, the impression of a “pressing ceiling” should not be created, but on the contrary, there should be some kind of lightness and airiness.

Traditional ceilings or multi-level structures?

When choosing the best stretch ceiling, you put into this word not only the meaning of quality, but also the best - this is the one that you like. In addition to the variety of colors and textures, you can choose the shape for the stretch ceiling. Of course, classic single-level flat ceilings are the standard solution chosen by many. But those who want to create something individual and impressive in beauty prefer multi-level structures of various shapes.

Multi-level structures are the embodiment of a wide variety of design fantasies. They can be curvilinear, wavy, domed. Such ceilings allow you to zone the space of the room without installing unnecessary partitions, it is enough to beat everything with color and shape. Ceilings with several levels reduce the height in rooms that are too high. Made of PVC film ceilings are not afraid of moisture, which means they will serve you for a dozen years without requiring special care.

Trade marks

Without exaggeration, Europe is the leader in the production of stretch ceilings. European stretch ceilings are of high quality at a corresponding price. A budget and inexpensive option for stretch ceilings can be purchased from Russian or Chinese manufacturers. Most often, preference is given to the following manufacturers of stretch ceilings:

  • France - CTN, Barrisol;
  • Germany – Pong produces three types of stretch ceilings Lackfolie (glossy), Mattfolie (matte) and Descor (fabric),
  • Italy - Malpensa and Cerutti;
  • Belgium - Polyplast and Mistral;
  • Switzerland - Clipso.

To summarize: general recommendations for choosing the best stretch ceilings

Summing up, we highlight a few main recommendations for choosing the best stretch ceilings in terms of their quality, external design is still a matter of everyone's taste.

  1. It is best to order a stretch ceiling from reputable manufacturers, and not from intermediary firms that have just appeared on the market.
  2. Be sure to ask about the country that produces the stretch ceiling, when buying a Chinese-made stretch fabric, be more vigilant.
  3. Check out all the quality certificates, if they refuse to show them to you, this should alert you.
  4. When choosing the texture and type of material, ask for a sample of the canvas to feel it, and not just admire it in a printed catalog.
  5. The warranty period for high-quality canvases should be at least 5 years.
  6. Ask about all the necessary components, about installation, you should clearly know what you are paying for. In case of any contradictory and doubtful answers, do not risk either money or your nerves.

So, we hope that after reading this article, you will learn something new or important to you. Choosing the best stretch ceiling, of course, you should be very careful, because you want the result to be really liked and, as they say, to the soul. But do not be overly meticulous and do not trust anyone, otherwise you will not get any pleasure. Listen to yourself, and you will surely make the right choice.

Photos of the best stretch ceilings

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of stretch ceilings
  • What materials are used in the manufacture of stretch ceilings
  • How to choose a cornice and methods of fastening stretch ceilings
  • How to choose luminaires for stretch ceilings
  • Which stretch ceiling to choose for a particular room
  • Stretch ceiling of which production is better to choose

The design of a stretch ceiling can radically change any interior. During the overhaul or cosmetic repairs, the installation of such a system can be completed in two or three hours. A beautiful canvas that is stretched on the frame already looks attractive in itself, and if you work on the design, texture and correctly highlight the stretch ceilings (which spotlights to choose to solve this problem, it is better to find out from professionals), you can get a real work of design art .

Our compatriots in Moscow are increasingly choosing such products for finishing ceilings in houses and apartments. Such popularity leads to the emergence of a wide range of offers from domestic, European and Chinese brands. One of the reasons for the widespread use of this option for finishing ceilings is the affordable price. But, considering the possibility of installing this design, you should not focus solely on its cost. In this article we will tell you how to choose a stretch ceiling for various rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of a stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings - a technology for finishing ceiling structures using a canvas stretched on a special frame. This design does without various suspensions in the central part of the ceiling. This finishing option has a number of advantages, the main of which is the beautiful appearance of the ceiling surfaces and a wide variety of interior design solutions. Responding to the high popularity of such systems, their manufacturers offer a wide range of materials in terms of color, texture and composition. This situation contributes to the fact that stretch ceilings become a universal solution that can be used for any style of interior.

Experts attribute the ease of installation to the significant advantages of such systems. To install a stretch ceiling, you do not need to carry out laborious operations to prepare the ceiling surface. Installation of the structure begins with the installation of a baguette made of plastic or aluminum around the perimeter of the ceiling. The ceiling cloth is filled into this baguette after heating. Despite the seeming simplicity, such an operation requires special skills, so it is better to entrust it to specialists. Installation time is three to four hours.

Stretch ceilings have a long service life. Modern manufacturers provide five to ten years of warranty on the finished system. If you choose the right material and follow the rules for its operation, then the stretch ceiling will easily last from 30 to 40 years, while maintaining its attractive appearance.

Coordination of work

Tension systems use waterproof materials, so they are not only an interior decoration, but also able to protect your home from water leaking from the top floor. Stretch ceiling materials can hold about 100 liters of water (we are talking about cold water) per square meter. The PVC sheet has a minimum thickness, so its temperature always corresponds to the air temperature in the room. Due to this feature, condensate does not form on stretch ceilings and they can be used for finishing rooms with high humidity (bathroom, bathroom, etc.).

The use of tension systems contributes to a significant improvement in the soundproofing and heat-insulating properties of the room. To increase sound insulation, you can use several layers of perforated film. Manufacturers' catalogs also include stretch acoustic panels for home theater and studio equipment.

Such systems also have their drawbacks. Due to improper installation, without taking into account the shrinkage of the building, the material may break into several parts or its windage will appear (the ceiling canvas will sag or, conversely, be drawn in). Such shortcomings may occur in new buildings.

A thin web in such systems is in a highly stretched state. It has a sufficiently high strength and is able to withstand a lot of weight, but even a slight puncture with a sharp object can cause the material to disperse in length.

Another disadvantage that you need to consider before choosing stretch ceilings is associated with the difficulties of cleaning. Removing any dirt from the canvas is quite problematic. Cleaning agents can damage the material, and it is impossible to wipe it, as it is in a suspended state.

Which stretch ceiling to choose: types of materials

Fabric stretch ceiling

One of the most popular questions among consumers considering stretch ceilings is: what are the best materials to choose for the canvas? For such systems, polyester impregnated with polyurethane or fabric materials are used. After stretching, the polyester canvas looks like a perfectly flat surface after plastering. Fabric ceilings cost almost 3 times more. You can choose such products for the most exclusive interiors.

In the catalogs of different brands, you can find stretch ceilings, the panels of which are treated with antibacterial and dirt-repellent compounds. Consider the characteristics of fabric ceilings.


  • Absence of components harmful to health. The web of tension systems does not have an unpleasant smell of chemicals.
  • Air exchange in the room is not disturbed.
  • High mechanical strength (almost 20 times higher than PVC sheets). Your ceilings will remain intact after hitting them with a cork from a bottle of champagne.
  • High noise-absorbing characteristics (significantly higher than that of PVC ceilings).
  • Fire resistant. You can choose panels impregnated with fire-resistant compounds.
  • Ample opportunities are provided by the range of use at temperatures from -40 to + 80 ° C (such ceilings can be installed in an unheated cottage or even in a street gazebo).
  • For such ceilings, you can choose a lamp of any power, since the fabric fabric does not melt or fade.
  • A simple and safe installation of a fabric suspended canvas is carried out without the use of heat guns.
  • The fabric easily withstands several stains, and it can be applied to artistic painting.


  • Fabric ceilings are more expensive than systems with PVC sheets.
  • Fabric sheets are not as practical as PVC (stains remain on them after wet cleaning).
  • Such ceilings are easily saturated with extraneous odors (this feature should be taken into account if you need to choose a canvas for the kitchen).
  • Fabrics do not retain water, so they will not save you from flooding.
  • The low elasticity of the fabric web makes it impossible to use it for complex structures.
  • Unsuitable for reuse (after dismantling, it will not work to install the canvas again).
  • For a wide ceiling (over 500 cm), you can only choose a canvas from separate pieces of fabric that are mechanically connected (they cannot be glued or welded).
  • Dull photo printing.
  • Even after antibacterial treatment, fabric sheets should not be used in rooms with high humidity.

Glossy PVC ceilings

Stretch glossy ceilings look especially beautiful in the interiors, which should be chosen to visually enlarge the premises. They feature a lacquered surface with a light reflectance of up to 70%. With such a canvas, the ceilings seem higher and the room looks spacious.

Glossy canvases in the catalogs of manufacturers are presented in the widest range. Buyers can choose products of almost any shade. Such systems are well combined with different interior styles. To figure out which stretch ceiling to choose (glossy or matte), consider the advantages and disadvantages of a glossy canvas.


  • The mirror surface allows you to realize the most unusual shades in the interiors.
  • The glossy canvas does not accumulate static electricity, so dust does not collect on it.
  • Good compatibility with different materials and textures.
  • Nice drawing.
  • Such materials can be chosen for ceilings in rooms with high humidity.
  • An elastic glossy ceiling can hold up to 100 liters of water per square meter of canvas, so this design will serve as protection against flooding from above.
  • After dismantling, the glossy canvas installed using harpoon technology can be reused.
  • The material is indifferent to odors.


  • Requires careful care, due to improper cleaning, glossy ceilings are covered with stains.
  • Under the influence of high temperature from lamps or ultraviolet rays, yellow spots may appear. Such a canvas cannot be used if the room temperature is below + 5 ° C.
  • Glossy materials are easy to pierce, after which the ceiling will need to be hauled.

Matt PVC ceilings

Matte fabrics for stretch ceilings scatter light rays. They have reflective values ​​of less than 5%. They produce matt PVC ceilings with a smooth surface or embossed. Such materials look good in modern interiors and are affordable.


  • Good compatibility with different interior styles and the ability to use for rooms for various purposes.
  • Deep colors are applied by photo printing.
  • Harmonious combination with different finishing materials and decors.
  • High light absorption and glare reduction enhance indoor comfort.
  • Practicality and easy care (the canvas is cleaned with a damp cloth).
  • Possibility of reuse.


  • Embossed ceilings get dirty quickly, so it is undesirable to install such systems in the kitchen (ceilings will be difficult to clean from grease).
  • The stretched canvas can be easily pierced with a sharp object, after which it may need to be completely replaced.
  • Use in unheated rooms is not allowed.

Most of the characteristics of fabric and film stretch ceilings are similar. At the same time, they also have certain differences that must be taken into account in order to choose the right type of canvas.

  1. In appearance, PVC ceilings can be glossy, satin or matte, and fabric sheets are always matte.
  2. In terms of resistance to mechanical damage and piercing with sharp objects, fabric webs are superior to film materials.
  3. The frost resistance of PVC sheets leaves much to be desired (at sub-zero temperatures they become brittle and may crack). Fabric materials tolerate temperatures down to -35 ° C, so they can be used for finishing unheated rooms.
  4. PVC sheets better tolerate high humidity, so such stretch ceilings are often installed in bathrooms.
  5. The environmental friendliness of all types of stretch ceilings that you can choose on the domestic market is at a high level. But, given the porous structure of the fabric, it can be noted that fabric ceilings do not interfere with natural air circulation, so experts recommend choosing such a canvas for a child's room.

Which stretch ceiling to choose for the hall and other rooms in the apartment

Stretch ceiling in the hallway and corridor

To choose a stretch ceiling for the hallway, you need to consider that this part of the apartment usually has a small area. Here we must try to visually expand the space and make sure that the ceiling does not put pressure on the rest of the interior elements.

  • The texture of the material. Without a doubt, it is better to choose glossy ceilings for the hallway. Reflecting light from lamps, such a canvas will make the corridor light and voluminous.
  • Color and light. The color of the ceilings in the hallway should be bright (even dark colors can be used for a glossy canvas). Spotlights can be added to the false ceiling design.
  • Idea. The glossy ceiling, reflecting the room, will create the effect as if there is additional space above. Upon entering, you may get the feeling that the apartment is two-story.

Stretch ceiling in the living room or hall

  • The texture of the material. To choose the texture of the false ceiling, you need to determine how the living room in the apartment will be used. If in this room the family will mainly spend time watching TV and chatting at home, then it is better to stay on a matte or satin canvas with a neat decor. If you like to receive guests, then you can choose a bright glossy ceiling with an original design.
  • Color and light. Choosing white gloss for the ceiling in the living room is not the best option. Reflecting the furniture, floor and walls, the canvas will somewhat lose its whiteness. A light suspended ceiling with some shade will look more attractive. At the same time, more saturated tones will add depth to the ceiling surface. The option with a glossy canvas has its drawbacks. While watching TV, it will give off glare, which will have a negative effect on people in the living room.

    Stretch ceilings with a bright canvas are best suited for living rooms. To prevent such a design from pressing, experts recommend equipping it on a separate part of the ceiling surface, enhancing the effect with the design of the floor covering. It is also worth consulting with the designer how to choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling in order to harmoniously fit it into such an interior. A bright fragment will be dominant, so you need to choose the right colors for other items and decor elements. They must be in harmony with each other. You can complement such an interior with calm shades of white, black and gray.

    To choose the right combination of shades, you should be guided by the rule of three colors. In addition, the color of the ceiling needs to be supported by decorative elements or other items in the living room. This will make the interior more harmonious and expressive. A good option for a color scheme when the main components of the interior are white, and the furniture elements and the ceiling space create other color accents. Thus, white will act as a background for other shades.

    Red tones in the interior of the living room should be minimized. A lot of red has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. A true classic is white. At the same time, you can experiment by mixing different tones and forming contrasts from several shades.

  • Ceiling lighting. The answer to the question of how to choose lamps for stretch ceilings depends on the style of the interior in the living room. In a spacious room, you can highlight the entire plane of the ceiling with an LED strip. This will make the living room visually taller. An interesting solution for lighting a room is associated with the organization of the illumination of the window opening, which will add coziness to the atmosphere.

Stretch ceiling in the children's room

In the interiors of children's rooms, non-standard bright solutions are welcome. But do not get too carried away with children's motives, as kids grow up very quickly and the student will not be entirely comfortable among cartoon characters.

  • The texture of the material. For the nursery, you can choose matte or satin stretch ceilings. From the point of view of caring for the health of the child, it is worth paying attention to breathable fabric panels.
  • Color and light. In the nursery it is worth choosing soft light ceilings. For a small child, order tension systems in pastel colors (green, blue, etc.). In the interior of the room for the student, you can add more saturated colors. Experts do not recommend choosing brown and dark gray colors for children, as they will put pressure on the inhabitants of the room.
  • Idea. In the nursery, you can safely use photo printing to decorate the stretch ceiling. The price of its application is on average 2,500 rubles / m². Classic pictures look especially advantageous - sea, sky, clouds, stars, etc.

Stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Which stretch ceiling to choose for the bedroom? This room is designed for relaxation, which means that its interior should be cozy and soothing. The bedroom does not need elements designed for the external effect. Everything here should contribute to relaxation.

  • The texture of the material. For the bedroom, you should not choose a glossy canvas (you can make only a small fragment of a glossy surface). In a calm interior, a matte or satin ceiling harmoniously looks. You can also choose a canvas with a texture stylized as natural materials - marble, wood, suede, etc. the seam is not very nice).
  • Color and light. The most suitable shades in the bedroom are calm blue and green tones. Leave the yellow color that stimulates mental activity for the office. For the design of the canvas, you can choose the technology of photo printing. And if at the same time the drawing will echo with other elements in the interior of the bedroom (wallpaper, laminate, wall decor), then this will give the room an additional zest. With the help of soft light, you can advantageously highlight stretch ceilings (which spotlights to choose depends on the overall style of the interior).
  • Idea. The starry sky is one of the most beautiful solutions for the bedroom. Such a system can be selected at a price of 50,000 rubles. The most common solution involves the installation of light guides attached to the generator on the frame. This one will allow you to change the shades of the lighting, make it flicker, etc.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

When deciding which stretch ceiling to choose for the kitchen, you need to consider that it is this room, along with the bathroom, that is most often at risk of flooding. That is, the canvas must retain a large amount of water and be well cleaned of sticking fat.

  • The texture of the material. Glossy stretch ceilings look good in kitchens. This solution will make a small room brighter and more spacious. In addition, gloss is the easiest to clean from dirt.
  • Color. It is recommended to choose light ceilings for the kitchen, then stains of fat on them will be less noticeable. Color experts believe that the ideal colors for the kitchen and dining room are orange, sandy, peach and orange. Such shades improve appetite, digestion and cheer up.
  • Idea. With the help of photo printing, a picture with the image of fruit can be applied to the canvas of the stretch ceiling. A cheerful mood will bring a colorful lamp into the interior of the dining room, for example, in the form of scrambled eggs. Prints on the ceiling surface can be duplicated on the elements of kitchen furniture and on the apron.
  • Solution. To visually separate the cooking and eating areas, you can equip two-level stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom

  • The texture of the material. It is best to choose a glossy ceiling for bathrooms.
  • Color. Here you can use unusual shades (for example, combinations of white with purple, green or orange). You can also choose the ceiling to match the floor tiles or the color of the decor elements.

Many designers, answering the question of which stretch ceilings to choose for the bathroom, offer an option with a black glossy canvas. Such a surface will reflect the entire interior like a mirror, visually expanding the space.

To choose a ceiling for a small room, you need to consider that with a large pattern, the room will appear smaller. Dark ceiling colors (brown or black) will make the space look taller. The bathroom is a place where you can experiment with design to improve the visual perception of the interior.

Choosing glossy stretch ceilings for the bathroom is a solution that has a number of advantages. Such a canvas is not afraid of moisture, is well cleaned of contaminants and, when flooded, can hold about 200 liters of water per m 2. With such a ceiling, you will not have problems with the fungus.

When choosing a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, you need to consider that the structures for such rooms are more expensive to install. For example, it will be necessary to separately pay for the work of drilling porcelain stoneware or tiles, respectively, in the first case from 330–400 rubles / linear meter. m and from 50 to 70 rubles / rm. m in the second. The very work of installing a stretch ceiling in a cramped room (less than 5–7 m²) is more expensive in the amount of 1,300 to 1,800 rubles.

Stretch ceiling what color is better to choose

To choose the color of the stretch ceiling canvas, you need to take into account the parameters of the room.

  1. Ceiling height.
  2. Cold shades make the room visually higher, while warm ones, on the contrary, reduce it. Bright colors compress the space.

  3. Lighting.
  4. Soft light will make the room brighter. If you need to choose a stretch ceiling in a sunny room, you should pay attention to cold colors.

  5. Appointment.
  6. White tones fit well into any interiors, provided that there are contrasting shades in the design of walls or furniture elements. For a children's room, study and kitchen, it is better to choose canvases in warm colors. Cold tones look good in the bathroom and pool. Stretch ceilings with soft pastel shades are needed in the bedroom and in the recreation areas. For a club, restaurant or disco, you should choose canvases in bright colors.

  7. Parameters.
  8. For small rooms, experts recommend white stretch ceilings or pastel shades. A spacious room is a wider field for experimentation, it is permissible to freely use the colors and textures of the ceilings. To diversify the interior, you can choose a canvas with a pattern or a rich pattern.

    For child psychologists, neutral tones of primary colors are more suitable - green, white, blue, pink, yellow. The image of the deep sea or the blue sky looks very good in such rooms on the ceiling.

    In the interior of the dining room, you need to use shades that increase appetite (red, green, yellow, orange). Such colors must be harmoniously entered into the interior. It should be noted that if you choose a multi-colored stretch ceiling, it will distract young children from eating.

    The largest room in the apartment can be the embodiment of a variety of design ideas. Here you only need to correctly choose the shade of the stretch ceiling in relation to the walls, curtains, furniture elements and other interior components.

    In rooms where there is no natural light, it is worth using glossy ceilings with a chocolate or cream-colored canvas. Here you need to be guided by the rule that dark shades should not occupy more than ½ of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, otherwise it will be too gloomy.

    If the interior of the room should stimulate mental activity, then it is better to choose a matte or satin canvas in green or blue for the ceiling. Too bright colors and a glossy surface will have a distracting effect.

How to choose the right stretch ceiling for a particular style of interior

Matte stretch ceilings are considered a classic option that adds a sense of comfort to any interior. They are not striking and act only as a background for the interior design of the room. You just need to carefully consider which chandelier to choose for a stretch ceiling with a matte texture. The determining factor in this case will be the design of the room. Matte stretch ceilings fit well into a classic interior, country or ethnic style.

The glossy texture of the stretch ceiling looks elegant and festive. Such canvases are suitable for interior design in the style of minimalism or hi-tech. This option can be used to decorate the living room. Gloss reflects the decor and interior space of the room. Interior items, depending on the texture of the canvas, can be reflected with high clarity or be blurry. An interesting effect will be obtained with the texture of stretch ceilings, which creates multiple reflections. Such a ceiling will bring the atmosphere of the looking glass into the room.

For which interiors should you choose a satin stretch ceiling? This option will be a good solution if the glossy canvas in your room looks too pompous, and the matte is too common. A silky satin fabric with a delicate overflow texture resembles an expensive fabric. Such a ceiling is in harmony with oriental interiors, which use draperies and silk pads. This option also looks good in rooms with a classic finish.

Stretch ceilings: choose a company and country of manufacture

The success of the most extraordinary interior design solutions is ensured by their competent implementation. In order to get the expected effect from the installation of a stretch ceiling, you need to responsibly choose its manufacturer. Next, we will consider the features of the products of Russian and foreign companies.

  • Germany. German manufacturers, using modern technological facilities, produce products that meet the highest standards. The leader in the segment of stretch ceilings is the Pongs trademark. The width of the film of this brand at 325 cm makes it possible to equip seamless stretch ceilings for almost all types of residential premises. This material withstands temperature fluctuations well. In the catalog of the German company, you can also choose canvases made of Descor fabric. Their width up to 5 meters allows solving the problems of creating seamless ceiling coverings in office and residential premises of a large area. Descor fabrics are easily cleaned from dirt using standard detergent compositions.
  • France. The most popular brand from this country is Clipso. The company produces stretch ceilings, characterized by knitted weaving. Such canvases are suitable for drawing a picture by photo printing or acrylic. The service life of French brand products exceeds 10 years.
  • China. It is believed that the only advantage of products from the Middle Kingdom is the affordable cost. Consumers always have particular doubts about the environmental parameters of Chinese products. But in practice, manufacturers from China often make high-level products. This category includes stretch ceilings manufactured under the MSD trademark. The films of this company are certified for the European market. In the brand's catalog, you can find quite rare sizes of canvases for stretch ceilings with a width of 1.5 to 5 meters.
  • Russia. It should be noted a rather weak development of enterprises for the production of stretch ceilings in the Russian Federation. Russian companies either use canvases from China, Germany or France, or place orders with Chinese enterprises for the production of products under their own brand. The latter method allows you to quickly pass the test for compliance with domestic regulatory requirements.

On the territory of Russia there is one artificial leather factory in Kazan, which can successfully produce large volumes of ceiling paintings. The width of the material from this company is up to 1.42 meters. At the same time, Russian products do not differ in a wide selection of shades and patterns. In the assortment you can find matte and glossy stretch ceilings of good quality.

Which eaves and mounting method to choose for a stretch ceiling

Everyone who decides to choose a stretch ceiling for the interior is interested in questions about the installation technology of such systems. Features of the performance of such work can be individual, as, however, the quality of the materials themselves differs. Fabrics for stretch ceilings or PVC films, according to their performance characteristics, are well suited for the interiors of different rooms. They are equally reliable and durable, but may differ in the installation method. Fasteners are hidden during installation not only under the ceiling sheet, but also under the decorative finish.

Varieties of fasteners for stretch ceilings:

  1. harpoon;
  2. clip-on;
  3. glazing bead.

The first two types of installation are designed for specific types of canvas. Harpoon technology is used for PVC film, since such material is installed with high tension. This installation option cannot be selected for tensioning fabric webs. In this case, a clip-on fastening method is used. With it, you can securely fix the stretch ceiling canvas and quickly align it in the plane. In turn, the clip method cannot be chosen for stretching the PVC film.

The third technology for mounting stretch ceilings is the cheapest. It involves the use of special glazing beads (wedges), which can be used to stretch both PVC and fabric ceilings. This fastening method can only be selected for very thin fabric. If this condition is not met, then over time the glazing beads may fall out or move.

When installing a stretch ceiling, you need to remember about other elements of the interior. For example, you need to choose the option of attaching cornices for curtains. Structurally, cornices can be wall and ceiling. The second option looks more presentable, but a thin canvas cannot be used for fastening heavy structures. There are two ways to solve the problem of installing cornices: there are open and hidden mounting methods.

  • Open installation.

Before attaching the canvas, you need to fix a wooden block, the height of which corresponds to the guide profiles. Before installation, the timber is treated with an antiseptic composition. After stretching the canvas, the cornice is attached through the film. Holes for self-tapping screws must be burned to prevent further tearing of the canvas.

  • Concealed installation.

If you choose hidden installation, then the cornice must be installed above the level of the stretch ceiling. Even before taking measurements of the ceiling near the cornice, you need to install a beam or corner for attaching the guide baguette. The option, in which the curtains seem to fall out of the stretch ceiling, has an original look and looks good with any kind of canvas.

Professional advice, which stretch ceiling is better to choose

To accurately select stretch ceilings, we recommend using the recommendations of experts below.

Cooperate with the company "My Repair" - it is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Stretch fabric is the most promising material for decorating the ceiling space in an apartment or office. It provides a perfectly flat surface, has high performance and durability. Installation of a stretch ceiling is possible in renovated premises, it is carried out within 2-3 hours, does not include wet processes and does not require a radical rearrangement of furniture. A variety of textures and colors, multi-level designs, prints and special effects create unlimited possibilities for design solutions. Which canvas is better to choose? When buying, you should focus on the specifics of the premises, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Canvas type

Which material is better: PVC, fabric or fiberglass?

For the manufacture of stretch ceilings is used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film 0.15-0.35 mm thick. This is the most affordable and popular material for finishing apartments.
  • Polyester fabric, 0.25 mm thick, impregnated with polyurethane. Attracts with environmental friendliness and the possibility of seamless installation in large rooms.
  • Fiberglass. High strength waterproof fabric. Acts as a basis for painting. Occurs rarely.

The technical characteristics of the materials are similar, but there are some differences that determine their area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

  • Appearance. Film ceilings are glossy, satin or matte, the texture of fabric sheets is always matte.
  • Strength. Resistance to mechanical damage by sharp objects in fabric cloths is higher than that of film ones.
  • Frost resistance. PVC at low temperatures becomes brittle and cracks. Fabric ceilings can withstand -35 C, which allows them to be used for finishing unheated rooms.
  • Water resistance. According to this parameter, the performance is better for film sheets. They are recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • Environmental friendliness. All types of stretch ceilings are safe for health. At the same time, the presence of micropores in the fabric structure promotes air ventilation and ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. Such a canvas can be chosen for decorating a children's room.


Which texture is better to choose: matte or glossy?

All fabric stretch ceilings have a matte texture. The reflective characteristics of PVC sheets vary considerably: from 5 to 70%. Which material to choose depends on the specifics of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.

Matt stretch ceilings

In appearance, matte ceilings are similar to flawlessly executed plaster. Such discreet elegance is preferred by people of conservative views with refined taste. Matte ceilings are suitable for spacious, well-lit rooms. They are harmoniously combined with the interior in a classic style, columns, stucco, antiques. The most popular canvases are white and discreet pastel colors.

Glossy stretch ceilings

Glossy ceilings are appropriate when creating modern interiors. They are chosen by active, innovative people. The material allows you to visually increase the size of the room and is suitable for small spaces. Glossy canvases are characterized by a large selection of colors. The richer the shade, the better its reflective qualities are manifested, so even an unconventional black ceiling will not look gloomy and depressing.

Company manufacturer

Which manufacturer of stretch ceilings is better to choose

The quality and price of stretch ceilings are largely determined by the manufacturer. On the market you can find products of European, Russian and Chinese production. Which one is better?

European stretch ceilings

Cloths from Europe occupy the largest segment of the market. Manufacturers offer a wide range of glossy and matte ceilings of the highest quality, and French companies are trendsetters. The cost of European products is much higher than Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Well-known companies: Barrisol, Alkor Draka, Extenzo, Newmat, Clipso (France), Poliplast (Belgium), Renolit, Pongs, Descor, Lackfolie (Germany), Cerutti (Italy).

Russian stretch ceilings

In Russia, the production of stretch ceilings is still poorly developed. The industry leader is Saros Design, which founded production in Moscow in 1996. To date, the company has production facilities in a number of cities in Russia, Kyiv, Narva, and Stuttgart. The company offers canvases in a wide range of sizes and colors, carries out drawings, makes computer calculations using its own program.

Budget buyers can choose stretch ceilings manufactured by the Kazan artificial leather factory and Ivanovo NIIPIK. Enterprises produce canvases up to 1.4 m wide in a limited range of colors.

Chinese stretch ceilings

The spectrum of Chinese goods is traditionally heterogeneous. Here you can find both materials that are not inferior in quality to European counterparts, as well as outright fakes. Industry leaders include companies: MSD, HALEAD, Gline. Stretch ceilings from these manufacturers compete with world leaders, and are much cheaper.


How to choose the color of the stretch ceiling

A wide range of colors of stretch ceilings allows you to implement a variety of design ideas. The appearance of the material has a serious psychological impact on the household.

White is the traditional color for ceiling cladding. It visually increases the height of the room, does not put pressure on the psyche, and is suitable for interiors made in various styles. White, as well as discreet pastel colors are appropriate in living rooms, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms. If you wish, you can diversify the appearance on a light matte ceiling by applying elegant photo printing.

Bright orange, blue, purple, green canvases are well suited for children's rooms, fill them with an atmosphere of joy and energy. Saturated tones can be chosen for the kitchen and bathroom.

It is better to decorate the bedroom in calm, romantic colors: beige, blue, pink.

The business style of the office will emphasize the brown ceiling, but it should not be very dark and not cause a depressing mood.

Psychologists attribute many qualities to the red color. On the one hand, it is the color of love and energy, on the other hand, it gives aggression. In the interior of apartments, it is used in the form of small inserts.

Glossy dark purple, steel, black ceilings will give originality to rooms with a large height. Dark canvases are often used to create the "starry sky" effect.

In multi-level designs, textures and colors are often combined, creating a stylistic effect in contrast.


How to choose a stretch ceiling for the kitchen, hall, bathroom and children's room

Each room in the apartment performs certain functions. The choice of stretch ceiling for the living room, nursery, kitchen and bathroom should be carried out taking into account their operational features.

Living room

The living room is the largest room in the apartment. All family members spend considerable time here, so the design of the hall is given increased attention. Any materials are suitable for decorating the ceiling, the main thing is that their color and texture harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. It is better to give preference to universal calm tones that do not cause discomfort to any of the household members.


For the design of the children's room, it is advisable to choose bright fabric canvases. The matte surface is more durable and will eliminate the risk of damage to the ceiling by active children during play. A big plus is the presence of micropores in the fabric structure, which provide natural air ventilation.


Cooking is accompanied by steam rising to the ceiling and stains of fat settling on it. Here the best choice would be a glossy PVC canvas. It is highly water repellent and easy to clean.


The operation of the bathroom is associated with temperature changes and high humidity. For her, a glossy film ceiling is better suited. The canvas easily tolerates difficult conditions and is able to withstand a significant amount of water when flooded from above. After the elimination of the accident, it can be installed in its original place. The glossy ceiling looks impressive in small rooms, visually increasing the space.


What lamps for stretch ceilings are better to buy?

Stretch ceilings are ideal for built-in lights. When choosing them, one should take into account the operational features of the material and temperature limitations: if the normative indicators are exceeded, the canvas will warp.

Incandescent lamps

The use of classic lamps with a tungsten filament in tension structures has the greatest limitations associated with their high heating:

  • power up to 40 W for film, 60 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap between the canvas and the ceiling - at least 12 cm.

Incandescent lamps are attractive at a low price, but have a short service life: about 1000 hours.

Halogen lamps

When installing halogen lamps, the following regulations must be observed:

  • power up to 20 W for film, 35 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap - 6 cm.

Compared to incandescent lamps, they emit a brighter light of the yellow spectrum and have a resource of 2-4 thousand hours. Halogen lamps are best used for directional illumination of work areas.

LED lamp

LED lamps practically do not heat up and have no installation restrictions. This is the best option for stretch ceilings. LED lamps can be chosen both as the main source of light and for creating visual effects on matte, satin or glossy canvases. Luminaires of this type are the most economical, and their service life is about 5 years.


Which cornice to choose. Installation rules

When installing a stretch ceiling in the house, one should not forget about other details of the interior. Curtain rods are an invariable design element. They are made from various materials. Structurally, the cornices are divided into wall and ceiling. The latter look more presentable. The difficulty lies in the fact that a thin canvas is not designed for hanging heavy structures. However, there are 2 ways to solve this problem. The cornice can be fixed in an open or hidden way

Open mounting

Before installing the canvas on the ceiling, a wooden beam is mounted on the same level with the guide profiles. It is better to choose hardwood. Before installation, the beam must be treated with an antiseptic. After stretching the ceiling, the cornice is attached to the beam through the film. Holes for self-tapping screws should be burned so that the melted edges prevent further tearing of the web.

Concealed installation

With hidden installation, the cornice is attached to the ceiling above the level of the stretch ceiling. A bar or corner is installed next to it, for mounting a guide baguette. The operation should be performed before measurements. The design with curtains falling out of the ceiling looks impressive, harmoniously combined with both matte and glossy canvases.

Ceiling "starry sky"

How to make a "home planetarium" from the ceiling

Suspended ceilings allow you to create a stunningly beautiful "starry sky" effect in the apartment. Despite the high cost, this method of decoration has many supporters among lovers of progressive exclusive interiors.


To set up a home planetarium you will need:

  • glossy or satin dark canvas;
  • optical fiber;
  • light generator (projector).

Optical fiber threads, which are assigned the function of "stars", have a diameter of 0.25 mm. Collecting them in bunches, you can create "luminaries" of different brightness. The threads can be brought out through the fabric pierced in the necessary metas and cut flush with it, but it is better to fix it from the back. In the second case, you should choose a thin translucent material. The light intensity will be less, but the overall picture will become more realistic.

The optical fiber is connected to the light generator. The equipment works autonomously and is not connected to the lighting system of the room. The most advanced projector models provide such effects as: fading and flashing of "stars", flickering and movement of "celestial bodies".

Additional effects

Additionally, the ceiling can be decorated with photo printing, luminous Starpins pins, LED lighting of individual zones. Installed on the "stars" Swarovski crystals will create a unique light scattering.

The effect of "starry sky" is performed either on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, or on a separate section, combining it with light matte canvases.

"Soaring" ceilings

How to create the effect of "floating ceilings"

"Soaring" stretch ceilings will help to radically transform the appearance of the room and give it exclusivity. At the same time, the creation of the effect does not entail a significant complication and increase in the cost of work.

The design idea is to create a light barrier, due to which the visual separation of the ceiling from the walls occurs. He seems to be floating in the air. This effect is achieved through the use of a special profile, which has a groove for placing the LED strip. The rest of the installation is no different from installing a conventional stretch ceiling.

The effect is also used in multi-level designs with a combination of matte and glossy canvases in various colors. Here you can create a "floating" of the upper or lower layers, depending on the direction of the light flux. In this case, various profiles are used to provide the required angle of illumination. Baguettes made of flexible polymeric materials are used to create curved surfaces.

The LED strip works autonomously. It can be turned on and off independently of the lighting system, replaced without affecting the ceiling structure. When buying, it is better to choose low-power LEDs, unless the tape is planned to be used as the main light source in the room. Their light spectrum can be different. Fade and fade effects are also available.

Stretch ceilings in a country house

Useful tips for installing stretch ceilings in a country house

In urban conditions, stretch ceilings are installed everywhere: in apartments, offices, hotels, baths, entertainment venues. But how appropriate are they in a country house? Indeed, operating conditions are different, which requires certain adjustments.

Installation restrictions

In a new house, a stretch ceiling can be installed only after its complete shrinkage.

Preliminary work

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to perform a number of measures before installing ceilings:

  • check the condition of the roof, repair if necessary;
  • treat the wooden floor with an antiseptic;
  • carry out deratization and close up all the cracks, otherwise the space between the ceiling and the cladding will become a convenient breeding ground for rodents.

About the benefits of stretch ceilings in a private house

Thanks to stretch ceilings in a private house, you can:

  • veneer uneven overlap;
  • hide communications;
  • improve thermal insulation;
  • visually enlarge the space.

A large selection of matte and glossy canvases in various colors allows you to choose a canvas for any wall material.

Materials and new modern technologies are always good. However, with a large choice, the buyer has to solve the dilemma of how to choose the right stretch ceiling. It is important not to make a mistake and not create additional problems. Consider the main points that require consideration when choosing a stretch ceiling.

Materials and requirements for them

The Russian market has stretch ceilings from Chinese and French manufacturers. By the way, following them, domestic companies also started producing films for stretch ceilings. Before choosing a high-quality stretch ceiling, you should familiarize yourself with the product documents: international certificates of quality and environmental safety (in more detail: ""). For example, Chinese stretch ceilings are distinguished by their low cost. But at the same time, the building material of the product can be made from low-quality raw materials.

Tip: The quality of a product is very often linked to the cost of the product. So, good and reliable stretch shelves can hardly be purchased below 450 - 500 rubles per square meter. Before choosing a ceiling structure for 250 rubles, you should think about its quality.

Room features

The choice of material depends entirely on the room where the installation of a stretch ceiling is planned.

There are two types of stretch ceilings:

  • PVC film ceilings - most often used in large areas: bars, offices, restaurants, shopping centers. The material is non-flammable, easy to wet cleaning and does not cause difficulties during installation.
  • Ceilings made of seamless polyester - used in residential areas. The coating is composed of a white polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. Among the positive aspects of the material, one can note its environmental safety, easy washing and resistance to dust collection. As a rule, the release is carried out in the form of rolls with a width of five meters. When installing polyester ceilings, you do not need to heat the surface. This greatly simplifies installation and saves installation costs.

Ceiling design and its features

The stretch ceiling structure incorporates a frame and a canvas. At the same time, the elements must be of high quality and excellent reliability. Before choosing the right stretch ceilings, read the installation specifications. You should also ask the seller to provide you with an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificate issued by the International Organization for Standardization for building and finishing materials.

Problems after fabric welding at the facility:

  • At the end of the installation work, construction debris will remain in the room;
  • In terms of quality and reliability, the weld is inferior to factory conditions.

Before choosing a stretch ceiling, you need to study all the guarantees of the manufacturer and the company that installs the ceiling structure. Remember that a completely high-quality ceiling can only be obtained when manufactured at specialized factories. This procedure does not take much time, and the customer receives a completely finished design in protective packaging.

The quality and strength of the stretch ceiling frame elements is the key to successful operation. It is recommended to purchase products only from specialized firms with a certain reputation in the market.

Stretch ceiling fixture and its options

  1. Harpoon installation system - in case of defects on the ceiling, it is very easy to replace it.
  2. Wedge-shaped fastening - it is impossible to reinstall, and in case of damage, the entire structure is replaced.

Stretch ceilings: design and style

Today you can find a large selection of stretch ceilings. They differ in color and texture. The canvas for the ceiling usually comes in two types: matte and glossy. You can also find a special decorative film. Stretch ceilings with a satin finish are popular. They are distinguished by natural plaster, which, however, is not real (more details: ""). In terms of visualization, it is very effective and harmonious. Considering the general style of the interior design of the room, the selection of the ceiling covering is also carried out. Note that light colors and gloss visually enlarge and brighten the room. The matte surface is ideal for interior design of a bedroom or nursery.

Stretch ceilings - how to choose

Tip: Stretch ceilings - how to choose, every buyer should know. Keep in mind that glossy and semi-gloss ceiling films stand out and harmonize only in illuminated rooms. With insufficient light, the room will be too gloomy, as the ceiling will “crush” it even more with darkness.

Patterns and drawings on the film of the ceiling structure are always very beautiful. It is still recommended to apply drawings exclusively on matte surfaces. This is due to the uneven light and shadow on the ceiling.

Stretch ceiling lighting

It is recommended to decide in advance on the ceiling lighting options. Glossy canvases usually require built-in spotlights. Alternatively, use side lighting. Ceilings that have a matte decor are perfectly combined with lighting fixtures such as a chandelier, sconce (wall lamp), recessed light and side lighting (read: ""). It is important to ensure proper lighting with the best light output for each fixture.

Thus, stretch ceilings of different colors and textures allow you to make any room as efficient and harmonious as possible with the interior. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo and video materials, from which the principle of selecting stretch ceilings will become clear.