When can a child have a walker? Komarovsky. A device that increases the mobility of a baby - walkers for children: photos and prices, benefits and harm, at what age can the accessory be used

The baby is growing quickly, the need for constant sleep is decreasing, and he is becoming more and more active. The child begins to crawl, strives to explore the world around him and tries to stand on his feet. Parents sometimes do not have time to monitor all his movements, so various devices come to the rescue. Does your child need a walker? The article will discuss the positive and negative aspects of using this device.

Parents' attitude towards walkers

Any mother will respond positively to the use of walkers or reins. After all, for her it will be a convenient means for moving the baby around the apartment, during which he will be busy exploring the world around him. Mom can free up a little and redo some household chores. Modern devices have toys that squeak and scream. It is inexpensive and the design folds easily.

First of all, you need to determine whether your child needs a walker? Why is this being done? So that the child can learn about the world around him or to relieve parents who are constantly busy with household chores?

Those parents who are not constantly busy with things like cleaning and cooking speak out against it. The most important thing in their life is the child. Such mothers give preference to walking together and teaching their children to move independently.

Misconceptions associated with the use of walkers

The device is aimed at replacing a supportive adult. Manufacturers of walkers believe that they develop correct posture and leg muscles in the child.

Why does a baby need a walker? There is no clear answer on this matter. As a result, some misconceptions have arisen. Here are some of them:

  1. Walkers help your baby learn to walk correctly. This is incorrect, because the device is not capable of developing balance, and therefore the child places his foot on his toes, and not completely on his foot.
  2. Walkers strengthen muscles. The statement is incorrect because it only occurs when crawling, squatting, and walking independently.
  3. When moving on a walker, the child will never fall. But it is important for the baby to learn how to do it correctly. The use of a walker deprives him of the opportunity to develop a sense of danger, to fall to the floor, while grouping his body.

Only understanding the operation of this device for a baby will help you correctly answer the question of whether your child needs a walker.

How do walkers work?

There are 2 types of devices:

  • push walkers;
  • seat walkers.

The pushers include a game board and feet with wheels. The child pushes the device, resting on the hand supports. The game panel contains a wide variety of shouts and beeps. It resembles a toy on wheels that a child pushes in front of him. The walker can be turned into a play table.

The second type of device consists of a table top, a support on wheels and a seat. The baby is placed in a walker so that his legs reach the floor, while he moves his legs and learns to move.

Which walker to choose

If there is an urgent need for adaptation, then you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. To make it comfortable for a child to use a walker, it is necessary to choose it according to age. It depends on what time the child started walking.
  2. It is best to select an accessory that takes into account height adjustment. As your baby gets older, the seat needs to be raised.
  3. Stoppers are necessary when the child gets tired and wants to rest. They can immobilize the walker, and the baby will be able to stand on his legs, and not hang in the same position in which he will find himself when the device stops.
  4. The use of an accessory in the form of a gurney is prohibited. It disrupts the stabilization of the vestibular apparatus, and also turns the baby into a sloth who gets used to leaning on something.

Walkers must be selected paying attention to the width of the seat. This will prevent your baby from rolling over when he encounters scattered toys, furniture or carpet. It is best if the support is rubberized to absorb shock.

The seat should consist of dense but soft fabric. This will not interfere with the child's movement. The deep seat of the walker will prevent the baby from falling out of it. The child's feet should be flat on the floor, so the height should be adjustable.

Parents need to choose a design that is completely suitable for the weight and age of the baby. There must be at least 6 wheels. This gives the walker stability and maneuverability. It is best to purchase a folding model.

At what age do you need a walker?

When the child has taken his first steps or is trying to do so, he can be placed in the device. And when this happens depends on the age of the baby.

How long can you use a walker? It is important to consider age and the following:

  • weak muscle tone in the legs;
  • skin irritation in the groin;
  • rickets;
  • musculoskeletal disorder.

If health indicators are normal, then parents should consider the following factors:

  1. The baby must be 8 months old.
  2. The child must have strong back muscles. It doesn't fall over on its side, but stays straight. This usually occurs at 6-9 months.
  3. The baby must be ready psychologically, i.e. he crawls and is ready to walk on his own.

At what months can you use a walker? Many mothers worry about when to properly place their baby on a walker depending on gender or age.

If a girl has previously been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then even if the disease is cured, you should not use the device so as not to provoke a relapse.

When should I put my baby in a walker? The girl’s joints need to be protected, because she will become a mother in the future. In order for the spine and pelvis to become stronger, it is necessary to wait until the age of 9 months.

It is necessary to carefully examine the musculoskeletal system: put your legs together, and if one of them is shorter than the other, then the parents should urgently visit a doctor.

When using walkers for boys, babies should be left in this device for no more than 40 minutes.

The best age for baby walkers to place boys in is 8-9 months. The girls can be placed there a little later. You should definitely take into account what time your child started walking.


Why does a child need a walker? Positive properties include the baby’s ability to explore the world. This promotes the development of horizons and curiosity. The child's body learns to assume positions that were previously inaccessible to it. Muscles develop and movement coordination improves.

Children love to run around the apartment when the space at home allows it. The child moves from the horizontal plane to the vertical one. His viewing angle changes to familiar things, the baby’s developing brain receives new information and continues its intellectual development.

If the walkers are of high quality, they will not allow the child to reach dangerous objects. These are sockets, cabinet doors, etc.

When using a walker, your baby spends a lot of energy. After all, if he does not crawl, then this negatively affects his sleep or appetite.

After placing the child in the walker, parents can go about their business and take a break from him.

However, in addition to the benefits, there is also harm caused to the baby’s body.

The use of a walker depends on how old your baby started walking. When you consider the current dangers of baby walkers, the harm outweighs the benefits. Orthopedists claim that the device negatively affects the health of children and in some countries their production and sale is prohibited.

The negative properties of walkers are as follows:

  • The time is delayed until the baby can walk independently. After all, walkers satisfy the child’s need for vertical movement, and his motivation to take independent steps is absent.
  • Load on the spine. Nature intended that the baby begins to walk only when the muscular frame around the spine is completely strengthened and is able to withstand a vertical position. If you place a child who is not yet walking independently in a walker, an unbearable load arises. He's not ready for it yet.
  • Lack of falling skills. The child must learn these actions. When falling, the baby learns to group himself, raise his head, and fall on his hips or buttocks. Thus, it prevents injury.
  • The development of coordination is delayed. During movement in a walker, the cerebellum does not receive signals about the need to maintain balance, and the development of its functions is delayed. If a child begins to walk independently, he or she falls to the side or forward.
  • Incorrect foot placement. When moving, the baby makes pushing movements with its toes, without placing them on a full foot, and without moving it in a vertical plane.
  • When moving in a walker, the baby does not receive the necessary negative experience from collisions with foreign objects and does not learn to be careful.
  • Limiting sensory experience. While in a walker, the baby is not able to touch the desired object with his hands or pick it up with his teeth. If you limit them, logic will not develop.

Therefore, when considering the harm of walkers, it is necessary to exclude their use before 9 months of age.

Komarovsky's opinion

Does your child need a walker? A well-known pediatrician believes that they are not a child’s need, but a necessity for his parents. This is a great way to free a mother from her baby while she is busy with housework.

After weighing the pros and cons of walkers, Komarovsky claims that a child can spend 1 hour in them. In this case, there will be no harm from it. The main thing is to limit his movement around the apartment so that he cannot fall out of them. The doctor does not recommend placing your baby in a walker until the age of 9 months. This could negatively affect his health.

When not to use a walker

You should not place your baby in a device if he:

  • does not sit independently;
  • the child has increased or decreased muscle tone in the legs;
  • sick with rickets;
  • there are musculoskeletal disorders.

In this case, walkers should be used with caution.


There are situations when you should not use a walker so as not to harm the baby’s health:

  1. You should not put him in a walker when he resists and does not want it.
  2. The baby should not be in the device for more than 1.5 hours a day. You can distribute this period of time over 30 minutes.
  3. The child should place his full foot on the floor surface.
  4. The baby must be wearing shoes. Shoes should be light and have rubber soles. There is no need to put your baby in a walker without it.
  5. There is no need to leave the child unattended, and the space where he will move should be as safe as possible.
  6. There is irritation of the skin under the diaper. The forced position puts additional pressure on the inflamed area.
  7. With a deficiency of vitamin D. The child’s bones are easily deformed, so the risk of curvature of the legs increases.


Despite the fact that walkers are a convenient device that has its pros and cons of using them, not all children like to spend time in them. Parents should not immediately purchase them in the store. Initially, you can rent them and check the child’s reaction.

Today, there is probably no parent who would not think about whether it is worth buying a walker for their child. On the one hand, the child seems to be busy, and it’s easier to keep an eye on him. On the other hand, the consequences of a long stay in a walker can affect the child’s entire future life. So is it possible to buy walkers for children? Let's try to figure it out.

Are walkers harmful for children?

For parents who have already purchased this device and keep their child in it for almost 24 hours, the information will not be the most positive. Back in the 70s, during the existence of the USSR, walkers were removed from mass production. The same thing was done in 1989 in Canada, where walkers are now prohibited not only from being produced, but also from being sold and imported. The main reason for such actions was the danger they pose. According to pediatricians and other specialists, all modern devices for children such as reins, jumpers and walkers should be categorically prohibited for a number of reasons:

  • walkers can ruin their gait for life (children can walk on their toes or have springy legs);
  • the use of walkers can lead to disruption of brain functions that respond to coordination in space, since the child does not learn to move independently, but gets used to having support;
  • The risk of injury from walkers has also long been proven. A child can not only accelerate in them and crash into something. It can also simply turn poorly and fall out;
  • no matter what parents say, children growing up in walkers begin to walk later because they do not know how to maintain balance.

Despite a fairly decent list, walkers also have their advantages. For example, for parents who can be distracted by their own affairs while the child moves freely around the room. On the other hand, if the baby does not yet know how to walk, then a short stay in a walker gives him the opportunity to develop and learn about the world around him.

When should I put my baby in a walker?

If parents have already decided to purchase a walker as additional help for themselves and entertainment for the baby, it is worth deciding with the pediatrician the question of when the child needs a walker and whether it can be used. If permission from a specialist has been obtained, parents need to remember that they should start getting acquainted with walkers no earlier than the time when the baby begins to stand independently with support. For example, near the sofa.

To decide how to choose a walker for children? In any store you must follow the following rules:

If after purchase the child does not walk in a walker, this should not be considered a reason for frustration. And even more so, you shouldn’t wonder how to teach a child to use a walker. There has not yet been a single case where such devices have in any way helped in the development of a child. But they can really do harm. Therefore, each parent must decide for himself whether his child needs a walker.

And making the work of parents easier. Jumpers, reins, swings, playpen, chaise lounge - and this is not a complete list of gadgets. Let's talk about a popular device - baby walkers. There is still ongoing debate about the advisability of using walkers. Does a child need walkers, are they useful for development or are they harmful? Let's try to figure out why walkers are needed.

What is a walker

A baby walker is a device that allows a child who is not yet able to walk to move around the house independently. They consist of a chair with fastening belts, a tabletop and a structure on wheels.

A growing child is bored of sitting in a crib or playpen all the time; he wants to explore the surrounding space. Walkers help with this task.

Place your baby in them so that their feet reach the floor. They push the baby off the floor surface and roll in the walker in the direction he needs. Thus, the child receives safe freedom of movement and broadens his horizons.

Choosing baby walkers: a matter of safety

When buying walkers for children, take the choice of model seriously; the design must be strong and reliable. Give preference to the option with a braking system, it prevents accidental falls. Locking the wheels quickly transforms the walker into a children's table. It is better if the model is equipped with 6-8 pairs of wheels.

The height of the walker must be adjusted, because the child is growing, so height adjustment is necessary. It is mandatory to have safety belts to ensure the safety of the baby.

The base should be wider than the tabletop, this increases the stability of the model. Read the instructions, they indicate the maximum values ​​​​for the child's height and weight. To avoid injury, do not exceed these parameters.

An additional pleasant bonus is a panel with light and sound effects. In addition, an arc with educational bright toys is attached to the panel. By pressing buttons, the child turns on music, lighting or imitation of the voices of birds and animals. These features are for entertainment and educational purposes.

Choose a model with a removable cover. The fabric armchair can be easily unfastened and washed in a washing machine. A seat made of high-quality and durable material can withstand the weight of a child, but not rub his legs.

The benefits and harms of walkers. What do the doctors say?

The doctors never came to a consensus. Some doctors are categorically against the use of this device, while other doctors are not so categorical and allow its use, but only after the baby’s back gets stronger. Children who have health problems (high or low tone) must consult a doctor. Fix the problem first, and only then purchase a walker (if you really need one).

The popular doctor Komarovsky believes that walkers help make life easier for parents, but they should not be abused. The child must develop comprehensively: lie, sit, stand, crawl. Staying in a walker for a long time, according to this doctor, will do more harm than good. But the baby can run around the apartment in a walker for 30-40 minutes. At this time, the mother will free her hands for important matters, and the child will carefully examine the surrounding space.

Doctors agree on the issue of the age at which a baby should be placed in a walker. Until your child’s spine gets stronger, you should refrain from purchasing this “transport.” Let the baby first learn to sit confidently and stand on his own legs in the crib, holding on to the sides.

The age for “races in walkers” is 8-9 months. However, keep in mind that children develop differently, so consult your pediatrician before purchasing a walker. When placing your baby in a walker, make sure that the legs reach the floor and the foot rests firmly on the surface.

Pros and cons of walkers


  1. Walkers bring joy to the child. The kid is delighted with the opportunities that have opened up to him. He can now move independently and be close to his mother, even if she is busy with household chores.
  2. The child’s horizons broaden dramatically; walkers help him actively explore the world. If previously the baby spent most of his life in a crib or playpen, now “the whole world is open to him.” He can look around each room, examine the furnishings and learn (and even touch) a lot of new things.
  3. Another advantage of walkers is that they make life easier for parents. Now you don’t need to constantly run to another room and check how the baby is feeling there. Children grow quickly, and carrying them in your arms for a long time becomes heavier and heavier. And thanks to the walker, parents will have their hands free, and mom and dad will go about their business or relax.
  4. In a walker, the child turns, looks around and makes movements that were previously inaccessible to him, which helps strengthen the muscles.


  1. If you choose a low-quality model, this will lead to childhood injuries.
  2. To fully and safely “walk” in a walker you need free space. In a cramped apartment, even with the best walkers, a child will simply not be able to turn around.
  3. Having a baby in a walker is not a reason to completely relax; safety comes first. Put things that are dangerous for the child away. Check the thresholds in the rooms; walkers will get caught on thresholds that are too high and turn over, and the child will be injured.
  4. You should not leave your baby in a walker for a long time. Two or three visits a day for 20-30 minutes is enough.

Conclusion: Taking into account all the pros and cons of baby walkers and after consulting with a doctor, parents should independently decide whether their child needs such transport. Don’t get scared in advance and over-dramatize the situation. Secure the surrounding area for the young explorer, follow the rules for using walkers and calmly master a new means of transportation.

Comment on the article "Why does a child need a walker"

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Does a child need a walker? The opinions of specialists, recommendations of doctors and reviews of parents regarding the benefits and harms of walkers for children are divided. When baby walkers can cause harm (contraindications).

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Recommend a gurney or walker. Pros and cons of baby walkers. Walkers are inexpensive and comfortable. Walkers and gurneys are a good option for children who have already learned to stand on their own, stand confidently and do...

Active walkers.. Toys. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Are they needed? The orthopedist forbade us regular ones. What about these? They seem to be completely different in how they are used.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. And if there are no contraindications, you can buy a walker for your child, although each parent decides for himself when to buy a walker for his child. The optimal age for purchasing this baby accessory is considered to be 6-9 months.

Advantages of baby walkers. One of the main advantages of walkers is the mobility of the child. Walkers for children: benefits and harm. At what age can you put a child in a walker?

Walkers, jumpers.. Cribs, high chairs and other furniture. Child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illnesses Now I set out to read information on Inete about the dangers of walkers and jumpers. Well, as always, everyone says different things. Some people really like...

Girls, please tell me if a child needs a walker. Or rather, is there a need for them? The question is not about money, but about the benefits for the child. If necessary, which ones are better to buy - the best ones - but for a small apartment...

Child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illnesses My relatives fitted us with a walker to make my life easier. Moreover, they assured us that we need a walker for a child. Jumpers, reins, swings, playpen, chaise lounge - and this is far from...

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. about jumping walkers, part 2. Pros and cons of baby walkers. The orthopedist told us that he considers walkers harmful, but if you want to send him on a “trip” around the apartment, then my advice from personal experience: you can use a walker...

Walkers specifically relax the gluteal muscles, and lead to unwanted tension in the trapezius and pectoral muscles. The website runs thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Recommend a gurney or walker. Pros and cons of baby walkers. Walkers are inexpensive and comfortable. How to choose the right baby walker. Walkers and gurneys are a good option for children who have already learned to get up on their own...

Why does a child need a walker? I sat down two or three times a day for 10 minutes when I started sitting, but was not yet crawling (then Does a child need a walker? Or is this a device for parents? Printable version. Tell me, at what age can a child be put in a walker?

Why does a child need a walker? What is a walker? Baby walkers are a device with the help of which a child who does not yet know how to walk can. Locking the wheels quickly transforms the walker into a children's table.

Why does a child need a walker? I sat down two or three times a day for 10 minutes, when I started sitting, but was not crawling yet (then you won’t be able to sit down, I didn’t want to). It took him longer to get tired, but it’s very nice - you can drink tea, you don’t have to hold him in your arms.

Walkers for children: benefits and harm. Does a child need a walker? Experts' opinions, doctors' recommendations and parents' reviews about the benefits and harms of walkers for children. Do children need walkers? When baby walkers can cause harm (contraindications).

walkers :). Age standards. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. It’s obvious from the child that if it’s hard for him, he won’t sit in the walker for long. At first we sat for 15 minutes, then for an hour, and more.

Walkers. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. walkers - you can’t guess, one child sleeps and eats in them, and uses them from 6 months to almost a year, but my elders and I bought a separate one, hooked it on...

Why does a child need a walker? Staying in a walker for a long time, according to this doctor, will do more harm than good. Does a child need a walker? Experts' opinions, doctors' recommendations and reviews Wean you off the pacifier - seize the moment!

And in a walker, the child moves very little. In general, my opinion is that walkers are needed for weakened, developmentally delayed children - in this case they can help the child, but there is no point in pushing healthy children there. 03/22/2000 13:23:52, Mila.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Instead of a walker, you can use a diaper or sheet under your armpits. It is very convenient for mom to walk and useful for the baby: tired...

  • in walkers, the baby learns to walk in a walker, and not independently, because the technique of walking independently and in a walker differs. When moving in a walker, the child relies on his toes, which prevents him from developing the correct position of his feet while walking. To move forward, the child leans his chest against the edges of the walker, and to walk independently he needs to learn to find balance. Thanks to training, the ability to maintain balance is formed and you should not think that with age everything happens by itself;
  • any fitness trainer will tell you that the best way to train the muscles of your legs and buttocks is crawling and squatting. The child masters crawling, lifting, learns to stand up, squat, and this happens many times a day. In a walker, the child is deprived of this opportunity; he can only move his legs;
  • It is clear that every parent wants to protect their child as much as possible from the slightest pain, falls and bruises. But, if the baby does not fall at all, he will not be able to learn to group himself when falling from a still small height of his height, to protect his head from impact, which can subsequently lead to serious injuries.

Among other things, in a walker, the child is protected by bumpers and does not learn caution! Of course, no one talks about extremes and does not suggest “allowing” the baby to fall head first on the tiles, but falling butt on the ground or carpet can be very instructive and useful!

There is a myth that walkers prevent the baby from reaching dangerous objects. Experience shows that children even in walkers manage to injure themselves. Therefore, you should not leave a child in a walker unattended, and besides, it is worth preparing for the active period of the baby’s life by removing dangerous objects from inaccessible places, putting plugs on sockets, removing the tablecloth from the table, etc.

Benefits of baby walkers

  • It’s not uncommon for a mother to be torn between her child and household chores, which leads to fatigue, stress, and worsening lactation. Walkers can help mom by freeing her hands and giving her the opportunity to do household chores. But you should not leave your child unattended. Talk to him and watch his actions;
  • In the walker, new views open up for the child, he can look around, see what was previously hidden from his sight.

In addition, I would like to note that a child using a walker later learns to walk independently. If you use a walker for a long time and constantly, you can “get” deformation of the child’s feet and curvature of the child’s spine.

Let's see what Dr. Komarovsky says about this.

Baby walkers are the subject of many questions and debates. Some argue that walkers are undoubtedly necessary, others consider them to be useless and even harmful. We will look into this issue together.

Walkers are a special device for children who cannot walk yet. With the help of a walker, the child can move independently. The device is a frame with a seat for the baby, mounted on wheels.

Many people believe that walkers are a relatively new invention that greatly simplifies the lives of modern parents. It is worth saying that walkers were invented a long time ago, but at some period of time parents had to abandon this invention.

Back in Soviet times in the 70s, walkers were discontinued. The reason for this was the opinion of doctors that walkers interfere with the normal development of a child’s foot and reduce muscle tone. In Canada, they not only discontinued the production of walkers, but even banned imports, considering this device dangerous to the health of children.

Now walkers are again on sale, and only parents can decide whether their child needs them or not. It is difficult to say definitively whether walkers are harmful. Opinions were divided into two camps.

Baby walkers

Pros of walkers:

  1. Walkers transfer the child from a horizontal position to a vertical one. New opportunities for learning about the world open up for the baby.
  2. They are not only a device for movement, but also a toy. On the frame of the walker there are rattles, beepers, and music. This allows the child to develop finger motor skills.
  3. They teach the child to move independently and teach him to walk.
  4. They release my mother for a while. This is important, since it is difficult for a woman to carry a child in her arms all day and devote all her time to him. Walkers can keep the baby occupied for a while, while the mother gets on with her business.

Some people refute the benefits of walkers, their facts seem very convincing.

Harm from walkers:

  1. They squeeze the baby's perineum.
    2. The child cannot learn to coordinate his actions, since the walker protects him from freedom of movement.
    3. The child has only his hands free; he cannot sit, lie down, or crawl. This has a bad effect on his psyche.
    4. The process of independent walking slows down. The baby gets used to being supported by a frame, and therefore it is difficult for him to learn to walk independently.
    5. One of the main reasons is improper formation of the arch of the foot.

Important: If a child has neurological problems or problems with the formation of the foot, consultation with supervising doctors is necessary. There are children for whom it is undesirable and even contraindicated to walk in walkers.

Walkers: harm or benefit

If you decide to purchase a walker for your baby, take care of the following:

  • Walkers must be of good quality and safe for the baby.
  • You cannot leave the child for a long time, 30-40 minutes a day in several approaches.
  • You should not put a child in a walker if there is diaper rash or irritation on the skin in the areas in contact with the seat.

How to choose a walker for a child on Aliexpress | Aliexpress?

Push walkers

This model is compact. The walkers can be folded and take up very little space.

Walkers folded

The next walker model will protect mom's back from pain. Constantly walking hand-in-hand with a child puts strain on an adult's back. It is much more convenient to hold the child in a walker while maintaining a straight back position. Convenient to take similar ones walkers for a walk, the child will explore the world, and the mother will help him.

Jumping Walkers

For those who want a no-frills walker, there is classic model without rattles on the frame.

Simple walker model

How to find and order good baby walkers in the Aliexpress online store | Aliexpress?

You can type the word “walker” in the search bar. Another way: go to the “Everything for Children” tab, then “Children’s Products”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 1
How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 2

Here you can sort products according to the criteria you need. Search using filters to make your selection easier.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 3

Once you have decided on the model, start purchasing. Select the color of the product, click "Buy Now".

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 4

The next step is to clarify the address.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 5

Check the details of your order - color, quantity, cost. If everything is correct, click “Place an order”.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 6

Choose any convenient payment method and pay for your order.

How to find and order walkers on Aliexpress: step 7

Video: How to choose a walker?

At what age can walkers be used?

  • Every month the baby masters more and more skills and strives to study the objects around him. The child’s desire to explore the world gives an impetus to parents to quickly put him in a walker, thereby opening up new opportunities.
  • There are cases when babies are placed in walkers at 4-5 months of age. This is, of course, wrong. Parents should not forget that development must be timely, only then will it be beneficial.

Important: The optimal age for using a walker is 7-8 months, when the child learns to sit and stand on his own. Premature use of walkers can lead to improper development of the musculoskeletal system.

What time can boys be put in walkers?

Parents of boys are worried whether walkers will affect the development of the reproductive system. Pediatricians recommend avoiding boys staying in walkers for long periods of time, but this rule also applies to girls.

Boys can be placed in walkers from 7-8 months; the child should be there for no more than 40 minutes a day.

What time can you put boys in walkers?

At what age can girls be put in walkers?

According to statistics, girls are more susceptible to hip dysplasia than boys. Before placing your baby in a walker, you should consult with your pediatrician and surgeon.

As for age, girls, like boys, are not recommended to be placed in walkers before 7-8 months.

What time can girls be put in walkers?

How to teach a child to walk in a walker?

Most children calmly accept the introduction to walkers. But some are still afraid of these new sensations. The task of parents is to help the child get used to the new device and teach how to use it.

  • First, you can bring the child in your arms to the walker, show the toys, let the baby touch them with his hands and carefully examine everything.
  • After this, you can sit the child down, but do not leave him alone.
  • Hold the walker with your hand and pull it slightly. The baby will understand that he needs to move his legs.
  • You can teach your child to walk in a walker by setting a goal for him. For example, take a few steps away and show him his favorite toy. The child will begin to automatically take steps towards his goal.
  • That's right, when the child's foot rests completely on the floor, the baby should not only touch the surface with his fingers. To do this, you should adjust the walker according to the child’s height.
  • Wear shoes on your feet, even if you are indoors. The right shoes will shape the correct position of the child's feet.

Important: The first steps in a walker are usually spontaneous; a little time will pass and the child will understand that he is securely held in the seat. Then his steps will become more confident.


Komarovsky walkers: pros and cons

The popular children's doctor Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky expresses his opinion unequivocally - walkers at an early age are harmful.

To summarize, walkers free parents, but still, a child’s long stay in them is extremely undesirable. If you decide to use a walker, adjust it according to the child’s height, consult an orthopedist if necessary, and monitor the time the baby spends in the walker.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on walkers