A small greenhouse made from window frames. How to properly make a greenhouse from window frames? Pros and cons of using old window frames to build a greenhouse

You can always buy ready-made greenhouses freely in specialized stores. But they are expensive and not many gardeners can afford to buy them. There is only one thing left to do, build the structure with your own hands.

If you can’t find discarded frames, you can negotiate with the workers or the manager from the installation company metal-plastic windows. After all, the happy owners of new plastic windows simply throw the old ones into a landfill. Why not use old unnecessary frames. To begin with, you should choose the place where the new greenhouse will be built on your personal plot.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Good lighting;
  • Mandatory orientation from North to South;
  • Dry dense soil;
  • Windless area;
  • The area must be level;
  • Lack of groundwater.

Next, you need to first prepare the old window frames. It is necessary to remove or trim those areas that are clearly rotten or have mold on them, remove all fittings, remove with a scraper or construction hairdryer all the old paint from the frames.

Be sure to remove all the glass (to avoid damage to the glass due to impacts during installation of the structure).

It is necessary to treat the wood with an antiseptic to protect it from rot, mold and dirt, strengthen all the windows if they are not needed in the new greenhouse design, and restore the wood of the frames.

Installation of a greenhouse from window frames

Very often, in courtyards multi-storey buildings many discarded wooden window wounds can be seen. Residents are replacing old wooden ones with plastic frames. But when they throw them away, the residents don’t even realize that it’s valuable. building material for summer residents. From these frames you can build an excellent greenhouse, and it is necessary when growing seedlings and early fruits.

Where to start:

  • Take careful measurements window frames;
  • Draw accurate drawings of the future greenhouse;
  • Collect tools.

The first thing to do when starting construction of such a greenhouse is to measure all existing old window frames. This is necessary to know in order to accurately assemble available supplies.

The drawing must indicate the location of the entrance to the greenhouse, the exact location of the beds and the passages between them for their maintenance.

Some standard sizes buildings - beds must be arranged 1 m wide, and the passage between the beds is approximately 80–100 cm, and the height of the greenhouse must be more than 1.70 m.

How to properly build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames

The first thing that is necessary for a greenhouse is the construction of a foundation, because old window frames are quite heavy. Most often, they build strip foundation. First, outline the dimensions of the greenhouse according to the diagram. Then they dig a trench to a depth of 42-53 cm deep. We strengthen the formwork from wooden boards.

So that the boards can be easily removed from the concrete, they must be wrapped in polyethylene.

Wire reinforcement is laid down the trench. Let's prepare a solution of sand, crushed stone, cement (M200-400) and water. After hardening, carefully remove the boards and allow the foundation to gain strength (3-4 weeks). When laying the foundation, it must be taken into account that it will be ready only in a month.

Steps to remember during construction:

  • We arrange a strip foundation;
  • We install the beams as the main frame;
  • We build the main part - we fix the old window frames;
  • We are building a roof.

The voids between the foundation and the ground must be compacted with wet sand, and the simplest waterproofing must be done on top - roofing felt tape or bitumen. The next stage is the installation of a frame for the greenhouse from prepared wooden frames. We assemble everything according to the drawing. First, you need to build a frame. It is made from wooden beams. Sawing off timber a certain amount And required length. The timber is secured to each other with self-tapping screws and metal corners; the frames should also be secured to the timber using self-tapping screws. But it’s even better if the main pillars of the frame are vertical pillars, which will be strengthened earlier, at the stage of pouring the foundation. Any cracks and holes must be sealed; the structure does not need drafts.

The last stage of construction is the installation of the roof. It can be single or double slope. Everything is simple here. If there are not enough materials, then you need to build pitched roof. And if there are enough old wooden frames, and gardeners have some means, then you can take a swing at gable roof or even a more expensive option - a roof made of polycarbonate sheet. Assembling a greenhouse roof is a hermetically sealed connection of glass or polycarbonate sheet, or simply thick polyethylene film with a frame and timber, since if excess moisture gets inside the greenhouse, plants may suffer due to mold and rot. After everything, the glass is inserted into the frames.

But there is another option - homemade greenhouses. The most important thing in this option is the installation of the frame of the future structure from wooden beams. All around the perimeter vertical bars are connected and thus further strengthened with each other by long wooden planks. These boards will also serve as walls for the greenhouse. The boards are attached to the beams with self-tapping screws metal corners.

Then we attach old wooden window frames, previously prepared, to the frame of the future greenhouse. They are mounted on hinges so that you can easily open the greenhouse or even remove the entire frame.

Elite greenhouse made of plastic windows

Recently, during the construction of new modern apartment buildings, which are already being rented with metal-plastic windows, but not very good quality. Owners of new apartments most often try to get rid of low-quality plastic windows. Often, after the delivery of a new house, you can also see quite decent metal-plastic windows in landfills. It’s clearly not suitable for a window into an apartment, but it’s just right for building a greenhouse.

Construction has stages:

  • Foundation;
  • Frame made of wooden beams;
  • Fastening plastic window frames to bars;
  • Roof construction;
  • Debugging of plastic windows.

A greenhouse is a simple matter, even for dummies. It is necessary to carefully measure the old window frames and, based on existing materials, draw a drawing of the future greenhouse, and strictly follow this plan. Well, the most important thing is that building a greenhouse is not a one-day job.

The bonus of a built greenhouse is early vegetables and greens, and excellent quality proven seedlings.

DIY greenhouse made from window frames (video)

This type of greenhouse has been the most sought after and popular among amateur gardeners for many years. This building looks very beautiful on the site. And if you work a little around the greenhouse landscape design, then the result will not only be a functional structure, but will delight the eyes of its owners. It should also be noted that access to plants with this type of greenhouse is very good and convenient. It is accessible from all sides and is very successful and functional.

Examples of greenhouses made from frames with your own hands (photo)

Greetings everyone. If you don’t have the money to buy materials to build a greenhouse yourself, you can use old window frames. Today, almost all apartments are replacing windows with plastic analogues, so finding such material will not be a problem.

In most cases, old frames are simply thrown away, so you can negotiate with institutions that install en masse plastic windows or with your neighbors.

All that remains is to find out the nuances of construction, and then proceed to creative process. If not all frames fit in size, then you can use small polycarbonate sheets, polyurethane foam or plastic film.

Despite the fact that this option for constructing a greenhouse is economical, you can create a beautiful and functional design for growing plants and fruits all year round.

Before construction work you need to dismantle all the fittings. For convenient fastening, the glass needs to be removed for a while. To avoid confusion, it is recommended to mark them with a regular marker. Plus, this way you can avoid cracks in the glass.

Paint and varnish from wooden frames must be cleaned and then treated with a special antiseptic to increase the service life of the future greenhouse.

Before you start building a greenhouse with a large area, it is recommended to first make a mini-greenhouse, this will allow you to understand the entire process of constructing the structure.

Frames are used as a roof, which are fixed to a wooden base. To be able to ventilate the greenhouse space, its width must correspond to the width old frame. In this case, the roof can be opened during the day. The length can be 2-3 frames.

To make the frame you need to prepare 4 beams and boards. Beams are dug into the corners, after which boards are nailed. To make a slope for the slope of natural precipitation, the front shield should consist of three boards, and the side and rear of four. The top board will need to be cut at the desired angle. After which the shields are attached using self-tapping screws to the dug-in beams.

Since the future structure will be small, it is not necessary to remove the glass.

Installation process:

  • Old frames must be laid across the frame and attached to the high (back) wall using hinges.
  • There is no need to fasten the frames together; this will allow you to open them at any time for ventilation.
  • For reliability, you can install a hook on one side.

Stationary greenhouse

Building a durable structure will require more effort and time. Such a greenhouse has a large mass, so it is necessary to prepare the foundation.

  • First you need to drive pegs in all corners, and then pull the twine. It is important that the structure faces south so that the sun's rays always fall on the plants.
  • Make a trench no more than 0.5 m deep and 20 cm wide. In the northern regions, the depth can be 0.7 m. As a result, the greenhouse will not freeze.
  • The base is covered with gravel and sand in a layer of 10 cm.
  • Concrete is poured on top.
  • To raise the foundation a little, you need to make the formwork the next day.
  • Leave until dry.

Frame installation

Approximately two weeks after pouring the strip foundation, you can begin installing the frame (rack with strapping). For this, beams and boards or metal corners are used. In the latter case, the piping must be done while pouring the foundation. The side posts are connected at the bottom using bolts.

If they will be used for strapping wooden materials, then you need to prepare a 10X10 beam for tying 8 boards, 4 5X5 beams for the side and intermediate posts. Self-tapping screws and metal corners are used as fasteners.

  • Secure the 10X10 timber with anchor bolts.
  • Using vertical building level set the side racks.
  • Attached with nails bottom harness. For reliability, you can use furniture corners.
  • The distance between the intermediate posts must correspond to the width of the frame.
  • Secure the top trim.

If you plan to make a gable roof, then it is recommended to make the frame on the ground, and then place it on the structure. The central risers are made of thick wood, and rafter legs and a ridge made from a 5X5 block.

Roof material

Since the structure of old windows is quite heavy, it is recommended to cover the roof with polycarbonate or film. In this case, the roof can be removed in winter period to avoid loading the roof. Both materials attach easily and simply.

Securing window frames

  • The material is secured from the outside with self-tapping screws.
  • To ensure tightness, close the gaps with foam and lath.
  • At the next stage, insert the glass into the frame, lubricate the edges with sealant.
  • Check the structure according to the building level.
  • Secure the hooks on the windows.

Door installation

A door is mounted at the end of the greenhouse structure. The box is made from quality timber. As door leaf you can use any available material.

Now you can fill the floor with soil and start gardening.

Do you have old window frames? Make a greenhouse with your own hands (video)

If you don’t understand all the nuances of building a greenhouse from old frames, then you can read one more instruction.

As noted above, the structure of window frames is quite heavy, so you need to prepare a strip foundation. You can use one of the possible options:

  • Stone. One of the most expensive materials. However, this allows you to build a reliable and durable foundation.
  • Brick. It is also not a budget option. At proper installation can last long time. Withstands wooden construction.
  • Concrete. Such a foundation is the most durable and reliable. The service life can be several decades.
  • Tree. This is a strong material, however, not durable. It will need replacement after a few years.


A structure made from old frames already forms a reliable frame. The main thing is to stick simple rules installations. To ensure stability, you need to secure the old frames to the base, and then fasten them together; for this you can use one of the fastening options:

  • Self-tapping screws and metal corners. This method is the simplest. During installation, the level must be maintained. The corner is attached to the inside and outside of the corner using self-tapping screws. This mount is very reliable.
  • Nails and timber. A simpler method. Frame with inside knocked down into small bars.
  • Wire and clamp. Most budget option. In this case, you need to make turns of wire at the fastening points. Clamps are used whenever possible.


Before work, it is advisable to develop step by step plan to make a greenhouse with your own hands for short term. The important step is to install the structure on the foundation. It is necessary to fix all components to the foundation with fasteners.

You need to attach a metal corner to the foundation anchor bolts or using welding machine. Then attach the old frames to it. In addition, the frames need to be connected to each other. Work must be completed without haste and consistently.

Greenhouse cover

Since a greenhouse made from window frames is heavy, it is not recommended to cover it with glass. But if the structure has a small area, then an exception can be made.

It is best to use plastic film. To do this, make a simple sheathing of slats or steel wire. Then the film is covered. It is secured using clamps or clamps.

Video 1. An example of a homemade greenhouse made from window frames (glass)

Video 2. Greenhouse 5 meters by 3 meters with an oval roof (frames + polycarbonate). The most budget option

Despite the fact that the greenhouse was made on its own, it must be checked for tightness, reliability, stability, light transmission, ventilation and other parameters.

Now you know how you can use old window frames. After erecting the structure, you can proceed directly to planting crops.

Plastic products have replaced the old ones wooden windows, which may be useful in the country.

For example, if there is no finance to purchase a new greenhouse from modern materials, you can use old frames.

Greenhouses are small structures no more than 1.5 meters high, while the height of the greenhouse can reach 3 m. Compared to greenhouses, artificial heating is almost never used in such structures.

They are heated solar energy and natural biological heating (heat released during the decomposition of humus and manure). There are no doors in the greenhouses, so to gain normal access to the crops being grown, you need to remove or open the side or top part designs.

Greenhouses can be portable or stationary, but they are rarely used when growing adult crops (mainly seedlings).

Another difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse is the ease of production.

Self-construction of a greenhouse requires financial costs and certain experience. The greenhouse covering can be polyethylene film or non-woven material.

Sometimes used cellular polycarbonate. In greenhouse designs made from do-it-yourself window frames, glass is mainly installed.

The frame may have different shapes(“house”, triangular, arched, etc.).

The material can be used:

  • fiberglass and metal reinforcement;
  • window frames;
  • wooden blocks;
  • polypropylene pipes.

Choosing a location for a greenhouse

The greenhouse assembly procedure takes little time.

First, you need to thoroughly select and prepare the site for its construction and select the necessary building materials.

The land plot on which the construction of the protective structure will be carried out must meet the following requirements:

  1. The area should be flat and dry. Stagnation of moisture is not allowed; the greenhouse cannot be placed in swampy areas, on slopes and in lowlands. If a greenhouse is built in a place where water stagnates, then drainage is required.
  2. Plants in a greenhouse require good lighting. Therefore, you should not place the structure near tall bushes, trees or objects. The optimal direction for placing the structure is west-east, but one of the sides should be facing south.
  3. The place should be protected from winds.
  4. It also provides availability of a water source. The frame should be protected from rotting by laying roofing material under the bottom. The boards can be tarred.

If you are thinking about it, you should know about choosing a place for construction and study our instructions.

A barbecue made from a gas cylinder - how to create a beautiful and functional barbecue design? The material contains photos and video instructions.

Form factor

The greenhouse can have any shape. It is easy to build such a structure in the form of a pyramid, a stationary type with a foundation, or in the form mobile design, which can be rearranged to another place.

After the material for the greenhouse has been prepared, it is necessary to determine its dimensions. Optimal length for such an object no, so it will depend on the number and size of frames. But a very long greenhouse will not be convenient to use.

Also, the height and width of the greenhouse will depend on the size of the frames used.

The essence of the design of window frames

In essence, when constructing a greenhouse from window frames, products are used that are suitable for use, but must be disposed of from residential premises.

It will be easier to build such a greenhouse from old proportionate and identical frames, which can be found for free.

The video shows the design of a greenhouse made from window frames and other arrangement options.

Construction work

To ensure the necessary durability and strength of the greenhouse, a foundation is built, which can be columnar, strip, ready-made ( metal frame and lumber).

When building a foundation, you should follow general rules, if necessary, waterproof or insulate necessary materials. The main difference is the width of the foundation, which for strip base should exceed 10-15 cm.

To perform further work you will need long boards and bars, self-tapping screws for fastening frames, bricks for building a foundation.

After building the foundation, the following steps are performed:

  1. . For a tight fit, it is advisable to remove the paint from the frames and cover them with drying oil; it is better to first remove the glass and remove the metal fittings.
  2. Frame assembly. The standard frame consists of a stand, lower and upper trim. The frame is assembled, and the window frames are fastened with nails, self-tapping screws, and screws. For better reliability, it is better to secure the frames on the outside and inside.
  3. Floor arrangement. The floor serves as protection against heat loss and dampness. It can be made by pouring concrete onto gravel using bricks. For dense and smooth surfaces Rolled waterproofing material is suitable.
  4. Roof installation and shape. The best option is gable roof, but you can also make a single-slope structure.

Assembling the greenhouse frame

In the photo, a mini greenhouse made from window frames, made by yourself

Temperature in the building

It is advisable to maintain a constant temperature inside the greenhouse.

The following methods are used for this:

  1. Solar heating. This is the cheapest and most popular method, so for good heating the structure should keep the film or glass clean.
  2. Biofuel. This biological method of heating a greenhouse becomes the most effective, it is economical and affordable, since heat is released during the decomposition of manure.

Application of biofuels

The earthen side walls of the structure should be finished with insulating material (foam plastic), the bottom should be laid with a layer of leaves, straw or peat chips.

The stuffing is done with layer-by-layer alternation of layers of foliage and manure. The larger the volume of the leaves, the lower the temperature will be inside the greenhouse. Such simple methods will help retain the heat that is released during fermentation for a long time.

Gradually the substrate will settle, so you should make a high layer. Then soil is poured onto the organic matter.

When using biofuels, it should be taken into account that manure can be different types and the ways to bookmark it are different:

This should be remembered

When constructing a greenhouse, you should be guided not only by the availability of free space on the site, but also by the parameters of the frames. You can order a frame made of plastic, but its installation will require special fasteners.

If the frame is long, it can be used as a single upper sash. Short frames can be placed across the frame to create several opening lids.

If the greenhouse will be used for a long time, then it is better to make it permanent. To do this, its body is laid out of brick.

The top cover of the frames can be removable so that it can be removed for the winter. If it is difficult to make a stone body, then you can use boards.

Particular attention is paid to the tightness of the structure, for which all parts are firmly attached, cracks and grooves are sealed for complete insulation internal space from the natural environment. Care should be taken to provide supports for the upper doors, which should secure the frames in the open position.

Any gardener who wants to get a high-quality harvest builds a greenhouse on his plot. The simplest and most reliable option is greenhouse built from old window frames. You can build it with your own hands without special costs. The first question that arises is where to get window frames? The answer is simple: people who do repairs. Old windows can be purchased for nominal money or free of charge. Thanks to this approach, you will save a lot of money and build a structure that fits perfectly into your exterior.

Did you know?

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames?

  1. Creating a foundation and foundation options

Before laying the foundation, the area must be cleared. Mark the construction plan, having first leveled the ground. It is imperative to take into account the degree of soil shrinkage. The foundation is the basis of the structure. The choice of foundation will depend on how long the structure will last, as well as the required material from which it is constructed. If you plan to have a durable durable design made of metal-plastic windows, it would be advisable to lay a brick foundation or fill it with cement. But if the structure is planned for one or two seasons, then it is enough to use beams. To wooden foundation not rotted, it can be wrapped in roofing felt.

  1. Construction of the frame

The frame of the greenhouse will be window frames. There are several options for attaching them:

  • Fastening with corners. Very reliable way, but it requires some skill and expense. The corners are attached between the frames from the inside and bolted, connecting the two frames together.
  • Fastening with self-tapping screws. A fairly simple method in which self-tapping screws are screwed into the base of the frame, thereby fastening its individual parts together.
  • Fastening with bars and slats. Thin bars or slats are attached along the perimeter of the greenhouse from the inside, which are nailed down. This design will be quite durable.
  • Clamps and wire. This assembly method is the simplest. The frames are attached by simply twisting the wire together. This type is suitable for a structure that is being built for one season.
  1. Installing a greenhouse on a foundation

Installing a greenhouse on a base is the most important point. The frame can be attached to the foundation by installing a corner and welding the parts together. If the base is made of timber, then it will be enough to attach the structure with bolts. The most important thing is to develop an action plan that will help you install the structure correctly. It is necessary not only to correctly attach the greenhouse to the base, but also to carefully connect the frame to each subsequent one, ensuring its stability.

  1. Roof covering

Covering is final stage in the construction of a greenhouse. There are several ways:

  • Covering the roof with glass. It will be durable coating, but it significantly makes the structure heavier.
  • Covering the greenhouse with plastic film. The method is very economical and simple, and at the same time it will lighten the weight of the structure. To cover the roof with film, you will need to nail slats around the perimeter of the roof and make a sheathing. Polyethylene is easy to fasten with clamps or clamps.

After the frame is erected and the roof is stretched, the structure must be checked for strength. It is also very important that the greenhouse has proper ventilation. In such a structure, the vents of old window frames will perform this function. If there are gaps in the structure, they must be sealed. Construction foam is suitable for this. The last important point is light transmittance. The greenhouse must allow light to pass through from all sides. After checking the functionality, you can start planting.

See also video: How to build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames

Having set the goal of assembling a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands, it is wise to install a hard standard windows relative size, wood condition. Otherwise, interesting and exciting work will turn into an almost insoluble problem, and country barn- to the junk dealer's warehouse.

We do not accept frames with cracked or broken glass at all. We won’t spend money on glazing an old frame out of principle - there will be a whole.

Glass or film?

But still, let's consider the option of using window frames, lost glazing. After all, whatever you say, they are much more common.

Installing new glass will require additional expenses:

  1. We remove the old glazing bead (a thin wooden profile that secures the glass in the frame). As a rule, it is not possible to save the old bead; you will have to buy a new one.
  2. Cleaning the grooves from fragments broken glass, nails, paint runs. Let's rent exact size with a negative allowance of 1-2 mm. An error of a couple of millimeters will lead to the need to widen the grooves with a chisel.
  3. We order glass from a workshop and deliver it to the dacha. Transportation of glass will require secure packaging of the fragile sheet.
  4. We coat the grooves with a primer (maybe red lead) to seal it, lay the glass, and secure it with a precisely cut glazing bead. To do this, you need special thin nails, which you will also have to buy.
  5. Much easier to replace lost glass cheap transparent PVC film.

    In order to stretch the film well under the glazing bead in the grooves, considerable skill is required. Stretching will be easier if the film is installed on the outer surface frames

    If the film sag, it will soon be exposed to the wind. will explode. Her main enemies are the sun, wind, snow and birds.

    Anyway the film will not last long, only one or two seasons. In the spring you will have to start the summer season with repairs. Heavy snow cover will inevitably break through the film in winter, or greatly stretch it.

    Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation the film loses its transparency, becomes fragile and vulnerable to stress.

    To all this shortcomings let's add the most important thing - film does not retain heat well, and the temperature in the greenhouse will not be much different from the street temperature.

    Designing a greenhouse

    For a greenhouse you will need ten frames. Let us assume their size to be 160x60 cm.

    Four frames installed on their sides will make up sides of a rectangular greenhouse(two on each side), from two we will make its ends. Four more, laid flat, will become opening access hatches.

    The result will be a rectangular glazed box 320x160 cm

    Before installing the frame clean off flaky skin old paint, remove the hinges and other unnecessary fittings, cover them with red lead, and then paint them in the desired color.

    Zero cycle

    Greenhouse requires sun. Surely you have long gone through in your mind all the options for its location on the site, and chose a well-lit place.

    Right here in this very place along the east-west axis We mark with pegs and a cord and dig a trench 1.5 x 3.0 m, approximately waist deep.

    In the corners we drive one and a half meter trenches into the bottom pointed slats 6x6 cm, leaving above the ground level all that remains in length - then we will cut it along the strapping.

    On slats on nails row by row lift the casing trench walls. Old boards and slabs will go here.

    Sheathing task- strengthen the walls against soil sliding and serve as thermal insulation for biofuel.


    We will make a wooden base for the greenhouse from timber 12x12 cm.

    Four timbers pre-measured to fit the size of the window frames treated with a powerful antiseptic according to a proven folk recipe:

    Attention: Working with hot oil is very dangerous. We use thick clothing, gloves, and safety glasses.

    Biofuels and land

    We begin loading our country “reactor” with fuel. After installing the glazed frames, this will be difficult to do.

    We fill the trench two-thirds with cuttings of branches, mowed grass and weeds (without roots), manure, and leaves. Thoroughly press down the dressing and pour water over it.

    Land for a greenhouse we use the one we dug out of the trench, but she needs to be prepared- sift from the roots of weeds, add fertilizers. If the soil is heavy, mix it with sand and peat.

    We pour the prepared soil onto the biofuel. We raise the level in such a way that there was 15-20 cm left to the top cut of the base. We put the rest of the prepared soil into bags - it will soon be needed for filling, because the biofuel will noticeably sag. We will add it through the access hatches.

    Glazing elements

    We install glazing elements. Wooden frames We fasten them to each other and to the base with metal corners and a steel strip with holes prepared for self-tapping screws.

    Central rib will serve as horizontal wooden beam, connecting the end frames at the top. On this beam we accurately mark and install hinges for the folding frames, and then the frames themselves - access hatches. We equip the hatch frames with handles and folding stops.

    Getting rid of cracks

    Gaps between the frames will negate all efforts to create an insulated environment in the greenhouse. Eat a reliable way to get rid of them.

    Spray can with construction foam Shake vigorously. We attach a flexible plastic tube to the spray head (it is attached to the wall with tape, like on a juice box). We insert the tube into the gap, lightly press the spray head, and blow foam into the opening.

    Quickly move on to the next gap, repeat the operation, not forgetting to shake the can. It must be used for several minutes continuously, otherwise the hole and tube will become hopelessly clogged.

    The foam increases in volume many times over and dries quickly. The next day sharp knife cut off excess hardened foam and paint over the joints.

    Finishing touch

    We install a thermometer in a visible place in the greenhouse. We regulate the temperature by opening and closing the windows.


    The following is a photo of do-it-yourself greenhouses made from old window frames: