Open electrics in a wooden house. Open electrical wiring in a wooden house

Light, heat, the operation of engineering and household equipment - everything is based on electricity. Therefore, the level of comfort depends entirely on uninterrupted and, importantly, safe work electrical networks. Any defect or mistake made during the installation of electrical equipment and electrical wiring can lead to dire consequences - fires or fires.

The topic is especially relevant correct installation electrical wiring for wooden houses, because due to discrepancies in the interpretation of the PUE (Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations) and the SP (Code of Rules), confusion and a lot of controversy arises. Therefore, in this article we will answer the following questions:

  • What are the basic principles of installing electrical wiring in wooden house.
  • How electrical wiring is installed in a wooden house in accordance with the rules of the PUE and SP.
  • Technical features installation of hidden electrical wiring.

Correct electrical wiring in a wooden house

Wood is a general construction material with a centuries-old history. Both small guest houses and large-area cottages are built from it. With all the advantages of both log and frame houses, which are based on wooden racks, many believe that such buildings have an increased fire hazard. But one important point is missed.

Regardless of what the house is built from - brick, aerated concrete, timber or rounded logs, it burns first upholstered furniture, curtains, curtains, interior items, household appliances, etc. Those. - the “filling” of the house, made of combustible materials.

In a stone house, electrical wiring coming from switchboard to consumers, mounted in fireproof material (the cable is laid in grooves, which are then sealed and plastered, etc.).

In this case, the developer faces a difficult choice - the wiring in a wooden house can be external , the cable can be routed inside wooden walls or between frame posts.

How to lay cable in a wooden house.

Let's consider all these methods of laying wires in a wooden house. If in the first case the electrical wiring is visible, which affects the speed of detection of an emergency situation (cable overheating, etc.), then in the second option it is hidden behind the cladding or in solid wood. Accordingly, what happens to the cable is unclear. Hence the fears and doubts of the developer: “What if something happens to the electrical wiring? Will it light up or not?

Practice shows that the “weak” point in the electrical network is not the cable itself (we do not consider cases of gross violation of installation, the use of a cable with a reduced cross-section, on which a large load was “hung”, “twists” on electrical tape on the route to splice the cable), but connection points - junction boxes, terminals for connecting consumers, i.e. sockets, switches, etc.

Modern power cables, with the abbreviation VVGng, etc., do not support combustion.

There are constant debates about where it is safer to run the cable - outside or inside the walls, whether it is permissible open wiring in a wooden house. There is an opinion that if we lay wiring along the wall, this will give us time to see and react to an emergency situation and accept the right decision how to proceed. Put out the fire or evacuate.

Simply put, smell the smoke immediately, and not later, when the flame has already spread to the structural elements. If the electrical wiring is installed in the wall, even in steel pipe, then this may not save you from a fire either.


I can refer to my experience as a firefighter and my experience as an electrician in emergency situations. Steel pipes are more needed for mechanical protection of wiring from the “fool”, the teeth of rats, which can gnaw even through a metal hose and damage the cable. I have seen more than once how a steel pipe, with wiring shorted inside, became red-hot. If this happens in a wooden wall, a fire is inevitable.

According to the user, the first thing you should think about when installing electrical wiring is the correct calculation of all cable sections and the selection of electrical equipment for protection. That is, figuratively speaking, there is no point in installing a 100 A circuit breaker on a wire with a cross-section of 0.75 square meters. mm with a distance to the consumer of one kilometer.

Hence, a safe electrical network is balanced system, where each element, from circuit breakers to the cross-section and length of the cable, as well as the end user, is matched to each other. It is a delusion to hope that by stretching a cable through a metal pipe in a conventional wooden wall, we have already protected ourselves from fire. The rules for laying cables in a wooden house are a rather vague thing, so far we have solved only part of the complex problem, which will be discussed below.

PUE and SP: standards and rules for installing electrical wiring in wooden and frame houses

Let us repeat once again what we left outside the scope of this article. outdoor installation electrical wiring in cable channels. We also do not consider the so-called retro wiring. This option, both in terms of design and financial component, is not suitable for everyone.

Therefore, we set the task - it is necessary to install hidden electrical wiring in a wooden or frame house in a safe and regulated manner.

Which wire to use for a wooden house

It seems that everything is simple - you need to open the PUE (seventh edition dated 07/08/2002) and read paragraph 7.1.38, which says:

Electrical networks laid behind non-passable suspended ceilings and in partitions, are considered as hidden electrical wiring, and they should be performed: behind ceilings and in the voids of partitions made of flammable materials in metal pipes, having localization ability, and in closed boxes; behind ceilings and in partitions made of non-combustible materials- pipes and ducts made of non-flammable materials, as well as flame retardant cables. It must be possible to replace wires and cables.

Now we open the document for frame builders, namely SP 31-105-2002 “Design and construction of energy-efficient single-apartment residential buildings with wooden frame" Read paragraph 13.5.1:

Electrical wiring should be arranged by passing cables (wires in a protective sheath) through voids or spaces filled with insulation inside the walls and ceilings of the house, as well as through the holes in wooden elements wall and ceiling frames. Pass such cables and wires through house structures it is allowed to arrange without the use of bushings and tubes.

And paragraph 13.5.2:

For electrical wiring Insulated wires in protective sheaths must be used or cables in sheaths made of flame retardant materials.

  • A cable is two or more insulated conductors connected together and covered with insulation.

  • A wire is a single-core or multi-core conductor with or without insulation.

Cable for wiring in a wooden house.

Accordingly: due to discrepancies between the PUE and the joint venture and the vagueness of the wording in the PUE, many users have a question - how to properly install electrical wiring on flammable materials. As prescribed in the PUE - by laying it in a steel pipe. Or as it is written in the joint venture - using a flame retardant cable without additional protective sheaths. Many disputes arise on this basis.

Vitalik1985 User FORUMHOUSE

I think that laying cables in steel pipes- this is a redundant solution. The likelihood that a cable will break is negligible; fires most often occur due to a spark in an outlet. It is better to pay more attention to circuit breakers, connections, junction boxes, switches, etc.

Danil117 User FORUMHOUSE

It is necessary to do so to eliminate the possibility of the wire catching fire. We choose the correct cable cross-section and select high-quality machines. That is, we do not hope that a steel pipe is a panacea for fires and fires.

We will also consider opposing opinions.


I believe that wires for a wooden house should be in a metal pipe with localization ability. If the wire catches fire, it will burn out inside. If it is shorted, the arc will not burn through the pipe. We install metal junction boxes connected to the pipe.

A steel pipe for electrical wiring in a wooden house must be grounded.

Also interesting is the opinion of a portal user with the nickname Ivanov Kostya.

By laying a cable in a metal pipe, we solve two problems: we protect the cable from possible mechanical damage and protect the tree from possible cable fire.

Moreover, the first point acquires key value in relation to our construction conditions. Workers can, while installing drywall or drilling something, pierce an unprotected cable with a screw or nail. Cable insulation can be damaged by sharp edges metal profile. The cable can be chewed (optionally) by rats or mice. In addition, the accumulation of wood dust during a spark or breakdown of insulation can lead to the rapid spread of flames inside the walls.

It seems that such a solution is redundant, but in this way we protect the cable from force majeure circumstances, including the common situation: “I forgot where the cable goes in the wall, hung a shelf/picture and damaged it.”

Although, in order to avoid such situations, we do not lay the cable as it is necessary, but along strictly defined and marked cable routes, if necessary, taking photographs with an attached tape measure.

Is corrugation acceptable for electrical wiring in a wooden house?

From all of the above it becomes clear that part FORUMHOUSE users believes that electrical cable in wooden houses, with hidden wiring should be carried out only in metal pipes. Let's emphasize - specifically in steel pipes, and not in a metal hose, plastic self-extinguishing corrugation or steel corrugated pipe.

Corrugation for wires in a wooden house with hidden wiring is not suitable!

A short circuit arc (short circuit) burns through a steel corrugated pipe, and plastic corrugation, due to its fragility, will not save the wiring from mechanical damage.

Others believe that a metal pipe for electrical wiring in a wooden house is redundant and rely on foreign experience, which allows for a cable in a log. In a classic frame using North American technology, the electrical cable is pulled directly through wooden posts, in drilled technological holes, without corrugations, metal pipes, etc.

In the “Finnish” version of the frame, the electrical cable is usually pulled in the inner layer of counter-insulation, embedded in a wooden counter-lattice.

It seems that the technology can be repeated, because it has stood the test of time, but, as we know, the essence lies in the details.

“Overseas”, grounding must be done, and double grounding - one goes to the street line, to the switchboard, the second is independent, connected either to copper pins driven into the ground, or to the central water pipe. Plus, there is also a “zero” bus, and each line and electrical appliance (sockets, lamps, etc.) has its own independent grounding.

Roracotta FORUMHOUSE Member

There are 4 thick cables running underground to the meter in the house. Ground, zero and two phases. In addition to this ground on the cable, the central panel and meter itself must be grounded with a separate ground or to a copper pipe when entering the house, or with two 16 mm copper pins 2 meters long, or with a special copper plate buried in the ground to a depth of about a meter.

In a three-core “foreign” cable, the copper wire is “ground” and comes without braid. This ensures that the RCD is triggered at the slightest damage to the insulation of the “zero” and “phase” wires along the entire route. While in our country the grounding wire is isolated and provides protection only to end consumers.


In Canada, a rule was introduced - all lines that supply bedrooms must be equipped with special circuit breakers that are sensitive to sparks jumping at the consumer (plug, socket, etc.). If a spark jumps somewhere, the machine knocks out. It's expensive, but it needs to be done.

And this is only part of the nuances that ensure electrical safety. Having decided to run a cable in a steel pipe in houses built from timber, we remember that wood shrinks over time. Moreover, depending on the moisture content of the source material, this value can be significant. This means that we need to think in advance about how to ensure the necessary movement/independence of the steel pipe with the cable, so that the beam does not “hang” on it after 2-3 years.

Condensation may form in the steel pipe, and moisture may enter the outlet or junction box due to the slope of the route. One more " headache» - how to drive tracks in large wooden houses. It’s one thing to lay steel pipes in a wooden cottage of 100-150 square meters. m, but the task is completely different in complexity - in houses of 300-500 sq. m. In addition to increasing the estimate, special requirements are also placed on the qualifications of workers involved in the installation of electrical wiring in steel pipes.

Therefore, examples of the practical implementation of cable wiring in metal pipes are interesting.

Ivanov Kostya Member of FORUMHOUSE

I installed electrical wiring in a wooden ceiling attic floor, in a square steel pipe 15x15 mm, with VVGng cable with a section of 3x2.5. Turns and bends - a metal hose with a diameter of 20 mm, it fits well onto the pipe.

A square pipe is more convenient to install than a round one.

Installation of wiring in a log house

Electrical installation in a wooden house is also interesting , made by user with nickname Serg177. To do this, he bought a 15x15 mm pipe 300 meters long and a metal corrugation with a diameter of 2 cm, as well as brackets (they are used to fasten corrugations with a diameter of 1.5 cm) for fixing the pipes on the walls. Next, we install the wiring, not forgetting to first clean the edges of the pipes from burrs!


When performing repair and construction work great value has a correctly executed electrical wiring diagram in a wooden house. This is primarily due to the provision of electricity and fire safety such buildings in the process of further operation. Wood is a combustible material, so there are a number of restrictions and technical conditions for laying wires and cables, installing electrical appliances and equipment. Exact fulfillment of all requirements will avoid fire and other negative consequences.

Electrical wiring diagram in a wooden house

The electrical wiring diagram, including for a wooden house, is drawn up even before installation work begins. Standard project consists of a diagram of the planned posting and the estimated quantity necessary materials. There are recommendations from experts that must be followed. For example, all switches, sockets, junction boxes, meters and other points electrical diagram must be placed in places accessible for their maintenance and repair.

When deciding how to make electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the location of the switches. Their placement is carried out in such a way that they are not covered by cabinets, sliding doors and other items. Minimum height from the floor level is 1 meter, however, modern standards allow installation at any height from the point of view of aesthetics and ease of use.

The placement of sockets on the diagram is planned in such a way that when all electrical appliances are turned on, additional extension cords are not required. Therefore, you need to think about placement in advance household appliances and electrical equipment. ranges from 25 to 40 cm, and on an area of ​​6 m2 there should be at least one of them. In the kitchen, the minimum number of sockets is 3 pcs. The distance of each of them from metal structures must be at least 50 cm.

When laying electrical wiring, all lines must be positioned strictly vertically or horizontally. The main line is located 15 cm below the ceiling and at a distance of 5 to 10 cm from the beams and cornices. Branches for sockets and switches are laid no closer than 15 cm from door and window openings. If the cable is routed from the bottom, its distance from the floor is at least 15 cm. Distribution boxes are used to connect the wires. In addition, it is necessary to provide a grounding connection and an RCD.

After drawing up the project it is very easy to calculate required quantity materials and equipment that will be installed in the premises.

Schemes for installing electrical wiring in a wooden house

The installation diagram is slightly different from the electrical wiring diagram. The installation locations of all devices and lines have already been determined; it remains to indicate the execution sequence electrical installation work, that is, the order in which certain devices and equipment are connected.

Before starting work, you need to determine the power consumed by all electrical appliances turned on at the same time. If the obtained value is less than 15 kW, a 25 A input circuit breaker is installed. If this figure is exceeded, the installation of a transformer will additionally be required.

Next, the electric meter and input machines are installed. When installing these devices outdoors, a sealed housing is used, protected from the penetration of dirt, dust and moisture. To make it more convenient to take readings, the cabinet is equipped with a viewing window.

The counter is installed after the introductory machine. Then an RCD is installed that provides emergency shutdown of the current in the event of a short circuit. Next, the cable is connected to the electrical panel located inside the house. The rating of a machine located in the house is one step lower than that installed outside. In case of any violations, it will work first, eliminating the need to go outside to the input device.

In the home panel there are single-pole circuit breakers, from which wires spread throughout all rooms. The number of such machines corresponds to the number of consumer groups. For the possible connection of new consumers, 2-3 free machines are installed.

Consumption groups in wooden houses can have different purposes. For example, power is supplied to sockets through one machine, and to lighting fixtures through another. To powerful equipment - electric stoves, boilers, washing machines- power is supplied from personal machines. Individual groups include street lighting and power supply to outbuildings.

Separate power lines best provide safe operation home network. Due to this, the number of potentially dangerous places connections, where oxidation and heating of contacts most often occur. For ease of installation, each line in the diagram is marked with its own color indicating the order of laying.

The next stage will be the installation of wires and cables in the premises. In wooden houses, laying cable lines can be done in the following ways:

  • External (open) wiring. It is laid using insulators. Currently, this method is again becoming popular with.
  • . In fact, this is the same open wiring, only laid in special trays.
  • Internal (hidden) wiring. Its installation is possible when it is planned to cover the surfaces of the ceiling and walls. For laying, metal corrugated sleeves or metal pipes. The bend angles are 90, 120 or 135 degrees, which makes it possible to replace a damaged section of the cable without disturbing the finish. Used for wire connections metal boxes with free access to them.

Next, in accordance with the diagram, the installation of sockets or switches is carried out. For wooden houses there are special models with metal mounting plate, on which the external panel is installed. Plates made of non-flammable plastic certified by fire authorities can be used. For safety reasons, all outlets must have a ground wire.

Requirements for electrical wiring in a wooden house

Due to high fire hazard wooden houses, compliance with the rules and requirements for the installation of electrical wiring is of particular relevance.

Compliance with safety requirements begins already when connecting a wooden house to a power line. This event must be carried out by the organization responsible for the supply of electricity. After completing all the necessary documentation, the meter is installed and a direct connection to the power supply is made. For these purposes, a flexible insulated wire is used, the integrity of the insulation is first checked.

As a rule, the meter is installed outside, and the distribution panel is installed inside the building. The cable connecting both points runs through a steel pipe through a hole punched in the wall. The entry height must be at least 2.75 m from the ground surface. Insulators and wires pass from the protruding part of the roof at a distance of at least 20 cm. The inlet pipe is protected from moisture penetration.

The beginning of internal wiring in a wooden house is the distribution board. Dry places are selected for its installation. This type equipment cannot be located in a bathroom, shower or toilet. The shield must have a fireproof base and be locked with a key. There should not be at a distance of 50 cm from it heating devices and equipment, gas, water supply and sewerage systems.

The already discussed methods of laying cables and wires in wooden houses are also subject to requirements for ensuring electrical and fire safety.

Hidden wiring can be done in several ways:

  • An ordinary wire sheathed in flammable materials is laid on a fireproof lining, after which a layer of plaster 1 cm thick or more is applied to it.
  • Ordinary wire with a sheath of fire resistant materials can be simply laid on a fireproof lining along the entire length without subsequent plastering.
  • When using a wire in a metal corrugation, it can be laid on the structural elements of the building.
  • In the case of using steel boxes fixed directly to structures, wires that do not have additional protection can be laid in them.
  • When using fire resistant plastic boxes It is allowed to lay any wires in them, provided that a lining made of fireproof materials is installed under them. Subsequently, the box itself is covered with plaster, a layer thickness of 1 cm or more.

An indispensable condition for the use of metal boxes and corrugated hoses is their additional grounding throughout the entire area of ​​laying cables and wires. The dimensions of the lining made of non-combustible materials are selected so that it protrudes beyond the dimensions of the box or corrugation by at least 1 cm.

Wiring in an open manner is in most cases performed using rollers. This method simpler from a technical point of view and does not require as many materials as with hidden wiring. The only drawback is appearance such lines, which are successfully hidden thanks to the original design solutions. For safety reasons, a lining made of non-combustible materials is laid along the entire length of the wires.

For open wiring, a shell made of non-combustible materials is used, which is laid directly on the structural elements. If pipes or fireproof boxes are used, then the presence of an additional sheath of wires is not necessary. There are separate technical requirements for external wiring wooden house, laid directly on the street. First of all, this concerns the minimum distance from the ground to the line, which is 2.75 meters. The gap between the wire and the wall of the building must be at least 0.5 meters, and the distance from balconies and windows - 1.5 meters and above.

The main attention is paid to entering the building and protecting it from the ingress and accumulation of moisture. For this purpose, special seals are used to ensure reliable sealing.

Before wiring, it is necessary to determine the location of all consumers and determine the total power of household appliances and equipment. Compliance with everyone technical standards and requirements will ensure reliable and long-term operation of the home electrical network. At the same time, electrical and fire safety issues, especially relevant for wooden houses, will be resolved.

Drawing up a power supply project

In modern wooden country houses a large number of household appliances and equipment with high energy consumption are installed. Most often these are electric boiler systems that supply hot water and space heating. Water supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems are also equipped with powerful pumps and other similar elements. In addition, every home has a variety of electronic household appliances that make household work easier and increase comfort for those living in the house.

Many owners of wooden houses install backup power sources in case of an emergency power outage. All these factors must be taken into account when designing future electrical installation work. Electrical wiring in wooden houses must be designed especially carefully. Wires and cables low quality passing along wooden walls very often lead to fires. Therefore, the design and subsequent installation must be carried out by qualified electrical engineers who have the necessary knowledge and practical skills to perform such work.

An electrical project has specific requirements. First of all, they affect the reliability of cable input, automatic protection against short circuits and voltage surges, circuit protective grounding And . When drawing up a project, you need to correctly calculate the power consumption and evenly distribute all loads. In wooden houses, it is mandatory to install an RCD to cut off power consumption in emergency situations in the network.

When developing a project, not only the method of laying electrical wiring is determined, but also cabling and wiring products with the appropriate parameters. All materials used for design must be certified.

Electrician in a wooden house

More often wooden houses are being built on summer cottages. The advantage of these buildings is the low material costs for construction and high speed construction. The main disadvantage of this solution is the high probability of ignition in case emergency situation in electrical wiring. As a result of sparks and short circuits, the walls and ceiling will easily catch fire. Hence the high requirements for cable laying in structures with combustible surfaces in the PUE and other normative and technical documentation. Therefore, let's figure out how electrical wiring in a wooden house should be done safely, in accordance with GOSTs and PUE.


  1. Lighting
  2. Sockets
  3. Powerful electrical appliances

Be sure to protect these groups with individual automatic circuit breakers and RCDs. A residual current device must be installed on the circuits from which the water heater, electric boiler, dishwasher, washing machine and other powerful consumers are powered, especially if they are located in damp rooms.

Then for a cable with a core cross-section of 1.5 square meters. mm (lighting circuits) choose a machine with a rated current of 6-10 amperes, and for 2.5 sq. mm - 16 amperes.

Group RCDs for sockets or individual consumers must have a leakage current (differential current, also known as Id) in the range of 10-30 mA, and a general RCD, also called input or fire protection, is chosen with a leakage current greater than for group ones, for example 100-300 mA .

Also, a selective RCD is sometimes installed at the input - it differs from the usual one in its long response time. The rated current of the RCD must be higher than the current of the circuit breaker that protects this group, that is, AB at 10A - RCD at 16A, AB at 16A - RCD at 25A.

Assembly diagram of a single-phase shield in a wooden house:

If you have carried out 3 phases per site, the distribution board diagram may look like:

After the wiring is done and the panel is assembled, we recommend calling an electrician so that he can check everything and possibly eliminate obvious errors. Next, you need to go through acceptance tests, obtain a certificate of approval for connecting to the network, and also call a representative of the distribution network to seal the meter and the input machine.

That's all step by step instructions, which explains in detail how to do electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands. Be sure to carry out electrical installation in accordance with the PUE and other existing standards. They are designed and assembled based on large quantity accidents that could have been avoided simply by following the rules. We hope that the tips and diagrams provided helped you carry out electrical installation yourself or at least save on some installation steps.

One of the most important activities when building a house made of wood is its electrification in compliance with the rules fire safety. Usually, professional electricians are involved in installing the house and further laying cables to each point, although some homeowners tend to take responsibility themselves by doing this not an easy task. To help those who decide to install electricity in the house themselves, step-by-step instructions accompanied by mandatory rules.

Rules for laying electrical cables in wooden structures

Before working out in a wooden house, you should study some of the features of this activity that are typical for buildings made of timber or logs. Electrification rules wooden structure differ from the wiring and installation of equipment performed in houses built from stone, brick or building blocks. The main difference is the flammability of wood, which requires special care when carrying out all work related to supplying power to each point.

The second feature of a building made from lumber is its significant shrinkage, the degree of which must be taken into account when installing electrical wiring. The specified features of buildings erected from wood building materials dictate following rules that must be observed when installing electrical wiring with your own hands:

  • preference is given to an electrical cable with a copper power core, as it is more flexible and less susceptible to damage from bending and stretching;
  • priority is given to the open (external) method of laying wires;
  • the use of metal (non-flammable) socket boxes and distribution boxes;
  • holes in the walls for routing cables between different rooms and when entering the house, they are fenced off from the wood with metal cases (sleeves);
  • When installing electrical wiring in a closed way, the cable is laid only in a continuous metal tube, the use of corrugated cable ducts for these purposes is strictly prohibited;
  • It is recommended to use a wire protected by several layers of non-flammable braiding, O.D. which is at least 40% smaller than the internal cross-section of the case or mounting tube;
  • special attention is paid to protection against short circuits (installation of automatic circuit breakers and RCDs), grounding of all electrical appliances with connection to the appropriate circuit, creation effective protection from lightning strikes;
  • The electrical distribution panel is mounted to a wooden wall using a reliable dielectric non-flammable plate.

These rules will ensure you maximum safety during the operation of the electrical supply, because more than half of the cases of fires in wooden buildings are caused by problems with electrical wiring. Due to fire safety, to the detriment of aesthetic preferences, experts recommend using an open cable installation method when wiring around the house.

If, however, hidden (internal) laying of wires is preferred, the laying of metal cases for electrical cables must be done during the construction of walls. This is a labor-intensive process that also requires accurate calculations when designing power supply, in order to minimize the likelihood of channel deformation from pressure building structures when shrinking the house. For this reason, preference is often given to open mounting wiring in a wooden house, as safer and more controllable during operation.

With the open method of laying cables, two options for installing wires are used. The first, considered somewhat outdated, involves fixing the wiring to special dielectric insulators, which are installed with a certain step according to the wiring diagram. This method is inferior in aesthetics, but at the same time it is the easiest to install, safest and least expensive in terms of material investments. Open wiring on insulators is now used less and less, preferring to lay electrical cables in special closed cases that are mounted on top of a wooden wall or ceiling. Laying wires in wall cable channels is convenient, functional and allows you to implement complex circuits wiring corresponding modern requirements for power supply of private houses.

Electrical design - highlights

Any complex installation work precedes design, including the installation of wiring in a wooden house. But first, it is necessary to coordinate the provision of electricity to housing with the organization providing electricity supply services, whose specialists must develop technical specifications– the basis for further design. At the same time, the total energy consumption and the set of necessary electrical equipment for introducing a power cable into the house are assessed.

For private households, according to approved standards, it is considered acceptable to consume electricity within 15 kW at a time, which corresponds to an installation at the input of 25 A. If consumption exceeds the indicated figure, installation is required additional converter electric current.

Design begins with marking the location of electricity consumers on the construction diagram. Some of them will be powered from the general network (lighting and appliances connected to regular sockets), others will be connected to the distribution panel via a separate cable. This is how devices with increased power consumption are connected (electric stoves, hot water boilers, electric boilers heating). Each of the powerful electricity consumers is connected through an individual circuit breaker.

Depending on the number of devices and their power that will presumably be powered from a particular room, the number of required sockets and the cross-section of the supply cable are calculated. In order to prevent overheating of the conductors, a cable with a core cross-section of at least 1.5 mm is used. Provide at least 2.5 mm to the sockets. The use of tees and electrical carriers is not recommended; it is advisable to install more power consumption points than the number of electrical appliances expected to be used.

Also, when designing, the locations of distribution boxes and the ways of communicating them with lighting fixtures, switches and sockets. In this case, the minimum distances from the laid cable to door and window openings (at least 10 cm), floor and ceiling are taken into account. The cable routing diagram, especially when installed hidden, will help in the future not to damage the wiring when carrying out various installation and finishing works.When designing electrical wiring, not only personal ideas about the convenience of the location of electrical points and cables are taken into account, but also requirements dictated by considerations of safety and expediency, which include the following rules:

  • It is unacceptable to connect power supply points along the shortest path - cables are laid only vertically and horizontally, forming direction transitions at right angles;
  • switches are installed in the range of 0.6-1.2 m from floor surface, the permissible height range for sockets is 0.4-0.8 m;
  • switches, sockets and distribution boxes must be freely accessible for use, inspection or repair work;
  • direct contact of passing wires with metal objects and with each other is excluded (the distance between adjacent cables should not be less than 50 mm).

The connection of copper and aluminum conductors, if any, is prohibited by twisting. To avoid rapid oxidation of such contacts, it is recommended to use special terminal blocks.

Wiring - widely used methods and diagrams

Installation of wiring in a wooden house begins with the choice of wiring diagram and method of laying cables. But first it is necessary to install external electrical equipment, which includes an electric meter and circuit breakers. Typically, the meter and main circuit breaker are installed by specialists from the power supply organization; further wiring is done by hired electricians or independently.

It is recommended to install additional circuit breakers, through one of which the lighting is powered, the other breaks the circuit going to the sockets, the third - for electrical appliances located outside the building . Individual machines are installed on cables that supply electricity to utility and technical buildings, as well as high-power electrical appliances installed in the house and powered using individual wires.

Main power cable is inserted inside through a case built into wooden wall, and is brought to the first junction box, where it is connected to the next main wire going to other rooms. When installing open wiring in a wooden house, before routing the wires from the distribution boxes to the power consumption points, you need to install insulators (for the retro version) or lockable cases (boxes) in accordance with the electrical wiring diagram, designed to accommodate the appropriate number of cables. If the method of installing wires in boxes is chosen, the subsequent steps are performed in this order.

  1. 1. We put wires in cases fixed to the walls (fastening spacing 50-60 cm), one end of which is inserted into the distribution box, the other into the corresponding socket box. In the box we leave a cable reserve of up to 20 cm, in the socket box - about 10 cm. After laying the electrical wires, we close the box with a lid.
  2. 2. According to the wiring diagram and connection of electrical consumers in the box, we connect the wires. The easiest way is twisting followed by insulation. We clear all conductors from the braid by about 40 mm, twist them along the entire length of the protected conductors, and then insulate them with special caps.
  3. 3. More reliable way connecting wires - using terminal blocks of the appropriate cross-section. We strip the wires to about 7-8 mm, insert them into the corresponding connector of the block and tighten them with a screw. This connection method prevents sparking and oxidation of contacts.
  4. 4. Next, we connect the contacts of switches, sockets and lighting sources to the corresponding wires. We install sockets and switches in socket boxes and securely fix them with special unclamping “whiskers”.
  5. 5. Only after installing all elements of electrical equipment can the distribution boxes be integrated with each other and with the central power cable.

For wires powering electrical appliances increased power, we lay separate boxes designed for one wire. A cable coming from an electric stove, boiler or other powerful electrical installations, must be continuous and open only at an individual circuit breaker installed in the distribution panel. To install wires into the house for individual electrical appliances, you can use the same case as for the main cable of the main wiring. But at the same time, it is necessary to protect each conductor from each other with dielectric non-flammable material.

This is how open electrical wiring is done in wooden houses, and its installation is available for independent practical implementation. If you want to carry out wiring hidden in a building made of logs or timber, it is better to contact specialists, since this is a troublesome task, requires accurate calculations and involves a labor-intensive installation process with the installation of complex communication units.

When planning to install wiring in your home, install additional lighting, or add a couple of outlets without resorting to the services of professionals, you have to face many questions.

The essence of these questions comes down to one thing - how to choose from the variety offered the only option that will serve faithfully for many years.

In this article we will tell you how and which wire is best to choose for wiring in the house.

The first thing you need to decide is which wire to use for wiring in a wooden house - copper or aluminum. Although you can use both, experts still prefer copper:

Aluminum has only two advantages over copper:

  • he's more flexible, which makes installation easier,
  • he is much cheaper.

In all other parameters, aluminum is inferior to copper:

  • oxidizes quickly(and the oxide conducts current less well and this place will heat up quickly),
  • after a few bends may break, That's why aluminum wires need to be laid with greater care than copper ones, you will have to avoid bending them multiple times in the same place,
  • screw terminals aluminum slips out over time, loosening the contact, and all places where there are clamps require periodic inspection.

The core can be made of aluminum copper - inexpensive composite material , which, on the one hand, combines the good properties of both materials, and on the other, is inferior to each of them in terms of performance.

Wires differ in the number of cores (single- and multi-core, each core can be single- or multi-wire), cross-section and rated operating voltage; they are manufactured with insulation for 380, 600 and 3000 V AC. The conductors can be enclosed in a sheath made of vinyl plastic, PVC or rubber.

To protect the wire from mechanical damage, it can be covered with a cotton braid. If it is intended for installation in places where there is a possibility of mechanical damage, it is additionally protected with a braid of galvanized steel wire.

Despite the fact that aluminum wires are cheaper, recently copper is increasingly replacing them because many homeowners prioritize reliability.

Would you like to know how to make grounding in a private house? In the next review we will talk in detail about all the nuances, as well as what it should look like.

Read about the rules for installing hidden wiring in a wooden house here.

Retro wiring is not only functional, but also decorative solution for those who want to decorate their home and make their wiring attractive. Detailed and useful information.


The marking contains information about the material from which the conductors are made, the degree of flexibility, insulation and design of the protective sheath:

For example, 4x2.5-380 means a 4-core wire with a core cross-section of 2.5 square meters. mm.

Let's figure out what kind of wire is needed for wiring in the house. It is necessary to choose, taking into account the maximum amount of current consumed during the load, which determined by the formula P/220, where P is the rated power of the connected devices. So, for a 100-watt light bulb, the current will be 0.5A. Knowing the total power of all connected devices, you can calculate whether the selected wire is suitable or whether you need to select another one.

The choice for a home is made on the basis that For every kilowatt of load you need 1.57 sq. mm. You should adhere to the power characteristics:

  • for copper 8 A per 1 sq. mm;
  • for aluminum 5 A per 1 sq. mm.
For example, if a 5 kW unit is installed in a house, then the wire for connecting it must be rated at 25 A, that is, the cross-section copper wire should be 3.2 sq. mm or more. Taking into account that the conductivity of aluminum is about 2/3 (62%) of the conductivity of copper, its cross-section should be larger.

Diameter of current-carrying core measured with a micrometer or caliper and calculated using the formula S = 3.14D2/4, where D is the diameter in millimeters. If the core is multi-wire, then the result is determined by adding the cross-sections of all the wires.

When installing wiring, you can focus on the following cross-section indicators:

  • 2.5 sq. mm- sockets, air conditioning, washing machine, storage water heater;
  • 6 sq. mm- electric stove;
  • 1.5 sq. mm- lighting.

The load must also correspond to the installation method. : open wiring cools better, rubber insulation allows heating no higher than 65 degrees, plastic insulation - 70 degrees. Here's how the type of wire depends on the way the wiring is laid:

Practicing electricians It is recommended not to save money, but to use stranded copper wires even where you can get by with single-core, because multi-core, with the same cross-section as monolithic, withstand overloads 5–10% better.

In addition, it is technically impractical to counterfeit a stranded wire, and in a “monolith” there is a danger of running into a counterfeit - an alloy with the addition of copper. But any advice from a specialist has some bias, so it is still better for the home owner to decide for himself what is more important - the economy of aluminum or the quality of copper.

If to this approach the critical stage of repair accordingly, you may never know what melted insulation, fire or short circuit is. You need to take a particularly responsible approach to the arrangement of baths and saunas - there are elevated temperatures and humidity, which leads to rapid wear of the insulation.

By following safety rules and GOST recommendations, you can protect not only your own home, but also your life from fire.

You can learn how to choose a wire for electrical wiring in a private house or apartment from the video review: