Egg poisoning - symptoms and treatment. The importance of oatmeal in recovery from food poisoning. Is it possible to eat boiled eggs if poisoned?

Egg poisoning is a common occurrence, since they are present in the diet of most people every day in one form or another. They are used to prepare main dishes, desserts, used in baking and eaten natural, fried or boiled. The nutritional value of eggs lies in their high content of easily digestible protein, a large amount of vitamins and microelements.


How does poisoning occur?

Many birds, especially waterfowl, suffer from salmonellosis. The causative agent of the disease also infects their eggs. If an infected egg is not fully cooked, salmonella will enter the digestive system. In the villi of the small intestine, they actively multiply and secrete endotoxin, which causes inflammation in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

With reduced immunity, salmonella can penetrate into the submucosal layer of the small intestine, from where it spreads throughout the body through the blood and lymph flow, causing damage to internal organs and septicemia.

Symptoms of poisoning

The incubation period for salmonellosis due to egg poisoning is short and usually does not exceed several hours.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the clinical form in which it occurs.

  1. Gastrointestinal form. Symptoms appear suddenly, in the midst of complete health. The patient experiences cramping abdominal pain, profuse vomiting, and then diarrhea. Feces are foul-smelling, watery, mixed with greens. Body temperature quickly rises to febrile values ​​(38°C and above), and signs of general intoxication (headache and muscle pain, weakness, etc.) also quickly increase.
  2. Typhoid-like form. It begins in almost the same way as the gastrointestinal form, but the symptoms of general intoxication are much more pronounced. In addition, there is an enlargement of the spleen and liver, and prolonged fever. In some cases, a roseola rash may appear on the skin.
  3. Septic form. It is characterized by a severe general condition, the presence of hectic fever (debilitating fever with temperature surges of 4-5°C several times a day).


First aid for poisoning

When the first signs of egg poisoning appear, measures should be taken to remove the infected product, salmonella and their endotoxin from the body.

  1. Rinse the stomach. The patient should drink several glasses of clean water, and then irritate the root of the tongue with his fingers. As a result, vomiting occurs, during which toxic substances are removed from the stomach along with water and food debris. It is advisable to perform this procedure several times until the wash water comes out clean. It is strictly forbidden to perform gastric lavage at home for young children and unconscious persons!
  2. Give a cleansing enema. To do this, pour about a liter of boiled water and cooled to body temperature into Esmarch’s mug. The patient should be placed on his left side and asked to bend his knees. The enema tip is generously lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the anus. The clamp is removed from the rubber hose, after which the water enters the large intestine.
  3. Give enterosorbent. Medicines with sorbing properties act like blotting paper. They absorb pathogenic substances on their surface, retain them, and then remove them from the body naturally. As an enterosorbent, the patient can be given Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel.
  4. Perform oral rehydration. Along with diarrhea, the body loses a significant amount of fluid. To prevent dehydration, as well as to combat general intoxication, the patient should drink a lot. You can drink weak black tea, still mineral water or plain water. But it is better to carry out oral rehydration with Regidron solution or WHO powder. It is very important that the patient drinks liquid in small sips, as this significantly reduces the risk of vomiting and reduces the severity of nausea.

When is medical attention required?

When suffering from food poisoning, people often do not seek medical help because the symptoms go away quite quickly. But you should not do this if you are poisoned by eggs: salmonellosis is a serious disease that requires special treatment. It is especially important to see a doctor early in case of egg poisoning that occurs in young children, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Treatment of poisoning consists of correction of water and electrolyte disturbances and antibacterial therapy. If necessary, medications may be prescribed to improve digestion.

Possible consequences

In the gastrointestinal form of the disease, hypovolemic shock, acute renal and cardiovascular failure may occur.

Salmonellosis can also cause septic complications, which include:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • purulent arthritis;
  • abscess of the kidneys, liver, spleen, brain;
  • endocarditis;
  • appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • meningitis.

Against the background of poisoning, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and in severe cases, toxic-infectious shock can occur.

With timely and complete treatment of the gastrointestinal and typhoid-like forms of salmonellosis, the prognosis is usually favorable - the disease ends in complete recovery. With the septic form, the prognosis is always serious. The septicopyemic variant of salmonellosis is often accompanied by severe complications, and its mortality rate reaches 0.3%.


To prevent egg poisoning, you should follow the following rules:

  • When buying eggs, pay attention to the expiration date;
  • Use eggs with cracked or broken shells only for baking;
  • Wash eggs thoroughly with hot water before using;
  • When cooking scrambled eggs, make sure they are cooked completely.

Considering that waterfowl eggs are almost always infected with salmonella, it is strongly not recommended to eat them as an independent dish. They can only be used for baking.

For fried eggs with a runny yolk or soft-boiled eggs, it is better to use quail eggs. Quails never suffer from salmonellosis due to high body temperature, their eggs are safe, they do not cause poisoning.

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The human body can cope with poisoning on its own if conditions for recovery are created. When treating eating disorders, it is important to avoid dehydration, which can be achieved by drinking plenty of fluids in small sips. To neutralize food toxins, nature has endowed humans with powerful tools: the poison leaves the body with vomiting and diarrhea. Porridge in case of poisoning is an excellent way to restore the body weakened by the disease.

With loose stools, harmful microbes and toxins leave the intestines; beneficial microflora helps digest and absorb nutrients from food into the blood. Poisoning reduces the number of bacteria, and those that remain cannot process much food. In the first days, you should observe moderation and eat easily digestible foods.

Porridge after poisoning is a source of vitamins and a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microbes.

Properly prepared porridge envelops and does not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. It provides nutrition to the body and removes remaining toxins from the digestive tract. It is impossible to overload the body with this dish. The main thing is to prepare them with a certain liquid consistency: do not add milk, butter and other ingredients. Meals after poisoning should be moderate, fractional, in small portions. Oatmeal is popular for poisoning.

It’s not difficult to get poisoned at home. To recover quickly during the acute phase of poisoning, you need to stop eating and drink only water. The body in this state will not ask for food itself. After the danger has passed and the appetite has awakened, it is impossible to sharply load the digestive tract.

Doctors advise against:

  • fatty meat and fish broths, soups;
  • spicy, fried, salty, sweet foods;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • eggs, mushrooms;
  • fermented milk products;
  • products that cause fermentation in the digestive tract: raw vegetables, fruits, carbonated drinks.

After the children get better and ask for food, mothers feed them something tasty in large quantities. This should not be done so as not to provoke indigestion and digestive breakdown. A few days on a porridge diet is the best thing that can be done for a child during the recovery period.

What cereals can you eat if you are poisoned?


Buckwheat porridge helps restore the body after food poisoning. It is rich in microelements and vitamins. Dietary fiber stimulates peristalsis and absorbs the remains of harmful substances. In case of poisoning, buckwheat prevents gas formation, bloating, and is beneficial for the microflora in the intestines.


Oatmeal is a product that must be eaten during the recovery period of all illnesses, and not just after food poisoning. It has enveloping properties and contains a number of vitamins, minerals and nutritional fibers that help restore the gastrointestinal tract after intoxication.


In case of poisoning, semolina saturates the body with useful substances and is easily digestible. Previously, even babies were fed semolina. One of the disadvantages of the product is its low nutrient content. During the rehabilitation period, its value is to provide a person with nutrients in a form that is easily accessible to a weakened body.

Rice cereal

Rice porridge is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, contains protein, coats the walls of the digestive tract, absorbs waste substances and strengthens stool. Rice does not burden the stomach and satisfies hunger well.


The diet during the recovery period after food poisoning allows eating millet porridge. It does not cause fermentation or bloating, saturates the body, is easily digestible and does not contain coarse fiber.

Another favorite porridge in the post-Soviet space is pearl barley. Barley cooks for a long time, but is not able to boil to such an extent that it is easily digestible. During the recovery period, it should be abandoned in favor of the products described above. Pea porridge, despite its high content of vegetable protein, is contraindicated after poisoning. Causes gas formation, and corn and barley contain coarse fibers.

Cooking recipes

In order not to harm the digestive system during the recovery period after intoxication, porridge should be prepared without milk in a liquid jelly-like consistency. The grains are sorted and washed until the water becomes clear. You need to prepare a dish for a poisoned person in liquid form: change the proportions by increasing the volume of water during cooking. Porridge for treating the digestive system is prepared with water. Milk can cause discomfort in the stomach by causing fermentation.

Pour the buckwheat with water, bring to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes. Excess liquid can be allowed to boil away.

Oatmeal, called oatmeal, is prepared as follows: take half a liter of water, add 6 tbsp. l. flakes, bring to a boil. After boiling, leave on fire for 10 minutes. If you grind oats in a coffee grinder, you can prepare oatmeal jelly, which will have an even thinner consistency. This drink is not inferior to oatmeal in nutritional and beneficial properties and helps with poisoning.

Semolina porridge is a product that requires special handling when cooking. Pour the cereal into boiling water in a thin stream to avoid the formation of lumps. To make the dish liquid, you must follow the proportions: 6 tbsp. spoons of cereal per liter of water. Cook semolina for 6-8 minutes over low heat.

To make the rice porridge sticky and not crumbly, pour boiling water over the washed rice, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 20-25 minutes until the grains become soft.

Recipe for making millet porridge: rinse and add water to the cereal, bring to a boil, drain the water. This way it won’t taste bitter, because many people don’t like millet precisely because of its bitterness. The next step is to pour fresh water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

The main condition for preparing dietary porridges to restore the body after poisoning is the liquid consistency of the product and the absence of milk.

Consume in small portions so that a one-time amount of food fits in the patient’s palm. To add flavor to the porridge, it is allowed to add sugar, a spoon of honey, ice cream and fresh berries. On the third or fourth day of recovery, cottage cheese casseroles, vegetable soups, lean meat, and fish are introduced into the diet. Cooking method: boiling or steaming. You should monitor the amount of food you eat.

Which porridge is the healthiest

Oatmeal in water for mild poisoning is a medicinal product that will put a person back on his feet in a short time. Flakes are considered a medicine for the entire digestive system, capable of relieving gastritis and ulcers. A dish made from flakes does not have a distinct taste and occupies an honorable place in the dietary nutrition of all categories of adults. To appreciate the full taste of porridge, which children enjoy eating, it is worth trying to cook it according to the classic English recipe. Not suitable for restorative nutrition - large amounts of carbohydrates and coarse fiber.

  • milk soup;
  • any alcohol;
  • sausage (smoked, dried, and even boiled);
  • milk in any form;
  • salted fish;
  • cue ball;
  • pearl barley;
  • chocolate;
  • bone broth;
  • salo;
  • cutlets;
  • sweet compote;
  • legumes;
  • meat (fried, shish kebab);
  • caviar;
  • corn;
  • soft-boiled eggs, fried;
  • yogurt;
  • dried fish, fried;
  • freshly baked bread;
  • raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Limiting these foods in your diet will allow your body to recover faster after poisoning. All of them are quite heavy and contain many unnecessary and harmful substances that can only aggravate the patient’s condition with food poisoning. In particular, such food causes increased gas formation, pain and cramps in the stomach, provokes excessive stimulation of enzymes, and causes fermentation in the intestines.

    The soup can only be low-fat, unfried, and ideally vegetarian. Honey is introduced from about the 4th day, since sweets enhance fermentation processes in the intestines. You should not drink milk immediately after poisoning, as well as kefir and yogurt; they are introduced from the 5th day, not earlier. The ban also applies to eggs in any form - they are a heavy product.

    Please note:There are different opinions regarding bananas. Opponents of this fruit in case of poisoning believe that bananas should not be consumed because. they are quite sweet. However, bananas contain enough potassium (a lot of it is lost during poisoning), few fruit acids that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (unlike other fresh fruits), and have a soft consistency. Therefore, their use is allowed.

    Sample menu after poisoning

    First day: hunger and drinking plenty of fluids (herbal decoctions, pharmaceutical saline solutions).

    Second day: up to 2 liters of liquid, broth (3 times a day, 100 ml), several crackers, puree (potatoes, zucchini, carrots) up to 200 g.

    Third day: rice with water (250g), vegetable broth (300g), crackers and biscuits, drink plenty of fluids.

    Fourth day: chicken broth (boneless) 200 ml, vegetable casserole with semolina (without eggs) - 250 grams, steamed fish cutlets or meatballs (100g), homemade croutons, biscuits.

    Neither an adult nor a child can be insured against food poisoning. When such unpleasant symptoms appear as pain and discomfort in the abdomen, sometimes tachycardia and elevated body temperature, the child’s appetite disappears by itself, since the body must get rid of uninvited guests in the form of pathogens and toxins.

    It has been proven that abstaining from food in the first few hours after the onset of symptoms of poisoning in itself has a healing effect, since it relieves the digestive and enzymatic systems, allowing you to begin the fight against the cause of infection and its consequences.

    However, abstaining from food for more than a day is no longer so beneficial for a growing body that needs reinforcement, so parents should know what children can eat if they are poisoned.

    To eat or not to eat?

    Organizing the nutrition of a child in case of poisoning in its acute stage comes down to maintaining the correct water-salt balance in the body, which can be disturbed. Since there is no appetite at first, there is no question at all about what children can eat if they are poisoned.

    As a result of vomiting and diarrhea, a large amount of fluid and salts are lost, the deficiency of which must be replenished.

    Metabolic processes occur with the direct participation of water, so its lack is fraught with dehydration, increased body temperature, even greater intoxication and deterioration of the condition. In severe cases of dehydration, without hospital care, a child may even die, and the younger the child, the higher the risk.

    When vomiting, it is pointless and even harmful to give your baby glasses of water to drink, since a new attack provoked by a large amount of liquid can deprive the body of even more water than the child drank. Therefore, the liquid is given one tablespoon 15 minutes after an attack of vomiting. If after 15 minutes the attack does not recur, give another spoon. Otherwise, the interval is increased and the amount of water is reduced to 1 teaspoon.

    The best food is salt water. Rehydration therapy

    Drinking liquid for acute poisoning is prepared as follows: take one teaspoon of salt and sugar per 200 ml of water. Salt allows fluid to linger in the body, sugar will replenish lost energy. The temperature of the drink matters: warm liquid is absorbed faster than hot or cold liquid.

    You can prepare drinking solutions that are sold in pharmacies. When contacting a pharmacist, you need to ask for rehydration therapy medications. The specialist will suggest suitable mixtures for the child.

    Registration therapy should be carried out until vomiting and diarrhea disappear.

    The appetite has increased

    You can offer your child something more substantial than rehydration drinks no earlier than 6-10 hours after the acute stage of poisoning.

    If, as a result of the therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor, the vomiting has gone away and the abdominal pain has subsided, this means that the baby can eat. During this period, you can offer rosehip decoction or sweetened tea, preferably chamomile, with a small Lenten cookie, a slice of day-old bread or a cracker.

    Vegetables and fruits in the diet

    As health improves and intoxication symptoms gradually disappear, the child may feel hungry.

    Children now? The best choice is pureed vegetable soup. You can salt it, but using butter for dressing is not recommended.

    You can make compote from fruits, and offer your baby a baked apple as a dessert. It is believed that this dish helps remove toxic substances from the intestines and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

    Cauliflower is of particular dietary value for children during illness.

    But for now you should refrain from eating raw vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh and packaged juices.

    Protein foods, fish and meat

    Perhaps the baby will not refuse a hard-boiled egg.

    Scrambled eggs, like an omelet, cooked in a frying pan with butter, are not on the list of what you can eat.

    In case of poisoning, it is better to give the child a gentle one prepared with water instead of milk. It can be prepared directly in a glass jar placed in a container of boiling water.

    All types of store-bought sausages and frankfurters, as well as semi-finished meat products, are strictly contraindicated during this period.

    Is it possible to feed a child who is poisoned with homemade meatballs, cutlets and dumplings? It will become clear when the appetite is restored and the negative symptoms of poisoning have disappeared.

    But for a week it is better to refrain from heavy food, replacing meat with lean steamed fish, eggs and chicken broth.

    Dairy products

    If your baby loves dairy products, you can offer him cottage cheese, but only the kind that can be eaten in case of poisoning. The child is prepared with low-fat crumbly cottage cheese with a small amount of sugar or a spoonful of jam with the doctor’s permission. You can soften the dish with a tablespoon of any low-fat fermented milk product.

    Fresh kefir or yogurt without flavoring and aromatic additives is preferable to milk because it is easier to digest and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.


    What can you give a child if they are poisoned from cereals? Rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal cooked in water are best suited. For variety, cereals can be added to vegetable soups, and when the baby’s condition improves, they can be cooked in chicken or fish broth.

    Peas, beans and beans, due to their ability to cause increased gas formation in the intestines, are not included in the list of foods for children. But if there is a stable improvement in the condition, they will not cause harm.

    I want to, but I can’t

    Some parents, worried about their sick child and trying with all their might to improve his condition, strive to satisfy the slightest whim of their child. Indulging in certain desires is fraught with aggravation of the baby’s condition. Pedagogical mistakes of parents in the formation of correct eating behavior cost the child’s health.

    Under no circumstances, in case of poisoning, should a child be given fast food products, chips, crackers with flavors, large amounts of confectionery products, carbonated drinks that are a cocktail of chemicals, chewing gum, seeds, fatty cottage cheese and vegetable bars, nut and chocolate spreads and other “achievements” of the chemical and food industry.

    Entering into a familiar way of life should be as careful as possible. Proper nutrition is an important component of the treatment prescribed by the doctor and will ensure that the growing body is supplied with energy and nutrients during the recovery period.

    Food poisoning can permanently “incapacitate” even the strongest organism. A diet after poisoning helps not only maintain vitality, but also get rid of discomfort in the abdominal cavity. First of all, during the course of the disease and after it, you should avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines: any saltiness; sauces and spices; chocolate, pastries, fatty cakes; fresh bread (you can eat crackers); pasta; sausages and ham; fatty fish; a variety of snacks; sour and “spicy” (pineapple, papaya) fruits.

    While the symptoms of the disease have not yet passed, you should take care not to stop the diarrhea as soon as possible, but to ensure that the body does not lose too much fluid. During this period, you should drink at least 2 liters of rehydron or any other drug to maintain water-salt balance. Some doctors advise abstaining from food altogether during the period of acute poisoning, while others believe that the following products can be included in the menu:

    – chicken broth without pasta;
    – 1-2 eggs;
    – grated carrots without oil;
    - unsweetened apples.

    In the case of a bacterial infection associated with nausea and vomiting, the so-called tea diet for poisoning gives good results. You should brew very strong black tea and drink it with sugar, about 2-3 spoons per cup. Due to the increased content of astringent substances - tannins and cahetins - tea disinfects the gastrointestinal tract, and a person begins to feel better.

    But the folk recipe - a diet of boiled eggs and crackers - is not supported by doctors. Strictly speaking, doctors have nothing against eggs, but any crackers, breads and crisps contain a large amount of dietary fiber. And they can only be beneficial if you have already experienced an acute period of poisoning. Otherwise, dietary fiber will only act as an irritant and increase bloating and diarrhea.

    If you are experiencing a lack of energy and want to eat something during the period of poisoning, it is worth preparing rice water or sticky rice porridge. Take a glass of rice and 4 glasses of water, boil and eat for your health, you can add a little salt to the dish.

    However, the main rule of nutrition “during and after” poisoning is moderation. The fact is that your body is simply not able to digest large quantities of food, so do not try to “eat up” as soon as possible. Portions should be small. Even liquid should not be consumed more than 200 ml at a time.

    New foods should be introduced very carefully after poisoning. First of all, avoid nuts, seeds and legumes, including green beans, for at least 2 weeks. Your gut is prone to flatulence right now, and these foods will only make you feel worse.

    For a week after poisoning, try to eat only lean fish, rabbit or poultry, and let the portions not exceed 100-150 g. The body is not able to digest fatty foods; you may have to use drugs with bifidobacteria to improve digestion. Regarding the intake of dairy products after poisoning, doctors are unanimous in their opinion. You should only eat low-fat and low-fat options for at least the first two weeks of the recovery period.

    But in any case, you should not treat food poisoning as “just diarrhea.” It is better to consult a doctor and find out the nature of the infection, then they will be able to provide you with professional help and prescribe a diet for rehabilitation. And you should use recommendations from the Internet only if you have mild poisoning and literally within a day you have stopped suffering from obvious symptoms.

    Important: before going on a diet after poisoning, consult your doctor.

    Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova