Kitchen living room layout 16 meters. L-shaped kitchen layout

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Combining the kitchen and living room into one room is not only fashion trend. For owners of a small kitchen space, this is a way to make the room more comfortable and functional, and for residents of one-room apartments, a kitchen-living room of 16 sq.m already resembles a two-room apartment.

Kitchen-living rooms with an area of ​​16 meters are also often found in studio apartments and private houses.

For more ideas, watch the video:

Advantages and Disadvantages

This arrangement option has its pros and cons.

  • increasing the area of ​​a small kitchen and its functionality;
  • more possibilities in choosing the layout of the headset, color scheme, style;
  • non-standard solution.
  • the noise of technology reaching into the living room;
  • food smells;
  • spoiling the view from the living room is the mess in the kitchen area.

Some disadvantages can be minimized. For example, buy silent appliances, a powerful hood; build a partition to cover the kitchen mess. But there are not always the means and opportunities for this, so it is always important to evaluate the disadvantages.

Layout options for a kitchen combined with a living room

This area of ​​the room is not the largest, but sufficient to accommodate a kitchen area, a living room with a sofa, and a mini-dining room. Here are several design options for a food preparation area, a relaxation area, and a dining room in one room.

Design of a kitchen-living room 16 sq. can be made not only with linear and L-shaped furniture, which are often the only solutions for small and medium-sized kitchens.

Here you can plan the installation of compact U-shaped or even island options.

The island can simultaneously become an additional dining area, bar counter and storage space kitchen items. The kitchen island also serves as a zoning element for the kitchen-living room.

L-shaped and linear layouts remain the most practical, saving a significant amount of space. This means that there will be left for the guest part more space, and you can put a spacious sofa here and coffee table.

We already mentioned above that combining the kitchen and living room is an idea for studios, large kitchens and combined rooms with a broken partition.

In the first two cases, it is much easier to make a living room out of the kitchen: after all, there is no need to demolish the walls. It’s enough to put a sofa and think over the design.

It is important to coordinate the demolition of the wall, i.e. obtain permission from the authorities authorized to resolve such issues.

To ensure that your future interior does not disappoint, follow the following design recommendations.

As part of the design of the kitchen-living room 16 sq.m. - not the largest area, so it is not recommended to use for zoning volumetric structures, which will uselessly “steal” part of the space.

What can you come up with here to highlight the functional centers of each part?

  1. Translucent decorative partitions.

These can be metal gratings, decorated with hanging pots with indoor plants, slatted partitions, screens, etc.

They look stylish, but can become a source of danger if there are small children. Unbreakable glass is very expensive. Alternative option For protection, a special film can be used that retains fragments in the event of cracking.

  1. Separating the kitchen and living room using material or color.

The most dangerous method for non-professionals. It is important here not only to know successful color combinations, but also be able to choose the texture of materials so that overall everything looks harmonious.

Kitchen-living room 16 square meters in country style with zoning of material and color

If you still choose this method, here are a few rules.

  • use colors that are close in tone;
  • do not combine more than 3 different colors in your design;
  • make only one wall textured (for example, with brickwork in the recreation area);
  • Different flooring for the kitchen and living room often looks tasteless. Therefore, do not skimp on durable, waterproof laminate, parquet or quality linoleum, with which you cover the entire area of ​​the room.

  1. Zoning with furniture.

An island layout, a set or a sofa placed with its back to the kitchen work area will help visually define the boundaries.

Tip 2 - Compact and functional furniture instead of bulky ones

In 16 square meters it is unlikely that it will be possible to fit a spacious set at the same time as a large classic sofa. And even if it works out, the interior will not be attractive and visually spacious. There is no need to try to fit a bookcase, coffee table, armchairs, etc. into one room at once. A corner sofa with shelves and a table built into the side, for example, can replace several items at once, performing several tasks at once.

Lovers of traditional interior design should take a closer look at modern classics. Volumetric furniture and decoration in neoclassical style have been replaced with more restrained, simpler ones, giving more freedom and visual space.

Kitchen combined with living room - best solution for a kitchen area of ​​16 sq. The kitchen is an integral part of the apartment. And if she is big, for example, at 16 square meters, then it's just a dream. After all, in such a spacious room there will be no problems with location household appliances. This is also a good place to sit in the dining area. soft corner. Free space will prevent you from hitting something.

But there are some tricks here too. You can get so carried away with the placement of furniture that the kitchen turns into something like a store. Therefore, you need to understand how to properly do it in such a large room. good project and make all your fantasies come true.

Kitchen finishing

Before you start renovating your kitchen, you need to think about its proper finishing.

The ceiling should be such that it can be easily washed, and it should not be affected by temperature changes. Best option for this purpose – put suspended ceilings. Since the area is not so large (relative to the rest of the rooms in the apartment), this procedure will be inexpensive.

Kitchen area 16 sq. meters allows you to use almost any style in design. In addition, you can use dark shades- the room will not look small

The design and color of the walls will play a huge role in shaping the style of the kitchen. They can be visually reduced or enlarged - it depends on exactly how they will pass finishing work indoors. It is best to stick washable wallpaper or decorate the walls with ceramic tiles.

The tiles beautifully laid on the floor will fit well into the kitchen design. Its shelf life will be significantly longer than, for example, ordinary linoleum. But, in this case, you will have to insulate the floor, since the tiles are very cold.

Space planning. Premises design

Soft sofaindispensable attribute large kitchen-living room

There are several space planning options that can be implemented in your own kitchen:

  • Ostrovnaya. Anyone who has watched American films at least once in their life has seen such a kitchen. The dining area is located in the middle of the room. The kitchen has 16 sq. m such a layout will be very successful and rational.
  • Linear. As a rule, this layout is suitable for a kitchen that has more than four corners. The dining area is located along one wall.
  • Corner. This standard layout for large and small kitchens. The design of such a room implies that the sink, refrigerator and stove are most often located in one corner.
  • Parallel. The furniture is located on two opposite walls. Most often, such a kitchen also has a balcony. Therefore, you can place it on it dining area or a rest room.
  • U-shaped. The dining area is located along three walls. This kitchen design is stylish and non-standard.

The kitchen and living room areas can be effectively separated by a partition so that you can change its design in one motion

If you put up partitions, it may well turn out to be a kitchen-dining room. This will separate the dining area from the working area. Or another layout is possible - the bar counter is placed as a partition.

Tips for proper planning:

  • The layout should please the eye, be cozy, but not lose functionality. A kitchen of 16 square meters will be a blessing for a large family.
  • Consider the functionality of the walls. You shouldn’t hang a variety of hooks on every meter of free space. This will greatly spoil the overall appearance.
  • It is necessary to calculate what can be used to occupy all the corners. It is better to make shelves - wooden, glass or plasterboard.
  • There should be dishes in the cabinet above the sink.

Kitchen 16 sq. m, combined with living room

The kitchen has 16 sq. m combined with the living room, you can also use an island layout. This option is not only preferable in terms of style, but will also make the use of space more rational

A good option would be to combine the kitchen with the living room. But you need to think through such a project carefully:

  • For example, along one wall of the room you can place kitchen set, while the other wall will act as a living room. In this case, upper cabinets will not be needed. You can hang a plasma above your workplace. This layout fits well in a square living room.
  • If you place the kitchen unit in the corner, the rest of the space will increase significantly. An original solution there will be a podium on which you can put a dining area. This project will provide an opportunity to arrange the soft corner in a completely different way.
  • There is also the possibility of combining floor coverings. In the kitchen, the floor is tiled, and laminate or parquet is laid in the living room area. Thus, the living room and kitchen are significantly enlarged.
  • A large dining table is placed at the border between the kitchen and the hotel. They hang low over him ceiling lights. Thus, the space visually becomes divided.
  • The living room and kitchen are easily separated by an arch placed in any convenient place.
  • Various screens and retractable partitions are widely used. Screens are needed in order to quickly isolate the kitchen from the living room during a sudden visit of guests, if the first is a mess and chaos. Partitions also help cope with noise and odors emanating from the kitchen.

Pros and cons of combining kitchen and living room

One room instead of 2 will be a plus for some, and a minus for others, since in some cases it will deprive a person of personal space. But even here there is various solutions this problem. For example, a bar counter that can partially separate the kitchen area, or a soft partition like a screen that will allow you to zone the kitchen depending on your mood and occasion


  • Smells from cooking food, especially if it has a specific aroma. The living room is not intended for this after all.
  • Ovens, microwaves and other appliances make sounds that many people may find unpleasant.
  • Cleaning requirements are increasing. The beautiful design of the room can be ruined by dirty plates scattered on the table.
  • Privacy problems. Some family members may want to be alone in the recreation area. Having combined the kitchen with the living room, this will be difficult to do.
  • The living room and kitchen can be combined beautifully only with careful and proper planning.

For sociable people, such a kitchen-living room will only be a joy, because you can freely do two things at once - cook and communicate with guests and household members


  • Hospitality. When guests arrive, the hostess often has to constantly run from the living room to the kitchen. It's both sad and funny at the same time. When combining the premises, such a minor defect will no longer happen.
  • Space. Purely psychologically, many people are most satisfied with large rooms.
  • Music and TV shows. When combining, you don’t need to worry about buying a second TV or stereo system. They will always be nearby in both rooms.
  • Unique design. Modern designers offer so many options for combining a kitchen with a living room that they can please even the most fastidious person.


So, in a kitchen of 16 square meters, with a properly planned project, everything you need can fit. There is also the possibility of combining a large kitchen and living room. All the above tips should serve as a kind of compass that will not allow you to get lost in a world of mistakes.

Kitchen design 16 sq m (interior photo)

The studio is a special perception of space, openness and unity. When family members come together in the same room, love is strengthened, relationships are built, and several people become even happier. At the same time, a kitchen-living room of 16 square meters can be found equally in both apartments and private houses.

Kitchen or living room

When planning a studio of 16 square meters, you need to decide which part will be allocated main role. Because in one-room apartment the living room may become a priority, and in a private house on the same area, the owners may give preference to a kitchen set with a dining area.

Each family is unique, has its own way of life and habits. Therefore, you need to think in advance what actions will be performed in a given room, what furniture is needed, what zones should be present.

How to fit the kitchen into the living room

In a multifunctional room where you need to place a living room, kitchen, dining and sleeping areas, the space is carefully thought out, multifunctional furniture is selected that can easily be transformed to suit people's needs.

The room can have a longitudinal division, when the kitchen unit is placed along one wall, and the living room occupies the opposite part of the studio space. In this case, the TV is placed above the workplace, and the upper cabinets are kept to a minimum. This layout is possible in living rooms whose geometry is close to a square.

Long narrow rectangular rooms can be divided into zones in the transverse direction. In this case, the kitchen can merge with the background of the walls or serve as art. object. A kitchen set located along one of the end walls is found in many projects.

The angular placement of the headset allows you to increase the working surface without significant loss of space.

To save space, the kitchen area can be raised onto a podium, inside of which you can place storage drawers or hide a bed.

The kitchen is invisible

How can you hide a kitchen in a studio so that the set fits organically into the overall concept of the room?

  1. Paint furniture the same color as the walls . This technique seems to “dissolve” the set, which blends into the room.

  1. Combine all the furniture in the room into a single composition so that the kitchen looks like an organic continuation of the living room.

  1. Hide the kitchen in a closet . When guests arrive unexpectedly and the sink is full of dirty dishes, a kitchen cabinet located in the kitchen can hide a little mess. In this case, it is simply closed with doors and appears to be part of the living room set. Such a cabinet can have 2, 3 or 4 sections.

  1. Photo printing on facades. When the legs of the lower cabinets form a void under the set, lighting can be placed there. This technique creates the magical illusion of furniture floating in the air. If you complement this beauty with panoramic photo printing, it will seem that the facades have dissolved, and the eyes will perceive the painted landscape as an extension of the room, a window to another world.

  1. Kitchen behind a screen. Good old tricks are still good these days. Screens and similar structures allow you to hide the kitchen at times when it is not needed. For this, sliding sections like those used for sliding wardrobes can be used, as well as lightweight portable screens, accordion doors, fabric panels suspended from the ceiling using cornices.

  1. Kitchen – chest of drawers. A bachelor's kitchen set can be placed in a single complex, which will take up the same amount of space as is needed for a chest of drawers. In this case, you should not count on greater performance. But there will definitely be much more space for the living room. The work surface is covered with a lid to match the furniture.

How to equip a compact kitchen

In order for the kitchen in the studio to remain complete while being compact in size, you can use some tricks that will help place all the kitchen utensils more conveniently for the housewife and at the same time save a lot of space.


A traditional hob, where the burners are arranged in a square, requires a large countertop depth. If these same burners are pulled out in one line, the working surface will narrow by half. This is relevant for a situation where the kitchen set needs to fit into a narrow strip along the wall.

Although, perhaps, a family rarely uses more than two burners at the same time? When remodeling an apartment, you can refurbish the kitchen with gas stove to electric. In any case, you can choose hob with a really necessary set of comforts. By the way, if you unfold the hob not along the countertop, but across it, then there will be more space for the cutting or washing area.

Corner cabinets

Ingenious mechanisms allow 100% use of the potential of the deepest and most capacious corner cabinets. The shelves simply float into your hands or rotate around their axis, so you can easily reach any item at any time.

Pull-out tables and shelves

Additional surfaces are always at hand at the right time thanks to pull-out drawers and roll-out tables.

A kitchen with an area of ​​16 m2 in our latitudes is considered spacious enough to accommodate everything. design ideas, most of which are focused on maximum convenience, practicality and functionality.
Modern ideas regarding the layout and design of kitchens 16 sq. m can be found in different styles– from hi-tech to classics.

Choosing a layout

1. Corner

Corner layout is optimal solution for a square kitchen, as it allows you to comfortably arrange the work area along two walls, and set up a small dining room opposite the remaining two.

The photo below shows the kitchen in Scandinavian style in a monochrome color scheme, located in an L-shape. Above the work surface there are wall cabinets in which it is convenient to store dishes, and accessories are placed on open shelves. The equipment is ergonomically built-in, which creates the impression of being fully equipped while maintaining the cleanliness of the space.

Opposite the free wall is a dining table, and in the center of the room there is a carpet, which zones the room into a working and dining area.

There are practically no textiles in the kitchen; you can note that, for example, there are no curtains on the windows. This is a tribute to Scandinavian minimalism, where maximum functionality of the furnishings and lightness of space are welcomed.

2. U-layout

The U-shaped layout is suitable for large rooms, as it involves the use of three walls for working area, various devices and lockers.
The photo shows a compact U-layout, trimmed to fit the size of the room. On the protruding section there is a built-in oven and cabinets, then on the work area there is a stove, sink, refrigerator, and cabinets for storing dishes and food. The dining area is visually separated from the workspace.

Maximum use of wall space:

Here, too, one of the segments of the P-layout represents at the same time workplace and an impromptu bar counter, at which you can also eat. A snow-white kitchen with an accent of bright mosaic tiles is reminiscent of the traditions of Scandinavian minimalism.

The dining area is directly opposite the work area. Despite the common color scheme of the entire kitchen, the mini-dining room is highlighted using the color of the dining table.

A U-shaped kitchen, made in the Provence style, is the most common furniture, when a dining table is installed in the center, and a kitchen set with a built-in kitchen unit is placed along the walls. technical equipment. Light colors in decoration are a trend recent years. The work surfaces are pink marble and there are country-style curtains on the windows.

It should be noted that another trend for 2019-2020 is minimalism and the almost complete absence of textile elements in the decor. Decorations include shaped fittings on cabinets and doors, expensive chandeliers, designer chairs, and beautiful dishes.

3. Dining area

A dedicated dining area is also one of the hottest trends this year. Thus, the kitchen space includes a symbolic dining room, where it is convenient to receive guests, have dinner with the whole family or have friendly tea parties.

The technique of zoning space helps to separate the dining room from the kitchen. The easiest way is visual highlighting, for example, as in the photo - installing the dining set slightly away from the work area.

4. Bar counter

The bar counter is not a hot trend, but it is still relevant. What a bar counter may lack in functionality, it makes up for in style and the ability to add something new to a standard kitchen layout.

The photo shows a cafe-style kitchen, which is emphasized dining table and cafeteria style chairs, floor tiles, black and spotlights against a neon background.

This is a youth format, since the club style here is very pronounced, but the kitchen is not devoid of convenience and functionality.

The bar counter connected to the work area looks more conservative. This technique can be used in almost any kitchen, because it is a way to save space by combining the work and dining areas.

The bar counter makes the kitchen look cohesive and compact.

New items 2019-2020

1. High-tech and turquoise

High-tech never goes out of fashion; futuristic shapes and bold accent colors convey the aesthetics of this trend as fully as possible.

A kitchen with an accent of glossy turquoise looks new, despite the old ways of using space.

Futuristic dining set and complete minimalism in shapes and design, diluted with bright color accents.

2. Complete minimalism

The apotheosis of futuristic minimalism is a white glossy kitchen with functional accessories to match and a dining area by the window.

The kitchen meets all the principles of high-tech minimalism:

  • monotony;
  • minimum details;
  • maximum functions;
  • complex color accents.

Here the accent color is raspberry-violet: towel, chair upholstery, wall color.

3. Focus on the dining room

The emphasis on the dining area is an absolute trend, driven by the desire to spend more time with loved ones, and not at the stove.
A modern kitchen with a dining area looks like this:

The emphasis on the dining room occurs by increasing the space for the dining area and reducing it for the working area.

In the kitchen open shelves, which make the room more comfortable and homely.

4. Classic

Classic interior implies discreet color scheme, patterned decoration, pompous chandeliers, candelabra and vases.

Despite the principles of the classics, the interior is decorated in one color, which once again confirms the 2017 trends for light and monochromatic decoration of kitchen spaces.

The classic interior is emphasized by flowing curtains, decorative candlesticks, furniture style and dining table setting.

Modern design solutions for a kitchen of 16 m2 are based on the principles of convenience, functionality and aesthetics. Only necessary items are used in the decor, textile elements and variegated colors disappear. The main design trend for modern kitchen– this is moderation and simplicity.

Kitchen 16 sq. m is a large room that can accommodate everything: household appliances, a decent kitchen island, a soft sofa for relaxing, a large dining table. You can take all this into account when creating a kitchen design of 16 square meters. m.


The interior of a 4 by 4 kitchen can be as varied as your imagination allows. Much will depend on the placement of the kitchen unit.

There are several layout options:

  • L-shaped (or corner) layout. This is the most good option, the rule for creating a triangle is fully observed. This layout automatically zones the room.
  • Linear layout. Not good good decision, gives the impression of an unfinished design. More suitable for interior decoration narrow room. Involves placing the dining area in the center of the kitchen.
  • U-shaped layout. Ideal for use in square kitchens, as it allows you to functionally use the maximum area.
  • Parallel layout. It is reasonable to use in kitchens connected to loggias where the dining area is moved.
  • Island layout. The central element is the kitchen island. Compatible with all other types of layout.

Note. A kitchen island is every housewife's dream. Its configuration can be quite varied. If the house has a 4x4 kitchen, the layout allows you to decorate the kitchen island in any style.

The island can be round or square, with a work surface or designed as a dining area. It can be made in an island or peninsula version, with or without a bar counter.

Advice. It is more advisable to transfer it to a kitchen island or hob with an extractor hood, or a sink. This will make the work easier, as the sides of the working triangle will be reduced.

Instead of a kitchen island, you can install a bar counter located in the center of a kitchen-room with an area of ​​16 square meters or against the wall (for zoning). In addition, designers offer several options for their execution.

The classic option is a stationary stand. But a new option has appeared - mobile. The working surface of such a rack moves along the cabinets above the countertop of the kitchen area. When it is not needed, it can be moved. Its positive side will also be appreciated by those housewives who always lack work surface during the cooking process. And high bar stools will serve as decorative elements.

There are a lot of design options for such a room. The main thing is not to forget that you need to feel proportion and harmony in everything.

Zoning a spacious kitchen

In order not to waste 16 square meters, the kitchen must be made functional, and for this, as designers advise, zoning is necessary. These zones can be adjacent, intersect, or smoothly transition into one another.

Advice. In the kitchen you can organize only two zones: working and dining. For many this is enough. But if the kitchen becomes the center of communication, then it will be necessary to additionally allocate recreation areas or even for individual work.

In such cases, it is more advisable to create a kitchen-dining room or a kitchen-living room.

Kitchen-living room

The main goal of combining a room with a kitchen of 16 square meters. m is to create an interior where every family member will feel comfortable. When choosing a room design, the main thing is that it is stylish and functional, not overloaded with details and furniture.

This interior has its own disadvantages and advantages. The advantages are visible immediately, already at the interior design stage. This is space, comfort, family unification. But the shortcomings appear over time.

Important. The main disadvantages are the constant presence of the smell of food, periodic noise from operating household appliances, and the need for more frequent cleaning. In addition, a poorly designed interior can lead to inconvenience.

A kitchen combined with a living room is a technique often used both in the design of “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka” apartments, as well as in new spacious studio apartments, lofts, and cottages

To create a thoughtful interior, you must first imagine it mentally, and then display everything on paper . It’s easier to work everything out in advance than to suffer from an ill-conceived decision after the renovation.

Expert advice will help you avoid many mistakes in creating a 16 m² kitchen design with a seating area:

  1. More light. Light shades, as well as additional light sources, will visually expand the kitchen space with a seating area.
  2. Built-in or small furniture does not overload the room.
  3. Clear zoning of the recreation area and kitchen area.
  4. Strictly adhere to recommendations regarding the harmonious combination of all interior elements.

Kitchen-dining room

A kitchen combined with a dining room is important in an apartment, as eating with leisurely conversations brings family members closer together. Even meeting friends is more pleasant at home.

For functional interior design of a 16 sq.m. kitchen. We need to choose the right materials and colors, furniture for the dining and kitchen areas and decorative items. And the main thing is to competently design the design and place accents.

The brightest in this tandem should be the dining area. Ideal option There will be French windows and air curtains in this area. Decorative elements (paintings, vases, green plants) will add coziness.

Advice. Kitchen area designed less flashily so as not to attract the attention of those entering the room.

Zoning options:

  • Bar counter. Located as an island (on the border of zones) or near a wall, classic or mobile.
  • Floor covering. Decorating the floor in areas with materials of different quality or color.
  • Kitchen island. Serves as a work area or dining area.
  • Screens and partitions. Can be mobile or stationary.
  • Dining area as a delimiter. Decorated with a dining table and beautiful chairs.
  • Sofa. Like the border of a recreation area.

Advice. Also in the kitchen design 4 by 4 for demarcation functional zones use light, color, finishing materials, ceiling and floor decoration.

Color scheme and lighting

The layout of a 16 m² kitchen does not require such a reverent attitude as rooms in small spaces. It does not strictly require light colors, reflective surfaces, large windows or glossy facade. In such a room, the use of any range would be appropriate. Even the use of rough texture will bring its own zest to the interior. The main thing is that everything is harmonious, combined and does not create chaos. When choosing dark colors for interior design, you will need to add additional light sources in the areas.

Interior style

If you have a kitchen of 16 square meters, you can implement any style, either classic or hi-tech, or minimalism.

Advice. The interior of a kitchen of this size can be done in any style: from classic to modern. If it is difficult to come to a consensus on the choice, you can decorate the kitchen in an eclectic style that will suit all ages. It is a mixture of styles, but made in a single color scheme.

When deciding what a kitchen should be like, thinking through the interior of 16 square meters, you will need to determine the most suitable style for all family members. If you make a mistake in your choice, your mood will be ruined for a long time. It cannot be said that this particular method of interior design will be the best. Every style has how positive aspects, and negative.

To decide on the choice of style, you need to clearly understand for yourself what exactly you want to see in your kitchen. And also read in detail different styles design, with color scheme, with the merits of each style. And only after that start creating the interior.