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To live comfortably in an apartment or house, a healthy microclimate is necessary. It directly depends on humidity indicators. If they are too low or high, this will lead to a number of problems. Especially often, apartment residents and owners of premises (commercial, warehouse or other) are faced with high humidity air. As a result, the walls become covered with mold, which spoils even durable materials.

Excess moisture also causes condensation to form on the ceiling. An unpleasant odor appears in the house and various microbes multiply. They, in turn, can cause allergic reactions in people indoors. Reducing humidity must be taken seriously, because ignoring this indicator will affect people’s health and the condition of the house. We will discuss below how you can reduce indoor humidity.

First you need to find out the reason for the appearance of excess moisture. It can be rooted both inside the house and depend on home conditions, and outside, and be a consequence of indicators outside temperature and humidity. The most common internal causes of high humidity are:

  • Badly organized ventilation– if the owner of the house installed it himself, it is recommended to call a technician to check the correct connection and operation of the equipment.
  • Frequent drying of washed clothes - in some apartments with old layouts, the bathroom is not separated from the kitchen. In such cases, dampness from things spreads throughout all rooms. But even if the bath is located separately, some apartment owners often leave the door to the bathroom open. And again the moisture evaporates beyond the boundaries of one room.
  • The location of the windows on the north side means less sun penetrates into the room and, as a result, the humidity of the microclimate increases.
  • The presence of an aquarium - water evaporates from it, absorbing into the walls and ceiling of the house.
  • A large number of residents - do not forget that moisture evaporates when people breathe. If there are a lot of them in the apartment, and the room itself is small, there is a high probability of microclimate failure.

There are also external conditions that affect the level of humidity in the room. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Climatic features of the region - in some cities there is high humidity all year round.
  • During rain, snowfall and thaw, there is a general increase in the moisture content in the air.
  • An important point is the presence of salt in the concrete - if the house was built in winter, then there is a possibility that the builders added salt to the concrete. This method is used to increase the strength of the material. However, salt has big drawback– the walls become damp because of it. This goes away over the years, but the first 3-5 years of high humidity cannot be avoided.
  • Errors during construction - these include poor-quality waterproofing of walls from the foundation and a flimsy, often leaking roof. It is almost impossible to correct such defects, since flaws were made during the construction of the building. You can only mitigate the problem by selecting additional equipment for dehumidifying the air.

Everyone dreams of a cozy and comfortable home. But even the most modern apartments are not immune to the appearance of mold due to too high levels of humidity in the premises. You can cope with the problem with the help of effective traditional methods and industrial products.

Causes of dampness

The normal level of humidity in an apartment is no more than 60%. During the hot summer, this figure can be reduced to 45%. It is under such conditions that a person will feel as comfortable as possible. But if it is high, optimal conditions are created in living quarters for the development of dampness, and therefore fungus.

High levels of indoor humidity can cause fungus

The reason for the increased level of air humidity in residential premises may be:

  • poor ventilation;
  • damage water pipes and improperly installed home plumbing;
  • regular drying of laundry in residential areas;
  • frequent bathing;
  • the presence of aquariums and a large number of indoor plants;
  • not insulated inter-wall seams and cracks.

High humidity is also generated during the cooking process. To eliminate this problem, it is often enough to ventilate the room well. But if the ceiling is leaking, getting rid of the dampness will not be so easy.

The appearance of condensation indoors in summer and winter is also facilitated by the installation of plastic windows.

Where does mold appear?

Most often, mold can be found on walls and windows, on the ceiling and floor. Sometimes the fungus is hidden under carpeting, in pile, behind wallpaper, furniture and decorative objects on the walls, as well as in cabinets and bookshelves. If mold is discovered, immediate action must be taken to prevent the fungus from reproducing and to completely remove it.

Why dampness may appear in the house - video

Instructions for reducing humidity in an apartment or private house

  1. One of the most simple ways One of the ways to effectively combat dampness in rooms is regular ventilation.

    Good room ventilation helps remove excess moisture

  2. It is also necessary to take care to isolate sources of dampness. If a wall in a room becomes damp due to a problem with the plumbing or sewer pipes, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate damage, which will allow the wall to dry out over time. But if dampness in a private house occurs due to close proximity groundwater, the only way to solve the problem is to insulate the walls and foundation with waterproof materials, which can be purchased in specialized construction stores. In some cases, it is advisable to organize additional heating of the room, which will dry out damp corners and prevent further development of the fungus.

    Additional heating of the room will reduce humidity and dry damp areas of walls and floors

  3. To find out the reason why the walls of your home are covered with moisture, you can use this method: attach to inner surface tape the walls plastic sheet 50 cm long, remove it after a few days and check the condition of the surface underneath it. If it is dry, the cause of mold is high level humidity in the room. If it is wet, then the reason lies in water seeping through the wall. You can get rid of this problem using special water-repellent paints or plaster, which contains silicone or synthetic latex. To prevent dampness inside, these products are also applied to external walls. In some cases, it is advisable to carry out complex repair work.

    Water-repellent paints and plasters will protect walls from fungus

  4. Owners of private houses should remember that earthen floors are excellent conductors of moisture. For this reason, it is advisable to cover them polymer materials or concrete.

    Concrete floor does not allow excess moisture to pass through

  5. Cracks must be removed using solutions that harden upon contact with a moist environment. A plaster solution is used for the walls. When sealing defects located at the junctions of walls and floors, epoxy materials are usually used.

    High-quality sealing of cracks will prevent the appearance of fungus in an apartment and private house

  6. Causes of excessive humidity inside wooden buildings- poorly caulked seams between logs and insufficient ventilation. You can cope with the problem by using special antiseptic preparations and bleaches that effectively remove fungus, for example, Bioshield, Neomid, Remmers or Prosept.

    Sealing seams between logs and wood processing special compounds prevents dampness from occurring inside the house

  7. In apartments located in houses made of bricks, foam blocks and aerated concrete, with elevated level humidity, it is advisable to use dehumidifiers. Such devices are ideal for eliminating excess moisture in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.

    Air dehumidifiers will cope with excess moisture in any living space

How to get rid of fungus in an apartment - video

Often unwanted moisture accumulates under linoleum. It is there that all the conditions are created for the development of mold, which is almost impossible to get rid of completely and the coating has to be changed. In this case, it is advisable to follow important recommendations:

  • Under no circumstances should old materials be laid on floors affected by mold;
  • the fungus often spreads to the walls, so you should cut off the lower part of the wallpaper adjacent to the baseboards;
  • When installing new linoleum, it is advisable to treat it with antifungal drugs.

To remove fungus under linoleum, you need to change the floor covering

Fungus under the wallpaper

If mold has formed under the wallpaper, you need to clean the surface of black spots using one of the solutions:

  • from washing powder and chlorine (1–2 tablespoons of chlorine and 30–50 g of powder) - dilute the dry mixture with 3 liters of cool water, not forgetting to use protective equipment in the form of gloves and a respirator.
  • from ½ block laundry soap, 100 g of soda and 5 liters of water.

Armed with a few clean rags and a sponge, clean the walls and dry them using a household heater or infrared device Then you need to apply antifungal drug, for example, Furacilin or Nystatin.

  1. Dissolve 4-6 tablets well in 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Add another 3–5 liters of water.
  3. Treat the walls of the room with the solution. Instead of these drugs, you can also use copper sulfate.
  4. Dry the surfaces thoroughly.
  5. Apply primer for wallpapering. When choosing a suitable composition, you should pay attention to products containing antifungal substances.

Mold on plastic windows

If mold has formed on plastic windows and slopes, you should act immediately.

  1. Remove visible fungal stains using an aqueous bleach solution in a 5:1 ratio.
  2. Treat windows with ready-made antifungal compounds (Vincents, TEX, Polyline, Dufa) or made independently.

You can make remedies at home using the following recipes:

  • 0.2 liters of boron and 70 percent acetic acid for 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g of sodium fluoride and copper sulfate per 1 liter of water;
  • 100 ml of copper sulfate and household bleach per 1 liter of water.

The selected composition must be applied to the surface plastic frames and slopes with a brush. To avoid the recurrence of mold, it is recommended to use rubber-based waterproofing mastics. Using such means, you can provide surfaces with a waterproof coating.

Don't forget about protective equipment - gloves and a mask. After completing the treatment, ventilate the room for 40 minutes.

How to get rid of condensation on PVC windows - video

Mold in the bathroom

If mold appears in the bathroom, you also cannot do without treating surfaces with antifungal compounds. If fungus has formed on the ceiling, it should be removed along with the plaster, removing sealant and paint from the affected areas. After completing the work, it is necessary to make sure that the pipes and faucets are not leaking, and to eliminate any damage. Joints plastic parts can be treated with sealant.

What to do if black mold has formed in the bathroom - video

Mold in the basement

If mold has appeared in the basement, but the situation is not yet too advanced, you can use the following method.

  1. Dilute 250 ml of formaldehyde 40% in 10 liters of water.
  2. Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the walls and dry them.
  3. Then apply plaster to the walls and whitewash the ceiling. Having provided the premises good ventilation, you won’t have to worry about the reappearance of mold.

How to remove dampness from a cellar - video

Home remedies to combat fungus and dampness indoors

In addition to industrial compounds, you can use effective and inexpensive home-made products to combat fungus.

  1. Take 0.5 kg of laundry soap, grate and dissolve in 5 liters of water.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture and cool it.
  3. In warm summer weather, brush several coats of soapy water onto moldy walls without wallpaper.
  4. Then cover them with a composition prepared from 100 g of alum and 6 liters of water.

You can deal with dampness using calcium chloride, placing it in the corners. For reuse it must be dried under high temperatures, and then covered. Suitable as a replacement charcoal and quicklime. However, when using this method, care should be taken to ensure that these substances are not accessible to children or pets.

Mold prevention

  1. To prevent mold growth, monitor indoor humidity levels using a hydrometer.
  2. Ensure good ventilation and sufficient sunlight.
  3. Use fans in the bathroom and kitchen, regularly check the draft in ventilation shafts, and monitor the condition of plumbing fixtures, especially at their connections.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. When carrying out major repairs, use materials that are mineral based, allowing you to more effectively regulate the level of humidity in the premises.
  6. Take care of high-quality waterproofing.
  7. Regularly inspect the plastic seals on PVC windows, check their suitability and replace them in a timely manner.
  8. At the first appearance of condensation, promptly eliminate the cause of its formation.

Simple and affordable methods will help eliminate excess moisture in the premises, thereby preventing the development of harmful fungus. When using a variety of products and formulations, do not forget about safety measures that can protect your health. Regular preventive measures will minimize the risk of mold reoccurring in your home.

Dampness in rooms is fraught with an unpleasant odor, black spots and mold on the walls and in the corners. Wet warm air is an incubator for bacteria and microscopic fungi that cause various life-threatening diseases: tuberculosis, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, skin inflammation and suppuration. Dampness must be removed from the room using various methods.

Isolation of the source of dampness

If dampness comes up the wall from the soil in the form of groundwater, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to dry the room. A similar situation occurs when poor quality waterproofing foundation. The way out would be drainage system installed on the territory adjacent to the building. If this is not possible, the wet wall is insulated by covering it with a layer of waterproof material:

  • rolled bitumen;
  • mastics;
  • penetrating mixtures based on polyurethane resins.

The latter method is preferable. Under the layer of bitumen, the wall continues to dampen and collapse. Penetrating mixtures penetrate into the pores, making concrete and brick waterproof.

Damp basements

On the first floors there is an increased humidity appears due to flooding of basements premises . The housing office should deal with the elimination of pipe ruptures, but apartment owners lower floors They can also take part in improving the microclimate by carrying out additional waterproofing of floors:

  • floor slabs are cleaned of dirt and loose layers of concrete;
  • seal cracks;
  • level and prime the surface with bitumen or any other moisture-repellent mastic.

The insulation should cover the floor and part of the walls, rising vertically on them by 10-20 cm.

Neutral sealants are easy to use:

  • Penetron is a building mixture of cement and quartz sand, which is suitable for waterproofing reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces.
  • Waterplug is a product made from aluminate cement, sand and active chemical additives. Applicable for quick fix leaks in concrete, brick and stone surfaces.

Premises on the ground floors require additional heat sources. They could be:

  • sun rays;
  • split systems;
  • electric floor heating systems;
  • household electric heaters.

Additional sources are used in spring and autumn, since humidity in basements increases sharply at this time of year. Heat quickly drives dampness out of the room.

Drying methods

The fight against dampness is successful when the root cause is eliminated. Air dehumidification will last a long time if you get rid of the source of the problem.

For example, if a wall becomes damp due to defects in the pipes adjacent to it or as a result of careless use of water (flooding), then to eliminate humidity in the room it is enough to restore the integrity and tightness of the water distribution system.

How to maintain normal air humidity in an apartment?

Alpine windows

Apartments on the upper floors most often become damp due to external reasons. Humidity appears as a consequence of insufficient wall insulation, poor-quality processing of interpanel seams, poor roof waterproofing, low battery efficiency central heating.

Ventilation of apartments located on the fifth floors of Khrushchev-era buildings provides for the supply of fresh air through the cracks in the window frames, and then its removal through the ventilation shafts. Most residents replace their old ones over time wooden frames on plastic double glazed windows that obstruct the flow of outside air. Also ventilation on top floors five-story buildings do not work efficiently enough, since the lower levels “draw” the main air flow in the mines. As a result, mold in the corners and water on the window sills have become commonplace in apartments located under the roof.

Alpine windows help solve the problem insufficient ventilation Khrushchev and other panel houses. Holes for these structures are punched in the outer walls. The valves supply fresh air, which passes through the room and is removed through ventilation shaft, taking away moisture.

Construction of an alpine window

Alpine window - view from the room

Electric dryers

In rooms with poor ventilation, dampness appears even for ordinary household reasons. Daily drying of clothes large number aquariums or plants, frequent cooking or showering can increase the water vapor content in the air to a concentration unacceptable for a living space.

For this reason, it is necessary to reconsider everyday life. Linen should be dried not in rooms, but on balconies, verandas, loggias, and attics. Hood installed above kitchen stove, will eliminate vapors rising from boiling pots and kettles. An electric heated towel rail for the bathroom will help combat moisture in this room.

The safest way to eliminate high air humidity in an apartment is not to do it yourself, but to purchase a special dehumidifier with automatic operation. This type of climate control technology successfully copes with the elimination of humidity in apartments, quickly regulating the air condition. Household dehumidifiers economical and compact, operate silently, and are safe to use.

Household electric dehumidifier

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • the fan sucks room air into the device;
  • it passes through the evaporator and is cooled below the dew point, while water vapor condenses and flows into the container;
  • the air is passed through the condenser, heated and returned to the room.

It has a higher temperature than the original one, so it is not advisable to use the device in hot weather. In the warm season, another drying method is used - ventilation.


Ventilation in sunny, dry weather helps get rid of minor dampness and is a good prevention of its occurrence. There are sanitary standards for this procedure for various institutions, including children's preschool and educational.

Residential rooms ventilate before going to bed and after waking up, opening windows or windows for 10-30 minutes. In the bathroom (if it has a window), close the doors first to prevent dampness from spreading to other rooms. The apartment is ventilated after long periods of cooking, showering, and washing. If you are going to dry clothes in a room, the door should be tightly closed and the window should be opened.

Additional heating

Heating devices increase the temperature and dry the air at the same time. This function is performed by central heating batteries. If the power of the radiators is not enough, additional heat sources are installed. They will reduce the relative humidity. Water vapor will not leave the room without ventilation, but the dampness will become less noticeable.

The following heaters are used for heating with dehumidification:

  • infrared;
  • oil;
  • convector;
  • fan heaters.

There are heating devices that can actually remove moisture from the air by splitting it into oxygen and hydrogen atoms. In ordinary living conditions it is impossible to achieve such an effect, since a temperature above +2000 degrees Celsius will be required. It is typical for special carbide heating elements. In apartments, cottages and dachas such high temperatures are fire hazardous, so they can only be used in industrial environments.

Traditional methods

In the summer, wallpaper is removed from moldy walls and treated as follows:

  • Dissolve 500 g of laundry soap in 5 liters of water.
  • Boil, let cool.
  • Apply the solution evenly to the wall using a brush.
  • Let it dry.
  • Repeat until the solution stops being absorbed.
  • Another composition is prepared - 100 g of alum is diluted in 6 liters of water.
  • Cover the wall once.

There is a way to eliminate dampness in a private home with stove heating. To do this, new bricks are heated and placed on fireproof stands near damp wall. The operation is repeated until the dampness disappears. Bricks stop absorbing moisture after 10-15 heating, then they are replaced with new ones. The old ones are used as fireproof stands. Hot bricks should not be left overnight to avoid fire. There should be no flammable objects near them. The method is not used in houses with wooden walls: made of timber, logs or boards.

Table salt absorbs moisture from the air well. To dry a room, place any open vessel with a substance in a damp corner. From time to time, damp salt is dried in an oven, crushed and used again as a desiccant. You can use others instead folk remedies: calcium chloride (they sprinkle it on roads in icy conditions), quicklime, charcoal.

Mold on the wall of a damp room is removed as follows:

  • the surface is well dried;
  • one part of salicylic acid is dissolved in 200 parts of alcohol and diluted with a small amount of water;
  • Apply the mixture to mold spots.

Salicylic acid and alcohol will prevent the fungus from multiplying in the old place, but it may appear on another wall if measures are not taken to drain the entire living space.

Many people living in brick houses sooner or later face the problem of high humidity. Dampness in an apartment is a very unpleasant problem., which can be quite difficult to deal with. I think there is no need to enumerate the list of troubles that dampness in a room brings with it. This includes damage to household items made from natural materials - leather, wood. This is the behavior of natural floor coverings, wallpaper coming off the walls. Ceilings and walls also begin to deteriorate. The plaster appears damp, loose, and if it was not laid properly at the time, it is possible that it will crumble at the slightest touch. Books will begin to deteriorate and you will have to repair them yourself.

Dampness in the apartment - moisture on the glass

In addition to this, there is another very important and unpleasant point - dampness in an apartment affects human health, causing allergic reactions and causing many diseases. Every allergy sufferer knows how difficult it becomes to resist the disease if you live in a damp room. In air with high humidity, harmful fungi and microbes multiply at lightning speed, which in turn leads to diseases of the lungs and respiratory system. Hence the frequent colds and other diseases among the inhabitants damp apartments. A special word must be said about children - the child’s body is most susceptible to the harmful effects of dampness and fungi and microorganisms, since it is just beginning to develop.

But the consequences of dampness in the apartment are not limited to this either. A persistent, very specific and unpleasant smell of dampness gradually sets in in the room, eating into everything: clothes, furniture, bed linen. Due to dampness, clothes in closets become moldy.

Dampness in the apartment - fungus on the wall and plastic

In general, there are several main reasons for the accumulation of moisture in apartments:

  • Poor ventilation or no ventilation at all
  • Basement flooding in a house
  • Unsealed wall joints
  • Flooding from above from neighbors
  • Incorrect installation kitchen appliances when new ventilation outlets block the main ventilation. Typically this affects the floors below.
  • Covering water pipes with boxes and failing to prevent water leakage in time

The bulk of these reasons must be dealt with management company, which you pay for the service.

There are several ways to deal with dampness without resorting to major renovation. But, first of all, it is necessary to determine where the dampness enters the apartment from. My grandfather taught me this method. Take a small piece of glass and press it firmly against flat surface walls. After a while, remove it, and if there is moisture underneath, it means dampness is coming into the apartment from outside. If it’s dry under the glass, it means moisture is accumulating directly in the room, and it’s worth looking for its sources at home.

At one time, I faced such a problem when I lived in brick house. At that time, decorative ceilings had just appeared and became fashionable, which were glued to the ceiling and did not allow air to pass through at all. Plus, they are dense vinyl wallpaper And plastic windows. The result is a European-quality renovation with all the signs of a gas chamber)))) By the way, copper sulfate helped us get rid of the fungus in the corners of the rooms. People have been using this method with success for a long time, and it also helped us.

Mobile dehumidifier, legs included)))

In such cases, when the apartment is too humid, the first thing that will help you is a dehumidifier. Buying such a device today is not a problem. The main thing when buying is to pay attention to the power of the device. The more powerful your dehumidifier, the better. It is better to purchase a device with automatic operation. In this mode, the device itself will monitor the maintenance of optimal humidity in the room. Also, a damp room must be heated. Such rooms are heated even in summer. Of course, this does not mean that year-round heating is necessary. You just need to occasionally dry the apartment in this way. During the cold season, heating should be constant. Temperature changes will only further increase air humidity.

Check all batteries, pipes and plumbing for water leaks. Regular water leaks can also cause increased air humidity. Remove the boxes in the bathrooms and inspect the pipes. Recently, we ourselves had no idea that we were flooding our neighbors (this was the first serious step towards repairs). We just noticed that it was starting to burst door frame in the bathroom, but they chalked it up to pre-spring humidity. It’s good that the neighbors decided not to be delicate anymore but to tell us that we have a problem. Although they had been patient for a month before this. How sensitive people are... It’s easy to hug and cry)))

It is useful to ventilate the room daily. This will help reduce air humidity (unless, of course, you ventilate when there is high humidity outside) and besides, ventilation is good for health.

There is another way to remove excess moisture. Salt and sugar absorb it very well. True, I don't think so in a good way. It’s quite difficult to get me to place jars of salt in the corners, or to store a bag of sugar in the middle of the room))))

Be more careful when choosing indoor plants. If you have a problem with high humidity, it is better to select plants that do not require frequent watering. There are probably others that take moisture from the air, but I don’t know of any plants that would fit the size of apartments)))

If you are going to do repairs, then try to give preference exclusively natural materials. They also help regulate air humidity by absorbing excess dampness.
Make it a rule to finish cleaning by wiping wet surfaces dry and ventilating. As a rule, especially in the cold season, excess moisture accumulates on window glass.

I think if you check and fix all the reasons for dampness in the apartment, and follow all the tips and recommendations for getting rid of excess moisture in the room, then this problem will no longer bother you

When the humidity in your home exceeds the norm, you need to do something about it immediately. Some people live without paying attention to it, but this big mistake, since excessive humidity in the apartment can provoke the appearance various diseases. A humid environment is ideal for the growth of fungus and other pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, an unpleasant musty smell may appear in the house, which over time will permeate all the furniture, linen and clothes. You can avoid such problems by knowing how to reduce indoor humidity.

Humidity standards in residential premises

Before you try to get rid of humidity in your home, you need to measure it. Relative humidity in a residential area should be between 40–60%. To measure it, a device called a hygrometer is used.

There are several types of hygrometers, but for an apartment it is most convenient to use the electronic version. Using such a device, you don’t have to do anything, just monitor the indicators.

What air humidity is considered normal in an apartment?

How to reduce indoor humidity

A kitchen hood significantly reduces humidity throughout the entire apartment.

To bring high humidity back to normal, do the following:

  • IN sunny days open the curtains to allow light into the room. Avoid placing flowers that are too bulky on windowsills.
  • During the hot season and in the frosty winter, the air outside is dry. Therefore, you should ventilate the room as often as possible, and the humidity will decrease. Ideal option There will be airing 3 times a day for 30 minutes. And at night, leave the windows ajar, at least in the kitchen.
  • Check ventilation. If it is faulty, it should be repaired, as it will be a good assistant in the fight against dampness.
  • If you have an air conditioner, you can use it to reduce humidity; there is a special function for purifying and drying the air.

An air conditioner with a drying function or special dehumidifiers will help combat high humidity.

  • Household heaters will also help overcome dampness. They quickly not only heat the air, but also dry it.
  • Low humidity is promoted by certain building materials. This is wood and drywall. By covering the walls with them, you will adjust the hygrometer readings. And also use waterproofing plaster. It is completely waterproof and can withstand water pressure up to 5 meters deep.
  • Dampness will also be eliminated after insulating the external walls. Unless the cause of this very dampness is a flooded basement.
  • Helps remove excess moisture in the kitchen kitchen hood. It should be used every time during cooking. If there is no hood, cover the pots with lids.
  • A slight reduction in air humidity can be achieved using a hairdryer, candles and indoor plants.
  • Dampness in the closet can be overcome by ironing clothes with a hot iron.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor in the apartment

Folk recipes

Salt and sugar are highly hygroscopic.

In addition to the methods listed above, there are also folk recipes that will help eliminate dampness in your home:

When using silica gel to reduce humidity, be careful if there are small children in the house.

How to remove mold from apartment walls and balconies

How to get rid of humidity in an apartment using a special device

If your hygrometer readings are off the charts and you are wondering how to remove humidity in your home, special equipment can help. In stores you can find a device called a dehumidifier or dehumidifier.

Excessively humid air passes through a special evaporator. The temperature inside is lower than in the room. Due to this, the moisture turns into condensation and flows into a container intended for this purpose. And drier air enters the room.

How to get rid of mold on a wall without tearing off the wallpaper

Such devices can be stationary or portable. Stationary devices have greater productivity and are mounted on the wall. Portable dehumidifiers, in turn, are smaller, but they also have less power. When choosing a dehumidifier, pay attention to the power, the higher it is, the better.

Quality air in your home has a beneficial effect on your health. Knowing how to reduce humidity in an apartment and maintaining these indicators within normal limits, you provide yourself and your loved ones with comfortable living conditions.