An extension with an attic to a one-story house. Types of extensions to the house

When for some reason it becomes necessary to increase the living space of a country house, the easiest and most economical way to do this is to build a frame extension to the house. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it can be erected on its own in the shortest possible time and no serious carpentry tool skills are required.

In order for the building to turn out not only useful, but also beautiful, it is best to familiarize yourself in advance with how it should be built.

Appointment of the extension

In order to avoid the transformation of the extension in the future, it is advisable to carefully consider all the details of the structure being built even during planning. First of all, it is important to decide what is the purpose of the do-it-yourself extension to the house.

The first and most common option is an additional room. In fact, building another room according to the scheme will be similar to building a house with a small area. The main thing is not to forget each of the structures of the new building should be properly insulated so that the heating of the room is effective and in the future it is simply to avoid heat loss.

This is not the moment on which you can save, as well as on the insulation of the foundation and the implementation of waterproofing, because otherwise mold will form on the walls and dampness will make it simply impossible even for a short stay in the room.

The second option is a bathroom or kitchen room. After looking at the photo of the extension to the house, you probably already understood that in this case the main thing is to bring in advance all the necessary engineering communications before the foundation is erected.

It is also necessary to insulate well the places where sewer and water pipes pass through the foundation. An important point: in order to save money, it is better to carry out all the work during construction.

Another popular option for an extension is a veranda. It can be open type or glazed. Most often used for recreation in the summer. Due to the fact that usually the building is not additionally heated, the structure is quite easy in terms of construction.

All that is needed is a roof on supports, as well as flooring with walls. When building a veranda, an important point is that it must necessarily be combined in size, materials used for construction and style with the house.

What material to choose for the walls of the annex?

Thinking about how to make an extension, first of all, you need to consider what materials will be used for the walls. With panel or frame technology, as a rule, this is a sandwich:

  • Wind protection, that is, an external waterproofing film
  • Rock wool or Styrofoam sandwiched between OSB sheets
  • Vapor barrier membrane for internal protection

If you are interested in expensive methods, then you can masonry from any lightweight blocks. It can be foam or aerated concrete. When purchasing foam concrete blocks for a developer without any building practice, it is worth considering that this material has its own characteristics:

Firstly, in almost 90% of cases, even the walls made today from the most expensive foam concrete will be covered with a large number of small cracks in the future.

Secondly, all facades will need to be plastered with pre-selected compositions directly on the grid.

When choosing walls from various foamed concretes, it is worth paying attention to the fact that for any roofing materials, such as ceramic / slate tiles, all of them are not strong enough. For this reason, the ideal option for sheltering a building is corrugated board or ondulin.

Extension made of high quality SIP panels

Today, one of the most budgetary options for self-construction is an extension to the house, made of popular SIP panels, which have standard sizes. During construction, a number of nuances should be taken into account.

All screw piles with a wooden grillage, that is, the timber is always fixed in specially designated heads with large nails.

It is provided that all communications must be necessarily removed inside the panels, that is, the wiring of engineering systems here is of a hidden type.

Due to the fact that the roof lathing and ceilings are made of the same material, an equal resource is provided for all load-bearing structures.

There are no cold bridges, which guarantees the rational location of the entire thermal circuit in the future extension.

Since this material is, according to the description, self-supporting and structural, the beam that is used to perform their mandatory joining does not serve as the power frame of the house. It will be possible to achieve strength and absolute rigidity of the completed structure only after the installation of the last of the panels.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that extensions consisting of several floors are rare, so, as a rule, a minimum amount of lumber is spent on makeshift scaffolding.

And in conclusion, an important point: it is better to legitimize the extension to your house in advance in order to avoid unwanted dismantling in the future if the decision of the relevant authorities suddenly turns out to be not positive.

Photo of an extension to the house

The construction of wooden houses has not lost its popularity even with the introduction, and an extension to a wooden house only complements it and emphasizes individuality. Quite often, over time, it is required to increase the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house or make a veranda near it. In such cases, an extension is being built, which can also be made from a variety of building materials.

It differs not only in its strength, but also in durability, environmental friendliness, and has excellent technical characteristics. The construction is made from wood that has undergone preliminary processing: drying and treatment with special insecticides.

An extension to a wooden house can be as:

  • rooms,

There are a variety of options for extensions, which largely differ in construction technology.

Summer kitchen attached to the side of a wooden house

Frame extension

The simplest and most common way to build an extension is a frame structure. This construction technology came to us relatively recently, but already during this time it was able to win the recognition of most people. This is due to the fact that the construction process takes minimal time costs. The whole structure in its properties is not inferior to the foam block structure. The frame extension to the wooden house is distinguished by its originality. The frame can be made of wood or metal.

You can use in the construction of an extension not only a wooden frame, but also a metal frame. It is not affected by weather and climatic phenomena, and is also resistant to temperature changes.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to clearly define the purposes for which such an additional structure will serve. The process of its insulation and the use of any materials will depend on this.

If the frame extension will be used as a room, then the insulation in it can be:

  • mineral wool,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • Styrofoam,
  • polystyrene foam and more.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, channels, pipes and fittings of different diameters and sizes are used. There are load-bearing beams that are larger in diameter, and there are auxiliary beams that can be smaller in diameter. All elements of the metal structure are fastened together by welding: electric arc welding or semi-automatic.

Wooden frame extension to the house

The wooden frame differs from the metal frame in its lightness. It is also strong and durable. You can also emphasize its environmental friendliness. Wood is considered a warm material, but despite this, the wooden frame also needs to be insulated with similar heaters and insulating materials.

Both the wood frame and the metal frame must be connected to the wood wall. Difficulties in fastening can arise only if the house is built from rounded timber, since its walls are uneven.

To fix the frame to the wall, reinforcement is first mounted in the wall, on metal "blunders", fixed inside the house. All gaps that exist between the frame and the structure must be sealed with plaster or foam.

The walls of this design can be sheathed with any modern finishing material. As a rule, plastic or siding is used as a facade finish for a frame extension. But for a structure made of wood, it would be more rational to use wooden lining. It has an attractive appearance and sufficient strength.

Before mounting a wooden lining, it must first be coated with several layers of varnish. Such actions can greatly extend the life of such a finishing material and help protect the facade from insects and weather effects.

Wooden lining can be of different sizes, which is convenient for choosing the best option. If you use siding or plastic, then you need to attach sheets of plywood or OSB to the frame. Their use makes the structure more durable and heat-intensive.

Annex, finished in the same way as the main house

If in ordinary finishing siding or plastic must necessarily be attached to a special frame made of small wooden bars, then during frame construction these finishing materials are mounted directly on the surface of the OSB or plywood using special self-tapping screws.

As for internal finishing works, they are carried out according to the principle of external finishing. On the insulation, which was previously laid, sheets of OSB or plywood are laid. Drywall can also be used inside the building, which is distinguished by its practicality and ease of use. It is plastered and then painted.

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Construction of a shed roof in a house

The roof in the extension can be made single-pitched, since in this case it is necessary to ensure a fairly high-quality tightness of the connection between the roof of the extension and the roof of the main building. As a roofing material, metal tiles, ondulin and other materials are used that can be aesthetically combined with a wooden structure.

In this video you can see how to make a frame extension to the house step by step

Very often, an extension to an old wooden house is a frame one, since it does not have much weight and cannot act on the walls of the building, which will make it possible to operate the house for a long time.

Frame extension to an old house

Before attaching anything to an old wooden house, you need to assess the condition of its walls: whether they need to be strengthened or restored.

Porch extension

The porch extension also belongs to the frame extension, since basically such a structure is made on the basis of a wooden frame. The porch has no walls, but has a concrete base. It can be made during the construction of the house itself, or it can be poured over time.

In the latter option, it would be better to make a small foundation under the porch, which should be connected with reinforced concrete to the base for the house.

This is necessary in order to ensure the strength of the building with its additional extensions, since the soil in the areas can be different, and depending on weather conditions, it tends to sag, which will entail possible deformation.

The porch is made of both metal and wood. It all depends on financial possibilities. The construction of an extension with walls will be similar to a frame structure, only insulating and insulating materials can be omitted.

A metal porch with railings will look very original, as these peculiar fences can be made with artistic forging elements. The roof of this design, as a rule, is made of polycarbonate. The translucent material harmoniously complements the extension to the wooden house.

Metal porch roof made of polycarbonate

Advice. Polycarbonate has a different thickness - those types of this roofing material that have a thickness of at least 0.7 mm have greater strength and durability.

Room extension

As soon as each family member ceases to have enough usable space in a private house, they immediately begin to think that an extension of the room is simply necessary. This is already a residential extension, and its construction will need to be approached responsibly.

The extension of the room can be made of brick, foam block, wood, cinder block.

The use of any of the materials implies the construction of a foundation for them. The difference in building materials (the main building is made of wood, and the extension is made of any other material) can play a big role in the strength and reliability of the house as a whole.

A brick extension to a wooden house is built on a monolithic or strip foundation. It has high strength and durability. By itself, a brick is considered a cold material, but with proper and high-quality insulation, it can maintain a constant temperature in the room.

When choosing the type of foundation for an extension, you need to build on the main foundation. Any foundation is laid under a wooden house, depending on groundwater, since wood is a light building material. But more often a pile foundation is used. It is better not to use this type of foundation under brick walls, since the weight of the entire structure will be quite large.

It is for this reason that it is better to give preference to a monolithic foundation, which in its structure is considered an integral structure, and can withstand a variety of loads on it.

To build a monolithic foundation for a brick extension, a trench is first dug, the depth of which largely depends on the size of the extension itself. As a rule, it is at least 0.5-0.7 m.

Layers of sand and gravel are laid at the bottom of the trench, a pillow is formed for greater strength and durability of the base. It is better to knead the concrete solution in a concrete mixer so that it is freshly prepared, since concrete tends to harden very quickly, and it simply will not work to make the base a monolith.

The project of a brick extension to a wooden house

Formwork is preliminarily made along the perimeter of the trench. It can be non-removable, that is, after manufacturing, its elements are not removed.

The solution for such a foundation consists of:

  • cement brand 400 or 500;
  • sand, preferably river and without impurities;
  • crushed stone is not too large, granite can be used (it does not undergo deformation and can withstand sufficient loads);
  • water;
  • fittings.

A metal frame in the form of a mesh is made from reinforcement. It is placed in a trench on sand and gravel. After that, cement, sand, crushed stone and water are mixed. All proportions that are necessary for a quality foundation must be strictly observed, since the strength of the entire structure will depend on this.

The concrete mortar is poured into the trench in parts, while it is necessary to ensure that none of these parts begins to harden. Otherwise, the foundation will no longer be a monolith and will lose its strength.

The advantage of private real estate lies primarily in the fact that you can easily make an extension to a wooden house without problems and significant costs. For example, you can quickly and easily make an extension of 10-15 m², which serves as a veranda, kitchen or a place for receiving guests. An addition to the main house must be done in such a way that everything looks harmonious, and at the same time is comfortable and functional.

What to make an extension to a wooden house

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the materials from which the extension is made. If the house is wooden, then it is quite possible to supplement it with square meters of wood or even timber. So the general concept of the building will not be violated, and everything will seem more beautiful and comfortable. The tree allows not only to simplify the work on the product, but also significantly save. A big plus of this material is that it is quite warm. However, to use the premises all year round, it is still worthwhile to carry out additional work on insulation.

In some cases, craftsmen choose bricks to work with. This is a more expensive material, but it has its advantages. First of all, bricks always keep heat well, so minimal insulation work will be required. In addition, the maintenance of the extension will be simple, which distinguishes this material from wood.

However, when an additional brick room is attached to a wooden house, this may not look very good. Therefore, you have to choose between practicality and appearance. Or, as an option, you can then use the same type of external finishing materials throughout the house at once, including the attached room.

The extensions, which are made with their own hands from a bar, look very nice. It is a durable material that will last a long time if properly cared for. The appearance of the building itself is immediately transformed, and the house becomes like a fairy-tale hut. But the price of quality material of this type can be high.

The most inexpensive option is a do-it-yourself frame extension to a private house. Such construction methods have recently become very popular. Manufacturers offer to build entire houses in 2-3 floors in a short time. As for the extension, its construction in this case will be inexpensive. Frame buildings always require high-quality insulation and waterproofing. But still, they significantly outperform all other options in terms of price, speed of work, and even appearance. The frame extension will look good next to the wooden one, and together with the brick house. This is a great option for budget owners.

Where to begin

Before you make an extension to a brick house or any other with your own hands, you must first coordinate this with government organizations. Initially, design documents are drawn up taking into account all the nuances, but work with government agencies does not end there, since at the end of construction the extension will need to be legally registered. All such issues are resolved in the administration of the settlement or in multifunctional centers.

Do not start work before all the nuances are agreed. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you will have to clean up what has already been created, and this is troublesome and expensive.

Next, you need to purchase the material, according to the planned estimate. It can be wood, timber, brick or stone. It must be borne in mind that the type of materials must meet all the requirements of the building. If it is planned to be small, and it will not be loaded with a powerful roof, then you can take an ordinary tree. For capital buildings, it is still worth using stone or brick.

Experts strongly recommend at the initial stage to check all the nuances and consult with professional architects. This is especially true in cases where heavy materials are planned to be used. Of course, the extension is not the second floor. However, even it can significantly load the main building. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to carefully check the serviceability of all components, the quality of the foundation and consult with specialists.

If the construction of an extension seems like too much work, you can entrust it to professionals. In this case, you can save not only time, but money. If you opt for a modern frame version, it will be both beautiful and cheap. And most importantly, such structures are very light, so they do not load the main building at all.

Those who decide to make an extension to their house with their own hands should take into account that incorrect actions will lead to the fact that the load on the building will be too great. If the house is old, a professional preliminary diagnosis is necessary. An insufficiently strong foundation can cause the building to be completely destroyed, therefore, by creating an extension, the master runs the risk of being completely homeless.

Extension building technology

As for how to make an extension to the house, the main thing is not to damage the main house and get additional square meters. To do this, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparatory work before starting construction. They must be multilateral, that is, you need to study every detail.

First of all, it is necessary to check the quality of the foundation, its depth and width. This will determine whether the base can withstand the additional load in the form of an extension.

In order to get a warm building, its walls must fit snugly against the main building. But this is permissible only if the structure is well preserved. In addition, you need to immediately think over the options for movement, namely doors and passages. It is quite possible that at the place where the extension to the country house will be connected to the main building, an additional arch will have to be made under the door. Here it is necessary to clarify whether the wall will withstand it. Sometimes it happens that the walls look quite normal. But one has only to start diagnosing, as numerous shortcomings are revealed.

Special requirements are always placed on the roof. It should be light enough and match the type of construction. There are 2 options for how to properly make a roof in an extension to the house. In the first case, it can be a continuation of the main roof, and the second - a separate roof. Both one and the second method have their pros and cons. If you make a solid roof, the whole structure will look beautiful and harmonious. But indoors there will be one minus, namely a sloping roof or the need to build a small attic and additional insulation. A straight roof from the outside does not look too beautiful, but inside it will be a more convenient option for further interior decoration.

Particular attention should be paid to extensions, which will be made of wood. This material is different in that it needs shrinkage. This process takes a certain amount of time, and sometimes reaches several years. Therefore, during the first years of use, the attached structure may settle and move away from the main wall. If it is initially fixed very tightly, then this can damage the main wall. Therefore, the wooden frame must be left at first. Only after it settles, you can proceed to the design and strengthening of the wooden extension.

As for the foundation for the extension, it does not matter much. If the main building is on a solid and high-quality foundation, then a pile foundation can also be used to build an extension.

It is believed that making an extension to a wooden, brick or stone house is a very simple task. In fact, it is much easier than building a second floor. However, if certain requirements are not observed during the construction of the extension, this can have a very bad effect not only on the quality and functionality of the new building, but also spoil the existing building. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and attentive.

Simple extension to a wooden house

The complexity of the work always depends on the type of project. Some try to make the extension create additional space, but also become a decoration of the building. But such options are quite complicated both in execution and in choosing the right materials. If there is no desire to face difficulties, you can make a simple extension with your own hands quickly and inexpensively.

The first step will be to choose the optimal location for future construction. At this stage, you need to assess your financial capabilities, select suitable materials, determine the size of the building and resolve the issue with permits.

Next, you can proceed to the foundation. For a simple and light structure, there is no need to make a powerful foundation. Most often, masters refuse a monolithic foundation and opt for a tape type or a columnar basis. For a small frame extension or veranda, this will be enough.

Before you build walls, you need to take care of the arch for the door from the house. In order not to destroy part of the wall, it is recommended to make a passage in place of an existing door or window.

After pouring the foundation and its complete readiness, you can start working on the walls. The easiest way is to make extensions to wooden or brick houses from solid sheets. That is, the extension will be of the frame type. It is advisable to place poles for fastening panels and further installation of the roof at a distance of about 1.5 m from each other, but no more. After their high-quality fixing, you can start tying the walls. The final stage will be the installation of the roof and the complete hermetic finishing of the room.

Experts most often recommend a roof for extensions, which will be a continuation of the main roof. So the whole building as a whole will look more harmonious and attractive. The extension will no longer look like a build-up on the house, but will become its full-fledged part. If you use the same materials for decorating the facade as for the house, then everything will look very harmonious. But you shouldn't rush with the exterior decoration. In addition, you need to wait some time before installing windows and doors. The extension needs to be given time to stand and settle. Only then can further work be continued.

Building insulation

In order for the room to be used at any time of the year, you need to know how to insulate the building. This is a simple job, but it requires certain rules to be followed. First you need to choose a heater. The most popular materials are Izover, Izorok, URSA and Rockwood. All of them are inexpensive and consist of mineral wool. For 1 m² of wall it will take about 70 rubles.

Most often, mineral wool is used for insulation. It is laid under sheets of drywall, which are then sheathed with walls and ceilings. But the work on insulation does not end there. All seams that will be between the sheets must be carefully sealed with putty. Only after that you can proceed to the further design of the walls, that is, painting, wallpapering and other types of finishing work.

But in order for the room to be usable in winter, it is also necessary to insulate all windows and doors. For this, special materials are used to save a lot of heat in the house.

With the right approach and high-quality work performed in a do-it-yourself room, you can live at any time of the year. From an ordinary summer veranda, it will turn into a full-fledged building, where you can equip a living room with a fireplace or a room for another purpose. Insulation work for an extension with an area of ​​​​12 m² and a ceiling height of 3 m will cost about 10 thousand rubles.

Proper construction of extensions for various purposes can not only expand the residential part of the house, but also improve its appearance and protect it from wear and tear. The construction of a veranda adjacent to the house, regardless of the type of building, requires careful project development, with the definition of materials and construction technology.

Proper execution and approval of project documentation in state institutions will not only insure against problems with the law, but also help to draw up a plan and estimate for the building.


A typical veranda is a roofed frame structure erected on a strip or column foundation, with glass or half glass walls. The statement that the veranda should be built from the same materials as the main building, with the emergence of new styles and fashion trends in architecture, has lost its relevance.

In the photos below - ready-made solutions for verandas attached to the house, with different principles of compatibility. In some cases, the new extension is made of the same materials and is completely combined with the house, in others the new one is combined with the preservation of common elements - roofs, beams, etc.

There are also projects in which the original design of the extension brings a new architectural touch, updating the exterior.

When choosing materials and construction technologies, one should also take into account the parameters of proper ventilation, moisture resistance and thermal insulation. With full glazing, it is necessary to provide opening segments for ventilation.

If an open veranda is being built, or, as it is also called, a summer terrace, you need to take care of the frost-resistant lining and tilt the floor towards the site.

Designs with removable frames are optimal for year-round use. The installation of large sliding doors will also allow the building to be used in a two-mode version.

In a typical project, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe veranda is rectangular and ranges from 10 to 15 sq.m. With smaller areas it will be too crowded, with large areas, additional reinforcement for the roof will be required. Polygonal and semi-circular foundations are also possible.

According to its location, the veranda can be corner, end or front. An original solution can be considered the construction of a terrace around the entire perimeter of the house, which can have glazed, open and closed areas for various purposes: they can accommodate an entrance hall, a recreation area, and a large pantry.


The foundation of terraces and verandas attached to the house should fit snugly against the main building, but at the same time have independent supports.

The strip foundation is suitable for large and heavy structures; in all other cases, a columnar foundation can be erected. When pouring concrete, you need to leave a gap of 3-4 cm with the main wall, which will subsequently be filled with waterproofing foam.

At the first stage of preparation for construction, the soil is cleared and compacted. Then, corner holes are dug for the pillars along the depth of the foundation of the house (about 1 m on average), a pillow is made of crushed stone, gravel and sand, on which concrete is poured.

After setting, supports are inserted from asbestos or metal pipes. Concrete poles or bricks may also be used. The same method is used to lay high piles for buildings adjacent to the level of the second floor.

Depending on the area and weight of the terrace, intermediate posts may be needed, installed every half a meter.

For a tape-type foundation, a trench of 30-50 cm breaks through, the formwork is laid 15-20 cm higher. Metal reinforcement bars or reinforcing mesh are embedded in the soil. Concrete is poured onto a layer of crushed stone and sand.

Wooden frame

The frame is mounted from beams or logs with a width of at least 12 cm, which are covered with a waterproofing layer. For the strength of horizontal knitting, experts recommend using fasteners in the foot, while the connection surface will be at an angle. Vertical racks are fixed with diagonal interceptions.

At the final stage, the wooden frame is covered with rafters for the roof. For cladding, you can use plywood panels, chipboard boards, etc.

The construction of a wooden veranda is the best budget solution for the prices of materials, but when choosing this type of building, you need a professional approach and knowledge of the nuances of building from a wooden beam.

Other materials for verandas

The construction of foam blocks is being built on a strip foundation. It is easy to make such a masonry yourself. Laying is carried out with the help of special glue, with dressing of seams for strength.

When finishing, an internal and external waterproofing layer is provided, finishing with drywall, wooden panels, moisture-resistant wallpaper and paints. The outer surface can be lined with ventilated facades.

Polycarbonate structure construction, modern and attractive option. This material is well combined in buildings with a wooden and brick frame.

For a building that consists entirely of bicarbonate shields, no foundation is needed. The earth can simply be compacted and covered with paving slabs.

The design is created using aluminum profiles, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation and water drainage. Polycarbonate panels and frames of various types can be customized for specific needs for lighting and thermal insulation.

Before you attach a veranda to the house, you need to decide on the functions that it will perform. In addition to the drainage and ventilation systems necessary in any case, the correct connection to the capital structure and the roof structure, the schedule for using this part of the house is important.

The design and construction of summer verandas differs from the requirements for premises with year-round operation. It is also important to note that any extension will require the same care and renovation as permanent buildings.

Photo of the veranda attached to the house

Planning a future extension to the house requires a fairly thorough preparation and at least an approximate calculation of the parameters of the foundation, walls, and roof. It will be necessary to resolve the issues of selecting material and, of course, you need to understand the question of how to legalize an extension to the house. Without legal registration of a new housing construction plan, an extension will be considered a self-construction and, according to all laws, is subject to demolition.

How to start planning an extension

Any option for an extension to the house is based on four main documents, on which the future fate of the building will depend:

  • building permits;
  • A project of a new building with a detailed specification of the implementation of the most important nodes, for example, a diagram of an adjoining to the main building or a foundation device;
  • The layout of the extension on the site plan, with marked distances between individual buildings;
  • Construction estimate.

Often, the construction of an extension to the house is just a small cosmetic extension of an existing veranda, porch area or outdoor terrace. Both elements already appear in the original project of a private house, so its owners believe that nothing needs to be changed in the documents. The external dimensions of the house with an attached premises do not change, the distances between objects according to sanitary and fire safety standards remain the same, so it makes no sense to bother with bureaucratic procedures for re-registering a capital structure.

Similar logic can still be understood if we are talking about a country shield house, a wooden dacha or any other building erected without a foundation or falling under the definitions of a temporary one. If we are talking about the construction of capital-type structures, the arrangement of an extension always entails certain consequences.

For your information! Refusal of registration, except for a fine or forced dismantling of a building, is primarily an investment "in the air" with the risk of losing everything.

A professionally designed and built extension to the house, photo, can increase the capitalization of the object from 30 to 60%. The situation is quite common for modern brick buildings erected on the slope of a hill or mountain. Instead of a porch on piles, an extension to the brick house is being completed, which allows increasing the living space by 40-50%.

Properly executed documents will allow, for example, to increase the amount of collateral in the bank or simply sell the building at its real price. Whereas an illegal extension to the house will only create problems.

Registration of an extension, we understand the details

In order to correctly assess the possible amount of bureaucratic red tape, it is necessary to draw up the following description as detailed as possible, as detailed as possible:

  • Determine the purpose of the future building, its size and location relative to the house;
  • Make sketches, you can even draw by hand, but with the obligatory observance of the generally accepted rules for paperwork, it is best to use ready-made projects for extensions to the house;
  • Make a separate document detailing the construction of the foundation or foundation, walls and roof of the extension.

All of the above will be required in order to correctly classify buildings. Any options for an extension to the house, photos are either classified as capital buildings or non-capital buildings.

The paperwork scheme depends on how the employees of the city inventory bureau classify the structure.

Papers for non-capital construction

The question of correct classification is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. Non-capital extensions include:

  • Stairs and porches at the new entrance to the house;
  • Sheds, terraces, verandas, balconies;
  • Auxiliary and temporary extensions, if they do not affect communications or load-bearing structures of the capital structure.

Some experts and some lawyers define a non-capital extension as a structure without a foundation, but it would be wrong to follow such a rule in all situations, since there are a huge number of by-laws and clarifications to the norms of the Urban Planning Code, plus numerous court decisions that contain provisions that contradict each other. Therefore, before legalizing an extension to a private house, it will be useful to get acquainted with at least some of the regulatory documents.

To design such an extension to the house, do the following:

  • Order a drawing for an extension and make a technically competent description of the design;
  • Write an application to the Bureau of Technical Inventory to amend the passport of a capital building, that is, a house with an extension;
  • Wait for the inspection of the erected structure of the extension to the house;
  • Make changes to the design of the house.

As a rule, there are no problems with registering a non-capital extension to the house, but even if an official refusal is received, registration can be done by a court decision.

Registration of an extension of a capital type

Most of the brick, stone or metal-framed outbuildings are considered capital by law. One of the arguments used by experts in substantiating their decision is the presence of a foundation in any of its forms. Therefore, when planning a full-fledged extension to the house, the owners show miracles of ingenuity, which is worth building a structure with a cantilever or balcony type of attachment to the walls of the main house.

According to the law, a capital extension will require a building permit from the regional department of architecture and capital construction.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Application with a photocopy of the passport;
  • Registration certificate for the house and the attached site plan;
  • The project of the future extension with a short explanatory note.

Upon a positive decision, the owner is issued a written permit for the construction of the structure, subject to the design and registration of the structure in the state register.

After the extension to the house is completed, it will be necessary to go through all the bureaucratic procedures at the BTI, where they may be forced to make an additional examination for the compliance of individual nodes with the norms of SNiP and GOST. After entering into the technical documentation for the house, the changes are registered in the state register of capital construction and real estate.

Of course, you can put up a building without all this bureaucracy, but as practice shows, it’s cheaper to register an attached room.

How to plan an extension to your house

The second headache of any process of building an extension is the inadequacy of the box of the main housing building. Only in 1 out of 100 cases, when drawing up a house project, the future owner is wise enough to provide for the possibility of expanding the main structure of the building due to one or two extensions. The most common problems are the imperfection of the foundation system or claims from neighbors.

What to do with the foundation

The simplest situation is when a full-fledged two-meter strip foundation is laid under the main building. In this case, under the attached premises, it is possible to use a shallow type of strip foundation without any special fears. If the height of the extension is higher than one floor, then the foundation will have to be deepened to the freezing level, the upper armo-belt must be tied up with the floor slab of the main building.

The most reliable and durable extension to the house is made on the same foundation with a brick box of the house. For example, you can use the foundation area occupied by an open veranda. To reduce the pressure on the corner sector of the foundation, the extension box is partially supported on the foundation of the veranda, and most of the weight is transferred to piles driven at a distance of at least 60 cm from the blind area line.

If the house stands on a shallow or pile foundation, then the simplest solution to the problem is to use a slab foundation. The foundation slab for the building is poured over an area 2 times larger than the dimensions of the annex itself. At first glance, it looks like a waste, but in fact this is just a way to reduce the impact on the foundation of the house and make a reserve for the future. In all other cases, experts recommend placing the building on a pile foundation without rigid binding to the supporting structures of the house.

Wall and roof materials

For the arrangement of the extension box, three types of materials are most often used:

  • Gas silicate blocks or foam concrete on a strip foundation;
  • Wooden or metal frame structures on a pile foundation;
  • Hollow ceramic brick on a slab foundation.

In principle, it is possible to build an extension from any material, even from rubble or concrete blocks, but in practice, they strive to make the attached premises as light as possible so as not to break the foundation, so even brick buildings are already a rarity today.

Most often, the box is erected from foam concrete blocks, they are light, relatively easy to lay walls and are cheaper than bricks. Due to the excellent heat and sound insulating characteristics, the building can be made with huge windows or even a whole wall of glass.

The second most popular is the frame system. The use of a profiled pipe and a steel profile allows you to assemble an openwork glass extension on two floors. The weight of such a structure will only be slightly more than a wooden frame, so a particularly powerful foundation for the building will not be required. The only condition for the construction of a metal-frame extension will be the correct placement of the structure relative to the foundation of the house. The best option is the inner corner of the facade, which provides maximum rigidity of the foundation and stability of the walls.

Traditionally, an attached room to the house is preferred to be installed on the corner of the main building. This part of the foundation of a brick or block house has the highest rigidity and stability, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the attached box itself.

If an additional room is built from wood concrete or aerated concrete, while the place for the foundation is in the center of the main building, in this case it is necessary to take measures to increase the stability of the attached box by all available means.

As such, there may be an additional brick wall or a rebuilt common roof.

The exception is frame structures made of timber, as a rule, a box made of boards and timber has sufficient rigidity and relatively low weight, so it can be attached anywhere in the house, without regard to the foundation.


When choosing a plan or project for a small room, it is necessary to take into account possible problems from the neighbors. Oddly enough, according to statistics, the majority of court decisions on the forced demolition of extensions in the private sector are based on complaints and claims against neighboring houses. Therefore, it is not enough to plan the foundation and start construction, it is also necessary to provide the building with permits in case of a possible conflict.