Dream interpretation table on the street. Table according to the dream book

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you see a table set for dinner- this means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon.

If you see empty tables in a dream- beware of quarrels and disagreements.

This promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Eating in a dream at a table without a tablecloth- means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way- this means that you will soon experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes. A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

Broken table- means decline, change for the worse.

Hearing tapping on the table in a dream- a harbinger that you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your destiny will be in jeopardy. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

If in a dream you sit down at your desk - this warns you and encourages caution.

Money lying on your table- portend that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Table- personifies social relationships, friendly contacts. A place where dreamers “post” their thoughts, beliefs, and hopes.

Seeing an empty or broken table- lose friendly support.

Talking to someone while sitting at the table- reconciliation with a friend, success in plans.

Freud's Dream Book

Table- is a symbolic image of a woman.

Broken- symbolizes diseases of the genital organs in women.

Inverted- symbolizes your passion for anal sex.

Set or served table- symbolize good health women and their stormy temperament.

A bare table or covered only with oilcloth- symbolize the coldness of a woman.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed of a beautifully set table- portends a life full of pleasures and love, empty table, on the contrary, promises disagreement.

If in a dream you are clearing the table- this means that love for you will be replaced by an indifferent attitude.

Torn tablecloth on the table- a sign of quarrels and disagreements in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Table in a dream- this is a symbolic reflection of your current plans.

If the table is littered with some objects- conflicts are possible.

If the table is empty- this means you will feel among people as if you were in a desert.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Table- the need to pay attention to the problem (we).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Table- to go on a visit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

See money lying on the table- to a successful resolution of the situation.

Dream book of the 21st century

Table seen in a dream- symbolizes the owner of the house, home joys, marriage.

Setting the table in a dream- a sign that the plan will succeed; to see it covered is for guests.

If in a dream there are flowers on it- this portends happiness in marriage and family life.

Rounds- means reconciliation.

Marble- symbolizes troubles due to an unscrupulous person.

Writing- a symbol of moral duty.

Broken- dreams of failure.

If in a dream you eat while sitting at a table not covered with a tablecloth- this is a sign that you will be independent in your actions and judgments.

Seeing a stained tablecloth in a dream- to disobedience of children or subordinates, quarrels.

If in a dream you see a person at a table- the dream warns you against placing too much trust in him.

If he sees himself lying on food- it will become known that he is greedy in giving alms. One slave saw in a dream how his master’s table was moving away and “running away”, just like an animal running away. Once at the door of the room, he breaks into pieces. The next day the owner's wife died, and all his benefits disappeared.

Chinese dream book

Set table with food- well-being, success; guests.

Modern universal dream book

These days we spend more time at our desks than in bed. It is not surprising that the table is now a place not only for work, but also for sex!

In your dream, are you sitting at a table? What do you do: study or work? If you feel comfortable at the table in a dream, this indicates a desire to “roll up your sleeves” and seriously work through any problem that has arisen in the workplace. real life.

If in a dream you are sitting at a table- this can be a sign of power. How can these feelings be correlated with real life?

If in real life you do sedentary work, but in a dream you feel uncomfortable sitting at a desk- this is a sign that you should change your occupation.

When you want to open up and present your point of view, you lay your cards on the table- what do you want to show or reveal? Perhaps someone wants to achieve their goal at all costs or is acting illegally?

Dream book of a gypsy

If your desk is littered with books or papers- this means that you must organize your life in a new way and determine your priorities.

If you saw an empty desktop in a dream- you should find new interests and new hobbies.

Sit at a desk- a harbinger that your words carry deep meaning. What you say will impress many people.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Table- joy; tinker- there will be a dead person; covered- to good; on thin legs- life is not very kind; on thick legs- excellent life; broken- illness or death of wife.

Assembled table- sadness; overturned- consolation in misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

The table is good and strong- to prosperity, confidence in life.

Flimsy, plastic- uncertainty, instability in financial situation.

Full of food, treats- a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, then you are addicted to bodily food.

With leftover food- untidy to troubles in the domestic sphere.

Cover and arrange dishes- to the guests.

Ukrainian dream book

Table- throne, joy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Table- home, family life.

Collection of dream books

Table- you put off making decisions; you hide feelings and intentions “under the table”. Generally accepted views and judgments.

Table- big profit; set the table- luck through a friend; set table- happy family life.

Table- to joy and abundance.

Set table- the dream foreshadows a major purchase.

Round table - you will soon thunder throughout the entire district.

See the dinner table set- health problems associated with overeating; work at a desk- you need a break from mental work; lie on the table- problems with the spine, for seriously ill patients- to death; see a card or billiard table- to risky actions.

Table with money- greed, greed.

Table with dishes- problems with excess weight.

Set table in a dream- a sign that circumstances will turn against you and your honor will be discredited.

Table, luxuriously decorated- dreams of abundance and contentment.

Table without tablecloth- portends troubles or widowhood.

If you dreamed of turning tables- you will learn amazing news and make wonderful discoveries for yourself.

Wipe the table with your hand or paper or brush away crumbs- to an unkind event, poverty.

Sit on the table- to the death of a loved one.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A set table in a dream is a warning about interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings in real life. However, this is far from the only description of what a table with food means in a dream. You will find other interpretations in this article.

Prosperity and success are promised by a dream where you were sitting at a laid table. The more food there was on it, the better everything will turn out for you in reality. Did you eat and talk at the same time while sitting at the table? This dream prophesies a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel.

A rich banquet table, dreamed of in a dream, promises that in the near future everything will work out for you, and good luck will accompany you in all matters. If the table was set with delicacies and luxurious dishes, then your life will be carefree and well-fed.

A wedding table with food portends significant changes in the very near future. Those who dreamed of a funeral table will have to sacrifice their principles and interests.

It’s good if you manage to remember what exactly was on the table. Have you seen fruits and vegetables? This means that joyful and bright times will soon come in your life. You should prepare for difficulties if they were spoiled. To celebrate a new addition to the family, you dream of a fish lying on the table.

A dream where the table surface was dirty warns that soon you may experience worries and stress. Sadness and troubles also await you if you turn your attention to dirty table legs. Untidy cutlery is a symbol of your depressed state of mind. This dream suggests that it is time to take a break from the past and boldly move on.

If you see a table with food that has not been cleared away after a meal, this may indicate that now you are not able to collect your thoughts and be more organized.

A dream in which a table stood on large, massive legs means that your life is developing correctly and successfully. Were they thin? It looks like you will have to make a lot of efforts to strengthen your position.

Dreamed of revolving tables of food? This means you should be prepared for amazing discoveries and news. Perhaps in coming days fate will give you something extraordinary.

Were there only men sitting at the set table? This dream promises fruitful agreements and good profits. Pleasant communication of a romantic nature awaits the dreamer who was sitting at the table with food with his loved one.

Did you see children sitting at a set table? This dream prophesies very profitable and promising business. Most likely, an improvement in your financial situation is just around the corner.

If you were sitting at a set table with relatives, then the dream promises a solution to family disputes and an improvement in relationships between loved ones. Did you sit with the guests? Unexpected meetings and new acquaintances are what awaits you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation festive table

Why do you dream of a festive table? Having seen such a dream, you are guaranteed to wake up in a good mood, but dream interpreters do not advise rejoicing ahead of time. A positive symbol that appeared in night dream, may be hiding large number not the most positive formulations.

General information

As the dream book suggests, the festive table reflects dissatisfaction with life. Perhaps the dreamer fails to realize his own ambitions, and this leaves a certain imprint on his daily life.

Let's turn to the professionals

I dreamed of an abundance of food for the holiday

Before you draw any conclusions, you will have to determine the root cause of the symbol you saw. At the initial stage, you are faced with a simple task - to restore the dream in your memory and decompose it into its component elements. Information from dream books can be used as a standard, and based on this, an interpretation can be drawn up.

Miller's version

Seeing a festive table with food means you do not know how to take care of business documentation, and this can negatively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of your business.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dreaming of a table with delicious delicacies that you just want to try means receiving a huge inheritance. It is noteworthy that the benefits received will be obtained without any effort.

However, you must remember that they should be managed correctly, otherwise they will only bring disappointment.

Lunar dream book

Dreaming of an abundance of buffet

If you dreamed of a buffet with food, then try to pay attention to the quality of the dishes presented:

  • fresh and aromatic - rapid progress up the career ladder awaits you, bringing solid dividends;
  • Leftovers are a sign of distrust of the world around us.

Eastern interpreter

If a sleeping person had to sit down at a festively set table with his ill-wishers, and happened to see disgusting photographs on the menu, then, according to the presented dream interpreter, he will be seriously disappointed. The person on whom great hopes were pinned turns out to be a traitor. To solve a problem like this, you will have to learn to make compromises, otherwise the losses will only increase.

Who was with you?

The laid table and pleasant atmosphere are pleasing, but no less important is the fact of who kept the company at the noble feast.


Seeing a lonely person eating food in a dream

Why dream of a holiday to which only you came? Seeing yourself at a large table means future but minor losses. The dream book advises not to pay attention to difficulties, since they temper you, making you stronger for new challenges.

According to another interpretation, when you have such a dream, it means the time has come for new knowledge and experience. If you can't eat at the same table with someone, then the constant lack of communication can negatively affect your quality of life.


Enjoying holiday dishes in the company of interesting people is a sign of success in all endeavors and receiving great benefits. The main thing is to comply with moral standards in pursuit of new results.

Guests sitting at the holiday table reflect constant suspicion of the desires and needs of other people. Forgetting about your own imperfections, you are unlikely to achieve great success in life. If a large company begins to serve the holiday table and bring only vegetarian food, then try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Typically, such a dream reflects a lack of fiber intake.

What kind?

Cover in a dream while expecting guests

The factors described above, of course, play a certain role in the process of obtaining a transcript, but we must not forget about the quality of the dishes.


If you set the table with exceptionally tasty and expensive delicacies, then do not forget to remember how the process of eating them went. By devouring food without feeling the measure, you can count on a quick arrival uninvited guests or the onset of a long-term illness. The symbol you see also reflects responsibility for organizing some kind of holiday.

Swallowing saliva while looking at overseas delicacies - your dreams are not destined to come true quickly, so stop feeding yourself unnecessary illusions. Luxurious delicacies on the festive table can be interpreted in different ways:

  • for entrepreneurs - to loss of property or market;
  • for poor people - to receive moral compensation for years lived in poverty.

Seeing ordinary food in a dream


If there was food on the festive table that did not arouse any interest or appetite, then such a dream reflects acceptance difficult decision thanks to his own strong-willed qualities. If you try to force yourself to eat in a dream, you risk making a mistake.

The dream interpreter also suggested that the sleeping person will face a situation in which there will be several alternative and contradictory solutions. Your mood should never get in the way.


Why do you dream about unloved and unpleasant dishes on the holiday table? According to one popular dream book, a sleeping person fails to accept someone or something. This character trait sometimes interferes with achieving goals, and this must be remembered.

If the food on the festive table does not evoke any sensations other than disgust, then a new successful turn in business is expected. However, you will have to make a lot of effort to understand the true cause of the problem.

What was on the table?

To get more accurate interpretation you will have to remember the taste of what you managed to taste:

Dream about dessert dishes

  • salty - to the beginning of a difficult life period;
  • bitter or spicy - a symbol of a hopeless situation;
  • sweets are a symbol of joy and carelessness;
  • burnt - to receiving bad news from loved ones;
  • semi-finished products are a symbol of dissatisfaction and developing illness.

Other variations

If in a night dream you happen to see people eating with appetite, then in reality you will be invited to a dinner party. Try to choose an evening outfit in advance to match the contingent.

Refuse an invitation to a holiday - to gain good luck. Why dream of a table with food that is located in the open air? As a rule, such a symbol is a reflection of instability and instability, which the dreamer has long been striving for.

Witnessing gluttony of other people in a night dream - your insatiable aspirations can negatively affect your current standard of living. You must be aware that the line between courage and stupidity is extremely thin.

If the process of eating holiday dishes began to turn into some kind of ritual, then active transformation processes are taking place in your soul, destroying the significance of everything material. However, in the pursuit of enlightenment, do not forget about your deepest aspirations. Sitting at a luxurious table and looking at holiday delicacies - it's time for spiritual food that will speed up your thinking processes.

The table has become such a familiar household item that we have stopped paying attention to its presence in our dreams.

The dreamer is interested in this image only under unusual dream circumstances or when concentrating his attention on this subject in a dream. If you are interested in the image present in the dream, you should turn to dream books, which cover in detail what the table is about in the dream.

Interpretations according to Miller's dream book

One of the most detailed dream books is Miller's dream book, in which:

  • A set table is interpreted as new pleasant connections under favorable circumstances, and a broken one is interpreted as a period of temporary decline.
  • Cleaning it up after eating means sadness and indifference.
  • An empty tabletop is a warning about possible disagreements with others.
  • Sitting at a table not covered with a tablecloth means prosperity, peace, balance and independence.
  • Coins and banknotes lying on the tablecloth are interpreted as a happy ending to a difficult period.
  • A tabletop covered with a torn tablecloth promises a showdown with family members.
  • Sitting at a desk means you need to be careful.

According to this dream book, a table moving mysteriously indicates your dissatisfaction with existing circumstances. And an audible tapping on the tabletop foreshadows changes in relationships with friends if you forget about them.

Author's dream books

Grishina’s dream book interprets the table as a home and the joys of family existence. If you saw a table in a dream:

  • Covered - wait for guests.
  • Round - make peace with your relatives.
  • Marble - avoid communicating with unscrupulous people.
  • Written – it’s time to remember our moral duty.

Setting tables means fulfilling your plans, and putting flowers on them means a happy marriage.

Tsvetkov’s dream book explains the meaning of the dream in a similar way, connecting the dreamed image with home and family life.

Hasse in his dream book indicates that:

  • Seeing a table in a dream means gaining new knowledge in reality.
  • To cover it is to purchase real estate or other property.
  • Cleaning up after eating means a profitable deal may not take place.
  • Sitting behind him means having a good time in pleasant company.
  • An empty table is dreamed of as evidence of constrained financial circumstances, and a card table indicates prosperity in the future.

The esoteric dream book notes that durable wooden table top is a symbol of prosperity and self-confidence, and a shaky plastic table symbolizes a lack of stability in life.

A table full of food and drinks symbolizes your tendency to excess, and an uncleaned table after a meal symbolizes the unsettled nature of your life. Serving for dinner means welcoming visitors soon.

What the table means in dreams is also discussed in Medea’s dream book. This household item is considered in this dream book to represent friendly ties, therefore:

  • Sitting at a meal and having a conversation in a dream means in reality making peace with a friend or realizing your plans.
  • Seeing a broken or empty table in a dream means losing the support of a friend in reality.

The Small Velesov Dream Book interprets the feast as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, paying attention to the table legs. If the legs are massive, your life is going well, but if they are thin, you need to make an effort to strengthen your position.

Freud believed that the table symbolizes the female image, so if it:

  • Richly covered - a woman has a stormy temperament and excellent health.
  • Broken - a woman should check her health.
  • Empty - a woman is distinguished by indifference to the opposite sex.

The meaning of sleep among different peoples

The Mayan dream book indicates that setting a table in a dream means actually attending a fun party. And Chinese predictors associate this symbol with a violation of your plans.

The Russian dream book associates this image with making a solid profit. A table set in a dream promises happiness in married life, and setting it yourself for dinner promises good luck, which a friendly relationship will bring you.

In the Ukrainian dream book, this piece of furniture is interpreted as an upcoming joyful event. And the Jews believe that this dream promises an invitation to a holiday.

The French associate a set table with an ambiguous situation and the misunderstandings that arise in connection with this. And abundant in food and luxurious dishes - with contentment and well-being. Revolving tables dream of news and amazing discoveries.

The Italian dream book considers a table to be a symbol of femininity if it is made of wood.

According to gypsy dream book A tabletop littered with papers symbolizes the need to reorganize your living space and decide on priorities. An empty desk dreams of looking for new interests and hobbies.

IN women's dream book In the East, a table with a variety of food is a harbinger of successful completion of business, and the Arab dream book interprets this image as rich booty.

Among the Arabs, it is believed that sitting alone at a meal means there are no rivals. And a feast in the company of other people dreams of friendly companions, whose disposition is measured by the amount of bread present at this feast.

IN autumn dream book the table represents uninvited guests. In spring - a joyful meeting, and in summer - a visit.

Circumstances of sleep

To understand why a table is dreamed of, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the piece of furniture itself and the amount and types of food on it.

A dream about a buffet portends a noisy party at your home, an operating room table means the need to make a fateful decision, and a banquet or wedding table promises good luck and reliable income in the future. The dining table symbolizes the need to watch calories in reality and avoid overeating. And in writing – exercise caution.

Untidy table legs seen in a dream speak of your depressed state of mind, so you need to distract yourself from worries about the past and move on. Hiding under the tabletop means getting new opportunities, lying on it means finding a way out of the current situation, and standing up means taking complete control of your life.

If flour is scattered on the table in a dream, you will be able to make your wishes come true. And a fish lying on the tabletop foreshadows the appearance of an heir.

Juicy fruits scattered on the tabletop foreshadow joyful events. A glass or cup of tea and lack of food indicates disappointment.

Dream books also indicate why you dream of a table being repaired by a master - in reality, you will meet an influential patron who can solve your problems. Author: Marina Nosova

Why do you dream about a table? Many dream books consider this object as a symbol of the unification of people. They claim that his appearance in a dream promises conversations, meetings, and acquaintances. However, other interpretations are offered to explain the meaning of night dreams in which the product appears. It all depends on the details of the picture seen that need to be remembered.

"Esoteric Dream Book": table

This guide to the world of dreams suggests, first of all, remembering what a piece of furniture looked like. Why dream of a table if it was made of plastic and seemed fragile and unstable? In reality, the dreamer should prepare for a deterioration in his financial situation. He may lose confidence tomorrow. It’s great if the table in a dream looks strong and reliable. Then in real life you can count on unexpected profits and success in business.

Why do you dream of a table laden with food? In this case, the “Esoteric Dream Book” recommends that the dreamer reconsider his nutrition system. It is possible that it has come the right time to follow a healthy diet. Should you be afraid if you see a table with leftover food in your dream? Yes, since night dreams with such a plot predict troubles. They are most likely to affect the domestic sphere. What other options is the Esoteric Dream Book considering? Set the table for the guests.

"Modern Dream Book"

This interpreter insists that a table in a dream in most cases appears as a harbinger of domestic joys. It is possible that a person will soon enter into a marriage that will turn out to be strong and happy. A set table promises the imminent arrival of guests. Moreover, the visit will give the dreamer exclusively positive emotions. Seeing yourself setting the table in your night dreams means successfully implementing your plans in reality.

A bad dream is one in which a marble product appears. " Modern dream book"interprets it as a harbinger of troubles that the dreamer will encounter due to the actions of a dishonest person. A round product promises reconciliation, and it is likely that a long-standing conflict will be resolved. Flowers on the table predict happiness in family life. Failure awaits those who see a broken piece of furniture in a dream. What does a set table mean if a person sits at it in a night’s dreams? In real life, one should not overly trust the person seen in a dream. It is possible that this person will soon allow himself to do something bad. Problems in relationships with friends and colleagues promise a knock on the table.

Tablecloth on the table

Most guides to the world of dreams claim that a dream in which not only a table appears, but also a stained tablecloth cannot be considered good. Most often, he predicts conflicts with household members. The dreamer's relationships with colleagues may also deteriorate. If the tablecloth is stained with dessert in a dream, in reality the person spends too much time on entertainment. As a result of this lifestyle, your reputation may suffer. If you find wine stains on fabric, you should be wary of accidents.

A snow-white and clean tablecloth, on the contrary, predicts good luck in love affairs. Single people will meet their soulmate, married people will be happy in their marriage. Why dream of a table if there is no tablecloth on it? This indicates the independence of the owner of the dream, his ability to take responsibility. Red fabric promises passion that will flare up suddenly. What to expect in reality if the tablecloth is torn in your night dreams? It is likely that relations with household members will soon deteriorate. It will be possible to avoid conflicts if the dreamer shows attention to loved ones and begins to devote more time to communicating with them.

"French Dream Book"

What does the French Dream Book say about such dreams? A table is a good dream if it is filled with luxurious dishes and looks rich. In real life, abundance awaits a person. It is possible that it will improve significantly. A woman who dreamed of absence should be wary. A similar plot predicts widowhood. What does it mean to dream about rotating tables? In reality, a person is waiting for news that he has been waiting for a long time to receive. The news is most likely to be good.

"Dream Book of Medea"

What does the dream book compiled by the famous witch predict? Sitting at the table and talking with other people means making peace with an old friend, with whom the relationship deteriorated many years ago due to a stupid quarrel. Also, a person can expect success in business, so he should take on new projects without fear. Should I be concerned if this piece of furniture is broken? Yes, since such a dream promises a loss of friendly support. The most likely reason for this will be the dreamer’s incorrect behavior and his consumerist attitude towards others. An empty table has a similar meaning.

"Miller's Dream Book"

Why do you dream of an empty table if you rely on the opinion of a famous psychologist? Miller claims that night dreams with such a plot predict disagreements and quarrels. Conflicts are equally likely to happen in the family and at work. Watching the table move means facing a feeling of dissatisfaction. It is possible that the time has come for changes - in work, in love. Should someone who sees money on the table in their night dreams be wary? There is no reason to worry, since such a dream predicts the successful resolution of complex problems. However, it is impossible to say whether a person will get out of difficulties on our own or will be forced to turn to those around him for help.


What other subjects does the dream book consider? A table in a dream is a symbol of moral duty if it is written. It is possible that in real life the dreamer will have to take on difficult obligations that he will not be able to refuse due to remorse. What does it mean to dream in which a person sees himself sitting at a desk? There is a high probability that in reality he will have to face unforeseen difficulties. Anyone who sits down at a desk in their night dreams should exercise maximum caution in reality. It is possible that he will have problems related to professional activity. Troubles will be caused by the actions of third parties; they cannot be prevented.

"Folklore Dream Book"

Why dream of a table if a person sits not at it, but on it? Most guides to the world of dreams associate such a dream with danger. There is a high probability that someone from the dreamer’s immediate circle will soon fall ill. The disease will be dangerous, and death cannot be ruled out. What does it mean to wipe a table in a dream? It does not matter whether a person uses a rag, hand or paper when cleaning the product. In any case, such a plot predicts an unkind event. It is possible that the dreamer will soon find himself on the verge of ruin. Night dreams have a similar meaning, the owner of which sees himself brushing crumbs off this piece of furniture.

"Dream Book of the Medium Hasse"

Why dream of covering the table with a tablecloth if you rely on the opinion of the famous medium Hasse? Such a plot of night dreams promises a quick acquisition of property. Moreover, the purchase may turn out to be both profitable and pointless. Clearing the table in a dream means losing profit in reality. It is likely that a person misses the opportunity to earn money through his own fault, because he rejects great deals. See yourself sitting at a table in fun company means in reality going to a party, meeting old friends. It's bad if it's empty. Hasse considers such a dream to be a prediction of poverty.

"Family Dream Book"

The Family Dream Book states that the day of the week on which a person dreams plays a big role. For example, if a sale dining table dreams from Sunday to Monday, such a dream predicts separation from the other half, acquisition new family. Such night dreams have a similar meaning if they come to the dreamer from Tuesday to Wednesday. Why do you dream of covering the table with a tablecloth? The interpretation also depends on the specific day of the week. If a vision bothers a person from Friday to Saturday, in reality he should prepare for an addition to the family. On all other days, night dreams predict receiving guests and meeting with friends.

A dream in which a person breaks a table leg promises drastic changes, especially if it comes from Thursday to Friday. A similar dream seen from Saturday to Sunday predicts dismissal from work, conflicts with superiors or subordinates. Night dreams, the owner of which spills liquid on the table, serve as a warning that one should refrain from starting a new project. However, having seen something like this, you can safely decide on a risky venture.

"Dream Tarot"

The Dream Book of Tarot also offers dreamers an interesting interpretation. Why do you dream of a festive table laden with food? This suggests that the owner of the dream is concerned about problems with extra pounds. A piece of furniture on which money lies indicates that a person is succumbing to greed, greed, and envy. If you do not get rid of these vices, the consequences can be very sad.