Haircuts for very curly hair. Short haircuts for wavy and curly hair: current photos

Challenge yourself. Drawing a portrait can really be a challenge. It sounds funny, but in reality it is not so easy to implement. A portrait consists of many details, and for me personally, it’s easier to initially break the drawing process into several steps. Today the object of our attention is hair! In 4 simple steps you can draw girl hair for his unfinished portrait, for example.

To learn to draw hair with a pencil step by step, use these simple recommendations!

Some people spend hours working on styling. And when the time comes, you are given your due. These steps will help you create the illusion of a real hairstyle.

To begin, you will need to select or take a photo source. Maybe it will be your favorite celebrity? Or you can take a photo of yourself. That's exactly what I did! The main thing for me was to capture the hair. To draw them, I used graphite pencils (2H, HB and 3B) and regular drawing paper.

  1. First, take a closer look at the curls.

Before taking paper and pencil, let's observe the position of the hair. Sometimes the parting is in the middle, sometimes on the side (as in my case), but this is the best place to start. As we move further, the hair falls apart into strands. Perhaps it's the lighting or the texture, but in general, separating hair into sections is fairly easy. It is known that there can be thousands of strands on a person’s head, but everything looks different. The idea of ​​drawing hair is that we are capturing the focal image rather than each strand individually, so we will separate the hair into strands with increased emphasis on certain strands.

The hair can be a massive head of hair (imagine curly hair!), but just like in my tutorial on how to draw shiny objects, we'll break it down into several steps. Keep this in mind when you start. First I'll take a hard-soft pencil (HB). It's soft but doesn't draw too dark lines and is easy to erase.

  1. Draw a general outline.

I'll draw the face to give an idea of ​​the direction of the hair - including the placement of the eyes, nose and mouth, just to create proportions. I can start from their location on the face and relate them to the future location of the hair.

After I've sketched out the facial features, I start drawing the shape of the hairstyle. What form could it be? For example, I noticed that my long, styled bangs were positioned decisively along my forehead. In addition to this nuance, there are also textured areas, as well as a small area of ​​hair in the shadow behind the ear. Take your time and carefully observe what forms they take. This is the most important part when drawing hair with a pencil step by step. Plan your actions. You won't want to continue until you decide everything is in place.

  1. We begin to fill the space and distribute the shadow.

Now that we have a plan, let's start executing it. Look at the source. In what direction does the hair lie? Are they straight, wavy, curly or mixed? How long are they? For the bangs, I will be making strokes downwards along the forehead. This will be an indicator of the unity of the hair in the strand.

If the strands are shorter, make shorter marks. If the hair is long, the dark areas will be correspondingly longer. You want to basically copy the texture and length without necessarily drawing them in separate lines.

Also note to yourself the position of the light and highlights on the hair. They make the strands rounded. I erase with an eraser those places where I need to lighten the strand.

  1. Mark strategic areas.

Now you have a general outlook on hair; Also take the time to draw smaller strands. To achieve dark, rich lines, use soft-tip pencils. This will smooth out the drawing and hide any out of place parts.

When you are satisfied with the result, you can erase the blots. Congratulations, you did it! You managed draw hair with a pencil step by step using this tutorial.

If this article was not enough for you, I advise you to read the article ““.

Translation of an article from the site

Drawing photorealistic hair is quite a challenging task. Mastering this skill requires the development of not only theoretical, but also technical foundations. Additionally, different types of hair require different degrees of skill - drawing straight hair is much easier than drawing curls or ringlets. When you draw curls, you have to think in 3D, and draw not only how they lie, but how they interact with each other and depend on the overall hairstyle.

Color is another issue that can cause some difficulties. For most objects to be drawn, it is enough to use one midtone and some accompanying shades, but for natural hair it is necessary to use several midtones at the same time.

In this tutorial I will tell you how to draw wavy hair. I will describe theoretical principles (such as the basic structure and logic of lighting), as well as practical advice on technical execution - we will set up the brushes used, the necessary colors and textures.

To get the most out of it, you'll need a tablet and a professional painting program - preferably Photoshop, although you can adapt all the steps to work in Painter if that's more convenient for you.

1. Color palette

Getting the right palette is one of the most important steps in drawing realistic hair. The choice of color can determine how successful your work will be. We choose exactly the same as for drawing any object - first a midtone, and then highlights (highlights) and shadows (shadows), slightly different in color. But unlike painting skin, now you need to select two or three midtones and apply them at the same time to get luxurious looking hair.

2. Create the base

Although I usually advise against using an airbrush (Airbrushes), it will be very appropriate here. The hair base should be uniform and not textured. Therefore, we select an airbrush (Airbrush) and use a dark halftone (midtone) to draw the main shape of the hair, without paying attention to individual strands. Designate only the hair style and the main area where you will work next.

Author's secret: zoom out

Understanding how to label details is much more important than knowing how to draw each of them to the smallest detail in an image. Trying to add a lot of unnecessary details when drawing will most often give you a very artificial effect that is far from realistic. To practice capturing apparent detail, draw at a reduced scale early on and as often as you get the hang of it. Apply colors with a large brush.

3. Suitable brushes

You need to draw the texture of the hair, so it is best to choose the necessary brushes before starting work. This is an important point where the right brushes will help you achieve the best results. I mainly use Airbrush, Ragged Hard Round, Few Dot and Spaced brush - although you can limit yourself to two. In the following steps I will describe how best to use them during each drawing phase.

4. Hair structure

Before drawing hair, you first need to decide on its structure - each strand should have a logical shape and a clear ending. In addition, the structure must be depicted in three dimensions - we draw the contours not only of curls curling separately, but also of those interacting with each other. The image shows the contours of the strands (dark lines), their volumetric structure (gray lines) and the most protruding parts that will be illuminated by the selected light source (red lines). This stage will become so clear and natural that over time it can be skipped. But I would advise beginners to do it to practice designing hairstyles.

5. Sketch of Curly Hair

After you have decided on the structure of the curls, select a Hard Ragged Round brush with high transparency and apply a thin layer of light midtone, following the construction from the previous step. The base will be very neutral, but sufficient to easily recognize the shape of the hairstyle.

6. Definition of the main form

Now we come to the most important part of painting: adding basic shading. All subsequent steps will directly depend on the decisions taken now. To keep the main shading the same density throughout the process, I paint both the highlights and shadows very carefully. I work gradually over the entire surface at the same time, painting with a brush with high transparency. This is the safest way when you are not sure of your actions.

Switch constantly between the Airbrush and the Ragged Hard Round to smooth out the already visible texture. We select midtone colors and paint with large, highly transparent strokes over the most convex (and therefore most glare) areas of the hair. We add additional volume to individual strands by adding shadows in the recessed areas.

7. Interaction with the light source

After defining the basic shapes, it's time to note how the hair interacts with the lighting. You can add strong shadows and highlights. We select the strongest colors from the palette and add them to the most prominent and recessed areas. While it may be tempting, try to avoid using tools (or your hair will look alarmingly metallic). You should end up with a well-formed shape that looks quite complex. If you feel that the colors look too dull, try playing with the settings (Image - Correction - Color Balance / Ctrl+B), especially the Shadow and Highlight sliders. There are some combinations that seem to work best with certain hair colors - for example, try adding a little blue in the shadows of brown hair, and a little blue combined with red, adding red-blue highlights to blonde hair. Experiment with colors so you can find the best combinations Shadows(Shadows) and Highlights(Lights) for your image.

8. Shape and cast shadows

During the texture phase, you will determine the shape of the future curls, and most likely add more shadows and highlights to the new strands of hair. But you should also remember that determining the type of shadow is very important for creating realistic hair. There are two types to consider. The first are shape-forming shadows (orange arrows), created on an illuminated volumetric object, on the other side of the light source. The second are cast shadows (blue arrows), created by casting a shadow from one object onto another. To quickly add, create a new layer and set the blending mode to (Multiply). Add shadows gradually using a highly transparent Airbrush. This will give your hair a feeling of volume.

9. Texture application logic

Now is the time to add details to the main drawing. The basic logic for texturing hair when choosing brush size and color is very simple: start with the largest brush size and gradually move to the smallest. The smaller the brush, the higher its Opacity and the lighter the color. We start by drawing the largest dark strands of hair and finish with the smallest ones - a light brush. You can also try adding some dark highlights to highlight the variety of colors in your hair.

Author's secret: Limiting the number of layers

One of the best features of professional drawing programs is the ability to add layers, but drawing each element on a separate layer will only slow down your computer. It can also prevent the colors of different parts of the image from interacting. If you're not sure what you're doing, paint on a separate layer, but merge it with the previous one as soon as you can. As practice shows, it is best to use from 5 to 10 layers for one image.

10. Basic texturing

Using the technique described in the previous step, add texture to the main strands using a Hard Ragged brush. Draw with short strokes, always parallel to the basic shape of each curl. Don't forget that the highlights and shadows of different parts of the hair have different luminance (yellow and blue lines), for example, the darkest color in the high area will be much lighter than in the low area. The high opacity of the brush allows each new stroke to partially cover each other, so we create the underlying texture in our work from the very beginning.

11. Additional textures

Reduce the brush size by 20 -30 percent and continue to draw individual threads of hair with the same quick strokes. Let's diversify the choice of colors a little in terms of shades and brightness. But in order for the final result to look cohesive, changes should be applied gradually. Now the hair should look more flexible and picturesque.

12. Multipoint brush

Now is the time to add some real texture, so create a new layer and select a multi-point brush (Few Dot). This brush creates a wonderful effect, but you have to be very careful when using it - too many clearly visible hair threads create a chaotic, artificial effect. In principle, drawing hair involves high detail, but not to the extent of drawing the smallest elements. It is best to use a multi-point brush with high Opacity ( 10-20 percent) and the color is slightly lighter than in the previous step. With the same brush settings, we draw the shadow areas - one or two passes. And we focus our main attention on drawing the illuminated areas, changing the color and size of the brush.

13. Add sloppiness

The hair already looks pretty interesting and all that's left to do is add some finishing touches to the textures to achieve a truly realistic look. Use a Hard Round brush and go over the dark and highlighted parts of the hair with a light color. 50% transparency. Don't try to make all the thin lines parallel! For believability, it is necessary to draw overlapping strands of hair to create a slight mess...

14. Interval brush

Create a new layer and select a wide spaced pixel brush. The biggest advantage of this tool is the ability to add pixelation to the image, which adds graininess to the picture and, accordingly, photographic quality. Choose a light color and paint with a brush over the hair. Don't follow the outline of the hair too closely, add stray strands outside the hairstyle and on top of the existing curls (blue marks). After the first pass, apply (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur). On a new layer, repeat the process, but now make the blur a little smaller.) And make it transparent, barely noticeable. This simple step creates a very subtle, natural messy hair effect.

16. Dodge Tool

As previously mentioned, I advised avoiding using the () tool to draw hair because it can give your curls an unwanted metallic effect. However, there is an exception to the rule - bleaching can create the effect of hair being illuminated by a light source behind you, creating a charming glow effect. We use lightening very carefully, using the airbrush tool we draw along the boundaries of the glare areas of the hair. The pink arrows in the image show where it is best to apply lightening.

17. Final image

One last look at the work. If you feel your hair looks too monochromatic, use the color settings ( (Color Balance)). If the hair color is too different from the skin, then create the effect of reflected color - using the tool (Pipette Tool / Key “I”), select the middle shade of the hair and apply it to the skin with an airbrush (Airbrush) of high transparency. Finally, display the entire image horizontally to check for any anatomical errors or perspective distortions. Once you're happy with the results, you can practice with other color palettes and hairstyles to improve and perfect your technique.

Final result

Curly hair looks great from the outside, but it can be a hassle to care for. The problem can be completely solved by creating a beautiful and comfortable haircut that will give maximum comfort to owners of curly, wavy or frizzy hair.

Fashionable haircuts for long curly and frizzy strands

Haircuts for long curly and frizzy hair look amazing from the outside. Curly strands flowing over the shoulders emphasize tenderness and romance. For girls with small curls, this option is most suitable.

Stylish cascade

The cascade will decorate any curly head. In addition to the fact that it gives the hair an easy and easy-to-care shape, it also looks charming on any curls. At the same time, it significantly relieves the severity of curly hair.

A multi-layered stepped bob serves as the basis for a cascading haircut, and the deft hands of a professional can create a flawless hairstyle. This haircut creates good volume even for thin strands thanks to a smooth step transition.

The cascade has a lot of different options. Strands can be cut at the ends of the curls, near the face and along the entire length of the hair.

This haircut is also undeniably easy to style and care for. The final touch for a stylish cascade can be the coloring of individual strands.

Ladder – graduated haircut for voluminous hair

The basic principle of a graduated haircut is multi-layered strands at the front.

Here the volume is mainly concentrated on the front curls, while the hair at the back looks simply long.

This option emphasizes the face extremely favorably, framing it with lush strands.

The ladder allows the master to dream up and come up with many different variations, thanks to which you can create a unique image for the owner of voluminous hair. A graduated haircut looks very stylish and feminine.

Aurora for long wavy hair

Aurora is very similar to a cascade or ladder. Its main difference is the smooth transition between numerous steps of strands and a rounded cap on the top of the head. Another important feature is well-defined bangs.

A haircut done on frizzy and curly hair will look neat if you style each curl separately. But you shouldn’t overuse the gel to avoid the effect of dirty hair.

This haircut has been very popular for several decades. She was especially loved in the 80s. If your hair is finely curly, then it is better to refrain from such a haircut. It will look much more impressive on long wavy hair, and good styling will complete the gorgeous look.

Pay attention! Due to its porosity and fineness, curly and frizzy hair requires special care even after cutting. It is necessary to carefully select shampoos and conditioners for this type of hair.

Haircuts for curly and frizzy hair of medium length

For cutting curly hair, medium length is the most versatile option. You can create a huge number of interesting images with it. Haircuts for medium length hair are suitable for any age and face shape, they emphasize the advantages of appearance and hide its disadvantages. Even small curls will not be frizzy.

Bob - the perfect haircut for voluminous hair

Traditionally, the bob is considered a haircut suitable for girls with a strong character and an independent nature. And there is some truth in this.

Of course, bob is a haircut for confident women.

And yet, for medium-length voluminous hair, you can come up with many elegant, feminine and romantic looks.

Bob looks amazingly voluminous on thick hair. This haircut is simply a treasure trove for experimenting with styling and different color schemes.

A medium length bob suits any face shape.

Elongated bob

The bob is considered a classic haircut that has existed for more than a thousand years, and during this time it has established itself as the most universal. For medium-length curly hair, a bob is a brilliant solution.

This option has many interesting variations. An elongated bob looks best on wavy curls.

A round or square face will be visually expanded by a lush bob.

For wavy hair, the most acceptable option would be a long bob with bangs.

Straight bangs will add originality to the haircut, while asymmetrical bangs will add playfulness. If the bangs are lush, it would be better to choose a graduated version.

Asymmetrical haircuts for fluffy medium hair

Asymmetrical haircuts are always associated with an extraordinary personality, sometimes with a confident and serious character. And yet, on medium-length fluffy hair they look incredibly feminine and even romantic.

One of the most successful options for medium-length fluffy hair is an asymmetrical bob with long bangs.

As a rule, this haircut is done with a side parting and combing in one direction or the other.

An asymmetrical haircut is more suitable for girls with large curls, For small curls this option is not the best.

Important to remember! Owners of curly hair need to regularly visit the hairdresser to periodically cut off split ends. This will ensure healthy hair growth and appearance.

Stylish haircuts for short wavy and fluffy hair

Short haircuts for curly hair have long become commonplace due to their convenience, lightness and ease of care. They are preferred mainly by young, energetic girls or women.

Such haircuts are perfect for slender girls with delicate facial features, emphasizing the youth and enthusiasm of the owner.

Pixie – a classic for voluminous hair

Pixie is a charming haircut that appeared in the 60s of the last century.

She gained her popularity after the film “Roman Holiday”, where the heroine Audrey Hepburn demonstrated her desire for independence by cutting off her long hair.

Pixie is a rather interesting look: the length remains only in the bangs, on the top and back of the head, while the neck and ears remain open. On thick hair, a pixie looks very stylish and feminine.

This haircut is perfect for girls with an elongated shape and large features. It distracts attention from the hair, enhancing the emphasis on the face, and looks great with side bangs.

Garcon for curly and voluminous hair

“Garçon” is translated from French as boy. Initially, the haircut was for men, but today it is one of the most popular haircuts for women. Garson, like a Pixie, has a haircut with open ears and neck, only all the strands on the head remain the same length.

It looks great on curly and voluminous hair and is perfect for slender and petite girls with pronounced facial features.

Garson is most suitable for women who lead an active lifestyle, while remaining feminine and cute in appearance.

Just like the pixie, this haircut enhances the emphasis on the face, so makeup is a must for this look. In addition, the Garson haircut does not require a lot of time to style and is a gift for women who value their time.

Model fouetté haircut for short strands

Fouette, a virtuoso movement in classical dance, gives its name to a stylish and sophisticated haircut.

Like its dance counterpart, expressed through repeating circles, The haircut is performed in a spiral, lengthening from the crown to the edges.

At the same time, the hair on the top remains shortest. Fouette is usually performed with expressive asymmetrical bangs.

Fouette on curly short hair gives the image of youth and mischief.

It is very suitable for young slender girls and looks extremely impressive.

Important to know! All short haircuts for curly hair require constant correction because they grow back very quickly. The haircut should be maintained approximately once a month.

Features of styling curly and frizzy hair

When styling curly hair, its owners often face a real problem. And yet, if you approach this issue correctly, knowing all the subtleties of styling, you can create magnificent curls.

Haircuts for curly and frizzy haircertainly help to cope with the clutter on the head, but they solve only part of the problem. It is very important to style such hair beautifully after cutting, and this is not so easy.

There are several rules for styling fluffy hair, regardless of the haircut:

  • It is advisable to wash your hair without bending forward;
  • It is best to dry your hair by blotting it with a towel;
  • Curly and frizzy hair should be combed after drying;
  • hair care products must be chosen only according to their type;
  • It is best to comb your hair with a wooden comb;

  • after combing, you need to apply a heat protection spray, then comb your hair again;
  • then you can apply styling gel and also comb your hair along the entire length again;
  • a hair dryer with a diffuser is required to dry the roots;
  • The curls should be dried separately, first squeezing each strand in your hand;
  • Finally, the curls are sprayed with varnish, preferably medium hold.
Haircut type Recommendations
Long haircuts for curly and frizzy hairWhen styling, it is suitable to use a gel that is applied along the entire length of the hair. Then the strands can be combed or added volume with your hands. You can also add volume to your hair at the roots using a hair dryer.
Medium length haircuts for curly hairIt is recommended to visit a specialist regularly to remove split ends. It is advisable to lift the hair at the roots with a hairdryer and form curls with your hands. If waves are needed, they can be formed by gradually straightening the strands.
Short haircuts for curlsThe main thing in styling is to give the hair a direction: tousle it, comb it to one side, lift it, etc.

Curly hair is a real wealth that can be wonderfully styled with many stylish and spectacular haircuts. And of course, an important factor here is careful and proper care of your curls. In this case, the girl is guaranteed a chic and unique look.

How to choose a haircut for curly and frizzy hair. Stylist tips:

How to make a fashionable haircut on curly hair?

Haircuts for curly hair have many variations. Owners of curly hair have always delighted men and competitors. In 2018, stylists offer to update the “good old” hairstyles of the ladder and gavroche, introducing new fashionable notes into them.

We have selected many photos for you that will help you decide on your look and find fresh hairstyle ideas for curly hair.

Asymmetry is back in fashion

Today, the trend is asymmetrical hairstyles for curly hair, which are ideal for both round and oval faces if styled correctly. This haircut for curly hair allows you to emphasize your originality and add originality and uniqueness to your image.

Asymmetrical romance

Side parting

Wavy asymmetry

Fluffy and obedient

Fashionable pixie

Stylish hairstyles for curly hair - bob haircut

Coarse and unruly hair is no longer a problem. If you have to spend time every morning doing complicated styling to get your locks in order, a stylish haircut will help make the task easier. looks great on curly hair. Your image will be filled with mystery and a certain playfulness, since wavy strands are difficult to arrange under an even line, and this is the whole chic of such a haircut for curly hair. You can choose the length yourself, since the haircut has no clear proportions or restrictions.

Light waves

Flirty chaos

Exploding Bob - Back View

Option for thick hair

New haircut ideas for short curly hair

Another option for fashionistas is bob haircut, which has remained at the peak of popularity for many years.

If your hair is naturally curly or you have permed it - This type of haircut will be a real lifesaver for any type of face. Contact a professional stylist so that you can do the styling at home with a minimum of time.

Short bob

Bob with bangs

Side bangs and short bob. By the way, here's another one.

Asymmetrical recklessness

Short haircuts for wavy hair, shag, pixie and cascade haircuts remain no less popular. They allow you to create a voluminous shape, are ideal for and require virtually no styling. Having carefully straightened your hair, you can go to a business meeting or a romantic date - this hairstyle will complement any look.

Squeaks with light waves

Bright evening look

Ultra short

Brave pixie, there are more than 50 more looks.

Refined shape

Miss “Romance”


Don’t be afraid to embody even the most daring ideas; being bright is fashionable. This season, stylists have gone beyond classic haircuts for wavy hair, offering fashionistas a huge number of different options.

Daring option

Lush cascade

Beanie haircut - a new look

Evening look

Variation on the theme “Pixie”

Creative disorder

Even the traditional bob looks new on curly hair. By slightly tousling the strands, you will get an extraordinary option with a touch of elegance and extravagance!

Bob with bangs

Aurora with light curls

“Sloppy” shag

Ideal for dates

Starry curls

Stylish hairstyles for medium-length curly hair

If your hair is shoulder length, you can give your imagination complete freedom. This year, stylists are advocating naturalness, emphasizing it in every detail. Classic women's haircuts for medium-length wavy hair in 2018 are elongated bob, ideal for chubby beauties, cascades and aurora. With them you can do without styling, they are great for every day and for special events.

Extended cascade

Medium length bob without bangs

Light waves in a square

Emphasized sophistication

Cheerful curls

Cold beauty

Classic version

Trend of the season

Luxury in simplicity

Haircuts for long wavy hair

If you are one of the owners of luxurious long hair, you don’t need to come up with anything new. Your curls and curls just need to be emphasized a little, giving them shape, and you are the queen of any ball. This season, fashionable haircuts for curly hair allow you to embody bold ideas while remaining romantic and feminine.

Luxurious thickness

Delicate curls

Discreet image

Shining curls

Long and thick

Ponytail braided to the side

Rock style

The embodiment of femininity

Fatal beauty

Beach option

Innocence itself

Delicate curls of Sarah Jessica Parker

Childish spontaneity

Haircuts for wavy hair for special occasions

Every woman, going to a gala dinner, a graduation or a wedding, a romantic date, or even a meeting with old friends, wants to attract attention, be noticeable, surprise and receive compliments. What is the most important thing in the image of a fashionista? Shoes and well-groomed hair. Evening hairstyles for curly hair allow you to turn any woman into a fatal beauty or a romantic diva. If you don't want to blend in with the crowd, be sure to take the time to style your hair. We bring to your attention the best hairstyles and haircuts for curly hair for special events.

Delicate wedding look

Blooming beauty

Nothing extra

Wedding curls

Shocking bride

Gatsby hairstyle

Classic in fashion

Style has no age

Who said that after 50 a woman does not have to pay attention and time to her hair? At any age you can and should look stylish and sophisticated. If you don’t know what haircut to get for wavy hair, take inspiration from our selection, and you will certainly always be desirable and attractive, regardless of age and other stupid prejudices!

Elegance in detail

Bold image

Discreet classic

Video tutorial on creating hairstyles for curly hair

If you don't have time to visit a beauty salon, you can create quick and easy DIY hairstyles for curly hair. With a little effort and perseverance, even the most stylish and fashionable stars will envy your hairstyle.

Always stay on the fashion wave, don’t miss the latest news in the world of hairstyles to maintain your femininity and sophistication!

Curly hair (this also includes curly and wavy hair) is a real treasure, which can only be obtained through heredity (of course, we are talking about natural curls). The ancient Greeks considered those with curly hair to be messengers of the gods - it is not for nothing that in illustrations to ancient Greek myths the gods and their associates are depicted exclusively with curls.

Advantages and disadvantages of curly hair

The medieval Christian Church, on the contrary, called curly hair the heritage of the devil. But the ancient Russian pagans called people with curls “sunny children,” as warm and sweet as the heavenly body. Of all types of hair, curls are the most unusual phenomenon, invariably attracting the attention of others. This is the natural beauty that its owners are proud of. However, owning this natural wonder is not so easy. The specific structure of hair requires special care so that beauty remains beauty and does not turn into sloppiness.

The disadvantages of curls and curls include the following:

  • Special daily care.
  • Unruly hair.
  • Too hard or too soft texture, no middle ground.
  • Difficulties in coloring, creating hairstyles, styling.

Despite the disadvantages, curls have a number of advantages over straight hair. Namely:

  • Curly hair eliminates the problem of lack of volume;
  • Unruly hair cannot be weak and painful (this does not mean that coloring and regular blow-drying do not have a negative impact);
  • Curls and curls look more attractive compared to straight hair.

Features of the structure of curly curls

It took scientists more than a decade to study the phenomenon of curly hair. It turned out that, due to a genetic predisposition factor, cell division in the hair growth zone is asynchronous, and the cross-sectional shape of curly hair is oval, and not round, like straight hair. The degree of curliness depends on the shape of the oval: the more pronounced it is, the stronger the curls.

Unlike straight hair, curls have a porous structure. Natural curves prevent the natural circulation of air and moisture, so curly hair without proper care can look greasy at the ends, and the texture itself varies from soft and brittle to hard and unruly. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right haircut and provide your curls with proper care.

Interesting: hair structure can change throughout life. Curly hair can become completely straight, and completely straight hair can begin to curl. The causes of such phenomena may be hereditary factors, hormonal changes in the body (especially in women during pregnancy or taking oral contraception).

Short curly hair

Since curly locks are unruly by nature, and the length only complicates their care, many “sunny children” opt for short haircuts. Minimum effort to keep hair in proper shape, minimum effort and time for styling, natural volume. Light carelessness, not in a hurry to go out of fashion, looks most advantageous on curly hair, emphasizing its structure as a whole and each curl individually.

Also in trend is asymmetry, which can be matched to any oval face. Long bangs and a short nape and (or) temples, the now fashionable pixie haircut for short hair, which appeared relatively recently, but has already become popular, cascading haircuts for short hair - the choice of the right solution depends on the type of face, the degree of curliness of the hair and the skill of the hairdresser.

It is important to remember that the silhouette of the haircut is determined by the structure of the hair and the degree of natural volume. But if you have enough time to create complex styling and restorative care, you can safely experiment with the most unusual haircut options for short curly hair.

Medium length curly hair

Curly curls of medium length require much more attention. Without proper care and daily styling, naturally beautiful hair will look unkempt. However, a considerable number of girls choose medium hair length as “their” option. This is not surprising, because medium length provides more opportunities for creating styling and hairstyles than short hair, and requires much less effort to care than hair longer than 30 centimeters (this is considered to be the maximum possible length for medium length).

An excellent solution for medium curly hair will be graduated haircuts that will emphasize the natural volume. The degree of graduation depends on the structure and degree of curliness. A bob chosen according to your face type will also look good. For contrast, you can do hairstyles with even straightened bangs.

The good thing about medium length is that the curls on it look great when loose and allow you to create hairstyles. By the way, hairpins, hairpins and other accessories always look good on curly hair. Therefore, you can safely experiment not only with hairstyles, but also with jewelry.

Advice! You can play with contrast without straightening your bangs. To do this, just do a “careless” styling and a couple of neat curls on the sides.

Long curly hair

Long curls can perhaps be called the most problematic of all hair types. Unruly by nature, they can either create a hair-raising effect (too soft) or the illusion of an unwashed head (too hard). Choosing a haircut for long curly hair is also not easy. However, there are girls who are not afraid of the sacrifices that beauty requires, and who opt for long curls.

The main advice of hairdressers and stylists is when choosing a hairstyle, cutting and styling for long curly hair, focus not so much on fashion trends, but on the characteristics of the hair and facial features. Since the default hair length requires careful daily care, you can safely do cascading haircuts, in particular, the now fashionable “ladder” haircut. A decoration for any type of face will be long oblique bangs, straightened for a contrasting effect.

A mop of long curly hair looks equally advantageous both in its loose form and in the form of even the most ordinary “tail”. The same side ponytail, decorated with a flower, can be an excellent solution for creating a romantic evening look. As mentioned above, curlies love hair jewelry, so any hairstyle will be complemented by a stylish accessory.

Braids look no less advantageous than a ponytail on long curly hair. Due to the natural volume of curls, a braid braided from them will never look thin and sparse, as happens on straight hair.

Hairstyles for curls

If the choice of hairstyle for straight hair depends only on the length of the hair and the type of face, then “Sue’s curls” must also take into account the structure and degree of rigidity of their curls. It is these factors that set the tone for the image and silhouette.

On short hair, you can create an elegant tousled look by adding a couple of neat curls for contrast. For a soft evening look, it is better to abandon the trend in favor of romance, which will be complemented by a hoop or a beautiful hairpin.

Long hair lends itself to a variety of hairstyle options! This can be a regular fluffy “tail” with a completely open forehead, or an elegant framing of the oval face with neatly laid curls, or flowing waves on one side, and even braiding options for soft hair are possible.

A living flower will be a win-win decoration for any hairstyle for long curly hair.

The average length of curls is suitable for both youth and strict conservative hairstyles. Depending on the type of face, you can open your forehead or, conversely, cover it with long oblique bangs, open an oval or frame it with curls, leave your hair loose or collect it in a ponytail. It all depends on the desired image, imagination, facial features and, of course, the degree of curliness.

A spikelet turning into a bun on curly hair - step by step

Styling unruly curls

Styling curly hair is, at first glance, a complex matter and requires special skill. However, by making friends with your hair and understanding its behavior, you can not only learn how to do everyday styling in a few minutes, but also conduct all sorts of experiments!

For everyday styling at any length, foam and your own fingers are enough. For more complex options, you will have to arm yourself with a hairdryer with attachments, a styling tool, and perhaps even an iron for straightening individual curls. One way or another, you can’t do without styling: curly hair is unruly by nature, and to create a neat hairstyle you will have to stock up on time, patience and the necessary products. Even the now fashionable disheveled look requires work on it. After all, there is nothing in common between a trendy hairstyle and untidiness.

Possible haircut options

Pixie with side bangs on curly hair

The most current silhouettes of haircuts for curly hair are graduated and asymmetrical (the latter look especially good on short curls). The degree of graduation is determined by the specialist depending on the hardness of the hair, the degree of curl and natural volume. There is an opinion that the cascade technique, which is the basis for graduated silhouettes, is not suitable for curly hair, and the stepped structure looks sloppy on curls. This statement is only partly true and applies to cases where the master does not have sufficient experience. With the right approach from the hairdresser and proper aftercare, the cascade and ladder look great on curly hair, highlighting each curl individually and favorably emphasizing the type of hair as a whole.

Graceful curls add romance to a short haircut

Important! The ends of curly hair are prone to breakage and split ends, so they need to be trimmed at least once every three months.

Shampoo for curly hair

The right choice shampoo and conditioner for curly hair is one of the keys to their health, shine and beauty. First of all, it is necessary to abandon funds aimed at creating additional volume. There are special shampoos and conditioners for curly hair, and among them are products for dry, oily, and coarse curls. When choosing a shampoo, carefully study all its components and choose the one that is suitable specifically for your curls. For dry hair, extracts of coconut and jojoba oils, cornflower and white lotus flowers are needed. If your hair is prone to brittleness, then shampoo for it is with papain, horseradish and sage. Using a balm or conditioner for curly hair is a must.

Curl care

  • First of all, it is advisable to avoid blow-drying your hair. The best way to dry curly hair is to let it dry naturally.
  • When using a straightener to straighten your curls, do not forget to treat them with a heat protectant.
  • You should comb against the direction of hair growth and wash the comb regularly to avoid the accumulation of a fatty layer.

  • To additionally moisturize and protect your hair, you need to use masks, which can either be purchased ready-made in cosmetic stores, or made independently according to one of the folk recipes from the Internet. However, do not overdo it - using masks too often can lead to negative consequences.
  • It is extremely undesirable to dye your curls, since even natural dyes - basma or henna - lead to damage to the curls. In addition, the fashion for natural hair color is now returning!

And don’t forget: curls are a gift from nature. Love them, give them care and concern - and they will make you the most charming and attractive in the eyes of others!