Street column for water with your own hands. Well in the country with their own hands, the simplest way of drilling

The water treatment column is especially needed for use in settlements, where there is a lack of water coming from centralized water supply.

To say that the device works perfectly, it is impossible, but its functions perfectly performs, in any case, in the warm season.

The design of the water column is simple. It is installed in the well or soil and consists of:

  • valve;
  • ejector;
  • pipes for water lifting;
  • columns;
  • the lever mounted to the column (these two elements are on the surface).

Disadvantages of waterborne columns

Despite the obvious need for use with poor water supply, this equipment has disadvantages:

  • in the plumbing network there should be quite high pressure, otherwise the performance of the column is noticeably reduced, in particular, when the water is drawn from the centralized network;
  • freezing of water in winter, especially at low pressure;
  • often, the device gets primer and rainwater, if the corresponding valve, designed to limit the falling fluid entering, is damaged or shifted (in some cases, users of water that arrange, do not even know about it, but water in everyday life is already incurred with impurities).

The main functions assigned to the column: fence and water supply. Therefore, the equipment for installing the column is better to choose high-quality, moreover, it will increase the chances of preserving the gasket in the integrity for the fence of exceptionally purified water from the water supply.

Water disposal columns are used not only in settlements, but also in construction sites, in suburban industrial institutions.

Basic requirements for water treatment column

In order for the installation of the water treatment column to be correct, and the device worked for a long time, you need to comply with such requirements:

  • installation is better to carry out near the crossroads or near the sidewalk (but it all depends on. If the installation occurs in the well, the place is defined if not - it is recommended to perform as close as possible to the sidewalk);
  • installation of a watershed column must be carried out at the calculation that the device's service radius should not be more than a thousand meters;
  • so that with the discharge of the effluent there was no problems, the installation is better to produce on the hill (but not at a considerable height). The main thing is to maintain natural drainage;
  • a dead-end line is not recommended for installation if it is carried out in the ground.

In general, watershed columns are used at wide range of temperatures: from -40 degrees up to +40 degrees.

Installation of the water treatment column with your own hands

Installation of the column must be carried out in such a sequence, which reads:

  • we connect the pipe with a thread and flange (you can take both welded and flat);
  • a column is taken into which a carving pipe is neatly screwed;
  • watch that the flange does not exceed the size of the thinner pipe that connects to it;
  • we establish concrete pillows that will be the basis for the water treatment column. It is enough that their size is slightly exceeded the dimensions of the future installation. It is recommended to take care in advance to ensure the installation of concrete pillows;
  • install the sewer hatch, while we provide a high level of stability and quick access to the device;
  • we wash the column using a specially prepared solution from chlorine lime (do not forget to take into account the proportions indicated on the package).

We looked at the installation of the water treatment column in the well. The device can be equipped with additional functional elements that allow you to expand the control and measurement of indicators.

Also, in order to protect against freezing, the column in the winter can be insulated with any thermal insulation materials, covering them the walls of the well.

Such will be more reliable and stable. In the case of installation, this is not recommended to do this, because the heating material will not be disassembled in the summer.

Installation is better to carry out at a depth of at least 75 centimeters and no more than 4 meters. What does the depth of installation depend on?

From where the pipes are installed. The greater the depth of the installation, the greater the chances that the device will not freeze in the winter period.

The length of the pipe connecting the upper and underground part may be different - it depends on the location of the device and, accordingly, the depth of the pipes.

This will allow the installation to be tightly fixed, do not wash out with thaws and rainwater.

Installation schemes in the well and in the ground are practically identical, but in the case of installation in the well, you need to create two concrete pillows, whereas alone will fit for the ground column.

The Pipe Abyssinian Well is the optimal option for the source of cottage / garden water intake. For the autonomous water supply system of the cottage, this option is unsuitable because it does not ensure the daily need of family members. Before you score a tube for a well on the site, it is necessary to study the design, find water layer. Important restrictions for the Abyssinian well are:

  • the production of water is manual (column) or a surface pump - the maximum diameter of the casing is limited to 32 mm, depth 12 m (in practice, surface pumps can produce liquid only from 8 m);
  • using the upper aquifers - "Ripper" or a sandy layer, to the level of the artesian horizon, it is impossible to score a pipe;
  • a small operational resource is due to low construction maintainability, after clogging / catching the filter holes, it is impossible to clean it.

Figure 1. The Pipe Abyssinian Well is a budget option for drilling a well in the country.

For the needs of gardeners / dacrooms, score a well is a reasonable solution providing minimal water supply budget. For water it is not necessary to pay, because no subsoils that control the authorities are not used in any case will be allowed to use the source for household needs (Fig. 1).

Advantages of the Abyssinian Scoring Well-needle

Before you score an Abyssinian type well, it is necessary to find water on the site, place a well in accordance with the stands of SNiP, SanPiN, ensuring the maximum source resource. The basic requirements are distances from the well to significant objects:

  1. 50-25 m to septica. Under the leaks of uncleanness, this distance will provide a natural appearance of the soil, while the depth of the well should be greater than the distance from the surface to the lower wall of the cleaning facility chamber.
  2. 4 m from home, housekeeping, small architectural forms. The neighborhood of aquifer, from which the liquid is periodically pumped up, reduces the strength of the soil, on which the foundations are based on.

To reduce the construction budget, folk methods for determining groundwater are more often used. The vegetation is investigated within the site, some plants with 70% accuracy show waterproof. The vine branches begin to spin, shift in the hands of the researcher at the place of the presence of an underground sand lenses.

The optimal option is to order vertical electro-convection services. This technology operates with ground-based instruments, special software, does not require the manufacture of control wells. According to the results, an electromegeological section is drawn up, not only the presence of the source is determined, but also the contents of salts in it.

The advantages of the Abyssinian well are:

Figure 2. The Abyssinian Well does not take up much space, so you can lay other sources for saving space.

  1. Cheapness. The source of water intake costs cheaper than any other way of producing water.
  2. Simplicity. The design does not have complex angles, aggregates.
  3. Hygienicity. The water mirror is protected from clogging, surface waters, mouth is easily sealed.
  4. High speed of work. The wells of 8 m are clogged in the day.
  5. Non-volatile technology. The pipe is immersed in the Earth with the simplest device.
  6. Variability of pumping equipment. The pump can be mounted on the pipe, removed from the well to a reasonable distance, for example, to the basement at home.

For the convenience of workers, pipes are increasing after some plug in the well, which allows you to add them as needed. The absence of driveways, electricity, complex relief is not obstacles for this technology. After working out the pipe resource, it is possible to cut below the fertile layer, drown out, without removing to the surface, mount another source next to the first (Fig. 2).

There is a way of blowing the pipe into a well-made well without using a sledgehammer, a copra, thoring of the thread in its top. The technology is as follows:

Figure 3. Technology of manufacturing an Abyssinian well.

  • the row is made by a guide well with a depth of 0.7 - 0.5 m;
  • before you score the pipe, it is exhibited vertically;
  • two massive metal clamps are mounted in the lower third;
  • a grandmother dresses onto the pipe (massive blank with a central hole, eyelets from opposite sides);
  • at the top of the clamps on the bolts, the simplest polyspaster is recorded (two blocks for cables).

For the manufacture of a well, two employees who remain periodically to raise a grandmother for a cable, let it go at the top point. The grandmother hits the lower clamp, the force is transmitted to the pipes gradually immersed in the soil. As the clamps are gluable, the new pipes are tightened (Fig. 3)

Figure 4. The design of the spear-shaped tip.

The technology is suitable only for bulk, plastic soils, score a spear tip into a large boulder, the rocky rock is impossible in this way. Unlike the drilling method, the casing is simultaneously a working tool, so the design consists of several connected nodes:

  1. Spear - pointed tip.
  2. The filter is a piece of perforated pipe in a metal grid, welded to the tip.
  3. Check valve - In practice, a conventional metal ball mounted on a diaphragm inside the pipe.
  4. Casual column. It is increasing with separate pipes with threaded compounds.

To ensure a normal flow rate, the filter is plugged with 1-0.7 m below the static level of the water intake.

Apened tip has a minimal area, slides with small stones or destroys them. This option is preferable to conventional flattening or cutting the pipe under an acute angle. In addition, the casing is not clogged by the soil, it remains clean throughout (Fig. 4)

Operation of the Abyssinian Well

The resource of the source of water intake is 15-30 years when the sand lens is reached, 5-10 years old - when the fluid is fence from the "Rip-flow". Therefore, for long-term operation will have to score pipes several times.

In addition, the upper aquifer is too capricane, the level decreases in abnormally hot years, several users from one aquifer dry source faster than when using one family. Drops of industrial enterprises can fall into it, the liquid used by oil workers to maintain reservoir pressure.

Therefore, before using water in food, laboratory analysis is needed. It will help you choose the necessary equipment for the water treatment system. Making a sandy well with your own hands, it is recommended to use pumping equipment regularly. With periodic, seasonal operation, the flow rate decreases annually, the filter on the bottom of the well is stolen.

The Abyssinian Well has a small diameter, so the submersible pumps are not placed in it. The pressure of surface modifications of pumping stations is limited to 8-12 m. Therefore, to a large depth, the needle does not make sense.

The design is easily integrated into the landscape design of the site, in 90% of cases for the Abyssinian well, a wellhead water supply scheme is used. The inserting of the pipeline at the mark below the level of freezing with the manufacture of an underground highway for entering the house in this case is economically unprofitable. Kesson for the Abyssinian Well is not used for the same reason.

The choice of pumping equipment to create an autonomous water supply system of a private house or a country area is extremely wide. Modern electrified installations are capable of lifting water from large depths, feed it from shallow wells or wells, organize a fence from natural reservoirs. Pumps can be either installed on the surface, represent a completely autonomous unit with its own automation system, or be an integral part of a single water supply station. Operational capabilities of such equipment, that is, the pressure generated, performance, power consumption and others, also lie in a wide range, on a variety of use options. In a word, the range is able to meet the requirements of even the most disassembly consumer.

It would seem - what else do you need? But only all these devices have one vulnerable place - their work is possible exclusively in the presence of a power source. Power supply interruptions are able to paralyze the water supply of the house, and, agree, in the country villages or on the "pioneer" territories, on which the development of the power grid, alas, is not a rare phenomenon. So you have to often count on the old good assistant - on the manual who will definitely fail at any situation.

A good owner does not premone install it anyway. Places it does not occupy a lot, the price is accessible, and the installation on a well-drilled well for a well pump will provide another backup source of pure water.

How is the hand pump?

Manual water pumps are used by a person for a long time, and what is interesting - the principal device has practically not changed. Those who are older, probably remember the usual landscape of small cities and towns, when, before the arrival of the water pipeline to each house, the main source of water served exactly the pumps-columns that served a group of buildings or even a whole quarter.

With the widespread electrical equipment, such pumps began to disappear, but in the conditions of a private house or the country area, still remain very popular, due to the simplicity of the device and operation, independence from the energy source and high reliability.

There are several varieties of manual water pumps, characterized by the features of the design of the design. But in all types, it is necessary to say - the main element of the scheme is the valve system, since with the help of muscular power it is simply impossible to create a long-term stable pressure capable of raising water from considerable depth.

Piston manual pumps

All piston pumps have a similar arrangement, although externally can vary greatly with their design - from simple smooth cylinders to the artistic cast-iron.

From the visible parts and nodes, it is possible to immediately note the cylindrical housing (sleeve) made of cast iron, stainless steel, and sometimes even - and polymeric, outlet nozzle (spinning), a knob-rocker, hingedly fixed on the axis and the associated with a vertical rod, which goes Inside the pump.

Now look inside the pump and understand the principle of its action:

So, the hull-sleeve, which has already been mentioned (pos. 1). It has a piston (pos. 2), which in its circumference has seals, tightly adjacent to the inner walls of the sleeve. The piston from above is rigidly connected to the rod (pos. 3), which, in turn, is connected to the lever of the pump rocker.

From above to the housing embedded output nozzle (pos. 4) or simply there is a hole (window, for free output of the pumped water into a pipe, a chute, etc., where it is dealt with for consumption.

The pipe from the well suits the pump (pos. 5), that is, the suction pipe. Prerequisite - Before the pump on this pipeline, a check valve must be installed (pos. 6). Some industrialized hand-made piston pumps already have a built-in valve of this action.

On the piston itself, the channels for the passage of water are done, but they are closed with valve (valves), eliminating the flow of water from top to bottom.

Now consider the three main phases of the pump operation.

  • The left fragment of the scheme is a pump in calm state.

After the previous use, as a rule, the camera remains filled with water. Valves on the piston are closed, and they do not give water to go down. In addition, in the closed position there is a check valve on the absorbent pipeline. (For greater clarity, a ball check valve is shown, although the device of a plate type is used more often).

  • The central fragment of the circuit - the user pressed the lever down.

The rocker lever transmits the progressive movement of the piston in the upper direction. Navigating the cylinder, the piston displaces the water located above it in the outlet, and it merges into the container substituted under the column.

The valve on the piston is closed, and the flow of displaced water down - is excluded.

From the bottom, under the piston, at the same time the area is created. But "Nature does not like emptiness," and this vacuum ensures the absorption of water from the well pipe into the cavity of the working cylinder. The pressure generated raises the ball feed valve (or presses the plate of the plate), and water without interference fills the inner volume of the pump.

  • Right fragment of the picture - the piston is lowered down.

The cavity under the piston is filled with water uploaded from a well, and overpressure is formed in it when it is reduced. This leads to the closure of the check valve - there is no way out down. At the same time, such pressure takes off the bypass valves on the piston itself, and water flows up, filling the overpower cavity of the working cylinder. The completion of this phase is a refund to Regulation No. 1, and then the cycle is exactly repeated.

The scheme is very simple and reliable, and the only vulnerable place can be considered a fairly rapid wear of seals on the piston, and sometimes and valve devices, especially if you have to pump water with small solid inclusions that create an increased abrasive effect on rubber or plastic parts.

By the way, accurately for the same principle were collected by ship pumps used on a sailing fleet to pump water from holds, and fire pumps, for water supply from water bodies or wells. The difference was that usually two working cylinders operating in antiphase operated in such pumps - performance from this was doubled.

Sometimes some changes have been introduced into the pump design that did not change its actions in principle. So, for example, you can still meet models that, instead of a knob, a wheel is installed. The rotational movement of the wheel through the gearbox and the crank-connecting mechanism is converted into a reciprocating movement of the piston, and the rest of the pump works in the same way as was outlined above.

The performance of piston pumps directly depends on the diameter of the working cylinder and the height of the piston stroke, and in various models can be in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 ÷ 2 liters per cycle. Water lifting height usually does not exceed 10 meters.

Pumps are manufactured in different design options - from strict low-challenging columns to products with decoratively filtered cast cast-iron housings and bizarre-shaped handles - such models can be a real decoration of a plot that is designed in a certain style.

Ride (rod) pumps

If the aquifer lies at a depth of more than 10-12 meters, then the piston pump may not cope with the supply of water up - the possibilities of the suction scheme are not limitless. For such cases there are a special variety - rod or rod pumps.

The working body of such pumps is the same cylinder with a piston, that is, the process of pumping water is performed about the same scheme. But there is also a fundamental difference - the pumping part itself is located at a depth, directly in the thickness of the aquifer. The approximate scheme is shown in the figure below:

As a rule, it is required to install such pumps with a casing (pos. 1) at least 4 inches (100 mm). The working cylinder (pos. 2) should set up in the thickness of the aquifer, usually so that the intake hole is at a depth of at least 1 meter from the water mirror. The cylinder is associated with the upper part of the pump pressure pipeline (pos. 3). Within which there is a long rod-stock (pos. 4), providing the transfer of the piston of reciprocating displacements. The rest is still the same: the piston has its own valve apparatus (pos. 5), and the reverse valve is on the intake cylinder pipe.

Obviously, the supply of water upstream in this case does not occur due to suction from depth. The cylinder from the bottom creates a pillar, and each working cycle of this post "is supported by the new volume of the pumped water, providing its output on the outlet nozzle-spin. This allows you to raise water from considerable depths - up to 30 meters.

Naturally, such a pump requires a larger application of power, so the working lever rocker is usually done long, providing the maximum stroke of the piston with minimally spent muscular efforts.

Piston pump

Of course, such pumps are much more complicated in the installation, and in repair and preventive work. But the performance of them is significantly higher. However, if on the plot, the aquifer is located at great depth, then such a device becomes the only possible option of all mechanical.

All mentioned piston pumps have a general drawback - water is not moving continuously, but cyclically.

Other types of handwater pumps

Significantly less often, but still sometimes other types of manual pumps are used to pump water from in the household.

  • Wing pump

The wing pumps are more compact, and often apply for technical purposes, in production or warehouse bases. But they can be completely installed on a shallow well, about 5 ÷ 7 meters.

All pumps of this type have about the same arrangement, as shown in the illustration:

The principle of such a pump is shown in the Scheme:

Metal case (pos. 1) has two nozzles with a flange or coupling compound - suction (pos. 2), through which water comes from the well, and pressure (pos. 3) connected to the parsing point.

Instead of piston, the main role in this case plays the impeller - two oppositely located wings, radially moving in a certain range relative to the central axis. Movement is carried out due to the application of the muscular efforts of a person on the handle (pos. 5), rigidly associated with the wings of the central stock axis.

There is a jumper (pos. 6), which divides the lower cavity is sunflower. Valves are installed on the wings (pos. 7), and similar, but working in opposition them, stand at the entrance to the lower chamber (pos. 8).

Thus, the impeller and the lower jumper divide the pump cavity for three compartments. Upper ("A") - pressure, and it has a constant volume at any position of the impeller. The lower ("B" and "C") is suction. The movement of the handle and, accordingly, the impellers alternately changes their volume and, accordingly, creates an alternation of the areas of permanent and increased pressure. The valve system is configured so that it ensures the movement of water in only one direction - from the intake (suction) nozzle to the output (pressure). Any movement of the working handle corresponds to a certain volume of the pumped liquid.

Such pumps can be used even to pump enough viscous liquids, but do not like polluted water. For a clean shallow well - this is a completely acceptable option, especially if the well is equipped, say, in the basement, where the compactness requirements of the pumping equipment can be released. Dignity - water enters the almost continuous flow, regardless of the direction of movement of the working handle. The disadvantage - in such pumps, as a rule, is very low efficiency.

  • Membrane manual pump

Another type that can be found in the household conditions for the intake of water from the well is a membrane pump. All products of this type are also highlighted by the Challenge Characteristic Form - a round case with a working handle located above it.

Wing pump

They can be performed from metal (cast iron) or even from plastic. Many models are designed for placing on the wall - they are equipped with a supporting platform with eye pieces for fastening elements.

The principle of operation of such a pump is simple, and is well understood from the scheme below.

Pump housing (pos. 1) consists of two halves, which are fastened with a special screw connection (pos. 2). Between two half of the case, an elastic membrane is installed (pos. 3).

The membrane divides the inner cavity of the pump to two cameras - air (pos. "A"), which in principle does not participate in the work of the pump and is not hermetic, and water (pos. "B").

The center of the membrane is associated with a stem (pos. 4), which, in turn, is connected to the working lever handle (pos. 5).

In the lower water chamber "B" installed two valve-operating valve. One of them intake (pos. 6) stands on a suction pipe, second, graduation (pos. 7) - on pressure.

The movement of the handle is down to raise the rod, which pulls the elastic membrane. Under it, the area of \u200b\u200bthe vacuum is formed, and water through the opening valve, the cavity of the "B" chamber fills. The outlet valve in this phase is closed.

When lifting the handle, the rod is lowered, and an increased input valve is created in the working cavity of the pump, and the water remains the only output through the opening valve in the pressure pipe.

The pumps of this type allow the absorption vacuum for the rise of water from depth at best to 6 meters - it is not necessary to wait for them. The weak point is always a membrane - it is quickly overwhelming, with time it can lose elasticity, and any, even a small impulse leads to a loss of performance, flowing water through the case, and then - and to the complete output of the pump. True, the maintainability of such pumps is very good. If there is a spare membrane, then make it replacement - will not be much difficulty.

Nevertheless, this pumps did not receive such pumps precisely for water purposes. More widely apply for technical purposes, for example, for pumping fuel and fuel or other liquid products from one container to another.

What to navigate when choosing a hand pump?

If an urgent need appeared in the manual pump, then you should know how to properly approach the choice of the optimal model.

  • First of all, the components of the well compare (the depth of the bombing layer) and the parameters of the pumps offered on sale. As already mentioned, most manual models can work with sources located on LBIN not lower than 6 ÷ 8, rarely 10 meters. If there is no lounge, then there is no alternative here: you will have to include the installation of only the rod pump.
  • It is important to know the performance of the pump - how much water is capable of pumping over the cycle (or per unit of time - a minute, with intensive load))
  • The following parameter of the planned (or existing) well is the diameter of the casing, also affects the selection of the pump. If the pipe has a conditional passage of 4 inches (100 mm) and more - there are no problems, and any pump can be purchased. But in the case when the plug is narrower, the rod pump may not come up - just his working pump node can not be omitted into the thickness of the water.
  • It is necessary to know the degree from the well - usually in the passport characteristics of the pump indicates the allowable level with which the equipment can work.
  • Probably, it will be worthwhile to evaluate the convenience of working with the pump. It should be borne in mind that there may be people in relevant age or children among users - whether their efforts will have enough effort to gain at least a small amount of water.
  • It is necessary to think about how the pump will be installed - which the specified model has installation platforms or landing holes, brackets or eyes, etc. It is important to know the mass of the acquired device in order to provide possible methods for its installation in advance - whether it will be a metal welded frame, a slaining platform, a flange connection to a casing, wall mount or just a lightweight option for seasonal use.
  • Based on the alleged operating conditions, it is possible to determine the design features of the product. So, for installation, only for the summer period can be purchased a lightweight plastic option. If a stationary installation is assumed, the choice is made in favor of pig iron or stainless steel. In addition, for temporary use, a model should be purchased, which is easy to install and dismantle.
  • Finally, for many owners, the defining factor is also the external decorativeness of the pump - this has already been mentioned in the article. Of course, the acquisition of a pump capable of decorating the plot will entail much more serious cash costs.

The value of the pressure generated by the pump is very often not estimated - such devices are usually not intended for pumping water through external pipelines. Water from them is most often recruited in substitution containers.

A brief overview of the models of manual pumps for wells

Below in the table will feature several popular models that can be found in the assortment of our stores.

Name modelIllustrationShort description modelaverage price
Manual pump "Country" A very popular model among owners of their own sections.
Piston type.
Stainless steel housing.
Height with a fully raised rod - 750 mm.
The height of the spout above the mounting level is 330 mm.
The outer diameter of the cylinder is 125 mm.
Provides water lift from wells and wells with a mirror located at a depth of 8 meters.
Support platform with 10 mm mounting holes.
The diameter of the suction nozzle is 1 inch.
Performance for 1 cycle - 1.25 liters.
The guaranteed service life of the piston seal is 3 years.
Mass - 5.9 kg.
5900 rub.
Pump for wells "HP-3M" Inexpensive manual pump with medium performance indicators.
Cylinder and piston - shockproof polymer. Valves and seals - rubber. The remaining parts are primed steel.
Performance for the full cycle - 1.5 liters.
Provides a rise from a depth of 2 meters, and when installed at the bottom end of the suction pipe of the check valve - up to 5 meters.
The diameter of the connecting pipes, input and output - G 3/4, or, in another embodiment, the fittings under 20 mm hose.
Pump dimensions - height - 350 mm, the outer diameter of the cylinder is 150 mm.
Mass - 4.6 kg.
2500 rub.
Pump for wells "RN-01 NJ" Hand pump in stainless steel housing.
Pen and lever holder - primed and painted steel. Check valve - brass.
Allows you to raise water from a depth of 5 ÷ 6 meters, and with the setting of the check valve at the end of the suction pipe - up to 9 m.
Performance - 1.0 liter per working cycle.
Diameter of pipes - G1.
The bottom is possible flange compound with the suction pipe.
The height is 1000 mm, the outer diameter of the cylinder is 150 mm. Mass - 8 kg.
The kit includes a spare piston ring.
6500 rub.
Hand-type manual pump type "BSD" Handmade borehole pump in cast iron performance.
A characteristic feature is open in the form of a chute.
Water lifting height is up to 6 meters, and with the setting of the check valve at the bottom of the suction pipeline - up to 9 meters.
Productivity - 0.5 liters per working cycle.
The installation platform has a side window, which allows you to bring the suction pipe on the side.
Pipe for connecting the suction pipe - G1¼.
Pump dimensions - 390 × 240 × 200 mm.
The height of the reel over the plane of the installation is 200 mm.
The diameter of the fastening holes is 7 mm.
Mass - 7 kg.
3200 rubles
Hand-type pump type "BSB-75" Cast-iron borehole piston pump consisting of, actually, the pump, and the base that allows you to place the working bodies at a convenient altitude.
The height of water lifting is 6 meters, and with a check valve at the end of the suction pipe - up to 9 meters.

The height of the pump assembled with the base is 1320 mm, with a height of spinging over the fastening plane - 930 mm.
Mass - 31 kg.
6800 rub.
Manual pump for BSK type wells Pig-iron pump with decorative decoration with artistic embossed casting.
It becomes not only the source of water, but also the decoration of the site.
Lifting height - 6/9 (with check valve) meters.
Performance - up to 30 liters per minute.
The connected size of the suction pipe - G1¼.
Pump dimensions - 600 × 240 × 160 mm.
The height of the reel over the plane of the installation is 230 mm. The diameter of the holes for the fastening is 10 mm.
Pump mass - 15 kg.
6400 rub.
Manual pump type "BSM" The largest samples of manual borehole piston pumps presented on sale - has an additional cast-iron base.
Fastening to the prepared platform - the reference flange with 10 mm holes.
The connected size of the suction pipe - G1¼.
Water lifting height - 6 or 9 m (with check valve).
Performance - 0.8 liters per working cycle.
Height in the assembled state - 1560 mm. The height of the spoffing above the base is 1010 mm.
Pump mass in the assembled form - 33 kg.
Comfortable ergonomic handle.
Art casting case.
14800 rub.
Handheld rod pump "HP-4-16" Manual pump for wells, allowing to raise water from a depth of up to 16 meters.
The minimum diameter of the casing is 100 mm.
The kit includes 8 pieces of two-meter connective tubes and a rod for increasing the depth of dive.
Pump performance - 1 liter for the working cycle.
General dimensions - 17560 × 230 × 1430 mm.
The mass assembly is 127 kg.
Fastening - to the ledge of the well with a diameter of 150 or 160 mm, with fixation on the bolts.
27600 rub.
Hand pump "RK-2" Hand-type hand pump.
Cast iron case, steel working handle.
The maximum height of water lifting is up to 7 meters using the check valve on the suction pipe.
Performance - 0.4 liters per double handle.
Attachment - coupling or flange, 1 inch.
Dimensions (taking into account the handle) - 210 × 210 × 500 mm.
Mass - 8.5 kg.
There are eyelashes for wall location.
5500 rub.
Manual membrane pump "D40" Membrane type pump, self-priming.
The maximum water lift height is up to 6 meters.
Performance - up to 50 liters per minute.
Case and nozzles - cast iron, membrane and valve parts - oil-resistant rubber.
Ball valves, resistant to wear and having property self-cleaning.
The working position of the pump is a vertical, handle down.
For fastening to vertical surfaces, eyelashes on the housing are provided.
Dimensions - 250 × 250 × 650 mm.
Weight - 13.5 kg.
It is recommended to purchase replacement membrane and valves when purchased immediately.
7200 rub.
Replaceable membrane - 1500 rubles.
Ball valve assembly - 500 rubles.

How the well is equipped for manual pump

This publication would be logical to complete the consideration of the issue, which the manual pumps for water are most often installed on which well.

A very common situation, when the site received under private construction does not yet have any communications, and the natural reservoir is too far so that water can be organized from it. But the water is needed not only for drinking or washing - a small stock for these purposes is still quite possible to take with you. But after all, water is in a certain sense of the word and "building materials", since many construction operations suggest its use in one or another quality.

The most reasonable decision is to try to organize a well in its area "Abyssinian" well. If it succeeds, the problem of water will be removed completely - a good "Abyssink" will satisfy the construction, and then, after check-in - and many household or agrotechnical needs.

What is its meaning? If you look at the cutting schemes of the ground layers, then you can often see such a picture:

Under the layer of fertile soil, a clay layer is usually located. "Floor below" - soup, and under it a layer of sand saturated with water - the rigor. This is the first water horizon, but it is unsuitable for useful use. First, the water here is very saturated with organica and other contaminants falling on the soil, and secondly, this layer is extremely unstable, and strongly depends on the time of year, and from established weather.

Below, under it - a waterproof clay layer, but if you pass it, then the likely to get into the aquifer of aquifer, which is located at a depth of about 5 - 8 meters .. Water in it - has already passed high-quality natural filtration, and, as a rule, quite Suitable for various applications.

If this layer is quite thick, well saturated with water, you can immerse a thin pipe with perforated walls, covered with a filter grid so that the channel is not clogged with sand. Water will penetrate the cavity of the pipe, and from there it can already be rented by the same manual well pump.

The main element of the Abyssinian Well is the so-called "needle." This is a length of a pipe length of about 1200 mm, with holes drilled in the walls, which are closed with a thin metal stack (galvanized or stainless steel). At the end of the needle, a cone-shaped tip is tailored from durable metal - it is necessary to drive the needle into a bored well.

The needle-driven needle is gradually increasing by the "seal" from above segments of pipes of the same diameter and clogs on the necessary depth. From above, to the protruding outdoor of the pipe, after the necessary "commissioning" operations, a pump can be connected - manual or even superficial electric.

You can find kits for "Abyssinian" wells, various overall lengths, a diameter of 1, 1 ¼ or 1 ½ inches.

The probability of getting on a high-quality sandy aquifer shallow layer - extremely large. By the way, even its name this technology has been due to the fact that the method of expeditionary troops in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was supplied with a similar method. And this is in a hot, almost semi-desert climate!

How to find an optimal place for a well or well?

Special folk signs and techniques, analysis of explicit and hidden signs of close occurrence of water come to the rescue in the search for aquifer. You can find more about this by reading the article of our portal dedicated to.

The scheme for the creation of the Abyssinian well, in principle, is easy and verified, but the main snag is to drill a well, get to the aquifer of the sandy horizon. Without special equipment to do it - almost unreal. It is better for such a thing not to take on your own, but invite the brigade of masters who have a special compact drilling rig and have the relevant work experience. Moreover, when drilling, it is necessary for certain signs to make sure that a full aquifer was caught, and without practicing this issue, it was not possible to make a mistake and ruin the acquired kit.

For example, the process of creating an "Abyssinian Well":

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
A typical picture is a territory for development, without any "of civilization".
Someday there will be a lively village here, but so far there is neither water or electricity.
It is difficult to build without water, so it's decided to equip the Abyssinian Well.
The usual equipment of the brigade is a compact drill unit.
The design may vary somewhat, but usually it is a box with two vertical guides, which moves the caliper with an electric and gear.
The gearbox is inserted and fixed with a pin of a length of 1 meter - and drilling begins.
Power supply provides mobile gasoline generator.
The boron gradually "bits" into the ground.
According to the snowstream, the breed can be judged by the passage of the ground layers.
First, it is fertile soil
The bury deepened almost on the meter.
It passes through a layer of soglinka and clay.
The drill almost completely went to the ground, and it's time to build it.
Initially, the pin is knocked out, which fixes the bur into a gearbox.
The installation caliper rises up, and a new section is inserted into the lower boring.
The compound is provided by a special lock-bracket.
Then the caliper gently descends so that the gear coupling is dressed on the installed bur.
The connection is fixed with the pin.
Next, the drilling process continues. All links have a standard length - 1 meter, and it is very convenient from the point of view that it is clearly seen what depth has reached drilling.
Accumulating selected breed regularly removes to the side
Drilling continues in the same order - with gradual buildup of the total length of the bora.
As the recesses begin to show the first signs of water.
First, they will be practically imperceptible - only lumps slightly moistened clay.
At a depth of about 5 meters, signs become more pronounced - the diluted light clay begins to leave.
The deeper - the precinct, and soon the selected liquid breed has to be leaving the bucket
Another meter - and alone literally flows flows: this is clearly the aquifer begins.
The master at this time constantly checks on the touch output pulp.
It is important to catch when there will be no signs of clay in it, and pure fine sand will go.
Finally, the master is satisfied with the result.
The number of drills used for penetration accurately tells him about the depth of the well - it will be necessary for further operations.
In the meantime, it is necessary to carefully remove the bears from the well.
The caliper removes the electric drive with a gearbox. Now moving on guides up will be used for gradual pulling of the bora.
Bur will stop a special bracket, and moving the caliper up pull up one section.
The section is separated from the below - and is removed to the side.
The caliper is lowered down, the next section engages - and so on until everything is extracted, to the lowest bora.
Here it is, the well, though, while it is only a hole in the ground.
The drilling rig is carefully removed to the side - she has already completed his role.
You can go to the casing.
To begin with, a "needle" is preparing.
It is carefully "tested" with pipes, using couplings.
To ensure the reliability of the connection, use better linen pass and "Unipac" paste.
You can immediately assemble the "column" from the needle and 5 ÷ 6 meters of the pipe. As a rule, such a plot is included in the well "with a whistle", without much effort.
The only difficulty is to give him at the beginning a vertical position, but in several hands it is done.
Here it is, the end of the chipper protruding on the surface.
But in the depths of the well, the pipe must be omitted even about one and a half meters.
From above is used another one-and-a half meter tube.
As far as possible, he leaks down the effort of workers.
The last plot of overhauls always have to score with the use of grandmother or other devices - the masters have their own techniques on this score.
When driving, the tip of the needle will enter the tight soil and reliably will fix the shock in the well.
When driving, it is very important not to damage the threaded portion of the pipe at the end.
Different devices are used, and in this case, a special coupling has been screwed to the end, leaving the threads in immunity.
In fact, here it is a ready-made well.
But while there is still little sense from it - in the well, it is necessary to "breathe life, that is, to pump it, having achieved a stable water supply to the top.
It is best to do this with a self-priming surface pump.
A pressure sleeve is screwed onto the pipe - it will at this stage will be attached to the pressure pipe of the pump.
The second sleeve of the pump, suction, is lowered in a bucket, which is filled with water.
Now it is worth the task - to download a good portion of water in a well, so that then, when it is bold, cause the effect of the needle of the needle with water from surrounding aquifer.
Water from the bucket (depending on the depth - it may be necessary and more) is completely pumped into the well.
Next, there is a switching of hoses. The suction is screwed onto the tip head, and the pressure is temporarily sent to the bucket.
The pump includes, and at first it is clear from the shog.
Rejoice early - it just rank earlier water.
As a rule, after that there is a volatile pause: the pump is working, but nothing comes out of the hose.
"The moment of truth" - will it work or not?
Must earn!
After several "spitches", water begins to go out of the hose - at first it is muddy and dirty.
It is advisable at this stage to rearrange a short pressure sleeve on a long hose on the pump.
It will have to pump a well for quite a long time, and there is no need to divert dirt around it - it is better to merge the water away.
Initially, the flow of water looks, I must say, somewhat frightening - it is so muddy.
But the well works - and this is the main thing.
Gradually, the dirt around the needle is washed upstairs, and the flow of water begins to brighten.
Another wait - and it will generally become clean, that is, the well is ready for further use.
Uninterrupted source of pure oxen on the plot received!

Now it's quite simple. It remains only on the pipe headband to attach a borehole hand pump, not forgetting to put the check valve between them. If there is an urgent need in the water, you can install a pump on an ambulance hand, directly attaching to the pipe and putting on time backups or a welded stand.

Over time, of course, a good owner thoroughly thinks through the stationary installation of the pump, with the full fixation of the protruding section of the pipe, with a beautiful and reliable pedestal. And best at this stage immediately provide for a branch and for the surface electric pump ().

Now the most optimal solution will be achieved: the main supply of water in the residential building will be carried out. Well, for garden, economic work, or in cases of problems with the supply of electricity - it is quite possible to do the possibilities of the hand-held well pump.

And at the end of the publication, for those who always try to make everything for themselves, we offer an interesting video, in which the home master is divided by its manual pressure pump experience.

Video: Experience Independent Manual Hand Pump

Not always on the summer site, you can pull out the well, and in order to solve the water supply problem, it is equipped with a well, dumped in the country with your own hands or with the involvement of specialists.

If there is no water supply pipe from the nearest water station, and there is no springer nearby with drinking water, the flaw in the lifeful moisture will begin to be felt very soon. First of all, water is needed for your own needs, watering can be organized from the nearest reservoir by installing a pump or the simplest wheel-chigir on the river. But you can hardly drink from the pond or the lake, not even forgetting boiling. Therefore, the idea immediately arises to dull well on the summer site. But this is a very time-consuming task.

A device in the country of the Abyssinian Well, which is, despite the name pierced by the well, looks much advantageous on labor costs. Yes, it is punched, and not drilled, because to obtain this source of drinking water, the casing is immediately supplied with a sharp tip and filter at the bottom, after which the boom is driven into the ground. Casual sections are increasing as each previous one is almost completely deepening into the ground. The maximum depth of such a well is up to 25-30 meters, and an average of about 12-15.

Device in the country of the Abyssinian Well

If the soil waters lie deeply, you can still get to them yourself if you find the equipment to make a sandy well at the cottage. To do this, you will need a handberry bug, which it may be enough if you pre-eliminate the well and equip the well on the bottom of the pit. However, the sandy aquifer, which usually lies over the waterproof clay, can be located at a depth of more than 30 meters, sometimes up to 50. It is not necessary to do without a mobile drilling rift, which can be rented, or without a more primitive tripod design with a winch and a gate To rotate the bora. We will talk about it in more detail below.

The third option is an artesian well, which is clogged to the lower aquifers, which are located at a depth of 200 meters, over limestone base. It is no longer done with your own hands, because the bora-go-out for hundreds of meters is simply impossible to rotate with the gate or even the engine available to you. Here you already need professional technician and specialists who serve it. Consider the identification of the location of the accumulation of groundwater, the so-called lenses. If the Pipes of the Abyssinian Well will cost inexpensively, and when they are missing, they can be left in the ground, the clawding of the sand well will cost a lot. What to say about the artesian well. Therefore, pre-geological exploration is necessary.

First of all, you should learn from the nearest neighbors in the country, already having a well, on which depth they drill the earth. Next, compare the height difference between their site and its own, after which an idea of \u200b\u200bthe depth of groundwater occurs. Further find out what kind of soil you have on the section below the fertile layer. If heavy clay, and even with stones, then it is likely to break through such a layer will be very difficult, with the risk to damage the boom of the casing. If sandy, then, most likely, you will be able to get to the aquifer of the layer quickly.

For the manufacture of the tip with the filter, you will need a durable metal cone with the highest angle of the vertex. The base of the cone must be slightly exceeded the diameter of the welded pipe, which rarely more than 2.68 centimeters with an internal channel of 20 millimeters. It is necessary so that the rod is relatively easy to go into a wellbore. Next, in the pipe walls on a segment of 30 centimeters with a small indentation from the cone drills holes in a checker order, the distance between them in each row should be about 3 centimeters, diameter up to 8 millimeters, better within 6. Such rows will be approximately 5-6.

Tip with a filter for punching well

Perforated plot It is necessary to wind up a finely galvanized grid. For better filtration, you can make on top into one layer with small spacial spacing thin wire, which is attacked by tin without lead impurities so as not to poison water. The grid on top and bottom is fixed, welding the metal strip 2-3 centimeters width around the pipe, which connect the narrow (1 centimeter) vertical sections every 20 millimeters. It turns out the grid that protects the grid when the rod pass through the ground. The length of the pipe must be within 2 meters so that it is more convenient to score with a wooden "grandmother" (heavy deck suspended on the block, which is fixed on a high tripod or on the ceiling, if the well beats in the basement).

The pipes from the pipes of the same diameter, which at the ends of the thread are cut, are connected using cast-iron or steel couplings, winding using seals, so that the water is not allowed, as it is gluned into the ground. When the rod starts to move especially easily - this means that you have reached a loaf, saturated with water. Check, pour water into the pipe, and if it leaves quickly, try on the contrary to connect the hand pump (you can via the filter) and download. Liquid dirt went well, it means there really is a lot of water, continue to pump out, at the bottom of this time the cavity is formed, or, otherwise, the cavern, in which moisture accumulates. If the water did not go, you need to gradually deepen, every 15-20 centimeters pouring water into the pipe and trying to connect the pump. At the end, the column is installed to pump water with their own hands.

If you know that the depth of the aquifer is about 30 meters and below, you need to leave thoughts about the Abyssinian Well. Here, there is already much more efficient equipment of a sand well, which can also be done in the country with their own hands. It is called so because it ends in a sandy aquifer, from where water rolls out through a special filter.

To get to groundwater, you will need a column of long rods, at the end of which the drill head is installed. Tips are different: "Spoon", "Zmeevik", "Chisel". The first option consists of two grooves divorced at a certain distance and closed down. The snake resembles a screw or two woven spirals. Rather, it looks like a bricklayer chisel. The device at the dacha of a sandy well is more difficult than the Abyssinian Well, because during the drilling process you need to constantly lower the casing, which, however, in the country it can be done with your own hands.

To work, the above-mentioned tripod with a winch is used, to which the column with a gate is clinging, suspended on a freely rotating ring or hook. The head should be in diameter less than the casing channel at least 5 millimeters, usually it is selected, based on the size of the well pump. The tripod height is determined by the length of the same section of the column, which can be from 1.5 to 4 meters. The mobile machine for drilling can be used if there is no possibility to assemble a tripod, the device consists of a frame-stand and guide, which slowly lowers the block from the motor torque, and cargo.

Trenog with winch

A drilling head every 60 centimeters should be removed for cleaning the soil, for this you can apply the corresponding marks directly to the rods.

Approximately the passage of the same area in the shredding breed it is recommended to begin to shut down the casing, the lowest section of which is supplied with a shoe, the filter will later be lowered through it, and afterwards. The pipe is always wider than the drilling head, which moves inside, so it is necessary to lower it correctly, rotation or by clogging with steel or wooden and wooden wall weighing about 30 kilograms (the method depends on the smooth or gear edge of the shoe).

As for the lugs of the drilling head, they must sometimes be changed, depending on what kind of soil is at the moment. For loose, bulk breeds best suits the "spoon". If he went hard with stones, change the nozzle to the "serpentor". And finally, in the hardest rocks, it is best to use the shock method of the passage, using a "chisel" drilling head as the tip, which can be both sharp and crucible. When the works are completed, the observation well is installed on the country, the pump is lowered, the tap pipes are attached to it. Now you might think how to reflect or hide a well in the country with your own hands, for example, the hollow imitation of stone or stump.

How to make a tripod for drilling?

To properly make the simplest device for hanging the booster column, it suffices to take 3 bars or logs, which are connected in the upper part, forming a pyramid with a triangular base. Also as a support, metal pipes can be used. The winch is suspended in the center of the connection. Through the adapter in the form of a freely rotating spindle with a ring or clamp, a drilling column joins, at the top of which the gate is fixed.

Thus, at least 2 people need to maintain this device, but better 3, then the two will rotate the boring, and the third lead the winch. To make it easier to work, pre-roam well or shurt to 2 meters deep. At its bottom there is a flooring, the walls are trimmed by boards preventing squeezing. Leave the center of the pit free for drilling. The second flooring is stacked on top, the tripod is installed with a support outside the shurt or well.

As the boome is immersed, the column is increasing with new rods, the uppermost of which joins the collar. So that the passage of solid rocks is easier, it is possible to fill water into a well, but then it will be more difficult to understand when a wet soil will go, signing that the aquifer has begun. At the end of the work, you can think about how to close the well with your own hands. It is better to use the observation hatch.

Each dacha, or a homeland, there is a source of water supply - a column or well. Well to have of course better than a removal from the network water pipe for many reasons. Water from the well is naturally cleaner and useful and for humans and for watering plants. At low temperatures in winter, water does not freeze, since the thermal heat does not give it to turn into ice. But not every dachane has the opportunity to have a well either a well on its plot. Mostly dackets enjoy discretions from the public water supply network. Of course, no complaints in the summer, of course, there are also no water to turn off the water because of any breakdown or accident on the water voltage. But in the winter time with a column of trouble. All daches having a bathhouse on the summer site always winter come to get to wash.

But for those owners of which the water columns are often freezing in the riser and a whole range of problems is formed. What to be, how to defrost and other swing. And so the problem is very serious and requires its permission. You need to look into the very essence of the problem - why water freezes, and how to prevent it? Water freezes in a low temperature riser, often all kinds of insulation of the column does not save, since our frosts are strong. But the author found a simple and ingenious solution to this problem. At the bottom of the pipe with gluke in the ground, he installed a tee and crane Maevsky. And this is how it works, the descent crane located below the ground level will not freeze, since the thermal heat of the earth is agreed above will not let the pipe, and from the top of the pipe, the water alters in drainage through the crane of Maevsky and the riser will remain dry to the underground part of it, as Prevent the freezing of the riser. And now, let's look at how the author did it all and that he needed for this.

Materials: Crane Maevsky, Tee, Adapter, Fuma Ribbon.
Instruments: Set of keys, gas key, screwdriver, pliers.

Next sets the adapter.

Then screws the crane Maevsky.

Here, in essence, everything - the author coped with his task for excellent, now his column will not freeze even in the strongest frosts and our inventor can come in winter and gain water in the bathhouse and then the protopive will be cooked well))). Just the author of the column is insulated, but it is already agreed - not very much saves.