White bread is from which plant. What bread is made from: cooking features, best recipes and recommendations

Black bread– a popular and sought-after type of baked goods, which today is often found on the daily menu. This product, as a rule, has a ruddy shiny surface, elastic crumb and rich dark color. brown(see photo). The taste and aroma of such baked goods may vary depending on the ingredients added to it, but usually it has a sour taste and a spicy aroma.

Rye flour made from unrefined rye grains is used as the basis for the production of delicious black bread. This product also contains water and salt. Many manufacturers supplement this list of ingredients with various spices, thanks to which the taste characteristics of baked goods are incomparable.

Black bread is otherwise called rye bread. Depending on the base used, it is divided into four main varieties:

  • from sifted flour - to prepare this baked product, the most delicate grayish-white flour is used, cleared of particles of the grain shell and other pieces of grain;
  • from wallpaper flour - in in this case bread is made from almost whole grain rye flour, that is, from coarse flour, which has a darker shade;
  • from peeled flour - this type of bread product is made from grayish-white flour, which contains almost no grain shells;
  • from special flour - baked goods are prepared on the basis of unsown ground rye grains.

In addition, there is also rye and custard black bread (improved variety). The most famous rye product is Borodino bread product. Its classic recipe has not changed since the nineteenth century and is passed down from generation to generation.

Selection and storage

Today there are many companies producing rye bread, and each provides a huge selection of bread products for every taste. In addition to the fact that such a product is baked from different varieties rye flour, various additives can be added to it, for example, raisins, bran, garlic or various dried fruits. This bread is also baked in different forms. It happens:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • in the form of a loaf (wide, long).

In addition, not only whole bread products, but also sliced ​​ones are often found on sale. Moreover, it can be sold both in sealed packaging and without it.

To choose a high-quality loaf of black bread, you should evaluate it visually before purchasing. The product must be uniformly baked; burnt and uncooked areas are not allowed. When choosing this product, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • real rye bread has a very pleasant rich aroma; if there is no smell at all, it means that the baking technology has been violated;
  • fresh bread has a texture that is both soft and dense;
  • if there is still warm bread on the counters, you can be almost completely sure of its freshness;
  • the crumb of a high-quality rye product always has a loose and soft texture, and when you press it, the dent quickly evens out;
  • The best bread is considered to be made from wallpaper flour; such a product, as a rule, has a dark brown tint;
  • If you carefully monitor your health, then choose those baked goods that contain such healthy natural ingredients like sunflower seeds, oat grains, pumpkin and carrots.
  • If the bakery product is sold in a hermetically sealed package, study the product label; the manufacturer must indicate the composition and date of sale of the rye product.

In the table below we will describe everything technical requirements, which, according to current GOST, bread made from rye flour should correspond.

Rye bread should be stored separately from wheat baked goods. The storage location can be either a bread bin or a refrigerator. In both cases, the shelf life of the product is three days. Some housewives prefer to store bread frozen. This option is also allowed, but provided that you use freezer with dry freezing.

How is it different from wheat bread?

Today, many people are concerned with the question of how black bread differs from wheat bread, because both types of baked goods are equally popular and are often found on the everyday menu. Based on the second name of black bread (rye), it is not difficult to guess that these two baked goods primarily differ in composition. The main component of a wheat product is wheat flour, while rye flour is used to produce a rye product. It is for this reason that the two bread varieties have different characteristics. Black bread product has a rich brown color and a sour taste. Wheat bread, also called white, has a straw hue and a slightly sweet taste.

The difference between these two types of baked goods lies in the chemical composition. Brown bread is many times healthier than wheat bread, and it is also lower in calories, which is why it is often found in diet menus. Unlike white baked goods, when regular use rye products are not corrected.

Black and wheat bread are completely different products that differ from each other both in appearance and in taste, calorie content and useful substances.

Use of black bread

No matter how strange it may sound, you can talk about the use of black bread for a very long time. This product, simple at first glance, can perform many functions, not only in the culinary field, as many believe, but also in medicine and cosmetology. There are many folk recipes with this bakery product, but we will talk about them in the sections relevant to the topic.

In cooking

In cooking, rye bread can be used in different ways. You can simply eat it as a bite with already ready meals, as many do. Also, such baked goods can be used as a basis for making quick sandwiches and delicious fried croutons for breakfast. However, experienced chefs have found a more worthy use for such bread in the culinary field. It is often added to cutlets as additional ingredient, which gives the products fluffiness and juiciness. Also, these baked goods can be a component of original sauces and drinks. In the latter case, bread is an integral part of homemade kvass and beer.

Very often from of this product Crackers are prepared, both regular and with the addition of spices. Many people prefer to dry such bread in the oven, since it can easily achieve the desired texture of crackers. Dried bread has many uses. It is added to ready-made first courses, to many salads, and also to some juicy snacks.

It is noteworthy that the preparation of most dishes requires yesterday's rye bread, which is often simply disposed of.

In folk medicine

It is probably news to many that black bread is used in folk medicine very extensive. One way or another, in this area it is useful both in independent form, and in combination with other medicinal ingredients. In the table below we will tell you how and in what cases it is recommended to use valuable baked goods made from rye flour, and also share the simplest healing recipes.


for stomach problems (diarrhea, food poisoning)

In this case, you need to prepare an infusion of black bread. To do this, you first need to put a frying pan on the fire and melt butter(1 tsp). Then you need to fry a small slice of baked goods on it. After this, place the fried ingredient in a deep plate, cool and pour a glass of water. After thirty minutes, strain the liquid and drink in one go. This procedure must be carried out three times a day until healing.

for sore throat

Dip a piece of rye bread into boiling milk, then cool the soaked bread product and eat. Do this three times a day.

for skin inflammations

Chop a slice of black bread into crumbs and mix with honey and water (1 tsp each). You should get a mass of thick consistency. Apply it to the affected areas twice a day for fifteen minutes.

Some sources say that such bread can even relieve headaches. To do this, you just need to break off two small pieces from it and apply it to your temples.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, such a bakery product also performs many functions. It began to be used as a cosmetic product back in Ancient Rus'. This product was used to care for skin and hair. Today there are many times more such products that are easy to prepare with your own hands. We recommend that you start taking care of yourself right now using the recipes given in the table below.


skin whitening mask

Mash one slice of black bread with a fork and pour boiling milk over it. When the mixture increases in volume, add chopped horseradish root (0.5 tsp), as well as honey (1 tsp) and soft curd mass (1 tbsp). Mix the composition thoroughly, apply to the skin, and after five minutes, rinse with warm milk and green tea.

moisturizing face mask

Fill rye flour bread (100 g) completely with nettle infusion. After fifteen minutes, mash the mixture and add freshly squeezed tomato juice (2 tablespoons). Apply the resulting mass to your face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

hair growth and hair loss product

Pour boiling water over two hundred and fifty grams of rye baked goods and leave for ninety minutes. After this, strain the liquid and rub into the scalp. After applying the product, cover your hair with a plastic bag and a warm towel. After forty minutes, rinse your curls with water and wash thoroughly with shampoo. This manipulation should be carried out twice a week for two months.

mask for thin and weak hair

Fill crushed black bread (250 g) completely with whey and leave for three hours at room temperature for insisting. Then pass the infusion through a sieve and combine with castor oil(1 tbsp) and melted honey (1 tsp). Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, and after sixty minutes, rinse with a herbal decoction.

In addition, due to its low calorie content, bread diets for weight loss are often developed based on this product. There are even ones that only include bread and water..

How to bake black bread at home?

You can bake delicious and soft black bread at home either in a special bread maker or in the oven. The method of preparation in this case practically does not matter, the main thing is to make the dough for this baking correctly. Below we will share an excellent recipe for yeast-free rye sourdough bread, which you can either buy in a store ready-made or prepare yourself.

To prepare a delicious baked product at home, you need to take two types of flour: rye and wheat (300 g each). Sift the ingredients and mix, then pour warm water(500 ml) and add rye sourdough (4 tbsp), as well as salt (1 tbsp). Then add sunflower seeds (8 g) into the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be smooth and at the same time sticky. It is recommended to knead it with a spoon. If necessary, add a little flour or water to the mixture depending on the texture of the dough. Next, place the workpiece in a baking dish, previously covered with parchment paper, cover tightly cling film and leave at room temperature for four to six hours. During this time, the mass will double in volume. When the dough has risen, sprinkle it with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sunflower seeds and place in the oven, which is preheated to two hundred and forty degrees. At this temperature, the bread should be baked for ten minutes, after which the oven heating should be reduced to two hundred degrees and the baked product should be cooked for one hour and thirty minutes.

Secrets of making black bread using sourdough:

  • do not try to make the dough too thick, otherwise during the baking process cracks will form on it, as a result of which the product will begin to crumble;
  • When the dough is placed in a baking dish, press it down lightly so that all the bubbles in the mass burst;
  • the dough infusion time may vary depending on the air temperature, summer time during the year the stock rises faster, and in autumn and winter – slower;
  • bake one like this delicious bread it is possible even when there is no parchment, in this case you only need to thoroughly grease the mold with oil;
  • It is recommended to cut the baked bread product only after it has completely cooled, since when hot it has a too moist and sticky texture.

It is noteworthy that the bread dough prepared according to this recipe can be baked not only in the oven. It can also be cooked in a slow cooker, bread maker, or even in the microwave. The main thing is to choose the right mode. For example, in a multicooker it is better to bake black bread on the “Yoghurt” program. It is not recommended to bake the product at high temperatures, as the starter added to it will not perform its functions. We recommend watching the video below, which tells in more detail about baking homemade black bread.

If desired, the cooked bread can be brushed with garlic mixture. This way, the baked goods will look much more attractive, and they will also acquire an incredibly appetizing aroma.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

The benefits of natural black bread are undeniable. It contains many useful substances, among which vitamins (A, B, PP, H, E) and minerals (Zn, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, F and others) predominate. This baked product also contains carbohydrates, proteins and a small amount of fat.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition Rye bread has many beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • effectively helps with diarrhea and constipation;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • restores the nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of developing gallstone disease.

Due to the fact that this type rich in bread minerals, it is incredibly useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. This pastry is of particular value for those losing weight, as it helps speed up metabolism. It is also recommended to eat this bakery product regularly when diabetes mellitus and gout.

Despite its rich vitamin and mineral composition, in some cases rye bread can be harmful to human health. For intestinal diseases, as well as stomach ulcers, it is recommended to consume no more than one hundred and fifty grams of this pastry per day.

In addition, such baking has contraindications, which every fan of rye bread should be aware of.

  • This product is very harmful for gastritis with high acidity, so if you have such a disease, this baked product is contraindicated.
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume such baked goods if you are allergic to gluten.

Black bread is a real “royal” product that has a lot of advantages. It is very difficult to resist such a rye product, because it has a really pleasant aroma and taste.

Do you like Borodino bread? Or do you prefer Stolichny? Or maybe you like “Caraway”? "Mustard"? "Orlovsky"? Some people only eat “Polyanitsa”, others “Darnitsky”.

Scientists say: during his mortal life, on average, a person eats almost 15 tons of bread. But which one? What are bread factories, factories and mini-bakeries made of today? What kind of flour do you use? What additives? And why do we increasingly hear that bread can cause poisoning? What is the reason for this?

“Arguments of the Week” talked about all this, in particular, in the material “Rolls with Mouse Tails” (“AN”, No. 106, 2008). The editors received a lot of responses to this article. One of the letters contained the following question:

Why didn't you say anything about yeast bread? Not only are they baked today with who knows what kind of flour, but they also add selective, heat-resistant yeast. And if they also made in China? And we get a lot of diseases. And children eat this bread! What is this, another program to destroy the nation? I can’t say otherwise. G. Ukhov, Syzran

This angry letter set a new “bread” topic.

Tselovalnik and bread palace

After Gennady Ukhov’s letter, I immediately wanted to look into historical chronicles: how was bread baked in Rus'? If you look through Domostroy, you will find out: in many settlements special huts were built for baking. The craftsmen were respectfully called bread makers. In the era of house-building, fermented bread was already baked from rye flour. It was great art. And it was based on the use of special starter cultures. The secret of their preparation was kept in the strictest confidence, passed down from generation to generation. People had no idea about the selective yeast that is used in dough today. And it was a different time...

Even in the cities of the Moscow principality in the 16th–17th centuries. Strict state control was established not only over prices in the retail grain trade, but also over quality. The Tsar's decree of 1626 “On bread and roll weight” approved the procedure for setting prices for 26 types of bread made from rye flour and 30 types of bread made from wheat. To monitor the implementation of this, grain bailiffs, or kissers, were appointed. They were obliged to “walk through the streets, alleys and small markets and weigh sieve and sieve breads, grated rolls and soft gingerbread rolls.” And if the baker found that the bread and rolls were of little weight or were sold at a “wild” price, the perpetrators were immediately fined. And very noticeable. And persistent violators were given flogging. Under Peter I, even stricter laws were established. By decree of January 14, 1725, bakers and bread traders were beaten with batogs or cats for selling raw or low-weight bread.

Just a fact

In the process of turning grain into flour, it must travel 5 km along the various floors of a modern mill.

In the 17th century, huge bakeries were already operating in Belokamennaya. The largest was in Izmailovo. And it was called the “bread palace”. Such a palace was built in the Kremlin. More than 70 bakers worked in the sovereign bakery. And the fame of their skillful work and incredibly fragrant bread and pretzels went beyond the borders of the Russian state. But why did we lose this wealth? And why today do we bake bread, the consumption of which can make you disabled?

Source of protein? Or a solution to another problem?

For a long time, bread in our country was baked without selective yeast. Various starters were used. But why did they start putting yeast in it?

– Yeast is a source of protein that is very necessary for humans. And for the first time they began to be used as a source of protein in Germany during the First World War,” Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Irina Arkhipchenko tells AN. “Then an industrial technology for cultivating yeast intended for addition to food products was developed. In the USSR, the first plant for the production of feed yeast was built in 1935. The raw materials used were waste from the pulp and wood processing industries, cotton husks, sunflower baskets, corn cobs, beet molasses, potato pulp, grape pomace, brewer's grains, and stillage from alcohol production. The very first yeast was grown on wood. To do this, it was crushed and subjected to hydrolysis. Cellulose was converted into sugar. Then the syrup was purified, mineral salts were added and pumped into the fermenter. When the crop was ripe, the microbial mass was sent for cleaning and drying. The result was a powder containing more than 50% protein.

Since 1947, this powder began to be used in the baking industry. Apparently, in order to get quick and cheap bread. Dough made with natural yeast (both malt and hop) matures much more slowly. And in terms of costs, starters made from hops and malt are more expensive. For some reason, human health was not taken into account. If you consider how boorishly many mini-bakeries bake loaves and long loaves today, it becomes clear why we have so many sick people.

And in the 60s, geneticists also “bred out” heat-resistant yeast.

From mail "AN"

“Very economical bakers make cheap bread this way: they buy stale flour, and compensate for the lack of protein with transgenic meal and soy milk.”

Maria Silchenko, Nizhny Tagil

“Modern heat-resistant yeast is a product genetic engineering. But the trouble is that they are all of the same strain (unlike the non-heat-resistant ones). What exactly is in bags of dry “super yeast” produced in China? This could actually be a “plague”.

Mikhail Kalinnikov, Blagoveshchensk

Good bread - good flour

One of the miracles of our body is the regeneration process. The intestinal epithelium is renewed every 5–7 days, and the epidermis of the skin changes at cosmic speed. But the main condition for successful regeneration is the absence of fermentation processes in the body. Scientists explain: fermentation is caused by yeast. And if the common yeast fungus does not survive in the human body due to high temperature body, then the heat-resistant one, bred by geneticists, survives. Once upon a time they began to be used in bread baking. This is the first riddle. Secondly, what kind of flour are they used to make bread today? Numerous audits show that a lot of crappy products are produced in small enterprises. If at large flour and cereal factories 0.2% of non-standard grain and processed products are detected, then at mini-mills and grain mills this percentage is higher
30–35 times.

V. Vasilevich, a well-known bread specialist at the beginning of the 20th century, reports in his work “Baking Business” from 1913: “ A necessary condition good bread is good flour. It should be completely dry, clean, that is, without foreign impurities, such as cockle, ergot... You need to be able to distinguish between fresh flour and long-standing flour. This is determined quite simply: the flour is slightly moistened with water - if it hardly darkens or darkens very little, then it is fresh. If it takes on a dark or dirty color, then it is long-lived. And if you take bread baked from flour with ergot, then appearance it is darker than usual, with an unpleasant purple tint. As for its composition, it is positively harmful.”

Recipe "AN"

Raisin sourdough

Half a cup of black grape raisins with seeds, 2 tsp. sugar (or honey) and a glass of warm water, 200 g of flour. Stir everything well, cover with a lid and put in a warm place. After a day or two, the starter is ready. For 500 g of flour you need to take 0.5 cups of starter.

Today the bread of many Russian bakeries is “positively harmful”. They, these bakeries, in order to save money, stock up on cheap flour en masse. Where is it ground? In private mini-mills, often together with sand, glass or metal shavings. What if the bakery has neither magnetic traps nor sifters? And such flour goes straight to the bread shop. That’s why both screws and dog hair are found in loaves and long loaves today.

Rickettsia plantation

During fermentation caused by selection yeast, not only negative physiological changes occur, but also anatomical ones. A person turns into a plantation for the growth of viruses, bacteria and rickettsia (ticks).

At the Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology in Novosibirsk, academician Evgeny Meshalkin left works on the negative indirect effect of yeast fermentation on the liver and heart. Doctors often call the liver the “right heart.” Normally, it produces 70% of the lymph, which flows into the right chamber of the heart, enriching the blood with lymphocytes, vitamins and microelements. During fermentation processes, the liver does not have time to cope with its functions. And venous blood is very poorly cleaned. So where does good health come from?

Bread from Ryazan and Noginsk

So, in order to restore the health of the nation, we need to return to baking bread using yeast that exists in nature?

“Yes, hop sourdough bread contains all the essential amino acids,” says gastroenterologist Daria Dobrushina, “carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins.” Bread made with hop sourdough gives maximum juice effect. It vigorously extracts enzymes from the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. The person stops getting sick. And his immunity is restored.

Today, many people already have information about the dangers of consuming bread products made from breeding yeast. And now they bake their own bread. Yeast-free bakeries are starting to open. A factory for baking yeast-free bread operates in Ryazan. The same production was opened in the city of Noginsk (Moscow region). And also in Altai. In the village of Bobrovka, Pervomaisky district, the production of bread made from sprouted wheat and rye began. As reported to AN by the press service of the Main Directorate agriculture Altai Territory, the production of bread is carried out by the Rus farm. Unique technologies were developed by scientists of the Altai State technical university.

Latest technology allows you to preserve as much as possible in bread what is inherent in the grain by nature,” said the head of “Rus” Alexei Durov, “to increase the biological and nutritional value due to the germination of special - wet - grinding grain.

But three or four factories producing yeast-free bread can hardly affect the situation. The country for the most part continues to chew yeast bread, brewed with heat-resistant yeast, often even made in China.

“Little Killer” and a loaf of oil

There is a lot of debate about yeast bread and heat-resistant yeast. But here's what we managed to read in the archives. During World War I, German scientists worked on the Der kleine Morder ("Little Killer") project to create a "bioweapon" based on heat-resistant yeast. According to the scientists' plan, the yeast fungus, after entering the enemy's body, was supposed to poison him with the products of its vital activity - paralytic poisons. And today, many microbiologists are firmly convinced: it is the fermentation processes that occur in the body due to yeast that are the cause of decreased immunity and cancer.

“Due to our poor ecology, yeast mutates, creating unknown subspecies,” says Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergei Sveshnikov, “and it takes years to prove scientific work. But funding for science continues to be carried out on a residual basis.

By the way, directed selection in modern world already makes it possible to create proteins “to order.” For example, proteins obtained by growing yeast in oil are almost no different from those obtained in sugar media. Experiments on animals have shown that the body absorbs from 85 to 90% of the “petroleum” protein. How is the process going? Yeast grown in oil is dried and purified. And the concentrate is obtained in the form of an odorless powder. Protein from petroleum can be used to prepare a wide variety of foods. It has already been possible to make meat concentrates and fish sauces from it. Doesn't this mean that, having put aside heat-resistant yeast (the process of making it is quite expensive), would-be chefs will begin to sow petroleum yeast into the dough? Then, in addition to oil steaks and sausages (and these are already available not only in laboratories, but also on store shelves), oil loaves will appear.

Notes in the margins

“We ignore the most remarkable facts only because they are too ordinary. How many people have thought that a piece of well-baked wheat bread constitutes one of the greatest inventions of the human mind?

Kliment Timiryazev, academician

There is an ancient Greek myth about Pandora. According to him, people once lived without knowing any misfortunes until Prometheus stole fire from Olympus. An angry Zeus sent his “agent of influence” to earth - Pandora. And not empty-handed, but with a box in which all human misfortunes were locked. Pandora uncorked it. It looks like heat-resistant yeast was also in this box...

Ascospores are pests

The fact that breeding yeast is detrimental to human body, many scientists say and write. In particular, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Fedor Uglov.

Breeding yeast is very tenacious. And with 3-4 times of use, their activity increases. Once they enter the body, they begin destructive activities. When yeast multiplies, so-called ascospores are formed, which, once in the digestive tract, and then, entering the bloodstream, destroy cell membranes. According to the conclusion of Academician F. Uglov, yeast components entering food provoke the production of additional ethanol in the body. But why do we continue to eat yeast bread, while in the USA, Sweden and Germany, yeast-free bread has long become commonplace? Bread without yeast in these countries is recommended as one of the means of preventing and treating cancer.

Maybe we should listen?

About molasses and bleach

Where has the whole grain flour that our ancestors used to make bread gone? Today, all sorts of things are added to flour. food additives and substitutes created by chemical means. This is how refined flour is obtained. And although refining is a costly process, it is necessary in order to preserve the flour from spoilage for as long as possible. Nobody cares that such flour pollutes the body. But breeding yeast causes even more harm to it. Gastroenterologists talk about this.

“Heat-resistant yeast in its natural state is not found in nature,” gastroenterologist Daria Dobrushina tells AN. – How are they prepared? As far as I know, one of the methods is based on their reproduction in liquid nutrient media made from molasses (waste from sugar production). Molasses is diluted with water, then treated with bleach and sulfuric acid. Yeast becomes more resistant than tissue cells. They are not destroyed during the cooking process. Then they enter the body along with bread. And they disrupt the activity of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver and intestines.

Here's another opinion.

“Bread can really be harmful,” a technologist tells AN bakery production Nalia Medzhidova. – But only for one hundredth of the population. Namely, for patients with celiac disease. Such people cannot tolerate wheat protein – gluten. They should consume gluten-free products, such as buckwheat. I have worked in the baking industry for many years. And I can’t say anything bad about the yeast with which we bake bread.

Today, the love for everything natural and homemade is increasingly sweeping the world. More and more people prefer to prepare their own products, which in most cases are bought in the store: boiled pork, sausages, ice cream and, of course, bread. Moreover, finding recipes is not at all difficult.

Photo by Shutterstock

Rye bread appeared in Russia in the 17th century; before that, only wheat bread was baked. But since then, black bread has been one of the favorites on the table. After all, it is both healthy (contains fewer calories) and tasty. And baking it is not as difficult as it seems.

Homemade black bread recipe

You can bake bread either in a bread machine or in regular oven. Only the dough preparation technologies will differ. In the first case, the housewife just needs to put the food in the oven and get a finished product. In the second, you will have to knead the dough yourself.

To make regular rye bread, you don't need as many ingredients as you might think. The list includes: - 200 ml of milk; - 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; - 90 g wheat flour; - 180 g rye flour; - 1/2 tsp. salt; - 1/2 tsp. sugar; - 1.5 tsp. dry yeast; - 1/2 tbsp. baking powder. The indicated dosage of products is enough to bake one half-kilogram loaf of black bread.

Making bread is not difficult. If you are going to do everything in the oven, then simply load the products in the order indicated in the list. If you are planning self-cooking test, follow further recommendations. To begin, slightly heat the milk and dilute the yeast in it, let the dough brew. At this time, start kneading the dough. Combine all products one by one and mix thoroughly. Don't forget to add milk and yeast here. Your main goal is to get a soft, elastic dough without any lumps. After kneading, let the dough rest in a warm place. Cover with a towel and place it close to the radiator. Beat it a couple of times and then you can start baking. Place the dough in the mold, let it rise a little and place in an oven preheated to 180–200 degrees. Leave for 40 minutes to an hour.

You can check the doneness of the baked goods by simply piercing it with a long toothpick. If after removing it from the bread there are crumbs left on it, then the baked goods are not ready yet.

To add a special taste to rye bread, you can sprinkle the dough (even before you put it in the oven) with caraway seeds. The taste of the product will be very interesting.

The recipe for traditional “Darnitsky” bread is as follows. For cooking you will need: - 1 tbsp. rye flour; - 2.5 tbsp. wheat flour; - 2 tsp. dry yeast; - 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar; - 1.25 tbsp. water; - 1 tsp. salt; - 1.5 tbsp. powdered milk or cream; - 1 tsp. cocoa - 1 tsp. instant coffee; - 1 tbsp. honey; - 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Sift the flour first. This is necessary so that it can breathe, and the dough will be more fluffy and the bread more spongy. Then lay out the ingredients to make the bread in a specific order. To begin with, flour, salt, powdered milk, honey, cocoa and coffee. Then make a well in this mixture and add dry yeast. vegetable oil, water, vinegar. Mix everything very well and let the dough sit. Then place it in a mold and put it in the oven. After cooking, let the baked goods cool and you can eat the bread.

“Borodinsky” is also one of the black breads. To prepare it, you will need sourdough (even if you make this bread in a bread machine). For a loaf weighing 750 g you will need: for sourdough: - 3 tbsp. malt; - 1.5 tsp. ground coriander; - 75 g rye flour; - 250 ml hot water. for the dough: - sourdough; - 135 ml water; - a quarter tablespoon of vegetable oil; - 0.5 tsp. salt; - 2 tbsp. sugar; - 1 tbsp. honey; - 325 g rye flour; - 75 g second grade wheat flour; - 1 tbsp. gluten; - 1.5 tbsp. dry sourdough; - 1 tsp. dry yeast; - coriander for sprinkling.

You can purchase specific products such as gluten, malt and dry sourdough in specialized bakery stores. Alternatively, you can order these products online

First, make a starter. Sift into a bowl rye flour, add malt and ground coriander to it, pour boiling water over it and mix everything thoroughly. Then leave to brew for 2 hours. It is better if during this time you place the starter in a place where it retains heat well - a thermos or a preheated oven.

Make the dough: stir the honey in the water, then add the cooled starter to it and add all the other ingredients. Knead soft and elastic dough. After kneading, smooth out the dough wet hands and sprinkle with coriander seeds. Leave everything to ferment for 3 hours. At the end of this time, put the bread in the oven to bake until done. Homemade variations of Borodino bread are no less tasty than store-bought ones.

What to consider when making your own black bread

If you knead the dough with warm water, you can use the accelerated baking mode (relevant for making bread in the oven).

Remember that any additives to black bread can be used. If you don’t really like just rye bread, you can add cheese, fried onions, garlic, herbs and even sausage when kneading. The only thing to keep in mind is that this bread can be stored for only 2 days and only in the refrigerator.

If you are going to use pressed yeast rather than dry yeast, first dilute it in warm water and leave to ferment for 20 minutes in a warm place. This will be the main condition for delicious baking.

Do not immediately hide the prepared bread in a bag. Let him catch his breath. Otherwise, it will get wet and spoil. When stored correctly homemade bread Keeps for about 4 days.