What to choose: wooden or plastic windows, pros and cons. Wooden windows - pros and cons Wooden windows with double glazed windows pros and cons

If you are still the “happy owner” of a Soviet-era window, or your windows do not satisfy you in any respect, then it’s time to make a choice in favor of new modern “eyes” for your home.

Sales statistics for different window companies are as follows: in first place PVC windows, on the second - wooden windows, and in third place are aluminum windows.

Let's consider all the pros and cons of what is, at first glance, not the most popular type of window on the Russian market.

1. The main advantage of a wooden window is its environmental friendliness.

Being natural material, wood is pleasant to the touch, it is warm and alive, a window made of wood “breathes”, providing natural ventilation and saving necessary for the room microclimate. Plastic windows, even those equipped with a special microventilation system, cannot provide air access to the room. Thanks to naturalness wooden windows, they are given the greatest preference in European countries, that’s why they are also called Euro-windows.

In the production of luxury euro-windows, wood of various types of wood is used: chestnut, beech, oak, which is reflected in their price accordingly. Therefore, most often buyers prefer pine windows. As a rule, this is a pine growing in northern regions, since the density of northern pine wood is higher than that of southern pine. Such windows are comparatively cheaper than windows made from elite types of wood.

Wooden windows can be divided into two types: those made of solid wood ( solid timber) and multilayer laminated timber. Unlike windows made of ordinary timber, for the manufacture of which woodworking equipment and machines are used, multilayer timber practically does not deform during operation.

Preparation technology is very important wooden beam, from which a profile is subsequently created and the window frame is assembled: for manufacturing quality timber a well-dried tree with a humidity level of 10-12% is selected, containing a minimum of knots and chips. If the timber is not sufficiently dried, the window will sooner or later begin to deform under the influence of the environment.

2. Second undoubted dignity wooden windows is their durability.

Used for impregnation of wood and finishing coating window frame, allow you to increase the service life of a wooden window up to 50 years and become worthy competition even for quality window from PVC.

Aluminum lining on the outer side of the frame allows you to extend the service life of the window by almost 2 times. Moreover, you can choose aluminum linings of the color that suits you.

3. The third and, perhaps, the most important advantage of wooden windows is their excellent sound-absorbing and heat-insulating characteristics.

Compared to wood, sound-absorbing PVC characteristics worse, since when exposed to sound waves, resonant vibrations occur in plastic windows. The thermal insulation characteristics of a wooden window are sometimes even better than those of a plastic one, taking into account the natural origin of wood, its almost zero thermal conductivity, and also the fact that when glazing both wooden and plastic frames The same glass units are used. There are also the latest developments that allow the installation of double-glazed windows with special energy-saving glass.

The only drawback of wooden windows is their higher cost compared to plastic ones. But everyone knows that quality and prestige have never been a cheap product accessible to everyone. Having decided to purchase high-quality furniture that will rightfully become the decoration of your home and an indicator of your high social status, contact trusted, reputable companies.

And remember - the miser pays twice!

We have talked more than once about how popular such a material as wood is these days. Today we will again talk about the advantages of this material. Wood is very often used for production window frames. How are they different from other materials?

Windows are the eyes of any room, and their choice is often taken very seriously. Now, in pursuit of naturalness, consumers are increasingly abandoning plastic windows when choosing for their home wooden windows with double glazing.

Or wooden Euro-windows – this is a modern building material, which successfully combines ease of use, practicality of plastic windows and everything positive qualities like a natural material.

Like any other material, wooden windows with double-glazed windows have their pros and cons. Let's look at them.

Wooden windows with double glazed windows - advantages

-Naturalness. This is one of the main advantages of wooden windows, with which plastic windows cannot compete. Wood is a completely natural, environmentally friendly material; its use in residential premises is safe for human health. While plastic (PVC) windows are made entirely of synthetic material, which under the influence of heat (in summer time) releases a certain amount of harmful, toxic substances. This number may be small, but it still exists.

- Durability with proper care they will last you at least twice as long as similar plastic products. Wooden Euro-windows are made from three-layer, which makes them even stronger and more durable.

- Ventilation. Another undeniable advantage of wooden windows over plastic ones is good air exchange. Wood allows air to pass through well and breathes. Because even with tight closed window the premises will receive fresh air, which will help avoid condensation and stuffiness in the room.

- Appearance. I think no one will argue with the fact that wood looks much nicer than plastic. Wooden windows create a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the room; they are pleasant to the touch. Wooden Euro-windows look more harmonious in most buildings, especially in wooden houses.

- No static electricity. Since the tree is completely natural material it is not charged with static electricity and, as a result, does not attract dust and dirt from the air.

- Easy to repair. If a plastic window gets scratched or chipped, it cannot be repaired. You can either leave everything as is, which, of course, spoils the appearance of the entire room, or replace the window with a new one. Wooden Euro-windows, in this case, are much more convenient. Any scratch on wood can be easily removed by sanding.

- Large range of colors. Of course, nowadays it is not difficult to order plastic windows the color you need, but this will definitely require additional material costs from you. In addition, during operation it is not possible to change the color of a plastic window. But wooden windows can be painted as much as you like and change their color at least every month. Which will save you from the need to change the window: when changing the design of the room, you just need to repaint it. Painting also allows you to refresh the appearance of the window.

- Thermal insulation significantly increase the thermal insulation of the room and help retain heat.

- Practicality. Many skeptics will say that wooden windows can never be compared to plastic ones in terms of practicality, but this is not true. Today, in the production of wooden windows with double-glazed windows, high-quality modern fittings are used, which allows them to be used in the same way as plastic ones. open in several positions, they are installed on mosquito nets and child safety locks.

- Disposal. are simple and safe to dispose of. When burned or other methods of disposal, they do not cause harm environment. In addition, wooden windows are recyclable.

Despite all the advantages, wooden windows with double-glazed windows also have disadvantages, which it would be unfair to remain silent about.

- Price. The main disadvantage of wooden windows, which immediately scares off some consumers, is the high cost. A good wooden window costs several times more than a plastic one. But if you calculate how long the tree will last you, then this is more of a wise investment than a thoughtless waste.

- Difficult to care for. Undoubtedly, wooden windows require more care than plastic ones. This is the cover special compounds, painting or varnishing, etc. But if you buy a wooden window from a trusted manufacturer, it will be made from high-quality raw materials and good fittings, then this maintenance will be reduced to a minimum and will not take much effort and time from you, and the window will delight you with its beauty for many years.

Features of installing wooden windows with double-glazed windows

In principle, there are no special rules for installing such windows.

The main collateral good installation is:

Choosing the right window. You shouldn't skimp here. Choose windows only from trusted companies that have been working in the market for a long time. Such companies use only high-quality, properly dried wood and good, high-quality fittings. Windows from quality material will not be damaged during installation.

Qualitative measurements. Measurements are taken both from the inside and outside of the room in order to avoid distortion of the frame during installation.

The process of installing wooden windows with double-glazed windows is no different from installing plastic windows. First, the frame is installed, then the remaining components, the gaps formed between the frame and the wall are blown out polyurethane foam, then plastered. If you plan to install windows in a new, newly built house, you must first give the house time to shrink. So that during shrinkage the window does not “lead” and gaps do not form between the window frame and the wall.

For more information about the pros and cons of wooden windows with double-glazed windows, see the following video. Enjoy watching!

Irina Zheleznyak, Staff correspondent for the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

Wood is suitable for making windows of absolutely any type - round, oval, triangular, trapezoidal, and others. Ordinary rectangular windows are also often covered with glass, using wooden frames, as a prestigious and trendy solution.

However, over time, old wooden windows serve their purpose and require replacement. Often in such cases, plastic windows are an alternative, but many do not want to install them, despite all the advertising beliefs about their advantages and safety. A smarter option is to find modern wooden windows. Today this is quite easy to do, since the market offers a variety of products in the form of wooden windows of two main types - solid wood and laminated veneer lumber.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows

1 . Windows made from solid wood (the material is also known as woodwork) are made in a simpler way. Because of this, their price is lower than windows made of laminated veneer lumber. Compared to old wooden windows, new ones have a more thoughtful design. Thanks to the imported rebate, the doors open and close easily. The sealing contour ensures the necessary thermal insulation. Modern fittings are more convenient than screws and latches.
2 . Thanks to natural material, windows provide natural air exchange, even when they are closed. This prevents a decrease in humidity levels and air stagnation.
3 . Installation of wooden windows is easier than plastic ones. But nevertheless, a certain technology is still used for this.
4 . Main problem carpentry - the window frame cannot be fixed in the desired position. In windy weather, this can become a problem for ventilation.
5 . If insufficiently dried wood is used in the manufacture of windows, they may be susceptible to deformation and cracking.
6 . A wooden window is easy to clean, but it takes longer than windows with double-glazed windows - on both sides. Between the sashes you also need to remove dust.

Advantages of Eurowindows

Euro-windows made of laminated veneer lumber do not have such disadvantages. They combine natural wood, high-quality double-glazed windows, convenient and reliable fittings. Such features have made wooden Euro-windows very popular on the market.

1 . The frame made of Euro timber never dries out or deforms. Double-glazed windows of the same quality are used in wooden and plastic windows. Thanks to modern fittings, wooden Euro-windows can open in two directions. Therefore, for ventilation in the windows, there is no need for vents at all.
2 . Euro-windows made of wood have all the advantages of plastic windows, but the latter have the advantage of complete tightness. Frames made of natural wood do not deprive the possibility of natural air exchange.
3 . Thanks to the diversity decorative coatings wooden Euro-windows can be made in various colors, textures, and the appearance of various expensive types of wood.
The only drawback of all wooden windows is the need to periodically renew their covering. But since you can use modern paint and varnish materials, it makes sense to do such repairs approximately once every 10 years.
4 . When selecting wooden windows, you need to remember that it is better not to save on them. Otherwise you risk that you will long time lose on energy saving. Famous manufacturers will offer you windows made of high quality materials that will reliably serve for many years.

For those who have made their choice and decided to install wooden Euro-windows, we recommend professionals in their field

Today the world is gradually abandoning the idea of ​​using polymer artificial materials in house decoration. They are characterized by fragility, low resistance to external factors, fire hazard, and also pose a threat to the surrounding ecology.

The very questionable characteristics of polymers have led to the fact that an increasing number of people are returning to natural materials, in particular wood. In the 21st century, wood has once again become the most popular building material. Entire cottage villages are built from it, external and interior decoration, and, of course, they make wooden windows.

Modern wooden windows have nothing in common with their Soviet counterparts. Cumbersome structures prone to rot and decay have been replaced by elegant, high-quality and very durable wooden profiles.

Advantages of wooden windows

  • The perfect high-quality construction of wooden windows perfectly protects the room from bad weather and noise. It is highly durable and allows windows to last for many decades.
  • Wood is a highly environmentally friendly natural building material. This means that wooden windows will compare favorably with their plastic counterparts in terms of environmental friendliness and safety.
  • Natural profiles guarantee excellent thermal insulation and frost protection during low temperatures. Their high tightness completely eliminates the possibility of drafts or dust entering the house.
  • Modern wood is resistant to sudden temperature changes and other vagaries of nature.
  • An important advantage of wooden windows is their resistance to condensation.
  • Wooden window structures will provide excellent ventilation and good air exchange in the room.
  • The variety of wood species used in the manufacture of profiles results in a rich color scheme finished products. Customers have the opportunity to choose the right shade and suitable texture for any interior.
  • Wooden windows are a sign of good taste. They are incredibly aesthetic, looking more comfortable and elegant than plastic substitutes.

Cons of wooden windows

Each product has its own weak point", and wooden windows are no exception.

    There are few of them, but they still need to be mentioned:
  • Windows like others wooden products, cannot be cheap. The high cost of wood, high labor costs for its processing - these are the components of the “biting” price.
  • Wooden windows can become water permeable over time and undergo slight deformation. Fortunately, modern methods treatments reduce this likelihood to a minimum.
  • Wooden profiles require careful care - tinting, impregnation with special protective compounds. These preventive measures will help maintain their excellent appearance and durability.

A prerequisite for durability is a conscientious manufacturer!

If you have finally decided on the material for wooden windows and have studied all the advantages and disadvantages of such structures, we suggest choosing a manufacturer. Its durability and strength will depend on how well the profile is made.

The EuroWindows company boasts more than ten years of experience in domestic market. During the existence of our company, we have produced more than one thousand square meters wooden products that still serve their owners and are guaranteed to last for many more decades.

    Our pride is:
  • modern innovative equipment;
  • developed know-how in wood processing;
  • qualified specialists with extensive experience working with wood.

We are ready to offer our clients window designs of any format and order a wooden window to any size. At the same time, we have all the necessary certificates for our windows and our low price at high quality You will definitely be pleased.

In the increased demand for the construction of a country house main role plays a desire to get closer to nature while escaping the bustle of city life. Natural material such as wood ideally meets these conditions. Wood, being an environmentally friendly material, allows you to create a unique microclimate, a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your home.

Unlike typical urban housing, which has rectangular windows standard form, country houses often differ from the original window openings: arched, triangular, round or panoramic. The unusual nature of the models gives the house its unique appearance.

Window materials

Mainly for making modern windows can be used: pine, larch, walnut, oak, chestnut, beech, mahogany (mahogany). The most economical are pine; their surface can be coated with a coating that imitates more expensive types of wood. Mahogany wood is the most expensive due to its remarkable properties.

The wood is impregnated at the factory with special compounds that protect it from moisture, sun rays and damage from wood bugs.

The frame and bindings can be made of solid timber or laminated laminated timber. Glued laminated timber is produced using special (usually imported) woodworking equipment and machines. It is practically not subject to deformation during operation.

The surface can be:

  • transparent (varnish coating);
  • translucent (painted);
  • covering veneer.

To increase durability and performance characteristics wooden profile with outside reinforced with an aluminum frame painted in the colors of the base material. This combination increases the service life of wooden windows to 80 years.

In some countries, but not in Russia, plastic is used instead of aluminum.

Single-, 2-, and three-chamber double-glazed windows are used as filling. The formula of double-glazed windows can be up to eight. Preferably, the latter two have excellent heat and sound insulation; the three-chamber one is also shock-resistant. Glass can be coated to protect against ultraviolet radiation. special types films.

The fittings used differ little from those used in plastic windows, with the possibility of vertical and horizontal opening of the sashes.

Types of windows

Available for sale various types wooden windows:

  1. “Soviet” or “carpentry” - a solid frame filled with solid glass. Made only in small workshops.
  2. Finnish ones are a type of “Soviet” ones, but with a thicker frame and an additional double-glazed window to the sheet glass. Sometimes the frame is made of laminated veneer lumber.
  3. German - called “Euro-windows”. The profile is glued three-layer timber and double-glazed windows. The doors open in 2 planes.
  4. Scandinavian. The frame is made of solid thick timber, filled with double-glazed windows.
  5. English or “guillotine” (due to the vertical rise of the window with the frame fixed at the top). The frame is narrow with a large number square bindings.
  6. French. WITH panoramic glazing, combining the functions of a door and a window. The frames are made of laminated timber, the double-glazed windows are divided into squares by binding.

Advantages and disadvantages

The name “Euro-window” is unofficial; these are considered wooden windows with double-glazed windows. Their main advantages:

  • environmentally friendly, the window “breathes”, it is warm, pleasant to the touch, and does not emit substances hazardous to people and pets;
  • great view;
  • tightness, high thermal insulation and sound absorption;
  • no condensation forms;
  • durability of wooden windows ≥ 50 years;