How to advertise your business for free. Where is free advertising on the Internet? Free advertising

Services are a great business because... Most often, no investment is required, just skills and knowledge are enough. But what to do if there are very few clients (for example, you have just started and word of mouth has not yet reached its full potential)? Where to find them, where to advertise your services, where to advertise services? The fastest way to advertise your services is to place an ad on the Internet.

Below I will look at several places where you can successfully place advertisements for your services, tell you how to look for such places and what is the best free way to attract clients.

1. Freelancing or Where is the last place to offer services.

If you intend to build a business and not do a side hustle, then I would avoid any freelance sites to find clients. Now, for almost any field, there are platforms where performers can receive orders for work or offer their services. The disadvantage of such services is that there will be a lot of people willing to do the work and, accordingly, the payment is very low (or you need to have a very good portfolio and rating).

Such sites are more suitable for honing skills, training and part-time work in your free time (or during work).

Examples of such services: - Yandex.Master, a completely new service. Service tasks in the field of personal services (cleaning, repairs, courier assistance) - Popular assignment service. You can order or offer any services: cleaning, cargo transportation, shopping, delivery, hairdresser, lawyer - in general, all possible services. is probably the most famous service for working and finding performers in the IT field: programmers, designers, etc. - any tasks and assignments for remote work. Anyone can make money here, because... The level of tasks is very different: from “collect information” to “make a website.” If, on the contrary, you are looking for a performer, then at the moment, when you register on Workzilla from my blog, you will be awarded 100 bonus rubles to pay for tasks.

These services are popular, easy to sign up for, and the first place people go to earn extra money. The disadvantage, which I have already voiced: low pay and great competition. In addition, usually high quality work is not expected from performers from such services, so it is difficult to get good orders there.

Well, probably the main disadvantage is that on such services you can only be represented as an individual. If you have a company, you will have to be cunning. It should be understood that clients come to such services to save money on the contractor, and those who need company and quality will look elsewhere.

2. Notice boards

This is probably the most obvious and understandable way. Just one piece of advice - don’t waste time on unpopular boards. To help you:

I wrote instructions. Use together with the list of boards, which can be requested by email using the form below.

For my work, I selected the best message boards. You can receive them by email along with a series of brief instructions on how to use the boards.

3. Catalogs of companies and services

Catalogs of goods and services are the best option for posting advertisements for services. On each such site you get your own personal page with a description of the company and offers, and sometimes a mini-site.

There is no less competition here, but most companies treat catalogs and message boards carelessly: they try to register anywhere, quickly place their advertisements and forget about them. Although, if you choose catalogs wisely, look at traffic, study competitors’ advertisements, and design your page beautifully, then the chances of getting a client increase significantly (3 secrets of working with catalogs below).

Really popular company catalogs, product and service websites:

  • and many others

Thematic catalogs for your business

Also, each area of ​​business has its own thematic catalogues, portals and ratings, which must be added to (provided that they are popular on the Internet, i.e. visited by your potential clients)

And it’s very easy to find them. Search directories like this as if you were a client, for example: “firms in [your field]”, “company directory [your field]”. And register, register everywhere. You need to be where your customers are, especially if it's free.

3 secrets of working with catalogs:

  • Chip 1. Almost all advertisers simply indicate the company name when adding a company to a directory. While people don't search for companies by name (how do they know what you might be called), people do search for specific services or products. For example, “site promotion”. Therefore, in the company name field it is better to write “Internet agency “Quince” - website promotion.” And you will be shown above your competitors. And the rest of the services can already be listed in the description.
  • Chip 2. Sometimes it is enough to fill out absolutely all the fields in the company card in order to appear above competitors. As I said, when registering, most companies indicate the bare minimum, quickly and move on to the next site. Pay attention to the company cards that are displayed above, what do they have that others don’t?
  • Chip 3. It’s better to be in 10 popular visited company directories with a fully and beautifully filled out page (logo, photos, history, USP, successes, etc.) than in 100 unknown ones with a template gray ad.

4. Your own website

Your own website is an ideal option, no matter what you do. Nowadays you can create a website very cheaply (for example, for only 15-20 thousand we make turnkey optimized websites that quickly appear in search results), and then constantly developing it, attract more and more clients.

The advantage of being in the service industry is that you have expert knowledge that can be shared on the site, thereby showing (and advertising) your experience. Before turning to someone, people try to solve the issue on their own and find preliminary information that will help them. All of them are potential visitors to your website and potential clients (you don’t have to look far for examples, you’re reading my blog right now).

There are no competitors on your site and there is space to write any information. The website is your sales manager and consultant.

Initially it may seem that this is not innovative. This is true, but this is why many people overlook this method of promotion. There are many large message boards, some of which are paid and free.

Using social networks

The more users you sign up for your account and community, the more of them will know about the service you provide. Therefore, first of all, you need to target a segment of social network users who may be interested in your service.

As an option, subscribers interested in your service can be asked to invite new users to the community.

Using subscription services

Platforms like and for your services. By posting your entries in thematic communities, you will soon become convinced of the effectiveness of this type of advertising.

Using a blog (site)

The importance of maintaining a thematic blog (website) is unreasonably underestimated by many people. How to promote services on the Internet using a blog? - Yes, it’s very simple! Even without directly advertising the services you provide, you can nevertheless write various useful information on the topic of your activities on your blog.

For example When providing apartment renovation services, you can post interesting and informative articles on the topic of renovation and design on your blog.

High-quality presentation of useful information will definitely play into your hands, thereby increasing the number of visitors to your blog. By periodically focusing on the services you provide, you will thereby increase the number of potential clients.

Using Q&A services to promote your services

There are many questionnaire services, some of which are especially popular. Users who ask questions related to the provision of services can be given specific advice about their services in the answers. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone, since you are both giving the person useful advice and.

Promoting your services online using city portals

Every major population center has at least one major Internet portal. As a rule, such portals are very popular among local residents. Therefore, by placing your advertising on thematic threads of such forums, you can be sure of increasing the number of potential clients for your services.

The above methods of promoting services on the Internet are the most effective. Of course, you can increase the number of your audience using spam, as well as various types of subscriber boosts, but these methods often have a short-term effect. How to advertise services online? - Just working hard, tirelessly!

Good day, dear visitors of the blog about making money online. Many people are interested in how to properly and effectively promote their company. At the same time, some are interested in paid methods, while others want to try using free methods. In any case, the best solution would be to familiarize yourself with the various methods of online advertising. Internet marketing is the most effective tool that allows you to tell a large audience of users about you. In this article you will learn about ways to place advertising on the Internet, which will make it as effective as possible. You'll learn about various methods (both paid and free) that you can use to promote your company and tell as many people as possible about it.

Why is advertising needed?

People who are starting to promote their company should understand why online advertising is needed and what can be achieved with its help. This type of marketing has several important advantages:

  • Efficiency. You will be able to see the first results in the form of an increase in the number of users within a few days.
  • Targeting. Many types of marketing on the Internet involve the use of targeting, which means that your services will be promoted taking into account geolocation, age and social criteria.
  • Affordable prices. You only pay to attract your target audience. The number of potential consumers here is many times greater than when placing advertising materials in everyday life (signs, billboards, etc.).
  • Performing an information function. A person looking for the service he needs on the Internet will come across your advertisement and learn from it information that is important to him. Subsequently, an informationally involved person will be disposed towards your company and will be more likely to make an order.

Overall, internet marketing is the most effective option to reach a large audience. She will quickly give potential clients all the information they are interested in and encourage them to place an order. There is no need to neglect such a promotion tool, because this is the best way to make yourself known to both beginners and large companies with great competition.

Free ways to advertise on the Internet

Currently, free advertising is in demand and competes on a par with paid advertising. There are various free methods, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly tested and proven. It is worth familiarizing yourself with all the options and choosing the most optimal and comfortable to implement. It is important to be careful when choosing an Internet platform; business development directly depends on this.

Free notice boards

This method has proven itself quite a long time ago and still remains very effective. It is important to find a visited resource that will not be filled with spam. Visitors get to such boards mainly through search queries, therefore, you also need to search for your product or service. The most visited and popular sites will be in the first row. But it is possible that the notice board will not be in the top search results. The most common are the following resources:

  • Avito;
  • From hand to hand;
  • NGS. Advertisements, etc.

Once you go to one of the boards, you will need to register. Afterwards you can select a thematic section and place your ad according to the instructions. Include information that is useful to people and that can encourage them to place an order. Such resources are suitable both for beginners who do not have the funds to promote their business, and for those who simply need to offer a product to a fairly wide range of consumers.


Quite an effective advertising platform. However, you need to be careful, because administrators often ban advertisers and delete their advertising messages. To avoid this, it is not recommended to place advertisements in various topics immediately after registration. It is necessary to gain the trust of moderators, communicate with other users, leave comments, ask questions and be active on the site without resorting to advertising. After this, you can carefully, without intrusively, offer your product in the comments. It is important to post such proposals only on thematic forums.

There is another method to advertise yourself on the forum. But again, it is recommended to be an active member of the forum for some time before doing this. Then you can try to contact the resource moderators and agree to create a separate topic, where you will act as an expert on a particular issue and unobtrusively offer your products or services to forum users.

  • look for a forum that will correspond to the topic of your products and have high traffic;
  • On the forum you must register, upload an avatar and chat for some time in various topics;
  • choose the category in which your proposal will be relevant (no need to offer construction services in the topic for expectant mothers);
  • be sure to study the forum rules, find out if you can post links in comments, etc.;
  • do not try to spam your ads; If you place ads in every topic, sooner or later moderation will delete your messages, and your account will most likely be banned for some time.

Social media

You can promote your services here in several ways:

  1. or a group that will be informative, and where you can advertise and sell your products, etc. The group will need to be given attention, regularly filling it with interesting content.
  2. Promote your services directly from your personal page. In this case, as in the first, a little promotion is required. That is, you need to attract a large number of subscribers or add many friends who could like and repost, thereby advertising you throughout the network.
  3. Find different groups with the same themes as the products you sell. By contacting the owners or administrators of these groups, you can agree on advertising placement on mutually beneficial terms. There are also groups where you can add your ad immediately without contacting the administration.

In any case, when creating promotional messages, you can use hashtags. These symbols allow interested users to quickly find your posts. This way you can attract even more potential clients.


Another effective way to promote your services. YouTube is a very popular resource that allows you not only to learn a lot of useful information, but also to receive valuable links to purchase certain products. All you have to do is shoot educational or educational videos that will correspond to the topic of the services you are promoting. At the same time, you can advertise yourself both in the video itself and in its description.

The description for the video plays an important role, since it is thanks to it that users will be able to find your videos in search engines. Therefore, make sure that the description contains the necessary thematic keywords. There you can place links to your products. For example, you can write down a review of a gadget, providing as much useful information as possible, and at the end add a phrase that you can purchase this product or view the catalog using the link located in the description. In any case, there is room here to show your imagination. The main thing is that the videos are useful and interesting for potential clients.

Questions and Answers Services

This option is the simplest, because all that is required is to find the site you are visiting, where users ask questions and give answers on a variety of topics. Next, you look for a question that relates to the topic of your company and give the most detailed answer. It is important that the response does not contain intrusive advertising of your services. Answer as interesting and useful as possible; do not advertise your product in absolutely every answer. Leave links where they will be most relevant. In this case, trust in you will increase and they will certainly take your advice. In addition, your answer may be deleted by administrators if they see that you are solely advertising your services.

It is worth noting that this method is not the most effective. After all, you may not see the result of your efforts immediately, but after some time. Users who are looking for an answer to a question will definitely see your comment and take your advice if it is relevant and useful.

As you can see, there are many free advertising methods. Each of them is quite effective. However, you will achieve the greatest effect if you combine different methods or use them all at the same time. Be prepared for the fact that you will be able to see results after some time. However, it depends only on you what this result will be: using several methods of advertising online, you can increase the effect significantly.

Paid advertising methods

Contextual advertising in search engines is a very popular and effective way to tell as many interested users as possible about your company. The principle of operation of this marketing tool is very simple: a person is interested in a certain topic, makes queries in search engines and reads information that interests him. At the same time, he is faced with advertising of those goods or services that directly relate to the topic of interest to him. A person follows the link provided and places an order. That is, those users who have already shown any interest in this topic will follow your link.

Contextual advertising works based on keywords that users type into search engines. There are two main advertising networks - Google Adwords and Yandex Direct, according to the most popular search engines Google and Yandex. The principle of your actions is simple:

  • First of all, you need to register in the advertising network;
  • Next, you create your own advertising company, set keywords and create an ad;
  • wait for your ad to be reviewed and accepted by moderators;
  • you enable impressions, after which your advertisement will be displayed in search engines to users who made a request with the keywords you specified.

Users can see your ad immediately in the search engine when it displays top sites. Or a person may see an advertisement by going to a site that is a partner of an advertising network. In this case, not only the subject of the resource is taken into account, but also the requests that the user has made previously. This way you can reach a very wide audience of people interested in your product or service. You will pay for clicks on your ad, which is very convenient. If you decide to advertise in this way, then do not be afraid of high prices. The cost can be very different, and it depends on many factors (the number of requests, competition on the topic, the seasonality of your offer, etc.).

One of the advantages is that this type of advertising is not intrusive to users. On the contrary, it is useful for many because it takes into account their interests. Another important advantage is the quick result: you can get your first conversions within a few minutes.

There are no fundamental differences between Google Adwords and Yandex Direct. They operate on different search platforms, but offer approximately the same conditions. The differences are that Yandex Direct also tracks and takes into account “bad” transitions (those after which a person immediately leaves the site). Google, for example, can offer a clearer selection of geolocation. If it is important for you to show your advertising to residents of nearby streets, then this option will be more convenient, since in Google you can select even a small area with a radius of 1 km.

So, we looked at the most popular and effective ways to advertise via the Internet. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can determine the most comfortable options for yourself. Since high-quality and effective advertising is a very important part of company promotion, it is worth devoting enough time to it, and in the best case, allocating a certain amount of money. By combining different methods, you can achieve maximum results and significantly increase sales.

The priority direction of development of almost all countries of the civilized world is the creation of an information society. Therefore, advertising is an integral part of progress in any business segment. Modern technologies and approaches to advertising placement make it possible to create and place it absolutely free, promoting your product or service with almost no cash costs.

Types and specifics of online advertising

Advertising is an indispensable part of the promotion of any business or Internet resource. It is this direction in marketing communications that influences consumer choice. The arsenal of advertising persuasion tools is quite wide, but it is very important to apply them to the desired target audience and choose the most effective advertising format.

  • media (can be image, product, product, always aimed at a large audience, full of bright images and, as a rule, placed in banner format);
  • contextual (advertising that matches the user’s interests is placed on contextual sites in the form of banners and ads in the search results of search engines, the subject of which depends on the user’s search query);
  • viral (advertising materials, rich in vivid images, unusual ideas, are distributed by recipients of information; different formats - photos, videos, text messages);
  • placement of advertising in online games (information about a product or service is integrated into the game format, and sometimes it is created “under the brand”, and the player interacts with an advertising product built into the script).

Effective online advertising should be easy to remember and create an attractive image of a product or service, and interest the client in the values ​​and ideas being promoted. Its main advantages are the targeting of the advertising message, easy access to reliable statistical information, relatively low cost, interactivity, and high purchasing power of the Internet audience. But at the same time, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of online advertising (both free and paid), it should be taken into account that its audience coverage will be incomplete, because this approach is aimed at a more educated and affluent population. The ability to focus advertising messages on a specific target audience may not always improve results.

Internet advertising shows maximum efficiency in the field of promoting small businesses and projects on the Internet. To achieve the most positive result, it is advisable to carry out a campaign in parallel with posting messages online (a second purchase of products from the same series as a gift, a sale, a photo contest, etc.).