How to set up a relay at a pumping station. Adjusting the pumping station: rules and algorithm for setting up the operation of the equipment

Determines the efficiency and economy of operation, and also allows you to increase service life and reduce the likelihood of equipment breakdown. In order for the fluid supply to be regulated correctly, it is important not only to choose the right relay, but also to correctly install it, configure it and adjust it. Only in this case can you obtain uninterrupted water supply and the required pressure in the pipelines.

If you have chosen a water pressure switch for a pump made by a well-known and reliable manufacturer, the instructions included with the equipment will tell you how to properly install and configure the product. However, in order to avoid difficulties during operation, it is important to understand how the pressure switch works.

Design Features

The sensitive element of the pressure switch is elastic membrane that connects to two springs. Perceiving the fluid pressure in the pipeline, the membrane, in turn, increases or decreases the pressure on the springs. Thus, at low pressure the spring expands, and at high pressure it compresses. By deforming in this way, the spring closes or opens the contacts of the pump power supply circuit, turning on or off the pumping unit, respectively. The exact values ​​of the relay response are set during setup: each of the springs has an adjusting nut, by rotating which the set value is set.

Sequence of actions

The operating cycle of a pump (pumping station) with an adjusting relay includes the following stages:

  1. Turn on the pump.
  2. Filling the hydraulic accumulator with water.
  3. An increase in pressure in the system (reflected by pressure gauge readings).
  4. The pressure reaches the limit value and the relay is activated (the circuit opens and the pump stops).
  5. System operation in normal mode (water consumption with a gradual decrease in pressure in the hydraulic tank).

After the pressure drops to the value set on the relay spring, which is “responsible” for controlling the switching parameter, the circuit will close, the pump will turn on, and a new cycle will begin.

Pressure check

Before installing equipment and adjusting the water pressure switch for a pump or pumping station, it is necessary to check the condition of the hydraulic tank, in particular, its main parameter - air pressure. As a rule, the declared value is 1.5 atmospheres, and at the manufacturing stage, manufacturers actually create such pressure in the chamber. However, during storage and transportation, compressed air may leak through insufficiently tight connections.

There is one more nuance: the accuracy of the pressure gauge included in the kit is sufficient to monitor the operation of the system, but for checking and adjusting it is better to use a more accurate device. There is no need to specifically purchase expensive equipment - a mechanical automobile pressure gauge with metal body Almost everyone has one and is quite suitable for this purpose.

Measuring the pressure in the tank occurs in three stages.

  1. Removing the decorative protective cap from the nipple.
  2. Connection to pressure gauge nipple.
  3. Taking readings.

Before adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station, it is important to evaluate the readings obtained. In this case, some regularities should be taken into account.

  • The higher the pressure, the greater the pressure, but the less volume of water that can be pumped into the tank. In addition, if the pressure is too high, the membrane wears out faster.
  • Low pressure allows you to increase the supply of water, however, the pressure created by such a system will not be enough for equipment sensitive to this parameter (jacuzzi, massage shower, etc.).

Pump air into the hydraulic tank of the pumping station or bleed it through the nipple until optimal value on the pressure gauge.

  • When using high-pressure plumbing, a pressure of 1.5 atm is considered optimal.
  • Good pressure in conventional taps creates a pressure of 1 atm.
  • Pressure below 1 atm. not only reduces the efficiency of the system, but can also lead to damage to the “pear” of the accumulator.

Pressure setting

Before setting up the pressure switch of the pumping station, let’s remember the design of this device. Opening the lid you can see two springs different sizes . The one that is larger is “responsible” for setting the value of the lower pressure (the parameter for turning on the pumping unit).

Do-it-yourself adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump is carried out sequentially:

  1. The hydraulic accumulator, in which the required air pressure value is obtained, is connected to the system.
  2. A car pressure gauge is installed for precise control.
  3. The pump turns on and runs until the pressure gauge shows the required limit value (a rarer, but probable option is that the pressure stops growing, then the pump must be turned off manually).
  4. Gradually drain water from the system until the pump turns on, thereby determining the lower pressure level.
  5. Rotate the large nut to set the desired lower level (recommended value is 10% more than the air pressure in the tank).
  6. When the pump is turned on, monitor its shutdown pressure and, if necessary, adjust this value with a small nut.

The cycle is repeated to check the response parameters and adjust the springs if necessary.

Important: The nut on the large spring is responsible for setting the lower pressure limit at which the pump turns on, and the nut on the small spring is responsible for setting the difference between the lower pressure set using the large spring and the upper pressure at which the pump turns off.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand how to adjust the water pressure switch, however, the process requires some time and attention to achieve the goal.

Adjusting the water pump pressure switch is shown in the video.

Equipment cost

One of the criteria for choosing a water pressure switch for a pump is price. The range of equipment costs is from approximately $5 to $120, so it is important to determine the impact of price on performance, the need for certain equipment capabilities, and the feasibility of the investment.

Features of expensive models

The most expensive models These are electronic relays. They are easier to configure, and the equipment in this price category is different high accuracy triggering. However, in living conditions this kind of accuracy is not prerequisite for correct operation of the system. In addition, expensive branded models may not be suitable for Russian reality - they are sensitive to the stability of the power supply parameters, and many of them require increased voltage. Thus, to ensure functionality, you will have to purchase additional equipment.

The cost of branded electronic relays averages $35-50, but in some cases the price can exceed $100.

Mid and budget price categories

The cheapest models (about 5-7 dollars) are not only simple to use, but also not very accurate, and most importantly, they are short-lived. Experts and users are unanimous - savings should have reasonable limits. The funds spent on the purchase of a cheap relay for a pumping station, although it cannot be called significant for the budget, with a high degree of probability they may be wasted - the relay will soon need to be repaired or replaced.

Average price category– these are reliable models from trusted manufacturers with not the highest, but sufficient accuracy for correct regulation of the operation of the water supply system. Their price is 25-35 dollars. The combination of reasonable cost and functionality makes such relays very popular.

To do in a small private house autonomous system water supply, a conventional pump, well or surface, with suitable performance characteristics will be sufficient. But for a house in which more than 4 people live, or for a 2-3-story dwelling, you will need to install a pumping station. This equipment already has factory pressure settings, but sometimes they need to be adjusted. When adjustment of the pumping station is required, and how to do it, will be described below.

To adjust this correctly pumping equipment, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of how it works and on what principle it works. The main purpose of pumping stations consisting of several modules is to provide drinking water all water intake points in the house. Also, these units are capable of automatically increasing and maintaining the pressure in the system at the required level.

Below is a diagram of a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator.

The pumping station includes the following elements (see figure above).

  1. Hydraulic accumulator. It is made in the form of a sealed tank, inside of which there is an elastic membrane. Some containers have a rubber bulb installed instead of a membrane. Thanks to the membrane (bulb), the hydraulic tank is divided into 2 compartments: for air and for water. The latter is pumped into a bulb or into a part of the tank intended for liquid. The hydraulic accumulator is connected in the section between the pump and the pipe leading to the water intake points.
  2. Pump. Can be surface or borehole. The pump type must be either centrifugal or vortex. The vibration pump cannot be used for the station.
  3. Pressure switch. The pressure sensor automates the entire process in which water is supplied from the well to the expansion tank. The relay is responsible for turning the pump motor on and off when the required compression force is reached in the tank.
  4. Check valve. Prevents fluid from leaking out of the hydraulic accumulator when the pump is turned off.
  5. Power supply. To connect equipment to electrical network, it requires a separate wiring with a cross-section corresponding to the power of the unit. Also, a protection system in the form of automatic circuit breakers must be installed in the electrical circuit.

This equipment works according to the following principle. After opening the tap at the water intake point, water from the accumulator begins to flow into the system. At the same time, compression decreases in the tank. When the compression force decreases to the value set on the sensor, its contacts close and the pump motor begins to operate. After water consumption stops at the water intake point, or when the compression force in the accumulator increases to the required level, the relay is activated to turn off the pump.

Design and principle of operation of a pressure switch

The design of the pumping station pressure switch is not complicated. The relay design includes the following elements.

  1. Housing (see picture below).

  1. Flange for connecting the module to the system.
  2. A nut designed to adjust the shutdown of the device.
  3. A nut that regulates the compression force in the tank at which the unit will turn on.
  4. Terminals to which the wires coming from the pump are connected.
  5. Place for connecting wires from the electrical network.
  6. Ground terminals.
  7. Couplings for securing electrical cables.

There is a metal cover on the bottom of the relay. If you open it, you can see membrane and piston.

Operating principle of a pressure switch next. When the compression force in the hydraulic tank chamber intended for air increases, the relay membrane bends and acts on the piston. It starts to move and activates the relay contact group. The contact group, which has 2 hinges, depending on the position of the piston, either closes or opens the contacts through which the pump is powered. As a result, when the contacts are closed, the equipment starts, and when they open, the unit stops.

When to adjust the relay

As mentioned above, the relay automates the process of pumping liquid into the water supply system and into the expansion tank. Most often, pumping equipment purchased ready-made already has basic relay settings. But situations arise when urgent adjustment of the pressure of the pumping station is required. You will have to perform these actions in cases where:

  • after starting the pump motor, it immediately turns off;
  • after the station is turned off, there is a weak pressure in the system;
  • when the station is operating, an excessive compression force is created in the hydraulic tank, as evidenced by the readings of the pressure gauge, but the device does not turn off;
  • The pressure switch does not work and the pump does not turn on.

Most often, if the unit exhibits the above symptoms, then relay repair is not required. You just need to configure this module correctly.

Preparing the hydraulic tank and adjusting it

Before hydraulic accumulators go on sale, air is pumped into them at the factory at a certain pressure. Air is pumped through a spool mounted on this tank.

On average, the pressure in the pumping station should be as follows: in hydraulic tanks with a volume of up to 150 liters. — 1.5 bar, in expansion tanks from 200 to 500 l. - 2 bar.

At what pressure the air is in the hydraulic tank, you can find out from the label glued to it. In the following figure, the red arrow indicates the line indicating the air pressure in the storage tank.

Also, these measurements of the compression force in the tank can be made using car pressure gauge. The measuring device is connected to the tank spool.

To begin adjusting the compression force in the hydraulic tank, you need to prepare it:

  1. Disconnect the equipment from the electrical outlet.
  2. Open any tap installed in the system and wait until the liquid stops flowing from it. Of course, it will be better if the tap is located near the storage tank or on the same floor as it.
  3. Next, measure the compression force in the container using a pressure gauge and remember this value. For small volume drives, the figure should be about 1.5 bar.

To properly adjust the drive, you should take into account the rule: the pressure that triggers the relay to turn on the unit must exceed the compression force in the drive by 10%. For example, a pump relay turns on the motor at 1.6 bar. This means that it is necessary to create an appropriate air compression force in the storage tank, namely 1.4-1.5 bar. By the way, the coincidence with the factory settings is not accidental.

If the sensor is configured to start the station engine at a compression force greater than 1.6 bar, then, accordingly, the drive settings change. You can increase the pressure in the latter, that is, pump up air, if you use pump for inflating car tires.

Advice! It is recommended to correct the air compression force in the accumulator at least once a year, since during the winter it can decrease by several tenths of a bar.

Setting up the pressure switch

There are cases when the default sensor settings do not suit users of pumping equipment. For example, if you open a tap on any floor of a building, you will notice that the water pressure in it quickly decreases. Also, the installation of some water purification systems is not possible if the compression force in the system is less than 2.5 bar. If the station is configured to turn on at 1.6-1.8 bar, then the filters are in this case will not work.

Typically, setting up a pressure switch with your own hands is not difficult and is performed according to the following algorithm.

  1. Record the pressure gauge readings when turning the unit on and off.
  2. Unplug the station's power cord from the outlet or turn off the circuit breakers.
  3. Remove the cover from the sensor. It is usually secured with 1 screw. Under the cover you can see 2 screws with springs. The larger one is responsible for the pressure at which the station engine starts. Usually next to it there is a marking in the form of the letter “P” and arrows are drawn with “+” and “-” signs next to them.
  4. To increase compression force, rotate the nut towards the “+” sign. And vice versa, to reduce it, you need to turn the screw towards the “-” sign. Make one turn of the nut in the required direction and start the machine.
  5. Wait until the station turns off. If the pressure gauge readings do not suit you, then continue to rotate the nut and turn on the device until the pressure in the accumulator reaches the required value.
  6. The next step is set the moment to turn off the station. A smaller screw with a spring around it is designed for this. Near it there is a marking “ΔP”, and also arrows with “+” and “-” signs. Setting the pressure regulator to turn on the device is carried out in the same way as to turn off the device.

On average, the interval between the compression force at which the sensor turns on the station engine and the compression force value when the unit stops is within 1-1.5 bar. In this case, the interval may increase if the shutdown occurs at high values.

For example, the unit has factory settings where P on = 1.6 bar and P off = 2.6 bar. It follows from this that the difference does not go beyond the standard value and is equal to 1 bar. If for some reason it is necessary to increase P off to 4 bar, then the interval should be increased to 1.5 bar. That is, P on should be about 2.5 bar.

But as this interval increases, the pressure drop in the water supply system. Sometimes this can cause discomfort, since you will have to use more water from the tank for the station to turn on. But due to the large interval between P on and P off, the pump will turn on less frequently, which will increase its service life.

The above-described manipulations with the compression force settings are possible only with equipment of the appropriate power. For example, in those The passport for the device states that it can produce no more than 3.5 bar. This means that setting P off = 4 bar on it does not make sense, since the station will work without stopping, and the pressure in the tank will never be able to rise to the required value. Therefore, in order to obtain a pressure in the receiver of 4 bar or higher, it is necessary to purchase a pump of appropriate power.

A pressure switch is a part of a pumping station that is responsible for starting and shutting down pumping equipment when a certain pressure is reached in the hydraulic tank. As a rule, when purchasing a pumping station, the pressure sensors are set to factory settings. As a result, the unit, adjusted by the manufacturer, responds to certain indicators to start and stop the pump. Typically, the factory settings for turning on are set in the range of 1.5-1.8 atm, and the settings for turning off the device are triggered when the pressure falls in the range from 2.5 to 3 atm.

But sometimes, for more efficient operation of the station under certain conditions, it is necessary to change the device settings. In this case, the pressure switch of the pumping station is adjusted. From our article you will learn how to do this yourself, and the video at the end of the article will help you understand the process more clearly.

So that you can correctly adjust this relay with your own hands, you should understand the features of its design and understand the principle of operation of the unit.

The pressure switch of the pumping station is a metal base, on the top of which there is a contact group, two spring regulators of different sizes and a terminal block. A membrane cover is attached to the bottom of the steel plate, under which there is a steel piston and the membrane itself, as well as a quick-release nut for fixing to the adapter installed on the pumping equipment. All these parts are covered with a plastic cover. This in turn is attached to the screw part of the large regulator. This cover can be easily removed if necessary using wrench or screwdrivers.

As a rule, relays in water supply pumping stations may differ in configuration, shape and location individual elements, but usually they have the same design as we described above. Sometimes the relay can be equipped with additional elements that allow you to protect the unit from running “dry” and protect the motor from overheating; for this, the device will measure the temperature of the pumped liquid.

The operating principle of this device is as follows:

  1. Under the influence of water pressure coming from the pumping equipment, the membrane, due to an increase in air pressure in the second chamber, presses on the piston, which activates the contact group.
  2. This group is mounted on a steel platform equipped with two hinges. Depending on what position it takes, the contacts through which the 220 V voltage goes to pump unit, can close or open, thereby causing the pump to start or stop.
  3. To balance the piston pressure, a regulator spring is used, acting on the platform for installing the contact group. The compression force of the spring is adjusted using the appropriate nut.
  4. As the amount of water in the system decreases due to consumer consumption, the air pressure in the water supply tank drops. As a result, the spring, overcoming the influence of the piston, closes the contact group, which leads to the start of the pump.
  5. As there is more water in the tank, the air pressure increases. This leads to the fact that the piston gradually displaces the platform with contacts, despite the resistance of the spring. However, the contacts do not open immediately, but after the platform is displaced a certain distance. This value depends on how much the second small spring is compressed. It, like the large spring, is located on the rod with a nut. As soon as the contacts open, the pumping unit stops working.

It turns out that in order to adjust the switch-on pressure of the water supply unit, it is necessary to correctly adjust the compression force of the large spring. The pressure regulated by this element is also called lower. To adjust the upper pressure in the water supply system, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the small spring. The compression force of this element allows you to set the difference between the shut-off and switch-on pressures.

Adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station may be necessary if the owner’s factory settings do not work or they are lost. However, before proceeding with the adjustment, it is necessary to properly prepare the storage tank.

Preparing the hydraulic tank

Hydraulic tank, storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator is a sealed tank consisting of two parts. In one part, in the form of a rubber bulb, water accumulates. And the other part is the space between the walls of the pear and inner surface hydraulic tank into which it is pumped a certain amount air.

Since water accumulates in the pear, it is connected to the water supply system. Pumping air into the second chamber can be done using conventional car pump. Thanks to this air, the pear is compressed with water, which helps maintain a certain pressure in the water supply pipes. Thanks to this, after opening the tap, water moves through the pipeline under pressure without turning on the pump.

Attention: if you incorrectly select the air pressure in the hydraulic tank, you will not be able to achieve optimal system operation.

Too tall or low rate may lead to frequent starting and stopping of the pump, which will negatively affect the service life of the device. A lower value can lead to excessive stretching of the bulb and its rapid failure.

Hydraulic tank preparation sequence:

  1. Before pumping air into the hydraulic tank or before checking the indicators, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipeline. To do this, you need to open the bottom tap. As a result, the pear in the storage tank will be empty.
  2. Now you can pump air and check the pressure. It should be 10 percent less than the lower figure. If you have not yet configured the system and do not know what the lower value should be, then the adjustment is done like this:
  • if the volume of the hydraulic tank is 20-25 l, then set the pressure within 1.4-1.7 bar;
  • with capacity storage tank within 50-100 l, the indicator needs to be set in the region of 1.7-1.9 bar.

Important: do not leave the accumulator bulb without water for a long time. This can cause its walls to dry out or stick together. The air pressure in the hydraulic tank must be checked every month.

Relay settings

At correct pressure air in the storage tank and clean filters, you can begin setting up the water relay in pumping unit. We carry out the adjustment work in the following sequence:

  1. After turning off the pump, we drain the water from the pipeline. To do this, open the bottom tap in the system. Using a screwdriver or wrench, remove the cover from the relay.
  2. We turn on the pump, which will pump water into the system.
  3. When the pump unit is turned off, it is necessary to record the pressure gauge readings. This way you will know the current upper pressure.
  4. After this, it is worth opening the tap slightly, which is located at the highest point of the system. If you have a single-level system, then open the valve furthest from the pump. When the pressure drops to a certain value, the pump unit will start again. You should note the pressure gauge readings at the time of startup and record them again. This will help you find your current lower pressure. Subtracting the results obtained, you will get the pressure difference to which your relay is configured. In addition to recording the readings, evaluate the pressure from the open tap (the furthest one in the system).
  5. If the pressure is insufficient, then the lower pressure must be increased. To do this, the unit must be disconnected from the power supply and tighten the nut on the large spring. If you need to reduce the pressure, then the spring should be loosened.
  6. Let's move on to setting the pressure difference, which you have already learned by subtracting the found indicators. Optimal values ​​should be within 1.4 atm. If your result is less, then this may give you a more uniform flow of water, but more frequent pump starts. This can lead to premature wear of the unit. If your result exceeds optimal performance, then the work will take place in a more gentle mode, but the difference between the extremely high and low pressure will become noticeable. To adjust this parameter, you need to turn the nut on the small spring. To increase the pressure difference, it is necessary to increase the compression force. Loosening the spring will cause the opposite effect.
  7. After making the adjustment, it is worth checking its effectiveness. To do this, the water is drained from the system again, power is connected to the pumping equipment and the unit is started. Next steps repeat until the relay settings suit you.

Attention: the second (small) spring is very sensitive, so its adjustment should be carried out very carefully, tightening the nut a small turn.

Initial setup

If the springs on your relay are completely weakened, you will have to make the adjustment from scratch. In this case, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. They start the pumping equipment and build up pressure in the system to a level where the water pressure from the tap farthest from the pump becomes more or less acceptable to you. Let's assume that meter showed at this moment a value of 1.5 bar. We turn off the pump.
  2. Now you need to disconnect the pumping station from the power supply, open the cover on the relay and start tightening the nut on the large spring until a characteristic click is heard, indicating the contacts are closed.
  3. The relay cover is installed in place and the pumping equipment is started. In this case, the pressure must be increased to 2.9 bar.
  4. Now the unit needs to be disconnected from the power supply again, open the cover on the relay again and tighten the nut of the small spring until a click sounds when the contacts open.
  5. After the settings have been made, the relay will operate at a lower pressure of 1.5 bar and turn off the pump at an upper pressure of 2.9 bar. We return the cover on the relay to its place, and connect the station to the power supply.

Video instructions for adjusting the pressure switch of a water supply unit with your own hands:

Imagine that to get water at your dacha you can simply open the tap. That there is no need to fill containers with buckets for basic hygiene procedures, cooking, and cleaning. To do this, you just need to install pumping equipment with a pressure sensor, but first you need to understand its structure, don’t you agree?

Our article will introduce you in fine detail to the pressure switch for the pumping station. You will learn how the device works, how it activates and stops pumping. We describe in detail the popular options for pressure sensors and how to adjust them.

The material lists technological nuances and relay configuration methods. The information presented is ideally complemented useful diagrams, photo and video applications.

The device, small in size, belongs to the group of automation systems servicing pumping equipment. Its functionality is only possible in conjunction with a hydraulic accumulator.

Despite its small size, the relay performs a number of important functions:

  • allows all devices to function in the specified mode;
  • Reacts sensitively to changes in on/off thresholds;
  • activates and stops the pump when critical values ​​are reached.

In other words, it regulates automatic process pumping water in independent water supply schemes with membrane tank. The adjustment is made during the switching of electrical circuits when two pressure parameters are reached in the system, accepted as the upper and lower limits.

The pressure switch is one of the key control elements of the pumping station, which provides automatic switching on and shutdown, and controls the supply of water to the tank according to preset settings. Any recommendations regarding limit values There is no pressure for upper and lower pressure. Manufacturers often supply their products configured to certain parameters. Most often it is 1.8 bar to turn on and about 3 bar to turn off. But during operation, additional adjustments are often required, and therefore each user is forced to independently adjust the pressure switch of the pumping station according to the data specified in the instructions.

Design and operating principle of a pressure switch

The relay is a small block with maximum and minimum pressure springs. Its adjustment is made using the same springs that respond to changes in pressure force. Having reached minimum values, the spring weakens, and at maximum values, it compresses even more. Thus, it causes the relay contacts to open, and accordingly turns the pumping station on and off.

If there is water in the water supply, the relay allows you to create a constant pressure in the system and the required pressure. Thanks to correct setting provided automatic operation pump, which allows you to significantly extend its service life.

But before moving on to the setup, let's go over the design and operating principle of the pumping station.

It includes the following components:

  • an electric pump that draws water from external source. It can be submersible, permanently under water or external;
  • check valve, preventing water from leaving;
  • pressure switch;
  • water storage tank;
  • piping system, which consists of various auxiliary components such as filters, pipes, etc.

As for the principle of operation, there is nothing complicated about this device. Inside the reservoir or tank there is a pear-shaped balloon made of modified food-grade rubber, and air is pumped between it and the walls of the container. The pump fills the bulb with water, causing it to expand and compress the outer air layer, which begins to put pressure on the wall. By adjusting the relay, the owner of the pumping station can set the tank filling limit and the moment it turns off. All this is controlled by a pressure gauge.

To prevent water from going back into the well or into the system, in the pump spring-loaded valve included. You just need to open it and the water that has collected in the “pear” will flow through the system. The pressure will drop as water is consumed and after it drops below the threshold set in the relay, the pumping station will automatically turn on and fill the tank with water.

The relay is connected between the outlet of the tank and the check valve on the pipeline. To save money, all splitters are usually assembled from separate components, but in reality it is easier to buy a five-way fitting, which has threads for all parts, including a pressure gauge. In this case, it is extremely important not to confuse the inlets for the check valve and the fitting, since setting up the pump will be impossible in this case. But the use of standard spare parts allows us to reduce such errors to a minimum.

How does the relay work?

For pumping stations intended for home use Pressure switch RM-5 or its analogues are often used. It is worth considering that device can be changed, and therefore the description given in this article will be only approximate and if problems arise, you will have to look for their cause either in the attached instructions or in information on the World Wide Web.

Each relay model RM-5 has a metal movable plate. Two springs exert pressure on it from opposite sides. In addition, a “pear” filled with water also presses on it. By rotating the clamping nut on the corresponding spring, you can reduce or increase the response limits. Springs prevent water from displacing the spring, that is, the relay mechanism is designed in such a way that when displacement occurs, groups of electrical contacts are closed.

But to make it easier to understand, let’s describe the detailed algorithm of operation:

  • The pumping station pumps water into the reservoir. The engine is turned on by closing the contacts in the relay;
  • the amount of water in the tank increases and when a certain value of the upper pressure is reached, the mechanism is activated and the electrical circuit is broken, after which the pump turns off. A check valve prevents water leakage;
  • as water is consumed, the “pear” is emptied, in the system the pressure drops and the relay turns on again, closing the contacts.

Setting up the pressure switch

If you are not satisfied with the factory presets of the pressure switch, then you can configure it yourself. All you need for this is a screwdriver and a wrench to adjust the nuts.

It is worth understanding that setting up the relay is a very important and responsible process, since it determines how correctly the limit response levels will be set, how convenient it will be to operate the pumping station and the time frame for trouble-free operation of both it and its individual components.

The first step is to check the pressure in the reservoir tank. Most often it comes from the factory with a switch-on level of 1.5 bar and a switch-off level of 2.5 bar. You need to check the pressure when the tank is empty and the pumping station is disconnected from the network. To check you should use a car mechanical pressure gauge, since its body is made of metal, and therefore the accuracy of the reading will be more reliable, which cannot be said about electric or plastic ones. The fact is that their readings can be seriously affected by the air temperature in the room or the battery charge level. It is also recommended that the scale limit of the pressure gauge be as small as possible, since on a scale of 50 atmospheres it will be difficult to measure 1 atmosphere.

To check the pressure in the reservoir, open the cap that covers the spool and connect the pressure gauge. In the future, this procedure should be carried out at least once a month. There should be no water in the tank at this moment, and the pumping station should be disconnected from the 220V network.

Having selected the required operating mode, you should fix it by removing excess air or, conversely, pumping it in additionally. It should not be forgotten that Under no circumstances should the pressure be reduced to less than one atmosphere and, accordingly, pump. If there is little air in the tank, then the rubber “bulb” with water will touch the walls of the tank, and large number will not allow you to pump in a lot of water, since a significant volume of the tank takes in air.

How to correctly set the pump on and off pressure levels?

As mentioned above, pumping stations supplied ready for operation have a relay already configured according to the most optimal parameters. But, if it is assembled from individual elements on site, then It is necessary to adjust the relay, since it is necessary to ensure a normal relationship between the tank volume and the pump power. There is also a need to change the initial setting. Therefore, in these cases, the procedure should be as follows:

Typically, the pump is selected with parameters that do not allow the tank to be pumped to the extreme limit. And the pressure that should turn it off is set a couple of atmospheres higher than the switch-on threshold.

It is also allowed to set pressure limits that differ from the values ​​recommended by the relay manufacturer, which allows you to create your own version of the mode operation of the pumping station. When adjusting the pressure with a small nut, it is worth considering that the initial reference point should be the lower level set by the large nut. Rubber hoses and other plumbing fixtures are designed for pressure not higher than that recommended by the manufacturer, which should be taken into account during installation. In addition, excessively strong water pressure is often unnecessary and causes discomfort.

Adjusting the pressure switch

Now let's talk directly about adjusting the relay. The process cannot be called complicated, but some points will have to get used to. In our example, it is necessary to set the upper threshold to 3 atmospheres, and the lower threshold to 1.7 atmospheres. It is regulated like this:

Thus, if you set high blood pressure to turn off and low to turn on, the reservoir will be filled with more water, which will allow you to use the pump less often. Minor inconvenience may occur if there is a large pressure drop, in cases where the container is full or almost empty. Otherwise, when the pressure range is small, the pump will have to be used more often. But then water will flow into the system evenly and thus a stable and comfortable pressure will be ensured.

It is possible to repair the pumping station relay, but keep in mind that this is only a temporary measure. Since this element protects the pump itself from overloads, and the membrane inside the tank from damage. Taking this into account, it would be better to immediately purchase a new relay. Therefore, the only exception will be routine maintenance, namely lubrication of rubbing parts to reduce resistance and maximize precision operation.