How to build a garage from OSB with your own hands. Frame garage - we build it ourselves

Brick is expensive, but lately it has not been in demand, and not only because of its high cost. Yes, the brick looks beautiful and has excellent characteristics, but construction takes too long. Another thing - alternative materials:

Here are the three main building materials used frugal builders. Let's explore the detailed technologies building a garage cheaply and reliably.

Made from wood

Perhaps, wood- this is the most best option, because here, like no other option, external aesthetics, environmental friendliness, efficiency and ease of construction are successfully combined. But working with wood also has its own nuances.

Please note that there are two construction methods: from rounded logs And frame technology. The first is more reliable, the second is cheaper. Choose the option that suits you best.


How to build a garage cheaply with your own hands from wood? Preparatory stage consists in choosing the location of the future building and its model. Garages can be free-standing or attached to a building. The types of gate openings are also multivariate. All these points should be decided in advance.

After drawing up the plan and layout, the construction site is leveled, cleared, and compacted. The site must be perfectly flat so that there are no kinks or distortions afterwards.

The site is ready, it’s time to begin the most important part of our construction - pouring the foundation. Along the perimeter of the future building, a trench is dug on which the formwork is installed. A must do pillow from several layers of sand and gravel, which is carefully compacted.

The base is reinforced with metal rods and filled with concrete. Now we need to let the foundation stand at least three weeks. When the foundation is ready, we proceed to the lower trim, which is made from the board 50x100 mm.

ATTENTION: Don't forget about wood's tendency to absorb moisture and rot. Therefore, treat the construction boards in advance antiseptic.

For corner posts and gate leaves it is best to take timber, while other frame elements are made of boards 50x100 mm. When performing the lower trim, maintain an interval of no more than 120 cm.

Also, if you want your garage to be as durable, strong, solid and last a long time as possible, install braces in the corners. This will give the structure greater stability.

The hardest part of the job is pouring the foundation And erection of the frame. For the frame you need stronger, thicker boards, while for the arrangement you can use a 25x100 mm board, even simple lining. The board is then covered with any finishing material, after which it is necessary to carry out hydro- and vapor barriers by laying several layers of polyethylene or polypropylene film.

As you can see, the garage is the cheapest made of wood not that difficult to build.

Photo of the garage made of wood:

cinder block

The second most popular building material for a garage is cinder block. Today, cinder blocks come in several types:

  • made from blast furnace slag, which is famous for its excellent performance and durability;
  • shell rock;
  • brick fight.

To improve performance, some manufacturers add more perlite, polystyrene and other materials.

Everyone loves a cinder block, but there's one in it. flaw: like a tree, he absorbs moisture, which is why it quickly collapses. In dry soil, this quality of material will not be problematic, and with proper construction it will last up to fifty years, but in places where there are groundwater , it is better to choose another material, because if the wood can still be treated with varnish, you can carry out such manipulations with a cinder block it is forbidden.

ATTENTION: You need to know that cinder blocks are divided into types not only by composition, but also by configuration: hollow, which are used for walls, and solid, intended for the foundation. Ignoring this feature can lead to rapid destruction of the entire structure.


In the construction of a garage from cinder block, we also carry out preparatory work, cleaning and leveling the site, developing a plan for the future structure.

A poured foundation is ideal for wood, but cinder blocks do not need such powerful support; this will work here. The strip foundation is made as follows: removed top layer soil and dig a trench about 45-50 cm deep and 40-45 cm wide. Then a cushion of sand is made and broken bricks, which is then filled with cement.

You can do it another way: the trench is filled with sand and then filled with water. The combination of water and sand gives the structure strength and makes it resistant to time and changes in temperature and humidity. After this, reinforcement is laid at the bottom and the entire structure is concreted.

In a month, you can begin building the walls. Third construction method strip foundation even simpler: instead of sand, rubble stone is poured into the trench and the entire structure is filled with cement grout, not lower than grade 150.

After the foundation is erected, the basement is equipped with heat and vapor barrier materials. The most universal option for hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier is simple roofing felt.

  • walling;
  • floor screed;
  • roofing works;
  • hanging the gate.

Cinder block laying identical with bricklaying, only here this work is carried out several times faster. Laying can be carried out in half a stone (spoon method) or in one stone (poke method).

Masonry of 2 and 1.5 stones is also practiced. You choose the option that suits you, remembering that the thickness of the walls directly affects the durability of the garage and its ability to withstand sudden changes temperature. A garage of one stone will freeze in winter, even if several heaters are installed in it, while one and a half and two stones will be warm and cozy.

When erecting walls, you should first lay out corners, and only then, stretching construction cords between them, begin laying the blocks using the brick method, that is, overlapping the seam of the previous row.

When constructing a floor, remember that the screed must be not less than 10 cm. Concrete is good for screeding M200, which is poured in several layers and then, after drying, rubbed over.
The final stage – electrification And interior decoration.

Photo of the garage from cinder blocks:

Corrugated sheet

What's the easiest way to build a garage? A universal material is suitable for this. corrugated sheet. It is perfect for fences, for sheds, and also makes good garages. But the most important condition here is the competent choice of corrugated sheeting: for the construction of a cheaper garage, only brand PS or WITH.

The corrugated sheet is marked with a letter and a number. Letter "WITH" stands for "purpose for walls", number – sheet stiffness. The higher the number, the stronger the sheet. S-20– the most optimal option for construction.

Sometimes sellers, due to their illiteracy or when there is no twenty in stock, recommend a ten or an eight for construction, but! Never fall for this sales trick! A garage made of such a sheet, although it will cost much less, will not last long, and in winter it will be icy, and it will be impossible to warm it up. And the wind will make the walls shake. Do you need it? We think not, so we stick to the standard one. twenty.

Ideal flooring thickness: half a millimeter.


How to build cheap garage with your own hands from corrugated sheets? We will need:

  • reinforcement and concrete for foundation construction;
  • elements for the frame: corner, bars, metal rods;
  • metal elements for gates;
  • self-tapping screws

Arm yourself with the following tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. welding machine;
  3. Bulgarian;
  4. metal scissors;
  5. jigsaw

Photo of the garage from corrugated sheets:

Let's get to work. First of all, fill it in. Having cut off half a meter of soil, fill the resulting trench with sand and fill it with water. Wells are made for frame racks, which will also become foundation racks.

This work will help make the foundation stronger and more resistant to ground movement. The wells are driven to a depth of at least half a meter.

The following is all according to the standard: A wooden formwork is erected, onto which the reinforcement bars are installed. For strength, the rods are secured with wire. Now the main thing is not to forget to install frame structure racks in the wells.

IMPORTANT: Before installing the racks, it is necessary to process bitumen underground part of the structure.

To prevent the racks from becoming warped, they are carefully aligned using level. The last stage of work is pouring concrete into the reinforcement. Use mark 300, for this case, this is the ideal option.

Some builders claim that construction can be done within two or three days after pouring concrete, but professionals still advise waiting until the required time. three weeks, otherwise the foundation may crack, and then it will no longer be possible to correct the mistake. Patience and more patience is the key to success.

When the foundation is ready, they build metal frame. Both welding and a grinder with a jigsaw for cutting will come in handy here metal pipes the right size, and some more welding skills. With basic welding skills, the frame can be welded in a day or two. It takes a newbie a week. In order to make a frame, you need to carefully study the drawing several times and cut the material according to its data.

Using welding, we weld horizontal metal rods to the racks. Welding is underway at three points. If the frame is made of timber, then in addition to everything, they are welded to the racks special fastenings for wooden beams. The bars are attached using self-tapping screws.

Now the corrugated sheet is attached self-tapping screws. You can adjust the sheets to size using a jigsaw. It's better to do this job team of three or four people, it is almost impossible to cope with it alone.

When the frame is completed, the gate installation stage begins. Here you also need to show patience and maximum attention to avoid mistakes. The gate frame is made from metal corners and sheathed with corrugated sheets. This work can be completed in a day or two.

As a rule, it is performed in a single-pitch version. The roof frame is made of crossbars (wooden or metal), onto which a clapboard sheathing is attached. It is important to take into account the climatic features of your region.

In the southern regions, a lightweight sheathing design can be used. In the northern ones, where winter period with blizzards and snow drifts is quite long, it is better to make a stronger, high-quality structure that can withstand a load of snow.

We described the main stages of construction technology. Now it's your turn to choose from what cheaper build a garage with your own hands for your swallow. And all we can do is wish you good luck and peaceful skies above your head!

Useful video

How to correctly lay cinder blocks during construction budget garage , watch the video:

Buying a car is an expensive purchase. Yes, the car can be parked year-round outdoors or “winter” under a temporary structure, but how will this affect his technical condition? Think about building an indoor space?

When choosing, the emphasis is on the duration of work and price category. If previously it was possible to choose only between an iron and a stationary building, now frame garages, which came to us from abroad, are gaining more and more popularity.

Have you decided, but don’t know how to build a garage using frame technology? Let's figure it out together.

One of the main advantages of such buildings is the possibility self-construction. You will only need one assistant and a developed project, which includes all the necessary drawings (sketches), an approximate calculation of the necessary construction and additional materials. Other benefits include:

  • affordability compared to stationary garages;
  • simplicity and short duration of the construction process;
  • low thermal conductivity, allowing winter time quickly warm the room to the desired temperature;
  • strength.

We offer you step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself frame garage, with a step-by-step description of the work.

Designing a future building

The initial stage in any construction is a sketch or drawing of the future premises. This will save time and money on construction, because you will know how much material you will need for your idea. If earlier the project of a frame garage, everything necessary calculations had to be done manually, but now there are a lot on the Internet special programs, who will carry out all calculations with maximum accuracy.

The site on which the garage is planned to be built should not be far from the house. The preferred distance is up to 10 meters. The construction area must be cleared of plants, debris, and roots. The soil on it needs to be compacted and leveled. After preparatory work make a cushion of gravel and sand on which the foundation will then lie.

Required Tools

For the work you will, at a minimum, need: shovels, gloves, level, ready-made formwork. Depending on the type of garage, wooden beams will be needed for the frame; it is better to use larch, linden or aspen, or profile pipes. For the base - high-quality concrete mortar.

Selecting the type and pouring the foundation

The foundation is the basis of any construction; it bears the greatest load. It is on this that the structure of the future building will then be installed.
There are three types of foundation:

  • pile or columnar - poured during construction wooden houses or baths. It is considered one of the most affordable. The disadvantage is the impossibility of construction without special equipment;
  • monolithic slab - this type is poured with mandatory reinforcement and leveling of the surface. The disadvantage is the long period before the mixture dries completely;
  • tape is the most popular type, which fully meets the requirements for strength and affordable cost.

Pay attention! The foundation for a frame garage is selected taking into account the quality of the soil and the groundwater level.

Based on the fact that the foundation for a frame garage also plays the role of a “subfloor”, it is most often poured monolithic foundation. Work on the foundation begins with digging a trench around the perimeter of the future garage. The depth of the trench is 40-50 cm. After this, we install formwork on three sides of the building. For this stage, you can use substandard boards, plywood, bars of various sizes. If you want to reuse this formwork in the future, it is better to wrap it in oilcloth or other waterproof material.

The next stage is tying the reinforcement. This will strengthen the concrete mixture. It is made from metal rods with a diameter of 10-12 millimeters. Final operation - fill the entire perimeter of the site concrete mixture and level it out. It remains to wait until the solution dries completely. Dries concrete screed approximately 2-3 weeks.

A garage using frame technology can be made of either metal or wood. Let's consider the construction of a frame garage for each type of material.

We build a metal garage

This type of garage frame is constructed from profile pipe, sizes 40x40 and 40x20. The first profile is laid on the base, fastening occurs using anchor bolts. The pipes are welded together. After which the entire structure is installed. We “attach” the skin to the skeleton elements. In our case they serve as metal sheets. If desired - profiled. The most convenient for covering walls are sheets made of metal profiles of grade C10, with dimensions of 2000 x 5 mm. The sheets are overlapped and secured welding machine. At first it’s spot-on, and after finishing the covering – completely. An alternative option could be self-tapping screws. Choose for yourself.

Pay attention! The sheets should be placed so that the overlap occurs from top to bottom. Thus, moisture will not get under the material.

The positive properties of a metal profile include its non-flammability, strength, and speed of installation. The downside is the need to use welding.

Frame garage made of wooden beams

Most often, the garage frame is made of wood. Due to the fact that wood is easily susceptible to rotting and other natural influences, all elements before starting work must be treated with specialized substances that can eliminate these properties of the material.

It should be noted that a frame garage made of wood is the most budget option of this building. As is the case with metal frame, a wooden garage is also starting to be built from pouring the foundation. For the bottom trim, it is better to use beams measuring 100x50 mm, the fastening of which is carried out anchor bolts. For further work, it is better to use beams 100x100 or 150x150 mm. For better stability of the structure, it is recommended to make a gap between the vertical structural elements 30-120 cm.

Sheathing for wooden frame may act:

  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • OSB plate;
  • boards.

Pay attention! These cladding materials can be deformed under the influence of the external environment, so it is necessary to make gaps (expansion joints) of 3-5 mm between the plates.

We fasten the selected material with wood screws or “ruff nails”. There should be a gap of 300 mm between adjacent nails in the center of the sheet, and a distance of 150 mm from the edge of the sheet. To avoid splitting the edge, screw in the fasteners, leaving a gap of 10mm, without tightening too much.

Roof and gate structures

Well, the walls are in place, let's move on to installing the roof. It can be flat, single-slope or gable. Flat roof, most easy option installation, but most at risk of deformation. Therefore, choose either one or gable roof. The slope in such roofs will not allow snow to attach to them and it will fall to the ground under its own weight. This technological operation begins with securing the rafter system. Keep in mind that the entire load from precipitation will be transferred to it. The parts of the rafter system are fastened together using tie-downs, which will relieve the load on the ridge beam. Choice roofing material depends on your financial capabilities. It can be classic or metal tiles, slate, corrugated sheets.

Gate installation is final stage. According to the opening method, they are divided into sliding, sectional, hinged or sliding. After installing the system, do not forget to treat the surface with primer and paint to prevent corrosion.

Insulation, external and internal cladding

Insulating the walls will help maintain normal indoor temperatures. To do this, during the construction of walls, insulation is placed between the sheathing. It can be glass or mineral wool, polystyrene foam.

The inner part of the wall can be lined with wooden or PVC lining, chipboard or fiberboard sheets and others facing materials. For long-term operation of the garage, the external surfaces should also be lined. In this case, I also use lining, lining decorative bricks, siding.

With a skillful approach, it will take you a little more than a month, including time to dry the foundation. Buy necessary materials You can go to markets or in specialized stores, explore options on the Internet, and then the task of “how to build a frame garage with your own hands” will no longer seem so impossible. Good luck!

The optimal way to build a garage “with one hand” is to erect a frame. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have experience in performing such work or to thoroughly know the technology. It is simple and intuitive. Step-by-step instructions for building a frame garage made of wood will help you understand all its nuances.

From the name of the frame garage it is easy to guess what lies at the heart of its design

A frame structure is a structure made entirely of wood. There are only metal fasteners and connecting elements (perforated corners and plates). The name of the technology is “speaking”, informing that the basis of the structure is the frame. After covering it with the selected material, a full-fledged building with load-bearing and curtain walls, rafter system and floors.

There are three technologies for constructing buildings of this type:

  1. Canadian. Distinctive feature– in the use of SIP panels. These products consist of thick (10-20 cm) polyurethane foam, covered on both sides with OSB (oriented strand board) sheets 9-12 mm thick.
  2. Frame-panel, which involves the assembly of large panels from boards and their subsequent installation in the frame openings.
  3. Frame-frame. The easiest to implement, allowing you to perform the entire range of work with your own hands, without the involvement of assistants and lifting equipment. This particular method of building a garage will be discussed next.

Basic elements of a frame structure

Frame garage made of wood - inside view

The frame building consists of the following elements:

  • foundation;
  • bottom trim;
  • wall frame made of vertical row and corner posts;
  • sheathing;
  • top floor;
  • rafter system (absent in buildings with flat roofs);
  • roofs.

The lumber used in construction is timber with a section of 100x100 or 150x150 mm and boards with a section of 15x50 mm and 25x20 mm. Sheathing - OSB boards 9 mm thick.

Note! Lumber does not always have the correct geometric parameters. Often boards and beams are curved to one degree or another. It is recommended to use a surface planer to calibrate materials. Since the tool is quite expensive, you can rent it and complete all the work on leveling the lumber in 1-2 days.

Do you need timber?

When building a frame wooden garage, timber is not indispensable

The technology allows you to replace the timber with a package of boards laid on edge and connected to each other with nails and metal pins with a cross-section of 6-8 mm. The price of solid timber and prefabricated timber is approximately the same. But the second one has one undeniable advantage: the prefabricated beam practically does not support.

Otherwise, it is inferior to timber. When designing, it is taken into account that the permissible loads for it are 15% less than for solid lumber. But a garage is a lightweight structure that does not require significant pressure on the foundation and floors. Therefore, in order to save money and make it easier to carry lumber with your own hands, you can safely use beams from a package of boards.

Pros and cons of a frame garage

The number of advantages of a frame wooden garage is several times greater than the disadvantages

Like any other building construction technology, frame technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, there are much more of the former than all other methods of constructing a garage.


  1. High speed of construction. If there are good weather conditions a frame measuring 4x6 m can be built with your own hands in 3-4 weeks.
  2. Durability. A garage built according to all the rules will last at least 50 years.
  3. Internal and external walls do not require additional finishing in the form of plastering and leveling, as they are flat and smooth surfaces.
  4. Possibility of constructing a lightweight, inexpensive foundation.
  5. Minimal shrinkage or its complete absence, provided that high-quality dried lumber is used.
  6. Ecological cleanliness.
  7. Lower thermal conductivity than brick and concrete buildings.
  8. Ability to withstand significant and frequent temperature changes.
  9. All-season construction.
  10. Indoor microclimate favorable for human health.


Among the disadvantages of frame technology, the hygroscopic nature of wood, its susceptibility to rotting and damage by wood-boring insects are primarily noted. Risks are minimized by treating lumber with special solutions - antiseptics. One of the most popular is “Senezh”. It is recommended to apply 2-3 layers of solution.

The second disadvantage of frames is the fire hazard. In order to increase the resistance of wood to high temperatures, we have developed special means– fire-bioprotective. That is, they are also antiseptics, which allows you to save on the purchase of these solutions. The most popular and effective:

  • "Senezh Ognebio";
  • "Senezh Ognebio Prof";
  • NEOMID from Neohim;
  • "Pirilax" from "NPO NORTH";
  • "Woodmaster" from "NPP Rogneda".

Among the disadvantages of frame-type buildings is the difficulty of attaching hanging elements (shelves, cabinets, mirrors, etc.) to the walls. In order for a nail or self-tapping screw to reliably withstand the load, it must be driven into a beam or board.

Frames have a significant surface area - cavities filled with insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam/polyurethane foam). Therefore, when designing a structure, it is necessary to provide in advance for the presence of beams in those places where hanging interior elements will be installed.

Drawing up a project and cost estimate

Before starting to design a frame garage, they study the features of the materials used in its construction. The length of standard boards and beams is 6 m. You can order products of other sizes, but you will have to pay extra for this.

Note! By choosing building dimensions corresponding to 3 and 6 meters, they simplify the construction process, reduce its time and minimize the amount of waste.

In order to maximize cost savings, the geometric parameters of facing and roofing materials are also taken into account when designing.

For a 3x6 garage with a wall height of 3 m you will need:

  • timber 150x150 mm – 1.6 m 3;
  • boards 50x150 mm - 2.1 m 3;
  • boards 25x150 mm - 1.9 m 3;
  • boards 50x100 mm - 0.7 m 3 (for the floor, if it is wooden).

The advantage of frame construction is that you can save on lumber for formwork. It is constructed from existing materials, but to protect it they are covered with thick shields. plastic film. After dismantling the formwork, the boards are used for their intended purpose: to erect a frame.

Mandatory budget items

Purpose Materials
Foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete slab — hydroglass insulation or roofing felt for waterproofing;

- sand for filling the “pillow” with a thickness of 20-30 cm;

— concrete M-300;

- metal rods for reinforcement.

Frame of walls and ceilings, rafter system — timber 150x150 mm;

— boards 50x150 mm;

- boards 50x100 mm.

Lining of internal and external walls OSB-3 (thickness 9 mm)
Roof sheathing Boards 25x150 mm
Roof cladding Ondulin, corrugated sheets, flat or wave-shaped slate, flexible tiles, metal tiles.

Board 25x150 mm for filing eaves overhangs.

Insulation of walls and ceilings Basalt slabs Rockwool “Light Butts” 150 mm thick.
Fire protection of wood "Senezh Ognebio"
Fasteners Metal corners, wood screws, nails.

On average, the cost of materials for the construction of a 4x6 m garage with a wall height of 2.7 m is 278 thousand rubles. (data current as of early 2018). The work of specialists in the construction of a building costs 180-200 thousand rubles.

To find out the exact amount of materials needed for the construction of a frame garage, you can use an online calculator that performs calculations in accordance with SP 31-105-2002.

To do this, you need to specify the structure parameters:

  • length;
  • width;
  • height;
  • step between floor beams (recommended 400 mm);
  • pitch between row frame posts (recommended 600 mm);
  • insulation thickness (100-200 mm).

Advice! It is advisable to assemble the frame with nails, as they effectively prevent the materials from moving in any direction. Self-tapping screws work better when pulled off.

Required Tools

Construction will require both power and hand tools.

When constructing a frame, wood is used, which determines the choice of tools.

Power tools

  1. Circular (circular) saw. The Hitachi C7MFA-4800 is considered the most durable.
  2. A screwdriver with two batteries with a power of at least 19W. The optimal choice is “AEG BS 12 X-R LMB–3200”.
  3. Chainsaw. The best budget one is Echo CS-3500-14. Average price 7100 rub.
  4. Concrete mixer with a capacity of at least 140 liters. Necessary for pouring slab or strip foundations. To build a columnar structure, manual mixing of concrete will be sufficient.
  5. Angle grinder (grinder), 125 mm.
  6. A miter saw required to make cuts at a specific angle. Circular will not cope with this task. The purchase of a miter saw quickly pays off in the speed and accuracy of the work.
  7. Pneumatic nail hammer (optional).
  8. Sharpener for sharpening hand tools.

Advice! Those who have experience in building frames themselves do not recommend buying a jigsaw. This tool is useless for most jobs and is completely replaceable with the existing manual and electric ones.

Hand and measuring tools

  1. High-quality bubble levels in lengths of 200 and 60 cm.
  2. Tape measure with a tape length of at least 8 m.
  3. Chalk painter's lace.
  4. Hammers for 500 and 1000 g.
  5. Two hatchets, small and medium.
  6. Mount.
  7. Ticks (medium and large).
  8. Shoe knife.
  9. Set of chisels.
  10. Wood saw.
  11. Containers and shovels for carrying out earthworks and concreting.

Choosing a foundation

All frame structures are lightweight buildings and do not require a solid foundation. Any foundation is suitable for this type of garage:

  • slab;
  • MZL (shallow belt);
  • columnar;
  • on screw piles.

Alternative to traditional foundations

Semykin foundation - a budget option

For small one-story buildings, the most budget option is suitable - the Semykin foundation. It is built from car tires, which are waste material. This significantly reduces the cost of the estimate. The internal cavities of tires are filled ¾ with sand and gravel and filled with concrete.

Among the advantages of a base made from car tires:

  • shock-absorbing properties that prevent the structure from distorting when the soil moves during periods of freezing and thawing;
  • durability;
  • cheapness;
  • high construction speed.

Foundation selection criteria

The optimal solution for any type of structure is a slab base. But when choosing it, it is necessary to resolve several important issues in advance:

  • where the inspection hole will be located, and what are its dimensions;
  • where and how communications will be located (electrical wiring, water supply, sewerage, ventilation);
  • determine the location of machines, racks, workbenches.

It is not always possible to foresee all the nuances of arranging a garage in advance, and in this case they choose strip or columnar foundations. They provide scope for choosing the location of all the above elements of the building and its interior.

Construction of a columnar foundation

Construction columnar foundation

A columnar foundation is a complex of supports buried in the ground located along the perimeter of the building. There are several possible ways to construct pillars.

  1. From bricks laid on cement-sand mortar.
  2. By pouring concrete into asbestos pipes with a cross-section of 200-350 mm;
  3. Made from concrete blocks.
  4. By installing formwork, reinforcing and pouring concrete.
  5. Made of metal pipes with a wall thickness of more than 2 mm and filled with gravel and cement-sand mortar.

Regardless of the chosen method of constructing the supports, you will need to form recesses for them in the ground. Holes can be dug with a shovel or drilled with a motor drill. For the foundation for a frame garage optimal cross section recesses – 20-25 cm.

Construction stages:

Step 1. Choosing a location. It is important that the structure is located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from trees, any fences and buildings.

Step 2. Marking. At this stage, using laser level find the corner points of the future garage and mark them with pegs. Connected with twine or polypropylene cord. Check the straightness of the corners and make sure that the diagonals of the rectangle are equal.

Step 3. Site preparation. If necessary, level the terrain of the selected location by cutting off hills and removing soil beyond the markings.

Step 4. In the places where the pillars are installed, pull the string “from wall to wall.” Optimal distance between the supports (without taking into account their cross-section) - 80-120 cm. The thinner the pillars, the smaller the distance between them is chosen.

Step 5. At the found points, dig or otherwise form holes in the soil 100-120 cm deep.

Step 6. From boards with a section of 15x150 mm, formwork is made in the form of hollow boxes of the required size.

Step 7. At the bottom of each pit, pour a layer of sand 5-10 cm thick and a 10-15 cm layer of crushed stone. Each one is compacted thoroughly.

Step 8. Install the formwork in the pits and level it.

Step 9. Rectangular rods are tied from reinforcement bars and installed in the formwork.

Step 10. Prepare a cement-sand mortar with gravel filler manually or in a concrete mixer.

Step 11. Fill the formwork with concrete, compacting each layer.

Step 12. After the pillars have hardened, the formwork is dismantled.

Step 13. Check the horizontal alignment of the supports. Use a two-meter bubble level. Deviations of no more than 5 mm are allowed.

Installation work

Installation of the bottom trim of a frame garage

The next stage of work after installing the foundation is the installation of the lower frame made of timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm:

  • 2-3 sheets of roofing material are laid on each pillar;
  • each beam is sawn down from the ends so that a tongue-and-groove connection is formed at the corner points;
  • reinforce the joints with metal corners secured with self-tapping screws;
  • install intermediate beams, the ends of which rest against the pillars on the opposite walls of the frame;
  • connect the beams with the strapping using corners and self-tapping screws.
  • lay a floor on the lower floor (if you do not plan to install an inspection hole;
  • the frame of the walls and trusses are erected.

Most often, after installing the lower floor, they begin to install corner and intermediate supports of the frame walls, which unite top harness. The step between the vertical posts is 60-80 cm. Then the external walls are sheathed with OSB sheets. Fill the openings between the frame posts with foam or slabs mineral wool and start covering interior walls garage.

The rafter system is installed in accordance with the selected type of roof. The roof is sheathed with OSB sheets and a sheathing is installed on top of them for laying the facing material. The final stage of building a frame garage is finishing the external walls and roof. After which they begin to construct the blind area and access road.

Caring for a wooden frame garage during operation

Proper operation of a frame garage is the key to its durability. Since the structure is wooden, it is destructive for it high humidity air. From the outside, the building is sheathed with cladding materials that protect the walls and roof from precipitation. Indoors, high-quality ventilation is required, natural or supply and exhaust.

Maintenance of a structure consists of several regularly repeated actions:

  • inspection of the foundation and its timely repair;
  • inspection of finishing coatings of walls and roofs, elimination of detected deficiencies;
  • maintaining cleanliness and dryness indoors;
  • drainage device that removes soil and surface water from the foundation.

In order to build a frame garage made of wood, you need to choose the right materials and type of foundation, study the instructions for performing each stage installation work. A building built by oneself is the pride of the owner. Compliance with technology requirements guarantees the reliability and durability of the garage.

The use of frame technology will significantly reduce the cost of constructing a garage. After all, the small mass of the structure reduces the requirements for the foundation, and the use of boards and oriented strand boards (OSB) as the main building materials allows reducing delivery costs. After all, you can bring boards and OSB in a small vehicle with a low carrying capacity, but to deliver bricks, sand and cement to required quantities you will need a serious truck and a crane with a lifting capacity of at least 2 tons. In this article we will tell you how to build a frame garage with your own hands, from choosing a site and creating a project to laying the roof and connecting communications.

Choosing a location for a garage

An ideal place for a garage would be a site on a hillock not far from the house. The hillock will protect the garage, inspection hole and car from rising water during a heavy rainfall. If there is no such area near the house, then you will have to choose a place based on proximity to the road and elevation relative to ground level. Never build a garage in hollows and depressions, otherwise even a little rain will cause the water level in it to rise. It is advisable that a 220 or 380 volt line run next to the garage, this will facilitate construction and equip the garage with electric heating.

Creating a Project

Creating a garage construction project has the following goals:

  • determining the sequence of construction stages;
  • determining the order of actions during each stage;
  • determining the amount of materials needed to build a garage.

If you are drawing up a project yourself, then you will have to carefully think about the entire process of constructing a garage, from the delivery and storage of material to the length and order of installation of the frame boards. A drawing, with strict adherence to scale, helps a lot in this. With its help you can determine the size of the garage, optimal ways imparting rigidity to the structure, the length of the load-bearing boards and the number of fasteners. There are many different programs (for example, AutoCAD) that make it easier to design any structures, but they all require some experience. Therefore, it is easier to get by with a paper drawing and explanatory note to him. Or use the services of professional design engineers or builders. In this case, the project will take into account various little things that an unprepared person does not even know about. For example, the choice of wood based on humidity, the choice of boards based on width, the features of construction from raw boards, the order of assembling the wall frame, and so on.

Material selection

Most often, garages are built from unplaned boards with a moisture content of 12–14%, but lumber is also often used natural humidity. The latter will cost a little less, but a garage made of such boards cannot be sheathed for finishing in the first year, which leads to excess consumption of material. Therefore, experienced builders use only well-dried boards.

As load-bearing elements, a beam with a cross-section of 100x100 mm or a board with a cross-section of 50x250 mm is used. A board with a section of 25x100 mm is used as the internal frame of the walls. For insulation, foam plastic or mineral wool up to 5 cm thick is used, and in cold regions up to 10 cm. For external cladding, waterproof OSB with a thickness of 15–20 mm, carriage boards or metal corrugated sheets are used. For internal cladding, fiberboard, plywood 5–10 mm thick, or OSB of the same thickness are used. This combination of materials allows you to create a durable and inexpensive garage.

Construction of the foundation

Having drawn up a project or drawing and tied it to the area, bring in all the necessary materials to create the foundation. When creating the foundation, keep in mind that the inspection hole significantly increases the functionality of the garage, allowing you not only to store, but also to maintain and repair the car. If you don’t need an inspection hole, then you can choose and build a foundation using information from the articles Which foundation is best for a house made of timber - calculation features and Attaching timber to different types of foundation.

If you decide to build a pit, then the technology for creating the foundation will have to be changed by digging a foundation pit for it. Determine the depth of the hole based on your height and needs. You can make a lying pit by equipping it with a cart, or you can make a sitting or standing pit. The only difference is the height and the fact that in a standing pit you can perform any type of work, in a sitting pit you will not be able to properly remove the engine and gearbox, and a recumbent pit is only suitable for minor car maintenance. Here are the approximate depths of the pit and pit for it:

  • lying 50/80 cm;
  • sitting 130/170 cm;
  • standing 170/210 cm.

To concrete the pit, use the same technology as for pouring a concrete grillage. You can provide niches for tools in the pit. Width finished pit should be 5–10 cm less than the distance between inside wheels of one axle. Attach corners to the surface of the pit or steel pipes which will prevent the car from falling into it.

If you are going to install iron gates, then provide fasteners for them. Depending on the gate model, these can be either 2 vertical posts with fastening elements (canopies), or 4–6 posts. If you are going to install roller gates, then you can use wooden walls and ceiling.

Delivery and storage of material

Having prepared the foundation and allowed it to stand, bring in the boards. Frame construction allows the use of boards of natural moisture, but you must understand that by saving on them, you will seriously lose on construction time. After all, it will be impossible to sheathe the garage for finishing due to the very large shrinkage of the board due to natural humidity. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a dried board with a moisture content of 12–14%. To store such a board you will need a shelter protected from rain. It can be made from wooden blocks or aluminum tubes and polyethylene. Be sure to provide ventilation for the boards under the canopy.

First you need to assemble the side walls on the ground. To do this, in accordance with the project, cut vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements, and then proceed to assembly. You can perform this operation yourself. To fasten the boards to each other, use metal corners and powerful screws. These accessories are sold in most construction stores. Be sure to check the corners of the edge boards, because the shape of the garage depends on them. The optimal distance between vertical boards is 70–100 cm, and between horizontal ones 120–150 cm. Pay special attention to the mounting holes, because even a small mistake will lead to the fact that you will not be able to install the wall in place the first time.

The installation of the wall must be carried out by two to three people, and if the length of the wall is more than 6 meters, or the height is more than 3 meters, then you will have to either call more people or use a crane.

If you cannot assemble more than two people or use a crane, then first assemble a box for each wall, consisting of two vertical and two horizontal boards. This box can be installed by two people. Install both side boxes, then connect them with vertical boards to form the back box. After this, assemble the front box. Now you can install portable small-sized scaffolding and fill all the boxes with vertical and horizontal boards. Remember, vertical boards can only be cut if you plan to install a window. In all other cases they must be intact. But cut the horizontal boards based on the distance between the vertical boards. Connect the entire structure using corners and self-tapping screws. Do not forget to install diagonal boards in every fifth cell.

Roof installation

If possible, invite an experienced carpenter or roofer to create the roof, because in one article you can only give general principles this work. First, install the ceiling boards (joists) at a distance of 80–140 cm from each other. If you plan to use the attic as a storage room, then the distance must be reduced, otherwise increased. To install logs in them and the top horizontal boards frame, cut holes whose width is equal to the thickness of the board, and the depth is equal to half the width of the board. This will make the joists flush with the top edge of the frame. The logs should protrude sideways by 50–60 centimeters. Once the roof rafters are installed, you will use a circular saw or chain saw to cut them to the required length.

If you work together and there is no way to call anyone for help, then instead of a log you will have to install complex design(triangle), which includes logs, rafters and vertical supports. In this case, you can do without cuts in the boards and place these triangles directly on the frame, which will greatly facilitate installation. After this, install a vertical board that connects the top parts of the triangles, as well as a bottom board that connects the bottom parts together. Be sure to install at least 2 (preferably 4) diagonal braces to protect the roof from strong winds.

Sheathing and insulation

For cladding, use corrugated board. Start sheathing from the bottom, laying the sheets overlapping, thanks to this, during rain, water will drain without getting inside. When covering a garage with carriage board or its equivalent, lay the board horizontally, so it will look more beautiful. If you decide to sheathe the garage with OSB, then the sheets will need to be adjusted so tightly and clearly that the gap between them in any place does not exceed 0.5 mm, and after finishing the sheathing, the joints must be covered with a mixture of PVA and fine wood dust.

Lastly, sheathe the roof and don’t forget to install gutters. It is advisable that the metal profile of the roof protrudes beyond the walls by 30–40 cm, this will increase the protection of the walls from water. Having finished with external cladding, proceed to insulation, to do this, place pieces of foam plastic or mineral wool cut to size into the wall cells, then sew them up with plywood or OSB. You can also use fiberboard, but its strength is insufficient, so the material will quickly become scratched. To insulate the attic, it is enough to lay the insulating material in the cells formed by the joists; this is several times easier than insulating the roof along the rafters.

Gate installation

If you install metal gates, then the loops on them must fully correspond to the loops on the supporting elements. To install roller gates, you must invite a specialist. Therefore, the optimal choice for a frame garage is a gate made from carriage boards. Even the most modern steel gates will not help prevent car theft, so their function is rather decorative. The most beautiful garage is obtained if you line it with carriage boards and make a gate from it, strengthening each door from the inside with two horizontal and one diagonal board. Decorative hinges (awnings), which are sold in hardware stores, will add a special flavor to the garage.

Electricity and heating

If it is possible to connect the garage to the power supply line, then be sure to obtain the technical specifications and install the meter in accordance with them. This will save you from problems with your electricity supplier. For heating insulated garages, wall-mounted infrared electric heaters are most effective. For heaters, be sure to install a separate circuit breaker and temperature controller.

Many people believe that a garage should be a kind of fortress, built from familiar but expensive building materials. Nowadays, it is possible to choose a less expensive method of constructing structures - this is frame construction technology. If you adhere to all the requirements, the garage will be not only warm, but also durable. Despite the apparent flimsiness of the structure, it has a number of advantages:

  • Due to the light weight of the structure, there is no need to build a powerful foundation, which can be made on any type of soil.
  • Given the thin walls, they perfectly retain heat inside the garage, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on heating.
  • No need to plaster. In addition, there are many relatively inexpensive materials on sale for both exterior and interior decoration.
  • The dirtiest job is installing the foundation. All other work does not lead to contamination of the site.
  • From the start of construction to its completion, a maximum of 2 months will pass, and half of this period is allocated for the hardening of the concrete foundation.

Is it possible to build a strong frame garage with your own hands? Of course, even alone, which is not always convenient, but quite doable. Let's look at all the stages of the work together.

What to make a skeleton from?

Since we are talking about frame construction, it is quite clear that you need to carefully consider what material it is made from. Wood or metal can be used for this. In each case, the work on making the skeleton will be different, so we will dwell on the choice of material in more detail.


Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of a wooden frame.


  • The frame will cost a little less.
  • If there is no electricity, then all work can be done with ordinary carpentry tools. This option is extremely labor-intensive and will take more time.


The disadvantages include:

  • High level of fire hazard compared to other materials (the only exception is a structure made of logs).
  • They love to eat wood various insects and bugs.
  • The material does not tolerate prolonged exposure to moisture.

Many of the listed disadvantages are not so significant if the material is processed accordingly. Regarding fire hazards, there are usually many other items and liquids in the garage that are flammable, so design features premises do not play a big role.


In this case, when making a skeleton, the following can be used:

  1. Metal profile or LSTK.
  2. Profile pipe.
  3. Metal corner.

It is also worth looking at the features in more detail.

  • The material itself is not flammable, but after a fire it becomes unsuitable for further use.
  • Any structure can be made collapsible, but when working with parts made of thick metal, it is better to use electric welding.
  • The frame is susceptible to corrosion.

At this stage, you must clearly decide on your choice - you will have to choose a suitable project.

What to do with the project?

Many people believe that when building simple structures, one can do without paperwork, but in our case, what will be built is not a small temporary structure, but a garage, which must withstand a large mass of snow on the roof and not warp under the weight of the gate. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to use a ready-made project or make your own. In this case, you will see how much and what material you need to purchase.

We bring to your attention a garage project, but if for some reason it is not suitable, then it can be redone by making your own adjustments.


Preparatory work

So, we’ve sorted out the project, purchased the materials, and now let’s begin the preparatory work.

Construction site

Most often, the place where the garage will be built is determined in advance, but upon closer examination it may turn out to be inconvenient, since it is located on a slope. In some cases, it is easier to start construction in another place than to remove tons of earth using a variety of equipment.

Having finally decided on the site, mark the dimensions of the garage with pegs. Check again whether entry will be convenient.

What will the foundation be like?

Depending on the type of foundation chosen, the site is prepared.

  • When pouring a shallow strip foundation, part of the soil is removed in the places where it will pass.
  • Under the monolithic slab, soil is excavated along the entire perimeter to a depth of at least 50 cm.
  • In the case of making a columnar foundation, holes measuring 50x50 cm are dug to a solid base.
  • If the decision is made to make a pile-screw foundation, then we do not touch the soil at all.

Let's start making the foundation

We will look at the process of making the most expensive, but most practical type of foundation - pouring monolithic slab. Such a base will not be pushed through by car wheels, and there will be no problems when making an inspection hole. You can choose the most suitable or less expensive type of foundation using recommendations from video collections on the relevant topic.

Foundation type:

When constructing a slab foundation, the procedure will be as follows:

The soil is sampled to a depth of 50 cm.

The bottom is thoroughly compacted.

It is filled with sand so much that it does not reach 20 cm to the top of the pit.

The sand also needs to be compacted well.

Geotextiles are laid on top.

The next layer of the pie will be crushed stone of the middle fraction, which fills the pit to the brim. It also needs to be compacted well.

Now it's time for the formwork. It is best if it is set level with the pouring level of the slab - this way there is less chance of changes. As for the thickness of the concrete layer, 20 cm will be enough for passenger car. For a truck, it is better to increase the thickness to 30 cm.

Having placed the formwork, it is necessary to ensure the rigidity of the structure by securing supports on all sides. It is best if a thick board is used for formwork. If this is not the case, then more supports will be needed.

Waterproofing is laid on top of the crushed stone with an overlap on the formwork, which is used as roll materials bitumen-based or thick polyethylene film.

Now the first layer of reinforcement Ø10‒14 mm is installed. It should not touch the bottom, so it is necessary to provide the necessary clearance. For this purpose, you do not need to use bricks and other objects, as they can pierce the waterproofing, and some are not at all suitable for laying in a screed.

Use plastic fasteners for fittings.

Then another layer of reinforcement is laid.

After pouring concrete, you need to vibrate it (the process is shown in the photo), while trying not to touch the frame and formwork. Bayoneting with a stick is tedious and ineffective.

The edges of the formwork served as a level for pouring and leveling the concrete pad.

Now you will have to wait almost a whole month until the concrete gains the necessary strength. In summer, the pillow should be periodically watered with water and covered with material that prevents rapid evaporation of moisture.

Also, the foundation needs protection if it is made in the fall and left until spring.

Construction of the frame

Since we are talking about wooden structure, then all parts must be impregnated with an antiseptic composition. We will need beams and boards of the following sizes:

  • For the lower part of the garage we use beams 100x40 or 100x50 mm.
  • Size corner beams and racks – 100×100 mm.
  • Rafters and additional racks – 100×50 mm.
  • The distance between the posts is 110–120 mm.
  • The optimal length of the boards is 3 m. You can purchase six-meter blanks and cut them in half.
  • For the roof we will use 100x25 mm boards.
  • It is better to make the lathing from 30×30 or 40×40 mm bars.

So, the foundation is ready, you can start building the frame. We’ll start assembling it on a plane, and then lift it, install it and secure it. Let's start with back wall. To give the frame strength, braces should be installed in the corners.

Next, the reinforced part of the frame is installed, in which the gate will be installed.

Then we fix the opposite wall from the door.

Let's start assembling the front wall.

Now it can be installed and secured. From metal corner(65 mm) we will make the outer and inner frames of the gate and fix them to each other with metal strips.

Let's start making rafters. Having made the first section, you can check how accurately it is made.

After making sure that everything is done correctly, we will make the remaining rafters and install them.

We fix the vapor barrier and nail the sheathing.

We used ondulin as a roofing material.

The frame was covered with OSB.

Pasted metal-plastic windows. The gate frames were welded from a 40×25 mm profile pipe and, following the technique fire safety, welded to the frame.

This is how the garage turned out.

Swing gates are easier to manufacture, but not very convenient. There have been cases when a strong gust of wind tore the sash off the fixing device, which led to damage to the car body. Therefore, now you can often find various devices, blocking the entrance.

Construction of a garage with an attic

If the dimensions of the building allow, then attic space Can be converted into an attic. Of course, it would be best to provide for an attic at the design stage, but this does not always work out, because the need for additional usable space arises during the operation of the room.

Refurbishment process

One of the points that will have to be taken into account is the placement of the stairs and cutting out part of the ceiling for passage so as not to disrupt its load-bearing capacity, which is not always possible to do. If this happens in your case, then you can make an extension to the existing building through which you will rise to the living space.

In some cases, gases from a running engine enter the room on the second floor. This can be especially noticeable when starting a cold engine (especially a diesel engine). Therefore, ventilation must be provided in the garage itself. It is also necessary to install a door to the living space.

Everything is taken into account when planning

If the construction of the attic is planned in advance, then the project already provides for where and how the staircase will be installed. In order to make maximum use of the available area, the roof is made with a sloping roof.

How to insulate?

The living space must be warm, and if the garage is not insulated, then you will need to work not only on the walls of the attic, but also on the floor. First, let's talk about walls, discussing the basic rules of insulation.

Experts strongly recommend using nylon thread, as it will save the insulation from sagging and slipping. A kind of web is made from thread, which is stretched and securely fastened. It is important to remember that not the entire attic is insulated, but only the living space.

When working with attic walls, insulation is first laid, and then the thread is stretched. The same is done with the ceiling, if later it is not possible to lay insulation on top. It is important to take into account that the minimum layer of insulation to be laid should not be less than 200 mm. In areas with harsh winters, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the insulation to 300 mm.

When laying insulation, it is important to ensure that there are no cold bridges left. As for mineral wool, it can accumulate water in itself, so opinions differ on the advisability of its use. Many people prefer to use penoplex because it is not hygroscopic.

To do this, the next row of insulation is laid in such a way that it overlaps the seams of the laid material.

It is imperative to glue a vapor barrier at the joints. For this, it is best to use silver reinforced tape. Not only is it durable, but it also adheres well.

In the attic, the vapor barrier is installed with a reverse overlap, so its installation is carried out from top to bottom. Reverse overlap means that the next vapor barrier sheet will lie on top of the top sheet. Thus, the vapors rising from the bottom of the room will not go to the joints, but to the top of the roof and will be ventilated thanks to ventilation.

After installing the insulation, counter battens must be nailed on the side of the room (as well as outside).

On the ceiling, the role of counter-battens and sheathing will be performed by 25 mm thick boards. The board can perform such a dual function only on a flat ceiling.

A diagram will help you imagine everything in detail. roofing pie attic roofs.

Video: nuances and technology of insulating attic roofs

As for methods of floor insulation, the only limitation in the choice of material may be its heavy weight.

Video: ways to insulate an attic floor

Is it possible to make a garage for two cars?

If there are 2 cars in the family, then the frame can be made so that even 4 cars can fit in the garage. In this case, you will have to calculate the dimensions and load-bearing capacity of the material used, let it be wood or metal. The following video demonstrates the process of constructing such a structure.

Video: building a frame garage for 2 cars

Construction of a frame structure is cheaper, but such a structure cannot be called a budget option. If the technology for constructing such a structure is followed, it will serve the owner and his car for decades.