How to make a steam turbine. Steam electricity generator: purpose, types and main advantages of each of them Steam engine for generator

In terms of environmental friendliness, a steam electric generator is an alternative to solar batteries, only an order of magnitude more productive and somewhat more affordable. The operating principle of such a device is based on the transformation mechanical energy in electric, only the mechanism is driven by heating water to the point where it turns into a vapor state.

Details about the appointment

Steam generator in Detroit

This electric generator is used in areas where it is possible to convert excess amounts of generated steam into electrical energy. In particular, systems of this kind are widely used in boiler installations. Together with a turbine and a heating boiler, the generator is a kind of mini-thermal power plant.

This kind of technology makes it possible to reduce the cost of generating electricity, thanks to which it is used as one of the main components in power plants.

Knowing the principle on which a steam generator operates, you can try to implement it on our own using an electric generator and a boiler to heat water.

Device and principle of operation

Considering the boiler installation, we can distinguish three main components involved in the operation. This is the boiler itself, the steam turbine and the electric generator. The combination of the last two devices is called a turbine unit, which implies the presence of a kinetic connection between the two devices. A steam turbine electric generator falls under this definition.

Taken together, all this equipment makes it possible to create a mini-thermal power plant that will provide electricity to large industrial or civil facilities.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of such equipment as a steam turbine electric generator comes down to the implementation of several stages of the process:

  1. Boiler equipment heats water to a certain temperature at which it turns into a vapor state.
  2. The steam hits the turbine rotor blades, thereby setting it in motion.
  3. The result of this process is the conversion of the potential energy of the compressed hot steam into kinetic energy, and then into mechanical energy when the turbine shaft begins to move.
  4. A steam turbine electric generator produces electrical energy. In this case, the function of the electric generator is decisive in this circuit, since it is this node that is responsible for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Depending on what power needs to be achieved, several such MTES units can be used, connected in parallel with each other.

There are many benefits from using this technique. First of all, it is possible to realize the excess steam produced by heating boiler equipment. And in addition to this, it becomes possible to provide power supply to a large facility without significant costs for the purchase of liquid or gaseous fuel.

But for such a solution to be profitable and not unprofitable, it must be implemented at a facility whose maintenance will require sufficient turbine and generator power.

Selection criteria

The use of large-sized equipment, such as a turbine unit or mini-thermal power plant, is justified only if it is used to supply power to large facilities (boiler houses, etc.).

An electric generator operating on steam can be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Rated electrical and thermal power;
  • Rotation speed of the rotors of the two main structural units (turbine and generator);
  • Type of current, usually such equipment is designed for three-phase current, accordingly the output voltage will also be three-phase;
  • The value of steam pressure in a compressed and free state.

The combination of an electric generator and a steam turbine can also be called a turbogenerator. But in in this case it will be assumed that a synchronous generator is used.

Model overview

Kaluga Turbine Plant produces and supplies different countries equipment for providing objects of various sizes with electricity. In particular, domestically produced steam turbines Turbopar. This type of equipment is offered in various versions, the power range is 100-1000 kW. The generator and turbine rotors rotate at the same speed high speed– 3000 rpm. The generator is cooled by air. Steam pressure does not exceed 0.8 MPa.

turbogenerator TAP 6

The cost of equipment of this kind is quite high, as is its maintenance. If we consider a fully functional mini-thermal power plant, then we are talking about amounts of several million rubles.

Using this type of equipment, it is possible to provide electricity to large facilities for both industrial and civil purposes. The Power Machines company offers turbogenerators in different designs.

For example, a device of the TA series, in particular, the TAP-6-2 model, is designed for a power of 6 MW. The efficiency of such a machine is 98%, rotation speed is 3000 rpm.

Feasibility of operation

Of course, you can buy a turbine steam electric generator for home use, but this idea will pay off in decades, if not hundreds, since the cost of such equipment is high, as well as its weight and dimensions. Therefore, in everyday life it is better to get by with a device that runs on liquid fuel, and use a steam turbine generator to supply power to large industrial or agricultural facilities.

Steam powered cars

Electric generators for boiler room installations are very popular today, since, starting from certain power values, equipment of this type exhibits a high degree of productivity. And at home, if you wish, and also if you have certain knowledge and experience, you can try to make a steam compact electric generator with your own hands. Only if for large-sized equipment the intermediate link is a steam turbine, then at home an engine is used to drive the generator. However, in this case you will have to solve the problem of connecting the boiler.

Turbine hall of mini-thermal power plant

As you can see, the task of creating a steam generator is not an easy one. And at the output the user will not receive the desired level of efficiency due to low loads on the system. Therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, it is still better to use the equipment for its intended purpose.

And only if you have firm confidence in success and experience in solving such problems, you should proceed to the design of a steam generator. Calculations will be an excellent help, on the basis of which the user will be able to determine the answer to the question of whether such a mechanism will really justify itself in operation.

Thus, the use of turbine electric generators, as well as mini-thermal power plants based on such equipment, is in great demand today. Servicing large facilities, in particular, ensuring their power supply, has its advantages and disadvantages. Considering the high cost of such equipment, you should first calculate the expected efficiency of its operation.

A steam generator is not used in everyday life due to the large dimensions of the equipment, as well as its high price and maintenance costs. Manufacturers initially recommend using this technique, starting with certain power values. It is not for nothing that most devices are produced in versions of 100 kW and above. Only such models will allow us to see the efficiency of operating steam turbine electric generators.

A steam generator is specialized equipment designed to convert a liquid, most often water, into steam. The liquid heats up when any fuel is burned: wood, coal, oil or natural gas.

The transition of a liquid to a gaseous state creates pressure and then expansion, which can be channeled and used as a source of energy.

Steam engine pistons played important role in the development of factories, railway locomotives, steamships and many other types of mechanical equipment.

One of the earliest uses of an industrial steam generator in technology was the steam locomotive. Fuel, in the form of firewood or coal, was fed into the firebox. The resulting heat was directed through a system of tubes that heated water, which was stored in a special tank.

Once the temperature reached the boiling point, the energy created from the steam then drove the pistons, which turned the wheels of the locomotive. The main function of steam power was to move trains, but it was also used extensively in brakes and whistles.

Compared to steam boilers, steam generators contain less steel in their construction and use a single steam coil instead of many small hoses. A specialized water supply pump is used to continuously pump water through the hose.

The steam generator uses a one-time forced supply of water in its design to convert the incoming water into steam at a time using a heating coil.

As the water passes through the coil, heat is transferred from the burning gases and causes the water to turn into steam. The design of the generator does not use a steam collector, where there is free space inside between steam and water, therefore, to achieve 99.5% of steam quality, it is necessary to use a moisture/steam separator.

Because generators do not use a large pressure tank in their design like fire tubes, they are often very small and easy to start, making them perfect choice for situations where you need to get large number couple in a short time.

However, this comes at a cost to produce energy, as generators have low efficiency and are therefore not always able to produce enough steam in different situations.


In their design and operating principle, steam generators are quite similar to other steam boiler systems, while at the same time remaining fundamentally different from them.

These, at first glance, insignificant differences change the entire operation of the system, which, as a rule, is less powerful than that of boilers, but has a number of advantages.

For example, steam generators have a simpler design, allowing them to start up much faster and be easier to operate than a full-scale industrial boiler. They are also smaller in size, making them more versatile when working in limited space they are often seen as auxiliary boilers.

The next reason why they are often used as auxiliary boilers is that they are quite easy and quick to start.

Due to their compact design, single coil and relatively lower water capacity, these machines can be started and running at full power in less than short terms, compared to full-scale boilers, making them useful in emergency situations.

It's like comparing a racing motorcycle to a military tank - the former accelerates faster and is fast, but not very strong, while the latter takes a long time to start up, but is ultimately a more powerful machine. And while they generally cost much less than full-scale boilers, they may be more in demand for jobs that don't require such high levels pair.

Where are they used?

When you think of steam power, you might think of steam engines or chugging locomotives. However, industrial steam generators have many applications:

Electric generator can convert approximately 97% electrical energy from steam. Automatic safety control - a liquid level regulator, for example - maintains the required water level and turns off the generator if the water level drops below normal.

Steam generators with this functionality can operate continuously without overheating.

Stainless steel steam generators are best options If necessary, pure steam is sufficient. Stainless steel reduces the likelihood of steam contamination.

Diesel steam generator

They follow a similar heat transfer concept to coil boilers, but can produce even higher pressures depending on the output. They are mainly used in power plants.

Their steam pressure can be equal, and in some steam engines and exceed the maximum water pressure of 221 bar. The steam temperature in these high pressure machines can reach 500 degrees Celsius.

Heat recovery steam generator

A heat recovery steam generator, or heat exchanger, collects clouds of steam under high pressure and uses this steam after exhaustion through a chain of heat exchangers to power other less powerful steam engines.

This recovered steam can even be used on these lower pressure generators to heat industrial plants or homes.

Steam generators for nuclear power plant

There are two main types of nuclear steam generators: (BWR), a reactor with hot water and (PWR), pressurized water reactor. The water in a BWR turns into steam inside the nuclear reactor itself and goes to a turbine outside the tank.

PWR water is under pressure over 100 Bar and no water boiling processes occur inside the reactor.

Solar powered steam generators

Solar steam generators are the cleanest way to produce steam. Water runs through pipes inside the solar panel.

The sun heats the water, and then the water passes through a steam turbine, creating electricity. This type of steam generator does not produce waste and does not pollute the environment.

Operating principle

Heat exchange

Steam generators are used to obtain and use energy released in the form of heat in the most various processes and converting it into more useful forms such as mechanical and electrical energy.

The resulting heat is used to produce electricity or processed as a by-product of some other industrial process.

The immediate heat source is usually contaminated, such as radioactive fuel in a nuclear power plant, so the first step in generating steam power is to transfer that heat to clean water using a heat exchanger.

This is done by raising the temperature of a fuel, such as gasoline, etc., from a heat source, which circulates in a closed circuit. The fuel, in turn, heats the water tank without polluting it.

Steam creation

The hot fuel is circulated through the water bath to produce steam. There are several different geometric schemes, but the principle remains the same.

The heated liquid is discharged through several small tubes to increase its surface contact with water and to ensure accelerated heat transfer and steam generation.

Steam produced at modern nuclear and coal power plants, is often found at supercritical conditions or above the critical point on the phase diagram of water (374 degrees Celsius and 22 MPa).

Converting heat into electricity

Supercritical steam is overloaded with energy. Steam energy is converted into mechanical energy by passing it through a steam turbine. High steam pressure presses on the turbine's many tilted blades, causing them to rotate.

This mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by using the rotational energy of a steam turbine to drive an electrical generator. The turbine shown in the image can generate up to 65 megawatts of electricity.


Heat is the source of energy that turns water into steam. Source of fuel to provide required heat can be used in various forms. From wood, coal, oil, natural gas, household waste or biomass, nuclear reactors or solar energy can provide sufficient heat.

Each type of fuel is a source of heat for heating water. Each of them just does it differently. Some are environmentally friendly, while others have quite a significant impact on the environment.

Wood-fired power plant is one of the alternative ways supply consumers with electricity.

Such a device is capable of minimum costs to obtain electricity for energy resources, even in those places where there is no power supply at all.

Power plant, the wood used can become excellent option for owners summer cottages and country houses.

There are also miniature versions that are suitable for lovers of long hikes and spending time in nature. But first things first.


A wood-fired power plant is not a new invention, but modern technologies made it possible to slightly improve previously developed devices. Moreover, several different technologies.

In addition, the concept of “wood-burning” is somewhat inaccurate, since any solid fuel (wood, wood chips, pallets, coal, coke), in general, anything that can burn, is suitable for the operation of such a station.

Let us immediately note that firewood, and more precisely the process their combustion acts only as an energy source that ensures the functioning of the device in which electricity is generated.

The main advantages of such power plants are:

  • The ability to use a wide variety of solid fuels and their availability;
  • Receive electricity anywhere;
  • The use of different technologies makes it possible to obtain electricity with a variety of parameters (sufficient only for regular phone recharging and up to powering industrial equipment);
  • It can also act as an alternative if power outages are common, as well as the main source of electricity.

Classic version

As noted, a wood-fired power plant uses several technologies to produce electricity. The classic one among them is steam power, or simply the steam engine.

Everything is simple here - firewood or any other fuel, when burned, heats up the water, as a result of which it turns into gaseous state- steam.

The resulting steam is fed to the turbine of the generating set, and due to rotation, the generator generates electricity.

Since the steam engine and generator set are connected in a single closed circuit, after passing through the turbine the steam is cooled, fed back into the boiler, and the whole process is repeated.

This power plant diagram is one of the simplest, but it has a number of significant shortcomings, one of which is explosion hazard.

After water passes into a gaseous state, the pressure in the circuit increases significantly, and if it is not regulated, there is a high probability of rupture of the pipelines.

And although modern systems use a whole set of valves that regulate pressure, the operation of a steam engine still requires constant monitoring.

Besides plain water used in this engine can cause scale to form on the pipe walls, which reduces the efficiency of the station (scale impairs heat transfer and reduces throughput pipes).

But now this problem is solved by using distilled water, liquids, purified impurities that precipitate, or special gases.

But on the other hand, this power plant can perform another function - to heat the room.

Everything is simple here - after performing its function (rotation of the turbine), the steam must be cooled so that it goes back into liquid state, why do we need a cooling system or simply a radiator.

And if you place this radiator indoors, then in the end we will receive not only electricity from such a station, but also heat.

Other options

But the steam engine is only one of the technologies that is used in solid fuel power plants, and is not the most suitable for use in domestic conditions.

Also used to generate electricity are:

  • Thermoelectric generators (using the Peltier principle);
  • Gas generators.

Thermoelectric generators

Power plants with generators built according to the Peltier principle are quite an interesting option.

Physicist Peltier discovered an effect that boils down to the fact that when electricity is passed through conductors consisting of two dissimilar materials, heat is absorbed at one of the contacts, and heat is released at the other.

Moreover, this effect is the opposite - if the conductor is heated on one side and cooled on the other, then electricity will be generated in it.

It is the opposite effect that is used in wood-fired power plants. When burned, they heat up one half of the plate (it is a thermoelectric generator), consisting of cubes made of different metals, and its second part is cooled (for which heat exchangers are used), as a result of which electricity appears at the terminals of the plate.

But such a generator has several nuances. One of them is that the parameters of the released energy directly depend on the temperature difference at the ends of the plate, therefore, to equalize and stabilize them, it is necessary to use a voltage regulator.

The second nuance is that the energy released is only side effect, most of the energy when burning wood is simply converted into heat. Because of this, the efficiency of this type of station is not very high.

The advantages of power plants with thermoelectric generators include:

  • Long service life (no moving parts);
  • At the same time, not only energy is generated, but also heat, which can be used for heating or cooking;
  • Quiet operation.

Wood-burning power plants using the Peltier principle are a fairly common option, and they produce both portable devices that can only release electricity to charge low-power consumers (phones, flashlights), and industrial ones that can power powerful units.

Gas generators

The second type is gas generators. Such a device can be used in several directions, including generating electricity.

It is worth noting here that such a generator itself has nothing to do with electricity, since its main task is to produce flammable gas.

The essence of the operation of such a device is that during the oxidation process solid fuel(its combustion), gases are released, including flammable ones - hydrogen, methane, CO, which can be used for a variety of purposes.

For example, such generators were previously used in cars, where conventional internal combustion engines worked perfectly on the emitted gas.

Due to the constant jitter of the fuel, some motorists and motorcyclists have already begun installing these devices on their cars.

That is, to get a power plant, it is enough to have a gas generator, an internal combustion engine and a regular generator.

The first element will release gas, which will become fuel for the engine, which in turn will rotate the generator rotor to produce electricity as output.

The advantages of power plants using gas generators include:

  • Reliability of the design of the gas generator itself;
  • The resulting gas can be used to operate an internal combustion engine (which will drive an electric generator), a gas boiler, a furnace;
  • Depending on the internal combustion engine and electric generator involved, electricity can be obtained even for industrial purposes.

The main disadvantage of the gas generator is the bulkiness of the design, since it must include a boiler where all the processes for producing gas take place, a system for its cooling and purification.

And if this device is used to generate electricity, then the station must also include an internal combustion engine and an electric generator.

Representatives of factory-made power plants

Let us note that the indicated options – a thermoelectric generator and a gas generator – are now a priority, therefore ready-made stations are produced for use, both domestic and industrial.

Below are a few of them:

  • “Indigirka” stove;
  • Tourist stove “BioLite CampStove”;
  • Power plant "BioKIBOR";
  • Power station "Eco" with gas generator "Cube".

Stove "Indigirka".

An ordinary household solid fuel stove (made like a Burzhaika stove), equipped with a Peltier thermoelectric generator.

Perfect for summer cottages and small houses, because it is quite compact and can be transported in a car.

The main energy from burning wood is used for heating, but the available generator also allows you to obtain electricity with a voltage of 12 V and a power of 60 W.

BioLite CampStove stove.

It also uses the Peltier principle, but it is even more compact (weighs only 1 kg), which allows you to take it on hiking trips, but the amount of energy generated by the generator is even less, but it will be enough to charge a flashlight or phone.

Power plant "BioKIBOR".

A thermoelectric generator is also used, but this is an industrial version.

The manufacturer, upon request, can produce a device that provides output electricity with a power of 5 kW to 1 MW. But this affects the size of the station, as well as the amount of fuel consumed.

For example, an installation that produces 100 kW consumes 200 kg of wood per hour.

But the Eco power plant is a gas generator. Its design uses a “Cube” gas generator, gasoline engine internal combustion and a 15 kW electric generator.

In addition to industrial ready-made solutions, you can separately buy the same Peltier thermoelectric generators, but without a stove and use it with any heat source.

Homemade stations

Also, many craftsmen create homemade stations(usually based on a gas generator), which are then sold.

All this indicates that you can independently make a power plant from available materials and use it for your own purposes.

Based on a thermoelectric generator.

The first option is a power plant based on a Peltier plate. Let us immediately note that a device made at home is only suitable for charging a phone, a flashlight, or for lighting using LED lamps.

For production you will need:

  • A metal body that will play the role of a furnace;
  • Peltier plate (purchased separately);
  • Voltage regulator with installed USB output;
  • A heat exchanger or just a fan to provide cooling (you can take a computer cooler).

Making a power plant is very simple:

  1. We make a stove. We take a metal box (for example, a computer case) and unfold it so that the oven does not have a bottom. We make holes in the walls below for air supply. At the top you can install a grate on which you can place a kettle, etc.
  2. We mount the plate on the back wall;
  3. We mount the cooler on top of the plate;
  4. We connect a voltage regulator to the terminals from the plate, from which we power the cooler, and also draw terminals for connecting consumers.

It works simply: we light the wood, and as the plate heats up, electricity will begin to be generated at its terminals, which will be supplied to the voltage regulator. The cooler will start working from it, providing cooling of the plate.

All that remains is to connect the consumers and monitor the combustion process in the stove (add firewood in a timely manner).

Based on a gas generator.

The second way to make a power plant is to make a gas generator. Such a device is much more difficult to manufacture, but the energy output is much greater.

To make it you will need:

  • Cylindrical container (for example, a disassembled gas cylinder). It will play the role of a stove, so hatches should be provided for loading fuel and cleaning solid combustion products, as well as an air supply (a fan for forced supply will be required to ensure more best process combustion) and gas outlet;
  • A cooling radiator (can be made in the form of a coil) in which the gas will be cooled;
  • Container for creating a “Cyclone” type filter;
  • Container for creating a fine gas filter;
  • Gasoline generator set (but you can just take any gasoline engine, as well as a regular asynchronous electric motor 220 V).

After this, everything must be connected into a single structure. From the boiler, gas should flow to the cooling radiator, and then to the “Cyclone” and a fine filter. And only after that the resulting gas is supplied to the engine.

This is indicated circuit diagram manufacturing a gas generator. Execution can be very different.

For example, it is possible to install a mechanism for forced supply of solid fuel from a bunker, which, by the way, will also be powered by a generator, as well as all kinds of control devices.

When creating a power plant based on the Peltier effect, no special problems will arise, since the circuit is simple. The only thing is that you should take some safety measures, since the fire in such a stove is almost open.

But when creating a gas generator, many nuances should be taken into account, among them is ensuring tightness at all connections of the system through which gas passes.

In order for the internal combustion engine to operate normally, you should take care of high-quality gas purification (the presence of impurities in it is unacceptable).

The gas generator is a bulky design, so it is necessary to choose the right place for it, as well as ensure normal ventilation if it is installed indoors.

Since such power plants are not new, and they have been manufactured by amateurs for a relatively long time, a lot of reviews have accumulated about them.

Basically, they are all positive. Even homemade stove with the Peltier element, it is noted that it fully copes with the task. As for gas generators, here a clear example installation of such devices can occur even on modern cars, which indicates their effectiveness.

Pros and cons of a wood-fired power plant

A wood-fired power plant is:

  • Fuel availability;
  • Possibility to get electricity anywhere;
  • 3 / 5 ( 2 voices)

A steam electric generator is something similar to solar battery, But has much more high performance , not to mention the availability of this kind of devices. The very functioning of such units is to convert mechanical force into electrical force by heating water until it turns into steam. Exactly given power sets the desired mechanism in motion.

It makes sense to use units of this kind in those branches of modern industry or the domestic sphere where there is a sufficiently large number of vapor formations that can be used as a converter to electricity. Generators steam type have been widely used in boiler installations, where they form a kind of thermal power plant together with a boiler and a turbine.

Such units allow you to significantly save on their operation, as well as reduce the cost of generating electrical energy. That is why steam plants are often considered one of the main operating units of many power plants.

In addition, if you study the principle of operation, as well as the design features of such steam generators, you can try to implement them yourself, using certain means. However, this possibility will be discussed a little later.

Device and principle of operation

According to their own design features, boiler plants have a fairly similar structure. They include several working units, which are considered to be decisive - directly himself and the turbine. The last two components form a kinetic connection with each other, and one of the varieties of such systems is a steam-type turbine electric generator.

If we look more globally, then such installations are full-fledged thermal power plants, albeit of smaller dimensions. Thanks to their work, they are able to provide electricity not only to civilian facilities, but also to large industrial sectors.

The steam itself electrical generators boils down to the following main points:

  • Special equipment heats water to optimal values, at which it evaporates, forming steam.
  • The resulting steam flows further onto the rotor blades of the steam turbine, which sets the rotor itself in motion.
  • As a result, we first obtain kinetic energy converted from the resulting energy of compressed steam. Then the kinetic energy turns into mechanical energy, which leads to the start of the turbine shaft.

The electric generator included in the design of such steam plants is decisive. This is explained by the fact that it is electric generators that carry out the transition of mechanical energy into electrical energy.

This is a description of one steam type installation. If the release of more energy is required, then a combination of several installations combined together is used.

Such a decision must be made strictly individually, depending on the type of object, as well as the parameters of the required energy power. Only with such a competent approach can one avoid loss in this matter.

Selection criteria

At the moment, there is a fairly wide selection of all kinds of electric generators powered by steam, so you need to be extremely careful when choosing.

To ensure that this choice is thoughtful and balanced, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Steam plant power (thermal and electrical).
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the speed at which the generator and turbine rotors rotate.
  • Type of current used - here we are talking about single-phase or three-phase installations. In most cases, a three-phase system is used.
  • Indicators of steam pressure not only in compressed form, but also in a free state.

Attentive attention to these criteria will significantly simplify the choice, thereby helping the consumer get the unit he needs. To make it more clear, let’s look at several models of steam electric generators that are in greatest demand.

Model overview

In our country there are several enterprises engaged in the production of steam electric generators. In particular, we are talking about turbogenerators of the Kaluga Turbine Plant and OJSC Roselectromash. Let's look at several models produced at both companies.

It is a steam turbine used in various schemes with utilization of thermal energy, as well as waste production type. Potential buyers of these products include large industrial enterprises and power plants.


  • rated power indicators - from 12000 kW to 80000 kW;
  • steam pressure indicator - from 3 to 12.8 MPa;
  • steam temperature indicators - from 420 to 550 0 C;
  • production pressure - from 0.5 to 1.75 MPa;
  • heating pressure - from 0.07 to 0.25 MPa.

P-6-3.4/1.0 is a steam-type turbine with production steam extraction.


  • rated power indicators - from 4000 kW to 55000 kW;
  • steam pressure indicator - from 1.1 to 8.8 MPa;
  • steam temperature indicators - from 260 to 445 0 C;
  • production pressure - from 0.4 to 1.3 MPa.

PR-13/15.8-3.4/1.5/0.6 used in many thermal power plants, as well as in industrial enterprises where there is a need to supply steam of a given indicator.


  • rated power indicators - from 2500 kW to 35000 kW;
  • steam pressure indicator - from 1.2 to 9.3 MPa;
  • steam temperature indicators - from 290 to 540 0 C;
  • production pressure - from 0.4 to 1.75 MPa;
  • pressure behind the turbine is from 0.07 to 0.9 kPa.

K-66-8.8 refers to condensing types of steam turbines.


  • rated power indicators - from 6000 kW to 70000 kW;
  • steam pressure indicator - from 1.57 to 12.8 MPa;
  • steam temperature indicators - from 320 to 500 0 C;
  • pressure behind the turbine is from 4 to 10.6 kPa.

K-37-3.4 is a condensing type steam turbine with an air condenser.


  • rated power indicators - from 37000 kW to 37300 kW;
  • steam pressure indicator - from 2.9 to 3.7 MPa;
  • steam temperature indicators - from 390 to 445 0 C;
  • pressure behind the turbine is 15 kPa.

These products are manufactured at the Kaluga Turbine Plant. Now let's look at models from OJSC "Roselectromash". Here we present full-fledged turbogenerators that use steam and gas turbines.

Regardless of the model brand, included in the sales package includes the following components:

  • generator;
  • excitation system;
  • hardware automation, alarm and control organs;
  • spare parts;
  • special installation tools and related materials;
  • various instructions for use.

We present to you the turbogenerators of the TVF series. It makes no sense to describe them in detail, so let’s look at their technical data.

Technical characteristics of TVF-63-2:

  • power indicator - 63000 kW;
  • voltage degree - 6300 V;
  • stator current - 7217 A;
  • Efficiency as a percentage - 98%;
  • total weight - 107900 kg.

Technical characteristics of TVF-63-3600:

  • power indicator - 50000 kW;
  • voltage degree - 11000 V;
  • stator current - 3280 A;
  • rotation speed - 3600 rpm;
  • Efficiency percentage - 98.3%;
  • total weight - 107950 kg.

Technical characteristics of TVF-110-2E:

  • voltage degree - 10500 V;
  • stator current - 7560 A;
  • rotation speed - 3000 rpm;
  • Efficiency as a percentage - 98.4%;
  • total weight - 145,000 kg.

Technical characteristics of TVFV-110-2:

  • power indicator - 110000 kW;
  • voltage degree - 13800 V;
  • stator current - 5752 A;
  • rotation speed - 3000 rpm;
  • Efficiency percentage - 98.45%;
  • total weight - 190,000 kg.

The cost of these models needs to be clarified with the manufacturer, but we can say that it exceeds several million rubles.

Feasibility of operation

There is no need to talk about the advisability of purchasing a steam electric generator for personal needs, because its cost is very high for an ordinary household use. In other words, such investments are unlikely to pay off during the life of the potential buyer. In addition, the overall dimensions of such installations mean that they must be placed over a very large area. That is why, at the household level, units with an engine running on gasoline or diesel are used, and for large enterprises, an engine running on steam is just suitable.

As for the use of steam-powered electric generators, they use in boiler systems can bring certain benefits. The fact is that upon reaching certain power indicators, these installations show very good performance characteristics, which distinguish them favorably from their analogues.

Detailed story about the steam generator

Making it yourself - is it possible?

Steam electric generators have a very complex structure, so making such units yourself quite problematic.

However, with some knowledge and necessary materials, it becomes possible to make this unit with your own hands.

It is clear that the final version will be much smaller than the factory versions. In addition, there will be a completely different device for driving the existing generator - if in factory models a steam turbine is responsible for this, then in home version the engine will do this.

The video demonstrates a camping mini-steam generator


Turbine-type electric generators are somewhat popular among many industrial enterprises and power plants. However, before purchasing such devices, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the feasibility of their use so that the enterprise does not operate at a loss.

As for household use, there is absolutely no need for this. In addition, this is technically and practically impossible, because... The dimensions of these installations are very large, not to mention their cost. The issue of making it yourself is also quite controversial, due to objective reasons for the complexity of the design.

Owners of enterprises who intend to use steam installations can be given one piece of advice: first purchase a small power generator so that you can evaluate in practice the effectiveness of its use. It is no coincidence that manufacturers produce units from 100 kW, implying such a rational approach.

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It would seem that steam could be simpler. However, not everyone notices how much we need it. And we're not just talking about or. Steam is an excellent cleanser and disinfectant; it penetrates into the thinnest crevices, is absorbed into the depths and helps iron laundry, cleans fabrics and mechanisms under pressure. Sometimes it becomes necessary to assemble a steam generator with your own hands. A homemade device can work great when cleaning such quickly dirty devices as a filter from or, for example,. Today, in our HouseChief editorial review, we’ll tell you what a steam generator is, where it can be used, and what elements it consists of. Also in our review simple instructions on assembling the unit with your own hands, as well as analysis possible errors, which can be tolerated by beginners.

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Types of steam generators and their use in the household

Steam generators are most often used for defrosting, arrangement, and steam rooms. The simplest steam converter will cost several times less than building a full-fledged one with stones. In order to start using the device, you just need to plug it into the network. Steam converters are used to clean complex mesh or porous equipment and help effectively warm car engines in winter.

If not so long ago it was possible to find powerful steam generators for solid fuel generators running on wood, for example, Perevalov’s steam generator, today most craftsmen prefer models powered by electricity. After all, there is nothing easier than simply connecting the device to. And finding an old kettle or steamer for a person who has set himself the goal of assembling the device with his own hands is not difficult.

Based on power, it is customary to divide devices into industrial and . The former require connection to special networks with a power of 380 V. And household ones, as one would expect, operate from a 220 V electrical outlet. Such a steam oven can also heat water in different ways. Let's consider the main types of such systems:

  1. Induction steam converters. Such equipment works by converting electromagnetic field. These tanks are most often used in industrial enterprises, more often . In this case, you get fairly light and clean steam.
  2. Electrode steam furnace. In such furnaces, the heating element is an electrode. The steam also turns out cleared of impurities; there are no impurities in it, as well as various suspensions.
  3. Electrical. The device somewhat resembles electric kettle. There is also a heating element here. Power can vary, usually from 4 kW.
  4. Pechnoy. It works by heating the coolant. It could be firewood, coal.
  5. Ultrasonic. In this case, a special ultrasonic device is installed that produces oscillations of a given frequency. In this case, a kind of perspiration is formed, which evaporates into the air. If you wish, you can also make an ultrasonic steam generator yourself.

Steam cleaners

How do steam generators work?

Before we start searching for details and revisions in, it is important to understand what we actually need to look for. You can assemble a steam generator with your own hands from rubbish - tested it yourself. Let's consider the design of a classic steam generator: any unit runs on water, so we will need a container or tank. By the way, it is best for the container to have exceeding strength and thermal insulation. Some craftsmen use an ordinary gas cylinder to assemble a steam generator. In fact, a steam generator can even be made from a metal flask.


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" If you plan to use a gas cylinder as a container for a steam generator, then it is necessary to carry out a procedure for cleaning it from gas. To do this, you must very carefully and carefully remove the valve, release the remaining gas from the cylinder, fill it with water, and repeat the procedure several times. And only after that start sawing the body.


In addition, you need to find, select, assemble or borrow a heating element. Failed old ones will help us with this household appliances, for example, electric.

To successfully implement the project, it is necessary to prepare drawings of a steam generator assembled with your own hands. Here it is important to take into account and calculate the power and required volume of capacity. You will also need a steam and water pump. Especially if you need to make a steam gun for a bath with your own hands. Remember, in order for the device to work for a long time, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply cold water, which, by the way, will additionally cool the entire system. In order to and, you can install special sensors. If you plan to connect the device to a centralized water supply system, then you must provide a pipe.

In addition, do not forget that in any system it is necessary to drain the water and clean the heating elements. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a drain tap, as well as constant access to the heating elements.

How to make a steam generator for a bath from a gas cylinder with your own hands

This type of assembly is most popular among craftsmen. Firstly, the cylinder itself is made of high-quality sheet iron. Finding one like this is almost impossible. The metal will withstand almost any temperature and is resistant to pressure changes. You can watch how to make a steam generator with your own hands from a gas cylinder in this video.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

The welded seams of the cylinder can withstand sufficient pressure. The metal is not afraid of corrosion, resistant to high temperatures. The preparation of the cylinder consists of important stages: removal of gas and vapor residues (as we discussed above), sawing off the top part and processing the ends.

Advice! Prepare all supplies in advance: metal sheets, plates, sensors for measuring pressure, pipes, ball valves, adapters.

Selection and preparation of a container for a steam generator

We explain why it is a gas cylinder. The diameter of its base is universal and is suitable for selecting a heating element from a conventional electric kettle. In this case, the heating element is the heating bottom. Which in itself is an innovative solution, as it saves money and time on installation of other heating system.


Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“The size of the container is selected solely on the basis of the planned volume of steam. If the manufactured device produces less than the required amount, then it will have to work continuously, at the limit of its capabilities, which will often result in the need for its repair.


Before you start installation work The container must be emptied of water and dried! All welding work should only be carried out after you have completely ensured that there is no gas fumes of any kind. Take a sniff; the tank should be completely free of the smell of propane.

Installation of heating elements

Heating elements are the most important component of any steam generator. The main rule is that if you use heating elements, and not a heating surface as such (some models of electric kettles have heating elements under the bottom), they should not touch either the bottom or the walls.

It is important to maintain the distance, otherwise the bottom may burn out and be damaged. We recommend using at least two insulating washers with special heat-resistant silicone gaskets. Don't forget to provide valves for draining and supplying water. In some designs, to ensure liquid injection, an additional container is used, usually of a larger volume, or it is connected to centralized networks.


Team leader of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“The container is located above the converter to ensure natural pressure. Usually, a special tube is made in the bottom of the working container to add water. On the contrary, it should be below the level of the heating elements.


The choice of heating element depends on the volume of water and the planned load on the unit. You should select a device based on power based on the calculation of 3 kW heating element for every 10 liters of liquid.

Installation of additional elements

For reliable fixation of cranes and automation, special fasteners. They are located at the top of the steam generator. These are a filling valve, a pressure relief valve and a ball valve, as well as drain valves.

All these elements must be selected most carefully, as they respond to the metabolic processes of the cylinder. Incorrect installation, in the wrong order or at the wrong height can lead to poor performance of the equipment.

Valve modifications

If you use a gas cylinder, then most likely you still have brass valve, which can well be used in the operation of a steam generator. It can easily be converted into a ball valve. To do this, the valve is disassembled, the pin is removed, a thread is cut into it, and the valve is screwed in. This design will be required to select steam flows.

Checking the safety of the steam generator

The main condition for the operation of the steam generator is proper heating and water supply. To do this, it is important to control the process at each stage. That is why most homemade steam generators are equipped with special automatic systems control.

It is important to organize a control circuit: when a certain pressure is built up, the heating element is turned off.

Features of assembling a solid fuel steam generator for a home using wood or coal

Metal pipes are used to assemble the classic different diameters. This is somewhat reminiscent of a layered cake with the widest layer at the bottom, this will be the loading chamber.

Some craftsmen say that the efficiency of a potbelly stove is much higher than the efficiency electric steam generators. But that's not true. It’s just that assembling such a boiler is less expensive. The next layer is the water tank, it is located directly above the firebox. An adapter with a pipe is welded to it, through which steam will flow into. If you want to learn more about how to make a solid fuel steam generator with your own hands, watch this video.

Steam generator installation

Installation of a steam generator, especially in rooms with a potentially large number of people (or saunas), should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. In this case, it is highly not recommended to use homemade installations, in particular steam generators without a self-shut-off function. Such devices must be selected based on the power of the device and the type of load on it. Typically the power is in the range of 10-30 mA. In addition, do not forget that a steam generator is also electrical appliance, and it must be connected using a ground loop.

How to make a steam generator for a moonshine still – nuances

It's no secret that steam production is an integral part of the operation of a moonshine still. Typically, glass or, preferably, enamel containers are used for such purposes; the container should be spacious enough. The easiest way is to use an old pressure cooker for this purpose. There are two reasons for this: the container already has the necessary tightness, in addition, there is no need to look for a heating element.

If you carefully watched Arkady Daneliya’s film about moonshiners, you probably remember that the device is equipped with special rods that supply liquid to the steam converter. To control the temperature, a standard one is usually installed. How to make a steam generator for a moonshine still with your own hands can be seen in the diagram.

Moonshine stills MAGARYCH

How to make a steam generator for engine washing with your own hands - nuances

Very often, steam engines are used in professional applications. Steam provides effective cleansing from dirt and germs. Such machines are among the noisiest such special devices in the state (due to the running compressor).

Usually this is a unit on wheels, somewhat reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner, with water supplied to it. The operator operates something like a pistol. In this case, steam is supplied under sufficient pressure. But a homemade steam generator for a car can be used for purging the engine and heating hoses.

steam generator for car wash

The main reasons for the breakdown of steam generators

A steam generator is a device, and like any unit, it fails. Among the most common malfunctions are: overheating of heating elements, burnout of the housing, as well as loss of integrity of the water supply hoses.

Important! During self-assembly When using the device, it is important to take into account the sequence of installation of the elements and their exact location. Despite simple design unit, this is a powerful tool associated with a risk to life.

Working with the unit requires great care. During work, your habit should be to monitor the pressure in the container. If the permissible values ​​are exceeded, it must be vented. In addition, do not leave the device switched on in a room where children are present. It's dangerous. When working with equipment, keep it away from idle speed without water. The process of supply of cooled liquid must be continuous. This will protect the heating elements from overheating, and the device from overheating.

Before operating and turning on the device, check the tightness of both the tank itself (there may be one or two), as well as the connecting and control hoses and supply systems. Sometimes a simple lack of water in the network can lead to damage to the device. Check the serviceability of the supply and restrictive equipment and the self-shutdown unit. Other causes of failure include:

  1. Poor water quality.
  2. Incorrectly selected heating element power.
  3. Scale on heating elements.

Advice! Vinegar or citric acid. To do this, just dilute the water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of powder per liter of water and boil it in a container.

  1. Lack of fluid supply during operation.

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