How to choose a heat gun. How to choose an electric heat gun (220V)? Rating

When choosing a heat gun, you should decide for what purposes they will be needed: heating a house, garage, greenhouse, or for construction needs.

In any case presented, for the right choice electric heater, you need to decide on its power, design characteristics and manufacturer.

Technical properties and characteristics of heat guns

Heat guns for home

The first thing you should pay attention to are parameters suitable for normal and quality work heat gun. It is necessary to select according to power and suitable electrical voltage.

For the first characteristic, there are two main calculation options. A simple definition is that for heating 10 sq.m. rooms need at least 1 kW of electrical power. And if you have a room of 4x6 meters, simple calculations will show that you need to purchase a heat gun with a power of at least 3 kW.

We got this indicator like this: 4 * 6 = 24 sq.m., taking into account that the electrical power reserve must be at least 20%, we calculate: 2.4 * 1.2 = 2.88 kV. The closest value will be 3 kW, and this is what you need to select for heating this room.

The second calculation method is more accurate, and we recommend using it when choosing a heat gun for your home. IN in this case The formula does not take into account the area of ​​the room, but its volume and the thermal conductivity coefficient of all walls. And the formula takes the following form: P= (V*dT*Kt)/860, where:

V is the volume of the room, calculated as the area multiplied by the ceiling height, m3;

dT - temperature difference between the room and the environment;

Kt – thermal conductivity coefficient. An indicator from 0.6 to 1 is for walls with good thermal insulation. With average thermal insulation - from 1 to 2. With poor thermal insulation - from 2 to 3. Old houses - from 3 to 4.

860 is the number of kcal in 1 kW.

Required thermal power

To make the essence of the calculation more clear, let's consider it with an example. You have decided to purchase electric gun to warm up the car in . The garage volume is 4x6 meters, the ceiling height is 3 meters. The temperature inside the building is +15C, outside -20C. The temperature difference is 35C. The garage is insulated quite well, we select the thermal conductivity coefficient 1. As a result of all the indicators, the formula takes the following form: 72*35*1=2520 kcal/hour.

To convert the value to kW, you need to divide it by 860. This turns out to be 2.93 kW. Taking into account the required reserve, you need to choose a heat gun of at least 3.5 kW, and this will be quite enough.

It should be noted that there is currently conditional classification all thermal devices by power. It is generally accepted that up to 5 kW these are heat fans, and above this power – heat guns.

We also note that the all-stamped impeller creates a more powerful flow warm air. If you need a good electric heater for repairs, for example, for the installation of a suspended ceiling, we recommend choosing a device with just such a fan.

We wrote above about how to choose the right heat gun for your home and garden. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you. And in the future, you can easily choose the electric heat gun you need.

The unit structure includes a metal housing, which is able to protect the structure from various damages. Heating parts are fireproof. All models are lightweight, which allows them to be moved to any location.

Diesel structures are often in demand in the construction of various facilities. They are used when it is necessary to quickly dry the surface. Liquid fuel designs can be indirectly or directly heated. In the first method, a withdrawal is performed flue gases from the premises. The operation of such devices is accompanied by oxygen burnout, so they are used for outdoors or in rooms with flowing ventilation.

How to choose a diesel heat gun?

Please note that when starting a heat gun on diesel fuel, combustion products are released. Manufacturers offer two types of such devices: direct heating and indirect.

When choosing a design, the following factors are important:

  • room area;
  • availability of fuel raw materials;
  • possibility to withdraw harmful impurities, and ventilation;
  • how it will be used: constantly or periodically.

Diesel units contain a burner, combustion chambers, a fuel tank and a fan. Some products are equipped with wheels for ease of movement. Fuel is supplied using a pump.

Useful information! When choosing a model, base your calculations on the following indicators. For 10 sq. m. you will need about 0.9-1.5 kW.

Nuances of choosing a direct heating diesel heat gun

Heat gun on diesel fuel has a simple direct heating mechanism. An electric motor and a fan are located inside the product. With application pumping unit fuel is delivered to the combustion tank. The burner is mounted inside the housing, so there is no open flame.

When diesel fuel burns, it warms up air masses that are removed from the fan. The heated air is distributed in space. And the smoke masses disperse into the inside of the building. Therefore, such devices can be used outdoors or in buildings with a good ventilation system.

Pay attention! Such models are suitable for short-term work. For example, dry work surface at construction work or warm up a frozen engine.

How to choose a diesel indirect heating heat gun?

In installations indirect heating, in addition to the main elements, there is also a heat exchanger. The fuel is transferred from a special container to the combustion chamber. In this case, the flue gases do not mix with the air masses from the fan, but exit through the chimney structure to the street.

When the device is turned on, the heat exchanger warms up and heats the air. At the outlet, such devices can emit from 50 to 110 degrees of heat. This technique is used in production and warehouses, since harmful gases do not pass inside. IN modern equipment combustion tanks are made of stainless steel.

Some devices are equipped flexible hoses, allowing the release of a warm flow to a certain area.

Useful information! You can connect a thermostat to the equipment, which is mounted inside the building. In this case, the equipment will be able to maintain the required temperature and will produce heat for about 17 hours.

Models of infrared diesel heat guns

The infrared diesel heat gun installation does not include a fan heater. Such heaters warm up not the atmosphere, but the surrounding objects using infrared irradiation.

The burner with diesel raw materials warms up infrared emitter, which heats surfaces and objects in the room. are silent, since their device does without a fan.

Model overview

A review of the prices of individual models will help you decide which heat gun is better, gas or diesel.

ImageModelsPrice, rub.
Ballu BHDP-1013900
Hyundai H-HD2-20-UI58616600
Master B 35 CED18100
RESANTA TDP-20000, 20kW red13500
QUATTRO ELEMENTI QE- 22D 243-90514300
Kerona P-3000E-T24200

Similar heating equipment produced by the following companies:

  • Master is one of the popular brands. The company has been working in this field for more than 40 years. At the same time, not only diesel models are offered, but also gas and electric ones. The products of this manufacturer have proven themselves to be reliable, safe and affordable;
  • Ballu models are mainly used for large production facilities and warehouses. The equipment is known for functionality, good performance and pleasant design;
  • Kerona's arsenal includes models of both economy class and luxury class. All models run on kerosene or diesel fuel.

How to calculate the power of equipment?

An important factor influencing preference for a particular product is power. This figure ranges from 20 to 220 kW. To calculate the unit with what power is required, you need to calculate the volume of the room. To do this, determine the height, width and length of the walls. You should also know the quality of the thermal insulation provided. This coefficient will differ for non-insulated brick and wooden buildings, as well as in buildings with increased thermal insulation. To carry out calculations, it is worth determining the difference temperature values inside and outside the building. In this case, the power of the device is calculated as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by the temperature difference and the thermal insulation coefficient.

Waste oil heat gun models are an excellent solution for heating any room.

What to choose for heating your garage (video)

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From this article you can find out what features a diesel heat gun used for quickly heating rooms has: the structure and types of structures, the scope of their application and the specificity of the operating process, average prices for popular models. The text contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in these devices, descriptions of common types of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

With the arrival of the cold season, the problem of space heating arises. Moreover, this applies not only to living rooms, but also to industrial, warehouse and retail spaces. If the building does not have a centralized heating system, the lack of heat is compensated with the help of alternative heating devices. As such a replacement, you can buy an indirectly heated diesel heat gun with suitable characteristics.

Design and principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

A heat gun is a universal device for heating rooms. The principle of operation of such structures is quite simple: diesel burns inside the heater, resulting in the formation of heat, which is supplied to the room by a powerful fan.

Diesel is used as fuel. Some models are capable of running on used and filtered oil or kerosene. Thanks to progressive internal structure these designs have high power and efficiency useful action, which reaches almost 100%. All diesel heat guns are dependent on electricity. Some low-power modifications can operate on 12 V or 24 V, but most models require 220 V for normal operation.

Electricity is used to start the burner. In addition, it is necessary for transporting heat due to the rotational movements of the fan. The burner not only atomizes fuel, but also promotes air supply. This process results in a mixture that is highly flammable. Thanks to this, the flame is stable.

Affordable price of diesel guns and the ability to effectively heat rooms without central system heating, made these designs so popular. This type equipment is capable of generating large number heat, due to which the scope of its application has expanded.

Important! Guns powered by diesel fuel cannot be used to heat residential premises.

Scope of application of diesel structures:

  • heating of warehouse-type premises;
  • backup heating in poorly insulated facilities in cases where frosts uncharacteristic for the area occur;
  • heating construction sites where heating has not yet been installed;
  • organization of heating in hangars used for storing equipment;
  • installation of suspended ceilings;
  • heating of greenhouse structures used for growing crops.

In addition, you can buy an indirect heating diesel gun to organize heating in the garage.

Why is it profitable to buy a diesel gun: design advantages

Guns that heat rooms by burning diesel fuel have many undeniable advantages. They are compact in size and light weight, while having excellent technical characteristics. These designs are easy to use. The mechanism is started with just one press of a button.
The user has the ability to control the temperature in the room.

Many diesel designs have a built-in system for connecting a rheostat. The operating principle of this mechanism is very simple. Before launching the gun, you just need to set the required parameter. When the room temperature reaches this value, the equipment will automatically turn off. If the temperature drops below the specified level, the structure will start on its own.

Diesel guns are economical; fuel consumption depends on the technical parameters of the device. Equipment with a power of 20 kW and a productivity of 550 m³/h will require about 1.5 liters of diesel fuel to heat this volume. Using such a gun, you can achieve quick results. According to the information stated by the manufacturers, diesel devices instantly warms up the room. The gun can raise the air temperature of +10°C in a room with a volume of 120 m³ to a level of +180°C in 15 minutes. Moreover, this speed is not the limit.

Diesel devices are safe to use. If the room is well ventilated, inhaling burnt-out air does not cause such unpleasant consequences as headaches and dizziness. High-quality designs are able to operate for a long time without additional refueling. The guns are equipped with large-volume tanks, thanks to which they are able to operate continuously throughout the day.

Pay attention! The body of the structure is heated to a temperature of +30-35°C maximum. Therefore, accidental touching the gun will not cause burns.

Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for garages

The customer reviews left about diesel heat guns for garages not only reflect the advantages of these designs. Sometimes they also contain shortcomings that were identified by users during operation of the device.

Often mentioned high level noise as a serious irritant to hearing. Although the presence of sounds is considered normal for heating equipment. Guns are not classified as silent devices. Some manufacturers offer models with reduced operating noise levels. For example, the Master BLP 15M diesel heat gun produces no more than 20 dB. This figure is considered very low.

Many users find the devices dependent on electrical network uncomfortable. The gun really needs power for the fan and pump, and there is no way around these requirements. However, most often such structures are used in facilities where there is electrical wiring.

Among the disadvantages, the high price of diesel heat guns is also mentioned. However, it should be noted that the cost of such devices is fully justified by their reliability and comfortable system operation. Many are concerned about the cost of diesel fuel, the purchase of which is more expensive than the purchase of liquefied gas in cylinders. Although the fuel consumption of these devices is low.

How to choose a heat gun based on technical parameters

One of the most important technical parameters of any heat gun is its performance level. In the specifications, manufacturers indicate the number of kilowatts that the gun is capable of producing in intensive operation. You can also calculate the performance level yourself.

On average, a power of 1 kW is enough to heat an area of ​​10 m², provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. This figure is conditional, since it depends on the operating conditions of the room that needs heating.

Factors that affect heating efficiency:

  • wall thickness;
  • availability and quality of insulation;
  • condition of the ventilation system;
  • heat leakage (frequency of opening gates or doors);
  • number of windows and doorways, their size;
  • outside air temperature;
  • condition of the floors;
  • wind force, etc.

The price of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is not an indicator of quality. When choosing a device, it is advisable to pay attention to powerful modifications. The higher this indicator, the better. If there is a lot of heat, you can always reduce the intensity of work. And if there is a lack of heating, you will have to buy another device, which will significantly affect the budget. The efficiency of a diesel heater is also influenced by its installation location.

Useful advice! In large rooms it is advisable to use several heaters. Arranging appliances diagonally will be more effective than placing them along the wall.

Cold air is always heavier than warm air, so it always accumulates in the lower part of the room. Based on this, it becomes clear that installing the gun on a hill or turning its working edge upward does not increase the heating efficiency. The most optimal position of the equipment is horizontal.

The performance of heating and ventilation equipment is another parameter that you should pay attention to. For the Ballu BHDN-20 indirect heating diesel gun, this figure is 500 m³/h. This means that the device is able to effectively heat the specified volume of air within 1 hour.

Not least important are the dimensions and weight of the structures. The mass of heat guns can vary between 3-30 kg. Most of them have mobile design, so they are easy to use. The smaller the device, the easier it is to move.

Features of direct heating diesel heat guns

Direct heating guns are the simplest devices that can serve as heat sources. Such designs have open camera combustion. A pump equipped with a nozzle is installed inside, which ensures a torch effect. A fan is located behind these elements. All the heat that is generated during fuel processing is supplied to the room along with the products of its combustion.

  1. Diesel fuel from the tank is fed into the heating filter.
  2. The compressor transports fuel to the injector.
  3. Diesel fuel is ignited by a glow plug.
  4. A fan installed behind the burner draws cool air from the room into the combustion chamber, where it is heated.
  5. Located at the front of the device safety net retards the flame, preventing it from penetrating beyond the combustion chamber body.
  6. After heating, the air is supplied back into the room.

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The operating principle of a direct heating gun is quite simple. It is efficient and clear. However, such guns have one significant drawback. All combustion products enter the room, so it is not recommended to use the devices in living rooms. Direct heating guns are suitable for open areas and spaces with a good ventilation system.

Average prices of diesel guns for space heating (direct heating designs):

Brand Model Power level, kW Price, rub.
Resanta TDP-20000 20 11890
TDP-30000 30 13090
Ballu BHDP-10 10 13590
BHDP-20 20 14430
BHDP-30 30 17759
Master B 35 CEL DIY 10 21590
B 35 CED 10 21790
B 70 CED 20 31260

Pay attention! Using fuel with impurities will lead to contamination of the injectors and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials to avoid expensive repairs and the purchase of spare parts for a diesel gun.

Consumer opinion about diesel heat guns: reviews of direct heating designs

Heating equipment users often share their own opinions on forums. Some reviews can be found below:

“I have long heard about the advantages of Master diesel heat guns, so when the need arose to purchase a heater, I did not think twice and relied on this manufacturer. The gun works great and is completely worth the money spent on its purchase. With its help, I not only heat the garage, but also take this device with me to the dacha for the workshop.

Of course, it’s a pity that you can’t work in a room where the gun is on, but I don’t really need that. It takes no more than 20 minutes to warm up the room. Otherwise, I am completely satisfied with my purchase."

Sergey Kostyuk, Ekaterinburg

“I bought myself a BALLU BHDP-20 diesel heat gun. A wonderful unit. For a month of operation, there were no failures in the automation, as was the case with my previous gun. I like that the design allows you to adjust the pressure on the compressor that supplies the diesel. There is only one drawback - with a full tank the device is slightly heavy.”

Igor Samoilov, Moscow

“To heat the garage, a neighbor advised us to buy a heat gun. I spent a long time looking through manufacturers and models. In the end, I settled on the Master B 35 CED diesel gun. Excellent device, very simple. It is economical and completely easy to maintain. I've been using it for more than a year now. One refill is enough to keep the gun working all day. A 5x8 m garage warms up in 15 minutes.”

Georgy Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg

Features of diesel indirect heating heat guns for the garage, prices and reviews

This type of gun functions in much the same way as direct fired designs. The only difference is that the combustion products that are formed during the process of fuel exhaustion are removed outside the room. A chimney is used for this. Thanks to this, indirect heating guns can be used in almost any room with a sufficient level of ventilation.

A nozzle is installed in the design of the closed combustion chamber. In addition, the gun has a system designed to remove combustion products. The air pumped by the fan does not come into contact with the torch. Its heating is provided by blowing into the combustion chamber.

Average prices of indirectly heated diesel heat guns:

Brand Model Power level, kW Price, rub.
Profteplo DK-21N 21 29930
DK-21R 21 32250
DK-21N-R 21 44920
Kroll MAK 15 15 34350
MAK 25 26 41180
MAK 40 38,5 44500
Aurora TK-55 ID 17,5 37400
TK-80K ID 25 43400
TK-240K ID 70 70200

Useful advice! The thermal power of a device for heating a room can be determined using this formula: Q (in kcal/h) = K × V × ΔT, where Q is the required level of thermal power, K is a coefficient reflecting the degree of heat dissipation, V is the total volume of the room, and ΔT is the difference between outside temperature and that which is required to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

A heat gun is one of the fastest and most powerful types of room heating. For selection desired design heat gun, let's do a brief analysis.

What is a heat gun

In our climatic conditions, even with enhanced insulation of the room, using modern finishing insulation, using heat-insulating plaster- you can’t do without heating.

A heat gun, like conventional heaters, consists of heating element, housing and fan. Since such equipment can set a comfortable temperature in a room in a matter of minutes, heat guns use a very powerful fan.

The fan forces air to pass through the heating element, thereby creating a powerful heat flow.

Heat guns are characterized by their mobility, which allows them to be moved from one place to another.

Externally, this unit resembles a cannon, has a cylindrical body, is located horizontally or at a slight upward angle.

Very often, one might say mainly, heat guns are used on a construction site or industrial facility.

How to correctly calculate the required thermal power of a gun

Before purchasing this unit, you need to know the size and volume of the room in which the heat gun will operate, and whether there will be people there all the time.

It is necessary to decide what type of fuel the consumer will use - electricity, gas or diesel.

Any good seller will ask leading questions before offering a model.

For example: the volume of the room, depending on this volume, the required performance of the gun is selected. With an average ceiling height of 3 meters, one kilowatt of heat generated is enough to heat approximately 8 to 12 cubic meters. The larger the room, the more powerful the equipment should be.

There are formulas by which you can independently calculate the required thermal power.

Thermal power (kcal/hour) is equal to Vx^TxK. V is the volume of the heated room, i.e. product of width by length and height (cubic meters);

^T is the difference between the outside air temperature and the required indoor temperature, in degrees Celsius;

K - dissipation coefficient, depends on the type of structure and insulation of the room.

Simplified wooden structure or a structure made of corrugated metal sheet without thermal insulation has a coefficient of 3 to 4;

a simplified building design made of single brick masonry with a simplified design of windows and roof, with little thermal insulation has a coefficient of 2 to 2.9;

standard design with double brickwork, with a small number of windows, standard roof, average thermal insulation, has a coefficient from 1 to 1.9;

improved design, brick walls double insulated, limited number of double glazed windows, thick floor base, high quality roof thermal insulation material, thermal insulation is high - coefficient from 0.6 to 0.9.

One kilowatt is 860 kilocalories per hour.

But any theoretical calculations do not always give exact result, since a lot depends on the circumstances.

For example, if the building is very high ceilings, use recommended infrared heaters, they do not heat the air, but the surface of objects, the heat from which is transferred to the air.

To choose the right heat gun, you need to know heating methods air flow this technique.

Guns are divided into several types: electric, diesel and gas guns.

Each type has its own characteristics and advantages.

Electric heat guns

If it is possible to connect to electricity, you can install electric heat guns.

The so-called fan heaters are popular today in everyday life and construction.

Such guns are mobile, easy to use, do not require additional fuel, and operate from the mains.

Models with power up to 5 kW. powered by 220 volts, more powerful ones by 380 volts.

Heat is generated when current passes through a high-resistance conductor, and a fan blows the heat away from the heating element and carries it to its destination.

Currently, most heat guns use heating elements - heaters in which a wire is placed inside the tube; the tube itself is made of austenitic or non-austenitic steel.

Tubes made of non-austenitic steel heat up less, are more durable, but carry less thermal load per unit area. For stronger heating, you need to use longer heating elements.

Tubes made of austenitic steel oxidize during operation, microcracks appear, this can lead to the risk of explosion of heating elements.

Electric guns are relatively small in size, take up little space, but their productivity is not very high, and are not suitable for heating a room with high humidity(baths, saunas, etc.).

Electric guns consume a lot of electricity, so such models are used in short-term operation.

Gas heat guns

Such models weigh little and are inexpensive.

The power usually ranges from 10 to 100 kW, but more powerful ones are also available.

The only problem is fuel, liquefied gas It is not sold in cylinders everywhere; it is difficult to make a supply of fuel, since a number of requirements apply to storing gas in cylinders.

Gas guns are economical; when burned, they practically do not emit gas harmful substances, but ventilation is still necessary.

The consumer should know that the gas pressure in the line or in the cylinder must correspond to the selected heater model.

For the simplest model with a power of 10 kW, a pressure of 0.5 bar is required, the more powerful the gun, the greater the pressure.

For safety reasons, many guns are equipped with flame control and protection against overheating of the housing.

Gas guns are sensitive to low temperatures, when severe frosts may work unstably.

Diesel heat guns

Diesel guns are similar in operating principle to gas guns; they use diesel fuel as fuel.

It has a number of disadvantages, namely: quite high weight, since the gun has to be transported along with the tank.

The design of diesel guns is more complex.

Fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber fuel pump or a compressor - all this leads to higher costs, and additional components require additional maintenance.

Diesel fuel, compared to gas, is more contaminated with impurities, so such guns can be turned on in non-residential premises with ventilation.

But such guns also have a lot of advantages.

Fuel is available, its consumption is very economical, one refueling is enough for continuous operation for 10-15 hours.

Transportation of diesel fuel is safe, the heating installation is not connected to the gas main, the power is the same as that of gas guns.

The diesel gun can operate over a wide thermal range.

Some models are classified as indirect heating devices; for this purpose, the guns use an additional circuit - a heat exchanger.

Hot gases pass through a heat exchanger and exit to the street through the chimney, the heat is removed using a fan.

The efficiency of such guns is lower, the price is higher, but there is no need to worry about ventilation and ventilation.

Such models are designed for heating large volumes in work areas.

It is necessary to understand that the operation of diesel and gas heat guns still requires a small amount of electricity to power the fan and automation system, but if necessary, the gun can be powered from a small generator.

It is impossible to quickly warm up a spacious room with heating radiators or other convector heaters. Heat from appliances spreads too slowly throughout the room due to natural convection.

For efficient and fast heating, an electric heat gun with forced air circulation is more suitable. The powerful fan heater is capable of as soon as possible heat almost any size room.

There is a wide range of such units on the market, which differ from each other in the type of heating element, housing design, power and functionality. We will tell you how not to get confused in the variety and choose a heat gun by comparing its characteristics with the upcoming operating conditions.

A floor fan heater (also known as a “heat gun”) is a household or industrial heating device, which in addition to the heating element has a built-in fan. The first heats the air inside the housing, and the second pushes it into the heated room.

Moreover, the circulation process occurs continuously and at high speed. This is the reason high efficiency heating large areas with this type of heating equipment. When operating through a fan heater with a power of only 2–3 kW, about 200–300 cubic meters of air mass passes per hour.

Without a continuously running fan, a heat gun would be of little use; it is only thanks to it that the heater in question is so efficient and productive

Using a heat gun to heat:

  • construction sites;
  • garages and workshops;
  • premises for agricultural and industrial purposes;
  • living rooms;
  • greenhouses;
  • warehouses.

It is also often used for heating or drying various surfaces: canvases suspended ceilings, plastered walls, etc. The electric fan heater does not emit exhaust gases or toxins during operation. From an environmental point of view, this equipment is completely safe and harmless.

The electric heat gun should not be confused with its analogues - or. It is difficult to call them environmentally friendly. With heated air, at a minimum, carbon dioxide comes out of them, large volumes of which are dangerous to health.

Electric heaters are free from this; by definition, nothing is burned in them to produce thermal energy.

An electric heat gun should not be confused with a gas, diesel or infrared one - in the first two cases a different energy source is used, and in the second the principle of heat transfer has been changed

An infrared heat gun is similar to a fan heater in design and appearance. However, there is no fan as such. The transfer of thermal energy here occurs not through forced air exchange, but through infrared radiation.

That is, heat in this case is transferred directly to heated surfaces and objects using IR rays, and not through preheating the air.

Advantages and disadvantages of the unit

Among the many advantages of a heat gun operating solely on electricity are the following:

  • Possibility of installation in unventilated rooms;
  • long period of continuous operation;
  • no open fire;
  • the presence of control automation with a thermostat;
  • receiving heat immediately after connecting to the power grid;
  • no need to constantly add combustible fuel;
  • the ability to use the gun as a regular fan;
  • high efficiency when heating large rooms;
  • small dimensions;
  • versatility in terms of placement.

The fan heater does not emit unpleasant or harmful substances into the air. There is simply nothing to burn in it. Occasionally, when operating this appliance, a burning smell appears for a short time after power is turned on.

This is due to the accumulation of dust on the heating element and protective grille. If the gun is kept clean, then this will not happen.

You can even heat your home with a fan heater (there are no gas emissions from its operation), problems may arise only with drying the air

The electric heat gun is able to work unattended and continuously for several days. It does not require adding fuel. At the same time, the presence of automation guarantees that the temperature in the room will be maintained at the required parameters without human intervention.

Warming up the spiral, which heats the air in the heat gun, after feeding electric current happens in a matter of seconds. Heat almost immediately begins to flow into the heated room. In this regard, the equipment under consideration greatly outperforms other heater options.

Fan heaters are extremely easy to use. It is only necessary to prevent dust from accumulating inside, which will emit smoke when the coil is turned on. They can be placed on the floor, wall and even on the table. Model range This thermal equipment is extensive. You can find an option for any placement and any size.

The fan heater has only three disadvantages:

  • “burning” oxygen and “drying” air;
  • high noise level when the fan is turned on to maximum;
  • power grid dependence.

When an electric heat gun operates, the air around the heated coil is naturally dried. As a result, the overall humidity in the room gradually decreases, and it is impossible to avoid this.

A similar situation occurs with oxygen: it gradually burns out due to the contact of air masses with a hot heating element.

Of course, these are not the same volumes as when operating a gas or diesel gun. But if this moment is critical, then the fan heater should be chosen not with a spiral, but with ceramic plates.

The latter heat up to more low temperatures, which greatly eliminates the disadvantages of open spiral heaters. But such models also cost a little more.

How to choose an electric heater gun

Before you go buy a fan heater, you need to clearly understand why you need a heater at all. If air heating is required occasionally and quickly, then an electric heat gun is ideal for such modes.

If the temperature in the room needs to be maintained for a long time and at a constant level, then it is better to look for another option, otherwise the electricity bills will be simply huge.

Using a working electric heat gun, the desired temperature regime you can save enough long time, but much more often the device is used for quick and short-term heating

It is also necessary to decide in advance required power(depending on the cubic capacity of the room) and power supply. Powerful industrial and semi-industrial models require three-phase voltage to operate.

If the room has only a regular single-phase socket, then the electrical equipment should be selected accordingly.

Criterion #1: heating element

The main thing in an electric heat gun is the fan. But it is standard in all models. It's hard to come up with anything unique here. But it’s worth understanding the heating element in more detail. Both the safety and, in many respects, the power of the heating device depend on its correct choice.

There are two types of air heating elements in the fan heater:

  • spirals made of high-resistance alloys;
  • ceramic plates.

The first option heats up to 300–600°C, and the second only up to 150°C. However, due to the smaller area of ​​the heating element, coils are somewhat inferior to plates in terms of efficiency.

The heat transfer surface in the first case is significantly smaller than in the second. And the fan “removes” heat from the entire heated area.

Which manufacturer should you prefer?

In domestic stores of heating equipment, electric guns can be found both imported and manufactured in Russia. In general, there is not much difference between them. Here you need to focus more on the power of the device.

But among the manufacturers there are also recognized leaders, for whose branded fan heaters you will have to overpay a little.

If you need a powerful and durable electric gun for heating, then special attention It is worth paying attention to models under the brands Ballu (Netherlands) and Master (USA)

Fan heaters are produced by a fairly large number of domestic and foreign companies.

Among the main brands that have won the trust of consumers are:

  • Ballu(the brand is Dutch, but production is established in Russia);
  • Master(USA);
  • Timberk(Sweden);
  • Inforce(Russia);
  • Fubag(Germany);
  • Quattro(Italy);
  • Tropic(Russia);
  • Resanta(Latvia).

Almost all manufacturers offer heat guns in a wide range of heating power and air flow. In the existing range of this equipment there is always a model for specific needs, you just need to correctly assess the needs.

Taking an electric gun that is too powerful and then turning it off every few minutes to avoid getting burned is not very smart and costly.

If you want to save money, you can. For assembly you will need a heating element, material for the body ( metal sheet or pipe), fan and engine.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To make it easier to understand the features of the device different models electric heat guns, we have made a small selection of videos with reviews and descriptions.

Design of an electric fan heater with a ceramic heater:

But we must be aware that electric heat guns with a spiral or ceramic plates are intended more for short-term heating. If you need a heater for constant use, then it is better to take a convector or an oil radiator.

Are you looking for an effective and reliable electric gun? Or do you have experience using this technique? Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.