Kitchen table made of wood and epoxy resin. How to make a table from epoxy resin with your own hands? Materials and tools

In this article you will see step by step the application of technology that combines the use innovative material(epoxy resin) and traditional (wood). This technology allows you to create truly incredible creations, and wood can potentially be replaced with any other material (fabric, cork, metal, etc.)

1) Once you have chosen the wood that you like best (the thickness should be about 2-3 cm), sand the wood using sandpaper. The finer the grit (300-400), the more the surface will be “closed”, reducing resin seepage. And thus the more natural color of the wood will be preserved. If you use higher grit sandpaper (60-80), the tone of the wood will be darker (depending on taste!).

2) Cut a piece of wood into several pieces, and then blow the surface of the wood with compressed air to remove dust and sawdust. If this is not possible, then simply treat it with a soft brush.

3) Allow the tree to dry in the sun (or in the cold season, place it closer to the radiator or heater) for 24 - 48 hours. Wood should avoid contact with water for at least 24 hours.

4) Now we are ready to create a masterpiece!

5) Prepare wooden frame(table shape) 3-4 cm in height. It will serve only for protection and form, and will then be removed. So don't waste too much time (:

6) Take a sheet of nylon or polyethylene for wrapping and place it inside the frame so that the edges are as close to the mold as possible. Since the resin does not stick to polyethylene, it will be easy to remove from the mold after curing. You can also use duct tape. The resin will be shaped like nylon, so be precise at this stage! Lay the materials out on a completely flat work surface, making sure there are no tears in the nylon (you can use duct tape in this case).

7) Arrange the pieces of wood inside the mold however you like. You can also put stones, pieces of metal, etc. in the mold.

8) Mix a certain amount resin (A + B) (for example, 300 g) and use a brush to carefully brush the wood on all sides. Then turn the wood over (using gloves) and continue processing. Be careful to completely saturate the roughest parts (such as the bark). This operation is necessary to “compact” the wood in order to avoid the appearance of bubbles in the resin when the tree is immersed in it. Leave the treated wood in the final position for further pouring, and wait until the resin on the surface hardens (at least 8 hours).

9) Prepare the rest of the resin by mixing it thoroughly in a large container. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

10) Pour resin evenly until the required level. Use a hair dryer (or better yet, a commercial hair dryer) to remove any bubbles from the surface of the resin (the bubbles will burst when heated). After 24 hours the table is ready to be removed from the mold!


Nylon (cellophane) is the most economical solution. But if you use it, there is a possibility that the table surface will become irregular due to ineffective tension of the nylon or simple folds. To then smooth the edges and surface of the table, you can use sandpaper, grinder or a saw. Once the uneven parts are removed, the surface will become opaque. But don't worry! Simply apply a thin layer of resin with a brush to restore the surface to its original transparency.

If you want an absolutely perfect table surface, you will have to buy a plexiglass mold and use it as a base into which the resin is poured. In this case, the manufacturing process itself becomes faster.

Resin consumption. If you are making a table from pure resin (60x60x4), more than 10 kg of resin is needed. But since half the volume of this table is occupied by wood, only about 6 kg are consumed.

Which resin should you choose?
We advise you to carefully consider your choice epoxy resin, since the quality of the resin determines how long your table made of wood and epoxy resin will last. The work ahead is serious, and subsequently you will be sorry for all the money spent if the quality of the resin turns out to be not high enough and after a couple of weeks you see scratches on the carefully polished surface. We are proud of our resins, which is why we can confidently recommend you our “multifunctional” transparent epoxy resin, made in Italy, see its main characteristics here:
By the way, all tables of the Italian brand Bottega Maestra were made from our transparent epoxy resin high quality, really, handsome guys?? (

Quite often, when undertaking renovations in their homes, people want to make the interior unusual and exclusive.

You can diversify your kitchen, living room or dining room using a table with epoxy. You can do it yourself, having a drawing, the necessary consumables, tools and free time.

Also, with the help of polymer resin, you can restore the former attractiveness of an old product that has lost its aesthetics over many years of use. Such a piece of furniture will bring special sophistication, originality and bright accents to the room.

Epoxy resin can be classified as exclusive material. She has mass benefits. The main ones include:

  • naturalness and safety;
  • long service life;
  • exclusive appearance;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • acceptable cost.

Using epoxy resin, people create truly unique masterpieces with interesting textures and textures.

What is a polymer resin? This is a two-component material consisting of a hardener and resin. With its help, you can cover the treated surfaces with an even and transparent layer. There are no cracks, bulges or any other defects on such a surface.

Epoxy coated features include:

  • perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • good resistance to mechanical loads;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of use and maintenance;
  • resistance to direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays.

Advice. To prevent the release of toxins, the surface of the table is coated with yacht varnish.

But besides positive qualities, the epoxy resin table top has and flaws:

  • the appearance of white flakes inside the fill when the temperature drops sharply;
  • release of toxins at very high air temperatures;
  • strict adherence to safety measures when preparing work.

Important. When white flakes appear, heat the product to 50 degrees Celsius.


According to types, polymer resin countertops are divided into:

  • completely made of epoxy without additional structure;
  • resin coated bases made of wood, chipboard and other materials;
  • combined products made from epoxy and other materials.

Each individual option has its own advantages.

Important. Epoxy tabletops without a base are only acceptable for making coffee tables. Since such products are not designed for heavy loads.

The products will look very attractive if you make a composition of dry leaves under the coating. Also, to add brightness to the item, you can add a little multi-colored glitter to the resin.

When restoring an old tabletop, paint, varnish and any other materials are removed from its surface. The surface can decorate with pebbles, coins, you can apply ornaments using a router. Under a transparent layer of resin, these compositions will look extremely beautiful.

Epoxy Resin Selection

Epoxy resin is synthetic polymer. This material is not used in pure form. It exhibits its properties only after contact with the hardener.

Depending on the combination of components, you can make resin:

  • hard;
  • liquid;
  • high strength;
  • rubbery.

After creating a drawing - project, you can select and consumables. When choosing a material, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

  • the material must be transparent. Then it will be possible to achieve any visual effect: make a 3 D effect, install lighting, insert any objects;
  • life expectancy. The material you choose should harden slowly. This will make it possible to form patterns, ornaments and give the product the desired shape;
  • no shrinkage. The material should not lose volume when poured;
  • degree of viscosity. Material low viscosity, good fluidity will fill even the most difficult to reach areas and prevent the formation of bubbles inside the product.

How to do it?


To make it more convenient for you to make furniture, you should make a drawing in advance. With its presence, you will not make mistakes when working. The drawing should indicate exact dimensions products, product shape, design. When choosing these sizes, personal needs and room dimensions are taken into account. When choosing sizes, you can build on both general standards and personal wishes. The main thing is that the product is stable and able to withstand loads.

Tools and materials

Before you begin the workflow, you must put on:

To make a product with decorative elements you will need the following: materials:

  • formwork made of plexiglass or plywood;
  • decorative elements;
  • sandpaper for sanding;
  • epoxy resin based adhesive.

From tools you will need:

  • scales or measuring cups for diluting materials;
  • pliers;
  • building level;
  • plastic spatula;
  • gas burner or hair dryer (to remove air when pouring).


Buy epoxy resin for decorative works Available in ready-made kits in the store. These kits include both hardener and resin.

Important. The solution must be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, observing all proportions.

To mix the components you will need:

  1. Prepare 2 containers required sizes and a stirring stick.
  2. Next measure out required quantity resins and pour in hardener in it.
  3. Thoroughly mix mixture until smooth.

Important. If the solution is not mixed well, the mass will not harden well.

After preparing the solution, you can begin making the countertop:

  • We place the workpiece strictly horizontally. Otherwise, there will be unevenness and sagging on its surface;
  • The mold for filling is cleaned and dried in advance. The work surface should not get wet;
  • It is recommended to work with the material at air temperatures above 22 degrees Celsius. But remember, the higher the temperature, the faster the solution will harden;
  • If bubbles form inside during pouring, they can be removed using a syringe or cocktail straw.

Solid wood table top

When making a single-color tabletop with a base, the stages of work are as follows:

  1. Degreasing working surface. The wood is pre-primed with resin, as it absorbs liquid.
  2. Next mixture is being prepared from epoxy and is poured into shape.
  3. After this, leave the furniture for 10-15 minutes. If bubbles appear during work, remove them.
  4. In 2 days polishing surface and polish the product.
  5. A week later, after the material has completely hardened, the table is ready for use.

Fill with decor

To make a product with decor, you need to prepare a filler. It could be: coins, pebbles, bottle caps, multi-colored sand. The work process takes place in the following sequence:

Important. Pour the resin in a thin stream into one point. This will prevent voids from forming in corners and hard-to-reach places.

Tabletop installation

After making the tabletop from epoxy resin, it needs to be placed on a frame. In order not to drill holes in the poured surface to install the legs, these places should be marked in advance and reinforced with small sections of pipes of the required diameter. After the material has hardened, these pipes are pulled out and products are installed in their place.


The results of working with epoxy resin can be amazing:

Useful video

All stages of the process and many important nuances can be seen in the following video:


The product is considered finished after the resin has completely hardened. But after this the tabletop requires some work finishing. It is sanded, polished and varnished in several layers. All these procedures will save your product from negative factors. environment, such as hitting direct sun rays, will give the product shine and aesthetic appearance.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you do not have experience in making furniture, but really want to try yourself in this industry, make your own epoxy resin countertop. Even a beginner can cope with this work. The main thing is to prepare everything necessary materials, tools, drawing. Use your imagination, and then you will get an exclusive and unique product made by yourself.

One of the simplest and effective ways To make the interior of your home bright and creative is to make a table from epoxy resin with your own hands. Unique properties epoxies allow you to realize the craziest design idea and make both a simple table and a real masterpiece of amazing shape. And the ability to use various fillers allows you to make the table a real work of art.

Using epoxy resin to make furniture (tables, bedside tables, bar counters) with your own hands at home has a number of advantages. For example, this material does not change in volume when dried. If other compositions shrink due to the evaporation of liquid during the hardening process, then epoxy hardens due to chemical reactions and retains its original volume.

The surface made of epoxy resin is not afraid of damage and does not deform; cracks and chips do not appear on it during use. Another important advantage of this material is its affordable cost. And for a novice master, it is important that working with epoxy is quite simple. You don’t need any special skills to do this, just follow the instructions carefully.

All work must be carried out in a special painting paper suit, rubber gloves and headgear (for example, a shower cap). These precautions must be taken because dust particles or hairs that become embedded in the resin from the human body will be extremely difficult to remove.

Epoxy resins for decorative work are sold in kits that include a resin and a special hardener, which is necessary to initiate a chemical reaction to harden the product. Since this process is irreversible, epoxy must be prepared strictly according to the instructions, observing the proportions of the components specified by the manufacturer. It should be remembered that the proportions of epoxy and hardener may vary significantly depending on the different manufacturers.

To mix the components, you need 2 measuring containers of suitable sizes and a stirring stick. You need to first measure the resin and then pour it into it required quantity hardener, then thoroughly mix the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If you do not knead thoroughly enough, the finished mass will harden poorly.

The blank for the future table must be positioned strictly horizontally, otherwise the tabletop will turn out uneven, with sagging. The form for pouring should be completely dry before work; moisture should not be allowed to get into the solution or onto the working surface. The construction must be manufactured at low air humidity and temperatures above +22 degrees Celsius. The higher the room temperature, the faster the mixture will harden.

Some craftsmen try to speed up the hardening process of the material using a hair dryer or other heating devices, but this can lead to “boiling” of the mixture with the subsequent formation of air bubbles. If bubbles still form while pouring the epoxy resin with your own hands, they must be carefully removed. This can be done using a syringe or cocktail tube.

To prevent particles of dust and debris from getting into the hardening mixture, it is recommended to use special stands with film material or tarpaulin stretched over them to protect the table from foreign particles. At the same time, you need to ensure that protective coating did not come into contact with the surface of the countertop.

Since cured epoxy resin is extremely difficult to remove from the surface, it must be prevented from getting onto the floor. To do this, close the floor around the table plastic film, which can be thrown away after finishing work. If there is still a need to remove the frozen mixture, then this can be done mechanically or using special solvents.

In order for the epoxy table to turn out exactly the way you intended it, the mold must be poured at the appropriate stage of hardening of the mixture. Thus, at the liquid stage, the resin flows freely from the stirring stick. This material is excellent for pouring molds and filling cavities and corners. When the epoxy reaches the consistency of honey, it can be used as an adhesive. The material at the rubber stage resembles plasticine; various elements can be sculpted from it. When the resin reaches the solid stage, the table is ready for its intended use.

The countertop can be made in one color, with a combination of colors, with various attachments, with a combination of materials, or entirely from epoxy. In the latter case, it is necessary to make a template (formwork) from a glass base and aluminum corners. The glass must be thoroughly washed, wiped, and treated with degreasing agents. Aluminum edges must be attached to the glass with window grease and rubbed with wax mastic. This treatment is necessary so that the mold can then be easily removed from the frozen tabletop.

Making a table with a single-color tabletop begins with cleaning and degreasing the workpiece. If a material that absorbs liquids (for example, wood) is used as a base, then it must first be primed with resin. This will prevent bubbles from appearing during operation. The next step is to make an epoxy mixture and pour it into the mold.

If the table is to be made in color, then the appropriate coloring pigment must be added to the resin, and it is desirable that the dye be from the same manufacturer as the epoxy. If you want the tabletop to have a combined color, then during the pouring process you need to use resin with dyes of several shades.

After pouring, you need to leave the countertop for 10-15 minutes, and then remove any bubbles if they appear. After two days, you can grind and polish the product. After a week, the table is completely ready for use.

The most an unusual option Furniture made of epoxy is a table top with filler. Various small figures, stones, coins, bottle caps and other items can be used as filler. When making such a product, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the workpiece (paint it if necessary), and also equip it with small sides. Then fillers should be placed on the bottom of the base.

The attachments must be thoroughly cleaned and completely dried, as the use of wet litter may cause whitishness. If the attachments are lightweight, they need to be glued to the base, otherwise they may float.

If the fillers have a simple shape and small height (up to 5 mm), then the resin should be poured in one layer. If the investments are large in size or textured (have protrusions and depressions), then the filling must be done in several stages with breaks lasting up to two days. It may take up to 3 hours for the resin to penetrate into the grooves of the figured fillers, so experienced craftsmen It is recommended to first immerse the textured elements in resin, and only after that place them in the mold.

Another popular solution is to combine epoxy and natural wood. For this purpose in wooden tabletop cavities are formed, after which wooden surface carefully polished. A fluorescent pigment is added to the prepared resin, then the cavities are filled with this mixture. After complete drying, the product is coated with several layers of varnish with intermediate sanding. When the work is finished, the table is ready for use.

Epoxy resin is an exceptional material that consists of a hardener and resin. The main property of the fill is that the original volume is retained after complete drying, because hardening occurs due to chemical reactions. The surface is covered with an even layer, cracks and bulges are not formed. This is what makes it possible to use epoxy resin for any surface with any complex configuration.

It makes it possible to cover a surface on which a pattern or ornament has been previously applied, or small decorative elements have been laid out. Making a countertop with your own hands from epoxy resin is an excellent opportunity to show your abilities and imagination. Your table will look like
3D image with a unique design.

The table surface is not susceptible to damage, and it will not be deformed, chips or cracks will not appear during use. This material is affordable. Even an amateur can work with epoxy because it is easy to use. You don’t need any special skills, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

For the work you need to purchase a special painting paper suit, rubber gloves and a hat (you can take a shower cap). Such precautions
are needed to prevent hair from getting into the resin, because it is almost impossible to remove it from there.

Let us highlight the main advantages of the material:

  • after drying, the fill retains the same volume and remains perfectly smooth;
  • practically not scary mechanical damage– dents, cuts and chips;
  • has excellent moisture resistance, which is necessary for kitchen surfaces;
  • is not exposed to the aggressive effects of cleaning chemicals;
  • does not require expensive purchase household chemicals self-care.

Among the disadvantages we highlight:

  • if the temperature drops sharply, “white flakes” appear in the pour;
  • at high temperatures Toxins may be released due to evaporation;
  • to get the desired result, it is necessary to maintain exact proportions;
  • All precautions must be taken during operation.

When using different decor items, keep the following in mind. The base poured with epoxy must be absolutely dry and clean, so the decorative elements must also be dry. If the filler contains droplets of moisture, then whitish spots will appear in the resin, this is how the resin reacts with water. Light decor needs to be glued so that it does not float up. When the height is no more than half a centimeter, then one layer of resin is enough. Complex shape items for decoration will require pouring resin in several layers, between which you need to wait no more than two days. When pouring resin, keep in mind that when the object being poured has pores and depressions, air will appear in the resin in the form of bubbles, which can be removed by heating (use a torch or hair dryer). The resin penetration time lasts about three hours. Therefore, it is best to dip the object into the material in advance, and only after that place it on the surface to be poured.

Modern and non-standard furniture manufacturing techniques are becoming increasingly in demand. For example, a table made of wood and epoxy resin can be an excellent alternative to conventional products. With the right approach, you can create real designer items. This could be a great idea to start your own business. First of all, you need to figure out how to make a table from epoxy resin and wood with your own hands and where to start.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

Features of tables made of wood and epoxy resin

Furniture made from epoxy resin has a unique appearance and transforms your home environment. Work surface a table made of epoxy material has the following advantages:

  1. Excellent performance.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Resistance to humidity.
  4. Easy care.
  5. Variety of design solutions.

Epoxy resin is a transparent substance with a 3D effect. When hardened, this substance hardens and retains its desired shape. Epoxy resin comes in different states. Some are suitable for working on flat surfaces. When dried, the composition retains its original volume. The advantage of the material is its price. Approximately 200-280 rubles per kg.

Types of tables made of epoxy resin

Can be used with epoxy resin different shapes wood These can be saw cuts, cutting boards, logs and old wood. The design of the product can be supplemented with spruce branches, pebbles, shells, corks and coins.

It is worth noting the following design options:

  1. To do glowing table You can add luminescent powder to the resin.
  2. Resin is used as a countertop finishing option to fill defects.
  3. The river table made of epoxy resin looks impressive. The role of the coastline is played by wood of an unusual configuration. The effect is of a river flowing across the surface. This uses a resin insert between two pieces of wood.
  4. An interesting solution could be a table filled with epoxy resin. In this case, resin is used as a canvas, and wood as additional decor.

River tables were first invented by Greg Klassen, but the designer uses glass and black walnut as materials. Technology with epoxy resin requires care and painstakingness.

How to make a table?

To make money by making unusual tables, it is worth understanding what the technology of their production consists of. To make a table from wood and epoxy resin you will need a base.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. You can use a piece of wood or plywood as a base. In the latter case, the product can be given any shape. The future tabletop can be round or oval.
  2. To ensure that the fill remains on the surface, sides should be attached to the base. They may be plastic.
  3. The base must be dry and clean. Then you need to lay out the design blanks on the surface.
  4. Then the table is filled with epoxy resin. If the thickness of the countertop is no more than 0.5 cm, then the liquid mass is poured immediately.
  5. If the thickness is greater, then filling is carried out in several stages.
  6. After pouring the first layer, you need to wait two days. Then the procedure is repeated.

If bubbles appear during the process, they are dispersed with a hot hairdryer. To avoid bubbles, each workpiece must be treated with resin. After the layers have hardened, the sides must be removed and the edges and surface sanded.

Epoxy resin can be used to renew old furniture. To do this, you need to clean the surface, remove the varnish, apply a layer of paint, and then fill it with resin. The complete polymerization process takes a week.

You can do a partial fill. Flaws in wood can be natural, that is, the surface is corroded by bark beetles and fungus. They can also be made artificially. When pouring the mixture, the holes on the back side can be sealed with mounting tape so that the resin does not leak out.

Features of the business of manufacturing tables based on epoxy resin

Before you start a business manufacturing epoxy resin tables, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of this production. First of all, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 50 sq.m. There are no special requirements for the premises. But it is important to consider that it will often be necessary to make countertops of non-standard configurations.


Therefore, you need to choose the right tools and equipment. It is worth stocking up on the following equipment:

  1. High power milling cutter.
  2. Jigsaw for cutting sheets.
  3. Grinding machine.

Mandatory equipment for a mini-workshop is an assembly table. To make a table from solid wood and epoxy resin you will need certain consumables. These include sanding pads, a glue gun, trimmers and clamps.


Also important point are raw materials and suppliers. You can purchase chipboard panels, plywood or wood panels. It is worth considering different offers and choosing the most acceptable option. Elm saw cuts, as well as ash and oak boards, are suitable for production. In addition to wood suppliers, you need to find good sellers of resin, varnishes and oils. Some structures may require the services of a welder and carpentry workshops, where basic processing is carried out - sawing and grinding.

Despite the apparent simplicity of such furniture, special skills and knowledge will be needed to make countertops. You may have to take a special carpentry course. Special attention deserves a market. Manufacturers often cooperate directly with furniture companies.


The amount of costs depends on the volume of production. The price of a table made of epoxy resin and wood is most often three times higher than its cost.

At the stage of starting a business, expenses may be as follows:

  1. The purchase of materials amounts to 50-200 thousand rubles.
  2. Payment for renting the premises – 15-20 thousand.
  3. Carrying out inexpensive advertising company– 3-10 thousand rubles.

Approximate cost of finished tables for one linear meter varies from 12,000 rubles. By calculating the quantity of production in meters per day, you can find out revenue and profitability. The approximate profitability value is at least 40%. Buy a table made of epoxy resin and wood good quality possible at a price from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the material used and craftsmanship. 25-30 thousand can cost a small one coffee table, and the price for dining table may exceed 110 thousand.

You can find customers through social media. networks or advertisements on Avito. If you have a large production facility, you can create your own website. Not best option sell products through furniture boutiques, where they can get lost among the variety of all kinds of products.

The nuances of making tables at home

Before you start producing tables from epoxy and wood at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of the process. It is important to decide on the choice of epoxy resin. These products must be transparent and have low viscosity. This will ensure excellent fluidity and dense filling even in hard-to-reach areas. Thanks to the transparency of the resin, different effects can be achieved:

  1. Pour in all kinds of decorative items - dry leaves, stones, pictures and shells.
  2. Organize original lighting.
  3. Tint the resin.

The room should be well ventilated. You can create forced ventilation. The temperature should not exceed 22 degrees. Dust and increased level Humidity can ruin a table made of slab and epoxy resin.

For formwork you will also need certain material. The form or formwork is made of plexiglass, plastic or plywood. You will also need release agents, such as wax.

To mix epoxy resin you will need a special bowl, a stirring stick and two measuring containers. Before kneading, you need to study the instructions. The proportions of the components may vary depending on the manufacturer. First you need to measure out the resin, and then the special hardener. Then you need to wait until the resin reaches a suitable consistency. Composition in liquid state Suitable for filling all corners and depressions. The thick consistency is used as glue.

To do epoxy table high quality, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. The resin does not harden well when high humidity. Condensation may penetrate from the air. To prevent unpleasant phenomenon You can hang film over the tabletop.
  2. The mixture will harden faster if the tabletop is placed on the radiator. You cannot heat from above, as the surface may become uneven.
  3. We need to prepare funds personal protection– respirator, goggles and gloves.
  4. Exposure to ultraviolet rays may cause the countertop to turn yellow.
  5. All horizontal surfaces in the area of ​​“resin damage” it is necessary to cover with polyethylene.
  6. If the bubbles do not come out well, it is recommended to warm the surface construction hairdryer or spray with acetone from a spray bottle. These manipulations will reduce surface tension.