Installation of roofing made of natural tiles. Technology for installing ceramic tiles on the roof

Application for covering modern roofs ceramic tiles involves taking into account a number of requirements associated with the significant weight of the roofing material used. In front of everyone undoubted advantages For this type of coating (such as, for example, reliability, durability and originality), installation of ceramic tiles can only be carried out on pre-reinforced rafter structures.

Due to heavy weight natural material laying ceramic tiles is allowed only on roofs whose inclination angle does not exceed values ​​ranging from 12 to 50 degrees. At large angles of inclination, there is a need to strengthen the rafter system through the use of additional elements that increase the rigidity of the entire structure as a whole.

Preparing the base

After strengthening the rafter system and immediately before laying ceramic tiles, you will have to perform a number of standard operations related to the arrangement of the so-called “ roofing pie».

The list of these measures traditionally includes the following standard operations:

  • preparing waterproofing to protect the entire structure from moisture and avoid fungal infection of the wood;
  • arrangement of a thermal insulation coating that additionally protects the roof from heat leaks through “cold bridges”;
  • covering a layer of vapor barrier, thanks to which the roof will be reliably protected from condensation.

Waterproofing protection is required at roof slope angles up to 22 degrees. When calculating material requirements (taking into account all necessary allowances) total area stingrays should simply be multiplied by 1.4.

To fix the waterproofing layer on the rafter beams, you can use a special stapler used for fastening rolled materials. In this case, the amount of overlap of each subsequent layer on the previous one should be at least 10–15 cm.

To avoid heat loss through the roof structure, it will be necessary to lay a layer of insulation under the waterproofing, which can be mineral wool or polystyrene foam plates. When forming this layer of “roofing cake”, it will be necessary to provide ventilation gaps created artificially. Such gaps can be formed in the spaces between thermal insulation and waterproofing (by building up the sheathing elements) or by installing the so-called counter-lattice.

When preparing the sheathing itself, you should always remember that it is on it that the tile blanks will be laid in the future, so the distance between the individual beams should be selected taking into account the size of the tile sheet.

When arranging the roof, one should not lose sight of the issue of its vapor barrier, since the presence of condensation in the area of ​​the insulation significantly reduces the effectiveness of thermal protection. To reliably protect the heat-insulating layer from destruction by condensate, an overlap will be sufficient vapor barrier film within 10‒15 cm.

Before we start installation work first of all, you will need to lift all the prepared tiles onto the roof; At the same time, due to the large weight of the material, outside help will be required. Upon completion of lifting the tile sheets, they should be laid out in small stacks (3-4 sheets each) evenly over the roof surface, which avoids deformation of the sheathing under the weight of the temporarily stored material.

In accordance with generally accepted rules, tile sheets are laid on all roof slopes simultaneously, alternating every two to three rows.

One-sided laying of sheets on any of pitched structures may lead to uneven distribution loads on the warping elements, which creates a risk of damage to the latter.

Construction instructions for installation natural tiles contains standard requirements for the order of its installation, carried out in the direction from the roof overhang to its ridge and from left to right. This order involves the formation bottom row tiles laid along the eaves of the roof, without securing it to the rafter base (lathing). This technique allows you to adjust the position of the elements of the cornice strip when laying the next row.

When forming individual parts of the roofing, we advise you to pay attention to the following details:

  1. To fix the first and second rows, it is best to use special galvanized screws.
  2. Don't forget to leave in the area eaves overhang small ventilation gap(about 1.5 – 2 cm), used for ventilation of under-roof spaces.
  3. For reliable fastening of cornice and ridge rows tile covering It is advisable to provide several additional attachment points for them.

Connection to chimneys

Even at the stage of placing the waterproofing, the material used is carefully trimmed and placed on the chimney wall adjacent to the laying plane. After this, you can mount it on the wall in any way convenient for you.

Directly near the chimney, the tiles are laid with a small gap (about 2-3 cm). To obtain a reliable connection, you can use a special corrugated tape made of aluminum or copper, painted to match the color of the tiles. In this case, using a piece of tape of the required length, the front part of the pipe is first closed (with a slight overlap), after which the same operations are repeated for its sides.

Experts believe that to protect the back of the pipe, it would be more reliable to use two strips at once, combined into one with a slight overlap. Reinforcing the protective layer on the back side of the chimney will allow you to get a very reliable connection, eliminating the possibility of rain moisture and snow getting inside the structure.

More details about the installation procedure below:

Arrangement of the roof ridge

When installing a tiled covering in the area of ​​the roof ridge, the main attention should be paid to the correct placement of the material in the area where the ridge beam is located. To design the ridge zone, special tile blanks (slats) are used, which allow the upper edge of the roof to be rounded, thereby ensuring reliable connection of all covering elements.

Individual ridge zone blanks are fixed to the sheathing elements using screws (self-tapping screws) of a suitable size.

The position of each ridge strip is selected in such a way that there is a gap of approximately half a centimeter between it and the sheets of tiles being laid.

Note that such ridge blanks must be mounted on top of a special sealing tape, which allows the formation of a small gap necessary for ventilation of the under-roof spaces. In this case, each individual rail is attached to load-bearing structure using the small bracket included with the ridge covering kit. Upon completion of their installation, special additional elements are installed to cover the end part of the ridge.


The rules for installing ceramic tiles are discussed in more detail below:

Installation of ceramic tiles is a complex process for a person without experience, requiring reinforcement of the roof truss structure. Ceramic tiles weigh ten times more than metal tiles, since their base is clay. Any mistakes when laying roofing material can lead to serious problems, so entrust all work to better for professionals. But if you are confident in yourself and your abilities, then first read the instructions for installing ceramic tiles given in this article.

Installation rules

Remember the basic rules for installing ceramic tiles, which will simplify your work:

  • Installation is carried out from right - left, bottom - up
  • Before laying the slabs, they are lifted 5-6 pieces onto the roof and evenly distributed over it.
  • Compared to metal roofing for a roof made of ceramic tiles, it is necessary to strengthen the truss structure by 15-20 percent
  • The optimal roof slope for installing ceramic tiles is 50 degrees. Minimum slope- 11 degrees
  • The pitch of the sheathing and counter-lattice is 30 centimeters
  • Deliver tiles to construction site better just before starting work
  • Ceramic tiles are transported by truck on pallets. The weight of one element is from 2 to 4 kilograms

Tile calculation

Use the table to determine the number of tiles. Useful width and length are the dimensions of the tiles. Measure the roof area and make the appropriate calculations.

Should I use ceramic tiles?

Many people have a question: “Is it necessary to cover the roof with ceramic tiles?” After all, it is difficult to install, and this process is labor-intensive, because you need to lay one element at a time. It is much easier and faster to cover the roof with ondulin or metal tiles. Let's try to answer this question.

Here are the benefits of ceramic tiles that make some home owners use them as a roofing material:

  • Ecological cleanliness. Ceramic tiles are made from clay according to all requirements. Thanks to firing at a temperature of 1000 degrees, the material acquires a brownish-red hue.
  • Duration of operation. Ceramic tiles can last up to 100 years! And no corrosion will occur. This material is durable and reliable, non-flammable and noise-absorbing
  • Uniqueness. A roof covered with ceramic tiles is radically different from others. But this, again, is a matter of taste
  • High resistance to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation
  • Easy to replace damaged roof sections


  • Heavy weight
  • High price
  • Difficulty of installation
  • Brittleness under high mechanical loads

Whether to use ceramic tiles or not is your choice. Compare all the advantages and disadvantages, compare them with other roofing materials and make the right choice!

Video about installation of ceramic tiles

Despite the huge number of modern roofing materials that can very well imitate the natural appearance of tile coverings, many homeowners prefer ceramics. The fairly high cost of ceramic tiles does not allow the widespread use of this material in roofing device. In addition, professional installation of ceramic roofing is classified as expensive.

Features of the rafter system

The rafter system for a roof made of ceramic tiles has specific features due to the weight of the roofing material. Natural tiles are ten times heavier, and the load per square meter of roofing is about fifty kilograms.

For the rafter frame, you should choose dry wood with a moisture content of no more than 15%. The rafters are made of timber with a section of 50x150 mm or 60x180 mm. The pitch range should be 80 – 130 cm and depends on the roof slope. The greater the roof slope, the more rafter step.

On a roof with a slope of 15 degrees, the distance between the rafters is 80 cm, and with a slope of 75 degrees, the rafter pitch is 130 centimeters. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the length of the rafter legs. The longer the rafters, the less distance is maintained between them.

Material calculation

Any one must withstand a load of 200 kg/sq.m, regardless of the weight of the roofing material itself. To obtain correct calculations, it is necessary to add the weight of the ceramic tiles to this indicator. Thus, roof frame created taking into account the roof load of 250 kg/sq.m.

Installation of natural tiles is carried out by overlapping, the size of which is influenced by the roof slope. If there are slopes of less than 25 degrees, installation is carried out with an overlap of 10 cm, with a slope of 25-35 degrees - 7.5 cm, and with a slope of more than 45 degrees - 4.5 centimeters.

To obtain the useful length of the material, it is necessary to subtract from the total length of the ceramic element the segment necessary to form the overlap. Data on the usable width are indicated by the manufacturer in the attached instructions. Based on these two values, the roofing material per square meter of coverage is calculated. The result obtained is rounded up.

In addition, you can determine the number of tile elements along the length of the slope, based on the useful length of the tiles. The resulting indicator is the number of tile rows. Then you need to calculate the number of elements in one row, and multiply the result by the number of rows.

With a roof slope of 22 degrees, it is necessary to install a waterproofing layer made of roll material. The overlap of the canvases should be ten centimeters. For calculation waterproofing material it is necessary to multiply the area of ​​the slopes by 1.4.

Most exact calculation necessary to fulfill roofing works materials can be produced using special computer programs or using online calculators.

Installation instructions

Marking and installation of sheathing

The sheathing for natural tiles is made from beams with a section of 50x50mm or 40x60mm. Along the eaves areas it is necessary to lay lumber with a width two centimeters greater than this figure for ordinary elements. Horizontal sheathing beams are laid in a quantity that corresponds to the number of tile rows with the addition of an additional cornice row.

Marking the location for laying the sheathing beams is done using a coated cord and templates that match in size to the useful height of one tile. The joining of horizontal slats is carried out on the rafters.

To calculate the pitch of the sheathing, subtract the length of the lower step from the total pitched length, as well as the distance from the bottom of the last sheathing beam. The result obtained is divided by the approximate pitch of the sheathing.

The simplest method for calculating the frame is to take into account the standard length of 40 cm with an overlap of 5.5-9 centimeters. Based on standard data, the sheathing pitch is the length of the tile, from which the amount of overlap is subtracted. As a rule, optimal size pitch of no less than 31 and no more than 34 centimeters.

Laying and fastening of natural tiles

Laying tiles begins with evenly distributing the stacks roofing elements on the roofing surface. This principle does not load the rafter system with excess weight.

First, the top row of natural tiles is laid out. It is located along the ridge. Then

The bottom row of roofing material is installed, which should be laid along the overhang. It is necessary to attach the tile tiles to the sheathing frame after checking the correctness of the installation.

After fixing the cornice row, further installation of the tile covering is carried out in the directions from bottom to top and from right to left. To fasten the material, hardware is used, regulated by the instructions from the roofing tile manufacturer. Then the elements of the ridge and gable sections are laid.

The ridge part is equipped with an edged board, which touches the ridge elements only at the fastening points. The intersections of the pediment and the roof ridge are equipped by adjusting and trimming the tile elements. It is recommended to use a grinder for cutting.

A pitched roof requires a tight fit of the roof covering to the chimney and the installation of steps for safe access to the pipes. For steps, it is necessary to install two reinforcing slats to the rafter legs. Tiles that have steps must be devoid of a lock, which allows correct landing steps.

An important role is given to the competent and tight installation of chimney connections using self-adhesive material based on lead or aluminum. All roll joints are fixed using a clamping strip. The seam in the upper part of the strip is treated with colorless sealant. When arranging the ridge, the parameters of the edge tiles are taken into account, which are aligned by cutting the material along the rib bevel.

On roofs with complex configurations, it is necessary to equip valleys. Before laying the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to secure continuous sheathing. The valley bottom is equipped with edged boards, on top of which the corresponding layer will be laid.

Improving waterproofing is achieved by gluing double-sided self-adhesive tape to the valley. For fastening, special steel clamps are used, which are mounted in drilled holes. The edge is painted with special pigments.

Ventilation arrangement

Normal operation of a roof made of natural tiles is impossible without ensuring high quality. carried out in accordance with the rules and arrangement of air gaps. One gap is located between the thermal insulation layer and the waterproofing. The second gap is mounted from waterproofing membrane to the roofing.

For a valley whose length exceeds six meters, a row of ventilation tiles is laid. For this purpose, tiles of the appropriate category are used.

You can learn more about installation by watching the video.

Cost of installation work

Laying tiled roofs using natural ceramic tiles costs the consumer an average of 700 rubles per sq. m. meter. This price includes the price of installing absolutely all standard roofing units. All non-standard roofing options are assessed according to complexity and volume.

Let's sum it up

A distinctive feature of ceramic tiles is the complexity of installation work, and it is for this reason that it is recommended to use the services of experienced roofers.

To fasten natural tiles, galvanized hardware or special clamps are used. The mandatory fixing points for tiles are:

  • places subject to significant wind loads;
  • a row located along the cornice;
  • sections of gables and along the ridge element.

Fastening ceramics on slopes with roof slope more than 50 degrees is performed strictly through the element.

Makes your home stylish, sophisticated and charming. Moreover, such a roof without losing its beauty and shade. But this will only happen if it is installed correctly.

It's worth remembering that this material suitable for roofs with a slope of more than eleven degrees (optimally fifty degrees). And today we will look at the technology for installing ceramic tiles, offer installation instructions and the price of work and materials per m2.

Clay ceramics is a material characterized by its solid weight. Therefore, in addition to arranging a strong rafter system, you need to think about how the tiles will be delivered to the roof. That is, provide suitable lifting equipment.

Transportation of tiles is carried out using special pallets (each weighs about nine hundred and fifty kilograms).

For fastening individual elements Galvanized (or stainless steel) screws, as well as nails and wire are used for roof sheathing. Shingles typically have small keyhole-shaped holes in them. The fastening takes place through these holes. If you need to make additional holes, then use a special roofing tool - a hole punch designed for ceramic tiles.

And special steel cutters allow you to cut pieces evenly ceramic roofing. In addition, roofing pliers with lips of various lengths are produced to work with this material. They are made from durable induction-hardened steel. The rest of the tools are standard: screwdriver, hammer, screwdriver (for sheathing). If you don't have a cutter, you can use a grinder.

About the construction of a ceramic valley tiled roof This video will tell you:

Material calculation

Whatever material the roof is made of, the entire structure must be able to withstand load forces of up to two hundred kilograms per square meter. To make the calculations correctly, add to this value the weight of the ceramic (about fifty kilograms per square meter).

Please note that during installation it is necessary to provide for an overlap depending on the slope of the roof. Its value is ten centimeters if the slope is less than twenty-five degrees.

  • If the slope is increased (ranging from twenty-five to thirty degrees), then an overlap of seven and a half centimeters will be enough.
  • And with a slope of over forty-five degrees, this value decreases to four and a half centimeters.

You can calculate the length of the material (useful) if you subtract from the total length of the ceramic part the size of the segment that is necessary to create an overlap. Well, the usable width is usually indicated in the instructions. Based on the numbers obtained, calculate how many tiles will be needed per square meter.

The number of individual roofing elements required to cover the entire length of the slope can be calculated based on their useful length. Dividing these two values ​​by one another, we get the number of rows. We multiply this number by the number of parts in the row and get the total number of tiles for the slope. To determine how much waterproofing is needed, multiply the total area of ​​the slopes by 1.4.

Another tip: you can use it for accurate calculations all materials online calculator. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet.

We’ll talk about the technology of ceramic tile roofing below.

Technologies for installing ceramic tiles

First steps

Let's start with the sheathing. For it you will need bars of five by five centimeters (or six by four centimeters). We place along the sections of the cornices wooden parts two centimeters wider than where the ordinary elements are located. The number of horizontal bars in such a sheathing will be equal to the number of rows of tiles with the addition of one more row - a cornice row.

For marking, templates cut to the size (height) of the tiles, as well as coated cord, are used. Horizontal slats joined on the rafters. The sheathing pitch (optimal) is usually from thirty-one to thirty-four centimeters.

An aero element must be installed under the ridge for ventilation. A waterproof tape is placed along the entire length of the ridge. We should not forget about waterproofing and vapor barrier. There must certainly be space between the sheathing and the layer of tiles.

Before laying the tiles, they are distributed in stacks (about five pieces) over the entire surface of the roof. Then a row is laid on top - along the ridge of the roof. After this, we proceed to fixing the bottom row (along the overhang). We fix the elements only after we check whether they are laid correctly.

Instructions for installing ceramic tiles are presented in the video below:

Direct installation

We carry out installation starting from the bottom of the roof, moving upward. And also from right to left. At the end, ridge and pediment elements are attached. Moreover, the ridge elements should touch the edged ridge board only where they are attached. Where the roof ridge and gable intersect, adjustments will have to be made by cutting the tiles.

The tile itself can be of several types, each of which has its own fastening nuances.

  • So, if it is a grooved strip tile, then it is laid with the rows overlapping each other, connecting using the existing grooves.
  • The grooved stamped tiles are laid in the same way (only you will need more wire for them).
  • But flat tiles of the strip type are devoid of grooves. It is also laid overlapping from bottom to top, with each odd row on the edge containing half a tile (brick laying principle). Protrusions outside and inside, as well as roofing nails, help with fastening.

Some installation tips:

  • Holes for ventilation must be made under the eaves.
  • When waterproofing is installed, a slight deflection is left between the rafters. The waterproofing layer is laid with an overlap of fifteen centimeters, securing it with nails at a distance of twenty-five centimeters.
  • A little more than a meter wide waterproofing is placed under the valleys. The overlap of the tile tiles on the valleys is approximately twenty centimeters.
  • The thickness of the ridge board (equipped with mandatory aerators) must be at least four centimeters.
  • By gluing self-adhesive tape (double-sided) to the valley, you can improve the waterproofing.
  • If the valley is longer than six meters, it is necessary to lay out a row of ventilation tiles.

The cost of installing ceramic tiles is described below.

Cost of work

If you order professionals to install a natural tiled roof, you will have to spend money. It costs about seven hundred rubles per square meter.

This is if all nodes roofing system standard. But if available complex shape roofs will require additional costs.

A specialist will tell you how to install the ridge and abutments when laying ceramic tiles in the video below:

Even at the design stage of building a house, it is worth deciding on the roofing covering and the angle of the roof, since for each type manufacturers indicate limit value, at which installation can be carried out. Most often, for ceramic tiles, the recommendations indicate an angle of 20° - 60° degrees, but the same type of tile different manufacturers may differ - it depends on the location and shape of the hooks. You also need to remember that the rafter system serves as the basis for the roof, so it is necessary to correctly calculate its strength. Read on in our article to learn how to properly install ceramic tiles and learn all the intricacies of the technology for laying them.

Technology for laying ceramic tiles

As mentioned above, laying ceramic tiles is possible on slopes with different slopes; it is only important to observe general requirements installation, depending on the specific manufacturer.

  • If the roof slope is 10°-15° degrees, when installing the tiles it is necessary to ensure maximum tightness and good drainage of rainwater. To do this, use rigid sheathing made of OSB boards or wooden planks, which are covered with a roofing film or roofing felt layer.
  • If the angle of inclination exceeds 65° degrees, it is necessary to install a very stable and strong tile, and lay the tiles by securing them with nails or wire to the sheathing slats. This angle of inclination is subject to certain risks, so it is necessary to consult a highly qualified specialist and the manufacturer.

The installation of ceramic tiles is carried out in such a way that the resulting coating becomes very rigid, but at the same time elastic - like scales that perfectly adapt to the shaped shape of the roof, various deformations or shifts in the supporting base.

Ceramic tiles– it’s one-piece and very heavy roofing material. Depending on the type of tile, the weight of one element can reach 3.5-3.7 kg, and the total weight square meter roof covering ranges from 30 to 75 kg.

It is thanks to this massiveness that it remains very stable on the roof, creating an excellent soundproofing barrier.

The significant weight of the material ensures reliable truss structure, capable of withstanding significant external loads. When the choice is made, then at the design stage of the building construction, a significant strengthening of the rafters by 15-25% should be provided.

Finished design roof covered ceramic tiles- 5 times heavier than metal coating and almost 10 times heavier.

To wood used in rafter system, have a special requirement - this is ideal drying, which will avoid significant deformation of the roof during operation.

Load calculation

Load calculations are carried out taking into account the specific angle of the roof, possible snow, wind and rain loads for a given region, further maintenance and the ability to withstand heavy material.

The roof structure used for ceramic tiles must withstand a load of at least 250 kg per square meter.

It is generally accepted to install this roof on a rigid base, so the board cladding must have adequate strength. When arranging a residential attic, they use cladding made of boards covered with a layer of waterproofing film or super-diffuse membrane.

Installation of ceramic tiles

Installation of natural tiles has characteristic features, in which it is worth taking into account the design cross-section of the rafters ( optimal cross section timber 70 x 150 mm), performing a step when installing them (800-900 mm), wooden sheathing and further installation of the “roofing cake”.

The roof frame does not have a noticeable effect on other elements - the mauerlat, crossbars, racks, so there is no significant change in the size of these elements. When laying tiles, it is worth considering the angle of inclination roof slope– as it increases, the pitch between the rafters expands.

Laying insulation

If attic floor It is planned to be used as a living space, it needs to be insulated. Best used for this mineral wool based on basalt fiber. This thermal insulation material has long proven its excellent qualities in the field of energy saving, heat and ecology. In addition, it has a number of other advantages.

Mineral wool based on basalt fiber:

  • Does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Doesn't burn;
  • Has excellent sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • Has a relatively low price.

WITH inside insulation, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer made of fabric-based polyethylene and reinforced reinforcement mesh. The width of the heat-insulating layer placed between the rafters must be no less than their height.

Next they lay waterproofing layer, in which gaps are left for ventilation of the under-roof space - this will provide protection wooden elements roofs, and water vapor or atmospheric moisture will freely escape outside.

Lathing and counter-lattice

  1. To make counter-lattice, wood blocks with a cross-section of 70 x 70 mm are most often used, which are mounted along the top of the rafters, in the longitudinal direction. To fasten them, nails 100 mm long are used.
  2. Then the sheathing is done - its slats are placed perpendicularly. Thanks to the fastening of the sheathing, a ventilation gap is formed between the tiles and the boardwalk, which provides natural ventilation and minimizes the impact of moisture on the coating.


Before starting work, the tiles are packaged along the entire perimeter of the roof slope - small stacks of 4-6 pieces are placed to prevent the occurrence of uneven loads.

Packaging of tiles on slopes

A layer of tiles is placed on top of the mounted frame, starting from the eaves overhang - from the bottom to the upper ridge of the roof, moving from left to right. This installation will allow you to obtain a durable and rigid coating, since the top row of tiles will press the bottom one.

Modern tiles have profiled hooks on the back side - grooves that are located in the vertical and horizontal direction. Thanks to this arrangement, the tiles are laid on the sheathing slats and secured with the grooves of the adjacent elements.

The resulting lock has a small gap - backlash, which allows it to move a few millimeters. This movement helps to perceive compression and expansion well. roofing structure, conditioned seasonal change weather conditions.

When laying tiles, every third element is secured - if the roof slope is more than 60 degrees, then each tile is secured.

How to properly attach tiles

The first thing to do is to fix the gable tiles using nails, wire or staples, and also securely fasten the elements around chimneys, skylights, bay windows and skylights. In all subsequent rows The tiles are fixed in a checkerboard pattern.

Ridge tiles are placed along the ridge, with a sealing and ventilation tape laid underneath - it allows condensation to drain outside and prevents snow or rainwater from getting under the covering.

Ceramic tile fastening diagram

Previously, ridge tiles were laid on the mortar, thereby providing rigid fastening and protection from external atmospheric influences, but now they are mounted using special metal brackets.

Manufacturers provide a guarantee for ceramic tiles for a period of 15 to 50 years. It is worth noting that warranty service does not apply to damaged tiles mechanically or in the case where the design part of the roof structure, as well as installation and laying of tiles performed without following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Coating care

A tiled roof does not require careful and constant maintenance, as it is a very durable and strong material, but even it is susceptible to the destructive effects of the environment.

In areas of high air pollution, especially near industrial enterprises, a black coating forms on the tiles, which destroys top layer, therefore, for this area it is more advisable to choose tiles with an engobe or glazed coating.

Over time, the tiles darken naturally, becoming covered with a noble patina, but the engobes and glazes hardly change their natural shade.

Green plaque - overgrown with moss, forms in shady areas, most often on the north side, due to insufficient sunlight or lack of proper drainage of rainwater from the roof slope. This type of contamination can be removed using special drugs or a stiff brush.


Important! It is always necessary to have a supply of tiles after completing installation work - this will allow you to replace damaged elements and eliminate the possibility of changing the shape or color of the model with an additional purchase.

As you can see, laying natural tiles is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. To cover the roof yourself, you will need at least 2-3 people with certain construction skills and the ability to work with tools.